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2017, International Journal For Science Technology And Engineering
6 pages
1 file
Staff record plays a significant role in an organization as it provides information needed to manage their employee performance. Many institute particularly the schools and colleges are still using the conventional methods which are merely paper-based to record the data of their employees, this often result in downright, waste of time in generating reports or searching for employee records and loss or damage of files. These inadequacies in the conventional method are characteristically eluded for the justification in developing a computer-based SMS; as it creates and maintains the database of staff records. This paper discusses the development of computer-based system using JSP while the database is designed using MySQL. With this new system in place, it will provide a dependable report of staff profile in support of management, planning and decision-making. It will also accelerate the most time consuming aspect of the institute which is processing and maintaining accurate staff inf...
Record keeping is one of the most hard and vital tasks carryout in every organization and institution. Most of the Nigerian institutions use manual record in keeping the history (record) of their staff. This practice faces a lot of challenges ranging from human to natural disaster. To minimize the risk of data loss and security breach a new system was proposed for Waziru Umar Federal Polytechnic (WUFP) Birnin Kebbi to replace the existing one. In this paper observation, interview and questionnaire were used to obtain the required information needed to implement a new system. Lastly the paper presents a prototype developed using Php scripting language at application layer and MySQL database as backend server. The findings of the study show significant improvement in terms of efficiency and cost of resources in managing staff record of Waziru Umar Federal Polytechnic.
International Journal of Engineering and Management Research
Employees are the backbone of any company. Often employee data such as personal details of employees, salary, leaves, and work allocations are managed using manual methods. These manual methods generate a lot of paperwork and make it complex to effectively manage the tasks. Most of the computerized systems proposed for employee management mainly focuses only on attendance management, leave management and salary management. This paper proposes a web-based Employee Management System solution to address the difficulties faced. The system will address the shortcomings of the existing systems and provide functions to manage employee data effectively. It will use trending technologies such as React JS, Node JS, Express JS, and MongoDB as the database which are faster and more user friendly compared to the technologies proposed in the literature. The system will use the concepts of distributed systems, client server architecture and show features of 3-tier architecture. The paper concludes...
This study improved on the existing system in which staff records are being managed and maintained in the record section of the Ladoke Akintola University of Technology, Ogbomoso. The need to have a better system of record management is necessary, and this led to the development of university personnel record management system using K-Way Merge Sort Algorithm for sorting and merging of the data in the database to produce the required information in a requested format, which before normally waste time, with a lot of inadequacy in the report. The system was designed by creating a relational database with MYSQL to accept personnel record effectively and, designing a web-based solution using PHP, JavaScript and HTML at the front-end. The MYSQL was placed at the back-end of the database in order to be able to give the record section of the University a more secured and effective personnel record management system. The developed system introduced k-way merge sort algorithm to query the da...
Employees are the backbone of any company therefore their management plays a major role in deciding the success of an organization. Employees Management Software makes it easy for the employer to keep track of all records. This software allows the administrator to edit employees, add new employees, transfer/promote/terminate employees. Each employee in the database is associated with a position can be added and edited when need arises. Employees can be transferred between positions easily without having to retype back their information in the database. You can check to see if there are duplicate positions/employees in the database. Most of all, the employer can assign tasks to employees and assess their progress in order to keep track of employee performance. A flexible and easy to use Employee Management software solution for small and medium sized companies provides modules for personnel information management thereby organization and companies are able to manage the crucial organization asset – people. The combination of these modules into one application assures the perfect platform for re-engineering and aligning Human Resource processes along with the organizational goals. This system brings about an easy way of maintaining the details of employees working in any organization. It is simple to understand and can be used by anyone who is not even familiar with simple employees system. It is user friendly and just asks the user to follow step by step operations by giving easy to follow options. It is fast and can perform many operations for a company. The goal of this project is to design and develop an employee management system to fill existing gaps in the electronic management of employees.
International Journal for Research in Applied Science & Engineering Technology (IJRASET), 2022
In this paper, an employee tracking system based on web based operating system was developed. All the activities of the Employee will be monitored using this system. Scheduling information and time off requests are often considered part of personnel tracking; as this information will enable managers know when employees are expected to actually be in the office or other work areas. This system is really very helpful for the managers to monitor their employees through mobile phones. It was implemented using JAVA programming language, and the result was stored in SQLite database. An object-Oriented Analysis and design (OOAD) approach was adopted which consist of a well-planned iterative steps. Data was collected using document analysis and field Methods and the application of relevant analytical methods like bar-charts were used to interpret the facts collected. The developed system was able to increased productivity, reduction of cost, instant access to employee attendance record.
International Journal of Scientific Research in Science, Engineering and Technology, 2021
Employee management System is an application that enables user to create and store Employee Records. The application also provides the facilities of a payroll system which enables user to make payments too. This application is helpful to department of the organization which maintains data of employees related to an organization. Java is a platform independent language. Its created applications can be used on a standalone machine as well as on distributed network. More over applications Developed in java can be extended to Internet based application.
Darowizna między małżonkami na wypadek śmierci, choć była instytucją regulowaną przez prawo chełmińskie, w XVIII w. zaczęła stopniowo zyskiwać popularność wśród szlachty. Stanowiła atrakcyjną alternatywę dla powszechnie zawieranych umów dożywocia, które wprawdzie zabezpieczały ekonomicznie dożywotnika, nie przenosiły jednak na niego prawa własności i wprowadzały szereg ograniczeń, w tym zakaz alienacji dóbr objętych umową. Darowizna na wypadek śmierci była rozwiązaniem dla małżonków korzystniejszym. Niemniej mogli oni zawrzeć taką umowę tylko w przypadku braku wspólnego potomstwa. Na jej mocy przenoszone było prawo własności. W przeciwieństwie do dożywocia darowizna nie skutkowała więc zawieszeniem uprawnień spadkobierców w czasie, ale wykluczała ich od dziedziczenia. Obowiązkiem obdarowanej strony było jedynie wypłacenie najbliższym krewnym zmarłego rekompensaty, najczęściej w formie sumy pieniężnej wskazanej w umowie.
International Journal for Research in Applied Science & Engineering Technology (IJRASET), 2023
Nature' and biophilic design have drawn a lot of attention in architecture over the past 10 years, particularly in reaction to the mounting environmental problems. Regarding how to conceptualise and address "nature" in practise and study, there are still debates and unanswered concerns. In order to analyse biophilic design as a theoretical framework to understand "nature" in architecture, this study reviews the relevant literature. The ensuing queries are addressed: (1) How did the idea of "biophilic design" come about, and what does it mean? (2) How might biophilic design advance the aims of sustainable construction? (3) What are the main biophilic design principles? The basic frameworks of biophilic design are identified, contrasted, and their essential components are explained in this review. Then, we examine the advantages (such as improved health and wellbeing, The sustainable Development Goals provide as a framework for the role of biophilic design in attaining sustainability. These goals focus on productivity, biodiversity, and circularity. The findings show that biophilic design, which encompasses various aspects of nature, including physical, sensory, conceptual, morphological, material, and spiritual nature, is more complicated and richer than simply using vegetation in buildings. Moreover, knowledge gaps are noted to spur further investigation and critical evaluations of biophilic design techniques.
Economía Internacional Krugman y Obstfel, 2006
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