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2020, Revista de Direito Administrativo e Infraestrutura, v. 4, n. 14,…
7 pages
1 file
Author's Biography Celso Antônio Bandeira de Mello, Pontifical Catholic University of São Paulo (São Paulo, São Paulo, Brazil) Professor Emeritus of the Pontifical Catholic University of São Paulo – PUCSP. References Text originally published in Estudos de Direito Pública – EDP, São Paulo, n. 08, p. 81-92, Jan.-Jun. 1986, referring to the lecture given in the I Cycle of Public Law Studies, from December 9 to 12, 1985, in the auditorium of the São Paulo Cultural Center. Celso Antônio Bandeira de Mello Pontifical Catholic University of São Paulo (São Paulo, São Paulo, Brazil) DOI: Keywords: Servers, Fundamentals of validity, Legal rules, Legal regime Summary Gentlemen of the board, my colleagues, I would like, first of all, to thank you for the honor of this invitation, to be among the Municipal Prosecutors, to whom I am already linked by so many bonds of friendship, giving rise to another opportunity to debate a legal issue and propose a vision on this subject of the municipal servants and, who knows, during the debates, until I suggest something thinking about the future Constituent Assembly. I will take care of the constitutional angle and Prof. Adilson Dallari will then develop it from this same constitutional angle, but entering into considerations that also extract its foundation of validity of legal norms. The first consideration I want to make repeats something about what I have been insisting on for a long time. Usually, the theme of public servants is considered as if it were merely a work regime among several possible and that is peculiar only by typifying itself in a so-called statutory relationship. I think, however, that this issue has an often larger constitutional dimension. Strictly speaking, every constitutional discipline of the public servant is armed according to objectives closely linked to the purposes of the rule of law itself. It might seem surprising that a seemingly pedestrian theme – the basic legal regime of civil servants – had been covered in the constitutional text itself, giving it a position of emphasis, parallel to topics of marked magnitude such as the organization of the Executive, Legislative and Judicial Powers, structure of the State, individual rights and guarantees or minimum social rights. Indeed, in the first glance, perhaps it seemed, on the subject, inappropriate that a constitutional text intended to deal with supposedly minor issues, by groveing the fundamental lines of the civil servants regime. There is, however, a reason for this. And the reason is this: The rule of law presupposes, as we all know, the submission of power to a Civil servants: constitutional aspects 08/01/2021 18:18 Página 2 de 6 framework of legality. The rule of law is born from a political movement that is worn both in the thesis of popular sovereignty and in the thesis of the need to contain power. Indeed, the objectives that inspire the legal consecration of the political project of the rule of law rest, above all, on the desire to protect the citizen against the untied exercise of power. However, the uncomerment of the exercise of power is particularly dangerous when coming from the Executive Branch. Well, the constitutional regime of civil servants aims exactly to establish basic rules that favor the neutrality of the state apparatus, in order to curb above all the Executive Branch from manipulating it with a disabbreacity capable of compromising objectives of the rule of law.
Romanian Military Thinking
The development of the attributions of the public authorities that play a significant role in the functioning of the national defence system is achieved through human resources. The legal regulation of human resources used by the national defence system offers a wide diversity that includes both militarized categories of personnel and those with civil status. This approach distinguishes the category of civil servants, with or without special status, who work within the central and territorial authorities of the national defence system. Starting from the provisions of the fundamental law, the Constitution of Romania, the analysed regulations take into account provisions of The Administrative Code, The Statute of Military Personnel, The Law on the Preparation of the Population for Defence, The Law on the Remuneration of Staff Paid from Public Funds, which, together, give particularities to the integrated implementation, through human resources, of the functions of the national defence system.
Rule of law requires first of all that the legal order be respected. In the legal order the various legal actors function as subjects of law vested with a set of rights and duties, the juridical capacity and the juridical capacity to act. Among such subjects of law are all the organs of the public administration, established in order to represent and protect the public interest. It is for such a status that these bodies are considered in the theory of law as bodies with a 'superior' status as against the other subjects of law. This status is reflected in the legislation of various countries where such bodies are equipped with the right to sanction the implementation of their norms, as well as the right not to hold liability for damages caused by them. Various theories of law have either supported such positions, or rejected it. However, the concept of the liberal state, as well approaches such as the expansion of market economy, massive privatization, or even the concept of a more representative democracy, bring as a consequence the need for a new approach to the public administration as a subject of law, not necessarily considering it as 'superior'. At a time when the representation of the public interests is not only a matter of public administration, but also of other actors, whether organized or not, the law should also reflect a redesigned status of the public administration. It should be seen more as an equal subject with other subjects of law. This obviously means a reconsideration of the fundamental pillars of the classical division into public and private law, but also a saving of this division and reformulation of the fundamentals of this division. We think that such an approach would entail the creation of a more responsive and efficient public administration in accomplishing the mission and specifically of its duties.
The present article regards the field of administrative law and has the objective to investigate the necessity of reforms of the Brazilian civil servants' legal regimen through three analysis axes: increasing quality, cost rationalization and corruption disincentive. The paper adopts an inductive method, starting from evidence and studies related to each one of the proposed axes in order to reach, as a result, the need for reforms of civil servants' core features based on a logic of incentives. The conclusion presented is that these reorganizations should aim to maximize the incentives posed to public officials to work more efficiently (for example, by privileging merit-based promotions) and for allocating budget resources in order to benefit good employees (for example, by creating productivity bonuses). The article also intends to create an environment which does not favor corrupt practices, through three relatively simple proposals: regulating whistleblower protection among civil servants, creating integrity programs and establishing objective requirements for the fulfillment of positions of trust. Resumo: O presente artigo insere-se no campo do Direito Administrativo e tem por objetivo investigar a necessidade de reformas no regime jurídico dos servidores públicos no Brasil a partir de três eixos de análise: incremento de qualidade, racionalização de custos e combate à corrupção. O método utilizado foi indutivo, partindo-se de evidências e estudos atinentes a cada um dos eixos propostos para se chegar ao resultado da necessidade de uma reestruturação do regramento legal a que se submetem os servidores públicos pautada em uma numa lógica de incentivos. A conclusão apresentada é que essas reformas devem buscar a maximização dos incentivos existentes para que servidores públicos atuem de maneira mais eficiente (por ARTIGO SUBMETIDO À PUBLICAÇÃO E AINDA NÃO PUBLICADO. PARA CITAÇÃO, FAVOR CONTACTAR A AUTORA.
International Journal of Constitutional Law, 2015
This article examines the role civil servants play in ensuring that politicians fulfill their constitutional obligations. Scholars have not generally identified civil servants as a positive force in constitutional implementation. Rather, the literature tends to criticize the emergence of civil servants, and government lawyers in particular, as new drivers of the policy process. Taking the Canadian policy process as my starting point, I push back against this criticism and suggest that civil servants, legally trained and otherwise, are uniquely positioned to insist that constitutional implementation be an explicit policy focus.
Presented at III Encuentro International Justica y Derecho. Palacio de Convenciones de La Habana 24 al 26 Mayo de 2006 The control of public administration presupposes a dichotomy of the rulers and general public (ordinary citizens). The extent and functioning of this control is closely linked to the nature of the relationship between the rulers and the ruled. In the political and constitutional systems where the participation of people actually and effectively functions in the exercise of political power, the gap between the rulers and the ruled will be narrow. In the political systems where such effective participation is made possible, the control of the public administration will function while the administrative decisions are being formulated. Thus, active participation of people during the preparatory stage will render the judicial control after the decisions are put into effect of relatively less important.
This article starts from the following problem: to what extent does the traditional view about the separation of powers allow us to understand the role of bureaucracy in defending the Constitution? The hypothesis is that the premise that opposes an impartial Judiciary to a plebiscitary Executive frustrates the understanding of the bureaucratic function in constitutional defense. The general objective is to understand how the role of bureaucracy as guardian of the Constitution is underestimated by the traditional view. The specific objectives are to analyze how the traditional view describes thebranches, the criticisms made by contemporary literature and the limits of a juriscentric perspective. The paper concludes that the traditional perspective is founded on wrong premises, resulting in the disregard of the bureaucracy’s role as guardian of the Constitution.
Revista Juris Poiesis
Curentul Juridic, 2019
The civil service law is a very complex area of the legal system. This regulation stays between civil law and public law. We would like to analyse this duality in our paper. The new tendencies move in opposite ways. The civil service law approximates to the labour law in one part of the countries and in the international context as well. This approximation happened the effect of New Public Management. The other tendency is the politicization of the civil service law. The result of the effect of politicization of the civil service law is a particular Hungarian system. The regulations are changed in the last five years many times, and established an special public law interpretation.
The concept of Good Administration (GA)is a conceptual and practical challenge for public administrations and their officials. This report seeks to shed some light on the way GA affects the rights, duties and responsabilities of public officials. In this connection and in order to open the debate, three subjects will be put forward for examination: the concept of the infrastructure of GA; the need to consider GA as a public policy with both internal and external dimensions; and, lastly, the fact that the status of public officials is seen in the light of GA while, at the same time, it is becoming an essential tool for its own implementation.
One of the categories of civil servants for whom essential changes in the applicable regulatory framework have taken place over time, is the category of senior civil servants. Many of these changes were determined by the interference between the members of this category and policy makers. The recent Government Decision no.934/2020, dedicated, amongst others, to the career and mobility of senior civil servants, was the starting point of our analysis that aims to answer some questions regarding especially the solutions chosen to regulate, at secondary level, the applicable regulatory framework. This endeavor takes into consideration the fact that several decisions of the Romanian Constitutional Court specify, for other categories of civil servants, that such rules are essential to the status of civil servant and that, in accordance with constitutional provisions, they must be regulated by Organic Law. At the same time, in our analysis we emphasize the importance of predictable regulat...
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