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1990, Optical Interconnections and Networks
8 pages
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Mercury is the only atmospheric pollutant that is present in the atmosphere in atomic form. Range-resolved Hg mapping can be performed using the differential absorption lidar (dial) technique employing the 254 nm Hg resonance line. We have used the lidar technique both for mapping of industrial plumes and for background concentration measurements. Our studies also include mercury of geophysical origin. A field test has been performed in Icelandic geothermal fields. We have also attempted studies of Hg emission from lake surfaces.
Water Air & Soil Pollution, 1991
Mercury is the only atmospheric pollutant that is present in the atmosphere in atomic form. Range-resolved Hg mapping can be performed using the differential absorption lidar (dial) technique employing the 254 nm Hg resonance line. We have used the lidar technique both for mapping of industrial plumes and for background concentration measurements. Our studies also include mercury of geophysical origin. A field test has been performed in Icelandic geothermal fields. We have also attempted studies of Hg emission from lake surfaces.
Lidar for Remote Sensing, 1992
The application of a mobile differential absorption lidar (DIAL) system in monitoring the atmospheric distribution of atomic mercury is discussed. The DIAL technique using the 253.65nm Hg resonance line has been employed in studies of industrial emissions as well as geophysical manifestations. Hg concentrations down to the background value 2 ng/m3 can be measured.
Environmental pollution (Barking, Essex : 1987), 2018
A novel mobile laser radar system was used for mapping gaseous atomic mercury (Hg) atmospheric pollution in the Wanshan district, south of Tongren City, Guizhou Province, China. This area is heavily impacted by legacy mercury from now abandoned mining activities. Differential absorption lidar measurements were supplemented by localized point monitoring using a Lumex RA-915M Zeeman modulation mercury analyzer. Range-resolved concentration measurements in different directions were performed. Concentrations in the lower atmospheric layers often exceeded levels of 100 ng/m for March conditions with temperature ranging from 5 °C to 20 °C. A flux measurement of Hg over a vertical cross section of 0.12 km resulted in about 29 g/h. Vertical lidar sounding at night revealed quickly falling Hg concentrations with height. This is the first lidar mapping demonstration in a heavily mercury-polluted area in China, illustrating the lidar potential in complementing point monitors.
Atmosphere, 2020
Measurements of the atmospheric concentration of polluting atomic mercury were performed using the differential absorption lidar (DIAL) technique in the Lintong district, about 35 km northeast of Xi’an, the capital of the Shaanxi province, China. Concentrations ranging from 2 to 13 ng/m3 were observed. As uniquely enabled by the lidar technique, representative average concentrations, integrated over a considerable volume, were recorded and put in relation to weather conditions, and vertical concentration profiles were measured. Considerable local non-uniformities were also observed, which may indicate the presence of localized hot-spots in the area, possibly related to ancient tombs.
Atmospheric Environment, 2005
Mercury emission measurements from the Idrija mercury mine in Slovenia were performed during an early November 2003 campaign, where the differential lidar technique was used to map mercury concentrations and an attempt was made to quantify the total mercury flux from the most contaminated area, the abandoned cinnabar roasting oven complex. Lidar concentration data were compared with data recorded with a Zeeman modulated atomic absorption instrument, operated from a vehicle equipped with a GPS localization system. Concentrations and fluxes were comparatively low due to low temperature and rainfall. The average flux from the distillation plant was measured to approximately 2 g h À1 .
Journal of Geophysical Research, 1991
A search for atmospheric atomic mercury as a possible tracer gas for geothermal energy exploration was performed in three Icelandic geothermal fields using the differential absorption lidar technique. Contrary to expectations, concentrations basically only at the Atlantic background value of about 2 ng/m 3 were found in Iceland.
Optics Letters, 1982
We present results of a feasibility study that uses Artificial Neural Networks (ANN) for the retrieval of intensive microphysical parameters of atmospheric pollution from combinations of backscatter (β) and extinction coefficients (α) that can be measured with multiwavelength Raman and high-spectral resolution lidar at 355, 532, and 1064 nm. We investigated particle effective radius, and the real and imaginary part of the complex refractive index. ANN could be a useful alternative or supplementary method over the traditional approach of retrieving microphysical particle properties with classical inversion algorithms because data analysis with ANN is significantly faster and allows for investigating the information content of the optical input data. We investigated the data combinations 3β+2α, 3β+1α (355 and or 532 nm), 2β (532, 1064 nm) +1α (532 nm), and 3β with Feedforward Backpropagation Multilayer Perceptron Neural Networks. The synthetic optical data were computed with a Mie-scattering algorithm for monomodal particle size distributions. Mean radii of the size distributions ranged between 0.01 and 0.5 µm, and mode widths ranged between 1.4 and 2.5 resulting in effective radii between 0.13 and 4.1 µm. We tested real parts between 1.2 and 2, and imaginary parts between 0.0i and 0.1i. The complexity of developing the networks did not allow us to test the influence of measurement errors of the optical data but the error produced by the ANN can be quantified. From the five basic data combinations, our current network design allows us to derive effective radius with an accuracy of approximately ±16 to ±35%, and ±17 to ±39% if the true mean radii is in the range from 110 - 250 nm, and 260 - 500 nm, respectively. The real part can be derived with an accuracy of approximately ±7 to ±10%. We find retrieval errors of approximately ± 31 to ±38% for the imaginary part. We show that ANN can potentially estimate some particle parameters with various levels of uncertainty not only from what we denote as 3β+2α information but also from data combinations of 3β+1α (355 or 532), 2β (532, 1064) +1α (532), and 3β. We hypothesize that the ANN carries out first a pre-selections of various values of extinction-based Ångström exponents with regard to effective radius and then uses this information to create the strong correlation between particle effective radius and lidar ratios in all particle size distributions (PSDs) we investigated.
Advanced Photonic Sciences, 2012
The objective of this essay is to discuss the re-emergence of the distinction between Divine essence and energies in Orthodox theology by focusing on the sophiological controversy in the first half of 20th century with a specific emphasis on the theology of Fr. Georges Florovsky and Fr. Sergei Bulgakov. In the works of Bulgakov the concept of Sophia, Wisdom of God, emerged as a theological construction somehow in parallel to the three hypostases of the Holy Trinity. Florovsky on the other hand viewed Bulgakov's sophiology as alien to Patristic theology. The two theologians were highly respectful to each other and engaged into an indirect theological debate in which it was not the understanding of Sophia but its implication for the Christian dogma on creation out of nothing that emerged as the real stumbling block. Bulgakov addressed the doctrine of creation from a sophiological point of view. Florovsky, addressed the doctrine of creation by focusing on the distinction between Divine nature and will and, respectively, between Divine essence and energies. The focus on the above objective pursues three goals. The first goal is to point out that the key reason for the rediscovery of the teaching of the Divine essence and energies was profoundly theological. This fact is being currently diluted by arguments about the existence of special personal motives of the Russian émigré theologians in Paris who were trying to justify their theological presence within the context
Archive for the Psychology of Religion, 2003
African Economic History , 2021
Arte Lombarda (186-187/2-3), 2019
Academic Radiology, 2010
Anuario de Historia Social y de la Cultura, 2014
Tefsir Tarihinde Kur'ân Âyetlerinin Paradoksal Yorumuna Dair Tahlilî Bir Bakış, 2024
Capitalism, Nature, Socialism, 2020
Substance Use & Misuse, 2018
Social Sciences, 2024
2021, Rubrica Contemporánea, X, 19, 2021
Construction and Building Materials, 2010
IJPST (Indonesian Journal Pharmaceutival Science and Technology), 2019
Brain Research, 1999
Cement and Concrete Research, 2006
Applied Animal Behaviour Science, 2019
Developmental Biology, 2014