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Readers will note that this year’s report includes all invertebrates, not just insects – thanks to Malcolm Storey for the Ash-grey Slug, the first non-insect record this year – I hope you will all be looking out for the girdled snail Hygromia cinctella so I can add that to next year’s list. Special thanks are due to Hugh Carter for his previous stint with the ‘Other Invertebrates’, Hugh deserves our congratulations as he has been submitting recorder’s reports for different groups since 1966! The order of families and nomenclature used is that given in the standard Royal Entomological Society checklists supplemented by Bradley and Fletcher for the Lepidoptera. Records presented are selected and edited: full details of all records submitted are available for examination on application to the Recorder at the address above. It is encouraged that voucher specimens are retained or deposited with the Museum for critical species. In addition to the records presented below, Berkshire moth en...
Anderson, R. (2007a) Epuraea distincta (Grimmer) (Nitidulidae) new to Ireland. Coleopterist 16: 130. Anderson, R. (2007b) Mycetophagus multipunctatus Fabricius (Mycetophagidae) new to Ireland. Coleopterist 16: 100. Anderson R (2008a) Prionocyphon serricornis (Müller) (Scirtidae) in Northern Ireland. Coleopterist 17: 123-4. Anderson, R. (2008b) New records for Siagonium quadricorne Kirby and Atheta fungicola (Thomson) and Atheta crassicornis (Fab.
Northumbrian Naturalist, 2011
Coleoptera were collected from the Gosforth Park Nature Reserve in 2008, and to a lesser extent in 2009, using pitfall traps, an aerial interception trap, beating and sweeping of vegetation and by hand searching. A total of 221 species was recorded, including eighteen regionally notable, nine nationally notable and six new to Northumberland. Pitfall traps caught 2,577 Carabidae from thirty-nine species. Most were found in all trapping sites, except those typical of wetter habitats which were only caught near the lake. The results are compared with other records from the area and their significance is discussed.
Proper identification of pests and beneficial organisms found on landscape plants is vital if sound pest management is to be practiced. This paper presents techniques and information useful in the identification of some of the more commonly encountered insect larvae found on the leaves and bark of trees and shrubs. It is by no means an exhaustive summary but is intended to aid in the recognition of broad groups of insects including the larvae of moths and butterflies, sawflies, leaf beetles, lacewings, flies, and lady beetles. Through proper identification of larvae, practices that reduce the activities of or kill beneficial organisms can be avoided. Resume. L'identification de parasites et d'organismes benefiques que Ton retrouve sur les plantes d'ame'nagements est vitale si on veut pratiquer une gestion des parasites. Cet article presente des techniques et des informations utiles dans l'identification de quelques-unes des larves d'insects les plus souvent rencontrees sur les feuilles et I'ecorce des arbres et des arbustes. Ce n'est d'aucune fagon un resume exaustif, mais une intention d'aider dans la reconnaissance d'un large groupe d'insects incluant les larves de chenilles et papillons, tenthredes, coleopteres, hemerodes, mouches et coccinelles. Par une identification des larves, les pratiques qui reduisent les activites ou tuent des organismes b6nifiques peuvent etre evitees.
Ecological Entomology, 2001
1. 5054 adult beetles of 144 species were collected in a total of 696 1-m 2 collecting trays by knockdown insecticide fogging of 36 different oak trees in closed canopy woodland at Richmond Park, U.K., with three of the trees sampled on each of 12 dates, at 2-to 3-week intervals, between April and October 1984.
We record 201 alien curculionoids established in Europe, of which 72 originate from outside Europe. Aliens to Europe belong to fi ve families, but four-fi fths of them are from the Curculionidae. Many families and subfamilies, including some species-rich ones, have few representatives among alien curculionoids, whereas some others are over-represented; these latter, Dryophthoridae, Cossoninae and specially Scolytinae, all contain many xylophagous species. Th e number of new records of alien species increases continuously, with an acceleration during the last decades. Aliens to Europe originate from all parts of the world, but mainly Asia; few alien curculionoids originate from Africa. Italy and France host the largest number of alien to Europe. Th e number of aliens per country decreases eastwards, but is mainly correlated with importations frequency and, secondarily, with climate. All alien curculionoids have been introduced accidentally via international shipping. Wood and seed borers are specially liable to human-mediated dispersal due to their protected habitat. Alien curculionoids mainly attack stems, and half of them are xylophagous. Th e majority of alien curculionoids live in human-modifi ed habitats, but many species live in forests and other natural or semi-natural habitats. Several species are pests, among which grain feeders as Sitophilus spp. are the most damaging.
The Bible in India: Religion and Ethics (New Delhi: Mountain Peak Publications), 2017
Bulletin of University of Agricultural Sciences and Veterinary Medicine Cluj-Napoca. Agriculture
Journal for the Study of Judaism, 2014
Conceptos Históricos n°14, 2023
Journal of Psychology and Christianity, 2024
Rentz's Student Affairs: Practices in Higher Education, 6th edition, 2024
V Jornadas de Investigadores Predoctorales: La Historia del arte desde Aragón (Tarazona, Universidad de Zaragoza) 25-26 de noviembre, 2022
International journal of innovative technology and exploring engineering, 2019
Environment-Behaviour Proceedings Journal
International journal of medical toxicology and forensic medicine, 2022
Pierre-Martial Gaillard, 2024
Insect Biochemistry, 1986
Turkiye Klinikleri Journal of Medical Sciences, 2012
ENSUS2023 - XI Encontro de Sustentabilidade em Projeto
Phytologia …, 2005