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18 pages
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The communication approach in language learning emphasizes on the mastery on language proficiency. Communicative approach is based on some psychological theories of language and learning. The purpose of language learning, according to this approach, is factual communication, where students can use foreign language as a communication tool. In other words, the purpose of this approach is that students have the competence to communicate in a language they have learned in a variety of social situations. Communicative approach is also called the functional approach, in which the language is used as its functions. This article describes the application of communicative approach for teaching Arabic in Indonesian contexts.
Bahasa merupakan alat komunikasi satu sama lain, sehingga apabila seseorang melakukan interaksi komunikasi tentu harus saling memahami objek yang sedang dibicarakan itu sehingga tujuan yang ingin dicapai akan lebih terarah kepada sasarannya. Namun apabila dalam interaksi itu tidak komunikatif oleh karena tidak faham apa yang dibicarakan itu karena tidak faham akan bahasa yang digunakan, akhirnya tujuan yang diharapkan tidak akan tercapai. Kecintaan kapada bahasa Arab menjadi sebuah harga mati sebagai sarana untuk meraih kesuksesan dalam mempelajarinya. Seseorang yang memiliki kecintaan kepada sesuatu atau kepada seseorang pasti dia akan mengelu-elukannya, dan terus berusaha untuk bisa mendapatkannya walaupun harus berkorban, baik waktu, biaya maupun tenaga. Orang yang senang dengan salah satu mata kuliah pasti dia akan rajin masuk kelas walau kadang lagi sakit, merasa rugi kalau ketinggalan, merasa mudah dan cepat memahaminya serta hari-harinya pun tidak terlepas dari pembicaraan isi mata kuliah tersebut.
Bahasa Arab memang sudah lama dipelajari di Indonesia, tetapi dalam pembelajarannya pun tidak pernah luput dari problematika yang ada. Salah satunya yaitu problematika dalam penggunaan metode yang tepat saat proses pembelajaran berlangsung. Penggunaan metode yang tidak tepat seringkali membuat pelajaran justru membosankan dan menakutkan. Tidak heran jika banyak siswa yang lebih menyukai belajar Bahasa Inggris ketimbang Bahasa Arab. Salah satu cara menentukan metode yang tepat yaitu dengan terlebih dahulu melakukan pendekatan atau memilih pedekatan yang sesuai. Salah satu pendekatan yang dapat digunakan dalam pembelajaran bahasa arab yaitu pendekatan integratif atau pendekatan terpadu.
Jurnal Ilmiah Didaktika, 2012
In the Arabic language learning, the method has a very significant position to achieve the goal. If so, then the method must exist on each of the learning process conducted by a teacher or educator. Method is a comprehensive plan to provide a systematic presentation of the language specified approach. Even the method is considered as art in the transfer of knowledge/learning materials to students and is considered more significant than aspects of the matter itself. Arabic language learning methods are manifold, both conventional (traditional) or modern character (innovative). Arabic language learning success also depends on how the educators (teachers) choose the appropriate method of learning. Even educators may need to make changes or replacement methods in the learning process in line with changing attitudes and interests of students to the material presented.
Journal of Fatwa Management and Research
It’s that true that Arabic learning requires new injections and innovations? gamification approach can be trend of 21st century learning applied to Arabic learning?. This study attempts to answer "the extent to which the gamification approach can be applied in Arabic learning and it’s implications to be implemented among students” using literature review method or content analysis. The literature review found some empirical studies pertaining to gamification were identified. The concept of gamification is implemented in learning to improve the learning experience among students. The findings show that gamification can foster positive attitude through educational games activities. The implication of this study will pave the way for a study of Arabic language learning designs based on high-potential gamification to be applied in the context of Arabic language education. ABSTRAK Benarkah pembelajaran Bahasa Arab memerlukan suntikan dan inovasi baru? Bolehkah pendekatan gamifikasi ...
Arabi : Journal of Arabic Studies, 2021
Arabic learning at Madrasah Aliyah specifically aims to equip students with Arabic language competencies to be able to participate in global communication. Therefore, a learning model and its supporting components are needed that can encourage the achievement of these competencies for each student after participating in Arabic language learning. The scope of this research includes: (a) the application of interactional intelligence-based learning models for students of class XI Religious Sciences at MAN 1 Bandar Lampung in the even semester of the 2017/2018 academic year, (b) the effectiveness of the learning model in improving students' Arabic competence. This study uses a true experimental design by focusing on pretest-posttest control group design activities for the experimental class (given treatment) and control (not given treatment). The result shows that the application of the interactional intelligence-based learning model is convenient and has a significant influence in ...
Judaísmo: lo más hermoso que puede hacer un hombre es olvidar el mal. Cristianismo: Pedro se acercó entonces a él y dijo: «Señor, ¿cuántas veces tendrá que pecar mi hermano contra mí, y yo perdonarlo? ¿Acaso siete veces?». Y Jesús le dijo: «Te digo que no siete veces, sino setenta veces siete».
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In the not-so-distant future, the world is controlled by fundamentalist evangelical Christian churches that have come to dominate technology and impose a techno-theocratic state. In this scenario, free people are left with the only possibility of flying out of the system. This is just a tale.
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