American Journal of Transplantation 2011; 11: 1279–1286
Wiley Periodicals Inc.
C 2011 The Authors
C 2011 The American Society of
Journal compilation
Transplantation and the American Society of Transplant Surgeons
doi: 10.1111/j.1600-6143.2011.03552.x
Living Donor Age and Kidney Transplant Outcomes
K. Noppakuna,b , F. G. Cosioa, *, P. G. Deanc ,
S. J. Talera , R. Wautersa,b and J. P. Granded
Received 11 January 2011, revised 03 February 2011
and accepted for publication 16 March 2011
Division of Nephrology and Hypertension, Department of
Internal Medicine and William von Liebig transplant
Center, b Visiting clinician, c Department of Surgery and
William von Liebig transplant Center, d Department of
Pathology; Mayo Clinic, Rochester, MN
*Corresponding author: Fernando G. Cosio,
[email protected]
We assessed the relationship between living donor
(LD) age and kidney survival in 1063 adults transplanted between 1980 and 2007. Increasing LD age
was associated with lower kidney function (GFR) before and after transplantation and loss of GFR beyond 1 year. Increasing LD age was also associated
with low-moderate proteinuria posttransplant (151–
1500 mg/day, p < 0.0001). By univariate analysis, reduced graft survival related to lower GFR at 1 year
[HR = 0.925 (0.906–0.944), p < 0.0001], proteinuria
[HR = 1.481 (1.333–1.646), p < 0.0001] and increasing
LD age [HR = 1.271 (1.219–1.326), p = 0.001]. The impact of LD age on graft survival was noted particularly
>4 years posttransplant and was modified by recipient
age. Thus, compared to a kidney graft that was within
5 years of the recipient age, younger kidneys had a survival advantage [HR = 0.600 (0.380–0.949), p = 0.029]
while older kidneys had a survival disadvantage [HR =
2.217 (1.507–3.261), p < 0.0001]. However, this effect
was seen only in recipients <50 years old. By multivariate analysis, the relationship between LD age and
graft survival was independent of GFR but related to
proteinuria. In conclusion, LD age is an important determinant of long-term graft survival, particularly in
younger recipients. Older kidneys with reduced survival are identifiable by the development of proteinuria
Key words: Donor age, graft survival, living donor
kidney transplantation, proteinuria
Abbreviations: ANOVA, analysis of variance; CI, confidence interval; DGF, delayed graft function; D-Rage,
the difference between donor and recipient age; DoR,
donor was more than 5 years older than the recipient;
DR, donor was within ±5 years of the recipient age;
DyR, donor was at least 5 years younger than the recipient; HR, hazard ratio; LD, living donor; MDRD,
Modification of Diet in Renal Disease; SBP, systolic
blood pressure.
Donor age is considered to be a strong determinant of
death-censored graft survival at least among recipients of
deceased donor kidneys (1). It is interesting to note that in
the early transplant literature (before 1990) the impact of
deceased donor age on kidney graft survival was not appreciated (2). However, increasing success of transplantation
led to longer observation times and the recognition that increasing deceased donor age is an important determinant
of death-censored graft survival (3), particularly beyond
5 years posttransplant (4). The reason(s) behind this relationship are likely complex but it has been suggested that
at least in part it relates to the biology of the older kidney
which limits its capacity to tolerate injury (5). In apparent
conflict with this hypothesis, the relationship between living donor (LD) age and graft survival is less clear (6,7). In
part, this may be due to the difficulty of separating the
relationship between LD age and graft survival from other
important variables including, (1) the progressive decline in
kidney function associated with aging (8,9); and (2) the fact
that kidneys from older donors are more frequently transplanted into older recipients thus potentially confounding
the impact of donor age.
Recipient age is an important modifier of the relationship between donor age and graft survival. Compared to
younger recipients, older recipients are more likely to receive kidneys from older donors and are also more likely to
have a shorter posttransplant survival. This shorter followup time of older recipients may have the effect of ‘protecting’ the allograft from death-censored graft failure. Thus,
increasing recipient age is associated with worse patient
survival but better death-censored graft survival (10). These
observations have been applied in the clinic by assigning
older deceased donor kidneys to older recipients (11). However, a similar practice has not been generally adopted in
LD transplantation. These data suggest that to fully understand the possible impact of LD age on graft survival
we need to consider age of the recipient in the analysis
particularly relative to the age of the donor. Furthermore,
the definition of ‘younger’ or ‘older’ donor needs to be
considered relative to the recipient age. This strategy was
employed in this and in previous studies (12).
Noppakun et al.
Over the last decade there has been a progressive increase
in the use of LD organs. Furthermore, the characteristics
of the LD have changed, particularly with the acceptance
of progressively older LD. The goal of this study was to
examine the relationship between LD age, graft function
and graft survival in a large cohort of LD recipients who
received their allograft over the past three decades in one
Patient population
The study cohort included all adult (older than 18 years of age) first kidney allograft recipients of a LD kidney transplanted at Mayo Clinic, Rochester, MN,
USA, between January 1980 and December 2007. Recipients of nonrenal
solid organs or bone marrow transplants before, after or at the time of the
kidney transplant and recipients of ABO-incompatible and/or positive crossmatch transplants were excluded from these analyses. After application of
these selection criteria, 1063 candidates qualified for the study. Recipient
and donor clinical and laboratory information were obtained from electronic
medical records. The institutional review board approved this study and the
collection of data.
Table 1: Patient characteristics
Value (%)
Number of patients
Recipient age (years)
Recipient sex (% males)
Recipient race (% Caucasian)
Donor age (years)
Donor sex (% males)
Donor race (% Caucasian)
Donor type, number (%):
Living related
Living unrelated
Primary renal disease, number (%)
Glomerular disease
Diabetes mellitus
Polycystic kidney disease
Preemptive transplant1
HLA mismatches (median)
Follow-up time in months, (median)
1 Percentage
48.0 ± 15.4
725 (68.2)
892 (93.1)
42.2 ± 12.0
491 (46.2)
761 (71.6)
302 (28.4)
401 (41.3)
137 (14.1)
129 (13.3)
106 (10.9)
48 (4.9)
150 (15.5)
2.8 ± 1.7 (3)
97.5 ± 70.7 (77)
of patients receiving no dialysis prior to the trans-
The selection of an LD in our program is guided primarily by the health
of the donor and not by donor age or HLA matching. Donor GFR prior to
donation was measured by nonradiolabeled iothalamate clearance (13). Potential LDs were excluded if their iothalamate clearance was less than the
5 percentile of the normal according to age and/or had significant proteinuria (urine protein more than 150 mg/day or urine albumin more than 30
mg/day). All donor nephrectomies were done by the hand-assisted laparoscopic technique. Kidney allograft function posttransplant was assessed by
serum creatinine, estimated GFR using the Modification of Diet in Renal
Disease (MDRD) equation (14) and iothalamate clearance. Changes in allograft function over time were assessed as the slope of the reciprocal of
serum creatinine by simple linear regression method. GFR slopes were analyzed at three intervals: first 5 days, from day 5 to 365 and from 1 to 5 years.
Delayed graft function (DGF) was defined as the need for dialysis during the
first week posttransplant. Urinary protein excretion was measured in 24-h
urine samples at 1-year posttransplant.
Immunosuppression consisted of induction with antithymocyte globulin in
610 patients (69.6%), anti-CD25 antibodies in 85 (9.7%), alemtuzumab in 45
(5.2%), and OKT3 in 2 (0.2%). One hundred and thirty-four (15.3%) patients
did not receive induction immunosuppression. In 187 patients information
on induction was not available. Maintenance immunosuppression during
the first year posttransplant most commonly included tacrolimus, mycophenolate mofetil and corticosteroids (N = 649, 64.3%). Cyclosporine was used
instead of tacrolimus in 230 patients (22.8%) and sirolimus instead of either calcineurin inhibitor in 59 (5.8%). Seventy-two patients (7.1%) received
prednisone and azathioprine during the first year posttransplant. Overall,
23.7% of patients received azathioprine instead of mycophenolate mofetil
during the first year posttransplant.
Data analysis
Data were expressed as percentage for categorical variables and as mean
and standard deviation for continuous variables unless otherwise stated.
Proportions between two groups were compared by chi-square. Numerical differences between two groups were assessed by Student’s t -test or
Wilcoxon if the data were not uniformly distributed. Analysis of variance
(ANOVA) and Kruskal–Wallis were used for comparison of data among several groups. Patient and graft survival were compared by Kaplan–Meier
plots and Cox regression. LD age was analyzed as a continuous variable,
in decade intervals or as the difference between LD and recipient age (DRage). All reported p values are two-sided. A p value of less than 0.05 was
considered to indicate statistical significance.
Characteristics of study population ( Table 1)
This population included a high proportion of Caucasians
among both LD (99.4%) and recipients (93.1%), a racial
distribution representative of geographic location of this
transplant program. A relatively large proportion of transplant recipients in this cohort (44.6%) received preemptive
kidney transplants, that is, without receiving pretransplant
The age of LD increased progressively from 1980 to 2007
(r = 0.221, p < 0.0001). Thus, mean donor age was 36.6 ±
12.7 years between 1980 and 1989; 40.8 ± 11.5 between
1990 and 1999; and 43.8 ± 11.6 between 2000 and 2007.
Between 1980 to 1985, 100% of LD in this cohort were
blood relatives of their recipient while between 2002 and
2007 this figure declined to 59.5%.
LD age, graft function and proteinuria
Increasing LD age related to progressively lower predonation GFR and lower graft function, 1-year posttransplant
measured as higher serum creatinine, lower estimated
GFR and lower iothalamate clearance (p < 0.0001, Table 2).
To further examine the reasons for the lower posttransplant GFR observed in recipients of older LD we estimate
the change in GFR during three posttransplant periods:
(1) During the first 5 days posttransplant, older LD
American Journal of Transplantation 2011; 11: 1279–1286
Living Donor Age and Transplant Outcomes
Table 2: Donor age, donor GFR and kidney graft function posttransplant
Donor age (decades)
Number of patients (%)
Donor: GFR1 predonation
Serum creatine (mg/dL)
Estimated GFR2
GFR slopes
0–5 days (mL/min/day)
5–365 days (mL/min/mo)
1–5 years (mL/min/mo)
168 (16%)
110.9 ± 16.1
290 (27%)
106.0 ± 15.2
330 (31%)
102.1 ± 14.1
186 (18%)
95.9 ± 13.9
89 (8%)
87.5 ± 12.3
< 0.00013
1.39 ± 0.64
61.3 ± 18.9
65.4 ± 19.7
1.41 ± 0.40
55.7 ± 14.3
59.6 ± 16.4
1.50 ± 0.44
52.4 ± 13.5
57.2 ± 16.9
1.66 ± 1.45
49.9 ± 12.2
55.6 ± 15.8
1.72 ± 0.61
43.6 ± 12.2
44.5 ± 13.3
< 0.00013
< 0.00013
13.3 ± 6.2
0.38 ± 1.81
0.03 ± 0.45
12.0 ± 5.7
0.32 ± 1.70
0.01 ± 0.35
11.5 ± 5.8
0.16 ± 1.68
–0.02 ± 0.43
10.2 ± 4.8
0.24 ± 1.35
–0.02 ± 0.35
9.3 ± 5.2
0.15 ± 1.66
–0.15 ± 0.34
< 0.00014
1 Iothalamate
2 Estimated
GFR in ml/min/1.73 m2 .
GFR by Modification of Diet in Renal Disease (MDRD) equation.
4 Kruskal–Wallis
5 Kidney
nonparametric test.
function measured 1 year posttransplant.
kidneys had a slower rate of increase in GFR compared
to younger LD (Table 2). This observation was also confirmed in a subgroup of patients who did not have DGF
posttransplant (data not shown). The incidence of DGF in
recipients of LD younger than 60 years old was 2.5% and
in recipients of LD older than 60 years old was 6.8% (p =
0.03); (2) From day 5 to 365, average GFR slopes were positive and did not relate significantly to LD age although they
were numerically lower in older donors (Table 2); (3) From
year 1 to 5, GFR slopes were significantly more negative
as LD age increased. In summary, compared to younger
LD kidneys, older LD kidneys had a lower baseline GFR,
did not achieve as much function following transplantation
and started a more rapid decline in GFR after the first year
Increasing LD age related to increasing levels of proteinuria
at 1-year posttransplant (N = 754, p < 0.0001, Kruskal–
Wallis). This relationship remained unchanged when patients treated with sirolimus were excluded from the analysis. The percentage of recipients with normal levels of
protein in the urine (<150 mg/day) decreased progressively
from 67.7% in recipients of LD younger than 30 years
old to 44.4% in recipients of LD older than 60 years old
(Figure 1). Conversely, increasing LD age was associated
with an increased percentage of recipients with low (151–
500 mg/day) and moderate (501–1500 mg/day) levels of
proteinuria (p = 0.021). In contrast, the percentage of recipients with higher levels of proteinuria (>1500 mg/day)
did not relate to LD age.
Increasing LD age was associated with increasing levels of
systolic blood pressure (SBP) in the recipient 1-year posttransplant. However, by multivariable analysis this relationship was explained by the fact that recipients of older LD
kidneys were also older (see later). LD age did not relate
significantly to diastolic BP or with the incidence of acute
rejection or polyoma virus nephropathy during the first year
American Journal of Transplantation 2011; 11: 1279–1286
posttransplant (data not shown). Finally, LD age did not relate to the percentage of patients with anti-HLA class I or
anti-HLA class II antibodies pretransplant (data available in
most patients transplanted since 1/1/2000, N = 498).
LD age, patient and death-censored graft survival
During a follow-up period of 97.5 ± 70.7 months, 176 recipients (16.6%) died with a functioning graft and 134 (12.6%)
lost their allograft not due to patient death. By univariate
analysis increasing LD age related to worse patient survival [HR = 1.232 (1.088–1.394) for every decade increase
in LD age, p = 0.001]. However, this relationship was explained by the fact that recipients of older LD kidneys were
also older. Thus, by multivariate analysis reduced patient
survival in this cohort related to increasing recipient age
[HR = 1.916 (1.837–1.998) for every decade increase in
recipient age, p < 0.0001] and to the diagnosis of diabetes
pretransplant [HR = 2.573 (1.797–3.580), p < 0.0001], but
did not relate significantly to LD age.
By univariate analysis, increasing LD age related to reduced
death-censored graft survival [HR = 1.271 (1.219–1.326)
for every decade increase in LD age, p = 0.001] (Figure 2).
Compared to recipients of kidneys from LD younger than
30 years old, the risk of graft failure in recipients of kidneys
between 31 and 40 years was not significantly increased
[HR = 1.107 (0.635–1.930), p = 0.720]. However, as LD
age increased beyond 40 years the risk of graft failure increased progressively: LD age between 41 and 50 years
[HR = 1.777 (1.052–3.002), p = 0.032]; LD age between
51 and 60 years [HR = 1.796 (0.986–3.273), p = 0.056];
and LD older than 60 years [HR = 2.611 (1.311–5.199), p =
0.006]. Most kidney grafts were lost when they were relatively young. Thus, at the time of graft loss the median age
of the kidney was 50 (mean 49.9 ± 12, range 20–75).
Increasing LD age related to increasing recipient age
(r = 0.182, p < 0.0001). However, as suggested by this
Proteinuria (% of patients)
Noppakun et al.
Donor age (decades)
statistically weak association, there were significant age
differences between LD and recipient age in this cohort.
To assess the impact of these differences donor/recipient
pairs were divided into following groups: (1) 477 pairs
(45%) where the donor was at least 5 years younger
than the recipient (DyR); (2) 379 pairs (35%) where the
donor was within ±5 years of the recipient age (DR);
and (3) 207 pairs (20%) where the donor was more
than 5 years older than the recipient (DoR) (Table 3).
The DyR group included older recipients who received
kidneys from younger donors. In contrast, the DoR included younger recipients who received kidneys from
relatively older donors. Compared to the DR group, recipients in the DyR group had a significant graft survival advantage [HR = 0.600 (0.380–0.949), p = 0.029]
while recipients in the DoR group had a significant graft
survival disadvantage [HR = 2.217 (1.507–3.261), p <
0.0001] (Figure 3A). The impact of the difference between
donor and recipient age (D-Rage) on graft survival was
noted particularly in younger recipients (Figure 3B). Thus,
in recipients younger than 50 years (approximate median
Figure 1: Urine protein levels measured in 24-h urine samples collected one year posttransplant.
Open bars: proteinuria <150 mg/day
(normal range); gray bars: proteinuria between 151 and 500 mg/day;
stripped bars: proteinuria between
501 and 1500 mg/day; black bars: proteinuria greater than 1500 mg/day.
age of the recipient population, N = 570) D-Rage had a significant impact on graft survival [HR = 1.030 per 1 year difference in donor/recipient age (1.017–1.043), p < 0.0001].
In contrast, in recipients older than 50 years old (N = 493)
there was no significant relationship between D-Rage and
death-censored graft survival [HR = 1.017 (0.989–1.045),
p = 0.227] (Figure 3C). It should be noted that in recipients
older than 50 years old the DoR group was quite small (N =
In addition to donor age, the following variables related to
death-censored graft failure by univariate analysis: donor
GFR pretransplant [HR = 0.971 (0.958–0.985), p < 0.001],
recipient age [HR = 0.975 (0.963–0.987), p < 0.001],
months on dialysis pretransplant [HR = 1.001 (1.000–
1.001), p = 0.007], DGF [HR = 4.661 (2.393–9.080), p <
0.001], HLA mismatches [HR = 1.246 (1.106–1.405), p <
0.001], GFR at 1 year posttransplant [HR = 0.925 (0.906–
0.944), p < 0.001] and proteinuria at 1 year posttransplant
[HR = 1.481 (1.333–1.646), p < 0.001]. In contrast, the following variables were found to be not significantly related
Table 3: Donor and recipient characteristics classified according to the age difference between LD and recipients
Number of patients (%)
Donor demographics
Age (years)
% Males
BMI (kg/m2 )
GFR2 pretransplant
Recipient demographics
Age (years)
% Males
BMI (kg/m2 )
Donor-recipient age difference1
477 (45%)
379 (35%)
207 (20%)
36.7 ± 9.7
27.6 ± 5.1
105.7 ± 15.9
44.4 ± 12.1
27.8 ± 5.0
101.5 ± 15.4
51.1 ± 9.8
27.4 ± 4.3
95.6 ± 14.6
58.1 ± 11.4
28.4 ± 5.6
44.7 ± 12.1
27.2 ± 5.8
31.0 ± 10.5
25.5 ± 5.7
1 DyR:
donor at least 5 years younger than recipient; DR: donor within ±5 years of recipient age; DoR: donor at least 5 years older than
2 GFR in mL/min/1.73 m2 .
4 Chi square
NS, nonsignificant.
American Journal of Transplantation 2011; 11: 1279–1286
Living Donor Age and Transplant Outcomes
to death-censored graft survival: donor gender, donor BMI,
donor type (living related vs. living unrelated), recipient
gender, recipient BMI, pretransplant diabetes, preemptive
transplant, acute rejection during 1 year posttransplant, induction therapy, immunosuppressive regimens and year of
We next analyzed other variables that could explain the
relationship between D-Rage and death-censored graft
survival. A multivariate analysis including all of the pretransplant variables related to graft survival (except recipient age since it is highly related to D-Rage) is shown in
Table 4, Model 1 (581 patients included in this analysis). In
this model, D-Rage remained significantly related to deathcensored graft survival and in particular this relationship
was independent of the LD GFR pretransplant.
Table 4 also displays two additional multivariate models including posttransplant variables related to death-censored
graft survival. The first of these models (Table 4, Model 2,
504 patients included in this analysis) showed that D-Rage
is related to graft survival independently of all other posttransplant variables in this analysis, including graft function
at 1 year. Additional models were constructed including
rather than GFR at 1 year, the slope of the reciprocal of the
serum creatinine at different time intervals. All of those
models (results not shown) confirmed the result of Model
2, that is the relationship between D-Rage and graft survival is statistically independent of graft function. In contrast to these findings, in a final statistical model including
posttransplant variables (Table 4, Model 3, 413 patients included in this analysis) the relationship between D-Rage
and graft survival was noted to be not independent from
the presence of proteinuria 1 year posttransplant.
This analysis confirms previous observations that the median age of LD and the use of living unrelated donors have
increased significantly over the last three decades. The
increasing use of older LD emphasizes the relevance of
assessing the relationship between LD age, graft function
and/or survival. These results showed clearly that increasing LD age is associated with reduced death-censored graft
survival. However, it is important to note that the reduction
in survival is apparent particularly after 4 years posttransplant. This observation is consistent with previous studies
in deceased donors (4) showing that the relationship of
donor age and graft survival is evident after long periods of
follow-up. This observation likely explains why some studies have found no significant association between LD age
and graft survival over relatively short periods of follow-up
These results showed that the magnitude of the impact of
LD age on graft survival is conditioned in large part by the
age of the recipient. In older recipients, patient survival
is the main limitation to length of graft survival. In contrast, in younger recipients death-censored graft survival is
the main limitation of the success of kidney transplantation. In practical terms, these results indicate that selecting an LD based on donor age would have little impact on
the success of kidney transplantation in older recipients.
Figure 2: Relationship between
donor age (in decades) and deathcensored graft survival. Groups
include donors between 18 and 30
years old (—); donors between 31 and
40 years old (− − −); donors between
41 and 50 years old (+ — +); donors
between 51 and 60 years old (. . .) and
donors older than 60 years old (—) (p =
0.014, Log Rank).
'Proportion of functioning grafts
American Journal of Transplantation 2011; 11: 1279–1286
Months post-transplant
Noppakun et al.
B Recipients <50 years old
Proportion of functioning grafts
Proportion of functioning grafts
Months post-transplant
Months post-transplant
Recipients >=50 years old
Proportion of functioning grafts
Months post-transplant
Figure 3: Death-censored graft survival in patients classified according to the age difference between donor and recipient. (A) All
recipients in the cohort (N = 1063, p < 0.0001, Log Rank); (B) recipients younger than 50 years old (N = 552, p < 0.0001); (C) recipients
50 years old or older (N = 511, p = 0.500). DyR, donor younger than recipient by at least 5 years (—); DR donor within ±5 years of the
recipient age (− − −); DoR, donor older than the recipient by at least 5 years (+—+).
Table 4: Relationship between death-censored graft survival, donor-recipient age difference (D-Rage) and other variables
Model 1:
Pretransplant variables
D-Rage (years)
Donor GFR1
HLA mismatch
Months on dialysis
GFR1 at 1 year
Proteinuria at 1 year
HR (95% CI)
1.019 (1.002, 1.037)
0.976 (0.945, 0.998)
1.258 (1.053, 1.504)
1.000 (1.000–1.001)
Model 2:
Posttransplant variables
HR (95% CI)
1.020 (1.005, 1.036)
2.895 (0.893, 9.384)
0.92 (0.907, 0.946)
Model 3:
Posttransplant variables
HR (95% CI)
1.009 (0.988, 1.031)
3.782 (0.856, 16.709)
0.936 (0.910, 0.962)
1.520 (1.291, 1.789)
in mL/min/1.73 m2 .
American Journal of Transplantation 2011; 11: 1279–1286
Living Donor Age and Transplant Outcomes
However, in younger recipients LD age becomes a very important determinant of length of graft survival and selecting
an LD that is younger than the recipient will have important
beneficial consequences for the recipient. For example, as
displayed in Figure 3B, recipients younger than 50 years old
whose donor is more than 5 years younger have a greater
than 90% death-censored graft survival at 10 and 20 years
posttransplant. In contrast, it should be noted that in our
program up to 20% of younger recipients receive relatively
older donors and thus have a graft survival disadvantage.
Indeed, age is a continuous variable so the arbitrary definition of younger or older was adopted here simply to
facilitate the analysis and illustrate the point.
Most kidney grafts are not lost due to their longevity
but due to other circumstances that require investigation.
Thus, the median age of the kidney graft when lost was
50 years. These analyses showed that LD age was an important determinant of two additional variables that relate
to graft survival: graft function and proteinuria. In normal
individuals increasing age is associated with a decline in
kidney function (8,9). Increasing LD age not only relates to
lower kidney function prior to donation but also to lower
graft function after transplantation. Several previous studies showed that graft function strongly relates to deathcensored graft survival (15). Thus, it could be postulated
that the reduced survival of older kidneys is due to their
reduced function. However, these results showed conclusively that this is not the case as the relationship between
LD age and graft survival is statistically independent of kidney function. In addition to the effect of aging, older LD
grafts have a slow recovery of function immediately following transplantation (i.e. lower GFR slope first 5 days
posttransplant) an observation noted in previous studies
(16). In addition, older LD kidneys have a tendency to lose
function after the first year posttransplant. The more rapid
loss of function observed in recipients of older LD cannot
be explained by their lower baseline GFR because in both
native kidneys (8,9) and in allografts (17) the rate of loss
of kidney function does not relate to the baseline GFR.
These observations beg the question, why do some older
LD kidneys lose function progressively after transplantation and consequently have a shorter survival? The associations noted here between LD age, proteinuria and graft
failure we postulated provide a possible explanation for
these findings.
Posttransplant proteinuria is a strong and independent covariate of graft survival (18–21). The pathogenesis of this
association is likely complex and it is better understood
considering two levels of proteinuria: First, high levels
of proteinuria (>1500 mg/day) are most often indicative
of glomerular pathology, either recurrent or de novo (21)
which is associated with poor graft survival (22). The lack
of relationship between LD age and high level proteinuria
showed here (see Figure 1) indicates that the incidence of
these glomerular pathologies does not vary with LD age.
Second, recipients with low (151–500 mg/day) or moderate
American Journal of Transplantation 2011; 11: 1279–1286
(501–1500 mg/day) levels of proteinuria also have reduced
graft survival (19–21) but these grafts most often have nonglomerular and nonspecific pathology. However, in kidney
recipients even low levels of proteinuria are frequently associated with albuminuria, suggesting abnormal glomerular permeability (21). Of interest, this study showed that
low-to-moderate levels of proteinuria are highly associated
with LD age. Furthermore, the presence of proteinuria explained statistically the association between LD age and
death-censored graft survival. That is, those LD grafts, particularly from older donors, that develop proteinuria have
reduced survival. Conversely, older LD kidneys that do not
develop proteinuria posttransplant have a survival that is
comparable to that of younger LD kidneys.
Donor age is classified among the nonmodifiable factors
that relate to graft survival. We dispute the implications of
this classification because in fact most kidney grafts are
lost at a relatively young age. Perhaps a more constructive approach to this issue would be to ask why kidney
grafts deteriorate functionally after transplantation and why
age apparently accelerates this process. Age is indeed a
nonmodifiable factor. However, recognition of the variables
that cause allograft deterioration and the study of the responses of the kidney to injury may suggest preventive
and therapeutic measures that may prolong graft survival.
We postulate that the shorter life span of kidney grafts
is not inevitable and, in fact, it can be successfully modified. These results indicate that LD age is quite relevant
to long-term death-censored graft survival, particularly in
younger individuals and suggest that the biology of the
older LD graft determines important functional abnormalities that are progressive and eventually lead to the graft’s
premature failure.
The authors would like to thank the Mayo Clinic transplant coordinators for
their tireless efforts in patient follow-up and data collection. These studies
were supported in part by grants from the Nephrology and Hypertension
Division of the Mayo Clinic Rochester. The investigators acknowledge the
NIAID-funded RELIVE study and study investigators in providing data collection support.
The authors of this manuscript have no conflicts of interest to disclose as described by the American Journal of
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