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European Scientific Journal, ESJ, 2024
The study, which is being conducted in the context of the widespread use of information technology in Moroccan companies, focuses on examining the success factors of IT implementation. This is a crucial step in maximizing the value of information technology investments. The goal is to address concerns regarding the delay in digital transformation and the role of information technology in establishing a sustainable and irreplaceable competitive advantage. The research methodology utilizes a qualitative approach, specifically a single case study with semi-structured interviews for data collection. The theoretical framework incorporates the resource-based view (RBV) and contingency theories. The key findings of the study emphasize the challenges encountered during information technology implementation, especially concerning the complementarity of organizational and human resources with information technology resources. Based on these challenges, the factors contributing to successful information technology implementation are categorized into three groups: pre-implementation phase, alignment of information technology strategy, and collaboration and coordination among all stakeholders involved in the implementation process.
Bernafas adalah hal yang harus terus menerus dilakukan oleh mahkluk hidup baik tumbuhan, manusia, maupun hewan agar dapat melanjutkan hidup. Pernapasan adalah pertukaran gas yang dibutuhkan untuk metabolisme dalam tubuh. Alat pernafasan pada setiap jenis mahkluk hidup pun berbeda tergantung pada habitat yang mahkluk hidup tempati atau menyesuaikan habitat nya. Seperti halnya pada hewan meiliki berbagai macam saluran pernafasan seperti paru-paru yang dimiliki oleh mamalia,reptilia, amphibi , Cacing (Annelida) dan Amphibia memiliki kulit yang berfungsi juga sebagai tempat pertukaran gas. Ikan mengambil oksigen yang berada di lingkungannya (air) dengan menggunakan sistem insang. Sebagian besar Arthropoda, terutama serangga, telah memiliki sistem saluran pernapasan. Meskipun demikian, terdapat kelebihan dan kekurangan pada setiap mekanisme pernapasan yang dimiliki oleh setiap makhluk. Respirasi Hewan Vertebrata 1. Sistem Respirasi Pada Aves (Burung) Burung adalah hewan berdarah panas, sama seperti mamalia ,sehingga suhu pada tubuh burung bersifat stabil. Karena burung memiliki reseptor pada bagian otak yang dapat mengatur suhu tubuh, sehingga burung dapat melakukan aktivitas pada suhu lingkungan yang berbeda. Burung menggunakan paru-paru dan pundi hawa (pundi-pundi udara) sebagai alat pernafasanya. Burung memiliki dua lubang hidung, yaitu : a. Lubang hidung luar terletak pada pangkal paruh bagian atas b. Lubang hidung dalam terletak pada langit-langit rongga mulut Trakea pada burung sama seperti pada manusia yaitu berupa tulang rawan yang berbentuk cincin-cincin. trakea bercabang menjadi bronkus kanan dan kiri. Bronkus kanan dan kiri merupakan penghubung siring dengan paru-paru. Didalam siring terdapat lipatan-lipatan berupa selaput yang dapat bergetar menghasilkan suara. Burung memiliki sepasang paru-paru yang menempel pada dinding bagian dalam. Paru –paru sendiri terbungkus oleh selaput paru-paru (pluera) yang berhubungan dengan pundi-pundi hawa. Paru-paru burung tidak memiliki alveolus ,sebagai ganti fungsinya adalah parabronki (Pembuluh kapiler yang berdampingan dengan kapiler darah). Selain itu burung juga tidak memiliki diafragma sehingga dalam pergerakan paru-paru (inhale-exhale) dibantu oleh rongga seluruh tubuh. Fungsi pundi-pundi hawa pada burung : 1. untuk bernapas saat terbang 2. memperkeras suara dengan memperbesar ruang siring
The area under investigation is located on the southern terrace of Tâncăbești Lake, located in Snagov District, north of Bucharest, Ilfov County. The archaeological complexes identified consist of pits belonging to the Second Iron Age (La Tène) and a single complex, belonging most probably to the period of the 6th-7th Centuries. The ceramic fragments identified date from the2nd-1st Centuries BC, most of them being parts of jar-type vessels, decorated on the body with a girdle placed vertically or horizontally on the pot surface. In general, these are tall jars with slightly arched walls and an upturned rim, with a straight base. In a smaller number and made of a grey or yellowish-white paste, were identified (mostly in pits) fragments of the upper part of some fruit bowls and a single conical strainer. In one of the pits, a fragmentary amphora and several other fragments belonging to possible table amphorae were discovered at the base of the filling. In the fill of one of the pits investigated, we discovered 10 clay weights n a level mixed with fragments of adobe that preserve the imprint of wooden posts and poles from the structure of a burnt house. From the 6th-7th Century dwelling were recovered several fragments belonging to a pot with curved-shaped walls were discovered on the hearth oven.
Asian Journal of Business and Management, 2018
The purpose of this study is to find the characteristics that affect social entrepreneurs' level of social contribution, and what should be done to empower social entrepreneurs with the observed characteristics to fulfill the needs of social welfare in Indonesia. In total, 106 valid units-of-research from a survey with a base response number of 5,620, provided by the GEM report of 2015, are analyzed, using a multiple linear regression method to find the characteristics of the social entrepreneurs. Previous literature is used to provide suggestions for practical implication. Based on the Five Social Entrepreneurial Characteristics, it is found that the only characteristic which significantly affects social entrepreneurs' level of social contributions is perseverance. To nurture this attribute, social entrepreneurs could be driven to develop active partnerships with NGOs. Active partnerships would make social entrepreneurs develop not only perseverance, but also become more competent in contributing to social issues. This research is very specific for social entrepreneurs in Indonesia, and points to the possibilities of resorting to social entrepreneurs for fulfilling the demand of social welfare support rather than only depending on the government or NGOs. In addition, instead of encouraging the establishment of more social entrepreneurs, this research aims to foster their potential.
Research on Growth Studies Seaweed (Eucheuma cottonii) with Various Different Planting Methods on Kalianda Strait, South Lampung" was done March until April 2010. The aim of this research ware to know and analyze the ratio of floating raft method, long line method, and off-bottom method to growth from Eucheuma cottonii covering as follows : growth rate; growth relative; and weight accretion. The data obtained were analyzed using parametric statistics with more than two different test groups (One Way ANOVA) and continued with LSD test on α = 5% level if data was significantly affected. The results of showed that the floating raft method is more effective than other farming methods. The highest growth rate of Eucheuma cottonii on the floating raft method amounted to 48.40% gr / day. As the same with highest growth relative was found in the floating raft method amounted to 1.569 g and weight accretion of highest on the method of long line of 122.39 gr.
Abordagens Interdisciplinares sobre Plantas Medicinais e Fitoterapia: Saúde, Sustentabilidade e Biodiversidade
New Media and Mass Communication, 2020
The advancement of the present day technology enables the production of huge amount of information. Retrieving useful information out of these huge collections necessitates proper organization and structuring. Automatic text classification is an inevitable solution in this regard. However, the present approach focuses on the flat classification, where each topic is treated as a separate class, which is inadequate in text classification where there are a large number of classes and a huge number of relevant features needed to distinguish between them.This paper explores the use of hierarchical structure for classifying a large, heterogeneous collection of Afaan oromoo News Text. The approach utilizes the hierarchical topic structure to decompose the classification task into a set of simpler problems, one at each node in the classification tree. An experiment had been conducted using a categorical data collected from Ethiopian News Agency (ENA) using SVM to see the performances of the hierarchical classifiers on Afaan Oromoo News Text. The findings of the experiment show the accuracy of flat classification decreases as the number of classes and documents (features) increases. Moreover, the accuracy of the flat classifier decreases at an increasing number of top feature set. The peak accuracy of the flat classifier was 68.84 % when the top 3 features were used. The findings of the experiment done using hierarchical classification show an increasing performance of the classifiers as we move down the hierarchy. The maximum accuracy achieved was 90.37% at level-3(last level) of the category tree. Moreover, the accuracy of the hierarchical classifiers increases at an increasing number of top feature set compared to the flat classifier. The peak accuracy was 89.06% using level three classifier when the top 15 features were used.Furthermore, the performance between flat classifier and hierarchical classifiers are compared using the same test data. Thus, it shows that use of the hierarchical structure during classification has resulted in a significant improvement of 29.42 % in exact match precision when compared with a flat classifier.
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Pensamiento. Revista de Investigación e Información Filosófica
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