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2019, World Trade Organization
5 pages
1 file
AI-generated Abstract
This paper explores how Sudan can leverage digital technologies and sound policies to transform its economy amidst ongoing socio-political changes. It discusses the significant challenges in trade and economic development Sudan faces, including high trade costs and inefficiencies, and proposes the integration of e-commerce and algorithmic regulations to facilitate trade and compliance. The paper emphasizes the necessity for innovative policies that foster e-commerce, reduce delays in cross-border trade, and promote local products to enhance participation in global value chains.
Samanan Qamasap Ist'añani. Sonoridades Vivas y Espacios Musicales, 2023
El artículo, desde un trabajo etnográfico experiencial, relata cómo en el ayllu Qaqachaka se perciben los sonidos, de dónde nacen, como se crían, y las relacionalidades que tienen con otros seres. A su vez, expone la importancia de entender los sonidos como agentes, quienes viven con nosotros.
Revista Brasileira de Terapia Comportamental e Cognitiva, 2017
Este estudo tem por objetivo apresentar a análise de Gilbert Ryle (1949/2009)do funcionamento lógico dos conceitos relacionados à emoção, incluindo sentimentos, inclinações, agitações e estados de ânimo.Ryle não propõe uma nova teoria das emoções, e sim uma análise de como os conceitos funcionam em seu "lar original". Por meio desta leitura guiada da análise de Ryle, busca-se oferecer um exemplo concreto e desfazer confusões frequentes sobre o papel desse tipo de elucidação conceitual, mostrando que ela é condição prévia para o estabelecimento das condições de sentido de perguntas empíricas. Antes de fazer parte de teorias psicológicas, os conceitos de emoção nascem e se transformam nos contextos das interações cotidianas, dos quais é inseparável o entendimento das regras lógicas para seu uso. Quando nos esquecemos disso, há o risco de formular revisões conceituais inadvertidas que levam a confusões na teorização e a perguntas de pesquisa que não podem, logicamente, ser respondidas empiricamente.
Religions, 2024
This contribution intends to examine the impact of Conciliarism (1414–1439) on the Christian vision of Islam in the Quattrocento. The analysis of the thought of bishops such as Nicholas of Cusa (d. 1464) and John of Segovia (d. 1458) is understandable only through the evolution of the Latin world with regard to Islam, moving from the Corpus Toletanum (12th century) and the impact of the Crusades in the Levant (1096–1291) and in Europe. This forwardness is rooted in the process of “Islamic Christianization,” an analytical operation lasting three centuries, during which Koranic Christology was to play a primary role. It will be through this “Christ-centric” process that from the Renaissance, the Ottoman empire, the great enemy of Western Christianity, will be appreciated for some of its peculiar facets. The weakening of the concept of heresy and of Catholic ecclesiastical authoritarianism in decreeing what heresy was probably one of the “indirect” outcomes of that dialogical “Moment of Vision” between Christianity and Islam. The further fragmentation of the Church of Rome, after the failure of Conciliarism and the outgrowth of the reformed Churches in the 16th century, favored a preliminary different understanding of the religiosity of others.
The impacts of Climate Change are global; yet the developing countries, Malawi inclusive are the most affected ones; socially, economically and politically. The livelihood and economies of the largest population of Malawi is agribusiness; hence, their reliance on favourable climate and environment. This is an anthropological approach to the Disaster Risk Reduction and Management in Malawi critically studying cultural thinking and worldview patterns of Malawian society toward disaster risk reduction and management. Studies suggest that cultural thinking patterns and communal worldview affect their response to disaster risk reduction and management. To some extend this is due to insufficient anthropological studies in the area of climate change and environment in Malawi. Therefore, this study argues that past climate change management strategies have been less successful because peoples ¶ culture was not anthropologically studied in managing climate change and environment in order to reduce disaster risks. Hence, this study critically evaluates the cultural thinking and worldview patterns of Malawians in disaster risk reduction and management. Further, the study evaluates the impact of the Ubunthu philosophy in mitigating Climate Change issues in Malawi. Thus, for climate change management strategies to be effective in Malawi, the anthropological factors and the role of climate change stakeholders; traditional leaders, academic institutions, government, civil society and nongovernmental organizations that facilitate social evolution should be re-examined in line with disaster risk reduction and management policy formulation, and development policies should be regulated for the effectiveness of disaster risk reduction and management in Malawi. This study employs case study, literature review, and participatory rural appraisals (PRA) approaches for data collection and analysis.
Cognitive and Behavioral Practice, 2011
In this paper we present a case of failure in an integrative treatment for generalized anxiety disorder (GAD) combining cognitivebehavioral therapy, an empirically supported treatment for GAD, and interpersonal-emotional processing therapy. The client of focus dropped out of treatment after the 8th session. Based on our analysis of this case, we discuss the participant, technical and relationship factors that were likely implicated in this case of premature termination in both of the cognitive-behavioral and interpersonal-emotional processing segments that comprised the treatment. Implications for practice, training, and future research are also discussed.
The zero-based budget (ZBB) is a budgeting system set up in the early 70s by Peter A. PYHRR (1973) and it was considered at the time as a reform tool. This process is intended to shift focus away from incremental budgeting where a department begins with a base budget requiring no justification and each year only requests incremental increases on top of this base (Davis, Dempster, & Wildavsky, 1966). Currently, it’s again discussed as a strategy to reduce government budgets. Indeed, this budgeting tool will increase the coherence of public action and seems perfectly suited to the Lebanese context: no budget since 2005, a political conflict regarding the public finances, a large public deficit due to the continuous increase in the public debt service. The relevance of this research lies in the proposition of application of this process in the Lebanese public sector.
Ader Doucthi Maggia Tahoua ANPEIE Association Nationale des Professionnels en Etudes d'Impact Environnemental ANPIP Agence Nigérienne pour la promotion de l'irrigation privée ARPF Association régionale des professionnels de la filière oignon BEEEI Bureau d'Evaluation Environnementale et des Etudes d'Impact BREEEI Bureau régional d'évaluations environnementales et des études d'impact BTP Bâtiment et travaux publics CCNI Compagnie commerciale du Niger CFDT Compagnie Française de Développement des Textiles CGES Cadre de gestion environnemental et sociale CPRP Cadre politique de réinstallation des populations CNEDD Conseil National de l'Environnement pour un Développement Durable DAO Dossier d'appel d'offre
Chez les compagnons charpentiers et tailleurs de pierre, le coeur de la transmission des savoirs est l'étude de la géométrie projective pour la coupe des bois et des pierres, que l'on appelle également « descriptive » ou, tout simplement, le « Trait ». Pour simplifier, cette méthode permet de dessiner chacune des pièces composant une voûte ou une charpente selon sa vraie grandeur, ce qui facilite grandement le passage de la conception à l'exécution. Cet « art du Trait », autrefois plus ou moins secret, s'est transmis depuis le XVI e siècle par deux canaux : d'une part, la publication de traités imprimés — le plus ancien étant le Premier tome de l'architecture par Philibert Delorme — et la formulation savante de ces connaissances, notamment par Gaspard Monge sous la Révolution, et, d'autre part, les cours du soir suivis par les compagnons au gré de leur Tour de France. Si l'étude du premier canal ne pose pas de difficulté particulière du fait même de l'accessibilité des imprimés, il n'en va pas de même pour celle du second : relégués au rang d'exercices scolaires d'un intérêt limité, les dessins et les épures d'exercice ne retiennent pas suffisamment l'intérêt des historiens de l'architecture. Au travers d'exemples provenant de ma propre collection, j'aimerais montrer combien ces documents peuvent nous renseigner sur les savoirs des compagnons et leur évolution. Il n'est évidemment pas possible de s'étendre aujourd'hui sur des explications techniques. Pour accompagner ma présentation généraliste du sujet, j'ai privilégié les exemples visuels, pour témoigner de leur complexité graphique ainsi que de leur variété.
היחסים התורכיי ם-ערביים והשפעת השפה הערבית ו השתקפותה בשפה התורכית , 2020
College Music Symposium, 2016
Canadian Geotechnical Journal, 2010
Mental Health and Social Inclusion
Miskolci jogi szemle, 2022
El Colegio de Michoacán, A. C., 2017
Light: Science & Applications
Physiological Research, 2015
Tehran University …, 2010
Acta dermato-venereologica, 1992
Nuclear Physics B, 1996