Leandro Fabrício Campelo
Stela C. Bertholo Piconez
Paula Cristina Lameu
Édison Trombeta de Oliveira
Abstract: Concept mapping is a powerful tool to foster meaningful learning, it was created
by Joseph Novak and his colleagues. Nowadays the strategy of concept mapping suffers big
evolution in theory after seven international conferences (CMC). This active learning
combine with other strategy and technology (CmapTools) can change the classroom and
provoke big impact in the students. In this paper, the use of active learning with concept
mapping combined with peer review allows students to be protagonists of their own learning.
The results show that the students were more involved and the classroom has changed
completely facilitating meaningful learning.
Keywords: Concept mapping; Active learning; CmapTools
Education and society as a whole have changed in recent decades. The educational
process, the students, knowledge and professional skills are different nowadays, so schools
need to be updated to keep up with these changes. Every day, new technology is launched and
schools have to deal with it, opening up opportunities for students to develop critical thinking
skills in a meaningful learning environment. In order to do that, students need to understand
that their previous knowledge and experiences are important and they are the tools to scaffold
new knowledge.
With this in mind, active pedagogies have much to offer to the students and active
learning is one of the best ways to achieve meaningful learning. In this paper, it is advocated
that concept mapping is a valuable strategy to foster meaningful learning, supported by
Cmaptools. Applied in geography lessons, this tool can be combined with other strategies,
like peer review, to allow the students to be at the centre of the learning process.
Conceptual content in lessons is supposed to be related to daily life, for students to
identify the applicability of what they learn. Geography is one of the school subjects that is
able to explain a wide range of daily events, such as the rain that causes floods in cities, the
daily violence that is sometimes in the student's neighbourhood, the economic crisis that
affects the student's family. In this sense, students’ knowledge can be taken into account in
lessons to establish the relationship between concepts learned in school and what they
experience outside it.
The aim of this paper is to discuss the role of concept mapping, peer review and the
Cmaptools in fostering active learning in geography lessons. Two active learning situations
were exemplified, challenging the traditional teacher-centred approach usually used in
geography teaching in Brazil.
The study involved the participation of thirty-eight high school students and their
teacher, in a piece of action research associated with other forms of collective action oriented
toward transformation goals or problem-solving.
Concept Maps and active learning: a way of achieving meaningful learning
Active learning happens when students participate in the process and do not passively
listen to what the teacher or tutor has to say about specific content (Weltman, 2007). Students
get involved in the process, maybe at different levels of participation (Bonwell and Elison,
1991) and do things and think about what they are doing. ‘Participation’ means reading,
discussing and engaging in problem-solving (Bloom, 1956). Students should also be engaging
in other higher-order thinking tasks such as analysis, synthesis and evaluation of what they
are studying. As the construction of concept maps demands active participation and covers
all the elements explained, the construction of concept maps can be considered active
According to Ausubel (2000), meaningful learning happens when the learner chooses
to relate new information to the knowledge he/she already has. This is a process that depends
on the conceptual richness of the new material to be learned and the quantity and quality of
the organisation of the relevant knowledge held by the learner. However, it is possible for
learners to memorise new information without making these meaningful connections. This
process is called rote learning.
Novak (2010) argues that meaningful learning has three requirements: (a) Relevant
prior knowledge – the learner must know some information that relates to the new
information to be learned; (b) Meaningful material – the knowledge to be learned must be
relevant to other knowledge and must contain significant concepts and propositions; (c) The
learner must choose to learn meaningfully – the learner must consciously and deliberately
choose to relate new knowledge to relevant knowledge they already know.
According to Novak and Cañas (2008), concept maps are graphical tools for
organising and representing knowledge. They include concepts, usually enclosed in circles or
boxes of some type, and relationships between concepts indicated by a connecting line linking
two concepts. Words on the line, referred to as linking words or linking phrases, specify the
relationship between the two concepts.
One of the most important functions that concept maps have is to help a group to
register, map and come to a consensus on their collective knowledge regarding a question or
set of questions relevant to the group. Those who have used concept maps in lessons have
noticed that some students find it difficult to draw up and use them, at least in the beginning
(Cañas, Novak & Reiska, 2015). This is explained by years of rote learning that happens in
schools. Many teachers who orient students towards memorising facts only are not worried
about offering opportunities for learners to develop critical thinking and establish connections
between content learned in schools and reality. Learners are guided just to know one right
answer for specific questions and they do not need to know why. Concept mapping demands
that students establish different connections among elements in a specific piece of content and
that teachers are aware of the types and quantity of connections that should be made in the
topic taught. As a consequence, it is not easy for a student to quickly switch years of rote
learning to meaningful learning.
Cañas et al. (2015) claimed that a meaningful concept map is supposed to have a
specific structure and follow some rules. They developed some criteria to assess concept maps
(see fig. 1).
Fig. 1 - A good concept Cmapper creates concept maps that have a good graphical
structure and good content. Suggested by Canãs et al. (2015).
The criteria presented for assessing the quality of structure and content of a concept
map would suggest that a concept map that satisfies these criteria could be a “good” concept
Cañas et al., (2015) classified concept maps at levels 1, 2 and 3 according to their
content and structure quality (See Table 2). This study does not focus on analysing level 3
concept maps, as the participants in this research were not professional Cmappers.
Quality Level
Structural Quality
Content Quality
Concept Map
2 Good
3 Excellent
1 Poor
Table 1. Classification of concept maps depending on the quality of the structure, content and
the quality of the concept map. Suggested by Canãs et al. (2015).
The use of Concept Maps in Geography lessons
There are few studies on concept maps focusing on its use in teaching geography.
With the first Concept Mapping Conference (CMC) in 2004, there was an expansion of the
strategy of concept mapping for other disciplines of knowledge. Nowadays, studies are found
on its use in teaching history, geography and languages.
Akbaş and Gençtürk (2011) developed a study in which they used concept maps to
identify misconceptions high school students had regarding the topic of “Air Pressure”. A
control group was taught with a teacher-centred approach in comparison to a student-centred
approach in which concept maps were used as a tool to deal with misconceptions. Two
separate tests were used for data collecting; a success test, to define students’ knowledge level
about concepts and discover their misconceptions, and a concept test, to define the level of
students’ misconceptions before and after the study, were employed as a pre-test and post-test
involving multiple choice questions. In the pre-test, no difference was observed in the results
of the two groups. In the post-test, the research results showed that educational methods based
on the use of concept change texts combined with concept mapping are more efficient than
traditional teaching methods.
Akbaş and Gençtürk (2011) concluded that concept maps are helpful to identify
learners’ misconceptions that happen during the learning process. By diagnosing their
misconceptions, it was possible to clarify specific doubts before introducing a new topic.
They argued that without making clear these misconceptions, scientific knowledge is very
difficult to be learned as students take for granted that what they believe are the “correct”
facts and concepts.
Okafor (2016) studied Nigerian high school students from different groups. A sample
of 225 students were defined in an attempt to understand the problems that affected the
performance of students in national geography exams. According to the author, two points
were raised: geography has a very wide content and teachers have used ineffective
methodologies in lessons. The researcher developed a quasi-experimental study of a nonequivalent control group. The author argued that it was not possible to have complete
randomisation of the participants. Intact classes were used. The study was quasi-experimental
because the researcher manipulated the independent variables of the study, which were
concept mapping and outlined note-taking patterns, and observed their effects on
achievement. The intact classes randomly assigned to experimental and control groups were
used. Three groups were created to test the author’s hypothesis. The first was experimental
group one, which was taught with concept mapping notes. The second was experimental
group two, which was taught with outline notes. The third was the control group and it was
taught with conventional notes. At the end of the lessons, students were assessed through a
national TOGAR (Test of Geography Achievement and Retention) exam. The results showed
that the students of experimental group one, who learned geography with the support of the
concept maps, obtained better results than the other two groups.
Wehry, Monroe-Ossi, England & Fountain (2010) proposed assessing the knowledge
of middle school students of human geography who participated in an "after school"
programme. The purpose of the programme was to motivate students in the subject. There
were 43 participants, composed of 29 girls and 14 boys. They used the select-and-fill-in
(SAFI) approach. Researchers developed concept maps and used the key concepts studied in
middle school students. They presented concept maps by removing some concepts and
phrases of connection, for students to fill in properly. The results showed that students had got
confused due to the teaching approach and methodology in the lesson. The authors concluded
that concept maps were important for evaluating the acquisition of knowledge of human
geography. However, it is still necessary for the curriculum to be reviewed because it is still
not clear for the students, despite the fact that most students achieved good results by
completing concept maps of the three years of teaching they surveyed.
Campelo and Piconez (2016) investigated the extent to which concept maps can foster
meaningful learning in high school students. Forty geography students participated in the
study. The students made a concept map during the second stage of the research and these
maps were compared with other semi-structured ones made during the fourth stage. For the
analysis of these concept maps, the methodology of Hay (2007) was used to understand the
type of learning that occurred with the students. Nowadays, student testing with the purpose
of memorising content - mechanical learning - continues to prevail in schools in Brazil. Using
concept maps in K-12 can contribute to a change in the learning of our students. The results
showed that students need more time to practice the concept mapping technique, despite the
fact that progress was observed during the making process of concept mapping.
Thirty-eight high school students from the Federal Institute of São Paulo participated
in this study. The study was conducted during geography lessons for the period of six months
in 2016 and they were randomly split into pairs. The only requirement was that partners had
not worked together in previous groups.
The research design chosen to be used was classroom action research (Elliot, 1991;
Stenhouse, 1975) because the purpose of adopting this approach was for teachers as
researchers to improve their practice and, as a consequence,
enhance the learning process.
As McNiff (2002) argues, “it is a practical way of looking at your practice in order to check
whether it is as you feel it should be” (p. 15). The purpose was to reflect on their own practice
in order to “bring about practical improvement, innovation, change or development of social
practice, and the practitioners’ better understanding of their practice” (Zuber-Skerritt, 1996, p.
The process of adopting action research involves four steps: planning, acting,
observing and reflecting (Kemmis & McTaggart, 1988). By using action research, it was
possible for the researchers to plan interventions in lessons which the aim was improvement
in the teaching and learning process as both students and teachers/researchers were equally
part of the process (Waterman et al, 2001).
The steps in which action research was used in this study were three. First, students
learned concept mapping techniques and how to work collaboratively to solve a given task.
The students each created a concept map 1 (MC1) on the topic of geology, using paper and
pen and with the support of a textbook, video and report on geology. All MC1 maps were
analysed in detail by the teacher and returned to the students with feedback. The teacher also
undertook collaborative feedback with the 38 students, explaining the misconceptions related
to the studied content and on the techniques of concept mapping. In another step, students
were split into pairs and, using feedback from MC1, they worked collaboratively and created
concept map 2 (MC2) using CmapTools, which would be an improved version of MC1. Two
pairs had their interactions recorded during the elaboration of MC2 to be analysed. After
finishing MC2, peer review was done and each pair provided feedback on two MC2s. They
also filled out a form with suggestions for improvement of the MC2. Finally, students
presented their final concept map (MC3) to the class and explained whether the suggestions
given were accepted or not and why.
The first concept map elaborated by the students showed some errors in the technique
of concept mapping. As it was the first time they had used this strategy, these errors were
expected. However, as they were studying the concept of geology, they were supposed to
know the concept in order to construct a good concept map. MC1 was constructed after they
had been studying this content. A focal question was used to select a specific knowledge
domain for the first concept map. The question was, “What is the relationship between
tectonic plates and earthquakes? Fig. 2 shows the MC1 developed by Lucas. The content of
the MC1 is good; the student was able to adequately answer the focal question.
Fig.2 - MC1 created by Lucas (in Portuguese).
The structure is good; the more general concept is at the top of the MC and the more
specific concepts at the bottom; in addition, the student has used the arrows and the
connecting terms appropriately.
Although this example can be classified as a good CMap, the student was not able to
establish cross-links between the concepts in his first MC1. More training is needed in the
technique of concept mapping to exemplify how well the student knows the subject.
Fig. 3 exemplifies another MC1, by Patricia. Both the structure and content are poor.
The student did not answer the focal question properly, using few of the concepts studied.
Regarding the structure, the arrows indicating the direction of the reading of the concept
map were missing. Besides this, the student was not able to make cross-links between the
concepts. It should be remembered that students were beginners in the technique of concept
mapping and would not be developing a satisfactory concept map at first. The intervention of
the teacher was needed in order to provide individual and collective feedback to solve
problems related to the content and to the structure of the concept map.
Although training in the concept mapping technique is fundamental, it is worth
mentioning that some students can develop this ability better, while other students produce
texts with greater ease. We can classify MC1 as poor.
Fig.3 - MC1 created by Patricia (in Portuguese).
Fig. 4 is the collaborative work done by students Lucas and Patricia using CmapTools.
Both students elaborated the final version of the concept map after discussing and working
collaboratively based on their recordings. They also received feedback from two other pairs
and discussed whether or not they would accept the suggestions proposed by the other pairs.
Students were able to analyse their production in detail and recognised that many suggestions
were coherent and would contribute to the quality of the concept maps. Because of this, most
students accepted the suggestions given.
A more detailed analysis of the double-sided concept maps showed that both content
and clutter have improved greatly compared to individual maps. There are still corrections to
be made that have been shown in the teacher´s feedback to the pair.
Students numbered the linking terms to facilitate the reading of the concept map, but
they were not able to create several cross-links between the concepts, showing that they need
to improve their knowledge about the content studied. It was possible to classify MC1 could
be classified as good. According to the concept mapping experts, more training in the
technique is necessary to reach the level of "excellent".
Fig.4 - MC2 created by Lucas and Patricia.
Discussion and Conclusion
The concept mapping task can be used in educational practice in several ways. While
it may not be strong enough to change students' misconceptions, as an introductory task,
concept mapping can encourage them to verbalise their concepts, to discuss them, and to elicit
the need to answer questions and test assumptions. A concept map is a good instrument for
teachers to quickly diagnose students’ use of misconceptions. The collaborative concept map
task can also assist students in taking more responsibility for their own learning during the
In this research we found some difficulties. First, the students were used to rote
learning: just memorising data. It made the process of elaborating concept maps challenging,
although with more training, students would improve their skills and meaningful learning
could happen. Second, students did not master the basic concepts of geography. Because of
this, extra classes were needed to solve their problems. Third, the students also had basic
language problems, which impacted the construction of clear propositions that were the
determinants of a good and cohesive concept map.
What teachers and students need to keep in mind is that in order for concept maps be
used as a knowledge assessment tool, students should master the techniques of building
concept maps. If students have not mastered the techniques and understood the function and
properties of concept maps, their production might present problems of structure and
meaning, which might not represent what they really know about the content. Teachers must
dedicate some time in their lessons to enabling students to learn how to build concept maps,
otherwise what they construct will provide a fake example of their knowledge.
This active learning with concept maps was developed in the context of a high school
geography classroom. The results show that the students were more involved and the
classroom changed completely, facilitating meaningful learning in the content of geography.
Finally, the concept mapping strategy provides a better understanding of what can and
should be evaluated in student learning; it enables the teacher to visualise the existence or not
of previous concepts of geography considered as prerequisites for the meaningful learning of
new concepts; it makes students protagonists of their own learning and of the innovative
process of evaluation; it requires several versions to graphically show the modifiability of
structures of thought that reveal how students construct knowledge.
For future research, it will be important to understand better what the students'
misconceptions are about the topic that will be taught. Moreover, it will be easier to prepare
the material for the students and help them to elicit their knowledge through concept maps.
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