International Journal of Computer-Aided technologies (IJCAx)

Computer-aided technologies (CAx) mean the use of computer technology to aid in the design, analysis and manufacture various products. International Journal of Computer-Aided technologies (IJCAx) is an open access, peer-reviewed journal that publishes articles which contribute new results in all areas of Computer Aided technologies such as CAD, CAM, CAIM,CAR, CARD, CASE etc. The journal focuses on all technical and practical aspects of Computer Aided technologies. The goal of this journal is to bring together researchers and practitioners from academia and industry to focus on advanced CAx tools and establishing new collaborations in these areas. Authors are solicited to contribute to this journal by submitting articles that illustrate research results, projects, surveying works and industrial experiences that describe significant advances in all Computer Aided technologies

Trending Articles International Journal of Computer-Aided Technologies (IJCAx) ISSN : 2349 - 218X Citation Count -23 RESEARCH ISSUES IN WEB MINING Dr.S. Vijiyarani1 and Ms. E. Suganya2 1Assistant professor, Department of Computer science, School of Computer Science and Engineering, Bharathiar University, Coimbatore 2 M.Phil Research Scholar, Department of Computer science, School of Computer science and Engineering, Bharathiar University, Coimbatore ABSTRACT Web is a collection of inter-related files on one or more web servers while web mining means extracting valuable information from web databases. Web mining is one of the data mining domains where data mining techniques are used for extracting information from the web servers. The web data includes web pages, web links, objects on the web and web logs. Web mining is used to understand the customer behaviour, evaluate a particular website based on the information which is stored in web log files. Web mining is evaluated by using data mining techniques, namely classification, clustering, and association ules. It has some beneficial areas or applications such as Electronic commerce, E-learning, Egovernment, E-policies, E-democracy, Electronic business, security, crime investigation and digital library. Retrieving the required web page from the web efficiently and effectively becomes a challenging task because web is made up of unstructured data, which delivers the large amount of information and increase the complexity of dealing information from different web service providers. The collection of information becomes very hard to find, extract, filter or evaluate the relevant information for the users. In this paper, we have studied the basic concepts of web mining, classification, processes and issues. In addition to this, this paper also analyzed the web mining research challenges. KEYWORDS Web Mining, Classification, Application, Tools, Algorithms, Research Issues For More Details :- Volume Link :- REFERENCES [1] Joy Shalom Sona, Prof. Asha Ambhaikar”” International Journal Of Scientific & Engineering Research Volume 3, Issue 2, February2012 1 ISSN 2229-5518 [2] Aparna Ranade, Abhijit R. Joshi, Ph. D,”” International Journal of Computer Applications (0975 – 8887) Volume 92 – No.7, April 2014 [3] Karan Bhalla & Deepak Prasad,”” [4] Amit Pratap Singh1, Dr. R. C. Jain 2,”” International Journal of Emerging Trends & Technology in Computer Science (IJETTCS)Volume 3, Issue 3, May – June 2014 ISSN 2278-6856 [5] R. Lokeshkumar1, R. Sindhuja2, Dr. P. Sengottuvelan, “ _Web_Usage_Mining_to_Improve_the_Quality_of_Data” International Journal of Emerging Technology and Advanced Engineering, ISSN 2250-2459, ISO 9001:2008 Certified Journal, Volume 4, Issue 8, August 2014 [6] Mitali Srivastava, Rakhi Garg, P. K. 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Zahid Hasan, Khawja Jakaria Ahmad Chisty and Nur-E-Zaman Ayshik, “ [11] Jaideep Srivastava, “Web Mining: Accomplishments & Future Directions”, University of Minnesota USA, [email protected], [12] [13] [14] [15] Deepti Kapila, Prof. Charanjit Singh, “”, International Journal of Advanced Research in Computer Science and Software Engineering Volume 4, Issue 6, June 2014 ISSN: 2277 128X [16] Alberto Sillitti, Marco Scotto, Giancarlo Succi, Tullio” Vernazza,” [17] Sandhya, Mala chaturvedi, “,%20Vol. 13,%20Issues%201-2,%20Pages%2013-25%20PJCSET.pdf”, The International Journal Of Engineering And Science (IIJES) Volume 2 Issue 3 [18] Ananthi.J,””, International Journal of Computer Science and Information Technologies, Vol. 5 (3), 2014 [19] S.Balan, “A Study of Various Techniques of Web Content Mining Research Issues and Tools”, International journal of innovative research and studies ISSN 2319-9725 International Journal of Computer-Aided Technologies (IJCAx) Vol.2, No.3, July 2015 64 [20] D.Jayalatchumy, Dr. P.Thambidurai, “”, IOSR Journal of Computer Engineering (IOSR-JCE) e-ISSN: 2278-0661, p- ISSN: 2278- 8727Volume 14, Issue 3 [21] Lakshmi, Raja Sekhara Rao , content/uploads/papers/v2i4/D0584032413.pdf”, International Journal of Innovative Technology and Exploring Engineering (IJITEE) ISSN: 2278-3075, Volume-2, Issue-4 [22] Mamta M. Hegde, Prof. M.V.Phatak, “”, International Journal of Advanced Research in Computer Engineering & Technology Volume 1, Issue 3, May2012 [23] Mr. Dushyant B.Rathod, Dr.Samrat Khanna, “” ISSN: 2321-9939 AUTHORS Dr. S. Vijayarani has completed MCA, M.Phil and Ph.D in Computer Science. She is working as Assistant Professor in the School of Computer Science and Engineering, Bharathiar University, Coimbatore. Her fields of research interest are data mining, privacy and security issues in data mining and data streams. She has published papers in the international journals and presented research papers in international and nationalconferences. Ms. E. Suganya has completed M.Sc in Computer Science. She is currently pursuing her M.Phil in Computer Science in the School of Computer Science and Engineering, Bharathiar University, Coimbatore. Her fields of interest are Data Mining and Web Mining. Citation Count –06 THE STUDY OF CUCKOO OPTIMIZATION ALGORITHM FOR PRODUCTION PLANNING PROBLEM A. Akbarzadeh1, E. Shadkam2 1,2Department of Industrial Engineering, Faculty of Eng.; Khayyam University, Mashhad,Iran 2Department of Industrial Engineering, Isfahan University of Technology, Isfahan, Iran ABSTRACT Constrained Nonlinear programming problems are hard problems, and one of the most widely used and common problems for production planning problem to optimize. In this study, one of the mathematical models of production planning is survey and the problem solved by cuckoo algorithm. Cuckoo Algorithm is efficient method to solve continues non linear problem. Moreover, mentioned models of production planning solved with Genetic algorithm and Lingo software and the results will compared. The Cuckoo Algorithm is suitable choice for optimization in convergence of solution. KEYWORDS: Meta-heuristic algorithms, Cuckoo Optimization Algorithm, Lot Sizing, Production Planning. 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[22] Brank, J., Sceckenbach, B., Staein, M., Deb, K., Scmeck, H., Portfolio Optimization with an Envelope-Based Multi-Objective Evolutionary Algorithm, Eouropean Journal of Operational Reaserch, Vol. 199, 2009, pp. 684-693. Citation Count –02 A MULTI CRITERIA DECISION MAKING BASED APPROACH FOR SEMANTIC IMAGE ANNOTATION Hengame Deljooi and Somayye Jafarali Jassbi Department of Computer Engineering, Science and Research Branch, Islamic Azad University, Tehran, Iran ABSTRACT Automatic image annotation has emerged as an important research topic due to its potential application on both image understanding and web image search. This paper presents a model, which integrates visual topics and regional contexts to automatic image annotation. Regional contexts model the relationship between the regions, while visual topics provide the global distribution of topics over an image. Previous image annotation methods neglected the relationship between the regions in an image, while these regions are exactly explanation of the image semantics, therefore considering the relationship between them are helpful to annotate the images. Regional contexts and visual topics are learned by PLSA (Probability Latent Semantic Analysis) from the training data. The proposed model incorporates these two types of information by MCDM (Multi Criteria Decision Making) approach based on WSM (Weighted Sum Method). Experiments conducted on the 5k Corel dataset demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed model. KEYWORDS Automatic Image Annotation, Regional Contexts, Visual Topics, PLSA, Multi Criteria Decision Making For More Details :- Volume Link :- REFERENCES [1] A. Tousch, S. Herbin, J. Audlibert, (2012) “, ” Elsevier Ltd., Pattern Recognition, vol. 40, pp. 333-345. [2] D. Zhang, Md.M. Islam, G. “,” Elsevier Recognition, vol. 45. Lu, Ltd., (2011) Pattern [3] R. Datta, D. Joshi, J. 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Ponce, (2006) "," In Proceedings of IEEE Computer Society Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition, pp. 2169-2178. AUTHORS Hengame Deljooi received her B.Sc. in hardware computer engineering from Azad University of Qazvin and the M.Sc. degree in computer architecture from Azad University of Qazvin in 2008 and 2012 respectively, she is currently working toward the Ph.D. degree in Computer architecture at I slamic Azad University, Science and Research Branch. Her research intrests include Computer Architecture, Image Processing and Image Retrieval. Somayyeh Jafarali Jassbi received her B.Sc. in hardware computer engineering from Azad University of Tehran, South Branch in 2003. She also received the M.Sc. and Ph.D. degree in computer architecture from the Islamic Azad University, Science and Research Branch in 2007 and 2010 respectively. She is c urrently assistant professor in department of computer engineering of Science and Research Branch of Islamic Azad University. Her research intrests are Information Technology, Computer Arithmetic, Network Security and Cryptography. Citation Count –01 TEACHER’S ATTITUDE TOWARDS UTILISING FUTURE GADGETS IN EDUCATION Dr. Ajay Surana and Ms. Sushma Rani Head of the Department (Associate Professor), Department of Education, Banasthali University, Jaipur, Rajasthan, India Senior Research Fellow (UGC-SRF), Department of Education, Banasthali University, Jaipur, Rajasthan, India. ABSTRACT Today’s era is an era of modernization and globalization. Everything is happening at a very fast rate whether it is politics, societal reforms, commercialization, transportation, or educational innovations. In every few second, technology grows either in the form of arrival of the new devices/gadgets with millions of apps and these latest technological objects may be in the form of hardware/software devices. We are the educationists, teachers, students and stakeholders of present Indian educational system. These gadgets/devices are partly being used by us or most of them are still unaware of these innovative technologies due to the mass media or economical factor. So, there is a need to improvise ourselves towards utilizing the future gadgets in order to explore the educational uses, barriers and preparatoryneeds of these available devices for educational purposes. This paper aims to study the opinion of the teacher-educators about the usage of future gadgets in higher education. It will also contribute towards establishing the list of latest technological devices, and how it can enhances the process of teachinglearning system. KEYWORDS Futurology, Future Gadgets, Technological devices, Educational Technology. For More Details :- Volume Link :- REFERENCES [1] A.G. Almekhlafi., & F.A. Almeqdadi. (2010). Teacher’s Perception of Technology Integration in United Arab Emirates School Classrooms. Journal of Education Technology & Society, 13(1), 165- 175. 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(B.Ed.) classed since year 1998 (15+ years). Presently working as Head & Associate Professor, Department of Education, Banasthali University, Jaipur, Rajasthan. His areas of specialization are teaching of Mathematics, Edu. Technology, teaching of Mathematics, Edu. Technology, Computer Assisted Learning & Teaching and Educational Research. Citation Count –01 On Fuzzy Soft Multi Set and Its Application in Information Systems Anjan Mukherjee1 and Ajoy Kanti Das2 1Department of Mathematics,Tripura University, Agartala-799022,Tripura, India 2 Department of Mathematics, ICV-College, Belonia -799155, Tripura, India ABSTRACT Research on information and communication technologies have been developed rapidly since it can be applied easily to several areas like computer science, medical science, economics, environments, engineering, among other. Applications of soft set theory, especially in information systems have been found paramount importance. Recently, Mukherjee and Das defined some new operations in fuzzy soft multi set theory and show that the De-Morgan’s type of results hold in fuzzy soft multi set theory with respect to these newly defined operations. In this paper, we extend their work and study some more basic properties of their defined operations. Also, we define some basic supporting tools in information system also application of fuzzy soft multi sets in information system are presented and discussed. Here we define the notion of fuzzy multi-valued information system in fuzzy soft multi set theory and show that every fuzzy soft multi set is a fuzzy multi valued information system. KEYWORDS Soft set, fuzzy set, soft multi set, fuzzy soft multi set, information system. For More Details :- Volume Link :- REFERENCES [1] K.Alhazaymeh & N. Hassan, (2014) “”, Int. J. Pure and Applied Math., Vol. 93, pp511-523. [2] M.I.Ali, F. Feng, X. Liu, W.K. Minc & M. Shabir, “”, Math. Appl., vol. 57, pp1547-1553. (2009) Comp. 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Citation Count –35 BLIND AID : TRAVEL AID FOR BLIND Vidya Rao1, Pranoti Mane2, Aditya Kumar3and Lifna C.S4 Department of Computer Engineering, VES Institute of Technology, Mumbai, India ABSTRACT Visually impaired people face many problems in their day to day lives. Among them, outdoor navigation is one of the major concerns. The existing solutions based on Wireless Sensor Networks(WSN) and Global Positioning System (GPS) track ZigBee units or RFID (Radio Frequency Identification) tags fixed on the navigation system. The issues pertaining to these solutions are as follows: (1) It is suitable only when the visually impaired person is commuting in a familiar environment; (2) The device provides only a one way communication; (3) Most of these instruments are heavy and sometimes costly. Preferable solution would be to make a system which is easy to carry and cheap. The objective of this paper is to break down the technological barriers, and to propose a system by developing an Android App which would help a visually impaired person while traveling via the public transport system like Bus. The proposed system uses an inbuilt feature of smart phone such as GPS location tracker to track the location of the user and Text to Speech converter. The system also integrates Google Speech to Text converter for capturing the voice input and converts them to text. This system recommends the requirement of installing a GPS module in buses for real time tracking. With minor modification, this App can also help older people for independent navigation. KEYWORDS Blind Aid; Android App; GPS module; Google Speech to Text converter. For More Details :- Volume Link :- REFERENCES [1] Gulati, R. (2011)., 2(1), 1-5. [2] Loomis, J. M., Golledge, R. G., & Klatzky, R. L. (1998). Navigation system for the blind: Auditory display modes and guidance. 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[Online] AUTHORS Vidya Rao, Pranoti Mane, Aditya Kumar, Mrs. Lifna C.S Citation Count –01 PREDICTING ACADEMIC MAJOR OF STUDENTS USING BAYESIAN NETWORKS TO THE CASE OF IRAN Shiva Asadianfam 1, Mahboubeh Shamsi 2, Sima Asadianfam 3 1Department of Computer Engineering, Qom Branch, Islamic Azad University, Qom,Iran 2Department of Electrical & Computer Engineering, Qom University of Technology,Qom, Iran 3Department of Computer Engineering, Zanjan Branch, Islamic Azad University, Zanjan, Iran ABSTRACT In this study, which took place current year in the city of Maragheh in IRAN. Number of high school students in the fields of study: mathematics, Experimental Sciences, humanities, vocational, business and science were studied and compared. The purpose of this research is to predict the academic major of high school students using Bayesian networks. The effective factors have been used in academic major selection for the first time as an effective indicator of Bayesian networks. Evaluation of Impacts of indicators on each other, discretization data and processing them was performed by GeNIe. The proper course would be advised for students to continue their education. KEYWORDS Academic major selection, Field selection, Bayesian networks, GeNIe. For More Details :- Volume Link :- REFERENCES [1] Paivandi, Saeed. 2012, Februar 2. "Iran: Second Higher Education Cultural Revolution?" RetrievedFrom Http://Www.Universityworldnews.Com/Article.Php?Story=20101105221117557 [2] Gottleib, F.M. (2006), "Humanistic Leadership: Emotional Intelligence And Team Learning. [Dissertation Abstract D.M.]". University Of Phoenix. [3] Bish, M.R. (2004). "[31].pdf ". Unpublished Ed.D Dissertation, University Of Novth Carolina At Charlotte [4] Singh,S.K.(2007). "Role Of Emotional Intelligence In Organizational Learning : An Empirical Study". Singapore Management Review. [5] Kevin B. Korb, Ann E.Nicholson. 2011." ", Second Edition, Crc Press. [6] Bayat S., Cuggia M., Et Al., 2008. 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Citation Count –01 DEVELOPING PRODUCT CONFIGURATOR TOOL USING CADS’ API WITH THE HELP OF PARAMETRIC MODELING FOR DESIGN AUTOMATION OF HYDRAULIC ACTUATOR. A.K. Patil1 and R.B. Buktar2 1Post Graduate student, Department of Mechanical Engineering, SPCE, Mumbai-58 2Professor and Head of the Department (Mechanical Engineering), SPCE, Mumbai-58 ABSTRACT Order placingis a crucial phase of lifecycle of a Mass-customizable product and seeks improvement in Mechanical industry. ‘Product Configurator’ is a good solution to bring in data transparency and speed up the process. Configuration tools arebeing used on a very small scale,reasons being lack of awareness and dearer costs of existing tools. In this research work a product configurator is developedfor Hydraulic Actuator (HA).This method uses Applicable Programing Interface (API) of a CAD tool coupled with Visual Basics (VB) and MS Excel.Itis a standaloneapplication of VB and its integration into web portal can be the future scope. The final aim was to reduce time delay at CRM phase,bring more transparency in the ordering system and to establish a method which, small and medium scale enterprises canafford. Trails on the tool developed generated Part-Assembly drawings, BOM and JT files in moments. KEYWORDS Mass Customization, Configuration, CAD, API. For More Details :- Volume Link :- REFERENCES [1] P.T. Helo, Q.L. Xu, S.J. Kyllo¨nen, R.J. Jiao, Computers in Industry 61 (2010) 44–52, July 2009. [2] AlessioTrentin, Elisa Perin, CiprianoForza, Overcoming the customization-responsiveness squeeze by using product configurators: Beyond anecdotal evidence, Computers in Industry 62 (2011) 260– 268, Elsevier, September 2010. [3] Anders Haug, Lars Hvamb, NielsHenrik Mortensen,, Computers in Industry 63 (2012) 471–481, Elsevier, February 2012. [4] Martin Landherr, EngelbertWestkämper, Integrated Product and Assembly Configuration Using Systematic Modularization and Flexible Integration, Variety Management in Manufacturing. 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[10] Jonas Landahl, Dag Bergsjö, Hans Johannesson, Future Alternatives for Automotive Configuration Management, Conference on Systems Engineering Research (CSER 2014), Procedia Computer Science 28 (2014) 103 – 110, Elsevier, March 2014. [11] Kenn Steger-Jensena, CarstenSvensson,, Computers in Industry 54 (2004) 83–103, Elsevier, July 2003. [12] Sumitshrivastva_blogspot_in_2012_09_design_calculation_analysis_Mechanical Guru’s blog [13] Flavio S. Fogliatto, Giovani J.C. daSilveira, Denis Borenstein, The mass customization decade: An updated review of the literature, Int. J. Production Economics 138 (2012) 14–25. [14] GüntherSchuha, Stefan Rudolf a, Michael Riesenera, s_API_with_the_help_of_Parametric_Modeling_for_Design_Automation_of_Hydraulic_Ac tuator, Science Direct, Procedia CIRP 17 (2014) 290 – 295. [15] C. Forzaa and F. Salvador, Product configuration and inter-firm co-ordination: an innovative solution from a small manufacturing enterprise, Computers in Industry 49 (2002) 37–46. AUTHORS : Mr. Aniket K. Patil Post Graduate Student (M. Tech in Machine Design) Department of Mechanical Engineering Sardar Patel College of Engineering, Mumbai-58 Dr. Rajesh B. Buktar Ph. D. in Technology Prof.& Head of Department, Department of Mechanical Engineering Sardar Patel College of Engineering, Mumbai-58 Citation Count –01 COMPARATIVE ANALYSIS OF ROUTING PROTOCOLS IN MOBILE AD HOC NETWORKS Mohamed Elboukhari1, Mostafa Azizi1and Abdelmalek Azizi2,3 1Department of Applied Engineering, ESTO, Oujda, Morocco 2Departement Mathematics & Computer Science, FSO, Oujda, Morocco 3Academy Hassan II of Sciences & Technology, Rabat, Morocco ABSTRACT A Mobile Ad Hoc Network (MANET) is a collection of mobile nodes that want to communicate without any pre-determined infrastructure and fixed organization of available links. Each node in MANET operates as a router, forwarding information packets for other mobile nodes. There are many routing protocols that possess different performance levels in different scenarios. The main task is to evaluate the existing routing protocols and finding by comparing them the best one. In this article we compare AODV, DSR, DSDV, OLSR and DYMO routing protocols in mobile ad hoc networks (MANETs) to specify the best operational conditions for each MANETs protocol. We study these five MANETs routing protocols by different simulations in NS-2 simulator. We describe that pause time parameter affect their performance. This performance analysis is measured in terms of Packet Delivery Ratio, Average End-to-End Delay, Normalized Routing Load and Average Throughput. KEYWORDS Mobile Ad Hoc Network (MANET), Performance Parameters, AODV, DSR, DSDV, OLSR, DYMO For More Details :- Volume Link :- REFERENCES [1] Rahman A, Islam S, Talevski A. 2009. Performance measurement of various routing protocols in ad-hoc network”. 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[6] Sabina Barakovic, Suad Kasapovic, and Jasmina Barakovic. 2010.”, Telfor Journal, Vol. 2, No. 1. [7] Guntupalli Lakshmikant, A Gaiwak, P.D. Vyavahare. 2008. Simulation Based Comparative Performance Analysis of Adhoc Routing Protocols. Proceedings of TENCON 2008. [8] Chenna Reddy, P.; ChandraSekhar Reddy, P. 2006 ISAUHC '06, International Symposium on Ad Hoc andUbiquitous Computing, vol., no., pp.186-187, 20-23 Dec. [9] Kapang Lego, Pranav Kumar Singh, Dipankar Sutradhar. 2011. Comparative Study of Adhoc Routing Protocol AODV, DSR and DSDV in Mobile Adhoc NETwork. Indian Journal of Computer Science and Engineering Vol. 1 No. 4 364-371. [10] Ginni Tonk, Indu Kashyap, S.S. Tyagi. 2012. International Journal of Innovative Technology and Exploring Engineering (IJITEE)ISSN: 2278-3075,Volume- 1, Issue-1. [11] Li Layuan, Li Chunlin, Yaun Peiyan. 2007. Performance evaluation and simulation of routing protocols in ad hocnetworks. Computer Communications 30 (2007) 1890- 1898. 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Mostafa azizi received the diploma of engineer in automatic and computer industry in 1993 from school Mohammadia of engineers, Rabat, Morocco and he received the Ph. D in computer science in 2001 from the university Montreal, Canada. He is currently professor at university of Mohamed first, Oujda, Morocco. His main interests include aspect of real time, embedded system, security and communication and management of the computer systems in relation with process industry. Abdelmalek azizi received the Ph. D in theory of numbers in 1993 from university Laval, Canada. He is professor at department of mathematics in university Mohamed First, Oujda, Morocco. He is interesting in history of mathematics in Morocco and in the application of the theory of number in cryptography. Citation Count –01 INTELLIGENT AGENT FOR PUBLICATION AND SUBSCRIPTION PATTERN ANALYSIS OF NEWS WEBSITES W.D.R Wijedasa and Chathura De Silva Department of Computer Science Engineering, Faculty of Engineering University of Moratuwa, Sri Lanka ABSTRACT The rapid growth of Internet has revolutionized online news reporting. Many users tend to use online news websites to obtain news information. When considering Sri Lanka, there are numerous news websites, which are subscribed on a daily basis. With the rise in this number of news websites, the Sri Lankan authorities of media face the issue of lacking a proper methodology or a tool which is capable of tracking and regulating publications made by different disseminators of news. This paper proposes a News Agent toolbox which periodically extracts news articles and associated comments with the aid of a concept called Mapping Rules; to classify them into Personalized Categories defined in terms of keywords based Category Profiles. The proposed tool also analyzes comments made by the readers with the aid of simple statistical techniques to discover the most popular news articles and fluctuations in popularity of news stories. KEYWORDS News Articles; Mapping Rules; Personalized Classification; Category Profiles For More Details :- Volume Link :- REFERENCES [1] I. Flaounas, ‘’, University of Bristol, 2011. [2] A. Sun, E.-P. Lim, and W.-K. Ng, ‘Personalized classification for keyword-based category profiles’, in Research and Advanced Technology for Digital Libraries, Springer, 2002, pp. 61–74. [3] I. Flaounas, O. Ali, M. Turchi, T. Snowsill, F. Nicart, T. De Bie, and Cristianini, ‘’, in Proc. of the 2011 ACM SIGMOD international conference on Management of data, 2011, pp. 1275–1278. [4] L. Lloyd, D. Kechagias, and S. Skiena, ‘Lydia: A system for large-scale news analysis’, in String Processing and Information Retrieval, 2005, pp. 161–166. [5] R. J. 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Lim, ‘Automated online news classification with personalization’, in 4th international conference on Asian digital libraries, 2001. [9] “Parsing HTML Documents with the Html Agility Pack” [Online]. Available: [Accessed: 29-Apr-2013]. [10] Kohlschütter, P. Fankhauser, and W. Nejdl, ‘Boilerplate detection using shallow text features’, in Proceedings of the third ACM international conference on Web search and data mining, New York, NY, USA, 2010, pp. 441–450. [11] ‘Get Social Share Counts - A Complete Guide’, CUBE3X. [Online]. Available: [Accessed: 10-Oct-2013]. [12] [13] ‘Porter Stemming Algorithm’. [Online]. Available: /martin/PorterStemmer/index.html. [Accessed: 03-Jun-2013]. ‘IBM SPSS Statistics’, 29-Oct-2013. http:// [Online]. Available: [Accessed: 14-Oct-2013]. AUTHORS W.D.R Wijedasa received her M.Sc. Degree in Computer Science Engineering fro m University of Moratuwa Sri Lanka in 2014. She has been working as a Software Engineer at IFS RnD Pvt Limited from 2010. Her research interests are Data mining, Artificial Intelligence and Agent Technologies. Dr. Chathura De Silva received his MEng. Degree and Ph.D. Degree from National University of Singapore. He has been working as a Senior Lecturer at Department of Computer Science E ngineering University of Moratuwa Sri Lanka. He is the current Head of Department of Computer Science Engineering University of Moratuwa.