Electron Beams
Recent papers in Electron Beams
This paper presents applications in which Electron Beam Induced Deposition (EBID) is used to characterize, analyze, and fabricate, nanostructures and devices. High aspect ratio Cylindrical Ultra Sharp (CUS) Atomic Force Microscope (AFM)... more
Molecular orientation dependences of the ionization energy (IE) and the electron affinity (EA) of diindenoperylene (DIP) films were studied by using ultraviolet photoemission spectroscopy (UPS) and inverse photoemission spectroscopy... more
The design and experimental study of a 35-GHz gyrotron-traveling-wave tube (gyro-TWT) amplifier operating in the circular TE 0 i mode at the fundamental cyclotron harmonic are presented. The interaction circuit in this experiment... more
We present the results of the differences observed between evaporated and sputtered backside metallization processes on silicon wafers: These two methods of fabricating metal layers and the activation of the backside semiconductor-metal... more
Public reporting burden for the collection of information is estimated to average 1 hour per response, including the time for reviewing instructions, searching existing data sources, gathering and maintaining the data needed, and... more
This paper considers the problem of designing electron guns using computer optimization techniques. Several different design parameters are manipulated while considering multiple design criteria including beam and gun properties. The... more
A precise lithographic model has always been a critical component for the technique of Optical Proximity Correction (OPC) since it was introduced a decade ago . As semiconductor manufacturing moves to 32nm and 22nm technology nodes with... more
Extreme Ultraviolet Lithography (EUVL) masks have residual stress induced by several thin films on low thermal expansion material (LTEM) substrates. The stressed thin films finally result in convex out-of-plane displacement (OPD) of... more
In this paper, we propose and evaluate the performance of a practical 270 • bent-axial-type electron gun, in which focusing is bidirectional through an axial magnetic field. Such an electron gun has two advantages: 1) a high-voltage... more
Plasma-assisted slow-wave oscillators (pasotrons) are unique sources of microwave radiation, in which the beam propagation in the absence of external magnetic fields is provided by the ion focusing and the electron interaction with the RF... more
An overview is given of the physics issues relevant to the plasma wakefield accelerator, the plasma beat-wave accelerator, the laser wakefield accelerator, including the self-modulated regime, and wakefield accelerators driven by multiple... more
A medium power, repetitive electron beam generator has been designed and fabricated to enable the evaluation of a novel, large-area electron-transparent window. The test stand was developed to demonstrate the electron transparency and the... more
Electron beam lithography (EBL) patterning of poly(methylmethacrylate) (PMMA) is a versatile tool for defining molecular structures on the sub-10-nm scale. We demonstrate lithographic resolution to about 5 nm using a cold-development... more
We report dynamic and microscopic investigations of electrical stress induced defects in a high-k/metal gate stack by electron beam induced current (EBIC). The correlation between dielectric breakdown and EBIC sites are reported. A... more
Backscattering coefficient η of monoenergetic electrons impinging normally on the thick target has been found to be expressed by an empirical equation of the form η=a1/[1+a2τ^(a3)], where τ is the incident kinetic energy in units of the... more
Lactating Holstein cows, averaging 80 d in milk, were used to examine effects of exogenous bovine somatotropin (bST) on oviductal and uterine genes encoding components of the insulin-like growth factor (IGF) system. About 12 h before... more
This article appeared in a journal published by Elsevier. The attached copy is furnished to the author for internal non-commercial research and education use, including for instruction at the authors institution and sharing with colleagues.
This paper presents a large-signal analysis of a klystron amplifier. It is used lagrangian approach and disk model theory in a one-dimensional analysis with emphasis in the effects of the presence of the space-charge force. After showing... more
In the development of powerful gyrotrons capable of long-pulse or continuous wave operation the cardinal problem is to provide stable, single-mode highly efficient operation at the desired mode with an acceptable level of ohmic losses in... more
A new module, SYNRAD, has been added to the MOLFLOW [l] software package, allowing the Montecarlo (MC) simulation of synchrotron radiation (SR) emission. The geometrical three-dimensional (3D) distribution of the photons, power and... more
K nowledge of the structure of biological specimens is critical to understanding their functions at all scales [1] and is crucial in biosciences to complement biochemical studies. Electron microscopy (EM) enables the investigation of the... more
A theory is developed for a free-electron laser ͑FEL͒ with a three-dimensional helical wiggler and ion-channel guiding. The relativistic equation of motion for a single electron in the combined wiggler and ion-channel fields is solved in... more
An automated technique for the mapping of nanocrystal phases and orientations in a transmission electron microscope is described. It is primarily based on the projected reciprocal lattice geometry that is extracted from electron... more
A FEBIP-(Focused Electron Beam Induced Processing )-System is used to develop a novel miniaturized tunable, portable THz source for 0.1 to 6 THz. The control voltage with the high frequency is generated using a miniaturized Dynatron... more
In support of the High Average Power Laser (HAPL) project the Electra Laser, a KrF Gas Laser system is being developed at NRL. The laser uses high voltage (500-800 keV), high current (100-500 kA), short pulse (100-600 ns) electron beams... more
The broad development of the micro-and nano-technologies in the past few years increased the need of techniques capable of fabricating sub-micron structures with arbitrary surface profiles. Out of the several fabrication approaches (HEBS... more
A non-perturbing electron beam diagnostic system for measuring the charge distribution of an ion beam is developed for Heavy Ion Fusion (HIF) beam physics studies. Conventional diagnostics require temporary insertion of sensors into the... more
Much attention is currently being paid to the materials and processes that allow one to directly write or to imprint waveguiding structures and/or diffractive elements for optical integrated circuits by exposure from a source of photons,... more
We report on the fabrication and operation of a circular grating coupled, surface-emitting distributed Bragg reflector (DBR) laser with an integrated focusing outcoupler. Electron beam lithography and reactive ion beam etching were used... more
REBL (Reflective Electron Beam Lithography) is being developed for high throughput electron beam direct write maskless lithography. The system is specifically targeting 5 to 7 wafer levels per hour throughput on average at the 45 nm node,... more
This paper presents an overview of key nanoscale manufacturing technologies, and qualitatively examines their fundamental process requirements with respect to energy demand. The processes requirements are related to semiconductor... more
Unc lassified "F.-Beam HC l I.aser" 5 T\ pv "t rrp'trt tirul IncIlHtV« '« ? '*
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Liquid-phase polymerisation of acrylamide-acrylic acid to form polyelectrolytes used in wastewater cleaning was examined using accelerated electron beam and microwave irradiation methods. Polymerisation was carried out in aqueous... more
The synchrotron radiation emitted from the NSLS VUV ring is found to contain significant spectral structure at long wavelengths (λ > 0.5mm), suggesting multiple beam interference effects. A predominant pattern occurs as a result of direct... more
The minimum lithographic feature size for microelectronic fabrication continues to shrink, and resist properties are beginning to dominate the achievable resolution. There is a strong need for a high resolution, high sensitivity resist... more
Linear accelerators driving Free Electron Lasers (FELs), such as the Free Electron Laser in Hamburg (FLASH) or the X-ray Free Electron Laser (XFEL), require sophisticated Low Level Radio Frequency (LLRF) control systems. The controller of... more
The Eros facility at AWE was designed to simulate radiation effects using a large area diode driven by a low impedance Blumlein charged by a Marx generator. Recent interest at AWE to develop low impedance, high current pinched diodes,... more
The morphology of poly(aryl-ether-ether-ketone) (PEEK) has been studied using optical microscopy (at room temperature and at elevated temperatures), small-angle light scattering (H v and V v ), transmission electron microscopy (bright... more
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The first stage bunch compressor in the NLC injector complex compresses the e+/e-beams from a bunch length of 5 mm rms to 0.5 mm rms at the beam energy of 2 GeV. To obtain this compression ratio, the compressor rf section operates with an... more