The neurological examination

1974, Urology

NEUROLOGICAL EXAMINATION. By Charles Philadelphia and uol',llSmcKendree, a.b., m.D. W. B. Saunders Company. 1928. Pp. 280. I" trated. Price, 15s. net. . " aut'1?,id The purpose of this book" to quote the " words is to familiarise the medical student a those interested in post-graduate specialisation wit 0f comprehensive and systematic form of examination the central nervous system. The abnormal reactions ^ own interpreted as pertinent pathological expressions ? interference with anatomical relations and physioloS. aj functions in such a way as to give to the student pictures of pathology which he may readily under.s and group under various syndromes." rjng The book is divided into convenient chapters such themes as the history, physical examination, -paexa cfi sensory examination, cerebral nerves, systemic tion, skeletal system, mental status, etc. Under head, lucid and exhaustive treatment of the various je nected aspects are attractively brought out with 511 tter 11 illustrations. In addition to the general subject of the book being presented in a uniformly praise^ ^e manner of due proportion and proper perspective* ^ " " chapter on mental status deserves special menti ^ a comprising excellently arranged collected matter 0[ subject which is at present engaging the attention student of psychology, sociology and allied brancti jve study. It is now widely recognised from " researches that criminal tendency" is a patho .cai condition of the mind, just much like any other P ox disease symptom. This attitude of outlook has " not appealed strongly to dispensers of law and foe yet; but it is bound to find universal acceptance J near future. 0f We hope that in the next edition mistakes ^,j|l grammatical nature frequently committed in the v0iutfle be corrected. Dr. H. A. Riley introduces the ^ is with a brilliant foreword. The get-up of the c'lI?alld coV^eral , . ^Sggica' ? ?.^ Aug., 1929.] REVIEWS. excellent. We have great pleasure in welcoming this little treatise. S. S. R. 471