Computer Application in Geology
Recent papers in Computer Application in Geology
The purpose of this research is the analysis using meta-analysis of studies in the field of Educational Technology in Turkey and in the field is to demonstrate how to get to that trend. For this purpose, a total of 263 studies were... more
Computer-aided technologies (CAx) mean the use of computer technology to aid in the design, analysis and manufacture various products. International Journal of Computer-Aided technologies (IJCAx) is an open access, peer-reviewed journal... more
Order placingis a crucial phase of lifecycle of a Mass-customizable product and seeks improvement in Mechanical industry. 'Product Configurator' is a good solution to bring in data transparency and speed up the process. Configuration... more
Big data and machine learning are IT methodologies that are bringing substantial changes in the analysis and interpretation of scientific data. By adding GPU processing resources to the typical equipment of a server host, it is possible... more
Order placingis a crucial phase of lifecycle of a Mass-customizable product and seeks improvement in Mechanical industry. 'Product Configurator' is a good solution to bring in data transparency and speed up the process. Configuration... more
Geological map units commonly have labels and legends that are incompatible between neighbouring maps. GeoLegend is a relational database structure for use with Geographic Information Systems (GIS) that allows map units to be... more
A large no. of automobile companies finding a convinient way to manage design changes with the use of various PLM techniques. Change in any product is something that should occur on timely basis to match up with customer requirement and... more
Big data and machine learning are IT methodologies that are bringing substantial changes in the analysis and interpretation of scientific data. By adding GPU processing resources to the typical equipment of a server host, it is possible... more
The Pattern classification system classifies the pattern into feature space within a boundary. In case adversarial applications use, for example Spam Filtering, the Network Intrusion Detection System (NIDS), Biometric Authentication, the... more