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Luna Nuova, Anno II Num II. 202/21. La Via tra Arezzo e Rimini. Il percorso piuttosto lineare e forzato dalle condizioni geomorfologiche della valle scavata dall’Ariminum-Marecchia, si snoda sfruttando antiche direttrici che si diramano soprattutto dall’area nord-orientale di Arezzo. E’ un percorso che offre numerosi elementi di studio e di interesse dalla geologia, dalla storia antica a quella medioevale per giungere agli eventi dell’ultimo conflitto mondiale le cui tracce stanno emergendo sempre di più grazie all’interesse di qualificati appassionati. Ma sol che si percorra il tratto ascendente dell’Alpe e poi la lunga valle del Marecchia, non si può non essere attratti dalle formazioni rocciose messe a nudo dalle frane, dai pinnacoli stratificati privi di vegetazione e dalle numerose fortificazioni, per lo più medioevali, che rifiniscono i picchi aguzzi che si aprono ai lati del percorso sino all’ampio greto del fiume. Un paesaggio certamente conosciuto ma non sufficientemente apprezzato e valutato.
Tra la discesa in Italia di Arrigo VII nel 1311 e quella di Enguerrand de Coucy nel 1384 si svolge un XIV secolo aretino quanto mai convulso, in diversi momenti drammatico (Berti 2005, p. 36 ss.): il Trecento è epoca al tempo stesso grande e tragica per tutta la Penisola (per l'Europa intera), ma questi caratteri generali sembrano nel caso della città di San Donato -se possibile -ancor più accentuati. Contribuisce a creare questo clima la scarsità di documentazione pubblica dovuta alla distruzione dell'archivio comunale durante le lotte di fine secolo, che costringe ad attribuire valore paradigmatico a certi atti isolati non potendoli contestualizzare. Ma senza cedere più di tanto alla rituale lamentela sulla pochezza della documentazione (quale storico di quale città medievale italiana può dirsi soddisfatto delle fonti a disposizione?), cercheremo di rileggere quanto è giunto fino a noi con gli occhi della moderna medievistica, che vuole liberarsi da condizionamenti di varia natura ereditati dal passato. Nell'ambito della storia politico-istituzionale ciò significa soprattutto cambiare profondamente il modo col quale si guarda alla dialettica comune-signoria, che per Arezzo occupa una buona parte del primo Trecento.
Actually this work of mine represents years of research I made about the Khazars and contains practically all I know about them. I resolved to offer it to the interested Italian readership thru a kind of journal of each step I had to take in the USSR, Russian Federation, White Russia, Ucraine and other countries to collect printed materials and visit museums which exhibited interesting Khazar objects. The book overviews the history of the Khazars from their Altai origins to the final fall about XI cent. CE. Of course some personal inferences upon special topics philosophical and political are also added.
The ongoing studies on the pottery from the medieval settlement on the Villa del Casale at Piazza Armerina (Enna, Sicily) allow to enlarge the knowledge of production and trade in Sicily and in the Maghreb between the X and the XII century. Glazed, coarse, cooking wares and the amphora found during recent excavations as well as the old finds newly studied mark the eminence of the site in the Islamic and in the Norman period, showing also Mediterranean wide developments in material culture and in kiln technology.
Orizzonte - Horizon. A Magazine about Architecture, Design and Cities, n. 4, 2021
If the horizon reflects the human inclination to discover and search for the new, the overcoming of that line that seems to limit our physical mobility and the sweeping of the mind, this aptitude to cross that boundary – through a change of perspective capable of leading us to reconsider our daily perception of the world – constitutes the true essence of the creative gesture, as in Lucio Fontana’s research, which was marked by a peculiar attention to the expressive potential of new media and electronic technologies. Interest in new scientific discoveries also animated, at the turn of the 19th and 20th centuries, the artistic and architectural experiences that, within the complex and articulated panorama of Symbolist and Art Nouveau experiences, heralded the operational and aesthetic codes of the Modern Movement, as demonstrated by the references to the biomorphic universe in Hector Guimard’s design for the Castel Béranger in Paris, in Louis Sullivan’s towering, monumental buildings or in the hybrid structure of the gateway to the 1900 Paris World Fair by architect René Binet. This design culture represented a fundamental precedent for the subsequent experiences of the Modern Movement, which inherited from art nouveau the concept of total art and the gradual elimination of the opposition between the so-called major and minor arts, already introduced by the aesthetic theories of John Ruskin and William Morris and passionately promoted by Henry Van de Velde. However, the design utopia that animated the spirit of the Modern Movement also gave rise, during the 20th century, to tragic dystopian phenomena, generated by the ideological superstructures of totalitarian regimes or, more generally, by the authoritarian power that dominated contemporary society, according to Michel Foucault’s analysis. As in the final scene of the film The Truman Show (1998), in which the protagonist, to escape the control of his diabolical creator, breaks through the illusory painted horizon of the artificial world in which he has lived since he was born, the uncontrolled technological development and the overwhelming power of the mass media have often transformed our horizon into the impassable barrier of an enclosed world. The world of The Truman Show, dominated by a distorted communication between inside and outside and in which true and false appear interchangeable, mirrors the dimension of a closed and restricted community of small towns inspired by the rigid stylistic and operational canons of New Urbanism, reflecting in this utopian desire to live in an ideal world separated and protected from the rest of the world the reproduction of miniature worlds proposed by Disney parks or the relational exchange between illusion and reality found in Ikea sales spaces.
in Antiquarium, 2009, pp. 385-404
è ANCO S.r.l. ANCO S.r.l., azienda con sede in Piemonte nel comune di Villarbasse (TO), opera dal 1993 in tutta Italia nel settore pavimentazioni offrendo soluzioni che hanno in comune l'utilizzo della resina nella creazione di pavimenti e superfici di calpestio o di finitura.
Per uno studio delle aree Salutaris e Mucialis del Quirinale, 2022
by Antonio Pizzo Riccardo Montalbano
After a pause of over ten years, archaeological excavations at the Colle del Pionta resumed, thanks to the initiative of the Akademos cultural association and under the scientific direction of the University of Rome Tor Vergata. Previous information together with the new diagnostic investigations guided the attention toward the area surrounding the extant oratory of Santo Stefano and the ancient crypt enclosed in it. Despite the demolition and removal of materials in the area since the sixteenth century, the investigated stratigraphic deposits have allowed to gather new and interesting data. Beginning with an underground occupancy connected with the access to the crypt, the subsequent archaeological evidences underline the continuous devotional centrality of the place, possible site of the original burial of the bishop Donato. A moment of intense building activity can be traced back to the 11th century when a massive polygonal edifice was built.
L'amorosa inchiesta. Studi di letteratura per Sergio Zatti, 2020
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Baltic Journal of English Language, Literature and Culture
Multicultural Islamic Education Review, 2023
Litua, 2024
᾽Ilu. Revista de Ciencias de las Religiones (Madrid ), 2018
Revista Internacional de Filosofía política, nº 27, 2006
Road and Rail Infrastructure VII
Istanbul Journal of Sociological Studies, 2015
RIED. Revista Iberoamericana de Educación a Distancia, 2013
Anais do XXV Workshop de Informática na Escola (WIE 2019), 2019
Oriental Journal Of Chemistry
Plains Anthropologist, 2007
Réactions d’épidémie
InTech eBooks, 2012
Jurnal Layanan Masyarakat (Journal of Public Services)