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Indonesia memiliki beragam suku dan bangsa dari Sabang hingga Merauke. Kebhinekaan ini menjadi keunikan bagi Indonesia yang memiliki 1.340 suku bangsa dengan beragam budaya dan bahasanya. Kajian mengenai komunikasi antar budaya menjadi hal yang sangat penting. Kebudayaan merupakan komunikasi simbolis berupa keterampilan kelompok, pengetahuan, sikap, nilai, serta motif yang meliputi aspek kehidupan manusia secara rutin dalam keseharian baik dalam hal pandangan hidup maupun sistem nilai dalam masyarakat. Komunikasi antar budaya terjadi jika pengirim pesan berasal dari satu anggota budaya dan penerima pesan berasal dari anggota budaya lainnya. Komunikasi antar budaya menjembatani perbedaan-perbedaan antar budaya sehingga dapat mempersatukan manusia-manusia dari kelompok budaya yang berbeda. Terkait dengan perkembangan jaman, mulai tahun 2000 kita telah memasuki era revolusi industri 4.0. salah satu ciri khas dari revolusi 4.0 adalah digitalisasi informasi yang nyaris tanpa batas. Hal ini tentu mempengaruhi perubahan pola-pola komunikasi antar budaya yang ada di masyarakat. Kata kunci : komunikasi antar budaya, revolusi industri 4.0
The unlimited information digitalization as one of the influences that entered massively into Indonesia could be a positive and negative potential related to the empowerment of youth as a nation's asset. Multiliteration is the skill of using a variety of ways to express and understand ideas and information using conventional text forms as well as innovative text, symbols, and multimedia. Based on this premise, this study identified that the concept of multiliteration designed to answer the skills needed in the era of information digitalization requires the development of a framework of thinking in both conceptual and practical terms, in relation to the use of multimodal texts. This research uses a mixed research approach with a two-stage one-shot case study pre-experimental design. The first stage is the development of a one-phase questionnaire to identify the most effective forms of media and forms of information as sources of literacy, the second stage is documentation analysi...
Perkembangan yang pesat terkait era revolusi industri 4.0 mengakibatkan banyak bermunculan inovasi media komunikasi yang berhasil menembus batas geografis, sosial, dan politis secara intens. Hal ini merupakan salah satu karakteristik era revolusi industri 4.0. Ini merupakan momentum bagi para komunikator dalam komunikasi dakwah agar mampu meningkatkan kualitas komunikasi dakwah yang dilakukan. Pemanfaatan teknologi berupa inovasi media komunikasi diimbangi dengan kemampuan melalukan komunikasi dakwah yang efisien dan tertata dengan baik sebagai upaya menyampaikan pesan dakwah kepada komunikan. Mengingat arus teknologi yang berkembang sangat cepat di era ini, komunikasi dakwah sekiranya mampu menjadi filter masyarakat dalam memperoleh informasi.
Indonesian Journal of Islamic Communication, 2020
The Development of communication science in increasingly dynamic. The phenomena of health communication studies, tourism communication, corruption communication, for example, strengthen the position of communication science. The study tried to explain pesantren communication as a new study in communication studies. This paper examined through a qualitatif descriptive approach with a literature study that focussed on two important aspect, namely communication and Islamic boarding school (pondok pesantren). The study of communication has a dimension to analysis reality based on messages or symbols displayed in human interaction, like on Islamic boarding school community. Beside that, Islamic boarding schools community showed many messages to interpreted by communition study. The result of this study indicated that communication has the ability to interpreted many symbols or message on Islamic boarding community. And, Islamic boarding school as social change institution displays symbo...
Communication between central-regional leaders is a substance in building the Indonesian nation. The central leaders, both the President, the Minister, as well as the first and second echelon officials based in Jakarta, need a strategy in communicating with regional leaders, both the Governor and the Regent. Regional leaders have problems communicating with central leaders due to different cultures, as well as the style of each region so that it becomes a challenge in communicating. This article examines how the Communication Between Central and regional leaders in the Revolutionary Era. The article used the Contingency Theory (Situational). The theory discusses maximum leadership quality in a particular place. The descriptive research method used is seeing an object, a set of conditions, thoughts or an event (Nazir, 1985: 63). The results study indicates that communication between regional central leaders depends on one's leadership style and depends on the leaders' strateg...
In the era of industry 4.0, technology is projected to dominate all aspects of human life. As a consequence, various industries must be prepared and adapt to technological developments, if they do not want to be left behind and lose. Technological development and information flow are identified as environmental factors that influence the corporation as an organization both internally and externally. This article was created using qualitative analysis methods where the literature approach is the basis for analysis. The purpose of this discussion is to find out the conceptual understanding of communication in the industrial era 4.0. The conclusion of this article is strategic and adaptive corporate communication is very important, given the exchange of information between corporations, the public and the environment will create organizational harmony so that plans and activities can be coordinated and environmental uncertainty can be reduced. The right media identification and analysi...
The communication strategy is an important thing that must be considered by various parties. Along with the development of technology and communication in the 4.0 era, the communication strategies used have begun to be shifted by utilizing the use of social media as has been done by the Padang heritage community, which uses Instagram to disseminate the information so that it is known by a wider audience. This research used a qualitative descriptive method and was conducted in the city of Padang, with 6 informants who were members of the Padang Heritage Community. The conclusion of this study shows that in terms of designing a communication strategy carried out by the Padang heritage community on social media, Instagram also pays attention to communication components such as communicators, the channels used, audiences or targets, and the resulting feedback. In connection with this communication component, the Padang Heritage community also pays attention to the accuracy of the source...
Buku Pengantar Komunikasi Antar Budaya ini dapat digunakan sebagai pengantar bagi mahasiswa atau pembaca yang tertarik dan menekuni kajian komunikasi antar budaya. Isi buku ini mencakup tujuh bab, yaitu Komunikasi Antar Budaya, Identitas Individu, Identitas Budaya, Persepsi dan Nilai Budaya, Komunikasi Verbal dalam Konteks Komunikasi Antar Budaya, Komunikasi Non-Verbal dalam Konteks Komunikasi Antar Budaya, & Multikultural dan Media Massa. Selain itu, buku ini juga dilengkapi dengan sub-bab evaluasi bagi pembaca berupa bahan diskusi kelompok dan beberapa pertanyaan terkait dengan materi pada setiap bab-nya. [Bab 1, Komunikasi Antar Budaya memberikan penjelasan mengenai pengertian komunikasi dan budaya, peranan komunikasi dan budaya dalam menghadapi tantangan di era globalisasi, serta dilengkapi dengan contoh-contoh yang relevan dan menarik untuk memperkaya pengetahuan antar budaya.]
Proceeding Konferensi Nasional Ilmu Administrasi 2.0 (KNIA 2.0– 2018) STIA LAN Bandung, 2018
Dewasa ini perkembangan lingkungan strategis dunia industri mengalami perubahan dengan hadirnya revolusi industri generasi ke 4.0 yang berdampak pada kondisi sosial budaya masyarakat dunia. Fenomena disrupsi peradaban yang telah berlangsung saat ini akan terus berkembang dan merupakan tuntutan kita agar dapat bertahan dalam menghadapi ancaman, hambatan, gangguan, tangtangan (AHGT). Perubahan lingkungan internal dan eksternal yang dihadapi suatu bangsa senantiasa memiliki aspek positif maupun negatif. Ada pihak yang diuntungkan dan ada pihak yang dirugikan oleh adanya perubahan itu. Dalam tulisan ini memadukan penelusuran empirik terhadap peran tujuan sosial budaya dikembangkan dan dikelola untuk: (1) Membangun masyarakat madani, (2) Menciptakan dan memelihara kehidupan sosial yang adil, tertib, aman, nyaman, harmoni dan dinamik, (3) Menyelaraskan dan memperkuat nilai-nilai lokal dan nilai-nilai tradisi yang lebih konstruktif, lebih produktif, dan makin bersahabat dengan nilai-nilai modern dan nilai-nilai universal, serta (4) Memajukan peradaban bangsa di antara peradaban bangsa-bangsa di dunia. Hasil analisis sebagai berikut: 1. Terwujudnya masyarakat madani Revolusi karakter bangsa dalam konsep Nawacita memajukan peradaban bangsa melalui pendidikan karakter, 2. Menggugah kehati-hatian pemerintah dan masyarakat dalam rangka kewaspadaan nasional dengan menguatkan sistem ketahanan nasional, 3. Masyarakatnya beraneka ragam suku bangsa, adat budaya dan bahasa yang berbeda-beda, memiliki potensi alam dan letak geografi serta geopolitik dan geostrategik yang unik, 4. Majunya peradaban bangsa dengan mengimplementasikan roadmap dalam menghadapi era Revolusi Industri 4.0 melalui making Indonesia 4.0. Kata Kunci: Ketahanan Nasional, Ketahaan Sosial budaya, Revolusi Industri 4.0
Jurnal Sosioteknologi, 2014
Issues of humanitarian crisis experienced by ethnic Rohingya back public interest. They have to leave the country and identified him as of asylum seekers. The search the asylum finally get them to the evacuation of hotel the rainbow of the city of Medan that is under the supervision of home detention immigration Medan. Research methodology used in this research is the method descriptive qualitative. The results of the study shows that in social intercourse that took place on ethnic Rohingya in the city of Medan, has resulted in the social process associative namely accommodation. Accommodation is the process of adjusting social occurring in a interaction. Communication and culture like two sides of the coin that cannot be separated. Communication individual influenced by the culture she had been learning as a kid. Therefore, ethnic Rohingya have to do adaptation to can keep existence her during years be in Medan. Forms example of an adaptation done by ethnic Rohingya in the city of Medan of language, food, clothing, way serve, and the state of the geographical.
El otro Occidente. Revista de Ciencias Sociales y Crítica Cultural, año 2, núm. 3, enero-junio, 2024
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