Skeletal Radiol (1982) 7:289-292
Case Report 184
Arnold C. Friedman, M.D., Stephen Munderloh, M.D., John E. Madewell, M.D.,
Alberto Gamez, M.D., MAJ, MC, USA, FACP, and Lennard A. Nadalo, M.D., MAJ MC, USA
Department of Radiology, Uniformed Services University of the Health Sciences, Bethesda, Maryland; Department of Radiology,
Walter Reed Army Medical Center, Washington, D.C. ; Department of Radiologic Pathology, Armed Forces Institute of Pathology,
Washington, D.C., and Department of Pathology, Walter Reed Army Medical Center, Washington, D.C., USA
Radiological Study
Fig. I. An anteroposterior Fdm of the left femur shows a Iarge
soft tissue mass with soft tissue calification extending medially
from the femur. Linear periosteal reaction and permeative cortical
destruction are present
Address reprint requests to: A,C. Friedman, M.D., Department
of Radiologic Pathology, Armed Forces Institute of Pathology,
Washington, D.C. 20306, USA
A 48-year-old woman presented with a three-month
history of a gradually enlarging tender mass in the
left thigh with ecchymosis. Five years earlier she underwent an aortic valve replacement for subacute bacterial endocarditis. She had been on Coumadin therapy since replacement of the aortic valve. The mass
was initially thought to be soft tissue bleeding secondary to her anticoagulation therapy and was treated
with heat and elevation. No history of trauma, puncture wound, diabetes mellitus or drug abuse was obtained.
She was admitted to the hospital for evaluation
of this gradually enlarging mass. The temperature
was 100.2~ F. Physical examination showed a swollen,
firm, mildly tender mass in the left thigh, with the
circumference measuring 63.5 cm, compared to the
normal right side which measured 42.5 cm. A bruit
was heard over the left femoral artery. The peripheral
pulses were normal with no signs of ischemia in the
left leg. Her admission laboratory data revealed a
normal WBC of 8,200 with Hct of 31%.
Four days after admission the patient developed
acute pain in her left thigh with an increase of 2 cm
in the circumference of the mass and a drop in the
Hct. A plain film of the femur obtained at this time
is shown in Figure 1.
9 1982 International Skeletal Society
A.C. Friedman et al. : Case Report 184
Radiological Studies
Fig. 2. A transverse sonogram of the proximal portion of the left thigh through the midportion of the mass shows a well defined
sonolucent area with good through transmission, compatible with a fluid-containing cavity. Lateral to this sonolucent area is a complex
mass representing old blood and necrotic debris
Fig. 3. A left femoral arteriogram shows flee extravasation of contrast at the origin of the defined cavity. The deep femoral artery
itself is not visualized
Pathological Study
Fig. 4. A photomicrograph (H and E stain)
of the periosteum shows newly formed
immature trabecular seams rimmed by
large osteoblasts. The interstitial area
shows abundant reparative fibroblasts
A.C. Friedman et al.: Case Report 184
Diagnosis: Mycotic Aneurysm of the Deep Femoral Artery Causing Bone Resorption and Production,
Simulating a Primary Bone Neoplasm
The differential diagnosis includes a soft tissue sarcoma, myositis ossificans, and primary bone tumor such
as osteosarcoma, primary lymphoma of bone, or fibrosarcoma. On the basis of the plain films a primary
bone tumor was the initial diagnosis. However, the rapid change in the size of the mass accompanied by
the fall of the Hct prompted a sonogram (Fig. 2). The finding of a cystic space in the mass raised the
possibility of a mycotic aneurysm and a femoral arteriogram was obtained (Fig. 3) which established the
Surgical exploration demonstrated a large pseudoaneurysm of the deep femoral artery extending from
the origin of the deep femoral artery down the thigh
along the femur as far as its distal one-third. The
pseudoaneurysm was explored and excised. The cavity
was approximately 19 cm by 39 cm and contained
over 3,000 cc of old and new clotted blood with a
well organized fibrous wall. A small amount of
bloody pus was identified proximally at the take-off
of the deep femoral artery. No distal branches of
the profunda could be identified. The soft tissues
around the femur contained dystrophic calcification.
The periosteum showed perpendicular reparative new
bone formation (Fig. 4). Most bony trabeculae ran
parallel to each other, with frequent anastomoses.
They were lined by large osteoclasts and the intermingling connective tissue was composed of young
reparative fibroblasts. The femur was exposed
through the periosteum and was found to contain
numerous holes, corresponding to the radiological
permeative pattern. This probably occurred from
osteoclastic activity stimulated by active hyperemia
due to the soft tissue inflammatory process. Culture
of the tissue from the pseudoaneurysm grew alphahemolytic streptococcus, the same organism cultured
from the aortic valve five years earlier. Cultures of
the periosteum and bone were negative.
Mycotic aneurysms are uncommon but are not
rare lesions. Their incidence has decreased in the post
antibiotic era. Koch has been credited with the original pathological description of mycotic aneurysm.
However, Virchow in 1847 was one of the ftrst to
recognize embolism in cases of infectious endocarditis
and destruction of the vascular wall at the embolic
sites. Osler originated the term of mycotic aneurysm
when he described an aortic aneurysm arising from
bacterial endocarditis in 1885.
These aneurysms can occur in all age groups with
involvement of many systemic vessels. Clinical symptoms and physical findings are associated with the
particular artery involved and have a wide spectrum
of presentations. The clinical symptoms and destruc-
tion of the arterial wall usually progress rapidly and
thus early recognition and angiographic evaluation
are critical. In this case the clinical symptoms were
insidious and of prolonged nature (at least 3 months)
which is somewhat atypical. Arteries which are frequently involved are in thoracic aorta (ascending aorta and arch), superior mesenteric artery, intracraniaI
vessels and large arteries of the extremities (femoral
and brachial arteries). Occasionally, multiple arteries
may be involved by the process. When the aneurysms
are located in the peripheral arteries a more favorable
outcome may result since these are usually superficial
and accessible to earlier diagnosis. Spontaneous regression and cures due to thrombosis have been reported.
Mycotic aneurysms usually require a source of
infection and damage to the vascular wall for their
development. The infectious source is most commonly
bacterial endocarditis; however, many other sources
of infection may be responsible. The process damaging the wall is usually atherosclerosis, but cystic medial necrosis, syphilitic aortitis, external trauma and
coarctation or hypoplasia of a vessel are other causes.
The compromised vascular endothelium is important
in the pathogenesis because the healthy intima is resistant to infection. The most common sites of implantation are the abnormal intima or the vasa vasorum;
however, an infected embolus may be located in a
normal vessel at a bifurcation, sharp narrowing or
sharp turn. Occasionally, mycotic aneuryms can develop from contiguous extension of infection from
an extravascular source. Once the infection is established, the arterial wall can rapidly disintegrate and
rupture at any time or the destruction may proceed
slowly with true aneurysm formation. Another possibility is perforation of the artery and pseudoaneurysm
formation as in the current case. This usually occurs
in peripheral arterial sites.
The bony changes noted in this case are of interest
since they prompted a consideration of primary bone
tumor. Three features are illustrated: (1) periosteal
reaction; (2) soft tissue calcification; and (3) cortical
destruction. These Findings under most circumstances
would mandate a diagnosis of a primary skeletal or
even a soft tissue neoplasm.
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