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PT “TIRTA KENCANA” yang bergerak di bidang pengadaan air mineral sedang melakukan uji coba untuk mengetahui seberapa banyak produksi mereka dipakai. Perusahaan tersebut menurunkan beberapa tim survey untuk menjaring data terkait kualitas produk dengan membagikan questioner. Kategori 1 : Data terkait rasa dari produk air mineral: • Pahit, • Manis, dan • Segar. Kategori 2 : Packaging dari produk air mineral : • Bagus, • Elegan, dan • Menarik. Kategori 3 : Volume produk air mineral yang sering digunakan : • 50 ml, • 120 ml, • 250 ml, dan • 1,5 liter Dari sekian data yang diambil agar dapat diolah dalam sekali compile untuk mengambil rata-rata dari masing-masing kategori. Bantulah manajemen PT “TIRTA KENCANA” agar bisa merealisasikan idenya.
Formato de planeación de la lección para maestros de escuela dominical
serisi, ilgilenilen bir büyüklüğün zaman içerisinde sıralanmış bir kümesidir. Zaman serisi ile ilgili bu analizin yapılma amacı ise, gözlem kümesince temsil edilen gerçeğin anlaşılması ve zaman içerisindeki değişkenlerin gelecekteki değerlerinin doğru bir şekilde tahmin edilmesidir.
O artigo tem por objetivo demonstrar a hipervulnerabilidade do turista, inserido no mercado virtual e na economia de compartilhamento. Primeiro, mostra-se a caracterização da vulnerabilidade e da hipervulnerabilidade, para, em seguida, demonstrar o porquê do turista internacional tem necessidade de ser considerado hipervulnerável. Ademais, analisa-se como a economia de compartilhamento, em especial através da plataforma virtual “Airbnb”, bem como, as características da contratação no e-commerce, no que diz respeito à desterritorialização, desmaterialização e despersonificação, contribuem para o agravamento da vulnerabilidade do consumidor turista. Por fim, avalia-se como tal consumidor é protegido, considerando os mecanismos de cooperação internacional. Foi utilizado o método hipotético-dedutivo com referencial nacional e estrangeiro para elaboração da presente pesquisa. The article aims to demonstrate the hypervulnerability of tourists, inserted in the virtual market and in the sharing economy. First, it shows the characterization of vulnerability and hypervulnerability, to demonstrate why the international tourist needs to be considered hypervulnerable. In addition, it analyzes how the sharing economy – “Airbnb”, as well as the characteristics of contracting in e-commerce with respect to deterritorialization, dematerialization and depersonification contribute to the aggravation of the tourist consumer vulnerability. Finally, it is assessed how such a consumer is protected, considering the mechanisms of international cooperation. The hypothetico-detuitive method was used with national and foreign reference for the elaboration of the present research.
I Majka mi je danas umrla. A možda i juče, ne znam. Primio sam telegram iz doma staraca: »Majka umrla. Sahrana sutra. S osobitim poštovanjem.« Meñutim, to ništa ne znači. Možda je to bilo i juče. Dom staraca nalazi se u Marengu, osamdeset kilometara od Alžira. Poći ću autobusom u dva sata i stići u toku popodneva. Tako ću moći da čuvam pokojnicu, a vratiću se sutradan uveče. Zamolio sam gazdu da mi da dva dana odsustva, što mi u ovakvom slučaju nije mogao odbiti. Pa ipak, on nije bio zadovoljan, iako sam mu rekao: »Nije moja krivica.« Ništa mi nije odgovorio. Pomislih da nije trebalo da mu to kažem. Uostalom, nisam imao zašta da mu se izvinjavam. U stvari, trebalo je da mi izrazi saučešće. Verovatno će to učiniti prekosutra kad budem u žalosti. Za sada mi se čini kao da mi majka nije umrla. Posle sahrane, naprotiv, biće to gotova stvar i sve će dobiti zvaničniji izgled. Pošao sam autobusom u dva sata. Bilo je vrlo toplo. Ručao sam, po običaju, u restoranu kod Selesta. Svi su me mnogo žalili, a Selest mi reče: »Majka je jedna.« Kad poñoh, ispratiše me do vrata. Bio sam malo zbunjen, jer je trebalo da odem do Emanuela i od njega uzajmim crnu kravatu i traku za rukav. Njemu je pre nekoliko meseci umro ujak. Trčao sam da na vreme stignem na autobus. Od te žurbe i trčanja, kao i od truckanja u kolima, mirisa benzina i bleštavog treperenja puta i neba, od svega toga sam zadremao. Prospavao sam skoro čitavu vožnju. Kad sam se probudio,
In olden days there was a troll woman named Kráka who lived in Bláhvammur by Bláfjall. She lived in a cave the remains of which can still be seen. It is so high up in the crags of Bláhvammur that it is inaccessible to all human beings. Kráka was extremely evil and she constantly attacked the sheep belonging to the people of Mývatn and did great damage in the form of seizing sheep and killing humans (Kráka tröllskessa in Þjóðsagnabókin Sýnisbók íslenzkra þjóðsagnasafna. Sigurður Nordal tók saman. Translation Astrid Ogilvie). Abstract: The Lake Mývatn area in northeast Iceland has been occupied by farming communities since the arrival of Viking Age settlers in the late 9 th century. Despite its inland location and relatively high elevation, this lake basin has seen continuous human occupation through periods of harsh climate, volcanic eruptions, epidemics, and world system impacts. Mývatn residents have conducted farming, fishing, egg collecting, and hunting activities for over a millennium, pooling labour and working to manage landscape change with traditional and local knowledge. The rich folklore tradition of Iceland includes the story of the troll woman, Kráka, who lived in a cave in the mountain Bláfjall ("Blue Mountain") a major feature of the region, and who proved to be a very troublesome neighbour to the Mývatn farmers. When they spurned her dubious "friendship" she sought vengeance in the form of degradation of the landscape. The story tells that she created the river Kráká (á meaning "river" in Icelandic) that subsequently needed constant attention from the inhabitants to prevent damage to the surrounding area by flooding and erosion. The story of Kráka and the river Kráká that bears her name provides a striking metaphor for the story that is told here of the all-important water resources of the Mývatn district, environmental changes through time, the farming community who sought to manage these fragile resources, and also the community of researchers from both Iceland and elsewhere who have shared their interdisciplinary academic knowledge in the best collaborative spirit over several decades to understand the key elements that contribute to successful sustainability of natural resources over time. 1 The Icelandic language contains the letters ð (upper case Ð) pronounced like the "th" in "clothe" and þ (upper case Þ) pronounced like the "th" in "thing". Unless in a quotation or a personal name, the letter "Þ" is transliterated to "Th" here.
archeologia e calcolatori, 2021
In the last decades, archaeologists have learnt to overcome the chronological limits, arriving to conceive the application of archaeological methods to contemporary objects and sites. But what happens when we try to apply the rules and methods of virtual archaeology to a context of the contemporary past? While the same tools can be used, some very important differences warn us to be careful: sometimes the contemporary archaeological heritage cannot be reconstructed in the usual way, despite the huge amount of data and sources available. The example of the virtual reconstruction of POW no. 65 in Central Apulia gives some elements to envisage possible applications of computer graphics techniques to very recent cultural heritage assets, moving a step forward towards a new paradigm of digital presentation of archaeological heritage.
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