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2017, Gavarres
5 pages
1 file
Encara avui ens sobta com alguns noms, no només de cases o indrets, sinó també de parròquies i veïnats, els podem veure escrits de diferents maneres. És el cas de Santa Seclina o Caulès.
Glosas Croniquenses, 2020
Significado de la palabra Ceque, entendido como líneas imaginarias o caminos que salían de la ciudad del Cusco los cuales contaban con huacas.
Objectives: Data have been collected and analyzed from the quantitative point of view in order to know the Subjective Psychological Well-being of mothers who work outside their homes, playing a maternal and a professional role at the same time.
Se hace una revisión actualizada acerca del tema de las tetraciclinas. Éstos han sido antibióticos ampliamente utilizados desde el comienzo de la era de la antibioticoterapia y mucho se pudiera escribir a propósito del uso, desuso y abuso de que han sido objeto los mismos. Se hace énfasis en el espectro antimicrobiano, algunos aspectos farmacológicos y usos clínicos; se hace un pequeño aparte para la doxiciclina.
ZPE 224, 2022, 291-296
19 Lewis & Clark L. Rev. (forthcoming 2015)
The United States Constitution could soon be re-written by the states. Article V of the Constitution authorizes two-thirds of the state legislatures to bypass Congress and demand a convention to initiate federal constitutional amendments addressing any number of issues. States have adopted resolutions calling for a convention to consider amendments that would, among other things, require a balanced federal budget, eliminate life tenure for Supreme Court Justices, constitutionalize universal healthcare, and even invalidate bulwark rulings such as Roe v. Wade. In April 2014, Michigan arguably became the thirty-fourth state to adopt such a resolution, and convention supporters believe that a convention should now be convened. Although many observers believe that the current convention movement is a political gimmick unlikely to succeed, Article V’s amendment procedures raise fundamental questions about how the amendment power should be allocated between levels of government. Why should subnational units such as states, provinces, and regions have significant influence in the amendment of national constitutions? How do other countries allocate the amendment power between levels of government? What are the likely risks and benefits that constitutional designers should consider when allocating the amendment power? Despite recent interest in constitutional amendment rules, scholars have not fully addressed many of these issues. This article presents findings and analysis from a comprehensive study of decentralization in national constitutional amendment rules. It provides constitutional designers and scholars with a useable model for understanding how and why constitutional amendment rules might be structured to include subnational units in the amendment process. Based on an exhaustive review of the amendment rules in the approximately 191 extant national constitutions, the article claims that there are currently five dominant decentralization mechanisms. The article further claims that although there are real risks associated with strong decentralization of the amendment power, there are several sound normative justifications for including subnational units in the amendment process. Finally, although one might expect decentralization of the amendment power to correspond to lower amendment rates, the article finds that amendment rates in strongly decentralized systems are actually higher than amendment rates in countries with centralized procedures. In sum, this article contributes to the study of comparative constitutional design by providing a systematic approach to decentralization of the amendment power.
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Revista Facultad de Ingeniería Universidad de Antioquia