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European Journal of Transport and Infrastructure Research
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This study investigates the impact of entry into parenthood on changes in car ownership. If entry into parenthood affects changes in car ownership, then delay or offset of entry into parenthood might also be an important explanation of recent car travel trends of young adults. This study analysed the impact of entry into parenthood on changes in the number of cars per household. Also, attention is given to the role of other related life course changes such as a change in urbanisation level, employment or household income. Using a unique data set, in which register data from 2011 and 2013 on the Dutch population, income and vehicle registration were combined, the study revealed that couples are more likely to enter car ownership and less likely to exit car ownership when they enter into parenthood. This implies that the delay of entry into parenthood might lead to later entry into car ownership and an increase in life time childlessness might lead to an overall decline in car ownership.
BIAMA 35, PUP., 2024
2024, Chevillot P., Morhange C., Le cadre du développement urbain, le contexte environnemental de Marseille, in Fouilles à Marseille. Approches de la ville antique (VIe s. av.-VIIe s. apr. J.-C.), sous la dir. de M. Bouiron, P. Mellinand et H. Tréziny, Aix-en-Provence, PUP, Archéologies méditerranéennes. Bibliothèque d’archéologie méditerranéenne et africaine, BIAMA 35, pp. 29-37.
Ethical Science Ethics is the science of conduct. Ethics is the study of what is right or good in conduct. Ethical science shows the way in which human beings behave towards each other as well as towards other creatures. It contains systematised principles on which a man should act. Without ethic...
Ethical Science Ethics is the science of conduct. Ethics is the study of what is right or good in conduct. Ethical science shows the way in which human beings behave towards each other as well as towards other creatures. It contains systematised principles on which a man should act. Without ethics you cannot have any progress in the spiritual path. Ethics is the foundation of Yoga, the corner-stone of Vedanta and the strong pillar on which the edifice of Bhakti Yoga rests. Ethics is right conduct or Sadachara. The mark of Dharma is Achara or right conduct. Achara is the mark of good. From Achara only, Dharma is born. Dharma enhances life. Man attains prosperity, fame, here and hereafter through the practice of Dharma. Achara is the highest Dharma. It is the root of all Tapas. It supports the whole universe. It leads one to Eternal Happiness and Immortality. Ethics is morality. Morality is the gateway to God-realisation. It is the master-key of religion. He who leads a moral or virtuous life, attains freedom, perfection or Moksha. Ethics is a relative science. What is good for one man may not be good for another man. What is good at one time may not be good at another time and at another place. Ethics is relative to the man himself and to his surroundings. From the Book SRI SWAMI SIVANANDA SARASWATI MAHARAJ ETHICAL TEACHINGS
This study examines the continuation in European Christian society of magical-religious traditions previously associated with pagan gods of the forge. What was the importance of the forge god in the pantheons of worship? What were the roles of the blacksmith as a representative of these pagan gods in those diverse societies? How did the arrival of Christianity, both as a faith and in its role as a function of the Roman Empire in decline, redefine that status quo? What elements of the forge gods and their cleric-smith agents were integrated into Christianity? What beliefs and practices endured in the folklore and superstitions of European Middle Age society? How did such beliefs fall into decline in the Age of Industry? Contemporary sources including hagiographies, commentaries, and chronicles supplemented by modern analysis and research support a parallel continuance of the smith’s power. The first continuance is in the syncretism of pagan elements of the forge in the Saints of Catholicism, whose appointments as patrons of the smith and related crafts gave them the powers of the forge gods in sanctioned form. The second continuance is in a hodgepodge of curatives, protective charms, and divinatory rituals cobbled together from surviving fragmented pagan worship and cosmology, blended into folk beliefs and Catholic dogma by a largely illiterate and superstitious society. Both avenues of persistence would see a decline with that of the blacksmith’s trade in the nineteenth century.
En el marco de procesos de migración y globalización que se han acentuado en la última década, en este trabajo abogo por el estudio de fenómenos de (des)cortesía en la comunicación intercultural, que atiendan a problemas o conflictos en la comunicación relacionados no sólo con variación en ideologías interpersonales / valores de grupos culturales divergentes que entran en interacción, por ejemplo, en el mundo laboral o el de los negocios, sino también con problemas sociales como la discriminación motivada por prejuicios étnicoraciales en el contacto interétnico, producto de migraciones locales o externas. Es decir, abogo por el desarrollo tanto de estudios de (des)cortesía aplicados al mundo laboral / de los negocios en contextos multilingües/multiculturales que son cada vez más frecuentes, como de estudios críticos de (des)cortesía en un mundo donde el racismo y la xenofobia constituyen una realidad de todos los días para algunos sectores de la población hispanohablante. Empiezo el trabajo con un recuento de estudios transculturales / contrastivos, destacando el hecho de que la comunicación intercultural propiamente dicha ha recibido relativamente poca atención en el mundo hispanohablante, y subrayo, por tanto, la necesidad de ampliar su estudio; paso luego a ilustrar el interés de esta área, con una orientación social, mediante una consideración de aspectos de descortesía en la comunicación interétnica en Quito, fruto de migraciones internas.
Technical paper by Walter Froede, NSU 1960, 9 pages Describes the way from the DKM to the KKM ... > Content ... » Die Motorenbauart 1 » Vorversuche mit Elementen der Drehkolbenmaschine "DKM 54" 2 » Konstruktionsmerkmale der Drehkolbenmaschine "DKM 54" 3 » Aufbau 3 » Innenlaeufer mit Dichtsystem 3 » Aussenlaeufer 4 » Pruefstandversuche mit dem ersten Drehkolbenmotor "DKM 54" 5 » Konstruktionsmerkmale der Kreiskolbenmaschinen "KKM 125" + "KKM 250" 5 » Gesamtaufbau 5 » Gaswechsel 6 » Kerzenlage + Form des Brennraumes 6 » Vereinfachte Gasabdichtung 6 » Pruefstandergebnisse der Kreiskolbenmaschinen "KKM 125" + "KKM 250" 6 » Versuche bei Fremdantrieb 6 » Versuche bei Eigenantrieb 7 » Dauererprobung von Dreh- + Kreiskolbenmotoren 8 » Entwicklungsaussichten fuer die Dreh- + Kreiskolbenmotoren 9 german keywords: Wankelmotor / Kreiskolbenmotor English Keywords: Wankel Engine / Wankel Rotary Engine / Rotary Piston Engine / Rotary Combustion Engine
Abstract: we showed in this paper the possibility of producing caustic soda directly from solar powered electrolytic diaphragm cells in comparison with present conventional modes of electrochemical production.,The results showed that this method has superior economic characteristics. The non-asbestos diaphragm cell showed similar trend with the conventional asbestos diaphragm cell performances indicating higher yield of caustic soda per d.c Watt. The asbestos and non-asbestos diaphragms served to hinder the formation of unwanted substances as well as permit reasonable production of the desired products. Quantitative analysis showed that the quantity and concentration of caustic soda produced varied with the current and voltage obtained from the solar panels which were dependent upon the intensity of the sun on any particular day and the length of time the panels were exposed to sunlight.[1] Keywords: caustic soda, asbestos, diaphragm cells, solar, non-asbestos, economic .
Revue Thomiste, 1980
Cet article de jeunesse a été écrit il y a quarante ans, avant que je ne découvre l’analyse rhétorique du Coran et la rhétorique sémitique. Comme il présente sur bien des points une sorte de pressentiment de cette rhétorique (notions de binarité, de parallélisme, de parataxe, de juxtaposition, de référence à un centre) il m’a paru opportun de le mettre à la disposition des lecteurs intéressés par la structure des sourates coranique. Au-delà des faits linguistiques, l’article propose une approche philosophique mettant certains faits linguistiques en rapport avec la Weltanschauung caractéristique de l’islam.
International Journal of Scientific Research in Science, Engineering and Technology, 2022
SAP data center migrations are the subject of this paper with special attention to the methods, problems, and opportunities. The migration strategies are planning, data transfer techniques and the application of advanced devices and technology. Siemens, The Coca-Cola Company, and Shell are used as examples to explain how the approach work and the results achieved. Everyday problems like data accuracy and system failure, for instance, are discussed under pertinent solutions and designs and. It also outlines the positive effects of the paper on business such as improved performance and cost effectiveness and goes ahead to describe long terms effects such as scalability and flexibility. Other trends and technologies like Cloud computing, AI, and others are also covered to understand the future of SAP migrations.
Frontiers in Human Neuroscience, 2024
Journal of Advanced Research in Social Sciences
Indo-Iranian Journal 45, 2002
Systems Research and Behavioral Science, 2019
Journal of Human, Earth, and Future, 2023
Ky Publications, 2024
Jurnal Pendidikan (Teori dan Praktik), 2018
e.Journal of Portuguese History, 2006
Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology, 2019
Primary Health Care Research & Development
Arthroscopy : the journal of arthroscopic & related surgery : official publication of the Arthroscopy Association of North America and the International Arthroscopy Association, 2015
Bioinformatics, 2002
symbolic relationships in advertising, 2017
International Journal of Secondary Metabolite, 2020