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desconhecido, 2011
Os Primórdios da Computação Apesar dos computadores eletrônicos terem efetivamente aparecido somente na década de 40, os fundamentos em que se baseiam remontam a centenas ou até mesmo milhares de anos. Se levarmos em conta que o termo COMPUTAR significa fazer cálculos, contar, efetuar operações aritméticas, COMPUTADOR seria então o mecanismo ou máquina que auxilia essa tarefa, com vantagens no tempo gasto e na precisão. Inicialmente o homem utilizou seus próprios dedos para essa tarefa, dando origem ao sistema DECIMAL e aos termos DIGITAL e DIGITO. Para auxílio deste método, eram usados gravetos, contas ou marcas na parede. A partir do momento que o homem pré-histórico trocou seus hábitos nômades por aldeias e tribos fixas, desenvolvendo a lavoura, tornou-se necessário um método para a contagem do tempo, delimitando as épocas de plantio e colheita. Tábuas de argila foram desenterradas por arqueólogos no Oriente Médio, próximo à Babilônia, contendo tabuadas de multiplicação e recíprocos. Acredita-se que tenham sido escritas por volta de 1700 a.C. e usavam o sistema sexagesimal (base 60), dando origem às nossas atuais unidades de tempo. O Ábaco Na medida em que os cálculos foram se complicando e aumentando de tamanho, sentiu-se a necessidade de um instrumento que viesse em auxílio, surgindo assim há cerca de 2.500 anos o ÁBACO. Este era formado por fios paralelos e contas ou arruelas deslizantes que, de acordo com a sua posição, representava a quantidade a ser trabalhada. O ábaco russo era o mais simples: continha 10 contas, bastando contá-las para obtermos suas quantidades numéricas. O ábaco chinês possuía 2 conjuntos por fio, contendo 5 contas no conjunto das unidades e 2 contas que representavam 5 unidades. A variante do ábaco mais conhecida é o SOROBAN, ábaco japonês simplificado (com 5 contas por fio, agrupadas 4x1), ainda hoje utilizado, sendo que em uso por mãos treinadas continuam eficientes e rápidos para trabalhos mais simples.
Η επί τριάντα χρόνια (1861-1891) αλληλογραφία στη γερμανική γλώσσα του Δανοαυστριακού Θεοφίλου Χάνσεν, από τη Βιέννη, με τον Γερμανό Ερνστ Τσίλλερ, που βρισκόταν στην Αθήνα, είναι μια συγκλονιστική μαρτυρία ζωής, μαθητείας, φιλίας, σεβασμού και επαγγελματικής δράσης. Είναι όμως και πηγή για τη μελέτη δύο πόλεων του 19ου αιώνα, της Βιέννης και της Αθήνας, μέσα από την αρχιτεκτονική στη γένεση νέων εποχών.
of number four, Privet Drive, were proud to say that they were perfectly normal, thank you very much. They were the last people you'd expect to be involved in anything strange or mysterious, because they just didn't hold with such nonsense.
Ramli Harahap, 2023
Kini kita tiba pada Minggu "Akhir Tahun Gerejawi" (Ujung Taon Parhuriaon) dan sekaligus "Parningotan di angka nadung monding" (Mengenang Orang yang Sudah Meninggal). Sebagai minggu akhir penutup kalender gerejawi, tentu kita masing-masing perlu merenung ulang (flasback) perjalanan kehidupan selama satu tahun kalender gerejawi ini. Kita boleh mengevaluasi kinerja pelayanan dan keuangan Gereja selama setahun. Kita boleh melihat capaian yang telah kita lakukan dan program yang tidak bisa kita selesaikan. Kita juga belajar dari kegagalan dan meningkatkan keberhasilan kita menuju pelayanan yang lebih baik tentunya ke tahun Baru Pelayanan Gerejawi yang akan datang.
To download it, please, go temporaneously to this address: A first catalogue of the sectilia pavimenta and marble floors of Athens during the Roman and Early Christian period is proposed here. The collected data provide a clear frame of the topographic and chronological distribution of this type of artefacts and allow the reconstruction of the repertoire of the marbles and of the type of decorative compositions. The identification of the way in which they were used in different architectural contexts concludes the analysis.
American Anthropologist, 2007
Sport & Militarism (Routledge: New York), 2017
Language and Health, 2023
This article provides readers with an overview of a population of clients that requires special consideration in healthcare settings: children and adults with communication disorders. In addition to standard barriers to effective communication between patients and doctors, people with communication disorders face a further challenge-communicating with medical and health professionals when their speech and language skills are impaired. The article examines how communication skills may fail to develop normally in the early years or may break down in adulthood and later life in the context of illness, injury or disease. Several communication disorders are illustrated using a lifespan perspective. The prevalence and impact of communication disorders are also considered. Finally, the article examines how communication disorders are assessed and treated by speechlanguage pathologists. The discussion serves as a primer or orientation for health practitioners and communication researchers to an important population of clients who have largely been neglected in health communication research that has been conducted to date. 2. Characterizing communication disorders A communication disorder is an impairment of any of the processes by means of which speakers produce, and hearers comprehend, spoken, written, or signed utterances. The impairment can have its onset before,
il pensiero storico, 2023
The eastern Mediterranean is a tectonically complex region evolving in the long term located in the midst of the progressive Afro-Eurasian collision. Despite years of investigation, its geological-geophysical structure is not completely known. At the same time, the recent discovery of large gas deposits has attracted the attention of many researchers to this region. For instance, the latest U. S. Geological Survey estimates using conventional assessment methodology suggest that there are on the order of 1.7 billion barrels of recoverable oil and more than 4 trillion m 3 of recoverable gas in the Levant Basin [1]. This highlights the need for analysis of the paleogeographical conditions that can yield deep paleotectonic criteria for oil and gas discovery in this region. For this purpose, isopach maps of the Middle-Upper Jurassic and Lower Cretaceous were generated from detailed examinations of numerous well sections and the most significant outcroppings in the eastern Mediterranean. The maps confirm an earlier model of continental accretion [2]. In particular, abrupt changes in the trend and thickness of the Early Mesozoic formations coincide with the terrane boundaries. These compiled isopach maps also pinpoint significant distinctions between the Arabian and Sinai plates on the one hand and the Syrian arc on the other. A new tectonic map of the eastern Mediterranean is presented that first of all integrates geophysical satellite-derived gravity and airborne magnetic fields, as well as tectonic-structural, paleogeographical and facial analyses. The results have clear implications for hydrocarbon prospecting in this region.
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International Journal of Celiac Disease, 2021
Archivos de coloproctología
Baghdad Science Journal
Pediatria (São …, 2005
International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health
International Journal of Coal Geology, 2014
Applied Physics Letters, 2009
Progress of Theoretical Physics, 1980
Ciência Rural, 2001
IET-UK International Conference on Information and Communication Technology in Electrical Sciences (ICTES 2007), 2007
International Journal of Innovative Research and Development, 2015