Scientia Horticulturae62 ( 1995) 45-56 zyxwvutsrqponmlkjihgfedcbaZYXWVU
Effect of shade on banana morphology, growth and
Y. Israeli”~“, Z. Plautb, A. Schwartzc zyxwvutsrqponmlkjihgfedc
“Jordan Valley Banana Research Station, Zemach 15132, Israel
bAgricultural Research Organization, The Volcani Center, Bet Dagan 50250, Israel
“The Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Rehovot 76100, Israel
Accepted9 December 1994 zyxwvutsrqponmlkjihgfedcbaZYXWVUTSR
The effect of three shade levels on morphology, growth and productivity of ‘Grand Nain’ (AAA)
bananas during their first and second production cycles was studied in the Jordan Valley, Israel. In
vitro propagated plants that were planted in the field in April 1990 were shaded with black Saran
screens of different densities, installed above the canopy level. The resultant photosynthetic photon
flux density (PPFD) was reduced to 80%, 60% or 30% of the unshaded control. Although only the
heaviest shade affected plant vegetative growth in the first cycle, bunch weight was reduced by 7%
and 32% under medium and heavy shade, respectively. A highly significant effect on vegetative
growth and production was observed during the second cycle. Flowering date was delayed by 6 days,
9 days and 15 days, and bunch weight was reduced by 8%, 21% and 55% under light, medium and
heavy shade, respectively. Yield was reduced by all levels of shade, owing to the combined effect of
reduced bunch weight and a lower stand. Shading reduced the rate of leaf emergence, leaf and foliage
area, plant height and pseudostem circumference. The leaves had thinner laminae, with a reduced
number of stomata and higher chlorophyll content. Our observations indicate a significant effect of
long-term shade on bananas, and the utilization of high levels of PPFD by the banana plant.
Ke.vwords:Banana; Banana morphology;Banana yield; Chlorophyll: Irradiance; Shade; Stomata
1. Introduction
Most wild banana species grow best in the open sun, as long as water is not a limiting
factor (Simmonds, 1962). Under deep shade, growth is restricted and ultimately the plants
die out. Most commercial banana production takes place in the tropics, where dense vege* Corresponding
0 1995 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved
46 zyxwvutsrqponmlkjihgfedcbaZYXWVUTSRQPONMLKJIHGFEDCBA
Y. Israeli et al. /Scientia Horticulturae 62 (1995) 45- 56
tation and cloud cover affect the amount of incident radiation. However, the information
available on the effect of light intensity on banana growth and production is scarce, although
much has been published on responses to increased density, where mutual shading is
There is only one report available involving a controlled study of banana growth under
different shade levels (Murray, 1961). In that experiment ‘Dwarf Cavendish’ bananas,
interplanted with cacao plants at a wide spacing of 3 m X 6 m, were grown in Trinidad under
shade which reduced incident light to 70%, 50% or 20% of full (100%) sunlight. Surprisingly, bunch weight was not affected, even at the heaviest shading. Rate of development,
as indicated by planting to harvest time, was slower at 20% of full sunlight, but under 50%
shade, neither production nor rate of development were affected.
Stover ( 1984) observed that when the density of a commercial banana plantation is high
and light transmitted to the understory is reduced to 10% of the above-canopy intensity,
growth and production of the plants are severely affected. He also reported that in a tropical
climate, rate of flowering declines significantly some 6 months after a period of low insolation (Stover and Simmonds, 1987), Robinson and Nel ( 1988,1989) observed a prolonged
cycle time and a decrease in bunch mass under increased plantation density in cv. ‘Williams’
growing in a subtropical climate. They proposed that the reduction in incident light to the
secondary canopy contributes to these effects.
In this experiment, we investigated the effect of reducing the incident light to the primary
canopy to 80%, 60% or 30% of full ( 100%) sunlight. Our main purpose was to simulate
the effect of naturally reduced irradiance caused by long periods of cloudiness. However,
shading could also be used as a management technique, e.g. to reduce frost damage, decrease
water consumption or delay fruit maturation. The effect on plant morphology, growth and
production during the first and second cycles is reported here. The effect on carbon assimilation and gas exchange characteristics will be reported separately.
2. zyxwvutsrqponmlkjihgfedcbaZYXWVUTSRQPONMLKJIHGFEDCBA
Materials and methods
In vitro propagated ‘Grand Nain’ (AAA) banana plants were planted in April 1990 in
the Jordan Valley, Israel (32”43’N, 35”36’E; 200 m below sea-level), in alluvial mineral
soil. Mean daily minimum and maximum temperatures for the coldest month, January, are
9.1”C and 17.6”C, respectively, and for the hottest month, July, 22.6”C and 37.0°C, respectively. The main rainy season is December-March, with an average annual rainfall of 386
Spacing was 3 m X 2.8 m, two bearing pseudostems per mat (a common commercially
used spacing), resulting in a density of 2381 plants ha-‘. The plantation was subjected to
standard agronomic practices, which included the incorporation of 200 m3 ha-’ cattle
manure and 1200 kg ha-’ superphosphate into the soil before planting, and an annual
application of 6 kg mat- ’ pelletized chicken manure. Both nitrogen (400 kg N ha- ’ year- ’
as ammonium nitrate) and phosphorus (50 kg P,O, ha- ’ year- ’ as phosphoric acid) were
applied via the drip irrigation system. No special application of potassium was necessary,
as the soil in the Jordan Valley is rich in this element. The plantation was irrigated daily
during the dry period (from April to November) with a total application of about 2500 mm;
Y. Israeli et al. /Scientia Horticulturae 62 (1995) 45- 56
E 240
% 70
- -,
2nd cycle
- - -1
L’ zyxwvutsrqponmlkjihgfedcbaZYXWVUTSRQPONMLKJIHGFEDCBA
2nd cycle
(% of unshaded control)
Fig. 1. Effect of reduced irradiance on (a) plant height (b) pseudostem circumference and (c) the area of the
plant’s largest leaf at flowering. Plant height was measured from the pseudostem base to the bunch axis arch.
Pseudostem circumference was measured at a height of 1 m from soil level. Leaf area was calculated from leaf
length X leaf width X 0.83. The plant’s largest leaf was the third to fifth youngest leaf (spade leaf not included).
Fig. 2. Effect of reduced irradiance on (a) zyxwvutsrqponmlkjihgfedcbaZYXWVUTSRQPONMLKJIHGFE
leaf thickness (b) specific leaf weight and (c) stomatal density. Leaf
thickness was measured with a micrometer at the central part of the lamina of the third to fifth youngest leaf, near
the central vein. Leaves were measured near time of harvesting of second-cycle fruit. Samples from the same
leaves were used to obtain leaf specific dry weight. Stomatal density was measured on the upper (adaxial) and
lower (abaxial) leaf surface. The central part of the lamina of the third to fifth youngest leaf was sampled during
the vegative stage of the first cycle.
Y. Israeli et al. /Scientia
62 (199.5) 45-56
class A pan evaporation for the same period was about 1500 mm. This resulted in low soilwater tension, ensuring that significant water stress was not a major limiting factor. Shading
treatments were begun in July 1990, after an initial 3 month period of establishment. Black
Saran screens of different densities were installed above the canopy at a height of 4.2 m,
covering plots of 12 m X 20 m containing five banana rows per plot. Growth and production
data were obtained from the internal three rows (30 plants per plot), whereas physiological
observations were performed on plants of the central row only ( 10 plants per plot).
The different densities of the Saran screens created different rates of shading. The actual
rate of photosynthetic photon flux density (PPFD) under the screens was measured with a
Li-190SA quantum sensor (Li-Cor, Lincoln, NE, USA) positioned horizontally at the level
of the upper leaves. These measurements were also repeated routinely during gas-exchange
measurements. The results indicated a transmission of 81%, 62% and 32% of available
photosynthetic active radiation ( 100%) during the period of maximum solar radiation, with
very small variation, for the light, moderate and heavy shades, respectively. Values of 80%,
60% and 30% are used for simplicity.
The shade treatments were replicated three times in a randomized block design, except
for the heaviest shade treatment, for which only one plot was established. Statistical analysis
included analysis of variance and Duncan’s multiple range test to compare means of replicated treatments, and Student’s t-test to compare the mean of the population from the nonreplicated treatment with the means of the other treatments (Statistical Analysis Systems
Institute, Inc., 1987).
Plant height, pseudostem circumference and leaf emergence were recorded monthly. Leaf
width and length were measured and leaf area was calculated using the formula
length X width X 0.83 (Summerville, 1944). Leaf samples were taken from the central part
of the lamina of the third to fifth youngest upper leaf from five plants per replication before
fruit harvest. Ten 1 cm* discs representing the entire lamina width were punched, and used
to obtain specific leaf weight (SLW) and chlorophyll content. Discs for chlorophyll extraction were kept in 98% ethanol, and the chlorophyll was extracted and its level determined
according to Wintermans and De Mots ( 1965). Discs for SLW determination were wrapped
with aluminum foil to minimize water loss, until fresh weight was determined. Dry weight
was obtained after oven-drying for 48 h at 70°C.
Stomata were counted on the upper and lower surfaces of the central part of the lamina
of the third to fifth youngest leaf. A negative print of the epidermis was obtained by applying
a thin layer of room temperature vulcanized silicone (RVT) adhesive. This was peeled off
and kept for future reference. For microscopic observation, a positive print was obtained
with a transparent polish. The number of stomata was counted under five microscopic
observation fields on each side of the leaf surface.
Bunch weight was recorded at harvest, and the central finger of the inner whorl of the
third basal hand was sampled to record its fresh weight, length and circumference. Yield
was calculated from the sum of gross weight of all bunches harvested from each experimental
plot. In Israel, where most of the fruit is marketed as whole bunches, this gives a close
approximation of commercial yield.
Y. Israeli et al. /Scientia Horticulturae 62 (1995) 45-56
3. Results zyxwvutsrqponmlkjihgfedcbaZYXWVUTSRQPONMLKJIHGFEDCBA
3.1. Plant morphology and leaf chlorophy ll content
Plant height, pseudostem circumference and leaf area (Fig. 1) were not affected by
reducing growth irradiance to 80% or 60% of full sunlight, but decreased significantly when
light was further reduced to 30% of full sunlight. A slight decrease in plant height was also
noted in the plants grown under 60% of available sunlight in the second cycle (Fig. 1(a) ) .
Of these characteristics, the strongest relative effect was recorded for plant height, which
was reduced by 16% and 18% under the heaviest shade, during the first and second cycles,
respectively, as compared with the unshaded control.
Leaf thickness was reduced in an almost linear fashion under reduced irradiance, as was
specific leaf weight (Figs. 2(a) and 2(b) ) . In both cases, the difference between 100% and
60% or 30% irradiance was statistically significant. Stomatal density was reduced under the
heaviest shade, especially on the adaxial leaf surface (Fig. 2(c) ) . Leaf chlorophyll content
increased with reduced h-radiance (Table 1) .
3.2. Rate of growth
Date of flowering was not affected during the first cycle. It was delayed, however, by 6
days, 9 days or 15 days with growth irradiances of 80%, 60% and 30% of the control,
respectively, during the second cycle (Fig. 3). Rate of growth in height was reduced during
the second cycle by the heaviest shade (Fig. 4), but a major portion of this height difference
was already evident at an early stage of sucker growth, suggesting a strong effect of the
time of sucker initiation.
Rate of leaf emergence was also affected. The number of leaves emerging during the 2
months between start of treatments and first-cycle flowering was 10.9 in full sunlight and
only 9.4 in 30% of full sunlight, a statistically significant difference of 1.5 leaves. An
accumulated difference of 3.8 leaves between the 30% treatment and the unshaded control
was recorded during the whole period of sucker growth during the second cycle. A slower
rate of leaf emergence was also recorded for the other shade levels, but the differences were
less significant (data not shown).
Table 1
Effect of reduced irradiance on leaf chlorophyll content (CIU, mg g -’ dry weight) during the first and second
growth cycles
Cm (mg g-l)
b-radiance (96) of full sunlight)
First cycle
Second cycle
Samples were taken from the central part of the lamina of the third to fifth youngest leaf. Mean separation by
Student’s t-test, P 2 0.05. Different letters in a row indicate statistically significant differences.
50 zyxwvutsrqponmlkjihgfedcbaZYXWVUTSRQPONMLKJIHGFEDCBA
Y. Israeli et al. /Scientia Horticulturae 62 (1995) 45- 56 zyxwvutsrqponmlkjihgfedcbaZY
O fo c Tr
1st cycle
(% of unshaded
control) zyxwvutsrqponmlkjihgfedcbaZYXW
Fig. 3. Flowering date, as affected by different levels of irradiance. The first cycle flowered in 1990, the second
in 1991.
3.3. Fruit production
Reduced irradiance resulted in a significant decrease in fruit production, especially during
the second cycle. In the first cycle, bunch weight was not affected when irradiance was
reduced to 80% of full sunlight. However, a reduction to 60% of full sunlight resulted in a zyxwvutsrqpo
250 l309
Date (1991)
Fig. 4. Growth in height of plants during the second cycle as affected by different levels of irradiance. Height of
plants at the vegetative stage was measured from the base of the pseudostem to the intersection of the petioles of
the two youngest leaves.
Y. Israeli et al. /Scientia Horticulturae 62 (1995) 45- 56
2nd cycle
G5 30
201 _-:::-1::ln*..
lrradiance (% of unshaded control)
Fig. 5. Bunch fresh weight as affected by different levels of irmdiance.
7% decrease in bunch weight, and a reduction to 30% of full sunlight resulted in a decrease
of 32% in bunch weight (Fig. 5). During the second cycle, decreases of 8%, 21% and 55%
in bunch weight were noted under it-radiances of 80%, 60% and 30% of the unshaded
control, respectively. The effects of 60% and 30% available sunlight on bunch weight were
statistically significant in both the first and second cycles.
Reduced bunch weight was mainly the result of reduced finger weight, as the number of
hands was only slightly affected (Figs. 6 and 7). Finger length was influenced mainly by
the highest shade level. The combined effect of shade on finger weight and finger length
14.0v) 13.0IS
c” 12.0.
2nd cycle
_ -I -
1st cycle
I ’ II
1 ’ ,I,
1 I ’ ,a,
lrradiance (% of unshaded control)
Fig. 6. Number of hands per bunch as affected by different levels of irradiance.
Y. Israeli et al. /Scientia
Horticulturae 62 (1995) 45-56
151 zyxwvutsrqponmlkjihgfedcbaZYXWVUTSRQPONMLK
lo o
Im a dia nw (96 o f unsha de d c m tro l)
Fig. 7. Finger fresh weight and length as affected by different levels of irradiance. The middle finger of the inner
whorl of the third basal hand was measured at time of harvesting.
resulted in lower fruit quality. Fruit grown under the heaviest shade had no commercial
Plant density declined under the heaviest shade during the second cycle (Table 2). This
was caused by poor sucker initiation and slow sucker growth; some of these suckers failed
to flower before winter (winter flowering gives noncommercial bunches in Israel), In a few
cases, choked bunches that failed to emerge were observed. The occurrence of these abnormalities was much more frequent in the third cycle, where they were also observed under
moderate shade (60% of full sunlight).
Decreased bunch weight and lower density resulted in a pronounced decrease in yield
with reduced irradiance (Table 2). A significant difference in yield was even obtained when
differences in bunch weight alone or density alone were not significant. Yield was reduced
in the second cycle by about 12 t ha-’ ( 15%) under light shade, by 19 t ha-’ (24%) under
moderate shade, and by 49 t ha-’ (61%) under the heaviest shade, as compared with the
unshaded control.
Harvest time was delayed, and the flowering-to-harvest
interval increased with reduced
irradiance (Figs. 8 and 9). This latter increase was already noticeable in the first cycle, but
was more obvious in the second cycle.
Y. Israeli et al. /Scientia
Horticulturae 62 (1995) 45-56
Table 2
Effect of reduced b-radiance on plantation density and yield in plant crop (first cycle) and first ratoon (second
Irradiance (% of full sunlight)
First cycle
Density (plants ha-‘)
Yield (t ha-‘)
Second cycle
Density (plants ha- ’ )
Yield (t ha- ’ )
Treatment means separation by Duncan’s multiple range test. Different lettersin a row indicate statistically
significant differences.
‘The.30% light treatment was not analyzed statistically, as this treatment was not replicated. zyxwvutsrqponmlkjihgfedcb
4. Discussion
A pronounced effect of reduced growth irradiance on banana plant morphology, anatomy,
rate of growth and fruit production was found in this study. The much stronger effect during
the second cycle was expected, as the shading treatments were begun only 2 months before
flowering of the first-cycle plants. The second-cycle suckers emerged after the shade treatments had begun and were therefore fully influenced by these treatments. Thinner leaves
(Fig. 2(a) ) , lower dry mass per unit leaf area (Fig. 2(b) ), fewer stomata, especially on
the adaxial surface (Fig. 2(c) ) and a higher chlorophyll content (Table 1) are all wellknown plant responses to partial shading (Boardman, 1977; Bjorkman, 1981; Givnish,
1988). Some of these changes have been reported for bananas grown under the canopy of
arecanut palms (Balasimha, 1989). Changes in single-leaf or foliage area and stem size in
response to shading are more specific to the species involved. Increased leaf area in response
to shade has been reported in a few tropical foliage plants (Fonteno and McWilliams, 1978)
and in zyxwvutsrqponmlkjihgfedcbaZYXWVUTSRQPONMLKJIHGFEDCBA
Ficus benjamina (Conover and Poole, 1977). No change in leaf area was induced
by reduced irradiance in eggplant, lettuce, soybean or sweet potato (Wolff and Coltman,
1989). A decrease in leaf
area was noted in peanuts (Wolff and Coltman, 1989) and papaya
(Buisson and Lee, 1993). In banana, we observed a decrease in leaf area, plant height and
pseudostem circumference, especially under the heaviest shade (Fig. 1)) and a delay in the
second-cycle flowering date at all shading levels, indicating a reduced rate of growth (Fig.
3). Reduced growth, shorter internodes and decreased stem diameter have also been
recorded for papaya plants grown under artificial shade (Buisson and Lee, 1993).
Murray ( 1961) reported shorter, compressed banana plants under heavy shade (only
20% of full sunlight). However, he did not observe a clear effect on growth rate. Our
findings are in accordance with those of Stover ( 1984), who observed a suppression in
sucker growth in the understory of a commercial plantation of very high density, and with
those of Stover and Simmonds ( 1987)) who reported a marked effect of solar radiation on
the rate of flowering.
Y, Israeli et al. /Scientia Horticulturae 62 (1995) 45-56
t ‘.
‘1 zyxwvutsrqponmlkjihgfedcbaZYXW
2nd cycle
I ’
lrradiance (% of unshaded control)
Fig. 8. Effect of different levels of irradiance on harvest date. First-cycle fruit was harvested in spring 1991, and
second-cycle fruit at the beginning of 1992.
2nd cycle
I ’ I ’ I ’ I ‘I
lrradiance (?A of unshaded control)
Fig. 9. Effect of different levels of irradiance on the flowering-to-harvest interval.
Robinson and Nel ( 1988) observed a significant decrease in leaf emergence rate and
increase in cycle duration when density was increased from 1000 plants ha-’ to 2222 plants
ha-’ and radiation available to the secondary canopy was reduced to 14% of full sunlight.
A slower rate of leaf emergence was also indicated in our study. In Israel, bananas produce
only one crop per year (and cycle). Date of flowering, however, is variable and highly
indicative with regard to rate of growth and development. The delay in flowering date
observed in our study is therefore comparable with the increased cycle interval under higher
densities observed by Robinson and Nel ( 1988).
Y. Israeli et al. /Scientia
62 (1995) 45-56
A most significant effect of irradiance on production, as indicated by total yield, bunch
weight, and single fruit size, was observed in our experiment (Figs. 5,7 and Table 2). This
is in contrast to the observations of Murray ( 1961), where extreme shade (20% of full
sunlight available, as compared with 30% of available sunlight under the heaviest shade in
our experiment) did not result in a statistically significant reduction in bunch weight. This
disagreement could be explained, as already mentioned by the author himself, by the wide
spacing used in his experiment, with practically no mutual shading, and by the fact that
only first-cycle results were recorded. A decrease in bunch mass and finger size under
increased density was reported by Robinson and Nel ( 1989). A response in bunch mass
was also obtained under different spatial arrangements (Robinson et al., 1989)) indicating
the sensitivity of this parameter to light conditions. A decrease in yield when available light
was reduced to 70% of full sunlight has also been reported for eggplant, soybean, peanuts
and sweet potato in Hawaii (Wolff and Coltman, 1989)) whereas lettuce production was
not affected by this mild shading.
It should be noted that the reduced bunch weight under reduced irradiance in our study
was primarily the result of reduced carbon assimilation and/or allocation to the fruit or
developing suckers. Morphogenetic changes, such as the number of hands per bunch, were
relatively small (Fig. 6).
An increase in the flowering-to-harvest
interval under shade was noted in our experiment
(Fig. 9) and has also been reported by Murray ( 1961) . This may also be the result of a
poor supply of photosynthates to the developing fruit.
Our research indicates that even a relatively small decrease in growth irradiance, to 80%
of full sunlight, may result in some decrease in production and fruit size. An important
question is whether these results are specific to the conditions under which our study was
performed, or if they are valid for a wide range of environments. Seasonality is an important
characteristic of banana growth and production in Israel (Oppenheimer, 1960; Ticho, 1970;
Israeli and Blumenfeld, 1985). The summer is a period of rapid growth and development,
whereas complete cessation of vegetative growth occurs during the winter. Solar radiation
measurements at the Jordan Valley Banana Experiment Station indicate a peak of about 25
MJ m-* day-’ during June-July, a minimum 5 MJ m-* day-’ in January, and an annual
average of about 16 MJ m-* day-’ (Y. Israeli, unpublished data, 1992). This later value
is very close to those obtained in the tropics (Stover and Simmonds, 1987).
Mutual shading in our experiment was high. The initial density of 2381 plants ha-’ was
significantly higher than that of 1840-1900 plants ha-’ commonly used for ‘Grand Nain’
in the tropics. Also, the method of planting and growing two plants (doubles) per mat may
have further contributed to mutual shading. These differences should be considered if the
results of this experiment are to be extrapolated to different cultivation systems.
Our study indicates the utilization of a high rate of solar radiation by banana plants,
although the threshold value and the magnitude of the effect of reduced irradiance might
change in accordance with local conditions. Limiting photosynthetic activity might be of
crucial importance for banana in the subtropics, where the growth period is limited. However, other environmental factors, especially temperature, may also play an important role.
In the tropics, light may be the main limiting factor when others, especially water and
nutrient supply, are near optimal levels.
56 zyxwvutsrqponmlkjihgfedcbaZYXWVUTSRQPONMLKJIHGFEDCBA
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