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Ekonomi internasional adalah ilmu ekonomi yang membahas akibat saling ketergantungan antara negara-negara di dunia, baik dari segi perdagangan internasional maupun pasar kredit internasional. Sumber energi Amerika Serikat, misalnya, sangat bergantung pada produsen luar negeri, sedangkan Jepang mengimpor hampir setengah dari makanan yang di konsumsi oleh penduduknya. Sebaliknya, negara-negara berkembang sangat membutukan teknologi yang dikembangkan dan dihasilkan oleh negara-negara industri. Dalam jangka panjang, pola perdagangan internasional ditentukan oleh prinsip-prinsip keunggulan komparatif.
Ekonomi internasional menjadi satu bidang studi yang semakin penting karena adanya integrasi yang cepat pada pasar internasional. Terlebih lagi perusahaan-perusahaan, pemerintah, dan konsumen menyadari bahwa hidup mereka semakin dipengaruhi bukan hanya oleh apa yang terjadi di kota mereka sendiri, negara, tetapi juga oleh apa yang terjadi di seluruh dunia.
Petra’s Temple of the Winged Lions Volume 2: The Finds and Community Engagement, 2024
A visitor survey and tracking pilot project took place in October 2019 at the Temple of the Winged Lions in partnership with ACOR, the Petra Development and Tourism Region Authority, and the Petra College for Tourism and Archaeology at Al-Hussein Bin Talal University (AHU) and with support of the Department of Antiquities. Four students from Petra College and two PDTRA staff members conducted short interviews and tracked visitors over a two-week period. The project was important in encouraging collaboration between the PDTRA and Petra College within the Petra Archaeological Park and aimed to engage visitors and gather information on site usage following the completion of physical interventions.
The Philippine Review of Economics, 2023
The 16 th century Carrera del Pacífico: its sailor-merchants and their trade goods Kristyl Obispado Aims and Scope: The Philippine Review of Economics (pre) invites theoretical and empirical articles on economics and economic development. Papers on the Philippines, Asian and other developing economies are especially welcome. Book reviews will also be considered. The pre is published jointly by the up School of Economics and the Philippine Economic Society. Its contents are indexed in the Journal of Economic Literature, EconLit, and RePEc. pre's readership includes economists and other social scientists in academe, business, government, and development research institutions. Publication Information: The pre (issn 1655-1516) is a peer-reviewed journal published every June and December of each year. A searchable database of published articles and their abstracts is available at the pre website ( ph).
Uyuşmazlık Mahkemesi Dergisi V.6-12, 2018
Tikrit Journal of Pure Science
Gambling 2.0: Teknologier som Forvandler Online Gambling, 2024
Social Sciences Studies Journal, 2017
EAST WEST Reflections on Demonization North Korea Now, China Next?, 2020
Revista JULGAR, n.º 33, set.-dez. 2017, pp. 339-361, 2017
European journal of public health, 2016
Revista TOMO, 2024
Social Science Research Network, 2009
The Astrophysical Journal, 2019
International Journal of Information and Education Technology
Optik - International Journal for Light and Electron Optics, 2008