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Apresentação durante o VII Seminário Interno Linguagem & Cognição, SILC, evento satélite da 70 ª Reunião Anual da SBPC (UFAL).
Reunimos, aqui no Porto, as pessoas que em Portugal estão nessa "onda", rodeando-a de alguns nomes que são autoridade nessa área. Quis dizer aos Colegas de Psicologia, de Filosofia, de Sociologia, de Ailtropologia (os estereótipos começaram aí), o que estamos a fazer num domínio próximo ao deles. Isto é um começo. '' [ADESSE LOCIOI [ ] n, LOCP1 ] ti & [ADESSE LOCIO1 [ ] n, LOCP 2 ] ti + k& [ADESSE LOCIOI [ ] n, LOCP 3 ] ti +I." in which the representation of an entity E, placed at three different places LOCP1, LOCP2, LOCP3 at three different sequential moments ti, ti + k and ti + 1 is clearly pictured. As far as our corpw analysis is concerned, the only problem resides on the fact that it is too schematic, since it could represent the whole of the above mentioned examples but it could also illustrate any other sentences with different verbs and different prepositions. " Tlze Iberian lang~tuges present aizother type of polysenzy thnt is relutecl eitlzer to the spatial insertion of a s~lrface or to tlze sputinl insertioiz of tlze interior o f mz area or volurne, using the sarne preposition en/em " (our translation). Furthermore, in our opinion, the use of em in sentences is ambiguous since it establishes a space insertion of the trajectos within a bounded landmark, but not necessarily an enclosed one7. 011 focusing on the lexicalization patterns, on the one hand, we are struck by the fact that the lexical item passear is not as specific as wandern because, as widely proven by Almeida (1995), the Portuguese language, differently from the German, must not necessarily lexicalize specific action, adopting frequently a generic perspectivization. On the other I-iand, it stands out that andar de carro is conceived as a complex lexicalization pattem, different fi-om the German that lexicalizes it exclusively at verbal level in fahretz. 9 Cienki (1997:6) " A properly common to almost a11 iinage scheinas is that they can be realized i11 eitlier a static or a dyilamic fashion." projet profite du soutien financier de la Fédération de Recherche Allemande (DFG).
Language 87: 830-844, 2011
It is with great pleasure that I launch the International Journal of Language and Culture (IJoLC). As stated in the call for papers for the Journal, the aim of the IJoLC is to disseminate cutting-edge research that explores the interrelationship between language and culture. The Journal is multidisciplinary in scope and seeks to provide a forum for researchers interested in the interaction between language and culture across several disciplines, including linguistics, anthropology, applied linguistics, psychology, and cognitive science. The Journal publishes high-quality, original, and state-of-the-art articles of either theoretical or empirical orientation that will advance our understanding of the intricate relationship between language and culture. Topics of interest to IJoLC include, but are not limited to, the following:
CÓDIGO: 1023302 UC: 2 DEPARTAMENTO/CARRERA: Cs. Sociales NUCLEO ACADEMICO: Idiomas PRE-REQUISITO: Inglés 1 CO-REQUISITO: Ninguno HORAS SEMANA: 3 TEORIA: 1 LAB/PRACTICA: 2 SEMESTRE: 2010-3 VIGENCIA: 2011 OBLIGATORIA: X ELECTIVA ELABORADO POR: Lic. Luz Angela Cañas, Lic. Jersus Colmenares, Lic. Blanca Urdaneta COLABORADOR: Lic. Gerzon Cárdenas
The International Congress of Educational Sciences and Linguists (ICEL 2022) 29-30 November 2022, The Netherlands ABSTRACT BOOK Editor Prof. Dr. Emilia ALAVERDOV ISBN: 978-625-8284-25-6 Publishing Date: 05.12.2022 All rights of this book belong to Global Academy Publishing House. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored, retrieved system, ortransmitted, in any form or by any means, without the written permission of the Global Academy Publishing House. Norbe otherwise circulated in any form of binding or cover. ©Copyright December, 2022 Certificate No: 64419 Global Academy Publishing House The individual essays remain the intellectual properties of the contributors. All papers published in this abstract book have been peer reviewed.
Journal of Applied Studies in Language Call for papers and Peer Reviewers Journal of Applied Studies in Language, ISSN 2598-4101 (print), ISSN 2615-4706 (online), published by Politeknik Negeri Bali, Indonesia. The journal is indexed by DOAJ, GOOGLE SCHOLAR, DOI / CROSSREF, IPI / GARUDA, and EBSCO. Journal of Applied Studies in Language is focusing on research in languages and language teaching. The journal covers two main areas: Linguistics and Language Teaching. Linguistics, including, but not limited to, Phonology, Morphology, Syntax, Semantics, Literature, Pragmatics, Discourse Analysis, Language Acquisition, Sociolinguistics and Psycholinguistics and Language Teaching, such as First Language and Second Language Teaching, and Computer Assisted Language Learning (CALL). Journal of Applied Studies in Language is indexed by DOAJ, GOOGLE SCHOLAR, DOI / CROSSREF, IPI / GARUDA, EBSCO.
Language Learning & Language Teaching, 2014
Linguistic expressions frequently make reference to the situation in which they are uttered. In fact, there are expressions whose whole point of use is to relate to their context of utterance. It is such expressions that this article is primarily about. However, rather than presenting the richness of pertinent phenomena (cf. Anderson & Keenan 1985), it concentrates on the theoretical tools provided by the (standard) two-dimensional analysis of context depen
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