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We construct and parameterize an overlapping generations model for an open economy with individuals who differ in innate ability. Key endogenous variables are hours worked, investment in human and physical capital, and per capita growth.... more
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      PovertyDemographic economicsPoverty AlleviationFinancial Sector
The purpose of this study was to determine the significant factors that influence unemployment among graduates in Malaysia. The variables consist of job mismatch, English proficiency and employability skills that were stated as... more
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      Political ScienceUnemploymentDemographic economics
Higher education institutions are responsible for providing their graduates with relevant job skills that will allow them to compete in the labour market. With this in mind, the purpose of this study was to identify the factors associated... more
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      Labor EconomicsEducationHigher EducationUnemployment
Higher education institutions are responsible for providing their graduates with relevant job skills that will allow them to compete in the labour market. With this in mind, the purpose of this study was to identify the factors associated... more
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      EducationHigher EducationUnemploymentTeacing and Learning in Higher Education
Las integraciones económicas en América latina, aquí analizadas, son la expresión de la gobernanza en el contexto del neoliberalismo, son también el resultado de los ajustes de segunda generación, en términos de aperturas comerciales,... more
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      EconomicsDevelopment EconomicsInternational EconomicsLabor Economics
Este artículo se refiere a la aplicación de la curva logística, que es un instrumento matemático usado por biólogos y demografistas para describir el crecimiento de poblaciones animales y de poblaciones humanas, así como para formular... more
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      Economic HistoryEconomicsEconometricsMathematical Economics
Many young people have short spells of unemployment during their transition from school to work; however, some often get trapped in unemployment and risk becoming long-term unemployed (OECD, 2009). Much research has been undertaken on the... more
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      SociologyPsychologyEconomicsYouth Studies
A central component of his theory of marriage Becker's Demand and Supply (D&S) models of marriage are also among the most unique models he pioneered. Here I provide an overview of Becker's analysis of the effects of sex ratios -the ratio... more
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    • Demographic economics
Consider migration to a higher income region as a human capital investment in which parents bear migration costs and children share returns. Migrants from a population with heterogeneous intergenerational discount rates will be... more
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      Developing CountryDemographic economicsPer Capita IncomeTreatment Effect
Siguiendo la economía del crimen según Becker (1968) y Ehrlich (1973) —incluyendo el efecto del flujo migratorio— se analiza por qué algunos individuos eligen estratégica, racional —y contingentemente— participar en “parainstituciones”... more
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      MicroeconomicsGenetic AlgorithmsModeling and SimulationBehavioral Economics
The data show that an increase in government provided old-age pensions is strongly correlated with a reduction in fertility. What type of model is consistent with this finding? We explore this question using two models of fertility: one... more
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    • Demographic economics
This article analyzes the relation between unemployment duration and educational mismatches (overeducation and horizontal mismatches). This study proposes a job matching model to identify the theoretical mechanisms. An econometric... more
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      EconomicsUnemploymentUnemployment DurationDemographic economics
Using a representative sample of children all born to unwed parents drawn from the Fragile Fam-ilies and Child Wellbeing Study (FFCWS), we investigate whether marriage after childbirth has a causal effect on early child cognitive ability,... more
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      EconomicsLabor EconomicsHealth EconomicsCognitive development
The paper seeks to analyze the relationship between migrants' remittances and educational attendance in rural areas of southern Morocco. We perform a probit model to assess whether children who live in recipient households are more likely... more
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      EconomicsEconometricsApplied EconomicsDemographic economics
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      SociologyEconomic SociologyEconomicsSociology of Work
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      UnemploymentDemographic economics
Utilizing register panel data (1992—2003), in this article we study long-term sickness absence among immigrants and ethnic Norwegians ( n = 200,022). The data contain detailed information on socio-economic background, labour market... more
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      SociologyGeographyEastern EuropeImmigration
provided inspired research assistance throughout the data collection of the second wave of the PSID Validation Study and in the analysis of those data represented in this paper. Dawn von Thurn was also instrumental in the data collection... more
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      Social SecurityDeveloping CountryDemographic economicsLabor Market
Este artículo tiene como objetivo medir el impacto de las diferencias salariales por género en el Área Metropolitana de Medellín en el período 2002-2006, teniendo en cuenta variables como la experiencia, el nivel educativo, el sector... more
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      EconomicsLabor EconomicsDiscriminationEconomia
The aim of this study was to determine some of the key factors affecting youth employment from 2000-2015. Youth unemployment rate (YU) was the dependent variable while consumer price index (INF), domestic gross savings (GS), labor... more
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      EconomicsUnemploymentPanel DataDemographic economics
Paper to be presented to the WIDER Conference on Migration, Helsinki (September 27-28, 2002). We are grateful for the contributions from previous collaborations with Ximena Clark. Hatton would like to acknowledge financial support ...
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      PovertyImmigrationMigrationDeveloping Country
We hereby present a dataset produced at the Wittgenstein Centre (WIC) containing comprehensive time series on educational attainment and mean years of schooling (MYS). The dataset is split by 5-year age groups and sex for 171 countries... more
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    • Demographic economics
This paper examines the impact of housing wealth on fertility related decisions by exploiting geographic variation in house price changes in Australia. Using data from the Household Income and Labour Dynamics in Australia (HILDA) survey,... more
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      DemographyApplied MicroeconometricsHousing marketsPopulation
Dear colleagues, We are pleased to publish the third issue of The Journal of Applied Economics and Business Research that contains four inaugural papers featuring both fine quality and a wide spectrum of topics across applied... more
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      BusinessEntrepreneurshipOrganizational BehaviorManagement
Research on segregation of immigrant groups is increasingly turning its attention from residential areas toward other important places, such as the workplace, where immigrants can meet and interact with members of the native population.... more
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      DemographyImmigrationRace and EthnicityRacism
Immigration to the United States during the 1970's and 1980's was greater than in any decade since the 1920's. Simultane-ously, the proportion of immigrants arriving from Europe or English-speaking countries declined... more
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      Social ChangeEconomicsImmigrationMigration
Article published in Economics Bulletin journal, Volume 40 Issue 2, 15 April 2020
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      Development EconomicsEconometricsMacroeconomicsEconomic Growth
In contrast to previous results combining all ages, we find positive effects of comparison income on happiness for the under 45s and negative effects for those over 45. In the UK, these coefficients are several times the magnitude of own... more
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      GermanAgeWelfareDemographic economics
The fertility practices of immigrants are a particularly interesting field of study for demographers, providing an insight into the fertility behaviour of individuals when both the society and the individual undergo a period of rapid... more
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      DemographyImmigrationFertilityDemographic economics
Die Dokumente auf EconStor dürfen zu eigenen wissenschaftlichen Zwecken und zum Privatgebrauch gespeichert und kopiert werden. Sie dürfen die Dokumente nicht für öffentliche oder kommerzielle Zwecke vervielfältigen, öffentlich ausstellen,... more
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      Demographic economicsWage
The gender-inequality is a critical economic challenge that has a significant negative impact on global economic prospects. In this context, this study aims to investigate the association between gender inequality and growth outcomes in... more
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      EconomicsInequalityDemographic economics
This study proposes a welfare-based analysis of the gender gap in unemployment by examining the gender differences in the concentration and repeated spells of unemployment using data from the French cohort survey ("Enquête Génération")... more
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      EconomicsUnemploymentDemographic economicsYouth Unemployment
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      DemographyEconomic DevelopmentApplied EconomicsPanel Data
Does going to school pay off? Most people think so. Currently, almost 90 percent of young adults graduate from high school and about 60 percent of high school seniors continue on to college the following year. People decide to go to... more
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      Higher EducationPolitical ScienceDemographic economicsProfessional Education
This study has been prepared within the UNU-WIDER project on 'Gender and development'.
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      PsychologyGender StudiesEconomicsYouth Studies
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      Demographic economicsLife ExpectancyEarnings
Die Dokumente auf EconStor dürfen zu eigenen wissenschaftlichen Zwecken und zum Privatgebrauch gespeichert und kopiert werden. Sie dürfen die Dokumente nicht für öffentliche oder kommerzielle Zwecke vervielfältigen, öffentlich ausstellen,... more
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      UnemploymentDemographic economicsFixed Effects
En este trabajo se utiliza un modelo de vectores autorregresivos (VAR) para examinar la interrelación entre la entrada de flujos de inversión extranjera directa (EFIED), las exportaciones, el producto interno bruto (PIB), la tasa de... more
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      EconomicsLabor EconomicsForeign Direct InvestmentLabor law
Over the past six decades, fertility rates have fallen dramatically in most middle- and low-income countries. To analyze these developments, we study a quantitative model of endogenous human capital and fertility choice, augmented to... more
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      EconomicsFertilityEconomic DevelopmentDemographic economics
En este trabajo se utiliza un modelo de vectores autorregresivos (VAR) para examinar la interrelación entre la entrada de flujos de inversión extranjera directa (EFIED), las exportaciones, el producto interno bruto (PIB), la tasa de... more
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      EconomicsLabor EconomicsLabor lawDemografía
The Policy Research Working Paper Series disseminates the findings of work in progress to encourage the exchange of ideas about development issues. An objective of the series is to get the findings out quickly, even if the presentations... more
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      DemographyAnthropologyCommunity DevelopmentEconomic Growth
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This article examines the central role of occupation as the "reward packages" in creating earnings disparities between rural migrants and local workers in urban China's labor markets. Analyses of data from the population... more
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      EconomicsMedicineMultidisciplinaryDemographic economics
We examine patterns in fertility during the demographic transition using a panel data set across 25 Asian countries for 1975-2003. The adult female literacy rate is used as an instrumental variable for the endogenous female labor force... more
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      EconomicsEast AsiaPanel DataDemographic economics
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People interested in the research are advised to contact the author for the final version of the publication, or visit the DOI to the publisher's website. • The final author version and the galley proof are versions of the publication... more
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      EconomicsBiotechnologySocial CapitalCultural Capital
The Effect of Integration Policies on the Time until Regular Employment of Newly Arrived Immigrants: Evidence from Denmark * We analyse the effect of active labour-market programmes on the hazard rate into regular employment for newly... more
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      ImmigrationLabour EconomicsApplied EconomicsDemographic economics