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Sorting is the fundamental algorithmic problem in computer science. It is the first step in solving many other algorithmic problems. Donald Knuth, a world famous computer scientist and author of the book "The Art of Computer Programming, Volume 3: Sorting and Searching" ([6]), wrote: "I believe that virtually every important aspect of programming arises somewhere in the context of searching or sorting". Quicksort is a comparison sorting algorithm that, on average, makes O(n log n) comparisons to sort n items. This is as efficient as a comparison sorting algorithm can be ([1]). Quicksort is often faster in practice than other O(n log n) sorting algorithms and it has another advantage-it sorts in place, that is, the items are rearranged within the array, so it does not require a lot of additional space ([1]). Quicksort was invented by a British computer scientist, C.A.R. Hoare, in 1960. Sir Charles Antony Richard Hoare describes how he invented Quicksort in his interview published in [10]. After graduating from the University of Oxford in 1956, Hoare did his national service in the Royal Navy studying Russian. In 1958 he took a course in Mercury Autocode, which was the programming language used on a computer in Oxford University. Later, he was a visiting student at Moscow State University in the Soviet Union for a year. That is when he developed the Quicksort algorithm. The following is a quote from the interview with Hoare ([10]), where he describes his invention of Quicksort: "The National Physical Laboratory was starting a project for the automatic translation of Russian into English, and they offered me a job. I met several of the people in Moscow who were working on machine translation, and I wrote my first published article, in Russian, in a journal called Machine Translation. In those days the dictionary in which you had to look up in order to translate from Russian to English was stored on a long magnetic tape in alphabetical order. Therefore it paid to sort the words of the sentence into the same alphabetical order before consulting the dictionary, so that you could look up all the words in the sentence on a single pass of the magnetic tape. I thought with my knowledge of Mercury Autocode, I'll be able to think up how I would conduct this preliminary sort. After a few moments I thought of the obvious algorithm, which is now called bubble sort, and rejected that because it was obviously rather slow. I thought of Quicksort as the second thing. It didn't occur to me that this was anything very difficult. It was all an interesting exercise in programming. I think Quicksort is the only really interesting algorithm that I ever developed." Hoare described the algorithm in his papers in 1961 and 1962 ([2], [3], [4], [5]). After its invention by Hoare, Quicksort has undergone extensive analysis by Robert Sedgewick in 1975, 1977, 1978 ([7], [8], [9]). Sedgewick in his paper "Implementing Quicksort programs" ([9]) presented "a practical study of how to implement the Quicksort sorting algorithm and its best variants on real computers". The paper contains the original version of Quicksort and presents step-by-step modifications to the algorithm which, as Sedgewick says, make its implementation on real computers more efficient.
ArXiv, 2019
Quicksort algorithm with Hoare's partition scheme is traditionally implemented with nested loops. In this article, we present loop programming and refactoring techniques that lead to simplified implementation for Hoare's quicksort algorithm consisting of a single loop. We believe that the techniques are beneficial for general programming and may be used for the discovery of more novel algorithms.
Computers in Physics, 1990
Four sorting algorithms-bubble, insertion, heap, and quick-are studied on an IBM 3090/ 600, a VAX 11/780, and the NYU Ultracomputer. It is verified that for N items the bubble and insertion sorts are of order N 2 whereas the heap and quick sorts are of order N In N. It is shown that the choice of algorithm is more important than the choice of machine. Moreover, the influence of paging on algorithm performance is examined.
Vol. 19 No. 2 FEBRUARY 2021 International Journal of Computer Science and Information Security (IJCSIS), 2021
Sorting is an important part of computer science field. Many sorting algorithm available, Quicksort is one of them that based on divide and conquer technique. Quicksort algorithm was published in 1961. Partitioning is the main thing in Quicksort algorithm that done in various way. Pivot is selected in partitioning. The performance of Quicksort depends on selection of pivot. Multiple pivot sort algorithm select many pivot from the array. The performance of multiple pivot sort algorithm is better than single pivot sort. Quicksort perform better result for large dataset and it is cache friendly algorithm. In duplication of elements hybrid approach provide better result than existing quicksort algorithm, Hybrid approach minimize the time complexity when elements are repeated.
ArXiv, 2021
This work presents a comparison for the performance of sequential sorting algorithms under four different modes of execution, the sequential processing mode, a conventional multi-threading implementation, multi-threading with OpenMP Library and finally parallel processing on a super computer. Quick Sort algorithm was selected to run the experiments performed by this effort and the algorithm was run using different arrays sizes and different number of processors. The results and findings were analyzed uncovering limitations as well as enhancement potentials of sequential sorting algorithms using parallelism.
International Journal of Computer Applications, 2012
Sorting is among the first of algorithm, than any computer science student encounters during college and it is considered as a simple and well studied problem. With the advancement in parallel processing many parallel sorting algorithms have been investigated. These algorithms are designed for a variety of parallel computer architectures. In this paper, a comparative analysis of performance of three different types of sorting algorithms viz. sequential quick sort, parallel quick sort and hyperquicksort is presented. Quick sort is a divideand-conquer algorithm that sorts a sequence by recursively dividing it into smaller subsequences, and has Ө(nlogn) complexity for n data values. The comparative analysis is based on comparing average sorting times and speedup achieved in parallel sorting over sequential quick sort and comparing number of comparisons. The time complexity for each sorting algorithm will also be mentioned and analyzed.
The objective of this paper is to review the folklore knowledge seen in research work devoted on synthesis, optimization, and effectiveness of various sorting algorithms. We will examine sorting algorithms in the folklore lines and try to discover the tradeoffs between folklore and theorems. Finally, the folklore knowledge on complexity values of the sorting algorithms will be considered, verified and subsequently converged in to theorems.
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