Fostering design-led
innovation capabilities
Research conference proceedings of the 2018
DATTArc (Vol 10).
Assoc. Professor Kurt Seemann (Convenor)
Professor P John Williams (Chair of Review)
The 10th Biennial International Design and Technology Teacher’s Association Research Conference (DATTArc),
previously known as TERC (Technology Education Research Conference) was hosted by Swinburne University of
Technology, Hawthorn, 5th to 8th December 2018. The proceedings were jointly published by DATTArc and the Centre
for Design Innovation, Swinburne University of Technology. Typically, research proceedings are jointly published by
the DATTArc Convenors in partnership with the host research university or research institution.
This 10th DATTArc invited national and international teachers and teacher educators of Technology Education to come
together between the 5th and 8th of December, 2018 in Hawthorn, Victoria, Australia.
Supporters and Partners
Convenors Associate Professor Kurt Seemann, and Professor P. John Williams, of the Design and Technology
Teachers Association Research Conference (DATTArc)
Centre for Design Innovation (CDI), Swinburne University of Technology (SUT), Australia.
Faculty of Health, Arts and Design (FHAD), Swinburne University of Technology, Australia.
Springer Executive Editor for Education Research Mr. Nick Melchior - Australia
Design and Technology Teacher’s Association of Australia (DATTA Aus)
Design and Technology Teacher’s Association of Victoria (DATTA Vic)
Swinburne Senior Secondary College, Principal Michael O'Brien (SSSC)
Many people have contributed their time and skills to assist the 2018 Biennial International DATTA Research
Conference at Swinburne University of Technology, Hawthorn, Australia, and the compilation of the proceedings. I
wish to personally thank and acknowledge the work by Professor P John Williams, (Chair, Academic Review Board and
co-convenor), Pro Vice Chancellor Prof. Hung Nguyen who opened the event representing STEM at Swinburne, and the
various supporting staff at Swinburne University of Technology, Swinburne Senior Secondary College, Principal
Michael O'Brien, and the Design and Technology Teacher’s Association of Australia and Victoria. I want to thank key
support staff including Ms. Fatma Mohammed, Mr. Ryan Malcolm, Mr. Alistair Hart and Ms. Jenny Jiang. Artwork was
produced by Dr. Michael lo Bianco. The Welcome to Country was delivered by Wurundjeri Land Council Elder, Uncle
Dave Wandinwill.
Conference Convenor and Chair of Academic Review:
Associate Professor Kurt Seemann (Convenor, Conference Director),
Founding Centre Director (2013-2018), Centre for Design Innovation, Swinburne University of Technology
Professor P John William, (Chair, Academic Program and Review; Master of Ceremony)
Director, Graduate Research, School of Education, Curtin University
Academic Review Committee:
Prof. P. John Williams, Curtin University, Australia (Chair)
Prof. David Spendlove, University of Manchester, United Kingdom
Prof. Jonas Hallström
Universitetslektor Prof. Thomas Ginner
Prof. Kay Stables, Goldsmith College
Assoc. Prof. Kurt Seemann, Swinburne University of Technology, Australia (Keynote)
Assoc. Prof. Claes Klasander
Reader. Steve Keirl, Goldsmiths, University of London
Dr. Eva Hartell, KTH Royal Institute of Technology, Sweden (Keynote)
Dr Angela Turner, Southern Cross University, Australia
David Ellis, Southern Cross University, Australia
John Barlow, Australian Catholic University, Australia
Larry Spry, Uni SA and DATTA SA, Australia
Proceedings of the 10th Biennial International Design and Technology Teacher’s Association Research Conference (DATTArc):
5-8 Dec. 2018, Swinburne University of Technology, Hawthorn, Victoria, Australia.
p. iii
Scholarly Review Policy
2018 Biennial International Proceedings of the Design and Technology Teacher’s Association Research Conference,
Melbourne, Australia. 5-8 Dec 2018 (Vol. 10). Swinburne University of Technology, Hawthorn, Victoria, Australia:
DATTArc and Swinburne University of Technology.
All full-papers (4000 to 7000 words in length) and extended scholarly-abstracts (1000-1500 words in length) published
herewith in the Scholarly Articles section of the proceedings have been double-blind peer reviewed. Authors were
required to either revise, or resubmit their work for a second round of review, in response to referees' recommendations.
Submissions were rejected where they were off-topic or not compliant with the quality guidelines provided in the
submission portal of
All posters, and presentations accompanied by short abstract submissions in the General Presentations section of the
proceedings were copyedited but not peer reviewed.
Papers are listed in alphabetical order within their above sections by the surname of the lead author.
Citation for proceedings
Seemann, K., & Williams, P. J. (Eds.). (2018). Fostering applied design led innovation capabilities. Proceedings of the
10th International Biennial Design and Technology Teacher’s Association Research Conference (DATTArc) 2018 (Vol.
10). 5th - 8th Dec 2018, Swinburne University of Technology, Hawthorn, Victoria, Australia: DATTArc and Swinburne
University of Technology.
ISBN-13: 978-0-6480892-3-0
Citation for paper published in proceedings
<Surname1, Initial.>, <Surname2, Initial.>, & <Surname3, Initial.> (2018). <Paper title.> In K. Seemann & P. J.
Williams (Eds.), Fostering design led innovation capabilities: Proceedings of the 10th Biennial International Design
and Technology Teacher’s Association Research Conference (DATTArc). 5-8 Dec 2018 (Vol. 10). Swinburne University
of Technology, Hawthorn, Victoria, Australia: DATTArc and Swinburne University of Technology.
ISBN-13: 978-0-6480892-3-0.
© 2018 Design and Technology Teacher’s Association Research Conference jointly with Swinburne University of
Attributions: Creative Commons:
C/o Assoc. Professor. K Seemann, DATTArc Convenor and Conference Director | Swinburne University of
Technology | Hawthorne | Victoria | 3122 | Australia | tel: +61 3 9214 4382 |
[email protected]
Past DATTArc Conferences (prior named TERC)
NOTE: In 2016 the Technology Education Research Conference (TERC) was renamed the Design and Technology Teacher’s
Association Research Conference (DATTARC) to better reflect international terminology, and the range of disciplines this
field of education typically covers in international and Australian curriculum.
Gold Coast (aka TERC)/Griffith University
Gold Coast (aka TERC)/Griffith University
Gold Coast (aka TERC)/Griffith University
Gold Coast (aka TERC)/Griffith University
Gold Coast (aka TERC)/Griffith University
Gold Coast (aka TERC)/Griffith University
Gold Coast (aka TERC)/Griffith University
Sydney (aka TERC)/Griffith University
Adelaide (aka TERC)/Griffith University
Melbourne (DATTArc)/Swinburne University of
Coffs Harbour (DATTArc)/Southern Cross University
TBA, Go to:
Proceedings of the 10th Biennial International Design and Technology Teacher’s Association Research Conference (DATTArc):
5-8 Dec. 2018, Swinburne University of Technology, Hawthorn, Victoria, Australia.
p. iv
Leading academic speakers at DATTArc 2018
Chair of the DATTArc Review Board
Prof. P John Williams
Prof. Williams is Professor of Education and the Director of Graduate Studies in the School of Education at Curtin
University in Perth, Western Australia, where he teaches and supervises research students in STEM and
technology education. He is on the editorial board of seven professional journals, and has authored or contributed
to over 240 publications. He has chaired the paper review process for four prior conferences and was the Master
of Ceremony for DATTArc 2018.
Welcome address - Swinburne University of Technology
Professor Hung Nguyen
Professor Hung Nguyen is the Pro Vice-Chancellor for the Faculty of Science, Engineering & Technology at
Swinburne University of Technology. With strong research interests in the contribution of design thinking, and
design innovation, Prof. Nguyen supports the end to end expertise in biomedical engineering, artificial
intelligence, and neuroscience. He has developed several medical devices for diabetes, disability, fatigue, and
cardiovascular diseases.
International keynote
Dr. Eva Hartell of Sweden
Dr. Hartell represented that new breed of design led innovation educators emerging in our field. Speaking to the
topic of Assuring the future for Design and Technology by embedding classroom formative assessment, Eva will
share her research on affordance in assessment. In 2015, her PhD thesis was among the top 10 read in Sweden.
She is currently working with the municipality of Haninge and the KTH Royal Institute of Technology, Sweden.
She was appointed the title lector by the Swedish National Agency for Education in 2013.
Design Innovation Keynote
Assoc. Prof. Kurt Seemann
Kurt is the Founding Director of Swinburne’s Centre for Design Innovation (CDI) . He shared his insights of his
new project on developmentally appropriate innovation education. Kurt investigates the relationship between
people, technology, and the environment as a complex, mutually influencing system. He held the distinguished
position of DATTA Victoria's Thinker Online, is a Board Member of DATTA Australia, and has led many
successful competitive research projects from ARC and CRC, to Industry Innovations.
It was no ordinary dinner night!
Professor David Spendlove
We were blessed to have as our dinner guest, Professor David Spendlove, Director of Teaching, Learning and
Students / Strategic Director of Initial Teacher Education at the University of Manchester. David shared his
provocative ideas on Technology Education: no ordinary story that made the dinner tickets well worth while for
Keynote and Polymath
Maddison Miller, Darug woman and archaeologist
When it comes to design led innovation and sustainable ingenuity, there is much to learn from the world's oldest
living culture. Maddison is a Darug woman and archaeologist at Heritage Victoria. Maddi advocated for broader
acceptance and incorporation of Aboriginal knowledge systems in design, urban research, and architecture. Maddi
is the co-chair of the Indigenous Advisory Group to the Clean Air and Urban Landscapes Hub of the National
Environmental Science Program.
Steve Keirl, Reader at Goldsmiths,
University of London: Conference Provocateur of international repute.
Steve Keirl staunchly advocated that Design and Technology is key to general education. He staunchly resists
STEM. He collects washing-up brushes. Steve floated through the research conference presentations and
provided critique to assure the big and key issues of the event have us all taking pause to place serious attention
to what we were doing versus what we need to do, and what we ought avoid.
Dr. Leyla Acaroglu,
Keynote screening of Designing Change.
Dr. Leyla Acaroglu challenged people to think differently about how the world works. As an award winning
designer, UNEP Champion of the Earth, sociologist, and entrepreneur, she developed the Disruptive Design
Method and designs cerebrally activating experiences, gamified toolkits, and educational experiences that help
people make the status quo obsolete. Her mainstage TED talk on sustainability has been viewed over a million
times, enabling positive social change through creative interventions and systems thinking.
Peter Murphy. Closing address: The Future of Design and Technology Education
Peter Murphy trained as an Industrial Designer in the UK. He worked for retail designers Dollar Rae and cofounded the design consultancy Go 90 in Glasgow. He was part of the 2011 Product Design & Technology VCE
review panel, has published teacher support material for VCE Unit 1 PD&T and is the creator of “So You Think
You Can Design”. Peter has also been part of the VCAA expert panel charged with reviewing and trialing the
national curriculum for Design and Technology. Peter served as President of DATTA Vic in 2015 and 2016 where
he helped to develop Design and Technology Week. He was president of DATTA Australia.
Proceedings of the 10th Biennial International Design and Technology Teacher’s Association Research Conference (DATTArc):
5-8 Dec. 2018, Swinburne University of Technology, Hawthorn, Victoria, Australia.
p. v
Table of Contents
Introduction and Conference Theme ............................................................................................................ 8
Scholarly Articles
In support of authentic research practice by students in design education. ............................................... 10
Deborah Louise Cameron, Anton Oskar Nemme ....................................................................................... 10
Systems Engineering: Identification and fostering of inferential and social skills ..................................... 20
Milorad Cerovac, Kurt Seemann and Therese Keane.................................................................................. 20
Defining a curriculum through activity: Facilitating epistemic autonomy in technology education ......... 29
Andrew Doyle1, Niall Seery2, and Lena Gumaelius1................................................................................... 29
Team designing: A case study in conformity and rationalisation ............................................................... 38
Nigel Bruce Goodwin ............................................................................................................................... 38
Assuring a future for design and technology by embedding classroom formative assessment .................. 46
Eva Hartell................................................................................................................................................ 46
Pedagogies and practices for developing innovation capability: Beyond the AITSL standards ................ 57
Esther Hill1, Therese Keane2 and Kurt Seemann2 ....................................................................................... 57
A proposal for learning of programming focused on IoT ........................................................................... 64
Yuji Kudo1, Toshikazu Yamamoto2, Takenori Motomura3, Jun Moriyama4, Sumi Kazuhiro5, Seiya
Takishima6 ................................................................................................................................................ 64
Development of Gaming Materials to Promote Substantial Understanding of Technology ...................... 71
Toshiki Matsuda and Fumiya Kanai .......................................................................................................... 71
How expert technology teachers try to promote students’ creativities. From the results of semi structured
interviews. .................................................................................................................................................... 80
Jun Moriyama1, Kaoru Higashida2, Keita Sera3, Masakatu Kuroda4, Mituaki Ogura5 .................................. 80
Development of hydroponics teaching tool for root vegetables................................................................... 86
Masanao Satou1, Toshikazu Yamamoto2 .................................................................................................... 86
Lesson to think about the actual state of energy supply in Japan and future energy use on our living..... 93
Toshikazu Yamamoto, Kimihito Takeno, Kouhei Suzuki ........................................................................... 93
Development and practice of technology education classes based on product disassembly under the
conditions of the Japanese Courses of Study............................................................................................... 98
Kento Tsutsumi1, Shuhei Ban2, Chikahiko Yata2 ........................................................................................ 98
Academic Design: Towards a definition in a product design context ........................................................ 107
Roderick Walden1 and Ilpo Koskinen2 ...................................................................................................... 107
Identifying and defining the activities that are maker education: An international view ......................... 115
David Ellis ............................................................................................................................................... 115
Critical Questions, Creative Solutions: How can Initial Teacher Education programs better prepare
graduates to understand and teach STEM?............................................................................................... 118
Denise MacGregor, Bruce White, Debra Panizzon, Derek Rogers ............................................................. 118
Lesson Development with the ‘Dyson Engineering Box’ as a Global Teaching Material in Japanese
Technology Education ................................................................................................................................ 121
Proceedings of the 10th Biennial International Design and Technology Teacher’s Association Research Conference (DATTArc):
5-8 Dec. 2018, Swinburne University of Technology, Hawthorn, Victoria, Australia.
p. 6
Norihiro Mukaida and Chikahiko Yata ..................................................................................................... 121
Progressing the professional identity of pre service Technology Education students. .............................. 124
Deborah Trevallion .................................................................................................................................. 124
From the Living World to Digital Technologies: Programming food and fibre learning experiences for
children and young people.......................................................................................................................... 131
Angela Turner and Leanne Cameron ........................................................................................................ 131
Creativity in Design and Technologies education: preservice teachers’ perspectives ............................... 134
Belinda von Mengersen............................................................................................................................ 134
General Presentations
Designing Change - A Streamed Video Presentation ................................................................................. 138
Leyla Acaroglu ........................................................................................................................................ 138
Design and Technology Education for, through, about and against design – valuing 4-D approaches. ... 138
Steve Keirl ............................................................................................................................................... 138
Learning Strategies to Support Design for Emerging Manufacturing Methods ....................................... 138
Stefan Lie ................................................................................................................................................ 138
Always Was, Always Will Be – Aboriginal Knowledge and STEM ........................................................... 139
Maddison Miller ...................................................................................................................................... 139
Practice and Evaluation of STEM Education through Elementary School Programming Learning ....... 139
Ayaka Murakami1, Toshikazu Yamamoto2, Takenori Motomura3, Jun Moriyama4, Masakatsu Kuroda5 ..... 139
The Future of Design and Technology Education...................................................................................... 140
Peter Murphy ........................................................................................................................................... 140
A Fact-finding Survey on Student's Information Morals and Security at the Time of Graduation from
Junior High School ..................................................................................................................................... 140
Ryoichi Oguma1, Toshikazu Yamamoto2 .................................................................................................. 140
Applied Design Led Innovation: Why D&T is the only subject that can deliver ...................................... 141
Kurt Seemann .......................................................................................................................................... 141
Barriers to commercialization on Botswana's Design and Technology output ......................................... 141
Polokwane Sekonopo ............................................................................................................................... 141
A change in Course ..................................................................................................................................... 142
Larry Spry ............................................................................................................................................... 142
Connecting with Regional members........................................................................................................... 142
Larry Spry ............................................................................................................................................... 142
Problem-based learning in Design and Technology ................................................................................... 143
Brad Walmsley ........................................................................................................................................ 143
Preparing the next generation of technology and design teachers............................................................. 144
Lincoln Gill ............................................................................................................................................. 144
Proceedings of the 10th Biennial International Design and Technology Teacher’s Association Research Conference (DATTArc):
5-8 Dec. 2018, Swinburne University of Technology, Hawthorn, Victoria, Australia.
p. 7
Introduction and Conference Theme
Fostering applied design led innovation capabilities: how do we know we are doing it better
than any other subject?
Many people have asked how Design and Technology Education researchers are able to conceptualise and organise their diverse
research interests for these and future DATTArc papers?
Continuing the 18 years of research tradition championed by Associate Professor Howard Middleton at Griffith University,
Technology Education Research Unit (TERU), the Biennial International Design and Technology Teacher’s Association
Research Conference (DATTArc) is led and managed by the academic community in collaboration with classroom practitioners
from the early years, to primary and secondary education and through to initial and postgraduate Technology Teacher education.
Together this biennial research event pools education researchers from internationally diverse backgrounds and disciplines to
advance understanding of how societies frame, teach and critique the education of citizens in the fields of Design, Technologies,
and related fields of Innovation Development.
While in-service school teachers deliver Design and Technologies related curriculum from the early years to year 12, the
DATTArc focusses on the future of the field, critiques its assumptions, and directs its investigative efforts to continually foster
a sustainable and democratic education.
Our theme focused on the role applied design and technological capabilities in education foster and develop human ingenuity
and innovation traits among students. This research is typically a multi-disciplinary effort, often drawing upon ‘play based’
and ‘project based’ learning to develop the educated citizen. In this and future DATTArc you will see papers that articulate
Developmental Research in Technology Education: early years to year 12/13
Cognitive, social and psycho-motor development with respect to understanding a various aspect of technology
education generally and unique within genres of technology.
Pedagogy Research in Technology Education :
Effective Teaching and Learning strategies, including formative learning diagnosis and summative learning
evaluations (assessments). This includes experiential education research, group learning, online learning,
etc. Assistive teaching technology (educational technology and ICT) and the Reggio Emilia aspect of the Technology
and Design learning environment.
Epistemology Research in Technology Education :
Research on the phenomenology of technology, the form of our field of knowledge: sub-disciplines otherwise known
as technacy genres such as digital technology, the technological sciences such as fields of engineering, wood
technology, food technology, textiles technology or ceramics technology. Contexts of Technology such as Indigenous
Technologies, habitat and technology research, technology choice and climate science education, Technologies and
society research, and so Technologies education and (any other field).
Comparative Research in Technology Education
Cross-cultural Technology Education Research, Technology and culture research, gender and technology education
Historical, Theoretical, Ethical and Philosophical Research in Technology Education:
What ought we be teaching, learning and valuing. How ought we understand our history and use it to build a long
evolving arch for the depth of our field of learning.
Institutional, Political, Policy and Economic research in Technology Education
Trends in technology education (teachers, students, academics), institutional perceptions, the economics of
technology education. Technology education in national policies and its rhetoric (discourse analysis).
There is much to build and critique in new knowledge and understanding for this area of educational research. In this and all
DATTArc conferences we invite research that seeks to reduce ignorance and improve the capabilities of citizens to understand,
develop a capacity for informed judgements about, and be engaged agents of innovation, creativity, and critique of the madeworld about them.
We invite you to browse the innovative ideas and critiques scoped in these proceedings
Associate Professor Kurt Seemann, PhD. | Convenor & Conference Director | DATTArc 2018
Proceedings of the 10th Biennial International Design and Technology Teacher’s Association Research Conference (DATTArc):
5-8 Dec. 2018, Swinburne University of Technology, Hawthorn, Victoria, Australia.
p. 8
Scholarly Articles
This section of the proceedings lists in alphabetical order by the lead author’s surname, all full-length scholarly papers
(typically 4000 to 7000 words) and scholarly essays/extended abstracts (typically 1000-1500 words). These papers have
been double-blind peer reviewed consistent with international conventions. Authors were required to respond to their
reviewers’ critique before having their papers accepted into this section of the proceedings.
Proceedings of the 10th Biennial International Design and Technology Teacher’s Association Research Conference (DATTArc):
5-8 Dec. 2018, Swinburne University of Technology, Hawthorn, Victoria, Australia.
p. 9
In support of authentic research practice by students in design education.
Deborah Louise Cameron, Anton Oskar Nemme
University of Technology Sydney, Australia
Both the Animation and Product design programs at the University of Technology Sydney share a common goal, with the early
teaching focus being engagement with traditional analogue skills. Observational drawing and analysis from life we deem
an authentic research tool as it creates a clear and tangible experience between the observer and the subject in three-dimensional
space. It also provides the opportunity for a physical and empathetic response to occur.
Where students have not been directed to observe from life, we find they rely on the collection of images and video from online
sources. The experience of pre-formatted, screen-based observation restricts the possibility of authentic engagement as the
chosen subject matter is already pre-designed by a third party.
To understand if students identify the benefits of an authentic research experience an experiment with two separate tasks was
conducted. In the first task, students were asked to undertake a drawing exercise inside a computer lab with a computer terminal
being the only research tool available. We call this the ‘screen-based studio’ (SBS). The second task directed the students to
undertake a laboratory exercise where they drew from life, which we call the ‘drawing from life studio’ (DFLS).
The goal of these studio exercises was to investigate ways for students to understand that producing innovative work requires
stepping out of their comfort zones and engaging in a more challenging and authentic information gathering experience.
This paper discusses the results of this experiment.
Authentic research experience, collateral learning, cognition, life drawing, product design, animation, design education,
observational research, reflective practice, research methods, experiential learning.
process and subject matter. This need for experience to be
authentically educative has been debated for a long time in
the literature dating back to Dewey (1938) regarding his
thoughts on learning through experience, that “(not) all
experiences are genuinely or equally educative” (p. 25).
In the year 2018, it is arguable that in production
practitioners in the fields of Animation and Industrial
Design are entirely tied to the digital realm, however, these
However, such digital processes continue to rely on
traditional analogue skills and techniques. The authors
assert that it remains important for practitioners to strike a
balance between digital and analogue design processes to
maintain outcomes that draw on authentic experiences and
observations of details. Accordingly, the initial focus in
our teaching programs has been on traditional analogue
skills, drawing, and making, as these are fundamental
areas for development of practice. We also observed that
it is important for students to spend their limited learning
and development time in the course engaged with the best
and most authentic research practices to inform their
design projects.
When the digital experience is used as the sole research
tool the respective student is limited by the constraints of
their Internet search terms and choice of a browser or
social media platform. Their perspective has the potential
to become narrowed with little opportunity for authentic
experiences beyond the safety of their social and
intellectual perceptions of the world around them. Dewey
(1938) also explains that “a given experience may increase
a person's automatic skill” but even so, it may “narrow the
field of further experience” (p. 26). The digital medium as
a research tool by itself can be a narrowing device for the
growth of further experience.
It is very common for students new to tertiary studies to
engage with their world perspective through digital
mediums. In learning and social interaction, the digital
space provides an immediate feedback to the learner’s
actions in complete safety and with little mediating steps
to negotiate by the student compared to working feedback
through image and digital drawing tool access and
manipulation on the digital platform. Drawing on online
digital images exposes students to a large amount of
(potentially unsubstantiated) information in a short period.
However, such fast access may also reduce impact
negatively on a direct sense of responsibility for the
subject in the images downloaded, and foster enough time
to critical reflect on authentic engagement in the learning
The aim of this paper is threefold. Firstly, to explain the
benefits of what we deem authentic research experiences
using life drawing as a vehicle for exploration. The term
authentic, in this study, is best described as unfiltered,
honest, and not involving the perspective of a third party.
To explore the multi-facetted benefits of life drawing, we
delve into themes such as originality and innovation,
collateral learning, the link between emotion and thought,
cognition, animate vision and reflective practices, The
second aim of the paper is to document the methodology,
for the running and recording of a lab-based experiment
where students can directly experience for themselves the
difference between a screen-based studio (SBS)
experience and a drawing from life studio (DFLS)
Proceedings of the 10th Biennial International Design and Technology Teacher’s Association Research Conference (DATTArc):
5-8 Dec. 2018, Swinburne University of Technology, Hawthorn, Victoria, Australia.
p. 10
experience. The third aim is to collect, present and discuss
the survey data provided by participating students. The
focus of this discussion concerns their thoughts and
feelings reflecting on their participation in the lab-based
Educational context
Observational drawing from life was introduced from the
inception of the UTS Animation course in 2012 as an
integral component of the main studio subject.
Anecdotally, we have found that unlike other Design
disciplines, students enrolling in the animation degree
largely present as fans of animation rather than potential
This identity is no doubt due to the nature of animation
traditionally being viewed in entertainment terms. The
active engagement in the fan art world and reproduction of
that fan art within studio subjects is a commonly viewed
occurrence and presents as a typical drawing experience
that students have engaged with before enrolling in the
UTS Animation course. This dissociation with the
authentic source material and research practice results in
less believable, less diverse, and less original design and
performance outcomes. Through active participation in
observational drawing, the students gain an understanding
of best practice in primary research and find originality in
the source material. The far-reaching influences drawing
from life have included a deeper understanding of design
principles, a development of the ability to reflect and a
greater level of persistence when working towards the
desired outcome. The process becomes a focus and is
valued as much as the resulting drawings.
In product design at UTS, observational drawing from life
is a far more recent inclusion and has not been present in
the course for many years. Our first-year students in
Product Design undertake a communication-based subject
with three distinct modules. Drawing from life, drawing
for ideation and measured drawing. This new three-tiered
arrangement for analogue drawing skills has been in place
since 2016. Drawing from life focuses on learning about
human form, ideation focuses on translating new ideas
onto the page in an ‘industrial design style’ and measured
drawing focuses on the learning of conventions and
information. Anecdotally, we are starting to see some
benefits of this new three-tiered approach with more
realistic human features being included in presentation
graphics and students understanding that using products
often requires manipulation of features and controls with
hands and fingers and these interactions can be (and should
be) drawn and explored. The drawing from life classes
require a high level of concentration and focus. As our
students progress through the course, they can translate the
focus and attention to detail developed in the life drawing
studios across to fieldwork. Students are often asked to
ethnographic research where observational drawing and
note taking are highly useful recording skills. Having
participated in life drawing lab classes places our students
in a good position to understand people more effectively,
form and their habits. Ultimately, we hope that our
students through their own initiative will be better able to
design more sympathetic products for society.
With an understanding of the importance of drawing from
life for the building of drawing skill and as a research tool
in both Animation and Product Design, a decision was
made to create a pilot study with a small number of firstyear participants to provide an authentic lab-based
learning experience for students and to gather data on their
research habits, emotional involvement and engagement.
Following on, we detail the motives for the creation of this
experiment and discuss the results we received.
Collateral Learning
In tertiary education students benefit from continuity in
learning and any newly developed skills and attitudes they
acquire need to be carried forward from subject to subject.
Notwithstanding this situation, students may continue to
compartmentalise their learning experiences and so it is
necessary for us to revisit a core set of design skills
throughout the undergraduate education programs to
refresh their prior learning and make the value of what they
have achieved in the past more explicit.
We understand that a substantial proportion of what
students learn is a collateral consequence of the projectbased learning pedagogies that we install. Validation of
effective teaching can be provided when students become
emotionally involved and they are incentivised to conduct
their own learning activities, which can lie outside the
requirements of project deliverables. Dewey (1938)
discusses the notion of collateral learning in relation to
negate an educational fallacy “that a person only learns the
thing he is studying at the time” (p. 48). Perhaps students
should be made more aware of the value of collateral
learning, Dewey explains that it is far more important in
the “formation of enduring attitudes” (1938, p. 48).
The role of education and our role as educators should be
to prepare students for their future beyond a purely
intellectual perspective. Resilience, imagination, curiosity,
adaptability, social awareness, and the ability to deal with
challenges, are all skills that a student must learn and
experience in the relative safety of an education system.
For these elements to develop the student will no doubt
experience moments of discomfort, insecurity, ambiguity,
and confusion when challenged to shift their perspectives
and to move out of their comfort zone. The personal
control that the digital world offers provides a well-known
and safe space to reside. The user generally chooses the
information that is required, at a time that suits, normally
on their own. At University, screen time most often takes
place in familiar internal environments surrounded by
other individuals who are all doing the same thing, at the
same time, and using the same resources. The
opportunities for new experiences and beneficial collateral
learning are minimised.
By simply removing the screen and physically being in a
different real-world environment, students can experience
situations beyond their control, with the boundaries of
their world expanding as they are exposed to new
information and challenges. The resulting collateral
learning experience can deepen understanding and
knowledge in the individual beyond the prescribed study
at hand with this new-found broader perspective also
having a positive influence on a student’s digitally based
research practice.
Proceedings of the 10th Biennial International Design and Technology Teacher’s Association Research Conference (DATTArc):
5-8 Dec. 2018, Swinburne University of Technology, Hawthorn, Victoria, Australia.
p. 11
The importance of ethnography and reflective
To promote originality and innovation in students’
working processes it is essential that they find their
personal voice and develop an opinion on any number of
subject matters. For an individual perspective to be
developed it is important that students have an authentic
learning experience that engages both their intellect and
emotive response. The authentic learning experience that
observational drawing provides exposes the students to
collateral learning, reflection in action (Schon, 1983),
engagement with physical and mental senses and a deeper
understanding of the uniqueness of the individual aspects
of their world.
Referring directly to the primary source material not only
provides the students with a solid and authentic starting
point on which to base further research, they also begin to
develop and understand the importance of this
ethnographic approach, and when to use it, if they strive
for originality in their work. Ethnography enables a
researcher to discover what people “really need, want and
do” in contrast to “what they say they need, want and do”
(Milton and Rodgers, 2013, p. 21)
To Animation at UTS, students participate in observational
drawing in the form of field excursions to the zoo, to areas
heavily populated with human traffic, to natural history
museums, botanical gardens and to other areas of interest
such as synthetic industrial structures and food markets.
Life drawing classes are also included in the studio subject.
On returning to the studio class observational drawings
and visual recordings provide the opportunity for
reflection on action (Schon, 1983) as these primary source
materials are further developed. Secondary research is
undertaken using screen-based and library resources with
this information being incorporated into the final designs
resulting in a believable, (differing from realistic),
outcome. In this process, the use of digital information is
used to further support and develop the existing source
material rather than define it.
Schon’s notion that learning can be solidified through a
process of reflective practice can be further enhanced by
Dewey (1938) here aligning a reflective thinking process
with observation. Observation alone is not enough. We
have to understand the significance of what we see, hear
and touch” (p. 68). As research methods have become
more explicit in our subject outlines employing the
specific approach to retrieve information or to develop a
skill is paramount to foster originality. The timing for a
method like observational research within a design project
may require careful positioning. A question for students to
ask of themselves is ‘when, where and why should a
research method be employed’. As Dewey (1933)
explains, not only is “knowledge of the (best) methods”
important, but so is “the desire, the will, to employ them”
(p. 30).
Dewey (1933) also refers to three important factors, which
are instrumental in being an effective as a learner: wholeheartedness, open-mindedness, and responsibility. The
personal viewpoint and experience that students develop
during observational drawing can potentially engage these
three factors and promote both physical and emotional
involvement. It is key for educators to explain to students
that there are benefits of an authentic ethnographic
approach, where reflection can provide underlying
guidance and emotion can be the impetus to be involved in
the learning experience. In the next section, we discuss the
role of emotion and its relationship with thought.
Link between emotion and thought
Most first year student’s experience of learning is largely
based on intellectual thought, however the opportunity to
engage from an emotive level holds many benefits. Firstly,
the heart does play a role and students quickly tire and
dropout of study if the program does not engage or enrich
their interest. Secondly, it challenges the Euro-American
view’s strong pervasive concept that emotion is inferior to
thought as seen in many educational institutions. On
discussing the paired concepts and contrasting terms
associated with emotion and thought Lutz (1986), explores
some commonly voiced contrasts to be found within this
viewpoint, stating “…emotion is to thought as energy is to
information; as the heart is to value is to fact or
knowledge” (p. 21-22).
It is suggested that the we often see the two identities as
separate, existing as the positive and negative parts of the
self, rather than seeing them as two essential elements
required to be in balance to create a singular unified whole.
The idea of emotion and thought being “... as the subjective
is to the objective; as the physical is to the mental; as the
expressive is to the instrumental or practical…” (p. 21-22),
Lutz continues the theme that the intellectual mind is often
perpetuated as superior and untainted by an emotional
response. When emotion is viewed as the less disciplined,
weaker part of ourselves we are ignoring the importance
of the balance it provides in our learning and risk
becoming blind to a true reality.
Our belief that both elements are necessary for a complete
learning experience is supported by Lutz (1986) when
further discussing their distinct roles:
“Thought and emotion also share the quality of being
viewed as more authentic realities and more truly the
repository of the self in comparison with the relative
inauthenticity of speaking and other forms of interaction ”
(p. 21).
If we accept that both thought and emotion together
provide a more authentic reality for the individual, it is in
our interests to engage students in activities that create an
emotive response to support their intellectual learning. By
interacting with mind and body the students will have the
opportunity for a complete learning experience.
Dewey (1938) continues to expresses his appreciation for
the usefulness of emotion in creating a desire for students
to learn:
“The most important attitude that can be formed is the
desire to go on learning. If impetus in this direction is
weakened instead of being intensified, something much
more than lack of preparation takes place. The pupil is
actually robbed of native capacities which otherwise
would enable him to cope with the circumstances that he
meets in the course of his life” (p. 48).
Proceedings of the 10th Biennial International Design and Technology Teacher’s Association Research Conference (DATTArc):
5-8 Dec. 2018, Swinburne University of Technology, Hawthorn, Victoria, Australia.
p. 12
When an emotive response occurs in conjunction with
more traditional forms of intellectual learning, the student
is exposed to a more integrated perspective that may
provide a deeper learning experience.
The area of study concerning human psychology and the
roles that emotion and our cognition play in our behaviour
is vast. In the equally vast area of Neuroscience and human
cognition, there have been recent discoveries and
discussions around the function and purpose of mirror
neurons, which have a significant influence on the
understanding of action and our three-dimensional world.
As observational drawing in any form occurs in a threedimensional world, it would be fair to assume that this
immersion alone will provide students with an emotive
experience not available through a screen. According to
Power (2008) in Character Animation and the Embodied
Mind-Brain, “Mirror-neurons have intrinsically social
functionality…” and they also “ the actions of
others to corresponding actions on one’s own body without
confusing other with self” (Schutz-Bosbach et al., 2006).
In addition, “mirror neurons not only underpin action
understanding, but they are also involved in understanding
the intentions that underlie action” (Freedberg and Gallese,
It appears that when we see a movement or action taking
place our mind triggers the same responses in our brain as
if we were performing the movement ourselves. When
drawing from life we see the model moving in and out of
poses. When we see her kneel with the full weight of her
body resting on her knees, our mirror neurons trigger the
act within our body whilst we remain aware that we are not
actually taking that pose. We mirror the feeling and
understand it.
Lindenberger (2007), Humanities Professor at Stanford on
discussing the influence on art, creativity and culture says
“recent research on mirror neurons suggests that the
imitative capacities...may well account for the
development of empathy and the evolution of culture” (p.
17). Students working in the space of observational
drawing from life gain an understanding that is both
intellectual, (thought) and physical (emotion). This
embodied response must reflect “truly the repository of the
self” (Lutz 1986, p.21) as no other outcome could. The
knowledge gained in this type of learning encourages an
individual, empathetic and authentic approach to research
and practice as the student is not relying on pre-fabricated
imagery and the limitations that presents but rather
observation and reflection of their own personal
experience. In ‘The Reflective Practitioner’, Schon (1995)
states, “The contributions I have found most helpful in this
endeavour are those of people whom research functions
not as a distraction from practice but as a development of
it” (p. ix).
It is widely accepted that our cognitive processes are
constantly ‘in’ process. The area of our visuospatial
working memory, the part responsible for creating mental
imagery is no different. It is also believed that humans
experience a “cognitive load”, first identified by G.A
Miller (1956) and represents, “ the maximum amount of
information that can be processed at once.” (p 81-97).
Because of this, our mind selects what is important
information and what parts are needed at that specific time,
simplifying the world around us. “Additionally we do not
necessarily store those fragments of information for any
length of time, but instead continually re-reference the
world, using the world as our storehouse of information
rather than the brain.” (Ballard, 1991, p.58)
This act of re-referencing our environment creates an
updated view of a world that is constantly changing. Apart
from having fairly obvious benefits for survival and
adaptation, it allows us to experience the same
environment multiple times and see and feel something
different in each instance. This opportunity is greatly
enhanced through the act of observational drawing from
life, as life itself is in a constant state of flux. The concept
of our mind selecting only the parts that are important is
also reflected in our vision.
“Linking how we look at things, with our cognition of
those things” prompted a theory by Dana Ballard, called
Animate Vision. “Animate vision involves the movement
of, not just our eyes, but also our head- in fact, our whole
body is in constant motion as we visually perceive our
environment” (Ballard 1991, p.58). By constantly rereferencing in this way our cognitive load is lessened and
the most up to date view of our environment is responded
to. When we try to gain a greater understanding of an
object the normal response is to touch it, feel the textures,
turn it upside down, feel the weight and materiality and to
look at it from every angle. This is commonly seen during
play with very young children as they discover their world.
Animate vision is providing a similar experience... “and
allows us to better understand our environment, providing
increased capabilities of understanding and creativity.”
(Torre 2017, p.107). Students who participate in
observational drawing from life actively engage with
animate vision, and their visuospatial working memory,
making sense of a world that is constantly changing. The
opportunity for reflection in action becomes heightened as
different approaches and responses are experienced with
each task containing new information challenging
previously held perceptions. Developing an appreciation
for and awareness of the benefits of reflective practice in
our students is encouraged in both the Animation and
Product Design courses and is discussed further in the
following section.
Reflective Practice
Particularly in design education considerable resources
and time are devoted to developing design communication
skills in our students. This is predominantly a first-year
focus as hereafter there is an evolution into more difficult
territory with diverse design projects based around
problem-based learning pedagogies and open briefs. Early
on it is important to set firm foundations for technical skill
development as without this emphasis, students will still
be able to think creatively and critically but will be
impaired by the absence of the skill set to communicate
their ideas with adequate levels of sophistication. Schon
(1987) delves into the paradox surrounding learning a new
skill or competence by explaining that “a student cannot at
first understand what he needs to learn, can learn it only by
educating himself, and can educate himself only by doing
what he does not yet understand.”
Proceedings of the 10th Biennial International Design and Technology Teacher’s Association Research Conference (DATTArc):
5-8 Dec. 2018, Swinburne University of Technology, Hawthorn, Victoria, Australia.
p. 13
Research into Dewey and Schon give credence to the
necessity for educators to foster and develop a process of
reflective thinking in students. Schon’s (1987) reflection
in action process can be described as a learning by doing
process whereby the student thinks about the actions
involved while doing a particular activity as well as
reflecting upon how it is being done in order to reshape
that process at that moment in time. By contrast, reflection
on action (Schon, 1987) is analysis of a task that is
undertaken in retrospect. A student will consider how a
task might have been executed more efficiently, with more
accuracy, more rapidity or with the assistance and input of
other knowledge that they have now acquired. Both of
these processes occur naturally, however, educators can
draw attention to the two learning situations in order to
improve learning processes for students. Both of these
reflective processes created the theoretical underpinning
for the design of the screen-based studio (SBS) and
drawing from life studio (DFLS) experiment and the
subsequent survey questions to emphasize the reflection
on action process.
In the future, students may be faced with problems in the
"swampy lowland where situations are confusing 'messes'
incapable of (a) technical solution" (Schon, 1983, p. 42).
With this in mind, future practitioners will need to "make
new sense of the situations of uncertainty" (Schon, 1983,
p. 61). In this way, the process of reflective practice has
substantial benefits as it can develop "a new way of doing
something" (innovate), provide "clarification of an issue"
(critical thought) and encourage "development of a skill"
(build know how) "or the resolution of a problem" (benefit
the activity of problem solving) (Boud, Keogh & Walker,
1985). For the individual, reflective practice can introduce
a “dialogue of thinking and doing through which [one can]
become more skillful” (Schon, 1983, p. 31). For present
and future students to adapt to a constantly changing
world, it is essential that they develop agile abilities so that
they may not only survive or adapt to change but rather be
the instruments of change.
the length of pose for each individual drawing on their
drawing pages.
Observations about the drawing output have been
summarised in Table 3 in the results section.
After the DFLS, in keeping with Schon’s reflection on
action approach, the students were immediately provided
with seven multiple choice questions via an online survey.
In order to provide some validation for these questions we
also asked the students to provide a free response to two
additional questions concerning terminology used in the
survey. These responses consisted of providing definitions
in their own words for the terms ‘research method’ and
‘authentic’. Their responses are summarised in the results
The data from the online survey questions has been
recorded in Table 1 following. Here the survey questions
and responses have been displayed with percentage values
bearing in mind that there were ten participants involved
in the lab experiment.
In order to gather data for this research paper, we recruited
ten first-year students from the UTS Product Design and
Animation Programs. A system of two laboratory-based
drawing studios was devised with participation being on a
voluntary basis. The first studio, a two-hour screen-based
studio (SBS) arrangement directed students to make
multiple drawings of people via the use of on-screen
imagery of their own selection. The only directions given
were that students must make multiple drawings and use
the media of their choice. A3 paper was provided to
standardise the output. As we have an interest in
understanding how students conduct this kind of task we
asked them to provide information on the various online
sources that were used and we have tabulated this data in
Table 2 in the results section.
After a one-hour break, the students entered a second
studio, which focused on drawing from life (DFLS). Here
the students were given the task to draw images while
viewing a life model that periodically changed into various
poses. Here again, the only directions given were that
students must make multiple drawings and use the media
of their choice. A3 paper was again provided to standardise
the output. In addition, students recorded information on
Proceedings of the 10th Biennial International Design and Technology Teacher’s Association Research Conference (DATTArc):
5-8 Dec. 2018, Swinburne University of Technology, Hawthorn, Victoria, Australia.
p. 14
Table 1: Results of online survey
Proceedings of the 10th Biennial International Design and Technology Teacher’s Association Research Conference (DATTArc):
5-8 Dec. 2018, Swinburne University of Technology, Hawthorn, Victoria, Australia.
p. 15
Concerning the source images chosen as the inspiration for
the drawings made in SBS, we have collated the data
provided by our participants in Table 2. Here we can
reflect on the number of instances and locations for the
inspiration images.
Furthermore, the participants knew that the lab-based
exercises centred around drawing and so naturally being a
study conducted on a voluntary basis it is expected that
those who chose to be involved were already interested
and enjoyed drawing exercises.
Table 2: Inspiration Sources in SBS
As mentioned in the methodology section, we felt it was
important to consider whether or not students understood
the terms, ‘authentic’ and ‘research method’ as these terms
populated several of the survey questions. It was surprising
that nine out of ten survey responses indicated that the term
‘authentic’ was adequately understood by the participants.
The written responses also suggested that the term
‘research method’ was understood by all participants. In
the product design program during the first year, there are
lectures in our Inside Design Subject, which addresses the
concept of research methods and how they can be
implemented within a design project. It is clear that this
information has been taken onboard and synthesised by
those students. In the first year Animation program
research methods are also discussed and implemented
through various exercises and practices undertaken within
the main studio subject. Both of these situations have
resulted in the participants being well informed of these
In addition to recording the inspiration sources, below in
Table 3, we have documented some subjective
observations about the drawings themselves based on the
studio in which they were created.
We must start by prefacing the discussion of the results of
this experiment by stating that the survey sample is small.
Ten participants from the first year UTS Product design
and Animation programs were involved largely due to the
timing of our experiment falling inside the end of session
study week. This small sample size would threaten
drawing definitive far-reaching conclusions, but as a pilot
study it can provide a gauge as to whether a further
investigation along the same lines should be conducted.
Questions concerning which studio ‘enabled learning more
about the features of the human form’, ‘was the most fun’,
‘engaged your senses the most’, ‘provided opportunities
for drawing skill improvement’ and ‘represented best
practice in learning about the human form’ were weighted
definitively in favour of the DFLS. These were the
responses we expected, as anecdotally, life drawing
classes are universally enjoyed by first-year students
across both teaching programs and are very well received
in student feedback surveys.
Question three, in which studio did you have the most
fun?, requires further discussion. Being in a constant state
of reflection in action is mentally and physically
demanding. Despite these demands and the associated
cognitive load when drawing from life, the overwhelming
Table 3: Drawing Observations
Proceedings of the 10th Biennial International Design and Technology Teacher’s Association Research Conference (DATTArc):
5-8 Dec. 2018, Swinburne University of Technology, Hawthorn, Victoria, Australia.
p. 16
response from participants favoured the DFLS. There was
minimal (20%) evidence of students having an emotive
response to the subject matter in the SBS. If “thought and
emotion (also) share the quality of being viewed as more
authentic realities and more truly the repository of the self”
(Lutz 1986, p.21), the emotive response from drawing
from life creates a more engaging learning experience.
Question four, in which studio do you feel your senses
were the most engaged?, also requires further discussion.
In the DFLS environment, a wider sensory experience is
available due to the real-world three-dimensional space
where interaction is possible. The observer (student)
witnesses the action and intent of the subject before and
after the pose and therefore understands that the still
moment is part of a continuing experience. This inclusion
and witnessing of the whole experience creates a more
subjective viewpoint, which encourages reflection in
action resulting in a more personal and individual
outcome. All respondents agreed that during this studio
their senses were the most engaged. An engaged student is
a student who is learning through a positive experience.
The emotive response can be linked to our cognition and
helps to develop a deeper understanding of our immediate
experience while a positive experience also nurtures a
desire for continued learning.
The SBS provided the students with a choice of their own
subjects to draw, and yet the very nature of viewing a still
image on a flat plane presents an opportunity for fixation,
duplication with limited understanding of the object being
studied, resulting in a lack of authenticity and originality.
It can be argued that in this SBS situation, a student’s role
becomes more of the ‘passive observer’ rather than an
‘active participant’ more present in the DFLS.
Although it can be argued that question 6 has been written
in a leading manner, the response from this question was
quite compelling and unexpected. ‘Has your participation
in these studios enabled your opinion to change how you
might conduct your own research activities?’ 50% of the
respondents said: “Yes, previously I primarily focused on
screen-based research and now I would be more inclined
to conduct research from life”.
Based on the students' responses and Dewey’s definition it
could be argued that the screen-based studio if conducted
in isolation can be seen as ‘mis-educative’ in nature. We
propose that this type of research experience is where
students could spend a significant proportion of their own
research time because they value efficiency and
convenience over the more emotionally and physically
engaging drawing from life experience.
By providing students with two closely tied, contrasting
lab-based experiences Dewey’s thoughts on ‘miseducative’ and ‘defective learning experiences’ have more
chance of being negated. It was intended that having two
contrasting studios would facilitate Schon’s reflection in
action (learning by doing) process. Coupling the
contrasting lab-based experiences with survey questions
allows students to immediately reflect on those
experiences which would facilitate Schon’s reflection-onaction process where students can come to their own
conclusions as what experience is more authentic,
educative, useful and best practice.
In Table 3 we detailed some of the observations made
about the drawing output from each studio experiment and
compared them. We observed that DFLS produced a far
greater volume of drawing output than the SBS, which
might suggest that the experience was more intense and
physical. Furthermore, the composition and placement of
images on the individual pages were graphically more
sophisticated than drawings produced in the SBS. In
addition there was less evidence of what one might call
‘overworked drawings’ and more understanding shown of
form and proportion. With those comparisons in mind, it
is now worthwhile to discuss the inspirational sources for
the SBS.
In Table 2 we have recorded the inspirational source for
drawings made by students in the SBS. Here our
expectations were confirmed, ‘Google Image Search’
featured highly with 17 instances (36%) and we make the
assumption that some images or keyword searches may
have led to finding a useful website with 15 instances
recorded (32%). Pinterest also appeared (10 instances or
21%) and this was an unexpected tool for use in this kind
of activity. Pinterest does have the feature of selecting
images and related topics that it ‘thinks’ you might like
through a search algorithm. Here we conclude that
efficiency and convenience were driving factors for the
above methods of finding an image to inspire a drawing.
Instagram and Youtube (2 instances or 4%) were used by
fewer students.
It was interesting that students did not appear to take
advantage of what Youtube has to offer. When used as a
study aid for analysis of movement particularly in
Animation, video and film footage can be an invaluable
tool. For this to occur it is necessary that all action, weight,
form and structure are analysed and understood as the form
moves through space. A shift in body weight for example,
can be appreciated when you see movement from one
position to another, and it can be recorded convincingly in
a drawing with the understanding that it is one moment of
a continuous action. If a still image is duplicated without
prior analysis of the movement and forces required to
create that movement it can appear flat and unconvincing.
In this case the respective student is unlikely to have gone
through a thorough process in order to understand the form
in three-dimensional space over time (see Figure 5:
Participant 5 SBS Output).
In Figure 5, participant five has drawn a man jumping in
the air. At first glance this drawing may look like a
reasonable representation of that action, but when
compared to Figure 6 (Participant five’s DFLS output)
there is a distinct difference in the visible understanding of
form and perspective. Conflicting information regarding
the knee direction can be seen in the offside leg. Its
relationship to the foot and movement on the bottom of the
trousers reflects a lack of understanding of the prior
movement, which has led to this point in the action. In
Figure 6 the foreshortening of the leg and the direction and
volume of the knees are well understood. The figure on the
left shows a stretch down the side of the body reflecting a
distinct understanding of the contrasting elements of the
torso and hips, which is not apparent in Figure 5. This is a
result of studying and understanding spatial position and
the three dimensionality of the form. It reflects that the
student was present and an active participant in the
Proceedings of the 10th Biennial International Design and Technology Teacher’s Association Research Conference (DATTArc):
5-8 Dec. 2018, Swinburne University of Technology, Hawthorn, Victoria, Australia.
p. 17
Figure 3: Participant 2 SBS output shows a student
who has a reasonable skill level in drawing
Figure 1: Participant 6 SBS output shows three
vertical figures, evenly placed on the page.
It is clear that the images have been duplicated from
photographs as they are flat, stiff and unnatural. There is
no evidence of weight (even in the character standing on
one leg) and no twist in the form. The images feel as if they
are fixed in time. Surprisingly, the same student has
managed to communicate very differently in the DFLS.
Despite showing a greater understanding of form, the
drawing is overworked with emphasis being on
decorative texturing. The figure is flatter than the
DFLS example and has a stiffness around the head
and shoulder connection as the focus has been taken
away from form and into a decorative space.
Figure 4: Participant 2 DFLS
Figure 2: Participant 6 DFLS output shows three
figures in various poses placed in such a way on the
page that even the composition hints at movement.
It is clear that these were drawn from life and the
student was present and participating in a process of
sustained observation. The forms are three
dimensional, show weight and twist of the body
communicating a feeling of force and energy,
particularly evident in the figure leaning back with
her hands clasped around a raised leg. We not only
know, but we feel, the tension in this pose and are
aware that if she lets go of her leg, she will fall.
Participant 2 DFLS output shows an understanding of
fluidity through the form, an understanding of the
function of the spine and the connections to body
elements. Despite applying less shading to the
drawings they are three dimensional in appearance
and have a sense of weight, movement and organic
structure not visible in the SBS output.
Figure 5: Participant 5 SBS output
Proceedings of the 10th Biennial International Design and Technology Teacher’s Association Research Conference (DATTArc):
5-8 Dec. 2018, Swinburne University of Technology, Hawthorn, Victoria, Australia.
p. 18
Figure 6: Participant 5 DFLS output
responsibility for learning and critical thinking allows the
students to gain confidence in the selection of the right mix
of research methods for a given design project.
Development of this attitude to learning not only benefits
their time at university but also their future careers. With
this in mind, it would be worthwhile to continue this
research theme of ‘authentic research’ and implement a
further experiment with a significantly larger group of
students in order to investigate more thoroughly.
Aldama, F. L. (2010). Toward a cognitive theory of
narrative acts. Austin: University of Texas Press.
Retrieved from
The evidence suggests that using observational drawing
from life as an authentic research method gives students
the opportunity to fully engage their cognitive capabilities
and provides greater opportunity for beneficial collateral
learning and reflective practice. When used in conjunction
with screen-based digital resources it balances the
information and influences a student absorbs through the
creation of a wider learning experience. The student must
adapt to an environment and situation of which they have
little control. This lack of control exposes students to
learning experiences that occur more naturally in realworld situations, which results in life experience and a
deeper understanding of the subject, both of which can be
brought back into their studio work with positive benefits
for the individual and the group.
Future Directions
We believe this small pilot study focused around the
activity of drawing has a wider significance in tertiary
education teaching practice. In design education, it is not
enough to merely develop a curriculum where we deliver
content to students and believe that they will accept our
claims of the best practices and processes with which to
conduct design projects. The students must experience the
best practice in order for them to embrace better processes
and to develop their ability for personal critique and
In both programs, we are faced with students being
situated in front of computer screens, both in the making
of work and researching, where absorbed information can
be inaccurate, pre-designed, false, trend driven, full of
marketing content, political motives and social
commentary. We hope that our students will gather their
own authentic research and not rely as heavily on
information preformatted and delivered to web-based
platforms by third parties. For this to occur it is necessary
for students to experience diverse research practices,
recognising each for the contribution it may offer and to
understand when to execute each one in accordance with
the most useful and appropriate stage of a learning task.
Boud, D. J., Keogh, R., & Walker, D. (1985). Reflection
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Dewey, J. (1998). How we think: A restatement of the
relation of reflective thinking to the educative
process. Boston: Houghton Mifflin.
Dewey, J. (1969; 1938). Experience and education. New
York: Collier.
Freedberg, D., & Gallese, V. (2007). Motion, emotion
and empathy in aesthetic experience doi:
Lutz, C. (1986). Emotion, Thought, and Estrangement:
Emotion as a Cultural Category. Cultural
Anthropology, 1(3), 287-309. Retrieved from
Miller, G. A. (1956). The magical number seven, plus or
minus two: some limits on our capacity for
processing information. Psychological Review, 63(2),
Power, P. (2008). Character animation and the embodied
Mind—Brain. Animation, 3(1), 25-48.
Schön, D. A. (1987). Educating the reflective
practitioner. San Francisco: Jossey-Bass.
Schön, D. A. (1995). The reflective practitioner: How
professionals think in action. Aldershot, England:
Schütz-Bosbach, S., Mancini, B., Aglioti, S. M., &
Haggard, P. (2006). Self and other in the human
motor system doi:
Torre, D. (2017). Animation: Process, cognition and
actuality. New York, NY: Bloomsbury Academic, an
imprint of Bloomsbury Publishing Inc.
This requires initiative and developing an understanding,
through experience, that discomfort and challenges are
part of the design process. Independently taking
Proceedings of the 10th Biennial International Design and Technology Teacher’s Association Research Conference (DATTArc):
5-8 Dec. 2018, Swinburne University of Technology, Hawthorn, Victoria, Australia.
p. 19
Systems Engineering: Identification and fostering of inferential and social skills
Milorad Cerovac, Kurt Seemann and Therese Keane
Swinburne University of Technology, Australia.
This scoping paper draws on a review of the literature, with the aim of exploring how students’ capacity to innovate, can be
developed in the Technologies domain of Systems Engineering. Innovation and the need to innovate has generated much
rhetoric from business leaders, various State and Federal governments, as well as other agencies such as the Office of the Chief
Scientist. The Melbourne Declaration on Educational Goals for Young Australians (Barr et al., 2008) places an emphasis on
the role that schools through their educators and the curriculum play in building the capacity of students to think and act as
innovators and creators of technologies. There is, however, tension between the traditional methods of teaching, and the need
to embrace a more interactive mode that encourages 21st century skills of collaboration, communication, critical thinking and
creativity (Keane, Keane, & Blicblau, 2016). Technacy, considered as a literacy is concerned with not simply teaching the
purely functional skills, but rather, the ability to put technology into a social and environmental context (Seemann, 2009). While
literacy and numeracy are critical aspects of educating students, Technacy is the new fluency that must be incorporated in the
school curriculum to help develop Australia’s innovative capacity going forward. This paper will explore Technacy in
education, and specifically on how the Technacy principles can be applied to the technology genre of design-led Systems
Engineering, to assist teachers in developing students’ capacity to innovate.
Technacy, developmental indicators, STEM, innovation, inferential skills
There is a certain level of expectancy of universities to take
on the role of key driver of economic development in what
is presently known as the knowledge economy (Ciriaci &
Muscio, 2014). With the engineering profession expecting
new graduates to be “innovators and cultivators of ideas”
(Shah, Grebennikov, & Nair, 2015), it is not surprising that
increasingly, innovation capabilities are demanded of
university graduates in design related fields, such as
Product Design Engineering. In Victoria, a key feeder of
new undergraduate students progressing from secondary
schools into such degrees, come from the Technologies
and Design curriculum areas of Systems Engineering
and/or Product Design. One view is that the capacity to
innovate in the Technologies domain should commence in
secondary schools (i.e. students aged from 12 to 17).
However, there is currently a gap in the research literature
that establish where these secondary school students are at
with their innovation capabilities as expressed through the
Technologies curriculum area. A further complication is
the dearth of literature that offers plausible models
and techniques for classroom teachers to observe and
identify progression in a student’s innovation
capabilities in the developmental domain of
“designing and working technologically” (Seemann,
If we value developing innovation capabilities in
engineering education in school age children, then it would
be in our favour as educators to have some guiding
framework to help appropriately target learning activities.
This would help teachers develop and implement
Figure 1: Technacy & Innovation Chart
Proceedings of the 10th Biennial International Design and Technology Teacher’s Association Research Conference (DATTArc):
5-8 Dec. 2018, Swinburne University of Technology, Hawthorn, Victoria, Australia.
p. 20
technological problem-solving concepts that gives just the
right amount of challenge to every student norm group as
they develop (e.g. develop cognitively, socially,
emotionally). Given a technology-based challenge by the
teacher, within this normative group we would expect that
most students would respond well to the challenge.
However, we would also expect that some students would
either: (i) easily exceed the challenge requirements, in
which case the guiding framework would identify the next
level of complexity; or (ii) struggle with the challenge
requirements, in which case the conceptual model would
assist teachers to diagnose the nature of the students’
Such conceptual models already exist in literacy,
numeracy, and science, where significant discourse around
developmental indicators in research literature can be
found. In literacy, for example, there are established
models for diagnosing developmental indicators for
establishing a child’s reading and comprehension levels
(State Government of Victoria, 2018). In mathematics the
developmental indicators used in the Count Me In Too
program series and in Working Mathematically (Centre for
Education Statistics and Evaluation, 2018; NSW
Education Standards Authority, 2012a) have assisted
teachers to program further targeted lessons, while in
science the conceptual models around Working
Scientifically have aided teachers in guiding students
through core concepts underpinning all scientific methods
(NSW Education Standards Authority, 2012b).
In the Technologies domain a framework does exist, called
the Technacy and Innovation framework, which is shown
in Figure 1 however this is generic. The Technacy and
Innovation framework helps guide the teacher in ways of
diagnosing and advancing a child’s general level of
knowledge, application skills and innovative attributes in
the study and use of technologies. At present there remains
a void in educational literature that offers classroom
teachers, in the Systems Engineering genre, both useful
and practical conceptual models and classroom methods
for them to systematically identify, classify, diagnose and
develop targeted learning strategies. Such strategies
should be capable of fostering within students through
their formative years with the capacity to innovate through
the act of designing and working technologically.
The merits of an appropriate framework in the
Technologies area can be garnered from a comparative
‘expert-novice’ research study, which gathered and
analysed design behavior data involving first-year
university students, graduate students, and practicing (i.e.
expert) engineers (Atman et al., 2007). This study
identified and analysed the differences in problem scoping
and information gathering when the ‘novices’ and the
‘experts’ were each presented with the same design
engineering challenge to solve. The outcome of this
research generated ideas on how future design engineering
courses could be better taught and assessed (Atman et al.,
2007). Such a study, complemented by the knowledge that
plausible models (e.g. literacy, numeracy) already exist,
suggest that an appropriate framework is achievable to
help guide secondary teachers of Systems Engineering in
the task of identifying and developing students’ design and
technology innovation capabilities. The objective is to take
the existing Technacy and Innovation framework, and
adapt it to the Systems Engineering domain, which would
then address the current gap in the research literature.
Definitions and Background
Creativity, innovation and the need to develop innovative
capacity is regularly advanced as a necessity by
government, business and other professional leaders,
whether through the media, policy documents, or reports
such as the Health of Australian Science (Office of the
Chief Scientist, 2012) to ensure Australia’s future
economic success. The recent report from the Review to
Achieve Educational Excellence in Australian Schools
(Gonski et al., 2018) adds further support to the growing
chorus of voices emphasizing the need to build innovative
capacity, starting in the education system.
Used interchangeably the term creativity is often and
incorrectly, used in place of innovation. A definition
offered by Kim (2018, p. 11) highlights the distinction
between these two terms “creativity is the process of
making something unique and useful, and the successful
outcome of this process is an innovation.” This definition
aligns with that offered by Cropley (2015) though from an
engineering lens, where technological creativity results in
the production of a novel item, but innovation results in its
exploitation (or uptake). It is worth noting that both
creativity and innovation as separate entities are important
elements in the teaching of Technology education.
Technacy education is built on “a holistic approach to
perceiving, teaching, practicing and learning technology in
any culture” (Seemann & Talbot, 1995, p. 761). Under the
Technacy framework students become future creators and
innovators through an emphasis on a holistic
understanding and application of technology (Seemann,
2003). Arguably schools, supported by curriculum
authorities, should embrace the Technacy framework so
that students are ultimately able to develop the skills and
experience to make “better informed technical and design
decisions” (Seemann, 2003, p. 28), especially as they
progress into further studies such as applied design and
technology courses.
While fluency in literacy and numeracy are positioned
clearly at the forefront of the Review to Achieve
Educational Excellence in Australian Schools report
(Gonski et al., 2018), the need for students to develop their
technological literacy is a necessity, given the role that
technology and innovation will continue to play. Hence,
the authors contend that Technacy should be considered
fundamental to the educational needs of students and be
recognized as the new fluency that must be integrated
within the national curriculum, alongside literacy and
numeracy, to develop Australia’s innovative capacity.
The term fluency combines two important attributes:
mastery and performance (Binder, 2003). For instance, in
literacy, fluent readers can read text accurately (i.e. student
has achieved mastery) and with expression (i.e. student
doesn’t waste time de-coding the significance of each
word and hence expression is an indicator of
performance). The fluent reader is therefore considered to
be literate. Similarly, within the Technacy framework, a
technate individual is considered to have gained a mastery
of technology tools in such a way, that they can address
problems as they arise, and take into account social,
Proceedings of the 10th Biennial International Design and Technology Teacher’s Association Research Conference (DATTArc):
5-8 Dec. 2018, Swinburne University of Technology, Hawthorn, Victoria, Australia.
p. 21
technical and environmental factors (Seemann & Talbot,
Human capital can be defined as the “knowledge and skills
people possess that enable them to create value in the
global economic system” (World Economic Forum, 2017,
p. 3). Technate individuals who can think critically,
creatively and are able to communicate and collaborate,
collectively known as the 4Cs (Keane et al., 2016), would
contribute to this pool of people known as human capital.
Human capital is thus considered critical to the ongoing
success of any country’s economy due to its relationship
to innovation (Bridgstock, Dawson, & Hearn, 2011). It is
our view that schools have an important role in
contributing to the development of human capital as part
of the process of building innovation capabilities within its
Fostering Innovation
Australia has a long-standing interest in fostering
“At all levels, our society will require creative
individuals able to communicate well, think originally
and critically, adapt to change, work cooperatively,
remain motivated when faced with difficult
circumstances, who connect with both people and ideas
and are capable of finding solutions to problems as they
occur—in short, individuals with the array of skills
constituting a well-developed capacity for innovation”
(Dow, 2003, p. 5).
Various government agencies and educational
organisations have also expressed concerns; with a focus
on improving STEM education, which is seen as being
critical to building the capacity for innovation (Engberg &
Wolniak, 2013; National Research Council, 2009; Trust,
The relationship of education and innovation, to
Australia’s social and educational systems is used to
generate the Global Human Capital Index. The Global
Human Capital Index, considered a critical indicator of a
country’s productivity and hence its prosperity ranked
Australia in 20th position from 130 countries (World
Economic Forum, 2017). This isn’t necessarily a bad result
when taken in isolation; however, inevitably comparisons
are drawn against other jurisdictions, who aim to have
similar objectives of ensuring their country’s future
economic competitiveness by also focusing on innovation
and developing innovative capabilities in the engineering
and design domains (Daniel, 2016; Qiu, Cano-Kollmann,
& Mudambi, 2017). Fostering innovation should have a
flow-on effect by creating new technological
breakthroughs and new opportunities for those individuals
that have the requisite skills (Brei, Frecker, & Slocum,
2009). Innovation and the closely related term of
‘entrepreneurship’ will play an important role in economic
development (O'Connor, 2013); and in doing so, new
industries will be created, providing employment
opportunities and hence an increase in a nation’s wealth
(Langowitz & Minniti, 2007).
The starting point for creating the next generation of
creators, innovators, and skilled users of technology is to
be found in schools. A simple example is to be found with
the student from Design Tech High (California, USA),
who designed and created heat mapping shin guards that
could be used by soccer teams to generate real-time data
on player movements (Montgomery, 2017). Another
example, and one which embraces the Technacy
philosophy, involved the student investigating a
sustainable solution for the storage of rainwater on his
grandfather’s land, situated in an arid part of central
Australia (Seemann & Talbot, 1995). The design needed
to be functional as well as reliant upon locally available
material to maintain the water storage system in the event
of any failure (Seemann & Talbot, 1995). This example
emphasizes the significance and importance of including a
holistic approach to implementing technological solutions,
as the student demonstrated a connectedness with their
Indigenous culture and the environment in developing an
appropriate and sustainable solution (Seemann & Talbot,
1995). A holistic approach to technologies should be
encouraged to complement efforts to develop innovation
Developing the capability to innovate requires a specific
skill-set including collaboration and collaborative problem
solving. The ability to connect with other people with
specific expertise for a precise purpose is often needed to
facilitate with the development of the innovation. The
process of interacting, sharing ideas, argumentation,
critical analysis and general discourse, enables students to
“build a sense of community” (Wendt & RockinsonSzapkiw, 2015). This ‘sense of community’ is an
important dimension of technacy, and the focus on the
holistic use of technology; that is, “technology and culture
are interwoven” (Fleer, 2016, p. 17).
To support the teaching of innovation in schools will
require students to work collaboratively across many
contexts. Some educational jurisdictions have already
embedded this skill into their curriculum (Tarbutton,
2018). Take for example Singapore, which has mandated
that: “Wherever possible, students should be encouraged
to work in teams so that they can sharpen their interpersonal skills, communication skills, self-management
skills and collaborative skills. This is the way it is in the
real world!” (Singapore Ministry of Education, 2011, p. 3).
O’Connor, Seery, and Canty (2018) note that in the Design
and Technology classrooms of Irish schools, students are
often working collaboratively on creative and innovative
The Technacy Framework
In trying to develop students’ capacity to innovate, setting
appropriate engineering challenges is an important
consideration. Technological problem-solving activities in
a high-school engineering course can be ‘hit or miss’,
depending upon a teacher’s level of experience in
implementing such activities (Crismond, 2013), or failing
to understand students’ abilities (Schooner, Klasander, &
Hallström, 2018). A conceptual model, such as the generic
Technacy and Innovation Framework, has the potential to
assist teachers in guiding the development and
implementation of appropriate strategies and activities that
match the developmental indicators of students.
Of the limited research that is present in high schools,
Schooner et al. (2018) reported problems in the Swedish
implementation of the Technologies curriculum. The
current iteration of the Swedish curriculum, Läroplan för
Proceedings of the 10th Biennial International Design and Technology Teacher’s Association Research Conference (DATTArc):
5-8 Dec. 2018, Swinburne University of Technology, Hawthorn, Victoria, Australia.
p. 22
grundskolan (or Lgr11), was implemented in 2011. Lgr11
resulted in updates to their technology subject to include a
broader more holistic understanding of technology
(Schooner et al., 2018), which appears to embrace the
philosophy of Technacy. However, teachers are at present
struggling with the assessment of the subject (Hartell,
Gumaelius, & Svärdh, 2015), driven by the complexity of
understanding technological systems, and a lack of, or
limited, teaching tradition in the subject (Schooner et al.,
2018). Some of the problems identified within Lgr11
include: Technology curriculum being open to
interpretation (Hartell & Strimel, 2018); teachers
experiencing difficulty in determining what constitutes
understanding at anything beyond a ‘basic’ level
(Schooner et al., 2018); and students being inexperienced
with the socio-technological and technological literacy
aspects of the course (Schooner et al., 2018). This is not
surprising as engineering design is considered challenging
to teach and assess (Hartell & Strimel, 2018; Hsu,
Cardella, & Purzer, 2014); and often the skills and
knowledge that teachers attempt to develop in the Swedish
classrooms are not connected to the realities of students’
lives (Hartell & Strimel, 2018).
The situation in other jurisdictions is unclear, due to the
lack of published research. In the USA, STEM is being
incorporated into the Next Generation Science Standards
(NGSS) in which “engineering design is raised to the same
level as scientific inquiry” (Ames, Reeve, Stewardson, &
Lott, 2017, p. 19). But this will not be an easy feat, as these
engineering concepts and skills will be embedded within
the science discipline, and not as a stand-alone subject, to
be taught by teachers who may lack the necessary
knowledge and skills to effectively implement the STEM
content and skills (Pearson, 2014). With the NGSS
mandating science educators integrate engineering content
and practices within their curricula, there is concern as to
how science educators would be evaluated on “an area in
which they had limited exposure and were not adequately
prepared to teach” (Love, Wells, & Parkes, 2017, p. 46).
The Standards for Technological Literacy (STL),
originally published in 2000 by the International
Technology Education Association, offers guidance to
teacher educators (e.g. need to include engineering design,
design process) (Rose, Carter, Brown, & Shumway, 2017).
This suggests that the potential of misaligning classroom
activities with student developmental preparedness is
possible, which would then result in inappropriate
challenges being set. In short, the USA could experience
similar problems to that reported in the Swedish system;
and hence the proposed adaptation of the existing
Technacy and Innovation framework could have benefits
that extend beyond Australia.
The Technacy and Innovation Chart in Figure 1 provides a
general framework to assist teachers in setting their
expectations of students when undertaking challenges in
the technology domain. Horizontally across (i.e. the
column progression from left to right) shows the level of
complexity of tasks that teachers can set their students. The
vertical movement (i.e. row progression up a column) is
the developmental indicator of innovation capabilities
which the student presents. This row progression (up a
column) is the degree to which a student can express their
capability to improvise, to abstract, to infer and express
their social altruism.
Students when they first use technology tend to play with
it, and hence would be situated in emergent play of the
Technacy chart (Figure 1 bottom left). Emergent play
typifies an individual who is a novice, that engages with
technology for the purposes of enjoyment. But ‘play’
needs to have some useful function, such as a way of
learning in a “less risky situation” (Bruner, 1972, p. 693).
The educational psychologist Vygotsky (1978) described
play as a supportive context for the development of
children’s thinking. Therefore, an argument can be offered
for children to have an opportunity to ‘play’ with the
technology first, before they can begin to apply the
technology to complex problem solving. However, at
some stage the teacher will need to set the expectations of
what needs to be done with that technology. This is where
the teacher should be ‘pushing’/’stretching’ students
horizontally across the Technacy chart, as shown in Figure
2, to more sophisticated levels of interaction with the
Developmental Abilities and Stretching Students
Developmental expectations are critical for teaching
efficiently and for presenting students with appropriate
challenges in the classroom. If teachers set the wrong
expectation of students in their class, teachers will then
waste time in trying to wrestle control of the lesson. In this
case, the lesson has either been too easy (i.e. better suited
for students who struggle with inferential thinking), or too
difficult (i.e. better suited for students with higher degree
of inferential thinking, and hence higher up the Technacy
chart). Figure 3 shows the progression in both teacher
expectations (horizontal movement) and student driven
developmental ability.
Figure 2: Teacher sets expectations by stretching
students horizontally across, from left to right
Proceedings of the 10th Biennial International Design and Technology Teacher’s Association Research Conference (DATTArc):
5-8 Dec. 2018, Swinburne University of Technology, Hawthorn, Victoria, Australia.
p. 23
Figure 3: Teacher sets expectations (horizontal
movement) and students respond (vertical movement)
In the classroom the teacher sets the level of complexity of
the project or task outcome (i.e. the column progression
from left to right across the row). In doing so we are
helping to stretch students from ‘emergent play’ to
‘competent consolidation’, and eventually to develop the
capability of progressing to ‘sophisticated pioneer’; in
essence we are building students’ innovation capabilities
(i.e. the vertical movement). The intention of this research
is to measure this vertical progression (i.e. inferential
thinking when solving novel problems). In doing so we
should have the basis from which to stretch the students so
that they progress to greater levels of complexity, and with
the capability of stretching them to be more like pioneers.
To achieve this ‘stretching’ of students’ capabilities to
innovate requires teachers to have an appropriate
conceptual framework, to help guide them to where they
are supposed to be ‘stretching’ students toward and from
what base. At present this guiding framework does not
exist. The one-size fits all model where students are
assessed on whether they meet age or year-based
expectations is no longer acceptable if we truly want to
develop innovation capabilities. A model based on the
Technacy and Innovation framework that can assist
teachers is at the epicenter of the research currently being
undertaken by the authors. This framework should allow
teachers to deliver technological problem-solving
challenges that are tailored to individual learning needs, by
accounting for the student’s developmental starting point
and capability. This should address any disparity in
learning outcomes and ensure that ‘strong’ students are
challenged, and struggling students are not left unaided.
To achieve this, consideration should be given to
Vygotsky’s concept of the Zone of Proximal Development
(ZPD) (Vygotsky, 1978), which is the level at which
students are unable to complete a task on their own but are
able to successfully do so with the guidance of either an
adult (e.g. teacher) or a more capable peer (Vygotsky,
1978). The ZPD is relevant when trying to develop the
capacity for innovation in students, as it supports a
progression pathway by continually stretching and
challenging students to ever-increasing levels of
abstraction through well-sequenced problem-solving
tasks. Realistically this is possible as the ZPD is not
dependent upon the child’s age, but their stage of
development (e.g. cognitive, social); however, this would
ideally require a shift away from the present age-based
progression of students in the Australian system. The
proposed research aims to develop a conceptual model
which would allow teachers to identify appropriate
activities to be set, and which align with the students’
developmental abilities.
Comparative Hypothetical Scenario
The basis for a workable framework could be achieved
from the outcome of a comparative investigation involving
students at opposite ends of the adolescent stage of
development. As children enter adolescence and progress
through this developmental stage, thinking undergoes an
important ‘qualitative’ change (Moshman, 2004).
Consider the scenario where we have two different cohort
groups: a Year 7 class (typically aged 11-12) and a Year
12 class (typically aged 17-18). The younger students
would only just be showing signs of solving logical
problems and abstract thought, as they progress from
Piaget’s concrete operations stage to formal operational
stage of reasoning (Piaget, 1972). The older students, who
should be well entrenched in the formal operations stage,
can think abstractly and logically, form hypotheses and
solve problems systematically. They would be expected to
handle more complicated projects due to having
experience in inferential thinking.
Now hypothetically, if we were to give each group the
same complex challenge to solve in the classroom, then as
teachers we are setting the same expectations of the
younger students, as we are setting for the older students.
The problem becomes evident when we draw upon the
developmental literature such as Piaget and Erikson. We
would expect that students would present certain qualities
such as those presented in Table 1.
Proceedings of the 10th Biennial International Design and Technology Teacher’s Association Research Conference (DATTArc):
5-8 Dec. 2018, Swinburne University of Technology, Hawthorn, Victoria, Australia.
p. 24
Year 7
Year 12
Students are
only just
showing signs
of solving
problems and
Students can
think abstractly
and logically,
form hypotheses
and solve
requirement (Baines, Blatchford, & Kutnick, 2003; Lwin,
Goh, & Doyle, 2012). Over time, as students develop in
maturity and social skills it becomes clearer that the level
of social interaction is growing in complexity, with
students sharing and making sense of their respective ideas
to achieve an almost coherent end-product. A teacher
observing this latter group of students would observe how
they ‘trade’ their ideas. These attributes are necessary,
though do not guarantee, achieving the ‘sophisticated
pioneer’ state of the Technacy and Innovation model.
Proposed Research Project
Industry vs
Identity vs Role
Table 1: Comparison of some basic developmental
characteristics of Year 7 vs Year 12 students
Given the complex challenge to complete, the younger
cohort would very likely struggle, while the older group,
with the benefit of experiences in inferential thinking and
working collaboratively, would be expected to handle the
complex challenge. These older students should be able to
complete the higher end more complex problems, as
collaboration has the potential to generate a greater quality
of ideas through the ideas-sharing process that arises from
their group’s discussions (Littleton & Mercer, 2013). On
the other hand, the younger students would be expected to
struggle, lose focus, and end up becoming lost and/or
disengaged. What we’re now demonstrating is that the
younger group doesn’t do well when inappropriate
developmental challenges are set.
Challenges well above a student’s developmental ability
can then feed into the younger student’s emotional state of
mind, with them experiencing self-doubt (i.e. feeling
inferior) through the negative experiences or failure in
trying to complete tasks that are beyond them. Students
can develop that mindset, I’m not ‘smart enough’ to do this
subject, a mindset that can create a false view of their
actual or real ability. The teacher therefore plays a key role
in reinforcing a sense of competence, through
encouragement and setting appropriate challenges in their
lessons. Hence the need for a conceptual model in the
technology engineering space. The other consideration is
where targeted activities are ‘too easy’, which can have the
effect of creating boredom in students, an often reported
issue raised in research dealing with ‘gifted education’
(Preckel, Gotz, & Frenzel, 2010). Teachers therefore
require the ability to identify when this occurs and why,
and then either adapt their instruction or the nature of the
tasks (Daschmann, Goetz, & Stupnisky, 2014).
Regarding social interaction, children in the upper primary
years and into the early high school years are only just
beginning to develop the idea of working together. Often
these students can be seen physically working next to each
other around a table, but the reality is somewhat different.
Though one may be given the appearance of students
working together, what is really happening is parallel
working. There is no real indication of the students
interacting, exchanging, categorizing and sorting their
ideas into a logical sequence to address the task
Much research has focused on students’ cognitive abilities
and IQ measurements, as well as the publishing of
numerous papers advocating for action to improve student
abilities in mathematics and science; whether to improve a
country’s standing on various international benchmarking
tests, or to ensure an educated workforce (Cheung, Slavin,
Kim, & Lake, 2017). However, there is a lack of literature
which looks at innovation and develops the capability of
innovation. This is the objective of this research.
Limited research is presently available on innovation in
schools in the Engineering and Design domains, other than
what has already been discussed, and certainly not in the
Victorian implementation of the Technologies curriculum,
Systems Engineering (Victorian Curriculum and
Assessment Authority [VCAA], 2012). The proposed
research project will aim to fill a gap in the body of
research knowledge that currently exists and will seek to
guide teachers on how best to implement technological
problem-solving challenges across the high school years.
As part of a mixed-method small-scale comparative case
study, this study will be looking at two different cohorts,
on a dimension of development of a child working
technologically. The cohort groups would comprise:
Grade 6/Year 7 students, age range 10 to 12 – these
students will be progressing from Piaget’s concrete
operations to formal operational reasoning, and hence
would be expected to only just be developing the ability to
abstract and infer;
Year 11/Year 12 students, age range 16 to 18 – these
students should be ‘clearly’ in the formal operational
reasoning stage of Piaget’s cognitive development model.
Both groups will be compared on the same
measures/techniques in order to generate a reasonable
comparison. This difference in age range should permit
observations on how the Grade 6/Year 7 cohort who are
undertaking a preliminary Systems Engineering style
course compare to the Year 11/Year 12 cohort who had
previously undertaken a preliminary course but are now
considered advanced. Using the same measures, it is
expected that the ‘younger’ cohort would be less
developed compared to the ‘older’ group who have had
more life skills experiences and/or exposure to various
Life experiences have a profound impact on a student’s
ability to infer and “comprehend the subtle details that a
design ought accommodate for its end users” (Seemann,
2015a, p. 55). Thus, on average, students with more life
experience show a greater aptitude for problem solving,
critical thinking, and other skill sets. This should help
establish that there is a difference in developmental terms.
Proceedings of the 10th Biennial International Design and Technology Teacher’s Association Research Conference (DATTArc):
5-8 Dec. 2018, Swinburne University of Technology, Hawthorn, Victoria, Australia.
p. 25
One of the other aims of this research is to understand the
group social capability of a child to trade ideas in a group,
as a core quality of innovation is working collaboratively.
Both cohorts would be assessed on whether or not a viable
solution has been produced. Other measures that will be
considered include: the level of social interaction, use of
language when communicating, and the level of emotional
engagement with the activities and each other. The
students’ attitude and behavior during each task should
provide an indication of whether they are experiencing
difficulties, such as meeting task expectations (Greene,
2018). In short, is the task too difficult.
By establishing the existence of observable developmental
differences between the two groups, and mapping these
observations against the current generic Technacy and
Innovation chart, we should be able to scaffold learning for
students in the Systems Engineering domain. It should
then be possible to set appropriate developmental
challenges for students, rather than using a ‘one-size-fitsall’ or ‘hit-or-miss’ approach. For instance, by planning an
activity, which is well beyond their developmental ability,
we can show that students in the early high school years
would struggle, and hence would lose focus and be unable
to interact/engage with the task; essentially the teacher has
‘lost them’. It would also allow the identification of those
exceptional ‘younger’ students in the earlier years of high
school that need to be ‘stretched’, as they will be situated
higher up on the Technacy chart (i.e. pushing towards
‘consolidated’/’sophisticated pioneer’) and hence we can
show the teacher that they should be capable of handling
some of the more complex innovation tasks.
By having knowledge of these developmental differences
we’ll be able to help teachers better scaffold their lessons.
This could manifest itself in the teacher adjusting their
level of assistance to better suit the student’s current level
of performance, by chunking the tasks, and/or offering
some specific strategies to help guide the student. Teachers
will also be able to identify situations where students are
unwilling to compromise during the ideas exchange by
utilizing team-building activities (Greene, 2016), as
students need to realise the value and unique qualities (e.g.
strengths) that each student brings.
If we believe the ‘need to innovate’ rhetoric coming from
businesses, State and Federal governments, from our Chief
Scientist, and other influential organisations; and if we
believe the concerns raised regards the ability of schools
to develop the capacity of students to think and act as
future innovators, then Technacy must be placed on a
similar footing as literacy and numeracy within the
secondary school system. While plausible conceptual
frameworks exist in literacy and numeracy to help guide
teachers, such a model in the Systems Engineering domain
does not exist, yet this Systems Engineering curriculum
area is a key feeder for design related university courses
such as Product Design Engineering. Without such a
framework in the Systems Engineering genre, it becomes
a challenge for classroom teachers to systematically
identify, classify, diagnose and develop targeted learning
strategies for their students. Consequently, lessons may
either fail to ‘stretch’ those students that need to be
challenged or overwhelm other students to the point where
they become ‘lost’ and disengaged. Conceptual
frameworks can provide teachers with practical support in
the form of assessment or diagnostic tools to help establish
a student’s current level of knowledge, skill and
understanding. This acts as important feedback for the
teacher who can intervene and take corrective action, to
identify the next steps in learning, and maintain the
development in inferential thinking, which is a key
‘innovation capability’ quality. The existing generic
Technacy and Innovation framework has the potential to
be adapted for the purposes of assisting Systems
Engineering teachers in developing the innovation
capabilities of their students.
The first author would like to express his sincere thanks to
the Australian Government for their support of his research
via the Australian Government Research Training
Program Scholarship.
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5-8 Dec. 2018, Swinburne University of Technology, Hawthorn, Victoria, Australia.
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Defining a curriculum through activity: Facilitating epistemic autonomy in technology
Andrew Doyle1, Niall Seery2, and Lena Gumaelius1
KTH Royal Institute of Technology, Sweden;
Athlone Institute of Technology, Ireland
This paper problematises the current status of technology education on curricula internationally. Contemporary understandings
from the philosophy of technology are used to depict how technological knowledge differs from more conventional knowledge
bases, leading to questions of how technology education can be compared to other areas on the curriculum. Through exploring
the interdependence between technological knowledge and technological activity, the need to situate technological activity as
the medium of learning in technology education is advocated. In moving beyond the behaviourist approaches evident in
technology educations technical heritage, advocating for technological activity as the medium for learning alone may not be
sufficient in changing enacted practices. An ontology-based curriculum is proposed as a possible solution to this, where
technology educators share a conceptual understanding of what is of importance to the learner, and have the epistemic autonomy
to facilitate engagement with technological activity through fluid curricular boundaries. Further to this, difficulties that have
traditionally and more contemporarily impeded the actualisation of this perspective on technology education policy and practice
are discussed. Central to this is the need for recognition of technology educations unique epistemic identity, as the paper
cautions against the comparison with conventional disciplines. Through articulating this unique epistemology and providing a
way in which it may be actualised, it is envisioned that this discussion may support policy-makers’ and teachers’ advocacy for
technology education and its contributions to general education.
Technology education, epistemology, ontology-based curriculum, technological activity, and, curricular identity
The past number of years has seen significant changes to
the ecology of technology education. Having evolved from
technical or vocational education, where there was an
explicit purpose in the preparation of learners for the world
of work (Owen-Jackson, 2015), the subject area is now
recognised as holding a “fragile” (Jones, Buntting, & De
Vries, 2013, p. 206) position on many curricula
internationally. Without a clearly articulated and
commonly understood purpose for technology education,
the curricular identity of the subject area has been called
into question. This is perhaps most evident in the English
national context, where an Expert Panel review identified
that (design and) technology education has weaker
epistemological roots than other subjects, and proposed
that it should therefore be removed from the National
Curriculum (Department for Education, 2011). Although
extensive lobbying from members of the technology
education community and supporting organisations and
societies prevented this from happening, it is recognised
that the subject’s position within English schools remains
precarious (Atkinson, 2017).
From a curriculum analysis perspective, McGarr and
Lynch (2017) problematised the position of technology
education within the Science, Technology, Engineering
and Mathematics (STEM) agenda. Here it was identified
that technology and engineering hold a lower status to
science and mathematics because these subject areas lack
a defined content knowledge boundary. This
epistemological differentiation between technology
education and more conventional disciplines has resulted
in the technology education communities’ advocacy for
the status of their subject and its position within school
Contentions between the technology education
communities advocacy for their subject in the face of
education systems which appear to no longer value, or
perhaps fail to recognise, the unique contribution of
technology to general education form the basis for this
paper. With the agenda of supporting technology educators
in articulating and facilitating technology education at the
level of classroom practice, this paper unpacks technology
education from an epistemological perspective in an effort
to understand what has resulted in the subject area being
conceived as fragile. Following this, we propose an
alternative to the conventional epistemic-bound
curriculum in an effort to remain true to the nature of
technological activity, and emancipate technological
activity. In conclusion, through acknowledging the
difficulties, emergent and traditional, that may impede the
enactment of curricula of this nature, we envision that this
discussion may support policy-makers’ and teachers’
advocacy for technology education and its contributions to
general education. First however, it is necessary to
articulate contemporary understandings of the
epistemology of technology education, as doing so is
necessary to understand the subject areas curricular
An epistemology for technology education
For some time there has been recognition that technology
education has encountered difficulties in achieving
continuity between what is depicted in policy and
curricular documents and the reality of enacted practices.
This is best exemplified through the evolution of technical
education in the English national context, where the
introduction of design to technology education shifted the
Proceedings of the 10th Biennial International Design and Technology Teacher’s Association Research Conference (DATTArc):
5-8 Dec. 2018, Swinburne University of Technology, Hawthorn, Victoria, Australia.
p. 29
epistemology from the acquiring of predetermined
knowledge towards an educational model where the
emphasis is described in terms of the transferability of
concepts, principles and skills between different contexts
(Dow, 2014). In spite of clear distinctions between what
technology education is not (Dakers, 2014b), articulating
the intricacies of what technology education is has proven
difficult, with a significant proportion of the technology
education rhetoric dedicated to this over the past number
of years (Gibson, 2008; ITEA, 2007; Ritz, 2009; Rossouw,
Hacker, & de Vries, 2011). The lack of conceptual
coherence indicated by the existence of this literature
sheds light on the current status of enacted practice, where
it has been identified that practices in the subject area have
not shifted in alignment with international discourse and
policy changes (Banks & Barlex, 1999; Dakers, 2005a;
Doyle, Seery, Canty, & Buckley, 2017; Mittell & Penny,
1997). Often referred to as a disparity between the rhetoric
and reality of the subject area (Barlex, 2000; Kimbell,
2006; Spendlove, 2015), the need to crystallise the subject
area in articulating a consensual understanding of what
technology education endeavours to achieve emerges.
As an alternative to inevitable curricular reframing, reform
or rebranding however, it is first necessary to explore
technological knowledge, and consider the context
dependency of learning in technology education. As
despite the need to crystallise the subject area, the
epistemological differences between technology, and
science and maths outlined in the introduction suggests
that defining the subject area through explicating a body
of declarative content knowledge, as is the case with
conventional disciplines, may not be appropriate for
technology education. The inclusion of design within
technology education necessities this alternative
perspective, as technological (as opposed to technical)
knowledge differs from conventional knowledge bases.
Technological knowledge: A perspective on
In considering the epistemic emancipation of
technological knowledge, Houkes depicts a “double
demarcation problem” (2009, p. 327). With regard to
articulating a taxonomy of technological knowledge,
Houkes acknowledges that one must define the context in
which the taxonomy is to be defined before knowledge can
be categorised. Making both of these definitions results in
an idiosyncratic taxonomy, that is, a taxonomy which
cannot be translated to alternative contexts is developed,
in essence, nullifying the initial objective. A useful way of
conceiving this is to consider technological knowledge
independent of a specific context, and ask the question;
what now differentiates this knowledge from other
disciplines of knowledge? It is likely that the remaining
knowledge can be more appropriately termed scientific
knowledge, as it becomes an expression of the physical
world and its phenomenon (Herschbach, 1995). Assertions
of the need to support the development of technological
knowledge are therefore problematic, as the differentiation
between engagement with authentic technological activity
and engagement with predetermined technological
knowledge raises questions as to whether or not you can
explicate technological knowledge for the purposes of
writing a technology curriculum. The formulation of
technology curricula as bases of declarative knowledge
become problematic as (1) it is unclear whether or not this
knowledge constitutes technological knowledge, and (2)
predetermining relevant declarative knowledge introduces
the potential to contort understandings of the nature of
technology, in that the subject may be reduced to learning
about technology as opposed to doing technology.
Although formal declarative knowledge is utilised in
technology activity, its application is transdisciplinary in
nature and highly context-specific. For example,
knowledge from science, agriculture, construction,
mathematics amongst countless others can be described as
technological knowledge dependant on its usefulness in a
particular context. In other words, technology cannot be
classified as a conventional discipline, in the sense that a
discipline consists of a body of content knowledge. By
extension technology education is not a conventional
school subject. A particularly useful way of conceiving
this is to adopt the epistemological differentiation put
forward by Morrison-Love (2016), where ‘transformation’
is considered as the epistemological basis for technology
education, in a similar way to ‘proof’ within Mathematics
and ‘interpretation’ within Science. In alignment with
philosophical perspectives on technological knowledge,
and its interdependency with technological activity, the
centrality of action to the nature of activity learners engage
with within technology education becomes apparent.
This perspective on defining technological knowledge
through activity is reflective of much of the discourse
around the philosophy of technology education. Here, it is
widely accepted that the classical philosophical notion of
knowledge as justified true belief does not necessarily
apply to technological knowledge (de Vries, 2016).
Norström (2014) suggests that the main reason for this
stems from technological knowledge’s inherent action
orientation as technologists are less concerned with
whether knowledge is true or not, as it is instead focused
on whether the knowledge is successful in guiding actions
towards certain goals. This epistemological fluidity, as
articulated by Norman (2013) results in an educational
context where “the domain of knowledge as a separate
entity is irrelevant; the relevance of knowledge is
determined by its application to the technological issue at
hand. So the skill does not lie in the recall and application
of knowledge, but in the decisions about, and sourcing of,
what knowledge is relevant” (Williams, 2009, pp. 248–
A context for epistemic autonomy
The identification of weak epistemological roots by the
Expert Panel review of design and technology education in
England (Department for Education, 2011) is therefore not
unfounded, as technology holds a unique epistemology
relative to more conventional disciplines. Although the
elective use of declarative knowledge may be perceived as
an underdeveloped epistemology, in remaining true to the
nature of technology, an agile epistemology is necessitated
in technology education. From this, it is important to note
that technology education is not conceived in the same
way as more conventional subject areas. The articulation
of a conventional epistemology would be a disservice to
the subject area, as it would likely emphasise declarative
content over the ability to engage with technological
activity. There are a couple of important points of note
here, as the variability of learner experience introduced
with teacher and learner epistemic autonomy facilitated
Proceedings of the 10th Biennial International Design and Technology Teacher’s Association Research Conference (DATTArc):
5-8 Dec. 2018, Swinburne University of Technology, Hawthorn, Victoria, Australia.
p. 30
though fluid epistemological boundaries potentiates vast
disparities in teachers’ enacted practices.
Firstly, there is a need for a context for technological
activity. Although this may appear obvious, the
perspective on technology curricula proposed thus far has
critiqued the disadvantages of situating technological
activity within a specific content boundary. It is not our
intention to advocate an unbounded technology education.
Kimbell (1994) articulated the traditional progression of
tasks in technology education, highlighting the inverse
relationship between learner autonomy and a framework
of constraints which govern their activities. In theory, as
learners progressed through their education, the
framework of constraints governing their work would
become increasingly looser. Over a period of time, learner
procedural autonomy is facilitated as a result of developing
the capabilities to operate in a technological context, by
the development of foundational knowledge and skills
within that specific context. In technical education, this
context was most often a specific material, such as wood,
metal, food, or in some cases, textiles. Whereas in
technical education the development of competencies
within this context was viewed as the goal of the subject,
as it was in essence the preparations of learners for the
world of work, technology education utilises contexts for
practice as a means to an end. The educational objective
for technology education is therefore not in the recall or
application of predetermined knowledge but rather the
application of “provisional knowledge” (Kimbell, 2011, p.
7). In other words, technology education objectives are not
concerned with specific content knowledge but rather a
higher understanding of how to use (unspecified)
knowledge and skills to identify and resolve (unknown)
problems. As a result of this, a context for technology
education, although necessary, is only useful in so far as to
prepare learners to engage in a transdisciplinary manner –
to transverse contexts. Williams, Lockley, and Mangan
(2016) noted that a significant implication of describing
the goals of technology education at a conceptual level is
that educators no longer have an agreed upon
epistemology, without which, continuity in the
organisation of topics of inquiry becomes problematic.
Despite these concerns, efforts to remain true to the nature
of technology as previously outlined necessitate
conceptually oriented curricular goals.
The concerns highlighted by Williams et al. lead to the
second important point of note, without common
understandings of the goals of emergent technology
curricula there is an increased potential and likelihood for
practices to diverge from curricular intentions. As the
epistemological autonomy of teachers (and learners) is
greatly amplified through epistemologically fluid content
boundaries, there is a greater potential for divergences in
practices in technology education than more conventional
disciplines. Indeed, reflections on the early years of
technology education are fraught with examples of the
behavioural remnants of technical education (Dakers,
2005b). The paradigm shift necessitated was undoubtedly
hindered by the similarities between technical and
technology education contexts. Further to this, the
epistemological differentiation between learning about
predetermined technological artefacts and processes and
engaging in authentic technological activity necessitates a
significant shift in teachers’ perspectives on capability in
technology education. Without a clearly articulated
common understanding of the conceptually-oriented goals
of technology education, difficulties with balancing a
predetermined context on one hand, and the facilitation of
epistemic autonomy on the other, in all probability
contributed to the subversion to traditional practices.
Evidence to support this has been identified throughout
technology educations history (e.g. Atkinson, 2000; Banks
& Barlex, 1999; Doyle et al., 2017; Mittell & Penny,
1997). Understanding the relationship between
conceptually oriented curricular goals and teachers’
pedagogical aspirations for teaching and learning in
technology education are therefore of critical importance
in understanding the nature of enacted practices in
technology education.
Acknowledgements of the need to articulate the goals of
technology education independent of contexts for learning
have resulted in a number of efforts to articulate learning
outcomes in the form of higher constructs. Notably here
are the concepts of technological capability (Black &
Harrison, 1985; Gibson, 2008; Kelly, Kimbell, Paterson,
Sexton, & Stables, 1987; Kimbell, 2011) and technological
literacy (Dakers, 2014a, 2014b; Gagel, 2004; Ingerman &
Collier-Reed, 2011; Petrina, 2000, 2007; Williams, 2009).
More recently still, with acknowledgements of the need for
learners to be more sociologically aware of the decisions
they make when engaging with technological activity, the
notion of a disposition towards the subject area has come
to the fore. With the disruption of design to what was a
well-articulated epistemology in technical education, an
increasing emphasis has been placed in the need to
consider the ethical component of technological activity
(Dakers, 2014b; Keirl, 2018). This has resulted in an
articulation of a disposition towards technology, where the
need for the learner to balance speculation (what if) and
critique (how and why) when engaging with technology
education (Williams & Stables, 2017) has emerged as a
useful way of articulating what is means to be considered
technologically capable or literate.
There are significant difficulties associated with
consolidating conceptually-oriented goals for technology
education, within an agile epistemological boundary,
where robustness of delivery is ensured through
commonly understood and shared concepts, which
transverse contexts. By means of exploring this unique
perspective on how a subject may be conceived, the
following presents two brief case studies which situate
technological activity as the goal of the subject area
despite different cultural heritages.
Case one: New Zealand
Technology education in New Zealand has its roots in the
Manual and Technical Instruction act that was passed into
law in 1900; technical education was for the children of
labourers and farm workers. The subject was viewed as
providing these students with the opportunity to
incorporate practical, skill-based programs into their
schooling, and prepare them for manual trade employment
upon leaving school (Milne, 2018). Despite the
formulation of new subjects throughout the 20th century,
and the introduction of a design focus in the Workshop
Craft and Home Economic syllabus in 1986, the emphasis
placed on skills-based programs continued and failed to
significantly embrace the changing needs of society. As a
result of this, technology education was introduced as a
Proceedings of the 10th Biennial International Design and Technology Teacher’s Association Research Conference (DATTArc):
5-8 Dec. 2018, Swinburne University of Technology, Hawthorn, Victoria, Australia.
p. 31
subject to the curriculum in 1995. With its renewed focus
to shift towards embracing the needs of a modern society,
technology education in New Zealand was introduced as a
mandatory subject for all students from Year one to ten
(approx. 5 to 14 years old).
With an overall aim of developing students’ technological
literacy, this curriculum was based on three strands;
technological capability, and, technological and society,
where technological practice was identified as the vehicle
through which students should develop this literacy
(Ministry of Education, 1995). In spite of significant
successes in terms of student engagement with technology
and their ability to take ownership of their own learning, it
was noted that the nature of the technological literacy
developed as a result of students undertaking technological
practice alone, was often limited in breadth and depth
(Compton & France, 2007). Compton and Harwood
(2008) noted how the constraint of embedding knowledge
and skill development within specific technological
practice, the overall literacy developed was often very
narrow in focus. That is, knowledge and skills developed
were highly context dependent with students being unable
to transfer understandings into different situations.
Findings of this nature led to the realisation that a focus on
technological practice in itself was not sufficient and from
this, extensive research was undertaken, culminating in the
publication of a new technology curriculum in 2007. The
aim of the 2007 curriculum was to develop programs that
would foster “a broad technological literacy that would
equip [learners] to participate in society as informed
citizens but also give them access to technology-related
careers” (Ministry of Education, 2007, p. 32). With an
increased emphasis on the need to support students’
technological practice from a sociological perspective, this
facilitated a shift in developing technological literacy that
was functional in nature to a technological literacy that
was more “liberatory” (Compton & Harwood, 2008, p. 1)
in nature. The central focus of this shift at a curricular level
was the introduction of a strand which addressed the
philosophy of technology: the nature of technology.
Technological knowledge was retained as a strand and
technological practice was introduced. These three strands
are then transposed across seven technological areas:
information and communications technology, food
technology, materials technology, electronics and control
technology, structures and mechanisms, production and
process technology, and biotechnology.
Case two: Republic of Ireland
Technology education in Ireland also shares a technical
history, and similar to New Zealand, the systemic
conditions of the 1980’s saw the first attempt to
intellectualise the subjects. This saw a comparative
provision with the more established academic subjects and
as such could be utilised to support matriculation to higher
education. Despite this, technology education in Ireland
does not hold a mandatory status for all learners, and
opposed to having one overarching technology education
subject, its provision in the Irish context is divided
amongst four different contexts. The articulation of the
goals for the subject area place the emphasis on developing
technological capability (NCCA, 2004). In alignment with
perspectives of the centrality of action to enabling
technological capability (Kimbell & Stables, 2007), there
is a commonality of agenda in supporting ‘design and
make’ as a core tenet across the four contexts.
Somewhat bound by legacy and heritage, the different
contexts for technology in the Irish curriculum are the
descendants of vocationally oriented subjects, and at a
glance there is very little difference between how they may
be perceived. In lower secondary education, where the
programme of study is focused on the learner developing
as an active citizen, with the focus on managing
themselves, maintaining well-being, and having the
capacity to utilise and critique information and
communications, the proposed suite of technology
education subject comprises of; Materials Technology
(Wood), Engineering, Technical Graphics and a bespoke
Technology subject. The subtly of difference between
determinist vocational education and the current subjects
is in how they are articulated. For example, there is a
significant overlap between Technology, Engineering, and
Materials Technology (Wood), in process technology,
materials, application of knowledge and problem-solving.
However, it is in acknowledging the move beyond
technical knowledge and skill acquisition that provides for
a more considered and sophisticated subject specification
that is centred on the development of a disposition and not
only knowledge and skills. Engineering focuses on a
specific way of thinking, utilising a cyclical process of
action and review. Precision is emphasised as important
within this context, and the nature of activity is predicated
in the utilisation of knowledge and skills in the process of
developing a functional solution. This way of thinking is
considered and systematic, focused on achieving the
optimal solution to a problem with predetermined design
constraints. Technology on the other hand adopts a more
‘black box’ approach to the treatment of this process, a
significant shift in disposition. The iterative dialectic that
supports the relationship between speculation and critique
requires a varied approach to the utility of knowledge and
how success is defined with respect to outputs and
outcomes. The disposition is governed by utility and not
absolutes. This endeavour is supported by thematic
assessment briefs and as such requires a ‘what if’ mantra.
Shifting across the spectrum from defined execution,
through an innovation agenda to a more design capability,
positions Material Technology (Wood). The focus on the
material, a core element of the subject, may appear
restrictive but with a focus on designerly activity and craft
education it inhabits an area of provision that develops
design and make with a focus on functionality and
aesthetics. Appreciation for craft execution and an
emphasis on sustainability provide an explicit context for
sociologically aware design activity.
The agenda here is not to provide an articulation of what
is unique about the Irish technology education context, but
to explore what is unique about technology education. The
division of a conventional school subjects into four
different areas likely sounds both complicated and
unnecessary. Technology education on the other hand, as
exemplified in this example, transverses a variety of
contexts, from existing subject cultures predicated on the
use of materials, to emerging perspectives such as the
seven technological areas identified in the New Zealand
case. The point to take from the Irish example is that the
shift from a conventional curriculum to a more holistic
interpretation of what it means to be technologically
Proceedings of the 10th Biennial International Design and Technology Teacher’s Association Research Conference (DATTArc):
5-8 Dec. 2018, Swinburne University of Technology, Hawthorn, Victoria, Australia.
p. 32
capable can be done in a multitude of different ways. For
that reason, it is important to reiterate that the development
of technological capability in different contexts is not
bound by content knowledge. This knowledge, although
often examined, is primarily utilised as a facilitator to the
more higher-order capabilities outlined earlier. This
paradigm shift in how technical and technology education
are conceived relative to one another is further exemplified
through the ongoing discussion to frame the new subjects
not as curricula, but as specifications for learning.
Conceptual coherence
The difficulties associated with shifting the paradigm from
technical to technology education that have been observed
over the past number of decades (Dakers, 2005a) suggests
the need for an alternative way of conceiving technology
education. For the perspective of technology education
outlined in this article to manifest in practice, there is a
need for all members in the educational transaction to
understand the reality of technology education. This is of
significant concern for the future of the subject area. Of
particular interest was recognition in the New Zealand
context that defining technology education through
activity alone may not be sufficient, as teachers and
learners may circumnavigate authentic activity through
adopting formulaic approaches to project work (Compton
& Harwood, 2008; Harwood, 2014). In response to these
findings, the introduction of a strand concerning the nature
of technology on the New Zealand curriculum was in
essence an effort to shift practices towards more authentic
technological activity, one that considers the philosophical
and societal implications of actions. It can be argued that
the Irish system has mirrored this transition, as although
the focus can be interpreted as a shift towards a design
based philosophy, this shift has been governed by
recognition of the need to evolve technology education
beyond hegemonic practices (Dakers, 2005a). Whether
technology education is articulated in the context of
sociologically aware technological activity, or
engagement with design activity, the focus has moved
from obtaining predetermined declarative knowledge and
skills to situating the learner at the centre of a
technological process. This shift can be characterised as a
move away from technical education as a discipline,
predicated on the development of predetermined
knowledge and skills, towards technology education as an
ontology, predicated on a consensual understanding of
learners’ abilities to actively engage with technological
activity, across a variety of contexts.
An ontology-based curriculum
The disruption of design to technology education
necessitates a fluid epistemological boundary. With a fluid
epistemological boundary, the ways in which we conceive
a school subject need to be reconsidered, as without an
epistemic safety net, the potential for teacher and learner
activity to diverge beyond conceptual understandings
becomes too significant. One possible way to consolidate
this is to consider an ontology-based curriculum. An
ontology-based curriculum situates a conceptual
understanding as the ultimate goal of an educational
program, and the contexts and methods by which these
goals are achieved are to a degree, at the discretion of the
teacher and learner. The ontology-based approach is now
commonplace in programming education (Chen, 2009;
Chi, 2009), but there is a significant difference between
how this is conceived and how technology education is
articulated. Within programming education, governing
concepts are well defined, and the range of possible routes
for the learner is regulated by the nature of the computer
programme(s) and associated capabilities. In other words
the context is bound. Applying an ontology-based
approach to the transdisciplinary nature of technology
education is of concern as the quantity of variables
introduced by a relatively boundless context, particularly
in the later years of schooling, may become too difficult
for learners to navigate and for teachers to guide.
Furthermore, ensuring continuity of understanding, or
ontological position, between teachers should be of
concern as the potential for learners to diverge beyond the
remit of concepts is likely, and therefore teacher must be
constantly aware of this and be equipped to redirect
learning to the concept(s) at hand.
In considering a shift towards an ontology-based
curriculum, the traditional approach to teaching and
learning in technical education should be discussed as it
still holds place in contemporary practice. Although
project-based learning has been criticised to a large degree
because of the evidence of teachers and learners adopting
ritualistic approaches to technological activity (Kimbell,
2018a; Spendlove, 2012), another perspective is that the
perpetuation of these habitual practices by many
technology educators may have slowed the encroachment
of declarative-knowledge centric practices. In other words,
although the hegemonic behaviourist cycle (Dakers,
2005b) undoubtedly stymied the development of
technology education practice to align with policy
initiatives and international discourse, technology
education is perhaps in a better place now than if curricula
were reduced to declarative knowledge bases. As
evidenced in the New Zealand context, adapting curricula
alone is not sufficient in shifting enacted practice,
particularly if emerging conceptions of capability can be
contorted to fit existing practices and their contexts
(Compton & Harwood, 2008). It is therefore important that
an ontology-based approach to formulating a curriculum
for technology education acknowledge both the
ontological and epistemological considerations for
Work that has already been conducted in technology
education may be of use in facilitating such a transition.
For example, utilising a modified-Delphi approach with
participants from the international research community,
Rossouw, Hacker, and de Vries (2011) identified five main
concepts for use in curriculum development in technology
education: (1) designing (‘design as a verb’), (2) systems,
(3) modelling, (4) resources, and (5) values. Further to this,
this study identified researchers’ perspectives on suitable
contexts where these concepts may be developed. With the
context specificity of technological activity, these
overarching concepts are particularly useful in formulating
an ontology-based curriculum as they facilitate the shift
away from contrived technological activity.
The sustainability of a curriculum should also be discussed
when contemplating an ontology-based approach for
technology education. The fluidity of context facilitated
through a holistic understanding of technological activity
lends itself to the adaption of new contexts with relative
ease. In this sense, teachers (and learners) can adapt
practices relative to what they find interesting, such as
Proceedings of the 10th Biennial International Design and Technology Teacher’s Association Research Conference (DATTArc):
5-8 Dec. 2018, Swinburne University of Technology, Hawthorn, Victoria, Australia.
p. 33
recent developments in a field (Spendlove, 2012) or
disruptive technologies (Barlex, Givens, Hardy, & Steeg,
2016). This approach requires the technology teacher to
take ownership of the contexts for learning and in the cases
where teachers actively engage with these decisions – the
potential future-proofing of a technology curriculum.
There is no formula for identifying which contexts are
appropriate for learning, other than the potential for
learners to engage with the ontological position outlined in
the curriculum.
Facilitated by the concept–context approach proposed by
Rossouw et al. (2011), an ontology-based curriculum
predicated on malleability of context where content
becomes subservient to overarching concepts as learning
goals very much aligns with philosophical perspectives on
technological knowledge previously outlined. However,
there are issues, both contemporary and more long
standing, which may serve to perpetuate the disparity
between emerging perspectives on the potential of
technology education and the actuality of everyday
practices. These challenges are discussed in the following
Activity as a curricular goal in practice
Predicating a school subject on the intellectual process
embedded in technological activity is quite a departure
from the nature of conventional descriptive knowledgecentric disciplines. The primary question which arises
from this perspective is whether or not a subject centred on
the development of an ontological position in a domaingeneral context should hold the same status within the
curriculum as disciplines with a more conventional
knowledge base. As noted, the goals of technology
education are concerned with the learner’s capability to
engage with technological activity, and therefore
supporting technological knowledge in the conventional
sense of supporting descriptive knowledge cannot remain
the primary aim. Enabling the development of
technological capability or literacy through facilitating
learners’ engagement with technological problems, where
they are required to identify and apply relevant knowledge
that is not predetermined, has significant implications for
enacted practice in technology education. There are a
number of perspectives which must therefore be
considered when contemplating the introduction of an
ontology-based curriculum for technology education.
Firstly, perspectives on the performative climate of many
educational contexts identified that a neo-managerialist
culture has resulted in the marketisation of education
across all levels of provision (Lynch, Grummell, &
Devine, 2012). Characterised by strides for accountability,
systems now purport to measure quantifiable outcomes,
most often through the lens of educational assessment.
Within this system, efficiency of schooling has come to the
fore as both the amount of time ‘spent’ learning and the
quantity of learning per unit of time are sought to be
optimised. As the focus of technology education lies in the
learners ability to select and apply appropriate knowledge
rather than to recall explicit knowledge, the degree to
which they can be compared to conventional subjects
pedagogical and assessment practices is not known. And
as noted, it would be inappropriate to manipulate
technology curricula and practices to fit the profile of more
conventional declarative knowledge-centric disciplines.
Perspectives on assessment within such a system, relative
to what we know about technology education, are
therefore also of importance. With the emphasis on
process, in a variety of contexts, the difficulties associated
with balancing criteria as is the case with traditional
assessment methods has led to assertions of the need to
consider a more holistic approach to assessment in
technology education (Kimbell, 2018a). Despite
significant efforts to reconceptualise assessment within
technology education (Kimbell, 2018b; Seery & Canty,
2018), school based assessment remain largely unchanged.
It is unclear how appropriate existing assessment systems
are to assessing student learning within and ontologybased curriculum.
Perspectives on enacted practice remain problematic as
translations of an alternative ontological basis into
teachers’ practices have proven difficult in the past, as was
discussed in the New Zealand case study. Understanding
how teachers’ conceive technology education, within the
context of an education system and the relationship
between these conceptions and enacted practice are an
importance avenue for future research. Such research may
provide insight into previous curricular reform and inform
future directions. Whereas Pedagogical Content
Knowledge (PCK) is perceived as a useful mechanism to
understand this relationship in most disciplines, the
application of this concept to technology education
remains problematic. With little consensus as to how PCK
is conceptualised, applied or studied in technology
education (de Miranda, 2018), recently there has been an
emphasis placed on understanding teachers’ enacted
practices as a product of their conceptions and PCK, as
opposed to either out of context (Doyle, Seery, Gumaelius,
Canty, & Hartell, 2018).
A fourth perspective which should be considered is the
learning sciences agenda. Having gained significant
traction over the past decade, questions of the
appropriateness of the adoption and application of findings
from disciplines with different epistemological and
ontological basis have recently begun to permeate the
technology education discourse (Phelan, Seery, & Canty,
2018). A particularly useful way of conceiving this is to
consider the perspective put forward by Kirschner (2009)
in highlighting the difference between learning science (in
school) and doing science (as a scientist does). In
remaining true to the nature of technology, the
interdependence between technological knowledge and
technological activity necessitates that learners engage
with technological activity, in that they must ‘do’
technology. It is important to emphasise that the position
taken herein is not one questioning the potential
contributions of the learning sciences but rather a caution
against the acceptance of validated findings between
disciplines with different epistemological basis. In other
words, the need for ecologically situated approaches to
studying teaching and learning in the context of
technology education becomes apparent.
Defining technology education through the variability
necessitated in activity highlights the need for a common
ontological position on how the subject area is conceived.
Upholding the ambition to remain true to philosophical
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5-8 Dec. 2018, Swinburne University of Technology, Hawthorn, Victoria, Australia.
p. 34
perspectives on the nature of technological knowledge, in
the face of education systems that increasingly value
atomised aspects of learning internationally is perhaps the
most significant challenge to technology education.
Defending the position of technology education without
recognising the nature of its epistemology is a futile
endeavour, as evidenced by the identification of weak
epistemological boundaries in the English national context
(Department for Education, 2011). The problem with
technology education is not an underdeveloped
epistemology, rather an epistemology that is very well
developed, but complex when compared with more
conventional disciplines, defied through its fluidity while
remaining true to conceptual principles. Although the
apparent solution to (re)establishing technology
educations position on curricula would be to articulate a
more conventional epistemology, we advocate that doing
so would ultimately serve to the detriment of the subject
area. Instead, we propose that stakeholders embrace a fluid
epistemology in an ontology-based curriculum as doing so
remains true to the nature of technology. The question
which arises from this perspective, is whether or not, or
indeed for how long, such a subject may survive in the
current educational environment?
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Team designing: A case study in conformity and rationalisation
Nigel Bruce Goodwin
The University of Sydney
Technology teacher education (TTE) programs often strive to develop teamwork skills in TTE students since most design
workplaces rely on teams rather than individuals to achieve commercially successful products, systems or environments.
This study reports on the consistencies between actual team designing, and subsequent reflections on that designing in the
context of a larger action-research project on team designing. Content analysis was used to analyse personal journals completed
by 55 students working in 11 design teams over a three-month period. The journal prompts focused on general descriptions of
events, affective response to those events, and team functioning (participation, goal setting, decision making). The content of
these personal journals was compared and contrasted with transcripts of recordings of team conversations recorded
during design sessions.
Some significant findings were that all teams overstated the amount and intensity of team interactions, that low and middle
performing teams showed a great deal of conformity when describing group functioning and rationalising design decisions, that
all teams showed significant convergence (thus reducing the occurrence of conflict); that a range of social loafing effects were
identified (but never acknowledged by any team), and that all teams expressed growing frustration over the length of the study
and reduced their effort expenditure as a result.
Further research is needed on enhanced team training, confronting team behaviours directly through structured reflections on
team performance and reconceptualising the nature of the team tasks that are used in TTE programs.
Design, teams, conformity, design decisions
The complexity of modern design means that designers
tend to work as part of design teams where specific design
expertise is distributed rather than localised. By utilising
the individual strengths and knowledge of the members of
the team, innovative and productive designs can emerge
(Christensen & Ball, 2018). Team members may operate
synchronously or asynchronously, be co-located
(Christensen & Abildgaard, 2018), operate locally and
remotely and at all times of the day (Woods, 1984).
In the context of research on groups (a broader concept
than teams) in education settings ranging from primary to
university levels groups, significant benefits have been
found (Johnson, Johnson, & Smith 2014, Gillies, 2016)
and confirmed in a number of best evidence syntheses
conducted by Slavin (2013) and Slavin, Lake, Hanley, and
Thurston (2014). These findings lend weight to the
argument that technology teacher education students could
benefit from learning experiences built around tasks that
require prolonged, scaffolded teamwork.
Literature review Introduction
There has been a substantial research literature in school
and university contexts promoting the value of group
approaches to learning. Some of the benefits that accrue
from using groups include improved learning, the
development of social skills, empathy and altruism, the
enhancement of teamwork skills, the deepening of
learning, improved test scores and retention of knowledge,
and the enablement of lifelong learning (Slavin, 2018).
Some of the rationales behind the benefits of groupwork
lie in the active, collaborative nature of learning
experiences, in the giving and receiving of help, and the
necessity for the exercising of important social and
communication skills while groups are functioning
(Murphy, Mahoney, Chen, Mendoza-Diaz & Yang, 2005).
Higher levels of interaction produced by working as a
group/team promote enhanced learning too (Johnson,
Johnson, & Smith, 2014; Zhu, 2012; Tsay & Brady, 2010),
especially when learners can co-construct knowledge
(Costley & Lange, 2016; Lange, Costley, & Han, 2016)
and build team identity (Litchfield, Karakitapoglu-Aygun,
Gumusluoglu, Carter & Hirst, 2018). Promotive
interaction reflects positive social interdependence and is
considered, in concert with positive interdependence,
group processing, and individual accountability, a prerequisite to successful group performance (King &
Ganotice, 2013; Johnson, Johnson, & Smith, 2014).
Gillies (2016, p. 42) identifies important social skills that
promote effective interactions between students. They
Actively listening to each other;
Sharing ideas and resources;
Commenting constructively on others’ ideas;
Accepting responsibility for one’s behaviours;
Making decisions democratically.
Promotive interactions facilitated by these social skills
may, however, be subverted or compromised by other
operating within design
teams. Problems
that directly affect the nature and frequency of interactions
and that might occur when using groups include but are
not limited to the free rider (Hall & Buzzwell, 2012), and
sucker effects (partner effects to social loafing) (Njie,
Proceedings of the 10th Biennial International Design and Technology Teacher’s Association Research Conference (DATTArc):
5-8 Dec. 2018, Swinburne University of Technology, Hawthorn, Victoria, Australia.
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Asimiran, & Basri, 2013; Dick, Tissington, & Hertel,
2009), status hierarchy problems (Kilduff, Willer, &
2016).) which
sharing (Groysberg, Polzer, & Elfenbein, 2011),
and, general social loafing problems (Aggarwal, &
O’Brien, 2008; Latane, Williams, & Harkins, 1979).
Aggarwal and O’Brien describe social loafing as “a
behavior[sic] pattern whereby group members perceive an
individual working in a group setting as failing to
contribute his or her fair share” (p.256). Some potential
explanations for social loafing may include motivation of
team members, diffusion of responsibility, group size and
expectations of team members. It might also occur when
members of a team are not recognised, or their ideas and
work are ignored (Dick, Tissington, & Hertel,
2009). Where social loafing does occur, collaborative
work of the type found in groups/teams is less effective
than individual work of the same type (Mefoh &
Nwanosike, 2012). All of these effects are moderated by
the maturity of the groups since groups take time to build,
become mature, and productive, progressing through a
well-defined series of stages (Tuckman and Jensen,
Another related problem that might emerge in teams, but
which is seldom canvassed in the research literature is the
problem of conformity in groups. This issue is
particularly problematic in the context of open-ended
tasks where a diversity of views, ideas, and directions are
to be encouraged. In these and similar contexts, students
rarely provide high-level explanations or engage in highlevel discourse unless they are trained to do so (King,
2002). Even when training is provided, lack of knowledge
specific to the tasks being attempted can mediate
performance and foster maladaptive practices such as
conformity (see for example Kokotovich and Dorst (2016)
who report that novice design teams draw on their
experiential knowledge but do not move very far from the
combinatorial solutions typical of novice designers).
Novice design teams lack the experience and knowledge
base of experts.
According to Cialdini and Goldstein (2004),
and Coultas and van
Leeuwen (2015),
involves team members matching their attitudes, beliefs,
and behaviours to group/team norms. Two types of
conformity have been proposed by Deutsch and Gerrard
(1955). Normative conformity reflects a decision to yield
or comply with group pressures because a person wants to
fit in, or because the person is scared of being rejected by
the team. In contrast, informational conformity usually
occurs when a person lacks knowledge and looks to their
peers for guidance. It can also result because a person is
unclear or unsure about a task or situation. Informational
conformity usually results in internalisation where the
team member accepts and adopts the views of the other
team members.
General research on teams demonstrates the benefits of
information sharing and elaboration on team performance
(Jiang, Flores, Leelawong, and Manz, 2016; MesmerMagnus & DeChurch, 2009). Conforming reduces
information sharing by reducing peer-to-peer interactions,
by silencing or suppressing other voices. Story telling in
the form of sophisticated justifications of designs or
extended elaborations of design decisions is another index
of productive teams (Learner, 2004). Conformity leads to
a small number of team members telling their stories, thus
constraining ideas and outcomes. Shared mental models
also mediate team productivity through shared cognitive
processes, and shared language
assets used to
communicate key ideas and debate issues (Newell &
Bain, 2018). Conformity constrains the development of
shared language and ideas by allowing some members of
a team to dominate problem discourses.
This research was conducted as part of a larger mixedmethods action research project in a technology teacher
education program at the University of Sydney based on a
cognitive apprenticeship framework (Collins, Brown, &
Newman, 1987) where expert external judges provided
advice and feedback on authentic design tasks. The entire
second year cohort plus one complete Master of Teaching
cohort was randomly assigned into eleven design teams.
Participating students were specifically trained in
teamwork over a two-day period by consultants from the
Australian Institute of Group Leaders Cooperative. The
training focused on four dimensions: setting goals (thus
fostering ownership of ideas and outcomes), clarifying
roles and responsibilities (thus building interdependence),
solving problems in team functioning, and interpersonal
relations (giving and receiving help, communicating ideas,
sharing and building trust). It was characterized by an
active, participatory methodology, rather than a lecture
format. The advantages that derive from explicit training
in teamwork skills has been examined and confirmed in
meta-analyses by Salas, Diazgranados, Klein, Burke,
Stagl, Goodwin, and Halpin, (2008), and, more recently,
by McEwan, Ruissen, Eys, Zumbo, and Beauchamp
(2017). This training reinforced previous study in
cooperative learning undertaken as part of other
compulsory units of study in the four-year undergraduate
degree program in which the students were enrolled.
Students were quasi-randomly assigned to one of ten
design teams, the eleventh being an exclusive M.Teach
team. No team had an excess of males over females, but
there were some male only teams due to imbalances in the
gender ratio in that cohort. In this study students were
working as a team (Webb & Palincsar, 1996; Hammar
Chiriac, 2011), rather than in a team. Working as a team is
characterized by common effort towards a shared goal, the
utilization of the collective competence of team members
including problem solving, reflection, and the critique and
elaboration of ideas.
Data gathering
All eleven design teams were audio recorded in situ
throughout the study using AV equipment provided by the
University of Sydney. The recording equipment was
placed centrally on tables used during the multiple, 2-hour
design sessions. One team was randomly assigned to be
video recorded as well. Each recording was transcribed
weekly by a professional transcription service. Purposive
coding was undertaken by two coders working
independently. Codes were derived from a content
analysis of the research on design, self-regulation,
metacognition, teamwork, and groups. Four broad coding
categories emerged from this analysis: Design phases (7
codes), task maintenance behaviours (5 codes),
metacognitive behaviours (18 codes), and self-regulatory
behaviours (7 codes). Appendix A shows the codes for
Proceedings of the 10th Biennial International Design and Technology Teacher’s Association Research Conference (DATTArc):
5-8 Dec. 2018, Swinburne University of Technology, Hawthorn, Victoria, Australia.
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metacognitive behaviours. Coding key words were trialed
against the study pilot program transcriptions (conducted
in the year prior to the present study) to ensure accuracy
and provide practice for the coders. Codings were
compared, and any differences in interpretation were
arbitrated to resolve differences. Any codings that could
not be arbitrated were removed.
Personal journals were completed manually in a small
exercise book by all participants in the study at the end of
each studio session. A series of prompt questions were
used to elicit commentary and feedback on cognitive and
affective issues related to the functioning and effectiveness
of each design team and their general approach to the
design briefs. Some questions encouraged reflection on the
past functioning of the groups whilst other questions
provided an opportunity for students to suggest
enhancements to their groups functioning in future design
tasks. Students did not share their journal reflections at any
time. The journal entries were subsequently digitized for
later analysis. The prompt questions appear as Figure 1.
Figure 1: Prompt questions completed by all students
after each design session.
averaged to determine the final scores. A total of four
design tasks were used: Rope Spicer, Concourse seat,
Watering Can, and Traffic Barrier.
Some findings from two of the four tasks and a sample
of teams
All teams overstated the amount and intensity of team
Concourse Seat
49ers (High) (Total metacognitive codings, N=15):
Some metacognitive activity evident early (El-ge), middle
(EL-ge) and more later (EL-ge) in the task. Evaluation of
alternatives (EA-ev) occurred during middle and late
stages of design. These interactions were primarily unidirectional with one team member assuming the leadership
role (M1) and progressing the design with little input from
the rest of the team Claims in journals (amalgamated).
Yeah, we started pretty early on this one (M1). Pretty easy
really. (M2) Seemed to come out well (F1.) No problems
from the beginning. Worked well together on this
one. State Rail train good to use [as model]. Great team
effort (F2) during this one.
Onward (Mid) (Total metacognitive codings, N=26):
Team members (M1, M2, F2) progressed the design with
a much wider range of metacognitive behaviour shown at
the beginning (CO-ro, AP, GP, EA-ev, especially EL-dc,
and AN-st) and then focussing more on EL-dc in the
middle and later stages. Although there were more
interactions between team members most were simple
conclusions where team members re-stated earlier
conclusions. Claims in journals (amalgamated).
Lots of good stuff going on here (F1). I think we found this
one easy (M2). Just hope the judges like this one-we put
lots into it. Our drawings suck (M1).
Once digitized, the individual student reflections were
coded independently by two coders. Codings were
compared and any differences in interpretation were
arbitrated to resolve differences. Overall coding
consistency in both the audio transcriptions and journal
reflections was determined using Cohen’s kappa since the
coding elements were categorical in nature, only two raters
were used, and kappa is usually (though not always)
considered a conservative statistic of agreement (Strijbos,
Martens, Prins, & Jochems, 2006). Since the worstcase Cohen’s kappa for all teams/individuals across all
tasks exceeded 0.7, inter-rater reliability was judged as
substantial according to Cohen (1960).
Teams were judged as high, medium, and low-performing
using a modified form of the Australian and British design
ward criteria. Judges were product designers with at least
10 years of professional experience. Each judge made
their decisions independently and individual scores were
Teacake (Low) (Total metacognitive codings, N=20):
More metacognitive activity early in design process,
especially El-ge, (plus a few EL-dc, CO-ao, CO-mo), but
fewer towards the end of the design sessions. Some
unprofitable interactions were recorded between the two
male team members (M1, M2) trying to progress a design
that did not answer the brief. The two female team
members remained silent during these interactions. Claims
in journals (amalgamated).
Seemed to go OK-we talked it over early … not sure about
how it will meet the brief (F2). Think we got this one nailed
– talked it over (F1)
Road Barrier
Onward (High) (Total metacognitive codings, N=5)
Almost all metacognitive statements were due to M2 (EAev, EL-dc, EL-ge). Very little conversation between team
members was evident in this task (the second last task
attempted). Claims in journals (amalgamated). M2 Good
idea -lets go with that (F1). Still can’t draw to save my life
(M1). We talked this one over big time. Yeah, all good
Austin (Med (Total metacognitive codings, N=29):
Almost all metacognitive codings occurred at the
beginning and middle period of designing. They were
focussed on EA-av, EL-dc, and EL-ge. Elaborations did
not really progress designs, focussing on the one design
Proceedings of the 10th Biennial International Design and Technology Teacher’s Association Research Conference (DATTArc):
5-8 Dec. 2018, Swinburne University of Technology, Hawthorn, Victoria, Australia.
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produced and emending small details only. Claims in
journals (amalgamated). Worked this one through pretty
well (M2). Thought we covered the brief from the
beginning here (F2). No problems with my team (F1).
Phantoms (Low) (Total metacognitive codings, N=5).
El-ge was the majority coding and this was dispersed over
the period of designing. There was so little conversation it
was doubtful that a design would emerge. Claims in
journals (amalgamated) Went OK (F1). Idea was good so
we did not have to change much (F2). We worked pretty
well together on this one (M2).
Low and middle performing teams showed a great deal of
conformity when describing group functioning and
rationalising design decisions.
Conformity could best be framed by the frequency of
participation and when it occurred.
Concourse Seat
49ers (High): Conversations dominated by M1 with
occasional input from M2. Little contribution at any stage
from F1 or F2 apart from simple affirmations or
concurrence of opinion.
Onward (Med): Some balance of contributions in the
early stages from M1, M2, and F2 with nothing from F1.
Middle and later conversations were characterised by
males dominating conversations with females agreeing
and drawing some conclusions.
Teacake (Low): Both male members of the team tried to
discuss an unworkable design, ignoring the females during
this process.
Road Barrier
Onward (High): M2 dominated the conversation. M1 and
F1 and F2 rarely spoke, preferring instead to leave the
designing to M2.
Austin (Mid): Better balance of conversations during
early and middle period of designing. Participation trailed
off in later stages with males leading.
Phantoms (Low): Little if any conversation occurred
between any team member.
All teams showed significant convergence (thus reducing
the occurrence of conflict)
No team sustained interactions on any task. The greatest
interactions tended to occur during the early and
occasionally middle phases of a design task. It is
significant that few, if any teams produced more than one
design, preferring instead to develop one idea to
completion. Few teams attempted to clarify objectives
(CO), analyse the problem statement (AP), or generate
hypotheses 9GH or predictions (GP). Since one design was
submitted by the design teams, evaluating alternatives
(EA) could not occur. Single design approaches led to
reduced interactions, information elaboration and storytelling.
A range of social loafing effects were identified (but never
acknowledged by any team)
Social loafing effects can be inferred form the nonparticipation of team members. This was particularly true
for many female students who described the unit of study
and their experiences as being “Industrial Artsy” because
of its focus on product design. This occurred despite the
use of a well know female designer as one external judge.
All teams expressed growing frustration over the length of
the study and reduced their effort expenditure as a result.
“Done, thank goodness…”, “That’s enough for this job”,
“Let’s get it over with”, “Why are we doing this?”
“Boring”, “I am never going to do this when I teach” were
some of the general comments on the design tasks.
Personal responses became shorter and more cryptic, with
some students reverting to simple binary responses to the
prompt questions such as “Yes”, or “No” I don’t care” also
appeared in some journals.
One method to analyse the inconsistencies between the
stated team working habits and those recorded is to
understand some of the common problems that teams
encounter and how they might affect any decision to
participate fully in the study (Hackman, 2002). The first is
the absence of collective team identity (CTI) and trust
within the team. Although efforts were made to build team
identity such as allowing teams the freedom to name and
frame their own team, and explicitly training students to
work as part of a team (thus developing the interpersonal
skills so important in teamwork), it could be argued that
there was insufficient time and experience to build a fully
functional and robust team identity. Located as they were
in a compulsory pedagogy unit inside a technology teacher
education program, team members participated inside a
temporary team that exerted no influence and elicited no
interest outside of the compulsory unit. Data on
participation revealed the dominance by males over team
functioning, with many females opting to offer
confirmatory responses, rather than elaborated or
critiquing ones for particular designs.
Two indexes often associated with coordinated teams are
the presence of story-telling and elaborating and defending
ideas/explaining (Learner, 2004). These were more
common in the high-achieving groups (but not high in
intensity) and noticeably absent from the low-achieving
groups in this study. They were also often absent in
middle-performing teams. Low-performing team
recordings were often marked by long periods of quiet,
where no discussion, debate or explanations were
observed. Yet, the written reflections recorded after every
design session commented on the just the opposite, the
presence of good communications about design ideas and
debate on appropriate directions for the projects. This
pattern of erroneous reporting was consistent across team
members. Thus, team members rationalised their practices,
even when they knew that had not behaved in the manner
they described in their reflective journals. Whether this
was a simple coping strategy, an effort to be seen to be
going through the teamwork processes is not clear. The
growing frustration with the demands of the design tasks,
and the judge’s informational feedback clearly frustrated
students and teams alike. This might explain the lack of
commitment to developing multiple design ideas or
elaborating and defending those that were produced.
Proceedings of the 10th Biennial International Design and Technology Teacher’s Association Research Conference (DATTArc):
5-8 Dec. 2018, Swinburne University of Technology, Hawthorn, Victoria, Australia.
p. 41
Communication is another index used to evaluate the
effectiveness of teams, with current research suggesting
that communication quality is far more important than
communication frequency (Marlow, Lacerenza, Paoletti,
Burke & Salas, 2018). The two elements of
communication quality identified in this study that were
most closely associated with high task performance were
information elaboration (El-ge, EL-re), and story-telling
(AP, GP, AN-us, EA-ju). Only EL-ge appeared in the
transcripts for any team on any task.
Conflict resolution, difficulties when making decisions,
groupthink and lack of participation (through social
loafing effects) are other indexes for poor performing
teams. These issues can themselves signify conformity
problems. By not participating or participating in nonmeaningful ways such as providing binary responses or
acquiescing to others’ ideas without challenge, conformity
is encouraged. The path of least resistance towards an
outcome for each design task, rather than a carefully
considered, elaborated, debated and critiqued set of design
ideas resulting in a workable and strategized outcome,
became the standard approach. The lack of participation of
many females in design conversations, their relatively
minor contribution to elaborated discussions, and the
rationalisation of their behaviours in their personal
journals signifies important issues affecting the use of
design teams. Collective design efforts yield more creative
ideas. Innovative ideas and innovative behaviours require
collective reflections (Litchfield, Karakitapoglu-Aygun,
Gumusluoglu, Carter & Hirst, 2018). Collective
reflections serve to externalise agreed ideas and
viewpoints. Collective reflections were seldom seen in low
and medium-performing teams in their audio transcripts
but were quite common in the journal reflections. Thus,
individual members of teams would write about how they
discussed ideas and resolved differences in order to
advance design concepts. But the audio transcripts (and
annotated sketches they produced) revealed otherwise.
There are several other potential explanations for the
behaviours recorded in this study.
One potential reason why the problems detailed earlier
occurred may be the perceived complexity of the tasks.
Task complexity is considered a moderating variable when
assessing team performance (Bowers, Pharmer, & Salas,
2000; Brown & Miller, 2000). According to Baron,
Vandello, and Brunsman (1996), task importance affects
conformity so students who saw no value in tasks exerted
less effort. Research by Ferrari and Psychal (2012) found
that social loafing is frequent in low productivity groups,
and this phenomenon has been found to negatively
influence group performance. Yet social loafing and
perhaps even conformity effects can be reduced by the
presence of peer evaluations (Aggarwal & O’Brien, 2008),
a feature not found in this study.
Bond (2005) argues that a normative conformity influence
will be stronger when participants make public responses
and are face-to-face with the other team members. This
was the situation that occurred during the intensive design
sessions in this study and raises interesting questions about
the potential value of temporary, high-stakes, design teams
such as those in this study. Rather than fostering creativity,
teams of this type might foster conformity instead. Thus,
public responses such as annotated sketches and verbal
interaction patterns reveal the effect of normative
pressures, whilst private reflections in personal journals
allow participants to rationalise their behaviours and more
closely align them with how they would want to have
behaved, rather than as they actually did.
Another possible explanation is offered by Kugler, Kausel,
and Kocher, (2012) who argue that teams are more rational
than individuals. This raises questions about the utility of
using formal design team approaches in classroom
contexts where the goal is to promote more creative
design. Many of the low performing teams for example,
seemed more concerned about completing the task, than
performing on the task, e.g., Teacake on the Concourse
Seat task. Conformity and creativity are a trade-off
according to Nemeth and Staw (1989); the freer people are
to deviate from shared expectations, the more likely they
are to suggest creative solutions.
It is abundantly clear that student design teams are
fundamentally different from work teams in that student
teams often have “no history, little if any internal
hierarchy, and often little supervision” (Wolfe & Powell,
2014, p. 74). Work teams operate as teams with individual
specialisation such as those used in training case studies in
this study. It could therefore be argued that it was
unreasonable to expect the student design teams to
function as intended and their concept designs, and
personal reflections lend some support to this idea. Status
hierarchies clearly emerged in this research. However, my
results disagree with those reported by Benderesky and
Hays (2016). Status differences were “known” or at least
acknowledgement through overt deferment to higher status
students during team conversations and acknowledged and
reflected in the non-participation of students in active
conversations, but not acknowledged in personal
reflections as even existing. In some cases, students should
not have deferred to their peers since their peers were
wrong or did not possess the requisite knowledge.
Consistent with Cialdini and Goldstein (2004) who argued
that conformity influences tend to be “subtle, indirect, and
outside of awareness” (p.591), personal reflections in
journals make no mention of conformity pressures at any
stage in any team at any time. Thus, team design decisions
in this study reflect both the prolonged, elaborate, and
critical conversations that can be observed and
documented, as well as subtle and largely unseen social
influences that lead to conformity and internalisation
where students prioritise fitting in over promoting and
advancing better design concepts. This finding raises
another issue in that knowledge sharing facilitates team
performance and intra-group conflicts impairs it (Jiang,
Flores, Leelawong, & Manz, 2016). Conformity reduces
both information sharing and intra-group conflict, thereby
trading off one benefit for another.
The general pattern of results demonstrates conformity
through informational and normative influences on team
performance. The ambiguity of the subject tasks, and the
specialised knowledge required to address some of the
design briefs led many teams to look to team members who
were perceived as having more knowledge appropriate to
particular tasks, a special type of informational conformity
called minority influence. This led to some members
internalising the team beliefs, a cognitive conflict resulting
in informational conformity. The rationalising responses
to the scaffold questions in the personal journals provides
Proceedings of the 10th Biennial International Design and Technology Teacher’s Association Research Conference (DATTArc):
5-8 Dec. 2018, Swinburne University of Technology, Hawthorn, Victoria, Australia.
p. 42
good evidence of the extent to which some team members
did not even realise what they were doing.
Normative conformity was evident in the public
compliance and lack of challenge evident in team
communications. This motivational conflict may be
explained by the lack of knowledge demonstrated by many
students in the design teams. This lack of knowledge was
made clear in the personal journals, but the normative
conformity that then occurred was not recognised. The
novelty of the tasks, the lack of experience in designing,
the reputation of the judges, and the obvious lack of
background knowledge of many of the students may go
some way to explaining the willingness of many students
to comply with peers they judged to be more
knowledgeable. It could be seen as a coping strategy given
the time constraints operating in the unit of study too.
Students were more concerned about “passing” the subject
than earning through it. By rationalising their practices in
personal journals, students were able to avoid confronting
their actual practices revealed in the audio transcripts.
The inconsistencies between overt practice in a team
setting, and personal reflections made after team designing
raise important questions about the utility, value and
practices of using team approaches on design tasks such as
those used in this study. The obvious disparities in
background knowledge between team members, the
variable quality and lack of creativity in team responses,
the normative and informational conformity and
subsequent rationalisation of that conformity despite
specific training in interpersonal skills point to the need to
conduct further research on why two or more heads are not
necessarily better than one (Fender & Stickney, 2017),
despite what the extant literature on the benefits of
working in teams claims. Part of the answer might lay in
the nature of the task teams were asked to do, how they
were judged, and how they were constructed and operated
as temporary design teams. Professional teams usually
consist of a group of people expert in their own fields, each
contributing to the development of key components of a
design (Schmidt, Montoya-Weiss, & Massey, 2001).
Teams in this study did not possess the necessary
knowledge and skills as experts and were therefore far
more susceptible to the effects of status distinctions and
other negative moderators of team performance. A clearer
distinction between working “in a team” as against “as a
team” needs to be made as well since the evidence is clear
on how teams develops over time (Tuckman and Jensen,
1977). More fundamental questions remain over how,
when, where and why to use teams in professional
technology teacher education programs. Throwing
students together and telling them to work as a team simply
won’t do.
Aggarwal, P., & O’Brien, C. L. (2008). Social loafing on
group projects: Structural antecedents and effect on
student satisfaction. Journal of Marketing Education,
30(3), 255–264.
Baron, R. S., Vandello, J. A., & Brunsman, B. (1996).
The forgotten variable in conformity research: Impact
of task importance on social influence. Journal of
Personality and Social Psychology, 71(5), 915–927.
Benderesky, C., & Hays, N.A. (2016). The positive
effects of status conflicts in teams where members
perceive status hierarchies differently. Social
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Assuring a future for design and technology by embedding classroom formative
Eva Hartell
KTH Royal Institute of Technology and Haninge municipality, Sweden
Technology education is by far the most contemporary and rich discipline aiming to prepare learners for the future. It changes
rapidly as society changes, while also nurturing historical perspectives. To prepare our youths for the future, technology
education must occupy greater space and play a larger role in school to allow every boy and girl the opportunity to flourish,
both for themselves and for society. Understanding, developing and supporting this quest is challenging for schools, teachers
and researchers. Developing instruction is key, and bridging educational research and practice gives us greater potential to
It is well known that embedding formative assessment into classroom instruction is central to student success; however, this is
not as simple as it seems. This article highlights the complexity of embedding formative assessment. Further, by combining
theory and practice, it provides some suggestions on how to provide affordances for teachers’ classroom assessment practices
to bridge teaching and learning in technology education.
Design and technology education; technology education; engineering education; formative assessment; classroom assessment.
Technology education is by far the richest contemporary
discipline aiming to prepare learners for the future. This
branch of education changes rapidly as society changes,
while simultaneously nurturing historical perspectives. To
prepare our youths for the future, technology education
needs to gain greater space and play a larger role in school
to allow every boy and girl the opportunity to flourish, both
for themselves and for society. Supporting and challenging
students to exceed their potential and interest in
technology is challenging for schools, teachers,
policymakers and researchers. The education system plays
an important role in providing learning opportunities that
enable citizens to grow as human beings and contribute
and take part in society. The world goes beyond the
classroom; therefore, classroom instruction must invite
learners and provide opportunities that go beyond their
own interests and domains and drag the world to them.
Providing learning opportunities in school is not sufficient.
Learning is unpredictable, and students do not learn
everything they are taught. Thus, assessment must be
embedded within educational settings to bridge teaching
and learning and support informed decisions to adjust to
what happens in the classroom to better meet learners’
There are several ways to perform assessment. Different
persons can undertake assessment for different purposes in
different contexts. Though the aims and purposes of
assessment may differ, they must include the pupil’s future
progress. Teachers often conduct assessments for a variety
of purposes: grading, reporting to school authorities and
classroom questioning to determine whether to move on to
the next phase. This paper focuses on this purpose of
assessment, in which evidence of learning is elicited,
inferred from and put into action to better meet pupils’
needs: that is, formative assessment.
Formative assessment has been found to have a substantial
impact on student achievement and is based on the
following principles:
1. good teaching starts where the learners are; and
2. students do not learn everything they are taught.
Formative assessment is both generic and subject-specific,
and it seeks to adapt what happens in the classroom to
better meet learners’ needs. When discussing the
significant impact of formative assessment on student
achievement, timing is crucial (Wiliam, 2009). Formative
assessment is more likely to affect student learning when
instruction is adapted from inferences of elicited evidence
to better meet learners’ needs within minute-to-minute or
day-by-day classroom practices: what Wiliam (2009)
called short cycle formative assessment. Black and
Wiliam’s (1998b) review of formative assessment showed
that this type of assessment had largest impact on student
achievement and, thus, should be considered formative in
its truest sense.
This focus on assessment may seem controversial;
however, teachers who fail to assess what pupils do cannot
determine whether they are contributing to or impeding
pupils’ process. Swedish professor Lars Lindström (2006)
expanded on this argument by arguing that refusing to
assess is a concession to those who argue that no learning
takes place. Instead, teachers must elicit evidence of
learning and then infer from and act upon these data by
adapting what happens in the classroom to better meet
students’ needs.
Thus, technology teachers, like any other teachers, must
engage in assessment. They must draw inferences and
conclusions to determine whether their teaching is
contributing to or impeding their pupils’ progress.
To bridge research and practice, the present paper suggests
several short cycle formative assessment techniques
Proceedings of the 10th Biennial International Design and Technology Teacher’s Association Research Conference (DATTArc):
5-8 Dec. 2018, Swinburne University of Technology, Hawthorn, Victoria, Australia.
p. 46
particularly suitable for technology education and invites
readers to try them out in their own contexts.
that the creator cannot construct or program, but someone
else might be able to now or later.
Starting from where the learners are
Technology education goes beyond this. The aim of
Swedish technology is “helping the pupils to develop their
technical expertise and technical awareness so that they
can orient themselves and act in a technologically
intensive world” (The Swedish National Agency for
Education [NAE], 2011/2018, p. 296). By studying
technology, pupils should develop abilities that allow them
Classroom instruction must begin from where students are.
This is easy to say, but very complicated to accomplish.
Pupils do not learn everything they are taught, and they
also learn outside of school. According to Nuthall (2007),
students already know approximately 40 to 50% of what
their teachers are teaching. Unfortunately, and perhaps not
surprisingly, the students in a given class do not all know
the same information. This makes it even more difficult to
determine students’ current positions in their learning
journey. Since learning is so unpredictable, it is not
possible to assume students’ starting points based on their
prior instruction or expected standards or learning
outcomes according to textbooks or curricula. Instead,
some sort of qualitative assurance and follow-up is
necessary. Instruction should include a process of eliciting
evidence and then make inferences to ensure that
instruction helps rather than hampers students’ learning
progress. Generated evidence and inferences made should
be used to better adapt what happens next to meet learners’
needs. Teachers must, therefore, be able to assess students’
aptitudes by effectively using appropriate methods,
interpreting evidence of learning and maintaining
knowledge of the impacts of assessment practices on
students: that is, they must have assessment literacy
(Stiggins, 1991; Webb, 2002). This is difficult to
accomplish, and simply observing findings and being
aware of students’ current understanding or
misunderstanding is not enough either. Teachers must also
act and apply their findings appropriately in practice: a
process that is dependent on purpose and context.
However, teachers also need to believe in their capability
to accomplish what they set out to do. Specifically, to take
action from informed decisions, they need what Bandura
(1997) called self-efficacy. Teacher self-efficacy is a
strong predictor of success and is highly context-bound
and subject-specific (Hartell, 2018); thus, teachers must be
situated in a supportive milieu including high affordances
for teacher assessment practices, which are necessary to
release the power of formative assessment.
Technology education
Technology education is important for preparing pupils for
the future (Teknikdelegationen, 2010). An emphasis on the
importance of learning opportunities across education is
considered for all students and is particularly important for
girls (Skogh, 2001). Instead of only receiving learning
opportunities later in schooling, as is often the case with
technology education, every child should have multiple
opportunities across the education system, especially in
primary school.
Technology education is both practical and theoretical. It
is built around design with big, audacious goals that
demand an open-ended question approach and the learning
of practical skills and as well theoretical and applied
content knowledge. Though the discipline varies across the
globe, open-ended design tasks and model making remain
elusive. However, while technology may include modelmaking, inventing the wheel or authentic model
construction, it might also include developing an existing
model further or creating an imaginary app with functions
Identify and analyse technological solutions based on
their appropriateness and function,
Identify problems and needs that can be solved by
means of technology, and work out proposals for
Use the concepts and expressions of technology,
Assess the consequences of different technological
choices for the individual, society and the
environment, and
Analyse the driving forces of technological
development and how technology has changed over
time. (The Swedish National Agency for Education
[SNAE], 2011/2017, p. 299–300)
Sufficient instructional time is also important, especially
when working with younger students. Benson (2012),
Benson and Lunt (2009) and Skogh (2001) all argue that,
to gain the courage to try, students require opportunities to
engage with technology. Fragmented instruction and a lack
of progression within instruction hinder students’ ability to
learn technology; thus, multiple opportunities to
experiment are crucial for the learning process and for
building capability and interest.
Regardless of the content of curricula, the interdisciplinary
nature of technology education often includes open-ended
tasks. It is important to not dismiss pupils’ unusual or open
ideas and encourage them discover and explore on the
edge. However, teachers must also maintain a balance, as
it is crucial to give students opportunities to build their
skills and content knowledge. These responsibilities place
significant pressure on the shoulders of teachers. Shulman
(1987) emphasised that teacher understanding of student
misconceptions as particularly important during inquirybased and open-ended activities, making it even more
important for teachers to know their content and pedagogy.
The importance of teacher discussions and reflection
concerning teaching, learning and assessment in
technology has been highlighted (Atkinson & Black, 2007;
Black, 2008; Blomdahl, 2007; Hartell, 2015, 2017;
Klasander, 2010; Moreland, Jones, & Barlex, 2008;
Williams, 2011, 2016). However, such environments are
very difficult to achieve in general, and they are
particularly difficult to achieve in technology education
(Hartell, 2015).
Embedding formative assessment
When the concept of formative assessment entered the
conversation, it quickly became a buzzword among
teachers, educators, policy makers and even educational
vendors. There is substantial evidence that formative
assessment may have a significant impact on student
Proceedings of the 10th Biennial International Design and Technology Teacher’s Association Research Conference (DATTArc):
5-8 Dec. 2018, Swinburne University of Technology, Hawthorn, Victoria, Australia.
p. 47
achievement (Black & Wiliam, 1998a; Hattie, 2009).
However, the difficulties relating to formative assessment
(e.g. superficial implementation and understanding) are
substantial. These difficulties are often forgotten in
discussions, resulting in more superficial implementations
in classroom practices (Bennett, 2011a; Hirsh & Lindberg,
2015; Levinsson, 2013; Moss & Brookhart, 2009;
Torrance & Pryor, 2002; Wiliam, 2009, 2011a, 2011b).
To establish a firm understanding of formative assessment,
literature stress that teachers need time and space to
experiment, discuss and reflect on their work to implement
processes and mechanisms for learning assessment and the
thinking behind it (Bennett, 2011; Black & Wiliam, 1998b;
Wiliam, 2009). Through experimentation during
classroom practice, teachers can change their behaviours
to adapt to what happens next in their classroom practice
and better meet their students' needs. This takes time but
there are CPD models that has been externally evaluated
and found successful for further details (Leahy & Wiliam,
2010) and (Educational Endowment Foundation, 2018;
Hartell, 2015)
Working together with others within the profession is key
to developing an understanding of learning (see e.g.
Harrison, 2009; Kraft & Papay, 2014; Pettersson, 2009).
However, in the current environment, planning for
teaching and learning is not a priority for technology
teachers (Blomdahl, 2007; Hartell, 2013). Instead of
focusing on bridging teaching and learning and discussing
and trying different things with other professionals,
technology teachers spend their time managing
institutional weaknesses (e.g. a lack of teaching material
and other equipment) and fighting for allocated instruction
time. This is a systemic problem and not one that teachers
can solve by themselves (Hartell, 2015). These restraining
frame factors have been shown to negatively impact
teachers’ self- and collective efficacy and well-being
(Skaalvik & Skaalvik, 2010). Therefore, affordances for
teachers’ assessment practices need to be enhanced.
Affordances refer to the quality of the environment in
which teachers are situated. In this context, affordances
include time to reflect, plan questions and learning
activities, discuss with others, engage in professional
development and develop teaching materials, all of which
are denied to technology teachers (Hartell, 2015). To
bridge teaching and learning, affordances for teachers’
assessment practices must be increased. Teachers should
also seek advice from their peers and not be afraid to ask
for help. Interestingly, while highly effective teachers are
more likely to seek advice from their peers, they are no
more likely to be approached for advice than their less
effective peers (Spillane, Shirrell, & Adhikari, 2018).
Five key strategies
Wiliam and Leahy (2015) argued that teachers can move
towards formative assessment practices by enacting the
following five strategies in their classroom practices;
1. Clarifying, sharing and understanding learning
intentions and success criteria;
2. Engineering effective discussions, tasks and activities
that elicit evidence of learning;
3. Providing feedback that moves learning forward;
4. Activating students as learning resources for one
another; and
Activating students as owners of their own learning.
All five strategies are equally important; however, the
importance and benefits of feedback that moves the learner
forward cannot be underestimated. Traditionally, the
learner is the student; however, within the educational
context, the learner is also the teacher. Therefore, feedback
moves from teacher to pupil, from pupil to teacher, from
pupil to pupil and, finally, from pupil to teacher.
Building on Kluger and DeNisi’s (1996) review of
feedback, Wiliam (2015) noted that much feedback
actually hinders learning. He emphasised that the only
thing that matters is how the receiver reacts to feedback
and he identified eight possible responses to feedback, six
of which are bad (see table 1).
of Falls short of Exceeds goal
feedback will
Increase effort
Reduce effort
Change goal
Abandon goal
Decide goal is
Decide goal is
too easy
too hard
Reject feedback Feedback is
Feedback is
Table 1: Reactions to feedback (Wiliam, 2015, p. 103)
These reactions are difficult to foresee. A good rule of
thumb, according to Wiliam (2009), is that feedback
should create more work for the recipient than the donor.
This is rarely the case; however, including time in lesson
plans for students to work with their feedback increases the
likelihood of positive outcomes. When students are not
given time to work with feedback, the feedback is likely to
be discarded and have no impact on learning (Black et al.,
2003). Teachers’ workloads are also of great importance,
as formulating feedback takes time and effort, which is
wasted if students are not given the opportunity to work
with the information they receive. Therefore, another—
and perhaps better—approach is less is more. In other
words, it is better to keep quiet and say nothing at all than
to say an only partially developed thought, which may lead
students to think that the teacher does not take their work
seriously (Lindström, 2006). Furthermore, students who
receive too much feedback can become addicted to
feedback, and feedback junkies do not learn as much
(Kluger & DeNisi, 1996).
Feedback concept has been high jacked in education.
However, feedback stems from engineering and from an
engineering point of view, it is important to look forward
and consider how one can change from a current to a
wanted position, as Wiliam (2009) suggested. Hattie and
Timperley’s (2007) review of feedback focused primarily
on the transmission of information, rather than feedback
from an engineering point of view. Still, their review
provides valuable insights into what to focus on while
formulating feedback. Hattie and Timperley (2017) review
suggests that feedback should be focus on levels over
which students are in control over (e.g. tasks, processes
and self-regulation) and not over self-level (e.g. their
Proceedings of the 10th Biennial International Design and Technology Teacher’s Association Research Conference (DATTArc):
5-8 Dec. 2018, Swinburne University of Technology, Hawthorn, Victoria, Australia.
p. 48
personality). These suggestions are consistent with the
findings of Wiliam (2015) and Lindström (2006).
Information should be forward-looking and under the
student’s control, creating more work for the recipient than
the donor. Furthermore, feedback should be delivered
while students are learning, rather than at the end.
Feedback is forward-looking: a description of the gap
between a student’s current and wished-for position on his
or her learning journey. Teachers should make sure that
recipients work with the feedback provided. If they do not,
giving feedback is a waste of the teachers’ time and effort,
since it is likely to be ignored. Teachers should also be
upfront about why they have offered specific feedback,
since students who know why they have received specific
feedback are more likely to exert effort and then turn in
their work again especially when telling students that
critical feedback is given on the basis of teachers’ high
standards and beliefs in their students’ potential (for futher
details see Yeager et al., 2014).
Wiliam (2015) suggested that teachers who provide grades
should not bother with comments, since, when grades are
mixed with written comments, comments are discarded
and never read. To address these issues, feedback can be
given in portions. For example, students can be given
written feedback, allowed some time to work through it,
and then given a grade. However, I suggest that teachers
who follow this approach allow students time to work with
the feedback comments before turning their work in again
for a grade. Alternatively, a teacher could simply provide
a grade and skip the rest. Teachers should not pretend to
give students advice on what to do next unless they also
give students the chance to change their work.
Learning intentions and criteria for success
Promoting thinking by encouraging pupils to express
themselves and reflect upon their own and others’ ideas
demands active teacher participation to challenge students
and expand their horizons. This is immensely challenging,
since teachers do not always explicate where their students
are going, other than forward. Knowing where they are
going makes it easier for students to get there, especially
when they know what next step to take and which direction
(Kirschner, Sweller, & Clark, 2006). This is of great
concern in Sweden, where pupils are often are left on their
own in an unreflective doing/making trying to decode the
mystery path of learning themselves without guidance and
opportunities for reflection (Skolinspektionen, 2014),
resulting in a loss of interest and opportunities.
However, the direction of forward movement is not always
evident. Sometimes, a direction may not be valid; at other
times, due to the nature of the technology discipline, a
direction may not even be possible to foresee. Regardless,
it is crucial for teachers to be clear about what they expect
of their students. Such clarity benefits all students, but
especially low achievers; thus, it may dramatically reduce
the gap between low and high achievers (Jönsson, 2010).
Being clear about learning intentions is challenging, since
the more precise learning intentions are, less likely they
are to mean anything or even be valid for student learning.
They may also vary in terms of students’ perceptions of
learning intentions compared to teachers’ own
expectations. Addressing this discrepancy is crucial to
reduce the gap between low and high achievers in their
ability to interpret teachers’ criteria for success. Unlike
low achievers, high achievers are usually able to interpret
what their teachers consider as criteria for success like in
Bjurulf (2008) where high achievers had realised and
agreed to the silent agreement with teachers that students
aiming for higher grades, unlike low achievers, should
work alone and to not ask questions.
Depending on what a teacher wants her students to learn,
the teacher must also choose appropriate tasks. Like the
primary teacher who realise that her class had already
made Jumping Jacks with their previous teachers. Her
pupils’ complaints about making another Jumping Jack
made her realise that her objective had not been clearly
communicated. The purpose of the activity was to
introduce her pupils to reading, interpreting and following
blueprints or technical instructions and not to understand
the mechanics behind getting Jack’s arm to move, as the
pupils had assumed.
Clarifying the learning intention, consequences and results
of an assessment all increase validity (Newton, 2007;
Nyström, 2004). In their investigation of which success
criteria teachers emphasise when assessing student work,
Hartell and Skogh (2015) that teachers place the most
emphasis on the narrative of the design process. However,
teachers view task completion as a criterion for success: an
approach which can be seen as superficial, but which also
stresses the importance of sufficient instruction time for
students. Teachers can also post learning intentions on the
blackboard and then have the pupils copy them into their
workbooks, where they will likely never be reviewed
again. Another quite popular (and perhaps more
successful) approach involves the use of rubrics. Though
rubrics are useful for sharing learning intentions and
success criteria (see Brookhart, 2018), they are often
written in a teacher-friendly language, such that students
and teachers may interpret them in different ways.
Wiliam (2015) suggests moving towards exemplars
instead of rubrics, as exemplars articulate learning
intentions in a richer way. Compared to exemplars, rubrics
are like reading a review of a wine instead of actually
tasting it; thus, by sharing exemplars from different
contexts, technology educators can help students explore
the true construct more deeply. Teachers may also use a
combination: For example, annotated exemplars could
give students an understanding of what quality looks like
and articulate their knowledge, especially when exemplars
of different quality can be contrasted. More work needs to
be done here to learn more about how, like wine
connoisseurs, technology teachers develop a ‘nose’ for
Using exemplars is not cheating; instead, exemplars are
valuable for learning, especially in open-ended and
problem-solving tasks. Exemplars have been found to
reduce students’ cognitive load (Sweller, 1988; Weinstein,
Madan, & Sumeracki, 2018), and they are particularly
useful for student learning when used as part of instruction.
However, the effect of such exemplars on learning
depends on learners’ levels of expertise, such that low
achievers benefit the most, and the effect on learning
decreases as expertise grows. Therefore, evidence suggests
that student gain the most when exemplars are presented at
Proceedings of the 10th Biennial International Design and Technology Teacher’s Association Research Conference (DATTArc):
5-8 Dec. 2018, Swinburne University of Technology, Hawthorn, Victoria, Australia.
p. 49
the beginning of the learning journey (Atkinson, Derry,
Renkl, & Wortham, 2000). The following example is from
a Japanese secondary technology classroom. Technology
teachers used exemplars of circuit boards with different
electronic components e.g. diodes, transistors, capacitors
and resistors, which former students had designed and
soldered to solve different. These exemplars of different
quality was used in a dialogue together with their pupils to
articulate different quality work in electronics in terms of
soldering, design etc. depending on what they were
currently focusing on.
Learning can be facilitated by digital tools, such as
comparative judgement (CJ) software (for details, see
Pollitt, 2012). In the context of a teacher education
program at the University of Limerick, students were
asked to peer assess one another’s work via a cloud-based
platform using CJ (Seery, Buckley, Delahunty, & Canty,
2018). Specifically, students were asked to compare two
pieces of work, choose which one was better and provide
feedback to their peers in an iterative process. Even
though, feedback and CJ is independent of each other since
feedback can be given without CJ, and CJ can be done
without involving feedback. In this particular study the
combination of CJ and feedback was explored. Feedback
was matched to each exemplar, and students were then
given time to work with the feedback and develop their
work before handing it in to the teacher for final
assessment. The research team was somewhat surprised by
the students’ positive response to this intervention,
reporting that the iterative process of CJ was valuable for
improving their understanding of the nature of technology.
The students also reported how valuable they found
providing and receiving peer feedback through the CJ
process. Following the students’ progression, the authors
found that students who did not perform particularly well
in the first CJ round made the greatest leaps forward in the
second round. This can be interpreted in different ways,
results could be due to a ceiling effect but also indicate that
low-achieving students benefited more than highachieving students from seeing other students’ work.
However, the results from this study may confirm prior
work on the usefulness of worked exemplar and would be
interesting to investigate further.
are seldom used. Time is too valuable for such an
oversight. Therefore, it is crucial to shift from data-driven
decision-making to decision-driven data collection. There
are obvious demands regarding the quality of the questions
asked to gather data. According to Wiliam (2011), there
are only two reasons for teachers to ask questions:
1. to discover where pupils are to decide on next steps, and
2. to encourage thinking among the pupils.
Though open-ended tasks are inherent to technology
education, they are blunt tools to discover where students
currently are, what they have encountered and what
misconceptions they might hold. Instead, Wiliam (2009)
suggested revealing misconceptions using elegantly
designed multiple-choice questions: so-called hinge-point
questions. The use of these hinge-point questions, in which
the alternative responses are designed to reveal students’
common misconceptions, may help teachers decide on
which step to take next. Hinge-point questions are
diagnostic questions that help a teacher check whether
students are ready to move on or not and in which
direction. Student responses provide the teacher with
evidence about what the teacher and students should do
next. The rule of thumb is that it should take less than 2
minutes to complete, and 30 seconds to interpret and
decide where to go next. Hinge-point questions are
challenging for technology teachers to design, as they
require knowledge concerning students’ understanding of
common misconceptions regarding a particular topic (e.g.
electricity). They also require sufficient content
knowledge to design the question and interpret student
responses. Thus, hinge-point questions are hard to find in
in technology education. One example could be:
When the switch is closed, which bulb or bulbs will be lit? 1
A. Bulb 1
B. Bulb 2
C. Neither
D. Both
Figure 1: Assessment for Learning in STEM
Teaching, provided by Future Learn.
Eliciting evidence of learning
As mentioned at the beginning of the paper, learning must
start from where learners are, and we cannot assume that
students are where they are supposed to be on their
learning journey. It is easy to be tricked by students’
smiling faces or frowning foreheads while trying to figure
out whether or not they understand. Though students might
give the impression of being engaged, this does not always
mean they are learning (Nuthall, 2007). Therefore,
eliciting evidence of (mis-)understanding by asking
questions and designing tasks and activities to discover
both understanding and misunderstanding is crucial.
Today, a variety of data are collected for a variety of
reasons across different levels of the system, but these data
This question is from a massive on-line course (MOOC):
Assessment for Learning in STEM Teaching, provided by
Future Learn. Find out more
Proceedings of the 10th Biennial International Design and Technology Teacher’s Association Research Conference (DATTArc):
5-8 Dec. 2018, Swinburne University of Technology, Hawthorn, Victoria, Australia.
p. 50
Students may respond to hinge-point questions by writing
their answers on mini-whiteboards; holding up cards with
A, B, C or D; or using an electronic device or finger voting.
How the evidence is collected is not as important as what
inferences can be made. What might the different answers
tell a teacher about what his or her students know, partly
know or do not know, and how can that inform what
happens next in the classroom? It is important to note that
hinge-point questions can later be used for evaluative
purposes; however, it is important to tell students the
purpose of the question when posing it.
Encouraging thinking and dialogue
In addition to helping teachers determine what direction to
move next, Wiliam (2009) argued that teachers should also
ask questions to promote thinking. It is important to design
activities that elicit evidence in different ways to cater to
what a teacher wishes to find out. Activities must also cater
to all students’ needs. Everyone involved should
understand how the teacher plans to use the evidence he or
she collects. Teachers should invite students to become
owners of their learning and learning resources for one
another by engineering effective discussions and learning
activities and inviting students to join discussions,
classroom talk and intentional dialogues; promoting risktaking; and incorporating mistakes as learning
opportunities (Wiliam, 2013). This is of particular
importance in technology classrooms (Black, 2008;
Moreland, Cowie, & Otrel-Cass, 2013; Moreland, Jones,
& Barlex, 2008; Skogh, 2001).
Figure 2: Wonderwall, New Zealand, in 2013.
Stressing the importance of giving students sufficient time
to explore and consolidate their thoughts and build on their
work based on feedback, Benson (2012), Dakers (2007)
and Kimbell (2007) highlighted the importance of
technology teachers ensuring sufficient time for individual
reflection and peer work, allowing students to finish their
tasks to their own satisfaction and providing students with
opportunities to progress. The structure of lessons,
including the embedding of formative assessment for
learning, strongly influences how students approach their
assignments. It is important to design activities that elicit
evidence related to what teachers want to discover and
what challenges students’ thinking, as well as to encourage
them to share and listen to one another’s ideas in dialogue.
Pair and group work are common in technology education
activities, especially during practical work.
However, managing such work can be somewhat
challenging. The following paragraph will provide some
practical techniques that may encourage and stimulate
thinking and dialogue within and between these groups.
The coloured-cup technique can stimulate student talk
focused on learning, while also eliciting evidence of
learning and common student misconceptions while
working with practical work/design activities. In this
activity, each group or pair receives three cups: one red,
one green and one yellow. While working, the group
displays the green cup, indicating that work is going fine.
When they feel confused, the students can call for the
teacher’s attention but continue to work by showing the
yellow cup. Finally, when they are stuck and in need of
urgent help, the students display the red cup. Everyone in
the group must agree on which cup to show, which, by
necessity, stimulates group dialogue. For example, before
asking for help, the students must discuss choices, progress
Proceedings of the 10th Biennial International Design and Technology Teacher’s Association Research Conference (DATTArc):
5-8 Dec. 2018, Swinburne University of Technology, Hawthorn, Victoria, Australia.
p. 51
and problems. Importantly, the teacher is not the only
person who can help a group showing yellow or red;
instead, a student from another group showing green can
come over and assist. Coloured cups can also be used
during individual work: For example, two students can
share a set of cups and ask their pair mates for help before
turning to the teacher. This approach facilitates dialogue
among students and allows teachers to take a step back and
listen to group discussions from a distance, gaining an
overview of what is going on while simultaneously
eliciting evidence of learning (and misconceptions) and
identifying topics for whole-class discussion.
it is the teacher’s responsibility to invite more
Both learners and teachers can elicit evidence of learning.
Traditionally, the teachers ask the questions and the
students respond. However, by inviting students to ask
questions, teachers can discover more, not only students’
interests and what they already know, but also what they
do not know yet. Question generation can also improve
learning (Foos, Mora, & Tkacz, 1994; King, 1991). Pupils
can be invited to ask questions individually or in pairs or
groups in multiple ways. The following example is from a
primary school in New Zealand, in which pupils posted
questions on a Wonder wall. Sometimes, the wonder wall
was divided into three columns (difficult, easy and
interesting), and pupils posted their questions in the
columns they found most appropriate. The teachers found
this very helpful to both find out what they know already
but also where her pupils were just about to take their next
Include more students in learning and engagement and
open up the discussion, making it clear that it is OK if a
student does not know the answer or makes a mistake is
important. Random response systems may be helpful
strategy. One way of implementing a randomised response
system is to prohibit students from raising their hands
unless they have a question and instead using a randomiser
to select students to engage. For example, a teacher could
write pupils’ names on lollipop sticks and then pull the
sticks out of a container to determine which student will
respond (with the option to pass to respond for the
moment). When a pupil responds, the teacher can draw an
additional lollipop stick. After hearing these two
responses, the teacher could ask a third student (or return
to the student who first declined to respond) which of the
other two answers he or she supports and whether he or
she has anything to add to the conversation. The following
examples show questions designed to promote thinking
that teachers can use to prompt classroom dialogue:
Making inferences based on students’ responses and
putting these inferences into practice requires planning
classroom activities to better meet students’ needs
(Wiliam, 2011a, b). Hence, teachers must plan their
activities and questions, prepare for possible responses and
consider different options for next steps, while also
providing sufficient time for students to reflect and
respond (Black, Harrison, Lee, Marshall, & Wiliam, 2004;
Kimbell, 2007; Leahy, Lyon, Thompson, & Wiliam, 2005)
Another technique to get students talking and thinking is
to await students’ responses before continuing the
discussion. Appropriate wait times invites more students
to participate and has been found to boost learning (Rowe,
1986). When teachers introduced a three-to-five-second
wait-time, Wiliam, Lee, Harrison and Black (2004) found
that students:
gave longer responses,
were more likely to volunteer to respond,
were less likely to refuse to respond,
were more likely to comment on or add to the
answers of other students, and
offered more alternative explanations.
Responding to a question is a learning opportunity, and it
is very important to include every pupil in learning
activities. Increasing wait times can encourage more pupils
to volunteer to respond and engage in classroom
discussion. However, as long as engaging or participating
in classroom discussion is voluntary, some students may
never participate, regardless of how long the teacher waits.
Not all students feel comfortable enough to engage and
reveal their mistakes in front of everyone else. Therefore,
Wiliam (2011) argued that voluntary response systems
(i.e. when students raise their hands to indicate they would
like to respond to question) foster inequity and divide the
classroom into two groups: one of students who are
learning and one of students who are disengaged in
responding to questions. This causes a divide in terms of
opportunities to learn, as responding to questions is a
learning opportunity. In other words, students who decline
to answer questions are denied full access to learning.
Do you agree with Suzi’s suggestion?
How can you improve on Jack’s solution?
What can we add to Kim’s answer?
Dean said this, and Monica said that. How can we bring
these ideas together?
Do you think Sarah’s idea will work or not? Why?
When I introduce this technique to teacher students or
professional teachers attending professional development
regarding embedding formative assessment, people tend to
raise several questions: What about the quiet and shy
students? Do they dare—and do I, as a teacher, dare to
force them—to answer? This was also my own immediate
response when I first heard about this technique.
Unfortunately, there is not one clear answer. However,
from experience embedding formative assessment across
several schools, I have found that it is not the quiet students
who find this approach most terrifying; rather, it is those
students who previously volunteered to respond to all the
questions who get the most frustrated. Under this new
approach, these students do not receive as much attention
as they used to and, perhaps more importantly, are forced
to answer questions to which they do not know the answer.
This makes these students very uncomfortable and, thus,
must be taken into consideration and monitored.
Ultimately, however, it is only the individual teacher who
can decide whether or not to use a particular technique for
formative assessment, when to push and when to hold
That said, it is interesting to see how quickly pupils accept
a no-hands-up policy, which they tend to find fairer. For
example, in a primary classroom in the Haninge
municipality in Sweden, a new pupil joined the class after
Proceedings of the 10th Biennial International Design and Technology Teacher’s Association Research Conference (DATTArc):
5-8 Dec. 2018, Swinburne University of Technology, Hawthorn, Victoria, Australia.
p. 52
the school year had begun. The teacher provided her with
the necessary school material—or, at least, she thought she
had. However, when the teacher reached into the lollipop
stick container, she discovered a stick with the new girl’s
name on it—one that she had not created. It struck her that
one of her eight-year-old pupils had made the lollipop
stick. As the lesson continued, she found another lollipop
stick for the new girl, also written in an eight-year-old’s
handwriting. These two pupils invited their new classmate
into the classroom in a way that she, as a teacher, had
forgotten. The teacher was moved by this confirmation
that implementing a no-hands-up-strategy had been
successful among her pupils.
Assessment affects learning. Though teachers’ tacit views
of learning influence their teaching, they are more likely to
articulate their perspectives when designing assessment
tools (Black & Wiliam, 2009; Elwood, 2008; James,
2010). Teachers have great responsibility for pupils’
attitudes and future intellectual development. When
teachers articulate (even unintentionally) what is important
in their assessments, they shape pupils’ ideas about what
will be assessed—which, in turn, influence their studies,
their apprehensions about the nature of the subject and
what they value. A recent study of teachers’ assessment
practices examined teacher-made tests in terms of
construct validity (Hartell & Strimel, 2018) and found that
there are causes for concern in technology education with
respect to construct validity, subject apprehension and
gender bias. The tests mediated a limited view of the
technology subject and offered strong evidence for
construct underrepresentation since these tests contained
too much emphasis on traditionally male technologies and
an underrepresentation of the modern technology present
in young people’s lives. Different constructs and purposes
demand different methods of assessment; therefore,
assessment literacy among teachers is key, and teachers’
assessment practices must be unpacked even further.
Wiliam (2010) argued that, in the pursuit of equity in
assessment, construct interpretation is at the heart of
validity; therefore, design assessment should begin by
defining the construct to assess and then designing an
adequate method, not the other way around.
The construct of technology may be somewhat defined in
some national curriculum; however, there is often room for
interpretation. Focusing on teachers’ assessment
repertoires could be one way to support construct
definition and pupils’ access to fair and equitable
assessment. Within the educational context, assessment
can be a powerful tool for navigating cognitive and social
development. However, like any other navigational tool,
assessment needs to be handled carefully to be useful in
the educational environment and help bridge teaching and
learning. What is specific regarding assessment literacy,
and what can be synergised to increase students’
capabilities and interest within technology education? The
best ways to build subject-specific assessment literacy in
technology education are still undiscovered. Thus, it is
crucial to invite school leaders from every level of the
educational system to participate in providing affordances
for teachers’ assessment practices and embedding
assessments to bridge teaching and learning. This is an
international need; therefore, international collaboration is
important to ensure that every child prospers in technology
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Pedagogies and practices for developing innovation capability: Beyond the AITSL
Esther Hill1, Therese Keane2 and Kurt Seemann2
All Saints’ College, Perth
Swinburne University of Technology, Australia.
This scoping paper critiques the 2011 Australian Institute for Teaching and School Leadership Standards (AITSL) for its
currency against the innovation agenda. With discourses around innovation taking centre stage in our national agendas on the
economy, and hence education, there is a strong focus on developing curricula, programs and opportunities for teachers to
advance in themselves, foster in others, and model innovation capability. Recent Federal Government reports recommend that
innovation capability be central to all of our major policies and that understanding technologies and being creative should
feature strongly in curriculum and teacher development. Innovation capability is varyingly described as the ability of
individuals to think originally and critically, adapt to change, work cooperatively and find solutions to problems as they occur.
To enact the innovation agenda, teachers will need to engage with, support and lead in the development of the new fluency
largely related to technological understanding and creative application. Very little literature guides teachers in what this
‘fluency’ looks like in an educational setting. Technacy education offers a framework to guide this process for teachers just as
frameworks for literacy and numeracy have in language and number development.
The Australian Professional Standards for Teachers (APST) offer very little direction for teacher education programs and
professional development for what technological understanding and innovation capability looks like in their professional
practice. This paper offers a critical analysis of the APST with a focus on the discourses that are privileged and the gaps and
silences that surround the pedagogies and practices that support innovation capability.
Technacy; innovation; pedagogy; fluency, general capabilities
This scoping paper critiques the 2011 Australian Institute
for Teaching and School Leadership (AITSL) - Australian
Professional Standards for Teachers (APST) for its
currency against the innovation agenda through applying a
policy trajectory approach to the AITSL Standards
(AITSL, 2011). The aim of this paper is to scope the
landscape of teacher standards with relation to pedagogies
and practices that support the development of innovation
capability, a precursor to further research that will be
undertaken by the authors.
All Australian Early Childhood, Primary and Secondary
education systems and sectors are required to implement
the Standards. With an emphasis on improving teacher
quality and ‘with broad consensus that teacher quality is
the single most important in-school factor influencing
student achievement’ the APST articulate what teachers
are expected to know and do at four career stages:
Graduate, Proficient, Highly Accomplished and Lead
(AITSL, 2011).
In the 2018 report, ‘Key Skills for the 21st Century: an
evidence-based review’ (Lamb, Maire & Doecke, 2018)
commissioned by the New South Wales Department of
Education, the ‘problem’ of the clear need for education
systems, schools, teachers needing to develop these key
skills yet no school system, “can yet demonstrate a
generalised and consistent focus on key skills across
schools, subjects and year levels” (Lamb, Maire &
Doecke, 2018, p4). This, and many other recently
commissioned reports (Department of Education, Science
and Training, 2003; Commonwealth of Australia, 2015;
Gonski et al, 2018) suggests that:
Effective reform is likely to involve approaches that
consider teaching standards, assessment, curriculum and
instruction, professional development and learning
environments … Successful policy implementation needs
to be accompanied by strategic investment in building the
capacity of all teachers, across school and classroom
contexts. (Lamb, Maire & Doecke, 2018, p4)
Policy, in the context of this paper is seen as contested,
complex and contradictory (Rizvi and Lingard, 2009) and
is explored as “text and action, words and deeds, it is what
is enacted as well as what is intended” (Ball in Vidovich,
2007, p28 ). The policy trajectory framework draws on
both, “critical and post-structural theory where, critical
theory informs the analysis of bigger picture patterns of
power (in both ‘influences’ and ‘outcomes/political
strategies’) and post-structuralism allowing for a
multiplicity of different interpretations and enactments of
policy (in ‘practices/effects’)” (Vidovich, 2013, p28).
With education policy taking centre stage in emerging
narratives around the Global Knowledge Economy
(OECD, 2014) the APST can be situated within the
contested, complex and contradictory space of teaching
practice and its supporting policies that are largely geared
toward an education that allows for successful competition
in a global market. The drivers for education policy can be
seen as emerging from within narratives about quality and
equity and focus on traditional notions of achievement,
standards and the accompanying practices and pedagogies
to support ‘performance’. However, recent Australian
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5-8 Dec. 2018, Swinburne University of Technology, Hawthorn, Victoria, Australia.
p. 57
Federal Government reports (Commonwealth of Australia,
2015; Commonwealth of Australia, 2017) recommend that
innovation capability be central to all of our major policies
and that understanding technologies and being creative
should feature strongly in curriculum and teacher
development. Innovation capability refers to the ability of
individuals to think originally and critically, adapt to
change, work cooperatively and find solutions to problems
as they occur. Whilst the APST provide clear frameworks
and structures to support the quality, equity and
performance agenda, the focus of this paper is on
critiquing the APST against the innovation agenda.
Applying the policy trajectory framework, this paper will
firstly explore the global and national influences firstly in
the development of the APST and also the emerging
influences that impact on the innovation agenda. Secondly
it will explore the policy text with a particular focus on the
discourses and ideologies embedded within the APST, the
message systems about education and learning that are
embedded within the policy and the gaps and silences
around innovation capability. Thirdly, it will argue,
through a brief exploration of the practices and effects
observed in a school context, that the currency of the
policy is problematic. With discourses around innovation
taking centre stage in our national agendas on the
economy, and hence education, there is a strong focus on
developing curricula, programs and opportunities for
teachers to advance in themselves, foster in others, and
model innovation capability. Finally, in exploring the
outcomes, this paper will argue that the gaps and silences
that are evident in the APST, given the innovation agenda,
make the enactment of the APST as the basis for building
and judging the professional practice of teachers
problematic. Whilst the policy constructs a discourse that
supports a traditional set of practices to support the agenda
performance, equity and accountability, there is a clear
need for a set of guidelines, frameworks and practices that
support teachers in enacting their role of ensuring students
develop innovation capability by the more pervasive
discourse of quality assurance and accountability.
Influences on Teacher Standards: the quality
and equity agenda
In critiquing the Australian Professional Standards for
Teachers (APST) and exploring the influences on these
policies, one focus is on the ways in which teachers’
pedagogies and practices are linked to educational
purpose. The quality and equity agenda sees teachers
pedagogies and practices being geared toward students’
achievement being mapped against standards and
standardised testing with the dominant pedagogies under
this agenda being teacher-centric.
Global Influences
Education policy is increasingly taking centre stage in
narratives around the global knowledge economy.
Globalisation, with increasingly interconnected and
interdependent nations, has seen the Organization for
Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) and the
World Bank become major players in a neo-liberal
conception of education in which international comparison
and circulation of policy and practice is geared toward
competing successfully in a global market (Rizvi &
Lingard, 2009).
Drivers and influences for APST policy can be seen as
emerging from within narratives about the purpose of
education being for quality and equity. Conceptions of
quality are highly contested with an increasing focus on
the marketization of national educational success in the
Program for International Student Assessment (PISA)
testing. Coupled with increasing international
accountability due to these measures is the global trend
toward devolution and autonomy within schools. Whereas
devolution and autonomy have led to conceptions of
quality that are contextualised, address social inequities
and focus on quality improvements that promote the
reflection and development of internal stakeholders; the
counter narrative of increasing accountability measures
focuses on a limited conception of quality-performance in
PISA tests in literacy, numeracy and science. “State,
national and international policymakers use these
indicators to monitor schools, teachers and students and
negatively sanction those who perform below standards”
(Anagnostopoulos, Lingard & Sellar, 2016 p 343). With
such credence and power lent to the data from PISA tests
through local, national and global media, it is not
surprising that the conception of quality has such an
impact on the Australian Professional Standards for
Teachers with its ensuing implications for the implied
pedagogies and practices outlined in the APST.
National Influences
Within this global policy landscape, Australia’s national
policy influences with regard to teaching standards are
framed by the narratives of education with the purpose of
quality and equity. These narratives take centre stage in the
2008 Melbourne Declaration of Educational Goals for
Young Australians (MCEETYA, 2008)
The Melbourne Declaration seeks to articulate a blueprint
for Australia’s education system in ensuring its
competitiveness in the global knowledge economy. These
goals are:
Goal 1: Australian schooling promotes equity and
Goal 2: All young Australians become:
successful learners
confident and creative individuals
active and informed citizens
(MCEETYA, 2008)
The goals and blueprint of the Melbourne Declaration
form the basis of the development of the Australian
Curriculum (Australian Curriculum, Assessment and
Reporting Authority, 2017), with version 1 initially
released in 2010 and, as at December 2016, version 8.3
being the current version of the National Curriculum for
all Australians. Discourses about quality and equity are
pervasive in the Australian Curriculum with Quality and
Equity continuing to be strong drivers for a globally
competitive education for young Australians:
Quality – an Australian Curriculum will
contribute to the provision of a world-class
education in Australia by setting out the
knowledge, understanding and skills needed for
life and work in the 21st century and by setting
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5-8 Dec. 2018, Swinburne University of Technology, Hawthorn, Victoria, Australia.
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high standards of achievement across the
Equity – an Australian Curriculum will provide
a clear, shared understanding of what young
people should be taught and the quality of
learning expected of them, regardless of their
circumstances, the type of school that they
attend or the location of their school.
(Australian Curriculum, Assessment and
Reporting Authority, 2017).
It is not surprising that the quality and equity narratives
play out in significant ways in the policy text production
of the APST. The pedagogies and practices described and
implied in the policy text of the APST have a keen focus
standards, achievement and attainment- the notion of a
quality education and on an equity agenda that is
intimately linked to these aims.
Influences on the Education for Innovation
In emerging narratives about education with the purpose
of developing students’ innovation capability (as opposed
to the quality and equity agenda), teachers’ pedagogies and
practices need go beyond the traditional Mastery and
spaced learning and become more student-centric. Along
with the purpose of developing innovation capability (or
21st century skills) are the educational goals of individual
and collective wellbeing and of developing learner agency
in order to navigate a complex and uncertain world
(OECD, 2018, p4).
Global Influences through the OECD
In the global knowledge economy, the OECD has an
increasingly influential role to play in determining the
goals, practices and outcomes of education systems. In
2018, the OECD released its framing paper, The Future of
Education and Skills: Education 2030 which contains the
OECD Learning Framework 2030- a vision and some
underpinning principles for the future of education
systems (OECD, 2018).
Figure 1: The OECD Learning Framework 2030:
The Framework attends to two significant needs in
education: the need for broader education goals for
individual and collective well-being, “Education needs to
aim to do more than prepare young people for the world
of work; it needs to equip students with the skills they
need to become active, responsible and engaged
citizens.” (OECD, 2018, p4).
The model above outlines the 2030 framework and
includes some important components. Importantly, this
model shows the complexity and interaction of Knowledge
and Skills with Attitudes and values and the notion of
student agency:
Students who are best prepared for the future are change
agents. They can have a positive impact on their
surroundings, influence the future, understand others'
intentions, actions and feelings, and anticipate the short
and long-term consequences of what they do.’ (OECD,
2018 p5).
The framework identifies three important categories of
competencies as Transformative Competencies that
address emerging needs:
Creating new value
Reconciling tensions and dilemmas
Taking responsibility
Creating new value involves, “able to think creatively,
develop new products and services, new jobs, new
processes and methods, new ways of thinking and living,
new enterprises, new sectors, new business models and
new social models” (OECD, 2018 p5). Reconciling
tensions and dilemmas requires, individuals have to learn
to think and act in a more integrated way, taking into
account the interconnections and inter-relations between
contradictory or incompatible ideas, logics and positions,
from both short- and long-term perspectives. In other
words, they have to learn to be systems thinkers. “Taking
responsibility underpins the other two transformative
competencies where, ‘Dealing with novelty, change,
diversity and ambiguity assumes that individuals can think
for themselves and work with others.’” (OECD, 2018 p5-
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5-8 Dec. 2018, Swinburne University of Technology, Hawthorn, Victoria, Australia.
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Alongside the 2030 Framework for education with its
focus on curriculum, the OECD is researching innovative
pedagogies that support these goals and address the
identified needs. In the OECD commissioned paper,
Teachers as Designers of Learning Environments
(Paniagua & Istance, 2018) explores the importance of
progressive pedagogies that attend to the shifting needs
and aims of education systems. ‘The strong focus on
learners acquiring a diverse set of competences requires a
correspondingly strong focus on pedagogy’. Further, “If
the 21st century competencies are to be systematically
developed, rather than being left to emerge by accident,
then pedagogy must be deliberately designed to foster
these competences” (Paniagua & Istance, 2018, p20).
The paper outlines the complexity of understanding
pedagogies for multiple purposes and advocates for the
active engagement of teachers in a process of innovation
and design to address the complex and diverse needs of
learners, purposes, competences, “Innovation in
pedagogy, like any kind of innovation, takes existing
ideas, tools to practices and brings them together in new
ways to solve problems when current practice is not
adequately meeting needs” (Paniagua & Istance, 2018,
National Influences
In 2003, the Federal Government’s paper, Australia’s
Teachers: Australia’s Future: Advancing Innovation,
Science, Technology and Mathematics, (Department of
Education, Science and Training, 2003) argued for the
importance of developing students’ innovative capacities.
methods. Only 1 in 10 teachers has recently participated in
professional development to help students to develop
generic, transferable skills for future work.”
(Commonwealth of Australia, 2017, p27).
This year in Australia, states and territory education
authorities are engaging with the imperative to ensure that
schools develop students’ innovation capability. In NSW,
the terms of reference for its extensive review of the
curriculum aims to: prepare each student with strong
foundations of knowledge, capabilities and values to be
lifelong learners, and to be flourishing and contributing
citizens in a world in which rapid technological advances
are contributing to unprecedented economic and social
change in unpredictable ways (NSW Government, 2018).
In the ACT, the Future of Education Strategy, released in
August, 2018 (ACT Government, 2018) outlines the
pillars and principles that will lead to greater student
agency, shifts in classroom practice, an emphasis on
measuring and reporting on learning progress, not only in
academic domains, but also in wellbeing and 21st century
skills. In South Australia, the South Australian Certificate
of Education(SACE), a qualification that demonstrates
that students have completed their final years of schooling,
has been modernised and is being reviewed to ensure that
the end of schooling strongly promotes, ‘the Australian
Curriculum general capabilities (literacy, numeracy,
information and communications technology, personal
and social, critical and creative thinking, intercultural
understanding and ethical behaviour), innovation and
entrepreneurship” (South Australia Department for
Education, 2018).
For students’ innovative capacities to be realised, schools
and teachers need to cultivate in students—and themselves
model—creativity, imagination, original thinking, open
mindedness and critical thinking. Schools and teachers
help predispose students to be innovative by motivating
them to seek better ways of doing things and helping
delineate for them possible forms of exploration and
Policy Text Production
In an already crowded curriculum, the learning
experiences needed to foster in students a capacity and
predisposition to be innovative cannot simply be added on.
These learning experiences must be integrated within, and
become a mainstay of, the curriculum. To that end, existing
curriculum, school organisation and pedagogy needs to be
re-thought and refined to address the ever-changing
learning needs of Australia’s young people. Teachers’
capacities to adapt and innovate need to be harnessed to
make changes within the curriculum, rather than to
expand the curriculum.
(Department of Education, Science and Training, 2003)
3. Plan for and implement effective
teaching and learning
Professional 4. Create and maintain supportive and safe
learning environments
5. Assess, provide feedback and report on
student learning
Fourteen years later, another Federal Government
commissioned report, Australia 2030: Prosperity Through
Innovation (Commonwealth of Australia, 2017) highlights
the same imperative, “Education determines the capability
of workers and entrepreneurs, and therefore the economy’s
productivity and innovation capacity” (Commonwealth of
Australia, 2017, p26). The report points out the gaps in
initial teacher education programs and professional
learning, “Primary content gaps in professional
development include 21st-century skills and pedagogical
The APST are divided into the domains of Professional
Knowledge, Professional Practice and Professional
Engagement, with the following standards being grouped
as follows:
Professional 1. Know students and how they learn
Knowledge 2. Know the content and how to teach it
6. Engage in professional learning
7. Engage professionally with colleagues,
parents/carers and the community
Table 1: Australian Professional Standards for
Teachers (AITSL, 2011)
Framed by a ‘Preamble’, the APST are presented as
contributing to the educational goals of quality and equity
both directly, the APST: reflect and build on national and
international evidence that a teacher’s effectiveness has a
powerful impact on students, with broad consensus that
teacher quality is the most important in-school factor
influencing student achievement’ and, ‘a strong focus on
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5-8 Dec. 2018, Swinburne University of Technology, Hawthorn, Victoria, Australia.
p. 60
improving instruction because of its direct impact upon
student achievement (AITSL, 2011).
The discourse around teacher effectiveness, quality and
student achievement and the references cited in the
preamble point to the conception of quality being clearly
linked to accountability measures and performance. The
Melbourne Declaration (MCEETYA, 2008) is cited in the
preamble and further frames the APST as aiming to
promote the equity and excellence agendas.
Rizvi and Lingard (2010) argue that policy can be
conceptualised as attempting to “appease, manage and
accommodate” (Rizvi and Lingard, 2010, p9) competing
interests; seeking to represent a desired or imagined future;
and can be seen as responses to perceived problems. The
APST can be seen, broadly as attempting to accommodate
the competing interests between quality and equity and the
innovation agenda, or the development of innovation
capability. Whilst the policy document is largely framed
by the discourse of equity and quality, there is a single
oblique reference to the Melbourne Declaration’s
(MCEETYA, 2008)claim that Australian schooling
ensures that all young Australians will become, “confident
and creative individuals and active and informed citizens”,
a nod to the innovation agenda. As a problem, the APST
are conceptualised around the question of how can teacher
standards support improved instruction that leads to
improved student achievement? The desired or imagined
future the APST suggest is one in which the demands for
teaching and learning for quality and equity is
The policy text that addresses teachers’ pedagogy and
practice uses a discourse that can be linked to pedagogical
approaches where the teacher organises and controls the
teaching and learning process (shown in Table 2)
Standard 1
Know students
and how they
Proficient teachers will:
• use teaching strategies
• structure teaching programs
• design and implement teaching
strategies and teaching activities
Proficient teachers will:
• apply knowledge of the content
and teaching strategies
Standard 2
Know the content • organise content
and how to teach • design and implement learning and
teaching programs
• make selected content relevant and
Proficient teachers will:
• set explicit, challenging and
achievable learning goals
Standard 3
• plan and implement wellPlan for and
structured learning and teaching
programs or lesson sequences
effective teaching
select and use relevant teaching
and learning
• select and/or create and use a range
of resources
Table 2: Teachers’ pedagogies and practices in the
APST (AITSL, 2011)
The implication of these statements is that the focus of the
learning, the management of the learning process and the
length and shape of an ‘arc’ of learning is determined by
the teacher (AITSL, 2011).
As such, it could be argued that the pedagogical discourse
in the APST supports a traditional model of teaching and
learning that focuses on disciplinary and procedural
knowledge and skills and does not pay attention to the
more complex requirements for developing innovation, or
other capabilities as outlined in the OECD 2030
framework (OECD, 2018). The language in the APST
reflects discourses linked to the purpose of education for
quality and equity: standards, accountability, transmission,
content, knowledge, achievement, outcomes.
Practices and effects
The focus of the project scoped in this paper, with further
research to be undertaken by the authors, is to observe the
pedagogies and practices of teachers when they are
engaged in deliberate (rather than ad hoc and incidental)
programs to support the development of innovation
capability. Some initial unstructured observations are
provided below by way of suggesting some initial foci for
these studies. These observations are undertaken through
unstructured observations of a specific program,
Innovat[ed] where students in Year 7, 8 and 10 (12 to 16
years old) in a West Australian Senior Secondary School
engage in design led innovation and problem solving in a
variety of contexts. The program is supported and led by
an interdisciplinary team of teachers with varied teaching
backgrounds and experience.
The following are the observed tensions/ problems of
Teachers who have been trained to deliver, to
structure teaching sequences, to use direct and
explicit instruction struggle with the shift from
teaching for the known to teaching for
capabilities and for students’ ability to attend to
novel situations and apply key principles and
The role of the teacher in supporting the
development of innovation capability is shifting
and dynamic. It involves a flexibility that sees
the locus of control shift from Teacher, to
individual students, to groups. It involves being
a co-designer and a facilitator as well as a
One of the key attributes for supporting the
development of innovation capability is the
teacher’s agility in recognising, understanding
and applying guided intervention to enable
Along with students having mental models of
success and failure linked to the ability to
demonstrate understanding of knowledge and
competence in key skills, teachers’ feeling of
success is also linked to these outcomes.
Without a test, and with success criteria often
not being met, the lack of success and progress
can leave teachers (and students) feeling
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5-8 Dec. 2018, Swinburne University of Technology, Hawthorn, Victoria, Australia.
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disenchanted. The attributing of value to process
(rather than product) and to the demonstration of
competencies may play out with the
development of measures and the use of
frameworks that can be reported against.
Teachers in such a program, if they refer to the APST
standards for guidance in how to manage and develop
themselves with relation to these problems of practice
would find very limited assistance.
The APST describe and scope teachers’ pedagogies and
practices that support traditional methods of teaching
learning linked to the purpose of education being for
quality and equity: standards, accountability, transmission,
content, knowledge, achievement, outcomes. The
descriptions support a traditional discourse about the role
of teachers. Given the global and national agenda to
support the development of innovation capability through
education, a different purpose to the quality and equity
mission, there are gaps, silences and contradictions in the
Whilst there are gaps and silences in the APST with regard
to teachers’ pedagogies and practices to support the
development of students’ innovation capability, the
Assessment and Reporting Authority, 2017) is largely
silent in describing a developmental continuum of
innovation capability. Seemann’s Technacy Framework
(Seemann, 2010) provides such a continuum.
Technacy is the new fluency that describes “holistic
technological problem solving, communication and
practice. Technacy is the main art, skill and knowledge of
appropriate technologists.” Further, ‘this holistic or
interconnected understand of technology teaching and
learning for any culture or gender setting is referred to as
technacy education’ (Seemann in Fleer, 2016, p15).
The Technacy Framework scopes innovation capability
through phases of Technacy expectations and complexity
from Emergent Play to Sophisticated Pioneer.
Figure 1: Technacy & Innovation Chart
At the ultimate level, human innovation attributes include:
“student is able to communicate well, think originally
and critically, adapt to change, work cooperatively,
remain motivated when faced with difficult
circumstances, connects well with both people and ideas
and is capable of finding solutions to problems as they
occur, is highly guided by contextual operational
parameters —in short, the individual presents an array of
skills constituting a well-developed capacity for
innovation” (Seemann, 2010)
The Technacy Framework provides a clear understanding
about the development of innovation capability. Whilst the
Technacy Framework is a developmental framework that
describes engagement with and increasingly complex
facility to innovate with technology, this framework has
the scope to be translated to other capability domains such
as literacy and numeracy.
Given the gaps and silences in the AITSL APST and the
need for teachers to understand and be trained to use
pedagogies and practices that support the development of
innovation capability the Technacy Framework provides a
starting point for considering the work of teachers and
suggests the need for an accompanying framework for
teachers that sits alongside and complements this.
The APST reflect the expectations for pedagogies and
practices of Australian teachers. These pedagogies and
practices are linked to educational purposes. The
educational purpose reflected in the discourse of the APST
and the pedagogies and practices described are limited and
teacher-centric. The purpose reflected in the APST is
influenced by the national and global agenda of education
for the purposes of quality and equity- designed and
measured through a content/ skills curriculum,
standardised test.
The need to develop students’ innovation capability is an
emerging purpose for education. Pedagogies and practices
for developing innovation capability are not well defined
however it is clear that they are: a) more complex than
pedagogies for quality and equity (eg Mastery, spaced
learning); b) student-centric; c) have educational aims that
are beyond academic (Paniagua & Istance, 2018).
Pedagogies for developing innovation capability/
competency involve the mobilisation of knowledge, skills,
Proceedings of the 10th Biennial International Design and Technology Teacher’s Association Research Conference (DATTArc):
5-8 Dec. 2018, Swinburne University of Technology, Hawthorn, Victoria, Australia.
p. 62
attitudes and values through a process of anticipation,
action and reflection (OECD, 2018).
Our Australian curriculum frameworks do not clearly
articulate how to develop innovation capability and our
current Australian teaching standards are silent on the
pedagogies and practices to develop this capability.
Research in Technacy Education and the Technacy
Framework offers way of understanding innovation
capability from emergent play to sophisticated pioneer
(Seemann, 2010).
MCEETYA. (2008). Melbourne Declaration on
Educational Goals for young Australians. Retrieved
A framework for understanding the pedagogies and
practices that support the development of innovation
capability is needed to redefine how teachers enable and
facilitate students to learn in this way. This scoping paper
foregrounds the landscape of teachers’ practice as
described by the Australian Professional Standards for
Teachers and forms the basis for further research to
support teachers in the important work of developing
students’ innovation capability.
Anagnostopoulos, D., Lingard, B., & Sellar, S. (2016).
Argumentation in Educational Policy Disputes:
Competing Visions of Quality and Equity. Theory
Into Practice, 55(4), 342-351.
Australian Curriculum Assessment and Reporting
Authority. (2017). Australian Curriculum. Retrieved
Australian Institute for Teaching and School Leadership.
(2011). Australian Professional Standards for
Teachers. Retrieved from
Commonwealth of Australia. (2015). National Innovation
and Science Agenda Report. Retrieved from
Commonwealth of Australia. (2017). Innovation and
Science Australia 2017, Australia 2030: prosperity
through innovation, Australian Government,
Canberra. Retrieved from
Department of Education Science and Training. (2003).
Australia's Teachers: Australia's Future. Advancing
Innovation, Science, Technology and Mathematics.
Agenda for Action. Canberra: Australian
NSW Government. Terms of Reference- NSW
Curriculum Review. Retrieved from
OECD. (2014). Global Forum on the Knowledge
Economy. Retrieved from
OECD. (2018). The Future of Education and Skills:
Education 2030. Retrieved from
Paniagua, A., & Istance, D. (2018). Teachers as
Designers of Learning Environments. Retrieved from
Rizvi, F. a. (2009). Globalizing Education Policy (1st
edition. ed.): Florence : Routledge.
Seemann, K. W. (2010). Genre Charts: Mixed Genre- D
and T. Retrieved from
South Australia Department for Education. (2018).
Education for a Stronger Future: Our Vision.
Retrieved from
Stephen Lamb, Q. M., Esther Doecke. (2018). Key Skills
for the 21st Century: an evidence-based review.
Retrieved from
Vidovich, L. (2007). Removing policy from its pedestal:
some theoretical framings and practical possibilities.
Educational Review, 59(3), 285-298.
Vidovich, L. (2013). Policy Research in Higher
Education: Theories and Methods for Globalising
Times. In Theory and Method in Higher Education
Research (pp. 28). World Economic Forum. (2017).
The Global Human Capital Report 2017. Retrieved
Fleer, M. (2016). Technologies for children: Port
Melbourne : Cambridge University Press.
Gonski, D., Arcus, T. , Boston, K., Gould, V., Johnson,
W., O'Brien, L., Perry, LA., & Roberts, M. (2018).
Through Growth to Achievement: The Report of The
Review to Achieve Educational Excellence in
Australian Schools. Retrieved from
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A proposal for learning of programming focused on IoT
Yuji Kudo1, Toshikazu Yamamoto2, Takenori Motomura3, Jun Moriyama4, Sumi Kazuhiro5, Seiya Takishima6
Ibaraki University, Faculty of Education, Ibaraki, Japan
Saitama University, Faculty of Education, Saitama, Japan
Nippon Institute of Technology, Saitama, Japan
Hyogo University of Teacher Education, Graduate School of Education, Hyogo, Japan
Saga University, Faculty of Culture and Education, Saga, Japan
Saitama University, Faculty of Education, Saitama, Japan
There is a need to train high-level IT human resources, such as IoT. Based on these social situations, school education is also
required to foster the ability to respond to the need. Therefore, in this study, we examined a programming learning process that
combines IoT (Internet of Things) to enrich the lives of the people, in order to develop a programming education at junior high
school from a multifaceted perspective. Using the MESH as a learning material, we examined teaching processes that focus on
enriching people’s lives by using familiar things, in particular on: (1) confirming and debugging a program to make life easier,
(2) investigating the procedure of discovery and problem solving in daily life, (3) measuring and controlling a system based on
input-output data flows, (4) evaluating processes, improving and correcting of the process of production and results, etc. From
the practice, the understanding of IoT mechanism was improved through MESH utilization. It was possible to learn how to use
MESH in a short time, and to spend time relating to daily life. Thus, proving that the learners gained basic programming
knowledge and skills.
Programming education; IoT; classroom practice
Introduction and background
The Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and
Technology (MEXT) announced that it will compel
programming education at elementary school from 2020
(Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and
Technology, 2016). As a background to promote
compulsory programming education, there are shortages
of human resources in IT, such as web engineers. The
Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry (METI)
announced that there will be shortages of 369,000 and
789,000 of IT human resources in 2020 and 2030,
respectively, based on the “IT survey results on the latest
trends and future estimates of IT talent” (Ministry of
Economy, Trade and Industry, 2016). IT-related
businesses are expected to continue expanding in the
future, and it is predicted that the number of IT human
resources will not catch up with the expansion.
This problem is predicted to occur not only in Japan, but
also in other countries, according to a study done by an
NPO, (ITmedia, 2018), which promotes
programming education in the United States. The result of
the study predicts that there will be a shortage of 400,000
programmers in 2020. Meanwhile, many countries have
been promoting programming education. In the United
States, a campaign was published at the end of 2013, where
former president Barack Obama talked about the necessity
of programming education, which became viral
afterwards. Furthermore, short programming schools
known as “coding boot camps” are increasing rapidly,
because having a programming skill is advantageous to
find employment. Such schools have about 21.1-billionyen market size in 2015. In addition, even Estonia, a small
European country located in the Baltics with a population
of 1.3 million people are also putting efforts into
programming education and has started programming
education from the first grade of elementary school in
2012, which is supported by Microsoft. In addition,
promotion of programming education is also ongoing in
various countries such as Singapore, UK, Finland, etc.
(Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and
Technology, 2014).
Even Japan has been promoted programming education for
a while. Firstly, “Measurement and Control by
Programming” course was mandatory for technology and
home economics subject at junior high schools based on
the learning guidelines implemented since 2012.
Subsequently, “programming education” was clearly
stated in the government's growth strategy announced in
June 2013 (Prime Minister's Office, 2013). Among them,
“promotion of IT education such as programming
education from the stage of compulsory education” is
included. As a result of a mandatory programming
education at the elementary school level mentioned above,
there have been debates on how to proceed at the expert
opinion meeting of MEXT. In order to respond to the
shortage of IT talent, the Ministry of Internal Affairs and
Communications (MIC) announced a plan to train one
million new IT human resources by 2025 (Ministry of
Internal Affairs and Communications, 2016a).
Furthermore, in the Fourth Industrial Revolution, novel
economic values are being developed due to the
development of ICT. Among them, “IoT” and “AI” are
gaining attention, which have become the core of
technological innovation. With “IoT”, everything is
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5-8 Dec. 2018, Swinburne University of Technology, Hawthorn, Victoria, Australia.
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connected to the network, promoting the conversion of all
records into electronic data. “AI” is the one that analyzes
the data collected by the IoT. In other words, in order to
demonstrate AI’s superior performance, the data collected
by IoT becomes important (Ministry of Economy, Trade
and Industry, 2017). However, the current IoT usage
situation in Japan is hugely lacking compared to that in the
United States, and the intention to introduce for 2020 is not
limited to the United States, making Japan to be lacking in
this matter compared to other countries. As a factor to that,
problems such as “unknown usage scenes” in many
industries and “inability to train human resources” were
mentioned (Ministry of Internal Affairs and
Communications, 2016b).
Hosoai (2014) (Hosoai 2014) introduced PBL
that proposes and materializes an IoT system for university
According to Ono (2016) (Ono, 2016), together with the
advancement of technology, the use of IoT in the socioeconomy setting as a whole is expanding, and the shortage
of human resources to open up an IoT society has become
a problem.
Those previous studies showed that the shortage of human
resources to open up an IoT society is a problem, and
found that IoT classes are given to university students.
However, in previous studies IoT has not been treated as a
subject at the level of compulsory education.
There are seven types of MESH tags in total. Each tag has
an “LED tag” that can produce various colors, a “button
tag” of a simple button function, a “human touch tag” that
can detect the movement of a person, a “motion tag” that
can detect movement, a “brightness tag” that can detect
changes in illumination, a “temperature and humidity tag”
that can detect changes in temperature and humidity, and
a “GPIO tag” that expands the things that can be done by
connecting with a motor or the like.
From these features, MESH can be considered as an easyto-handle teaching material, even for primary school
students. In addition, by using this teaching material, it is
expected that we can derive maximum flexibility of
elementary school students.
MESH Application
MESH application is compatible with tablets and
smartphones (Fig. 2), and various things can be built in
cooperation with the MESH tag. Currently, it is compatible
with terminals that have iOS 8.0 or higher and Android OS
5.0 or higher, so there is almost no limitation by the
terminal. It is very easy to use, as users only have to drag
and drop icons as input and output on the screen from the
list at the bottom of the screen and connect the two with a
Figure 2: MESH application
Based on the policies and circumstances of the above
countries, this study aims to consider and propose
programming teaching process based on IoT mechanism
in life improvements at junior high school level, and verify
its effects through in-class practices.
Study Contents
Features of selected teaching materials
MESH (MESH, 2018), the selected teaching material, is a
DIY tool kit developed in S company's new business
creation program, and by linking the block-shaped MESH
tags with various functions wirelessly on a MESH
application, it is possible to expand the range in
manufacturing, etc. MESH has been used in workshops on
events for elementary and junior high school students and
workshops for instructors in electronic training classes.
However, its use at schools have not yet been
demonstrated so far.
Figure 1: MESH tag
Software tags can also be used in the MESH application,
including tablet/smartphone camera functions, logic
functions such as switches and timers, sending and
receiving emails, as well as cooperative functions that can
acquire and transmit information from the Internet. In this
way, the application is easy to operate and has a high
degree of freedom, making it an interesting teaching
material for beginners.
In-class practice
For the in-class practice, we distributed the content in 3
school periods of junior high school technology / home
economics technology field (information technology).
The learning goal was set as “to produce things that make
one’ s own life more convenient by using MESH.” These
are to be able “(3) a. to understand of the mechanism of
measurement and control systems, to write safe and
appropriate programs, confirming operations, debugging,
etc.” and “(3) b. to identify issues, set up tasks, to conceive
Proceedings of the 10th Biennial International Design and Technology Teacher’s Association Research Conference (DATTArc):
5-8 Dec. 2018, Swinburne University of Technology, Hawthorn, Victoria, Australia.
p. 65
measurement and control systems to materialize
information processing procedures based on the flow of
input/output data, to think about the process of production
and evaluation, as well as improvement and correction of
production.”, which are indicated in “D information
technology” of Junior High School Study Guidelines
(Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and
Technology, 2018). Specifically, it is aimed at: (1)
confirming and debugging a program to make people’s
lives easier, (2) investigating the procedure of discovery
and problem solving in daily life, (3) measuring and
controlling a system based on the flow of input / output
data, (4) evaluating processes, improving and correcting
of the process and results of production, etc.
Period and target
In December 2017, we targeted 125 of third-year junior
high school students in 3 classes of A junior high school in
Saitama City.
Teaching process
In class, students were expected to become interested in
programming while experiencing a two-dimensional
impression in MESH application and a three-dimensional
impression in MESH tag, and to understand the basic
mechanisms of programming. We also focused on learning
technical knowledge on automation that is useful for daily
life, as well as discovering and solving tasks to enrich
people’s lives.
and “Produce a power-up sound when it gets dark”. By
completing these, students learned how to use MESH.
Second school period
At the second school period, we evaluated and produced
systems using MESH.
7. Examination on methods to enrich people’s lives using
We asked questions about using MESH for familiar things
to make life easier, performed group discussions, and
included the discussion results in the learning printout.
8. Proposal and consideration of invented automated
Students checked what they had previously devised in the
group, while reviewing their plans by referring to their
learning printouts.
9. Organization of operational mechanisms.
Students were allowed to fill the operational mechanism of
the product that they invented into the learning printouts.
After that, they organized which MESH tags to use for
which operation.
Figure 3: State of production
First school period
During the first school period, students thought about IoT
while looking at life around ourselves. Also, students
learned how to use MESH in this lesson.
1. Reality check of students' understanding on automation
in life.
We thought about familiar products in the students’ life
that are known to be automated, whether they know about
the term IoT, and the students’ knowledge levels.
2. General explanation about IOT
We explained the outline of IoT and the products that use
IoT while giving concrete examples.
3. Confirmation of operational status of automated
We took an example of an automated product in daily life
and explained about the structure of the product while
students think about it.
4. Outline explanation of MESH.
We explained about the mechanism and usage of MESH.
After that, we introduced concrete application methods,
and presented only one basic case in order not to limit the
students' free ideas.
5. Description and exercise of MESH basic operation.
As a basic usage of MESH, we prepared a set of MESH
tags and one unit of tablet for a group to practice writing a
program called “press the button to light up” together.
6. Practice input and output by using MESH.
As an exercise task, we practiced on “How to take a picture
with the tablet’s back camera when a person is present”
10. Production and operational test.
Students built the products using MESH tag and MESH
application based on the organized learning printouts. In
order for the students to produce their inventions
immediately, the MESH tag and the MESH application
were connected on the by the instructors. Fig. 3 shows the
state of production.
Third school period
During the third school period, the students evaluated and
improved the systems that were produced previously, and
presented their work as learning summary.
11. Information sharing through midterm presentation
The students’ group projects were presented by using the
Jigsaw method. One group presents their results and the
other members ask the group questions about the
presentation. After that, we discussed about the quality and
challenges of other groups. For the presentation a
whiteboard was used to explain the project using drawings
and illustrations.
12. Production Review
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5-8 Dec. 2018, Swinburne University of Technology, Hawthorn, Victoria, Australia.
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Following the midterm presentation, we discussed the
successes and challenges within each group and included
the discussion results in the learning printout.
Figure 4: The systems devised by students
13. Measures to solve problems
We discussed in the group about what can people do to
make life become even more convenient and included the
discussion results in the learning printout. After that, the
students continued thinking and discussing while using
14. Production Summary
Evaluation of the produced work and the most creative
point were written in the learning printouts. In addition, the
students rechecked the operation of the product whether it
could be operated as desired.
15. Final Presentation
Each group presented in front of the entire class. At that
time, students discussed about creativity points and other
matters that were written in the learning printouts.
16. Learning summary
Students confirmed that there are many IoTs in things that
are familiar to them. In addition, students discussed on
how to make their lives become richer. After that, students
wrote their impressions of learning activities using IoT and
MESH, which were also included in the learning printouts.
Products devised by students to enrich people’s lives
Students worked together in groups of four people each.
Examples of products that students devised are shown
A-1: Support system for the elderly, A-2: Tandem system
with humidifier, A-3: Security system, A-4: High-tech
aquarium system, A-5: Temperature management system,
A-6: System using vibration, A-7: System using human
experience, A-8: Outdoor and indoor temperature
management system, A-9: Crop damage prevention
system, A-10: Key remote control system, B-1: Birthday
surprise system, B-2: Humidity management system, B-3:
Safety system during earthquake, B-4: Laundry stashing
system, B-5: Automatic alarm system, B-6: Good-sleep
system, B-7: Shutter opening / closing system, B-8:
Automatic watering system, B-9: System using button tag,
B-10: Enlivening system, D-1: System using human
experience, D-2: Parent sensing system, D-3: Heat stroke
prevention system, D-4: Security system, D-5: Wake-up
system, D-6: Automatic greeting system, D-7: Anti-bear
system, D-8: Safety system during earthquake, D-9:
Brightness judgment system, D-10: Plant management
system, D-11: Automatic system for throwing away
The following are explanations on three common
characteristics among the systems.
1. Crop damage prevention system
Fig. 5 shows an example of a “crop damage prevention
system”, Its system is shown in Fig. 6. Fig. 7 shows the
activity diagram of this system. The MESH tags used were
a human sensor tag, an LED tag, a brightness tag, and a
motion tag. The software tag in MESH application is a
speaker tag. The outline of this product is as follows. The
system judges the coming of night time by a brightness tag,
senses vibration with a motion tag, and senses that an
animal passes by the human sensor tag. The system drives
out animals using sound from the speaker tag and light
from the LED tag. During class discussion, the problem of
how to distinguish between animals and people was raised.
Figure 5: Program example of a crop damage
prevention system
Figure 6: Explanation of a crop damage prevention
When grouped based on their similarities, there were life
support system (7 groups), security and safety system (5
groups), indoor temperature and humidity management
system (4 groups), automation of plant cultivation (3
groups), wake-up alarm system (3 groups), and others (8
groups). The graph is shown in Fig. 4.
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5-8 Dec. 2018, Swinburne University of Technology, Hawthorn, Victoria, Australia.
p. 67
Figure 7: Activity diagram of a crop damage
prevention system
3. Laundry stashing system
Fig. 10 shows a “laundry stashing system”, and Fig. 11
describes its system. The MESH tag used was a
temperature / humidity tag, and software tags used in the
MESH application were a microphone tag, a speaker tag,
an And tag, and a notification tag. The outline of this
product is as follows: worsening weather is detected by a
temperature / humidity tag, which produces a sound
notification. The sound stops when there is a reply from
the microphone, and the system stashes the laundry if there
is no reply When this system was examined during a class
session, there was an opinion about the accuracy of the
Figure 10: Program example of a laundry stashing
2. Shutter opening / closing system
Fig. 8 shows an example of a “shutter opening and closing
system”. Its system is described in Fig. 9. The MESH tags
used were a button tag, a brightness tag, and an LED tag,
The software tags used in MESH application are a
notification tag and a speaker tag. The outline of this
product is as follows. Pressing the button tag once opens
the shutter, and pressing the button tag continuously closes
the shutter. The opening of the shutter is judged by a
brightness tag, and the system produces a notification if it
is opened. When this system was examined during a class
session, there was an opinion that the system should also
notify when the shutter is closed.
Figure 11: Explanation of a laundry stashing system
Figure 8: Program example of a shutter opening /
closing system
Survey questions
Figure 9: Explanation of a shutter opening / closing
Survey questions are shown in Table 1. Only in the afterclass survey, the following questions: Q1 “Fun of MESH”,
Q2 “Possibility of effective utilization of MESH”, Q3
“Difficulty of creating MESH program”, Q4 “How the
lessons were easy to understand” , Q5 “Interests and
concerns for IoT”, Q6 “Successful IoT learning using
MESH”, are in the format of multiple-choice question with
4 options. The answers were changed to points using the
following conversion: A→4 points, B→3 points, C→2
points, D→1 point, and the average was calculated. In
addition, Q7 that asks about “① things learned from using
MESH” and “② Comments and impressions” has a freeformat style.
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5-8 Dec. 2018, Swinburne University of Technology, Hawthorn, Victoria, Australia.
p. 68
The first group is “MESH difficulty level”, and the
opinions were classified and organized as “Easy” or
“Difficult”. For the second group, “the viewpoint of
evaluating and utilizing IoT”, the opinions were classified
and organized based on “environmental and safety
aspects” and “cost and economic aspects” regarding the
point of view when evaluating and utilizing personal IoT.
As for the third group, “life becomes more convenient
through the use of MESH” the opinions were classified
and organized as “enriching people’s lives”, “have
problems”, and “there are two sides”. The students’
opinions were shown and considered in the above
Table 1: Survey questions
Survey Results and Discussion
Survey results are shown in Table 2. The average values
of survey question 1, “Fun of MESH” and survey question
4, “How the lessons were easy to understand”, are high, at
3.92 and 3.94, respectively. From these, it turned out that
junior high school students could enjoy MESH usage
classes. In addition, the average results of survey question
5 “Interests and concerns for IoT” and survey item 6,
“Successful IoT learning using MESH “, are 3.83 and 3.87,
respectively, both of which also indicate high values. From
these facts, it has been shown that by utilizing MESH, it is
possible to increase interest and concern about IoT and it
is possible to learn about it. Furthermore, although the
average result for survey question 2 “Possibility of
effective utilization of MESH” also has a relatively high
value at 3.47, there was an opinion from some students that
they could not use MESH effectively to make their lives
easier. It is believed that the cause of such opinion is due
to the insufficient number of class hours so students did
not have enough time to explore further.
Table 2: Survey results
For investigation of the free-format answers, each of the
survey question 7 about “1. things learned from using
MESH” and “2. Comments and impressions” was
analyzed separately.
For the analysis, text mining processing was performed
using “KH Coder” (Higuchi, 2018) developed by
Kawabata and Higuchi. For text data preprocessing, we
corrected the unification of expressions, typographical
errors, etc.
In the text mining analysis, from the analysis on the
extracted words, we calculated what kind of words are
expressing things to what extent, confirmed frequent
words and contents, and based on these, we set a viewpoint
to classify and organize students' opinions.
1. “About MESH difficulty level”
We classified and organized how “MESH difficulty level”
was perceived. The opinions were “easy (39)” and
“difficult (11)”. The “easy (39)” opinions were “easy to
use”, “easy to operate”, “easy depending on the difficulty
of the system”, etc. The “difficult (11)” opinions were
“difficult with a complicated system”, “difficult due to
limited functions”, etc.
From these results, basically MESH can be easily
operated, but it turned out that it can be difficult due to its
limitation of function and difficulty of the system to be
2. “About the viewpoint on IoT evaluation and utilization”
We classified and organized how the “viewpoint on IoT
evaluation and utilization” was perceived. Opinions were
“environment and safety aspects (12)” and “cost and
economic aspects (18)”. The opinions on IoT evaluation
and utilization from the viewpoint of “environment and
safety aspects (12)”, were “It is good for the environment
because it is possible to build a good system with
minimum amount of energy”, “Because it can be operated
easily, there is also a danger of being manipulated
unknowingly”, etc. As for evaluation and utilization of IoT
from the viewpoint of “cost and economic aspects (18)”,
there were opinions such as “as we will add more machines
with various functions to our lives, there will be an
increase in cost”, “since we can reduce mistakes by letting
the machines do the work, we can reduce waste”, etc.
From these results, although students felt that IoT is
superior for the environment and the economy, students
pointed out that although it is easy to operate, the dangers
and costs of losing are high, and they thought about the
advantages and disadvantages of it.
3. “Life becomes more convenient through the use of
We classified and organized how the students perceived
“life becomes more convenient through the use of MESH”.
The opinions were “enriching people’s lives (60)”, “have
problems (11)”, “there are two sides (7)”. In the group
“enriching people’s lives (60)”, there were opinions such
as “it is possible to live a more comfortable life by making
use of MESH”, “it is possible improve those that cause
inconvenience in one’s current life”, etc. In the group
“have problems (11)”, there were opinions such as
“Human touch will be lost if life becomes too convenient”,
etc. As for “there are two sides (7)”, there were opinions
such as “it makes life convenient, but it becomes a threat
when used with malicious intent”, “it is very convenient
for enrich people’s lives, but it is necessary to decide up to
what extent and put a limit”, etc. Based on these results,
we found that students thought that people’s lives can be
Proceedings of the 10th Biennial International Design and Technology Teacher’s Association Research Conference (DATTArc):
5-8 Dec. 2018, Swinburne University of Technology, Hawthorn, Victoria, Australia.
p. 69
enriched through MESH utilization, but they pointed out
that there may be problems arising from being too
convenient, and that they are thinking through the
viewpoint of life around them.
MESH (2018). URL:, (last
accessed: January 10, 2018).
Estimates of IT Talent ~ Report Summary Version ~.
In this study, we proposed a teaching process on
programming using MESH in 3 school hours for third
grade junior high school students, and carried out in-class
The findings obtained in this research are summarized
(1) Utilization of MESH improved the understanding of
the mechanism of IoT.
(2) It was possible to learn how to use MESH in a short
time, and it was possible able to spare time for daily life.
(3) Students showed that they learned basic programming
knowledge and skills.
Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry (2016). Survey
Results on Latest Trends and Future
Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry (2017).
“Visions on New Industrial Structure Vision” The
Future of Japan to Solve World's Challenges for
Everyone. pp.7-11.
Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and
Technology (2014). Study on Programming
Education in Other Countries. pp.17-253.
Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and
Technology (2016). Logical Thinking Ability and
Creativity at Elementary School Level.
Discrimination of Experts on Development of
Problem-Solving skills etc, and Programming
Education. pp.1-19.
From these results, it can be concluded that in this teaching
process, it is possible to let the targeted junior high school
students learn the mechanism of IoT, and it can be
expected that the method can be effectively used in junior
high schools. Based on the results of this research, we will
improve the teaching process, and evaluate the method and
viewpoint in the future.
Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and
Technology (2018). Explanation of teaching
guidelines for middle school on technology and home
science (public announcement March 2017), pp.5456. URL;
18_9.pdf, (last accessed: January 11, 2018).
Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications(2016a).
Information Communication Council - Second
Interim Report (Overview). pp.7.
This work was supported by JSPS KAKENHI Grant
Number JP16K04665.
Higuchi, Koichi (2018). KH Coder Index Page, URL;, (last accessed:
January 11, 2018).
Hosoai, S., Ishida, S., Kamei, Y., Ohsako, S., Igaki, H.,
Ubayashi, N., & Fukuda, A.(2014). PBL for IoT
System. IPSJ SIG Technical Report, No. 7, pp.1-6.
Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications(2016b).
White Paper on Information and Communication.
Ono, Yoshiyuki (2016). Development of an IoT Young
Talent Training Program Based on IndustryAcademia Collaboration: Learning Trial of IoT
Manufacturing Activity. Japan Industrial
Management Association, No. 26, pp.93-96.
Prime Minister's Office (2013). Japan Revival Strategy.
ITmedia (2018). ITmediaNEWS.
news029.html(last accessed: January 10, 2018).
Proceedings of the 10th Biennial International Design and Technology Teacher’s Association Research Conference (DATTArc):
5-8 Dec. 2018, Swinburne University of Technology, Hawthorn, Victoria, Australia.
p. 70
Development of Gaming Materials to Promote Substantial Understanding of Technology
Toshiki Matsuda and Fumiya Kanai
Tokyo Institute of Technology, Tokyo
Recently, the Japanese government made programming education compulsory at all school levels by revising the National
Course of Studies, whereas, earlier, it had been compulsory in technology education alone at the junior high school level. The
increasing demand for software engineers to promote information technology (IT) industries has affected this trend. However,
because the time for providing technology education to all is limited, the purpose of introducing programming activities should
be considered not for vocational education, but as an instructional method to understand the features of IT. We believe that
teaching the merits and demerits of IT to students is important in helping them generate ideas to utilize IT and avoid any
associated issues. Programming should be taught as a software design method to resolve the aforementioned trade-off problems.
Finally, students should be able to consider the merits and demerits of a new IT system and propose methods to decrease the
risks of introducing the system in our society. Based on this discussion, we develop a gaming instructional material that enables
students to simulate the redesign of a medical IT system as engineers. Students are encouraged to study an artificial intelligence
technology as a technique to improve the system and consider various social influences to determine whether they can use it or
not. We develop another gaming instructional material to verify the educational effects of the aforementioned game. In addition,
we discuss a method for enabling the transfer of learning outcomes by students to evaluate various other technologies.
Information Technology; Programming; Problem Solving
Trend of Making Programming Education Compulsory in
the National Curriculum
In Japan, programming became a compulsory content of
Technology at the lower secondary school level as a result
of the revision of the National Course of Studies (NCS) in
1998 (Ministry of Education, Science and Culture 1998).
However, since it was one of the contents of information
technology (IT) and only approximately 25 school hours
were assigned to the study of IT, a few school hours were
assigned to programming. The NCS was revised in 2008,
following which programming was emphasized more as a
topic of measurement and control technology (Ministry of
Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology
[MEXT] 2008). Many instructional materials to control
light-emitting diode lights or make line-trace cars were
supplied, and approximately 10 school hours were allotted
for the topic.
Recently, some countries or regions, such as England,
South Korea, and Singapore, made programming
education compulsory at the primary school level (MEXT
2015). In conformance with this trend, the Japanese
government started discussions on the expansion of
programming education in schools. This movement was
supported by the people who believed that Japanese
industries would require more artificial intelligence (AI)
engineers and data scientists in the near future.
As a result, the latest NCS, which was revised in 2017
(primary and lower secondary levels) and 2018 (upper
secondary level), introduced programming education
topics in Arithmetic and Science at the primary school
level and Information Study at the upper secondary school
level as compulsory contents and added programming to
generate web contents or a network application to
Technology at the lower secondary school level (MEXT
2017a, 2017b, 2018).
The task force set within the MEXT to introduce
programming education in primary schools proposed its
objective as the cultivation of programming (or
computational) thinking among students. In this context,
programming thinking is defined as “an ability to
decompose a target activity into a series of primitive
movements, represent them by given symbols, and
minimize differences between the target and the result by
thinking logically” (MEXT 2016). However, if we
substitute the term “symbols” in this definition by
“mechanical parts” or “electric devices,” this definition
can be applied to technology education. Further,
mathematics education cultivates a similar ability in
students if the term “symbols” does not refer to “program
codes” alone. In any case, although the task force claims
otherwise, the uniqueness of this proposal implies that the
force’s purpose is to teach programming language to
On the other hand, Matsuda and Kanai (2017) classified
the purposes of introducing programming into the school
curriculum, which are depicted in Table 1. The principle
of this proposal is that the compulsory subjects should
focus on citizenship education, whereas the elective
subjects should provide vocational education. The reason
for introducing programming in primary school
curriculum is Matsuda and Sakamoto’s (1991) research
evidence that girls in primary schools have a more positive
attitude toward computer use than boys once the students
gain programming experience; however, Imae et al. (1986)
found a difference between boys and girls in terms of the
degree of their computer anxiety and how this may
influence their future career choices.
Purposes of Introducing
(1) Becoming familiar with computers ⇒Primary
and interested in the utilization of IT school
Proceedings of the 10th Biennial International Design and Technology Teacher’s Association Research Conference (DATTArc):
5-8 Dec. 2018, Swinburne University of Technology, Hawthorn, Victoria, Australia.
p. 71
(2) Understanding the basic principles
of information processing in
computers and networks (including
measurement and control) and
merits of automatization
(3) Acquiring programming knowledge ⇒Optional
and skills
(4) Cultivating algorithmic thinking
(5) Cultivating students’ attitude toward
attending a desirable information
society based on understanding
characteristics of IT
All except case (3) should be offered compulsorily.
Table 1: Purposes of Introducing Programming in the
School Curriculum*
Matsuda (2015a) compared the opinions on informatics
education proposed by five different representative groups
and pointed out that only the computer science group
emphasized the necessity of programming education
because they considered informatics education to be the
introduction of computer science education in schools to
train IT specialists. Based on the objectives of informatics
education defined by the Ministry of Education, Science
and Culture (1997), it should cultivate an individual’s
ability to appropriately utilize IT in problem-solving.
Moreover, it should impart citizenship education to enable
students to participate in discussions on utilizing IT in our
society after understanding the benefits and impact of
using IT for various people in the society. Moreover, it
should cultivate in students the ability to self-learn new ITs
and evaluate whether they contribute to the creation of a
better information society. This means that informatics
education should be provided as technology education for
all. Case (5) in Table 1 is proposed from this viewpoint.
Detailed Understanding and Summarized
Matsuda (2017) pointed out the necessity of classifying
two different directions of deeper understanding. One is
understanding in a more detailed manner, and it
corresponds to scientific exploration to clarify black box
mechanism in nature. The second type is understanding
more systematically, and it is related to the reconstruction
of knowledge to promote its transfer. The criticism of
programming thinking described above is an example of
the latter type of understanding. In Bloom’s taxonomy of
educational objectives (Bloom et al. 1956), levels 4 to 6,
that is, analysis, synthesis, and evaluation, correspond to
systematic understanding. He indicated that it is also
related to Bruner’s (1960) “structure.”
importance of choosing the better problem-solving method
and reasons why the spreadsheet software was invented
corresponds to systematic understanding. In this case, to
understand flexibility, data compatibility, and the
merits/demerits of packaging, it is better to compare two
or more programming languages and spreadsheet
software, as well as designing a reusable sheet for any
purpose that requires the sorting function. Understanding
the direction and possibility of technological advancement
based on these activities may provide the framework for
future developments in IT. Moreover, understanding the
necessity of engineering ethics to avoid a trade-off
problem by packaging a technological black box is
important. However, it is more effective to provide virtual
experiences as part of a gaming instructional material,
rather than actual programming exercises, to enable
students to learn such things in a limited time.
This study interprets programming as virtually
experiencing the design of an information system.
Accordingly, we develop a gaming instructional material
that prompts learners to consider how the design
framework of an information system affects its
characteristics and socially influences various people as a
result. Moreover, we conduct trial lessons to verify the
educational effects of cultivating students’ ability to
consider the appropriateness of introducing new social
information systems and propose necessary legal systems
or devices to be adopted by individuals for their personal
In addition, it is necessary to promote the transfer of
educational outcomes to other cases where a new
technological system, not only concerned with IT but also
other technology, is developed and discussions are
underway to introduce it in the society. This study
develops gaming instructional materials based on the warp
and woof model of problem-solving (Matsuda 2015b) and
considers additional instructions to promote the transfer of
learning outcomes based on the model.
Design and Development of a Gaming
Instructional Material
Design Principles
This study utilizes two design frameworks. One is the
Goal-Based Scenario (GBS) theory of Schank et al.
(1999), and the other is the warp and woof model of
problem-solving (Matsuda 2015b; Figure 1).
For example, understanding a device to heighten the
efficiency of calculation by programming different
algorithms of sorting and measurement of computation
time in various numerical examples corresponds to a
detailed understanding of the device. However, it is hard
to transfer this type of understanding to everyday problemsolving. On the other hand, based on a comparison of two
different sorting methods by using a programming
language and spreadsheet software, considering the
Proceedings of the 10th Biennial International Design and Technology Teacher’s Association Research Conference (DATTArc):
5-8 Dec. 2018, Swinburne University of Technology, Hawthorn, Victoria, Australia.
p. 72
Figure 1: Teacher sets expectations (horizontal
movement) and students respond (vertical movement)
GBS specifies the design elements for designing roleplaying-type educational games. In this study, each
element was set up as shown in Table 2. Learners play the
role of system engineers (SEs) in a company and are
assigned the job of improving a medical information
system. They are prompted to examine both the merits and
demerits of adopting a machine learning method, an AI
technology, to heighten the system’s performance; it is
noted that the system had hitherto adopted the rule-based
algorithm. Moreover, the learners are required to generate
an alternative that combines both AI technology and the
rule-based algorithm as a trade-off dissolution device. In
this activity, they are prompted to consider the
characteristics of both the methods and effects of these
characteristics on our society when such a system is
developed and used on a daily basis.
GBS elements
Settings in our gaming
instructional material
System engineers in a
Cover story Examine both the merits and
demerits of adopting AI
technology in a medical
information system that
helps doctors to identify
disease names from health
checking data in order to
heighten its performance
Improve the present medical
information system
Scenario operation
According to the warp and
woof model of problemsolving
- Give feedback information
on the learners’ domainspecific knowledge and
ways of viewing and
thinking about a problem as
soon as they reply to a
- Give feedback information
about problem-solving
activities in the Review
process by comparing
learners’ log with the model
Information Chief: Offer technical advice
for designing and realizing
the system
Doctor: Offer medical
domain–specific knowledge
AI specialist: Offer domainspecific knowledge on AI
technology and the
simulation to explain its
properties in the case of a
career guidance system
Table 2: Concretion of GBS Elements in Our Gaming
Instructional Material
The warp and woof model is a model of the problemsolving ability that should be acquired by learners. It helps
learners to self-learn the characteristics and social
influences of a new technology and consider the merits and
demerits of introducing this technology and supports them
in identifying necessary devices to heighten the safety of
the society and its individuals, as well as carrying out
consensus-building activities. The model includes the
woof activities (collecting, processing, and summarizing
information) of all the processes of warp activities (Goal
Setting, Generate Alternatives, Rational Judgment,
Derivation of Optimized Solution, and Consensus
Building). Based on this procedure, the scenario in the
GBS element progresses, and the information resources in
the GBS elements correspond with the internal knowledge
to be memorized; external knowledge to be referred, if
necessary; or ways of viewing and thinking that offer clues
for the generation of ideas and checkpoints of judgment.
Goal-Setting Process
This process consists of two tasks: problem analysis and
planning. The outputs of the first task include both the
merits and demerits of introducing an information system,
their trade-off relationships, and the constraints satisfied
by each alternative. If learners have sufficient internal
knowledge of several benefits of technology, including IT,
they can focus on choosing appropriate merits of the
medical information system as the goals of the design and
Proceedings of the 10th Biennial International Design and Technology Teacher’s Association Research Conference (DATTArc):
5-8 Dec. 2018, Swinburne University of Technology, Hawthorn, Victoria, Australia.
p. 73
consider the demerits as their trade-off relationship. For
this purpose, learners must utilize different ways of
viewing and thinking, such as “collect and utilize
information,” “examine various benefits,” “consider the
trade-off relationship,” and then collect information about
the purposes and mechanisms of medical information
systems. Moreover, they should focus on any merits to
improve the present system, as well as summarizing the
demerits expected while redesigning the system by
considering the trade-off relationships among various
benefits. On the other hand, learners having insufficient
internal knowledge of benefits are guided to systematically
acquire this knowledge by using a chart to generate ideas
(Figure 2(a)). They are prompted to concretely express
some of the general merits of introducing the information
system by using an example (Figure 2(b)) and further
improve the medical information system. In addition, they
are prompted to consider the issues associated with the
trade-off relationships among various benefits to help
them systematically understand these benefits.
The output of the second task is a work plan. It is different
from the first task in that it considers the merits and
constraints, rather than results, of the problem-solving
process. Moreover, learners are prompted to decide on the
term of each important activity in the following processes
by considering the prospects of and difficulties
encountered in preparing for these activities.
The feature of our gaming material is that it specifies a
method for learners to acquire technological knowledge
while summarizing it in a form of frame (Figure 3) when
collecting information about a new technology from an .
Learners are asked to choose an appropriate slot to enter
the given information into the frame. Moreover, they are
prompted to consider the characteristic of the system.
Figure 3: Method to Acquire Knowledge
Summarizing Information into a Form of Frame
Example of Its Use in the Game
algorithm type (Rule based)
type (machine
written their
actions in each case
explicitly to construct judgment criteria
automatically based on given data
To process data as people intend/expect
-Decrease demerits of algorithm type
(1)branch type
(tree of
judgment in given data
the cost
optimized rules
-can explain
of the
→ and
→ check
execute formulated
procedure automatically
human bias
get reliable
results in the
if data
can becases
apply to wide range of cases
Figure 4: Flow of Simulation for Understanding the
Design’s Influence on the System’s Characteristics
Figure 2(a): Chart to Generate Ideas
(a) Choose a method of making a Data set
Let’s use AI type “career guidance system”
tuned by learning your data set!
AI specialist
Figure 2(b): Example of Its Use in the Game
Achievement scores of the past applicants
Results (“pass/fail” to each university)
Judged by the function
constructed by you data set
Probability of
pass and
Let’s choose university and enter scores of trial tests
Japanese: 100 Mathematics: 90 Science: 80 Social Studies: 82 English: 23
Choice of University and Faculty: ABC University, Faculty of Engineering
(b) Check results
Pass Level: E
Recommendation: X University, Faculty of Science
Pass Level: D
Recommendation: ABC University, Faculty of Education
Different data sets reduce
different results without
Generate Alternatives Process
The outputs of this process are two or more alternatives for
realizing a system. For this purpose, learners must collect
information on new technologies for achieving merits by
utilizing different ways of viewing and thinking, such as
“decomposing a factor into elements,” considering new
devices to combine two or more technologies, as well as
using new technologies to make an alternative that can
simultaneously realize various merits.
(c) Compare with results of different data sets
Another feature of our gaming material is that it provides
a simulation in the case of a “career guidance system” to
promote an understanding of the impacts of rule
construction for algorithm-type systems and methods of
making data sets for AI-type systems. Learners choose a
method to make initial data for machine learning (Figure
4(a)) and enter the checked data into the system after
finishing the learning process to verify the system’s
performance (Figure 4(b)). Through this simulation, they
can recognize the differences in the outputs of the system
Proceedings of the 10th Biennial International Design and Technology Teacher’s Association Research Conference (DATTArc):
5-8 Dec. 2018, Swinburne University of Technology, Hawthorn, Victoria, Australia.
p. 74
according to the methods of making initial data (Figure
4(c)). They perform a similar simulation on methods to
construct rule sets for the algorithm-based system, as well.
From these activities, they can recognize the differences in
characteristics between the systems and, then, ask
questions on the social influences of these characteristics
to the AI specialist.
While generating alternatives of the system design,
learners must determine the output values of the system
according to the merits that they want to emphasize. In
addition, they must choose a method to make the initial
data or a rule set. Finally, they are prompted to generate
alternatives that combine both the methods to resolve
conflicts by trade-off.
Rational Judgment Process
In this process, learners critically examine the generated
alternatives by using the framework of rational judgment
(Figure 5). They collect information to set up the
checkpoints in the framework before starting rational
judgment. If any alternative is found to have an issue, they
go back to the Generate Alternatives process and generate
improved and/or new proposals. When one or more
alternatives with no issues are created, they can go to the
Derivation of Optimized Solution process.
of the AI method, the former succeeds in building
Review Process
In this process, learners review their activities and are
prompted to transfer and utilize both their knowledge and
ways of viewing and thinking, which they acquired from
the gaming instructional material. Their outputs and the
ways of viewing and thinking that they used in each
process are revealed to them and, then, learners are
prompted to self-evaluate the adequacy of utilization of
these elements. Subsequently, each process of the model is
shown by emphasizing important points using red text, and
learners are prompted to check the appropriateness of their
self-evaluation. Finally, in order to retain appropriate
activity following the warp and woof model, they return to
the case of a medical information system and carry out
activities to reapply ways of viewing and thinking (Figure
Figure 6: Reviewing Appropriate Activity and
Required Knowledge in the Tasks in Each Process
In the case of medical information system the following merits, such as
are important.
Because AI systems have the following characteristics, such as
AI method is 使った方が良い
Figure 5: Framework for the Rational Judgment
for applying to medical information systems.
The merits to introduce medical information system are
-Able to judge more [abnormity/disease name]
-Able to judge [abnormity/disease name] more reliably
-Reasons of judgment are more transparent
In above activities, following ways of viewing and thinking must be utilized.
examine various benefits
Evaluation of the Gaming Material through
Trial Lessons
Derivation of Optimized Solution Process
Rational Judgment Process
In this process, learners must determine the important
merits of introducing the medical information system from
those set up during the Goal Setting process. For this
purpose, they must collect relevant information to
determine important viewpoints for reaching an agreement
by utilizing different ways of viewing and thinking, such
as “choose an appropriate alternative to achieve important
merits” and “consider the influence on various people.”
Subsequently, they associate the chosen merits with each
alternative based on the degree of attainment of these
merits. Finally, based on this evaluation, they determine
the optimal solution.
Consensus Building Process
Derivation of Optimized Solution Process
In this process, learners explain the optimal solution to
stakeholders and request the latter to perform decisionmaking. If the learners’ solution realizes the merit required
by stakeholders for the medical information system in the
previous process and the learners choose provisions that
can convince the stakeholders by considering the demerits
In December 2017, we conducted a trial lesson for 21
university students who took the Information Ethics
course. Since they had not studied the warp and woof
model, we provided them with a printed material,
explaining the model and detailing how to apply different
ways of viewing and thinking before the trial lesson and
prompted them to refer to it during the lesson.
In order to investigate the effect of our gaming
instructional material, we performed a pre-test and a posttest (Figure 7) before and after providing the material,
respectively. The pre-test picked up (1) an automated
driving system and (2) a career supporting system,
whereas the post-test picked up (3) an automated braking
system and (4) a recruiting and salary review system. It is
noted that (1) to (3) adopted the free description form, and
(4) adopted the multiple-choice form. Hereafter, we refer
to both (1) and (3) as automobile systems and both (2) and
(4) as personnel evaluation systems.
Answers are analyzed based on three viewpoints (Table 3).
First, the merits of introducing the system are evaluated
according to how extensively they were specialized based
on the diagram (Figure 2). Second, the characteristics of
the system are evaluated according to the number of slots
of the knowledge frame about the information system
(Figure 4) that is included in the answer. Third, it is
evaluated whether the answer is correct or wrong. If the
answer is evaluated as A or B in the previous two
viewpoints and does not include any inconsistent
Proceedings of the 10th Biennial International Design and Technology Teacher’s Association Research Conference (DATTArc):
5-8 Dec. 2018, Swinburne University of Technology, Hawthorn, Victoria, Australia.
p. 75
explanation, it is evaluated as correct. Therefore, we
interpreted that a learner who gave a correct answer had
clearly understood the relationship among the design,
characteristics, and social influence of an information
Figure 7: Screen Shot Image of the Pre-test Problem
(1) Because an automated driving system is
it is suitable
▼ to apply AI method in order to
(2) Because a career supporting system is
it is unsuitable
▼ to apply AI method in order to
① Merits of introducing ② Characteristics of the
the system
system based on its design
No answer or irrelevant No answer or irrelevant
answer ------------Level D answer-----------------Level D
Merits in the general Description of the algorithmcontext ------------------- C type system ---------------C
nt③ :
n.s., not significant.
*p-values were calculated by Fischer’s exact probability test;
In order to analyse educational effects by focusing on the
differences among individuals, we conducted cluster
analysis based on the evaluations of three viewpoints in
automobile systems (Figure 8).
Figure 8: Results of Cluster Analysis Based on
Individual Evaluations
Merits of the general Description
information system------ B mechanism and purpose of
AI type B
Merits corresponding to a Description
specific system -------- A characteristics of AI type ---------- A
Table 3: Criteria for Evaluating the Levels for
Viewpoints ① Merits and ② Characteristics
As shown in Table 4, the ratios of learners who took A or
B in automobile systems increased in two viewpoints,
merits, and characteristics. Moreover, the percentage of all
the individuals who gave correct answers increased from
10% to 50%. The ratios of learners who took A or B in
personnel evaluation systems increased in two viewpoints,
merits, and characteristics, as well, although (4) adopted
the multiple-choice form. The percentage of all the
individuals who gave correct answers increased from 10%
to 70%, as well. Based on these results, we conclude that
more than half of the total number of learners clearly
understood the relationship among the design,
characteristics, and social influence of information
Table 4: Results of the Evaluation for Pre- and PostTests
evaluation systems
pA B C D val
2 3 7 9
0 2 1
Automobile systems
nt① :
nt② :
pD val
The first branch in the figure corresponds to whether the
answer was correct or wrong in the pre-test; the numbers
13, 12, and 14 answered correctly in the pre-test. The
second branch corresponds to whether the answer was
correct or wrong in the post-test; the learners at the left side
(numbers 15, 17, 20, … , and 4) had an effect on our
instructional material. Numbers 11, 8, and 18 at the right
side fell down their evaluation level, and the remaining six
learners did not change their evaluation levels. Therefore,
different instructions corresponding to the learners’
previous situations are necessary to improve the gaming
instructional material.
Utilization of the Problem-Solving Framework and
Knowledge in another Information System
In order to examine whether the learning outcomes of the
developed gaming instructional material can be applied to
another problem-solving framework, we developed a new
gaming instructional material, in which the problem was
changed to a search engine from a medical information
system. The main points of difference of the new material
from the previous one are as follows:
- No clues and advice are provided to assess whether a
learner can advance his or her problem-solving activity
appropriately by oneself.
Proceedings of the 10th Biennial International Design and Technology Teacher’s Association Research Conference (DATTArc):
5-8 Dec. 2018, Swinburne University of Technology, Hawthorn, Victoria, Australia.
p. 76
- Since the differences in design method were learned
previously, only their explanations without the simulation
are provided on demand.
- Initially, learners can choose a preferred design method
to generate an alternative.
The students who had learned the previous
gaming material were assigned to study the new material
outside school hours, and 19 of the 21 students finished the
game. Their logs are assessed as follows.
In the Goal Setting process, students who generated more
than three merits and were judged at A or B levels
according to Table 3 were evaluated as “○,” although the
others were “×.” In the Generate Alternatives process,
students who did not generate an inappropriate alternative
that has inconsistency between a design method and
required characteristics to both the methods are evaluated
as “○.” However, if the students evaluated as “×” could
improve all the inappropriate alternatives in the Rational
Judgment process, they were evaluated as “△.” In the
Rational Judgment process, students who could remove all
inappropriate alternatives that had demerits clarified in the
Goal Setting process were evaluated as “○.” In order to
judge appropriately, students needed to clarify the
demerits that have a trade-off relationship with the merits
that they generated; then, the student evaluated as “×” in
the Goal Setting process automatically became “×” in this
process. In the Derivation of Optimal Solution process,
students who chose one or more alternatives and could
realize all the merits generated in the Goal Setting process
were evaluated as “○.” Students who were evaluated as
“×” in either the Goal Setting or Rational Judgment
process were automatically evaluated as “×.”Students who
were evaluated as “○” in the previous process and
generated alternatives that could achieve the merits
required by stakeholders were evaluated as “○” in the
Consensus Building process.
As a result, in the Goal Setting process, 89.5%, 52.6%, and
52.6% of 19 students took A or B, generated more than
two merits, and were evaluated as “○,” respectively. This
indicated that although students could generate merits by
using the chart, they insufficiently utilized the ways of
viewing and thinking. In the Generate Alternatives
process, 84.2% of all students were evaluated as “○,” and
the remaining students were evaluated as “△.” Therefore,
they understood the characteristics of both the methods
appropriately. In the Rational Judgment process, 9 of 10
students who took “○” in the Goal Setting process were
evaluated as “○.” In both the Derivation of Optimized
process and Consensus Building process, 36.8% of 19
students were evaluated as “○.”
Promoting the Transfer of Learning Outcomes
for Utilizing the Model for another Technology
A feature of the gaming instructional materials developed
in this study is their ability to interpret programming as
experiencing the design of information systems. In
addition, we realize Matsuda’s (2006) proposal to reform
the traditional system of technology education by
integrating IT education into it. This integration also
extends to the integration of Science, Technology,
Engineering and Mathematics (STEM) subject areas.
The core concept of this integration is “transformation,”
which promotes systematic understanding technology.
Transformation is a holistic idea comprising the ways of
thinking necessary to promote analogy and transfer, such
as the substitution of words, conversion among
mathematical expressions, and scientific laws of various
natural factors. A technological idea can be generated by
completely using the transformation. The chart shown in
Figure 2 is a tool for enabling the learners to do so and, by
using similar charts, Matsuda (2011) developed a gaming
instructional material for technology education. For
example, any specific item can be physically transported
from A to B. However, a manufactured product can be
delivered by sending an order message from A to B’ and
physically transporting the product from B’ to B. This type
of transformation between physical phenomena and
information should be broadly utilized in our society to
resolve the conflicting problems caused by a trade-off
relationship. To promote these types of problem-solving,
technological knowledge should be understood and
acquired in a frame form that helps learners to completely
use the knowledge associated with the contexts of
problem-solving, purposes, characteristics, principles,
merits/demerits, and social influences mutually. Then,
technological knowledge may be utilized as the building
block for generating various alternative ideas.
Matsuda and Satou (2009) pointed out another reason for
technology education’s incapability to cultivate students’
problem-solving ability. Since the processes of problemsolving depicted in textbooks were very different among
content areas, students could not understand their
commonalities. Therefore, they unified these processes to
a common process and developed a gaming instructional
material to prompt learners to solve various problems
based on this material. Moreover, Matsuda (2013)
developed a learner model that represents a mechanism to
systematically solve technological problems by following
the aforementioned process of problem-solving by
utilizing ways of viewing and thinking for transformation
while understanding and acquiring knowledge in the form
of a frame. This model was extended to STEM subject
areas as the warp and woof model of problem-solving.
This study examined design principles to realize gaming
materials based on this model, such as Figure 2, 3, 4, and
5. We expect that the outcomes of technology education
may be generalized and utilized in daily life by developing
various gaming instructional materials based on this model
and adhering to continuous and systematic instructions to
promote the utilization of this model with metacognition.
Summary and Future Perspectives
We considered that the purpose of introducing
programming activities should be considered not for
vocational education but as an instructional method to
understand the properties of IT. Students should develop
the ability to consider the merits and demerits of a new IT
system and propose methods to decrease the risks
associated with introducing the system in our society. To
this end, programming should be taught as a software
design method to resolve the aforementioned trade-off
problems. Based on this discussion, we developed a
gaming instructional material to enable learners to
simulate the redesign of a medical IT system as engineers.
Learners are encouraged to study an AI technology as a
technique to improve the system and are asked to consider
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5-8 Dec. 2018, Swinburne University of Technology, Hawthorn, Victoria, Australia.
p. 77
various social influences to determine whether they use it
or not. We developed another gaming instructional
material to verify the educational effects of the first game.
In addition, we discussed a method to promote the transfer
of learning outcomes by learners to evaluate various
Since our trial lessons were conducted as a two-hour
lesson including a homework exercise, its educational
effects were limited and varied between different initial
condition groups. However, Technology at lower and
Information Study at upper secondary schools are taught
for 80-hour and 70-hour lessons, respectively. Therefore,
our approach consistent is across various types of
technology, and examples will be very effective in
building up learning outcomes. This assumption should be
verified by developing a series of gaming instructional
materials corresponding to a leaner’s achievement level
and conducting trial lessons.
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Rotterdam, Netherlands: Sense Publishers.
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5-8 Dec. 2018, Swinburne University of Technology, Hawthorn, Victoria, Australia.
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How expert technology teachers try to promote students’ creativities. From the results of
semi structured interviews.
Jun Moriyama1, Kaoru Higashida2, Keita Sera3, Masakatu Kuroda4, Mituaki Ogura5
National Hyogo University of Teacher Education, Japan
Ibaraki City Higashi Junior High School, Osaka, Japan
Ph.D program Student, National Hyogo University of Teacher Education
Ph.D program Student, National Hyogo University of Teacher Education
Research Student of Ph.D program, National Hyogo University of Teacher Education
The purpose of this research is to extract the essence of expert technology teachers’ strategies for promoting students creativity.
We carried out semi structured interview to 5 expert technology teachers in Japan, and asked about strategies and intentions of
their instruction for promoting students’ creativities. As a result, 32 categories were extracted that could be divided into 4
categories, such as intentions for teaching, lesson planning, implementation, and evaluation. For example, “importance of
collaboration”, “relation with intellectual property”, “consideration about constraint of curriculum”, “supporting student’s
expression of his/her ideas”, and so on were included in these categories.
Technology teachers; creativity; semi structured interviews ; teaching strategy
The purpose of this research is to extract the essence of
expert technology teachers’ strategies for promoting
students creativity.
Thus, components such as integrated problem-solving and
technological innovation were added to the new national
curriculum, and the new national curriculum regards the
promotion of students’ creativity as more important than
ever before.
A new national curriculum was published in Japan in 2017
(MEXT, Government of Japan, 2017a). At present,
preparations for the enforcement of this curriculum are in
progress. In the new national curriculum, technology
education attaches more importance to technological
literacy than ever before. The goal of the new technology
education is to foster the following students’ abilities: 1)
understand the mechanisms of basic technology and
technological inventions and innovations; 2) acquire
technological problem-solving knowledge and skills; and
3) evaluate the social role of technology, technological
governance (selection, management, and control), and
technological innovation (improvement, application, and
creation). The learning content of the new technology
education consists of “A. Materials and processing
technology,” “B. Technology for nurturing living things,”
“C. Energy conversion technology,” and “D. Information
technology.” Junior high school students take these
courses between the seventh and ninth grades as
compulsory courses. In problem-solving that students
address at the end of the ninth grade, students are to
perform integrated problem-solving in combination with
multiple content area. The Instructional Gide (Technology
and Home Economics) for course of study (MEXT,
Government of Japan, 2017b) described as follows:
Needless to say, technology education considers the
promotion of students’ creativity important in every
country and region. The International Technology and
Engineering Educators Association (ITEEA) defines
technology in the Standards for Technological Literacy
(STL) as “human innovation in action that involves the
generation of knowledge and processes to develop systems
that solve problems and extend human capabilities.” Based
on this definition, technology education is basically
required in order to stimulate students’ creativity. The STL
defines creativity as “the ability or power used to produce
original thoughts and ideas upon reasoning and judgment.”
M. Csikszentmihalyi argues that creativity has two types:
individual creativity and social creativity. Therefore, it is
important for creativity in technology education to handle
these two different approaches. Regarding individual
creativity, from the perspective of increasing the creativity
of the individual student, each student is asked to act as a
junior engineer and to creatively solve problems during the
learning process. Regarding social creativity, students are
required to learn the histories, processes, roles, effects, and
future prospects of innovation and invention, which have
advanced our society and culture, and to understand the
importance of technology by experiencing ancestors’
Through the practical and experiential activities, students
can understand mechanisms, roles, and impact of
technology. This will make deepen student’s abilities for
develop better individual life and the sustainable society
by technology. At the same time, promoting the ability to
solve the problem properly and sincerely will foster
creative attitudes that invent and innovate technology.
However, it is difficult to promote students’ creativity in
classes where technology education is being taught. Some
students cannot develop an idea for creative challenges.
Some students lack practical knowledge because of too
much creativity. Some students cannot realize their ideas
as products or systems, and some students cannot express
their ideas in an appropriate way. Teachers must provide
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5-8 Dec. 2018, Swinburne University of Technology, Hawthorn, Victoria, Australia.
p. 80
various types of support for these students in order to
creatively address problem-solving as junior engineers in
a class. The Advancing Excellence in Technological
Literacy, issued by the ITEEA, describes this matter in “C.
Prepare teachers to assist students in becoming effective
learners”—which is one of the STL—as follows:
Professional development emphasizes the need to establish
and maintain productive students-teacher relationships to
assist students in becoming effective learners. Teachers
gain abilities to develop learning activities that appeal to
student interests and challenge students to reflect on
practical experiences. Teachers develop strategies that
require students to transfer learning to different situations
that promote student creativity and imagination.
teachers’ strategies were not systematized enough (e.g.
Nishiyama 2016, Ozaki 2011).
So, we set the aim of this study as elucidating the
experienced technology teachers' strategies for promote
students’ creativity at junior high schools in Japan.
administered to teachers whose experience of teaching was
longer than 20 years and who had obtained results in terms
of fostering students’ creativity, attempting to extract
methods through which to support students’ creativity.
Method of Research
Based on this description, it is noted that teachers’
instruction and support for promoting students’ creativity
are important elements in terms of improving teachers’
specialties in technology education. As “Method 5
Enhancing Creative Thinking,” in Teaching Technology:
Middle School, Strategies for Standards-Based Instruction
(TT-SSBI), issued by the ITEEA, indicates the following
five instructional methods for promoting students’
Five experienced teachers—who had each grappled with a
practice of increasing students’ creativity in technology
education in Japan—were subject to the semi-structured
interviews (hereinafter referred to teachers A‒E). The
profile of each subject is as follows:
1 Allow students the inner freedom to consider new ideas
and possibilities.
Teacher B: A teacher at a public junior high school who
has grappled with a practice using students’ creativity in
the field of special needs education and has published the
research results, and who has 22 years of teaching
2 Establish a creative laboratory-classroom environment
where students are encouraged to think differently and
create new solutions.
3 Before students can begin to solve a problem, he or she
must know what the problem is.
4 Teach students the art of brainstorming.
5 Avoid or diffuse phrases that kill creativity.
The aim of these instructional methods is to provide a
learning environment for students and to promote
students’ free ways of thinking in terms of problemsolving. These instructional methods lay the foundation for
promoting students’ creativity in technology education.
Students’ creativity is promoted slowly over a long period
of time and cannot be simply fostered using only a
formulated methodology. There should be measures in
place to promote students’ creativity other than the five
instructional methods indicated by TT-SSBI. Also, T.
Lewis (2005) pointed out that most young teachers do not
have preparation that is sufficient enough to allow them to
inject creativity into their teaching in their pre-service
training. He said "here is a clear need here for professional
development activities aimed at helping teachers see
possibilities for introducing creative elements into the
curriculum, and into instruction." On the other hand,
experienced technology teachers may possess measures
for promoting students’ creativity based on their careers in
classroom practice over a long period of time. It is
expected that knowing how experienced technology
teachers have attempted to increase students’ creativity
will provide useful information for systematizing these
instructional methods. However, in case of Japan, although
some good practical examples by experienced teachers
were reported, these were only showed as case studies, to
Teacher A: A teacher at a private junior high school who
made students enter an international robotics contest, and
who has 26 years of teaching experience.
Teacher C: A teacher at a public junior high school who
made students enter a national robotics contest in Japan,
and who has 31 years of teaching experience.
Teacher D: A former teacher at a public junior high school
who created famous instructional methods and educational
materials that have been adopted in textbooks, etc., who is
at present a university professor, and who has 32 years of
teaching experience.
Teacher E: A teacher at a public junior high school who
studied teaching methods for increasing students’
creativity for a master’s thesis in graduate school, and who
has 23 years of teaching experience.
Semi-structured interviews were administered to the five
subjects mentioned above regarding teachers’ involvement
in promoting students’ creativity. In the semi-structured
interviews, the following questions were asked:
1. “How do you think about students’ creativity?”
2. “What type of project have you designed so that students
exert their creativity?”
3. “What type of support have you performed in order to
promote students’ creativity?”
4. “How do you evaluate students’ creativity?”
Using these questions as an opportunity, the subject of
conversation was expanded; consequently, the comments
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5-8 Dec. 2018, Swinburne University of Technology, Hawthorn, Victoria, Australia.
p. 81
from the experienced teachers allowed for their ways of
thinking to be identified. The interviews were recorded
using a digital voice recorder. Six research collaborators
discussed and classified the obtained comments. At that
time, the comments on their ideas about creativity training
were classified into the category “teaching concept.”
Similarly, comments on the design of a class meant to draw
students’ creativity were classified into the category
“instructional design.” Comments on instructions, support,
and methods to draw students’ creativity were classified
into the category “classroom practice.” Comments on the
evaluation of creativity were classified into the category
“evaluation.” Finally, comments that did not fall under any
of these categories were classified into the category
“others.” Comments in these categories were inductively
classified into subcategories. After classification, we tried
to create a hypothetical model of relationships between
teacher's support strategies and student's problem solving
Results and Discussion
Classification of comments
From the semi-structured interviews, 156 comments were
obtained. These comments were classified into 5
categories. Table 1 shows the classification results. The
number of comments in “teaching concept” was 47 (the
largest), and its proportion of all of the comments was
36.4%, followed by “classroom practice” (38, 29.5%),
““instructional design” (32, 24.8%), and “evaluation” (12,
9.3%), in that order.
solving” (21.3%). Therefore, it was indicated that
experienced teachers strongly recognized the importance
of increasing students’ creativity as an educational
Sub-classification of comments in category
“instructional design”
Comments in the category “instructional design” were
subclassified into seven subcategories (B1‒B7). For
example, a comment stating that “because the number of
my classes for technology is small, I have developed a
curriculum while considering the types of restrictions”
was subclassified into B1, “examination of restrictions on
curriculum.” Similarly, other comments in category
“instructional design” were subclassified into B2,
“connection with other subjects”; B3, “examination of the
relationship between learning contents and our society and
daily living”; B4, “examination of materials to be used”;
B5, “examination of production methods to be adopted”;
B6, “search for themes in order to develop a project”; and
B7, “examination of teaching tools to support students’
activities,” in addition to B1.
Table 3 shows the ratio of comments in each subcategory
to the comments in the category “instructional design.” As
shown in this table, the ratio of comments in B2—
“connection with other subjects”—was the highest
(28.1%), followed by B1, “examination of restrictions on
curriculum” (21.9%), and B7, “examination of teaching
tools to support students’ activities” (21.9%). Therefore, it
was indicated that experienced teachers regarded the
connection with other subjects as important teaching
strategies, while considering restrictions on curriculum
when designing a lesson in order to increase students’
Table 1: Classification of comments obtained in the
semi-structured interviews
Subclassification of comments in category “teaching
Comments in the category “teaching concept” were
subclassified into seven subcategories (A1‒A7). For
example, a comment stating that “I consider students’
creativity important, so I have focused on students’
process of problem-solving in my class” was subclassified
into A1, “importance of creativity in the process of
problem-solving.” Similarly, other comments in the
category “teaching concept” were subclassified into A2,
“concept of creativity”; A3, “importance of creativity in
our society and daily living”; A4, “importance of
collaboration in creativity training”; A5, “importance of
the user’s point of view in creativity”; A6, “relationship
between creativity and intellectual property in our
society”; and A7, “importance of increasing students’
creativity,” in addition to A1.
Table 2 shows the ratio of comments in each subcategory
to comments in the category “teaching concept.” As shown
in this table, the ratio of comments in A2—“concept of
creativity”—was the highest (38.4%), followed by A1—
“importance of creativity in the process of problem-
Table 2: Subclassification of comments in category
“teaching concept”
Table 3: Subclassification of comments in category
“instructional design”
Subclassification of comments in category “classroom
Proceedings of the 10th Biennial International Design and Technology Teacher’s Association Research Conference (DATTArc):
5-8 Dec. 2018, Swinburne University of Technology, Hawthorn, Victoria, Australia.
p. 82
Comments in the category “classroom practice” were
subclassified into 14 subcategories (C1‒C14). For
example, a comment stating that “to foster creativity, I
think it is important for me to understand students’
experience of technological activities in their daily living”
was subclassified into C1, “understanding the actual
situation of each student.” Similarly, other comments in
the category “classroom practice” were subclassified into
C2, “support for the expression of an idea”; C3, “support
for encouraging the creation of an idea”; C4, “idea owing
to collaboration”; C5, “respect for students’ decisionmaking”; C6, “setting tasks with a certain degree of
freedom”; C7, “instruction which leaves some room for
consideration”; C8, “correction of the process of problemsolving”; C9, “support for production”; C10, “breeding a
sense of achievement”; C11, “raising awareness of
creativity”; C12, “hints and advice”; C13, “exhibition of a
basic model”; and C14, “exhibition of reference cases,” in
addition to C1.
Table 4 shows the ratio of the comments in each
subcategory to comments in the category “classroom
practice.” As shown in this table, the ratio of comments in
C5—“respect for students’ decision-making”—was the
highest (18.4%), followed by C6—“setting tasks with a
certain degree of freedom” (13.2%). Although the ratios of
comments in other subcategories were low, many
comments were strongly related to the corresponding
subcategory. Therefore, it was suggested that experienced
teachers attempted to increase students’ creativity by
making the basic problem-solving space wide enough for
students to think and judge each task independently. It was
also suggested that experienced teachers used various
support strategies in order to encourage students to create
a new idea, to correct the process of problem-solving, and
to increase motivation, instead of relying on a specific
support strategy.
Table 4: Subclassification of comments in category
“classroom practice”
Subclassification of comments in category “evaluation”
Comments in the category “evaluation” were subclassified
into five subcategories (D1‒D5). For example, a comment
stating that “I have evaluated learning activities of
technology from the four perspectives of knowledge,
skills, creativity, and motivation” was subclassified into
D1, “setting evaluation perspective.” Similarly, other
comments in category “evaluation” were subclassified into
D2, “evaluation of completeness”; D3, “evaluation of the
process of problem-solving”; D4, “estimation of
individual growth”; and D5, “necessity of evaluation,” in
addition to D1.
Table 5 shows the ratio of comments in each subcategory
to the comments in the category “evaluation.” As shown
in this table, the ratio of comments in D1—“setting an
evaluation perspective”—was the highest (33.3%),
followed by D5—“necessity of evaluation” (25.0%).
Therefore, it was suggested that experienced teachers set
an evaluation perspective using rubrics and attempted to
understand the process of problem-solving, estimating
individual growth using the evaluation perspective in order
to evaluate students’ creativity.
Table 5: Subclassification of comments in category
As mentioned above, a total of 33 subcategories could be
extracted based on experienced teachers’ involvement in
supporting students’ creativity. These subcategories can
be used as an analytical framework for lesson studies in
the future.
When the relationship among the extracted subcategories
was identified, it was revealed that experienced teachers
attempted to systematically increase students’ creativity
beyond the categories of “instructional design,”
“classroom practice,” and “evaluation.”
We tried to create a hypothetical model of relationships
between teacher's support strategies and student's problem
solving process by using extracted subcategories. As a
result, we reached theoretical saturation with the model
in Figure 1. Figure 1 shows a hypothetical model for the
above-mentioned relationship. As shown in this figure,
experienced teachers strongly considered training for
students’ creativity as an educational philosophy. Based on
this educational philosophy, experienced teachers
prepared teaching materials and tools while considering
restrictions on curriculum and the connection with other
subjects. The connection with other subjects is thought to
include the perspectives of STEM (science, technology,
engineering, and mathematics) education. In classroom
practice, experienced teachers set tasks with a large degree
of freedom in order for students to easily exert their
creativity, motivating students to understand the necessity
of creativity, and respecting students’ individual ways of
thinking and decision-making. For students to provide
feedback about whether their learning was creative,
experienced teachers appropriately established an
evaluation perspective. Under such circumstances,
experienced teachers paid particular attention to students’
creative processes of problem-solving and individual
However, all students were not always creative. In these
cases, experienced teachers precisely understood the
actual situation and experience of each student and
supported students using various strategies, depending on
the student. For example, for a student who could not
create an idea, experienced teachers taught a method
through which to create an idea and encouraged the student
to collaborate with other students, exhibiting models and
cases. For a student who lacked practical knowledge
Proceedings of the 10th Biennial International Design and Technology Teacher’s Association Research Conference (DATTArc):
5-8 Dec. 2018, Swinburne University of Technology, Hawthorn, Victoria, Australia.
p. 83
because of too much creativity, experienced teachers
encouraged the student to correct the process of problemsolving. For a student who could create an idea but could
not realize the idea as a product or system, experienced
teachers taught a production method. For a student who
could not express an idea in an appropriate manner,
experienced teachers supported the student through the
process of expressing the idea properly. Using the abovementioned support, hints, and advice, experienced teachers
helped students to accomplish the act of problem-solving,
and the students were satisfied with their sense of
achievement. Thus, the practice of experienced teachers
was characteristic of various support strategies, by which
they could flexibly cope with students based on the
consistent concept of creativity training.
Figure 1: Hypothetical model of relationships between
teachers’ strategies and students’ learning
Conclusion and future tasks
This study investigated the activities of experienced
teachers in Japan—which were performed to draw out
students’ creativity—through the use of semi-structured
interviews. Consequently, the practice of experienced
teachers was characteristic of various support strategies,
by which they could flexibly cope with students based on
the consistent concept of creativity training.
In the future, using the framework for support explored in
this study, we must perform lesson studies and systematize
instructional methods by which all technology teachers—
including young ones—can appropriately increase
students’ levels of creativity. To this end, we must develop
a scale of measurement and a versatile education method
by which students’ creativity in technology education can
be accurately understood. These matters will be the goals
of our future tasks.
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5-8 Dec. 2018, Swinburne University of Technology, Hawthorn, Victoria, Australia.
p. 84
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Ministry of Education, Culture, Sport, Science and
Technology (2017b). The Instructional Gide
Proceedings of the 10th Biennial International Design and Technology Teacher’s Association Research Conference (DATTArc):
5-8 Dec. 2018, Swinburne University of Technology, Hawthorn, Victoria, Australia.
p. 85
Development of hydroponics teaching
tool for root vegetables
Masanao Satou1, Toshikazu Yamamoto2
The United Graduate School of Education Tokyo Gakugei University, Tokyo, Japan
Saitama University Faculty of Education, Saitama, Japan
In junior high schools in Japan teach " biological development " as one of technical education. Among them " biological
development " teaches the foundation of agricultural technology. However, in Japan there are issues such as aging of farmers
and declining food self-sufficiency accompanying it, and innovation in agriculture is required. Therefore, the plant factory has
attracted attention as a new agricultural technology, and it is included in the learning contents also in technical education of
junior high school. Therefore, in this research, we developed a nutrient cultivating teaching tool that can nurture root vegetables
with the aim of understanding new agricultural technology and fostering innovation ability.
Plant factory, Root vegetables, Teaching material development
Technology education in Japan is set as the technology
department only in the three years of junior high school in
the compulsory education period (Ministry of Education,
Junior High School Course of Study, 2008). Technology
education of the first year of junior high school and 35
hours per year in the second grade, is set a total of 87.5
hours of 17.5 hours in the third year. It is the smallest
lesson time among the courses set for junior high school.
(Figure 1)
Figure 2: Learning the contents of the technical
department in Japan
Figure 1: Study time of each subject at a junior high
school in Japan
Learning contents of which are defined in the curriculum
guidelines to be revised once in about 10 years. Current
educational guidelines were revised in 2008. The content
of biotechnology development was compulsory from this
course of study guidance. (Ministry of Education, School
curriculum guidelines during 2008, 2008)
The learning contents of the technical department, material
processing, living things growing, energy conversion, and
a four content of the information. (Figure 2)
Biological development was excluded from compulsion at
the time of revision of the course of study in 1977, and it
was supposed to be compulsory for 31 years. (Ministry of
Education, School curriculum guidelines during 1977,
1977)Because it was not covered over the long term, there
are problems such as lack of teaching materials and
teaching materials, increase of teachers without teaching
experience. Especially, in urban schools, farmland for
cultivation training cannot be secured, and it is one of the
reasons for insufficient learning. (Group All Japan Junior
High School Technology and Home Economics Study,
2013) Therefore, development of teaching tools that can
carry out cultivation training in indoor is required.
Plant factory technology has developed as a technique to
cultivate indoors, and plant factories are spreading in
Japan since the Great East Japan Earthquake of 2011.
More than 400 plant plants are built in Japan in 2015.
(Japan Facilities Horticultural Association, 2016)
However, the current technology is mainly cultivation of
leaf vegetables, expansion of cultivated variety is an issue.
Teaching tools to nourish leaf vegetables have also been
developed as technical teaching tools, but there are no
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5-8 Dec. 2018, Swinburne University of Technology, Hawthorn, Victoria, Australia.
p. 86
teaching tools to cultivate other kinds of plants. Therefore,
in this research, we developed "tea leaf cultivation tea for
root vegetables" that enables cultivation of root crops
About technology of plant factory
The plant factory, a plant to grow plants environment
suitable for the growth of plants by artificially controlled
in the indoor. Light necessary for photosynthesis is
classified as "solar type" using sunlight, "artificial light
type" using artificial light such as LED, "combined type"
using sunlight and artificial light together . (MORI, 2015)
Using, for example, a sponge instead of soil, grow plants
by circulating nutrient solution containing the nutrients
required for the growth of the plant. The inside of the
factory is a clean room, so we do not use pesticides
because disease and pests do not occur. Because it is
controlled by a computer, it is possible to efficiently
produce a small number of people. It is a technology that
enables the production of plants anywhere, such as urban
areas, cold areas, desert areas.
Therefore, teaching tools that can cultivate varieties other
than leaf vegetables are required.
Development of hydroponics teaching tools for
root vegetables
Development of artificial light source for cultivation
To grow plants indoors are required artificial light for
performing photosynthesis. The light necessary for plant
growth is effective for red color with an absorption peak
of chlorophyll around 660 nm and blue color around 450
nm which is the absorption peak of cryptochrome or
phototropin. (Masamoto TAKATUJI, 2011)Therefore, we
developed an LED light source for cultivation using an
LED with less power consumption and less heat
Tape LED of super high brightness type was used for LED.
The tape LED is a tape shape with a width of 8 mm and
the LEDs are arranged at 15 mm intervals, and it can be
used by cutting it to the required length. (Figure 3)
Figure 3: Tape LED
In Japan, by accident of nuclear power plant by a large
earthquake of 2011, soil is no longer able to production
temporarily of agricultural products contaminated by
radioactive substances. As a result, facilities using plants
factory technology to produce plants are rapidly
increasing. Leaf vegetables is about 65% being produced
in plant factories, about 31% fruit vegetables, enlarged
cultivars there is a problem. (Japan Facilities Horticultural
Association, 2016)
Learning about bio-cultivation in technical
education in Japan
The content of biological training learning is defined as
follows in the course of study guidance.
How to manage conditions suitable for cultivation of
living things and cultivation environment of
Think about appropriate assessment and utilization of
biotechnology-related technologies.
Plan development of living things, cultivate and
rearing living things.
Specifically, it is necessary that soil, air, water, fertilizer
are necessary for plant growth, nutrients such as nitrogen,
phosphoric acid and potassium are necessary for fertilizer
and it is effective, Learn the importance of work such as
pencil core and insect repellent, and evaluate the
technology from environmental and economic
relationships. In addition, actually grow the plant, are
experiencing such as the work that have been learned.
Moreover, it is suitable for cultivation of plants using
nutrient solution because it is waterproof. The base part is
designed in 3D-CAD. (Figure 4) It was manufactured base
in the 3D printer (X Co. Ltd.). (Figure 5)
Figure 4: Design drawing of LED base part
In the school of urban areas is the lack of land in order to
experience the farm work. Therefore, it is necessary to
cultivate indoors. For example, it is a method of sowing
seeds of leafy vegetables on a sponge, placing it near the
window and growing with the light of the sun.
However, leaf vegetables such as lettuce can be cultivated,
leaf vegetables can hardly experience work after
germination, so there are problems as practical subjects.
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5-8 Dec. 2018, Swinburne University of Technology, Hawthorn, Victoria, Australia.
p. 87
Figure 5: 3D printer
Examination of artificial soil and cultivation
In order to grow root vegetables, soil is necessary. Soil
because taproot unit by adding at the same time moderate
pressure when supporting the main root portion is grown.
However, the plant factory is a clean room so you cannot
use the soil. So soil substitute of is required.
Plant factories have higher cultivation costs compared
with open field cultivation, so substitutes for soil are easier
to manage, and it is necessary to reduce costs by recycling.
Also it must be hygienic. Therefore, it was decided to
examine the substance to be a substitute for soil.
As a candidate, cultivation for the absorbent polymer,
plastic ball for a toy gun (BB bullets), perlite, Charcoal of
rice husk, was hydro-ball, vermiculite candidate. (Figure.
Tape LEDs were placed on the base part made with a 3D
printer and 24 cells of red and blue LEDs effective for
plant growth and 27 cells of high illuminance white LEDs
were placed. (Figure 6) The developed cultivating LED
light source was able to secure illuminance of 23000 lux at
a distance of 100 mm from the light source.
The cultivation LED is 12V, is powered by the 5A AC
adapter, it is possible to light up to three cultivation LED
with AC adapter one.
Elements of consideration were (1) cost, (2) weight, (3)
water retentivity, and (4) reusability. Cultivation
experiments were carried out using these candidates. In
cultivation experiments, candidate materials were placed
in containers reusing PET bottles, and cultivation of radish
was carried out. (Figure. 8) Radish seeds were sowed on
sponge and planted after germination. Nutrient solution
Hyponex (N: P: K = 6.5: 6: 19) was utilized diluted to
Figure 7: Soil substitute (candidates)
Figure 5: 6 LED light source for cultivation
Figure 8: State of cultivation experiment
Hydro Ball
BB bullet
Charcoal of rice husk
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5-8 Dec. 2018, Swinburne University of Technology, Hawthorn, Victoria, Australia.
p. 88
Cultivation experiments were conducted in the vicinity of
indoor windows, and the LED light source for cultivation
and sunlight were used in combination. Cultivating LED
light source was irradiated for 1 day 12 hours using the
program timer. (Figure. 9)
Figure 9: Program timer
Development of cultivation teaching tools
From the results of the experiment, for which it has been
confirmed using a BB bullet is capable of cultivation of
root vegetables, it was decided to develop a hydroponics
teaching tools for root vegetables. Assumed cultivation
subject to a small root vegetables such as radish, to be
easily grown indoors, it was decided to design as compact
as possible.
The size of the device is designed as a height 150mm,
including the inner diameter of the cultivation layer 90
mm, height 120 mm, a nutrient solution jetting unit. This
device was divided into two parts, a cultivation layer and
a nutrient injection part, and outputted with a 3D printer.
Nutrient solution injection unit and the cultivation layer,
nutrient solution using a silicon-based caulking agent with
waterproof are joined so as not leak to the outside.
A silicone tube is attached to the injection port provided in
the lower portion of the nutrient solution injection part, and
a nutrient solution is supplied from a separately provided
nutrient solution tank by a pump.
In addition, an air conditioner was used so that the
temperature inside the room was kept at 20℃ to 24 ℃. And
nutrient solution kept pH and EC constant by exchanging
the whole amount once a week.
The results of the experiment, we were able to harvest in
29 days after sowing. There was no significant growth
difference due to differences in candidate materials.
However, objects such as white fungi occurred in charcoal
of rice husk and hydroball. Also, objects such as green
algae were generated in the polymer absorber and pearlite.
(Figure. 10)
The nutrient solution was made to eject nutrient fluid from
the ejection port which was opened at three positions in the
nutrient solution injection part. (Figure. 11 and 12)
Figure 11: system conceptual view
Figure 10: charcoal of rice husk (left), the
absorbent polymer (right)
Therefore, rice husk charcoal and hydro ball and absorbent
polymer and perlite is inferred that there is a problem in
hygiene. Although vermiculite is inexpensively available,
it has a heavier weight compared with BB bullets and there
are variations in shape, so the problem remains in reuse
after collection. Therefore, we decided to adopt BB bullet
as substitute for soil.
BB bullet is a bullet for a toy gun played by Japanese
children, and it is produced as a standard item. The
diameter is made φ6 + 0 ~ -0.05mm, weight 0.12~0.43G,
a plastic such as ABS resin as raw materials. It can be
easily obtained by toy shop or mail order. Since size and
weight are specified in the standard, the recovery is easy
and hygienic, it can be repeatedly used because there is
Proceedings of the 10th Biennial International Design and Technology Teacher’s Association Research Conference (DATTArc):
5-8 Dec. 2018, Swinburne University of Technology, Hawthorn, Victoria, Australia.
p. 89
Figure 12: Cultivation teaching detail drawing
Development of BB bullet retrieval device
We developed recovery equipment for recovering BB
bullets after cultivation. It devised a retrieval device using
an aluminum punching metal of φ6.0mm. Since BB bullet
is φ 6 + 0 ~ -0.05 mm, BB bullet is collected by free fall
from hole of punching metal. And a mechanism to get rid
of such large garbage than the BB bullets. Also, to make
BB bullets easier to pass through the punching metal holes,
the holes were expanded using a 6.5 mm drill. (Figure 13)
Figure 13: BB bullet retrieval device
Cultivation using hydroponics teaching tools for
root vegetables
In the cultivation utilizing the present apparatus, it is
necessary to replenish the nutrient solution at the pump
because there is absolutely no water retention in the BB
bullets. pump is controlled by a timer and is set to irrigate
the nutrient solution for 5 minutes per hour. Irrigation
amount is 1.5ℓ / min.
The amount of light is insufficient only with the LED light
source. For this reason it was decided to carry out the
installation and cultivation in combination with sunlight
the device near a window. In this case it was possible to
ensure the illumination of about 50000lux in the day in fine
weather. Also, in order to cultivate even in a cold season,
we covered the equipment with vinyl so that it can be
warmed with a simple heating device. (Figure. 14)
Figure 14: Overall view of hydroponics
Proceedings of the 10th Biennial International Design and Technology Teacher’s Association Research Conference (DATTArc):
5-8 Dec. 2018, Swinburne University of Technology, Hawthorn, Victoria, Australia.
p. 90
Radish was cultivated using this device. For 12 hours from
6:00 am to 6:00 pm, the LED was irradiated and the
temperature was controlled to keep the inside of the
apparatus at 24 ℃.。We turned off the LED for 12 hours
from 6:00 PM to 6:00 AM, and brought up the temperature
at about 10 ℃.
The nutrient solution was cultivated by making 6 patterns
of nitrogen, potassium phosphate, trace elements
combination. (Table 1)
Pattern 1
Pattern 2
(Many nitrogen)
Pattern 3
(Manyphosphoric acid,
Pattern 4
Pattern 5
(Fewphosphoric acid,
Pattern 6
Table 1: Combination of fertilizer (blending ratio)
Figure 15: Radish harvested in pattern 6
Every week, the nutrient solution was exchanged for the
whole amount.
As a result of cultivation under these conditions, it was
possible to harvest a radish after about 40 days.
Harvested radish differed in size by the pattern of nutrient
solution. (Table 2)
In pattern 5 (Few-phosphoric acid, potassium) and pattern
6 (All-many), relatively large radish could be harvested.
(Figure 15)
Also, pattern 2 (Many-nitrogen) and pattern 3 (Manyphosphoric acid, potassium), the main root of the radish is
small and it is not suitable for edible use. (Figure 16)
Pattern 1
Pattern 2
Pattern 3
Pattern 4
Pattern 5
Pattern 6
Table 2: Nutrient solution the size of the pattern and
Proceedings of the 10th Biennial International Design and Technology Teacher’s Association Research Conference (DATTArc):
5-8 Dec. 2018, Swinburne University of Technology, Hawthorn, Victoria, Australia.
p. 91
Figure 16: Radish harvested in pattern 3
6. It was confirmed that it is suitable to concentrate
nutrient solution, Few-phosphoric acid, potassium or
All many.
In the future, we will practice lessons using these devices
and confirm the effectiveness of the teaching equipment.
Group All Japan Junior High School Technology and
Home Economics Study. (2013, 5 25). Nationwide
questionnaire survey report on junior high school
technology · home economics department. Retrieved
Japan Facilities Horticultural Association. (2016). Large
Scale Facilities Gardening · Plant factory survey ·
Case collection.
We developed " hydroponics teaching tools for root
vegetables " which made it possible to cultivate root
vegetables indoors. It summarizes the findings of this
study below.
1. To develop LED light source for allowing cultivation
indoors, it was possible to secure the illumination of
2. Consider the artificial soil in order to allow the
cultivation of root vegetables, it was confirmed by
experiment that it is possible grown in BB bullets.
3. We developed a teaching aid for root nutrients for
cultivating root crops with BB bullets.
4. Developed a recovery device for collecting and
reusing BB bullets.
Japan Facilities Horticultural Association. (2016). Large
Scale Facilities Survey on Horticulture · Plant
Factory Survey · Business Report Supplement 2.
Masamoto TAKATUJI, Y. M. (2011). LED plant factory.
Nikkan Kogyo Shimbun.
Ministry of Education, C. S. (1977, 7 23). School
curriculum guidelines during 1977. Retrieved from
Ministry of Education, C. S. (2008, 3 28). Junior High
School Course of Study. Retrieved from
Ministry of Education, C. S. (2008, 6). School curriculum
guidelines during 2008. Retrieved from
Mori, Y. (2015). Easy plant book. Nikkan Kogyo
5. Cultivation by timer irrigation and confirm that root
vegetables can be cultivated.
Proceedings of the 10th Biennial International Design and Technology Teacher’s Association Research Conference (DATTArc):
5-8 Dec. 2018, Swinburne University of Technology, Hawthorn, Victoria, Australia.
p. 92
Lesson to think about the actual state of energy supply in Japan and future energy use on
our living
Toshikazu Yamamoto, Kimihito Takeno, Kouhei Suzuki
In this research, a lecture was given to college students to understand the energy situation and to think about future energy
policy in Japan. The lecture was carried out with the following contents: (1) Implementation of awareness survey on energy
and consideration of future energy policy in Japan, (2)Confirmation of the latest Japanese energy situation, (3)Principle and
history of geothermal power generation / ocean temperature difference power generation, and issues and future possibilities
through comparing usage situation between Japan and the world, (4)Proposal to Japan's energy policy, (5)Implementation of a
follow-up survey. Because of the lecture, the target college students showed an understanding of Japan's energy situation. Also,
the following opinions were presented. Commercial driving is expected if the possibility that further ocean temperature
difference power generation technology advances and cost is reduced, and Japan's geothermal power generation with high
potential develops through the realization of policies.
Renewable energy, ocean temperature difference power generation, geothermal power generation, evaluation of technology,
Practice of a lecture.
In considering future energy policies, it is necessary to
solve the issues concerning economic and stable supply,
environmental issues and education for citizens. In 2016
"Annual Report on Energy" announced by Japan Agency
for Natural Resources and Energy, after simultaneous
suspension of nuclear power generation, it was shown that
the reliance on electricity supply by fossil fuels was as high
as 88%. In addition, due to the rise in prices and the effects
of exchange rate fluctuations, imports of mineral fuels
increased significantly compared to before the earthquake,
in 2013 it has recorded a trade deficit of 11.5 trillion yen,
which is the largest ever in the past (1). Also, in the 4th
Energy Basic Plan announced in 2016, supplementing
various types of energy to establish a stable energy supply
and demand structure and further promotion of renewable
energy are described. Furthermore, it is stated that it is
necessary to promote understanding of the energy to
citizens (2).
This research addresses solutions to the various issues of
renewable energy policy from the field of technical
education. Therefore, the current state of energy education
in Japan is introduced below.
It is important that next generation children / students and
young people, who are responsible for choosing future
energy sources, acquire appropriate judgment on
renewable energy. Also, to deepen understanding about
renewable energy, it is pointed out that it is necessary to
think about energy in many ways by learning
characteristics of energy other than general solar power
generation and wind power generation (3).
For renewable energy in Japan, geothermal power
generation and ocean temperature difference power
generation are particularly effective. Regarding
geothermal power generation, geothermal reserves are the
third largest in the world due to the volcanic environment
(table 1) (4,5).
In addition, stable power generation can be obtained
regardless of weather, season, day and night. It can be said
that ocean temperature difference power generation is
compatible with Japan that is a maritime state. In Japan,
Okinawa and Ogasawara have high energy density and it
can be said that it is easy to find an environment suitable
for ocean temperature difference power generation (6,7,8)
Although these two energies are important in Japan's
energy situation, examples of educational practice with
them as themes can only find a few cases listed below.
Although it is two important energy in the energy situation
in Japan, there are few cases of educational practice that
used these as learning contents. Matsuda et al (9) proposed
a teaching process linking geothermal energy with
geology. This is an example of energy environmental
education, which can be an example of scientific
knowledge acquisition for future energy selection.
Regarding ocean temperature difference power generation,
Yamamoto et al. (2010) have reported on efforts to
develop teaching tools to be learned through experiments,
to raise interest in energy problems and make them
familiar (10). This practice can also learn the principle of
temperature difference power generation and it can be an
example of scientific knowledge for future energy
Table 1: Geothermal Resources of Major Countries
Proceedings of the 10th Biennial International Design and Technology Teacher’s Association Research Conference (DATTArc):
5-8 Dec. 2018, Swinburne University of Technology, Hawthorn, Victoria, Australia.
p. 93
and saving was carried out.
Figure 1: OTEC projects map
Confirming the precedent case, we carried out this study
because it is the main objective of acquiring scientific
knowledge, that less handling of renewable energy
peculiar to Japan is few, it will not be learning for future
energy selection. Therefore, in this research, we made
college students understand Japanese energy situation, and
let us think about future energy policy through case study
of renewable energy such as geothermal power generation
and ocean temperature difference power generation.
Through this practice, the purpose of this research was to
explore the future possibilities of Japanese energy
Research Method
In this research, to explore the future possibilities of
energy education in Japan, we conducted lesson practice
on renewable energy such as geothermal power generation
and ocean temperature difference power generation for
college students. In addition, we conducted a
consciousness survey to analyze the basic knowledge
obtained from this lesson practice.
Preliminary survey on energy utilization method
Explanation of the power generation situation and
historical change of electric energy in Japan. The
status of renewable energy use before and after the
2011 earthquake was compared and the current
situation was explained.
Learning the principles and features of thermal
power generation, nuclear power generation, wind
power generation, solar power generation, tidal
power generation, and wave power generation.
Learning principles and features of geothermal
power generation (Fig. 2).
Learning principles and features of ocean
temperature difference power generation (Fig. 3).
If Japanese prime minister will make policy
proposals on energy use, students created proposals
based on the lecture content.
Survey procedure
Applicants of class practice and date of implementation
Class practice was conducted in the Japanese national
university in November 2017. In addition, the subjects
were 112 university students and conducted as lecturers of
"Life and Technology" as a so-called liberal arts subject.
The lecture time was 90 minutes.
Teaching process
In the lecture, students learned about the latest Japanese
energy situation and various new energies and aimed to be
able to have their own ideas about Japanese energy policy.
In addition, we surveyed students' attitudes towards energy
before and after lecture. The lecture procedure is shown
The contents of the lecture were explained.
Figure 2: Slide of GPG for instruction
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5-8 Dec. 2018, Swinburne University of Technology, Hawthorn, Victoria, Australia.
p. 94
Figure 3: Slide of OTDPG for instruction
In this research, to grasp the learning situation of
university students, "Interest research on energy" on
energy problem was set (Table 2). In addition, we
separately confirmed the transformation of student 's
perception by setting "Survey on power generation" (Table
3). Interest research on energy items prepared 40 question
items, asked about consciousness about energy problem,
efforts to solve, knowledge about familiar home
electronics, knowledge about sustainable society, etc. This
survey was conducted in a four-grade method. The
answers in each question item were scored and average and
standard deviation were obtained. In addition, a significant
difference was confirmed in the t test as to the score before
and after the examination. The free description of survey
on power generation was only for simple summarization.
Survey results
Survey results are divided into preliminary and posterior
surveys for two types of survey "Interest research on
energy " and "Survey on power generation".
Results of Preliminary survey results
Survey results before lecture of interest research on energy
are shown in Table 4. Items with particularly high interest
in the survey target (average value is 3.00 or higher) items
whose average of the score was less than 2.00 were as
follows; Q 13, Q 21, Q 30, Q 24, Q 32, Q 26, Q 20. Because
of the preliminary survey, students were interested in
energy issues, but confirmed the tendency to become
unconscious when becoming more specialized items.
Also, because of Q1 of survey on power generation, 59.2%
of respondents answered solar power, which was the most
frequent. After that, the second was geothermal power
generation (34.8%), the third was hydroelectric power
generation (34.0%). Q2 Regarding recognition of the type
of power generation (multiple answers allowed), there
were many subjects who listed existing energy, such as
thermal power generation 99.1%, hydraulic power 97.3%,
nuclear power generation 95.5%. Also, in question Q3,
most students described thermal power generation. It is
shown that we understand the current state of Japan
strongly dependent on thermal power generation. For Q4,
solar power generation (39.2%), hydroelectric power
generation (17.9%), nuclear power generation (15.2%)
occupied the top three.
Table 2: Interest research on energy
Table 3: Survey on power generation
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5-8 Dec. 2018, Swinburne University of Technology, Hawthorn, Victoria, Australia.
p. 95
Table 5 summarizes the pre- and post-results of Survey on
power generation. For the recognition of the type of power
generation (multiple answers allowed) (Q2), it was shown
that the response rate recognized geothermal power
generation 100%, temperature difference power
generation 100%, new energy learned in this lecture. In the
current power generation method with a large amount of
power generation (Q3), it was shown that all students
understand the current state of our country strongly
dependent on thermal power generation. Regarding power
generation that is superior economically and
environmentally (Q4), geothermal power generation was
42.2%, solar power generation was 22.5% and temperature
difference power generation was 18.6%, which were the
top three items. It was shown that the understanding of the
merit of the new energy dealt in this lecture was deepened.
Regarding the image of geothermal power generation
(Q5), there were a lot of responses to understand its merits
and usefulness, such as "environmentally friendly,
existence that is responsible for future power generation".
On the other hand, there were many comments that
questioned the current situation that development is not
going on, such as "why we do not invest investment though
there are many merits".
Regarding the image of the temperature difference power
generation (Q6), not only the merit but also economic
ingenuity was answered such as "The way to lower the
power generation cost as a whole by utilizing deep water
other than power generation" is very good.
From the above, it seems that this lecture showed that we
understood the efforts and outcomes of various new energy
being done in Japan.
Table 4: Result of interest research on energy
The images concerning geothermal power generation and
temperature difference power generation, which focused
particularly on this lecture, were collected by Q 5 and 6.
Regarding geothermal power generation, responses such
as "difficult to construct", "not able to generate excessive
power", "there are many volcanoes in Japan" were
obtained. Regarding temperature difference power
generation, responses such as "I heard it for the first time",
"I feel easy to make use of the characteristics of the island
country" were obtained.
Comparison between preliminary survey and postsurvey
Survey results of preliminary survey and postsurvey of
interest research on energy are shown in Table 5.
Significant differences were found in Q24, Q30, Q 32, Q
13, Q21, Q26, and Q20 which showed low values in the
preliminary survey. It can be said that the consciousness of
wanting to improve in the future has also increased
significantly for items with more specialized contents.
On the other hand, there were no significant differences
between the preliminary survey and the post-survey for
Q7, Q10, Q11 and Q35. These items are highly valued
from preliminary surveys, and there is a high possibility
that they have already been formed in the past learning.
Table 5: Results of Survey on power generation
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5-8 Dec. 2018, Swinburne University of Technology, Hawthorn, Victoria, Australia.
p. 96
In this research, we made college students understand
Japanese energy situation, and let us think about future
energy policy through case study of renewable energy such
as geothermal power generation and ocean temperature
difference power generation. Also, through this practice,
the purpose of this research was to explore the future
possibilities of Japanese energy education. The results are
summarized below.
We put into practical lecture on the history of
energy generation in Japan and the teaching
materials of thermal power generation, nuclear
power generation, wind power generation,
photovoltaic power generation, tidal force /
wave power, ocean temperature difference /
geothermal power generation, and think about
future energy policy.
College students have knowledge about energy
learned during middle and high school days, but
showed that they do not have scientific
perceptions of changes in the energy situation
after that.
In the preliminary survey, college students did
not understand the mechanisms and features of
ocean temperature difference power generation
and geothermal power generation, Japan's
temperature difference power generation, many
students wished to seek further progress in
technology and cost reduction by deep seawater
Regarding geothermal resources with high
reserves, I understood the relationship between
the impact on nature and the time and cost
between power generation. Students also
expressed much opinion that efforts as national
policy are necessary.
As a result of the investigation of Interest
research on energy and Survey on power
generation, I got my opinion on the future
energy policy of Japan and the interests and
interests on them improved.
From the above results, it is considered that the
implementation of this research stimulated the basic
knowledge and interests of university students concerning
energy, and it was effective as a lecture at the introduction
stage. From now on, we would like to consider improving
teaching content and teaching materials through more
1. Ministry of Finance, International Balance of payments
situation Time series data up to 2013,
2. Agency for Natural Resources and Energy, Basic
energy plan in 2014
3. Japan Science Foundation, Report of Energy
Environment Strategic Research in 2014,
4. Fujii Yukio, Sato Hiroshi, Fifty Years under Operation
in the Matsukawa Geothermal Power Plant,
Geothermal technology, 42(1・2), 5-12, 2017
5. Japan for Sustainability, Geothermal Power: Japan Has
World's Third Largest Geothermal Reserves, 60
Percent of Which Can Be Developed,
6. Ikegami Yasuyuki,New Stage of Ocean Thermal
energy Conversion from Kumejima in Okinawa (<Special
Section>Challenges to Green Energy and ICT in Kyushu)
The Institute of Electronics, Information and
Communication Engineers, 97(10), 859-860, 2014
Ikegami Yasuyuki,Current Status and Future Prospects
of OTEC as New Stage in Japan and Abroad:
Towards to the Role as Stable Energy on Renewable
Energy,Chemical engineering of Japan 81(9), 468471, 2017
What is OTEC?, OTEC Foundation,
9. Matsud Yoshiak, GOTO Masakazu, An Examination
of Earth Science Materials from the Standpoint of
Energy and Environment Education : Integrating the
Teaching of Earth Science and Geothermal Energy,
Journal of Energy and Environmental Education
8(1),21-30, 2013
10.Yamamoto Toshikazu, Sumi Kazuhiro, Ikegami
Yasuyuki, Development of Educational Material for
Energy Study using Thermal Energy Conversion:
Teaching Practice using Educational Materials of,
Saga University Faculty of Science Faculty of Ocean
Energy Research Report,15, 9-12,2010
Proceedings of the 10th Biennial International Design and Technology Teacher’s Association Research Conference (DATTArc):
5-8 Dec. 2018, Swinburne University of Technology, Hawthorn, Victoria, Australia.
p. 97
Development and practice of technology education classes based on product disassembly
under the conditions of the Japanese Courses of Study
Kento Tsutsumi1, Shuhei Ban2, Chikahiko Yata2
Hiroshima University Shinonome Junior High School, Japan
Hiroshima University, Japan
The Japanese Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology (JMEXT) devised a new course of study for
elementary schools and middle schools in 2017. The syllabus for technology education contains contents like these: “technology
of materials and their processing,” “technology of nurturing living things,” “technology of energy conversion,” and “technology
of information.” Students are taught these contents though several sub-units to enable them to understand technology concept.
First, they learn "technology to support life and society," through which they mainly explore the perspective and thinking style
of technology and acquire the relevant knowledge and skills for technological problem-solving. Next, students learn "problemsolving by technology." They are encouraged through the contents of this sub-unit to utilize the knowledge and skills acquired
and develop attitudes that allow them to devise and create technology products. Finally, students learn "development and
technology of society." The contents of this sub-unit enable students to rethink their lives and societies in accordance with the
perspective and thinking style of technology. In the sub-unit "technology to support life and society," interactive learning
activity and the examination of technology is encouraged. JMEXT suggests that “interactive means to consider engineering
concepts and promote creative thinking through activities such as disassembly of products.” We adopted the "LED sensor light"
that is inexpensive and easy to disassemble as teaching material and reported on the results of planning, practicing, and
evaluating technology classes that learn the functions and composition of electric circuits.
Middle schools; Disassembly of products; Lesson development;
Qualities and abilities in Japanese education
The Japanese Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports,
Science and Technology (JMEXT) have devised new
Courses of Study (JMEXT, 2017). The JMEXT’s Courses
of Study represent an outline of the standard curriculum
for elementary and middle schools. The revision of the
Courses of Study was based on a global trend that
emphasizes the development of generic skills and
competences. The qualities and abilities that aim to nurture
the entire school curriculum were organized as
‘knowledge and skills’, ‘ability to reason, judge, and
express’, and ‘ability to learn and utilization’.
‘Knowledge and skills’ emphasizes what students
understand and are able to do, targeting lessons or
‘knowledge and skills’ that students can use. ‘Ability to
reason, judge, and express’ focuses on how students use
their ‘knowledge and skills’ when faced with an unfamiliar
situation in society. ‘Ability to learn and utilization’ aims
to cultivate motivation and attitude so that students use
their learning in life and in the community, engaging in
society and in the world.
Learning style in Japanese education
JMEXT shows the objectives and content of each subject
that has been reorganized according to these qualities and
abilities. JMEXT showed ‘subjective, interactive, and
deep learning’ as an effort to improve classes to nurture
these qualities and abilities for students. ‘Subjective,
interactive, and deep learning’ was constructed under the
influence of active learning, with particular consideration
to relationships with ‘deep learning’, especially based on
‘subjective learning’ and ‘interactive learning’.
‘Subjective learning’ is a form of learning that has interests
in learning, associating self-career formation, work
tenaciously with prospects and feedback on learning
activities to connect next learning. ‘Interactive learning’
broadens and deepens students’ ideas based on
collaboration among students, dialogue with others, and
pioneering ideas. ‘Deep learning’ means understanding
more deeply by relating knowledge to one another,
examining information and forming ideas, finding
problems and thinking of solutions, and creating based on
thoughts and ideas. JMEXT pointed out that ‘deep
learning’ is important with regard to ‘the perspective and
thinking style’ of each subject in the learning process of
‘acquisition, utilization, and exploration’.
‘The perspective and thinking style’ was prescribed by
JMEXT as a particular viewpoint and way of thinking to
capture aspects unique to each subject. It was regarded as
being key to learning the essential meaning behind each
subject and connecting the learning of subjects to society.
‘The perspective and thinking style’ of technology was
defined as follows:
Perspective: Grasp phenomena in everyday life and
society from the viewpoint of relationship with
Proceedings of the 10th Biennial International Design and Technology Teacher’s Association Research Conference (DATTArc):
5-8 Dec. 2018, Swinburne University of Technology, Hawthorn, Victoria, Australia.
p. 98
Thinking style: Optimize technology with a focus on
society’s demand, safety, environmental burden, and
economic efficiency.
‘subjective, interactive, and deep learning’ can be arranged
as shown in Table 1.
Subunit of Japanese technology education
The Japanese technology education curriculum comprises
various technologies used in modern society, including
‘technology of materials and their processing’,
‘technology of nurturing living things’, ‘technology of
energy conversion’, and ‘technology of information’.
These four content units must be learned by all students.
Each content unit includes the following subunits,
according to which learning items are defined (JMEXT,
Subunit 1: ‘Technology to support life and society’
Aim: To acquire scientific understanding of how
technology work; to observe the roles and progress of
technology; to notice ‘the perspective and thinking style’
of technology; and to acquire the knowledge and skills
necessary for technological problem solving.
Subunit 2: ‘Problem solving through technology’
Aim: To use the acquired knowledge and skills for
technological problem solving in everyday life and
society; to deepen the understanding of technology and
proficiency of skills; to develop problem-solving skills
through technology; and to nurture attitudes to conceive
solutions based on one’s new ideas and understanding.
Subunit 3: ‘Development and technology of society’
Aim: To understand the concept of technology by
reflecting on the results and processes of technological
problem solving; to foster the ability to think about
evaluating, selecting, managing, operating, improving,
and applying technology according ‘the perspective and
thinking style’ of technology; to nurture the attitude to
devise and create technologies that can develop the society
and the world.
and thinking
‘Understandin ‘Technology To notice ‘interactive
existing to support life (To examine learning’
technologies’ and society’ existing
To utilize
problems and solving
(To develop learning’
‘Designing and technology’ problem
planning based
everyday life
and society
of technology’
producing, and
nurturing for
‘Evaluation of
‘Perspective of ‘Developmen To
the t
and conceptualize learning’
next problem’ technology of (To
about social
in the future
Learning process of Japanese technology education
The learning process of Japanese technology education
was defined as ‘Understanding existing technologies’,
‘Setting problems and solutions’, ‘Designing and planning
based on scientific understanding of technology’,
‘Making, producing, and nurturing for problem solving’,
‘Evaluation of outcomes’, and ‘Perspective of solving the
next problem’.
This learning process is developed from the philosophy
that the qualities and abilities that aim to nurture
technology education are not merely activities to make
products; they are proposed by the learning process
through which the qualities and abilities of technology
education can be effectively acquired by students in
activities while using ‘the perspective and thinking style’
of technological thinking, finding problems related to
technology in everyday life and society, setting issues and
problems, thinking and solving through optimal design,
implementing production, producing and nurturing, and
evaluating and improving results and solutions. The
relationship between this learning process and the
subunits, ‘the perspective and thinking style’, and
Table 1: Relationship between the learning process
and the sub-units.
JMEXT suggests ‘interactive learning’ of technology
education, where ‘interactive means to consider
engineering concepts and promote creative thinking
through activities such as disassembly of products’.
Therefore, there is a need to examine teaching materials
and lesson plans of technology education related to
product disassembly. In the history of Japanese technology
education, the disassembly and assembly of bicycles and
engines has been treated as learning activities.
Disassembly and assembly was positioned as a learning
activity to acquire and use knowledge and skills through
practical training. However, considering the 2017 Courses
of Study in Japan, it is necessary to recognize the role
disassembly and assembly learning activities have in terms
of acquiring the knowledge and skills that are the premise
of design and making, producing, and nurturing activities.
Product disassembly in worldwide teaching materials
Proceedings of the 10th Biennial International Design and Technology Teacher’s Association Research Conference (DATTArc):
5-8 Dec. 2018, Swinburne University of Technology, Hawthorn, Victoria, Australia.
p. 99
The positioning of product disassembly is similar to the
teaching materials proposed by the International
Technology and Engineering Educators Association
(ITEEA). ITEEA (2012) provide EbD-TEEMS™ to
elementary curricula, which is designed to serve as a
model and teaching resource to develop a meaningful
foundation in STEM education. For example, ‘Our world
and me’ was part of the proposed sixth grade elementary
school curriculum. This teaching tool consists of three
units using the framework of 6E Learning by-DeSIGN™
Model. It includes ‘Engage’, ‘Explore’, ‘Explain’,
‘Engineer’, ‘Enrich’, and ‘Evaluation’, for the lesson
to pique student interest and get
them personally involved in the
lesson, while pre-assessing prior
to provide students with the
opportunity to construct their own
understanding of the topic.
to provide students with an
opportunity to explain and refine
what they have learned so far and
determine what it means.
to provide students with an
opportunity to develop greater
depth of understanding about the
problem topic by applying
concepts, practices, and attitudes.
to provide students with an
opportunity to explore what they
have learned in more depth and to
transfer concepts to more complex
for both students and teachers to
determine how much learning and
understanding has taken place.
Table 2: Phases of 6E Learning byDeSIGN™ Model
(Barry N. B (2014))
Product disassembly is done in the ‘Explore’ phase. Its
purpose is to learn the typical crank mechanism through
reverse engineering of the automata and to develop a
viewpoint on design and construction of mechanisms.
According to the recommended worksheets (The Homeschool Scientist 2013), ‘Reverse Engineering’ is defined
as ‘the science of taking things apart to see how they
work’. Through ‘Reverse Engineering’, the aim is to teach
students how to design and construct a crank mechanism
with the help of an automaton that uses a crank
mechanism. In other words, ‘Reverse Engineering’ is
considered to be a learning activity that helps students
understand the structure and function of the system and, as
a result of this learning, students can use their own ideas
to design and construct products. The idea of ‘Reverse
Engineering’ is similar to the idea of product disassembly
presented in the 2017 Japanese Courses of Study.
The purpose of this study is to examine technology
education classes focusing on the learning activity of
‘product disassembly’ while incorporating international
findings, which should be developed in Japanese
technology education. We adopted a ‘LED sensor light’
device as teaching material since it is inexpensive and easy
to disassemble, and reported the results of planning,
practicing, and evaluation of technology classes in which
students learn the functions and composition of electrical
Analysis of teaching materials
The purpose of this study is to examine technology
education classes focusing on the learning activity of
‘product disassembly’ while incorporating international
findings, which should be developed in Japanese
technology education. We adopted a ‘LED sensor light’
device as teaching material since it is inexpensive and easy
to disassemble, and reported the results of planning,
practicing, and evaluation of technology classes in which
students learn the functions and composition of electrical
Analysis of teaching materials
Learning process of Japanese technology education
The ‘LED sensor light’ device shown in Figure 1 was used
as teaching material. This device can be attached to a door
or a drawer, giving them the function of turning the light
on or off when they are opened and closed.
The size of the main body shown on the left side of Figure
1 is 64 × 31 × 21 mm, and the weight (including the
battery) is 31 g. In addition, the extension cord from the
main body is approximately 1000 mm, and the size of the
object connected by the extension cord is 36 × 11 × 11 mm.
The object at the top is also of the same size. These two
objects are parts of the sensor and the white LED on the
main body glows when they are at or more than 20 mm
apart. The recommended power off interval is 5 mm or
This ‘LED sensor light’ device is sold in the 100-yen shop,
‘The Daiso’, and costs 100 yen (excluding taxes) per piece
in Japan. It is easy for junior high school students to grasp
their composition. Because it is inexpensive, it has few
parts and its structure is simple. Moreover, since ‘The
Daiso’ has more than 3000 stores in Japan and 38 stores in
Australia, it is easy to obtain this device.
The main body and sensor cases are made of ASB resin.
The two sensor cases can be easily removed by inserting a
precision screwdriver into the gap. When the two sensor
cases are opened, it is seen that the reed switch and magnet
are arranged as shown in Figures 2 and 3. When the
distance between the two cases is small, an electric current
flows in the reed switch, and when the distance between
the two cases is large, the electric current is cut off.
Proceedings of the 10th Biennial International Design and Technology Teacher’s Association Research Conference (DATTArc):
5-8 Dec. 2018, Swinburne University of Technology, Hawthorn, Victoria, Australia.
p. 100
Figure 1: ‘LED sensor light’ device
can be identified. In the circuit, two surface-mounted
electric resistors and two NPN-type transistors are
soldered, although the LED model number is unknown.
Therefore, as measured with an actual machine, the current
value is 23 mA, the forward voltage is 2.9 V, and the
brightness is about 95 lx when the distance between the
LED and the sensor is 150 mm. The circuit diagram of this
teaching material is shown in Figure 5 and the parts used
are shown in Table 3.
Figure 5: Circuit diagram
Figure 2: Reed swith
Figure 3: Magnet
Button battery (LR44)
Electric resistor (R1)
Electric resistor (R2)
Transistor (Q1, Q2)
Reed switch (SW1)
Table 3: Phases of 6E Learning byDeSIGN™ Model
(Barry N. B (2014))
Function of circuit section
Figure 4: Battery box
The main body of the ‘LED sensor light’ device is
composed of LEDs, batteries, electronic circuits, and so
on. The cover of the battery box of the main body slides
off and can be removed. As shown in Figure 4, this device
uses three LR - 44 (AG 13) in series as power supply.
Next, by removing one screwdriver, the transparent cover
that diffuses the light can also be removed. By removing
the transparent cover, the LED light and electronic circuit
R2 is the electric resistor that adjusts the current flow
through the LED. When the sensor section distance
between the reed switch and the magnet is small, the base
voltage of Q1 becomes 0 V, as shown in Figure 5. For that
reason, no current flows through the LED. However,
although the LED does not glow, the current continues to
flow to the reed switch. Therefore, R1 has a very large
electrical resistor connected so that the standby current is
suppressed to about 0.8 µA. In addition, if the distance
between the reed switch and the magnet is large, the reed
switch is turned off, and the current flows into the base of
Q1. Generally, about 10 mA is required to turn on this
white LED with a diameter of 5 mm. Therefore, the current
required for the LED to glow is guaranteed by the
formation of a Darlington transistors between the
transistors Q1 and Q2. Through Darlington transistors, it
is possible to obtain a large DC current gain.
Usefulness of the ‘LED sensor light’ as a teaching
The ‘LED sensor light’ device uses reed switches for the
sensor section, can drawing students’ interests toward
learning and learning contents. Students learned the
concepts of voltage, current, electric resistance, and simple
Proceedings of the 10th Biennial International Design and Technology Teacher’s Association Research Conference (DATTArc):
5-8 Dec. 2018, Swinburne University of Technology, Hawthorn, Victoria, Australia.
p. 101
circuits such as flashlights in science classes, and they
understood that the flow of electricity was controlled by a
switch and corresponded with the ON/OFF command.
Therefore, they will assume that light turns on when
current flows through a switch. However, as mentioned
Learning activity
Teacher’s objective (◇evaluation)
Ⅰ Activate the LED sensor light and think about its
○To help students confirm that LED lights turn on
condition of lighting and how to use it.
when the two sensors are far away and they turn off
when the sensors are close.
Ⅱ Confirm the lesson’s objective.
lesson objective】Let us study the electric circuit by disassembling an LED sensor light.
Ⅲ Disassemble the sensor part and understand that the
○To make students contemplate how the reed switch
current flowing to the LED is controlled by the magnet and
works, and to explain that the distance between the
the reed switch.
magnet and the reed switch is related to the LED’s light
turning on.
Ⅳ Disassemble the electric circuit and confirm the pattern
○To instruct the students about the pattern of the
of the board connected to the power supply. After
electric circuit board and the function of the conductor,
confirming, colour the placement of the GND and 4.5 [V]
as well as to draw their attention toward the surface
on the circuit board pattern in the worksheet.
Ⅴ Visualise the flow of electricity from the power supply
○To develop students’ visualisation of the electric flow
to the reed switch. Draw a part of the circuit diagram.
of the electric circuit.
Ⅵ Consider the electricity flowing from the power supply
○To make students create the circuit diagram by first
through the LED or transistors. Complete the circuit
taking into consideration the LED.
○To make students understand that the transistor has
three electrodes.
Ⅶ Observe the electric circuit.
○To point out all parts that make up the LED sensor
Write electronic parts not understood in the worksheet.
light and, at the same time, to get students to notice that
the role of the transistor is unknown.
○To specify the standard current necessary for lighting
Ⅷ Consider the flow of current in the electric circuit both
the white LED.
when the reed switch is ON and when it is OFF. Then, think
○To make students notice that they cannot secure the
about the current necessary to light the LED, and predict
current necessary for lighting the LED with only the
the role of the transistor.
reed switch.
○To make students notice that the transistor plays the
role of creating a large flow of current.
○To make students confirm that it is possible to create
an electric circuit that turns off when the reed switch is
Ⅸ Consider the designer’s idea and intention behind the
electric circuit of the LED sensor light.
○To make students confirm that it is possible to make
a large current flow with a small current by using the
Ⅹ Assemble the LED sensor light.
◇Can students think about the idea and intention
Reflect on the lessons learned in this class and think about
behind the electric circuit by disassembling the
the idea and intention behind the electric circuit of the LED
product? 【Ability to reason, judge, and express】
sensor light.
Table 1: Class plan
above, this product glows when current does not flow through the switch. In other words, the students’ thinking and the
product’s behaviour oppose each other. If this learning material introduce to the class, the students will be aware of this fact.
This fact in an increase in student
Proceedings of the 10th Biennial International Design and Technology Teacher’s Association Research Conference (DATTArc):
5-8 Dec. 2018, Swinburne University of Technology, Hawthorn, Victoria, Australia.
p. 102
activities, and they will be actively working on
understanding unfamiliar electronic circuits.
In Japanese textbooks, transistors are handled
developmental content or material. Although transistors
are well-known and important components, most junior
high school students in Japan have not learned about them
in detail. However, with this teaching material, it is
possible to gain experience while reproducing a part of the
circuit with a breadboard or a similar device, since an
electronic circuit has few parts and its structure is simple.
In particular, it is valuable because it can help students
learn about the Darlington connection with constant
comparisons to actual products.
Based this, it can be concluded that the ‘LED sensor light’
device used in this study is an effective teaching material
in junior high school technology classes for the following
reasons. (1) It is inexpensive and easy to obtain anywhere
in Japan. (2) It is easy to disassemble and assemble quickly
as it has few parts and its structure is simple. (3) There are
no IC and black boxed parts, making it easy to pay
attention to the function of each part. In addition, it is
possible to think about the circuit by comparing it with the
actual product even if students are not familiar with
electronic circuits. (4) By using a reed switch, it is possible
to introduce a rift between student thinking and product
operation. It is also possible to get students interested and
raise questions.
Class planning and practice
In November 2017, a technology education class based on
the disassembly of the ‘LED sensor light’ device was
attended by 41 eighth-grade junior high school students in
Japan. Students had already learned about the ‘technology
of materials and their processing’, as well as the design and
construction of the multi rack. Furthermore, students
learned about the ‘technology of energy conversion’ and
the design and construction of machines using the crank
disassembling the product. Learning assessment was
conducted from the viewpoint of the ‘ability to reason,
judge, and express’. The technology education class plan
based on the disassembly of ‘LED sensor light’ devices is
shown in Table 4.
Two students became a learning group and disassembled
one ‘LED sensor light’ devices. Teacher replaced the
transistor part name with ‘J6’ in the class. When students
handled ‘LED sensor light’ devices in class, teacher gave
guidance on safety.
Practice for junior high school students
The details of the technology class conducted in
accordance with the plan shown in Table 4 are described
First, the teacher presented learning activity Ⅰ as an
introduction. Specifically, the teacher distributed the ‘LED
sensor light’ devices to the students and they pulled out the
insulating sheet from between the batteries. The teacher
and the students confirmed that the LED was lighting up
normally. After that, each student group researched the
necessary condition to turn off the LED. Then, the teacher
and students concluded that this condition was the distance
between the two sensor parts.
In learning activity Ⅱ, the teacher stated the lesson
objective as: ‘Let us study the electric circuit by
disassembling an LED sensor light’.
Learning activity Ⅲ focused on the contents of the two
sensor parts. Each student group disassembled them using
a flathead screwdriver, and confirmed that the magnet and
the reed switch were present. After that, the teacher
mentioned that the distance between the magnet and the
reed switch is related to the LED’s lights turning on. The
teacher illustrated the function of the reed switch as shown
in Figure 6. Thus, students wrote in the worksheet: ‘When
the current flows, the LED switches off. When the current
does not flow, the LED lights up’.
Students did not learn about electric circuits in technology
class. However, they learned about Ohm's law in science
class by observing and experiencing the relationship
between current and voltage.
The objective of the class was to think about the designer’s
idea and intention behind the electric circuit by
Figure 6: Worksheet on the function of the reed
Proceedings of the 10th Biennial International Design and Technology Teacher’s Association Research Conference (DATTArc):
5-8 Dec. 2018, Swinburne University of Technology, Hawthorn, Victoria, Australia.
p. 103
Figure 7: Three types of electric flows
The teacher then gave instructions for learning activity IV.
Each student group disassembled the electric circuit using
a screwdriver. The product was dismantled into a
protective case, an LED, an electric circuit board, a battery
box, and a battery cover. The teacher instructed the
students to observe the electric circuit part that creates a
working of the ‘LED sensor light’. The teacher also
explained the pattern of the electric circuit board and the
function of the conductor, along with drawing the
students’ attention toward the surface mount. Students
used paints to colour the placement of the 4.5 [V] and
GND in the circuit board pattern in the worksheet.
In learning activity Ⅴ, the teacher and students aimed to
clarify the diagram of the electric circuit board. As per the
teacher's instructions, the students used the pattern of the
electric circuit board on the interactive white board and the
worksheet, drawing three types of electric flows, as shown
in Figure 7. The teacher intended to discuss electric flow
gradually, because it would be difficult for students to
think of a transistor having three electrodes.
After that, in learning activity VI, students combined the
parts to three types of electric flows and completed the
circuit diagram. At this time, the teacher instructed them
to think of the remaining parts like a puzzle.
In learning activity Ⅶ, students summarized what they
understood and what they wanted to know. There were a
few students pondering on the role of transistors.
In learning activity Ⅷ, the teacher presented the standard
current necessary to light the white LED. The students
calculated the current flowing in the electric circuit when
the reed switch was ON as well as OFF. The teacher and
the students confirmed the lack of a large enough current
to turn the LED on with only the reed switch. The teacher
then explained that the transistor plays the role of making
a large current flow.
Figure 8: Worksheet on students’ understanding of
‘LED sensor light’ devices
Next, in learning activity Ⅸ, the teacher helped the
students confirm that ‘it is possible to create an electric
circuit that turns off when the reed switch is ON’ and that
‘it is possible to make a large current flow with a small
current by using the transistor’. Then, the students wrote
down what they understood in a worksheet, as shown in
Figure 8.
To conclude, in learning activity Ⅹ, the teacher instructed
the students to assemble the ‘LED sensor light’ devices
and reflect on what they learned in this class. The teacher
asked the students to consider the idea and intention
behind the electric circuit of the ‘LED sensor light’
To evaluate in accordance with the objectives of the lesson
from the viewpoint of ‘ability to reason, judge, and
express’, the teacher set the criteria shown in Table 5.
Evaluationlevel A
Based on the function and properties of
the reed switch and the transistor,
students can think about the idea and
intention behind the electric circuit in
relation to the location and method of
using the product.
Evaluation- Based on the function and properties of
level B
the reed switch and the transistor,
students can think about the idea and
intention behind the electric circuit.
Evaluation- Students have not reached Evaluationlevel C
level B.
Table 5: Evaluation Table
Evaluation-level B students achieved almost all the
objectives of the lesson. Those who did not reach
evaluation-level B were assumed to fall under evaluationlevel C. Students were classified under evaluation-level B
when they could think about the idea and intention behind
the electric circuit based on the function and properties of
the reed switch and the transistor. Those students who
particularly excelled in evaluation-level B and could think
Proceedings of the 10th Biennial International Design and Technology Teacher’s Association Research Conference (DATTArc):
5-8 Dec. 2018, Swinburne University of Technology, Hawthorn, Victoria, Australia.
p. 104
about the idea and intention behind the electric circuit in
relation to the location and method of using the product
were classified under evaluation-level A.
As a result, 6 students (14%) were classified under
evaluation-level A, 26 students (63%) were classified
under evaluation-level B, and 9 students (22%) were
classified under evaluation-level C. More than 70% of the
students were classified under evaluation-levels B and A,
and it was considered that the planning and practice of
these technology classes were generally effective.
However, since about 20% of the students were classified
under evaluation-level C, it was suggested that it was
necessary to further consider the lesson plans and lesson
development after positioning this lesson as an appropriate
unit. Example descriptions of evaluation-levels A, B, and
C are shown below.
Evaluation-level A
Based on the function and properties of the reed switch and
the transistor, the student can consider and describe
specific examples of intentions to reduce the power
consumption of a refrigerator (Figure 9).
Figure 9: An example answer description for
evaluation-level A
Evaluation-level B
The student can grasp the function and properties of the
reed switch and the transistor, but there is not enough
consideration of what action can be obtained by attaching
the mechanism to a door. (Figure 10).
Figure 10: An example answer description for
evaluation-level B
Figure 11: An example answer description for
evaluation-level C
Under the conditions of the 2017 Courses of Study,
‘interactive learning’ is considered to be the better learning
style for technology education in Japan, as it can help to
understand existing technology and develop a
technological perspective and thinking style. ‘Interactive
learning’ in technology education refers to the need ‘to
consider engineering concepts and promote creative
thinking through activities such as disassembly of
products’. With regards to technology education in Japan,
this study conducted the learning activity of disassembly
and assembly of products as practical activity, using
knowledge and skills such as the process of designing and
making products. Therefore, the learning activity of
disassembly and assembly of products was not positioned
to acquire knowledge and skills about technology.
However, according to the 2017 Courses of Study in
Japan, it is necessary to position the learning activity of
disassembly and assembly as a learning process for
acquiring knowledge and skills. As a result, it was
suggested that teachers would have to conduct classes
using appropriate teaching materials.
We adopted an ‘LED sensor light’ device as a teaching
material since it is inexpensive, easy to handle, and easy to
disassemble, and reported the results of planning,
practicing, and evaluating technology classes based on
this. The ‘LED sensor light’ device can help students learn
the function of transistors and the composition of electric
As a result, 6 students (14%) were classified under
evaluation-level A, 26 students (63%) were classified
under evaluation-level B, and 9 students (22%) were
classified under evaluation-level C. More than 70% of the
students were classified under evaluation-levels B and A;
thus, it was considered that the planning and practice of
technology class were generally appropriate. We believe
that future studies will need to consider a unit that
appropriately positions this developed lesson.
This work was supported by JSPS KAKENHI Grant
Numbers JP 15H02917, JP 17H00820.
Evaluation-level C
The student can grasp the function and properties of the
reed switch and consider specific designs to enhance the
convenience of a washing machine, but there is no mention
of the transistor (Figure 11).
Barry N. B (2014) 6E Learning byDeSIGN™ ModelMaximizing informed and inquiry in the integrative
STEM classroom, Technology and engineering
ITEEA (2012) EbD-TEEMS™ Grade 1 Agriculture
around us
Proceedings of the 10th Biennial International Design and Technology Teacher’s Association Research Conference (DATTArc):
5-8 Dec. 2018, Swinburne University of Technology, Hawthorn, Victoria, Australia.
p. 105
ITEEA (2016) EbD-TEEMS™ Grade 6 Our world and
The Home-school Scientist (2013) Reverse Engineering
Printable Worksheets,
The Japanese Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports,
Science and Technology (2017) The Course of Study
for Lower Secondary School, government of Japan.
The Japanese Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports,
Science and Technology (2018) Explanation for The
Course of Study of technology education for Lower
Secondary School, government of Japan.
Proceedings of the 10th Biennial International Design and Technology Teacher’s Association Research Conference (DATTArc):
5-8 Dec. 2018, Swinburne University of Technology, Hawthorn, Victoria, Australia.
p. 106
Academic Design: Towards a definition in a product design context
Roderick Walden1 and Ilpo Koskinen2
University of Technology Sydney and 2University of New South Wales
The TU/e 2013 inaugural lecture by Kees Dorst presents the formation of Academic Design as an emerging, new practice that
differs from design practice and traditional research practice – a form of design that ‘sits between the field of design practice /
problem solving (in the real world) and the field of academic discussion’. Building on his definition, this paper attempts to
develop a further definition of the term by studying Academic Design practice at the University of Technology Sydney, which
launched its new Integrated Product Design, Honours Course in the School of Design, in 2016. The course has been designed
by academics in the Integrated Product Design Program to facilitate self-initiated product design projects with the key objective
of setting knowledge directives and applying theoretical frameworks through Constructive Design Research. A case study of a
capstone project completed for the Degree is articulated through an operational framework that makes relevant, the role of
hypothesis-making and motivational contexts in Constructive Design Research. Further, the presence of the key features of
Academic Design demonstrated in the case study, are able to be located and described in terms of this operational framework
and other research that explicates certain forms of Constructive Design Research practice, thereby enabling us to move closer
toward defining Academic Design. Significantly, the course may represent a workable structure for the conduct of Academic
Design in (advanced-level) product design education, and as such, could be extended, through further research, to define
Academic Design in other product design contexts.
Academic Design, Integrated Product Design, Design Education, Constructive Design Research
Academic Design, as described by Dorst (2013) centers on
the way design differs from other academic disciplines, in
terms of problem reasoning and through demonstrating
that while 'deduction' and 'induction' are two forms of
reasoning that enable scientist to predict real world
phenomena; 'abduction', used by designers and engineers,
is a form of reasoning that is uniquely solution-focused. A
second form of abduction - referred to as design abduction
(Dorst, 2013; Koskinen and Dorst, 2015) - is where, the
outcome can only initially be described in terms of a type
of value and the, so called, 'what' and 'how' must be
determined concurrently in order to form a desired
outcome. Design abduction is unique to design and is
fundamentally, a different way of thinking from that used
in scientific fields, including engineering (normal
abduction). By mapping design in its practical and
academic environments, it is hypothesized that Academic
Design, situated between these two areas, has connection
to two types of knowledge - practical and theoretical - and
typically proceeds by developing models (or
In an elaboration of Dorst’s concept, Koskinen and Dorst
(2015) propose that the development of Academic Design
may represent a means of advancing the formation of
academic design practice, to be as rigorous as other
academic fields. Figure 1 describes the relationship
between the components of Academic Design, reproduced
from Koskinen and Dorst (2015).
Figure 1: Academic Design
Academic discussion combines with design practice in the
form of a 'model'. The diagram describes the abstraction of
the model (in the center of the diagram) to guide the
development of new knowledge and innovations that can
be physically implemented.
Academic Design refers to a new hybrid form of design
that combines academic discussion and problem-solving
design practices, to frame complex, real-world problems
so that both new knowledge outcomes and implementable
innovations can be developed. Koskinen & Dorst (2015)
propose four distinguishing features of Academic Design:
Proceedings of the 10th Biennial International Design and Technology Teacher’s Association Research Conference (DATTArc):
5-8 Dec. 2018, Swinburne University of Technology, Hawthorn, Victoria, Australia.
p. 107
That Academic Design is situated between the field
of design practice / problem solving and academic
discussion; with the dual purpose of framing realworld problems and translating academic thoughts
and discussion into (experimental) action. Through
the 'modeling' of reality, abstracting from everyday
problem solving creates a 'new vantage point'.
Academic design practice develops models that
'express' new possible futures for the field, while the
integration of design and experimental research can
lead to new knowledge and radical innovations.
That Academic Design is a 'construction' born from
the need to improve rigor in design research. Hence it
is open to criticism from both 'parents', but
particularly from professional practice where it may
be perceived as a threat. This must be considered
carefully, because, we in fact wish to improve the
accountability and relevancy of academic design
research within the industry.
That Academic Design is neither 'pure research' or
'applied research', but a response to the complex,
farther reaching challenges faced by design
professions, in more sophisticated ways than
conventional practice can allow. In companies
seeking to become design-led in their development of
technologies, there is a shift from classic R&D
(where design follows developments in science and
technology), toward a (new) 'D&R' model (where
design is required to lead investment in research and
technology development.
That Academic Design can 'move' in and out of
academia. It is essentially nomadic as academic
design practitioners have a foot in practice as well as
in universities.
Academic Design has yet to be fully defined and at the
conclusion of their paper, Koskinen and Dorst (2015)
concludes with the following questions.
How could/should or will this new practice evolve?
How will the other species - professional design and
academic practices - adapt?
Who will take the lead in the development of
academic design?
And will specific 'kinds' of academic design arise or
should it be envisaged as dynamically adapting to
where the issues are - not joined to particular fields of
design practice?
We address some of those questions in this paper by
studying a university design course that reflects the basic
ideas behind Academic Design.
Product Design Practice as Academic Design
One way to answer these questions is by seeing Academic
Design as a choice. For instance, self-initiated design relies
on (background) experiential knowledge to set aspirations
for forward progress (Walden & Kokotovich, 2012: see
also Darke on primary generators 1979). In a study on selfinitiated design projects by practicing design consultants
by Walden (2015), it was found that the designers own
experiential knowledge served as the source to ‘initiating’
the concept, but that the designer needed to develop
appropriate domain specific and strategic knowledge to
define the project (and the product) and set objectives. In
the absence of a client (the definition of a self-initiated
design project), industrial design consultants tend to ‘fillin’ those other knowledge ‘gaps’ with the types of
information that a client normally provides. That there is
some evidence of the ability for designers to complete selfinitiated design projects that are motivated by experiential
knowledge, yet made operational by formulating new
connections between existing and learned knowledge is
noteworthy as a special type of problem formulation.
In these studies, knowledge generated in the process of
designing remained the property of the designer, however.
In contrast in an academically driven, research-based
design project, we are interested in knowledge directives
and not only exclusively, commercially viable outcomes
and would prefer for designers to 'fill-in' (at least some of)
those knowledge gaps - with design research and theory.
We do not seek to deny acting on motivations formed in
the experiential knowledge domain; but to direct its
development by integrating appropriate design research
and design theory – at first introduced to the student and
later sourced by the students themselves. Understanding
the unique way design differs from other academic
disciplines, through the use of problem reasoning, can
provides some guidance at the start of self-initiated design
projects that attempt to integrate theory and practice.
A necessary vehicle of knowledge production in Academic
Design is design work (Koskinen and Dorst, 2015). This
notion has its roots in Constructive Design Research,
defined as "design research in which construction - be it
product, system, space, or media - takes center place and
becomes the key means in constructing knowledge."
(Koskinen, Zimmerman, Binder, Redström and
Wensveen, 2011). Though the projects may be considered
a form of "research through design" (Frayling, 1993), we
refer to Constructive Design Research, as it offers a clearer
and more precise description of the practice we intend to
describe in this paper as well as in the classroom.
Constructive Design Research explicitly requires the
integration of theory to guide practice and denotes the
'central construction' referred to in the definition above, as
(typically) a prototype of some form (Koskinen et al,
2011). A recent study of the operationalization of
Constructive Design Research identifies that the
connection between knowledge and the ‘experiment’ (or
the ‘prototyping activity’, as it would be in terms of
product design practice) is iteratively developed through
critical reflection and refocusing of the hypothesis (Bang,
Krogh, Ludvigsen and Markussen, 2012). We use this
finding to provide a useful structure for describing the key
developmental stages in the following case study. Each
prototype in the case study represents a clear refocusing of
the hypothesis, critically analysed through the construction
an improved iteration of the artifact. The dual outcome
objective of Academic Design seems evident in this
Example: A New Product Design Course as
Academic Design
The Integrated Product Design (IPD) Program at the
University of Technology Sydney, School of Design,
introduced its first Honours Degree Program in 2016. The
Honours Degree is a 1-year course (24 teaching weeks)
that require students to work on a single capstone project,
resulting in a research dissertation (approximately 15,000
Proceedings of the 10th Biennial International Design and Technology Teacher’s Association Research Conference (DATTArc):
5-8 Dec. 2018, Swinburne University of Technology, Hawthorn, Victoria, Australia.
p. 108
words long) together with a prototype to be exhibited at
the end of the year. The projects are presented to a panel
of academics and external industry guests for assessment
at key points during the year (mid-way and at the end of
year 1; mid-way and at the end of year 2). The Honours
Degree is only open to those students who achieve a
weighted average mark of 72.5% in a relevant Bachelor
(Design) Degree2 or equivalent and is intended to prepare
students for design leadership roles in industry or further
post-graduate study.
All projects are self-initiated and there is no specific
design task or theme provided. The Honours Degree and
the preparatory Bachelor's Degree have been developed by
the IPD staff to improve the academic rigor of design
research in connection with design practice. Students must
establish and then argue their own basis for pursuing a
particular design intervention. The course begins with the
intention of providing two things concurrently – (1) an
introduction and review of design research literature and
(2) an acknowledgement of background knowledge and
aspirations of the students. The design research and theory,
selected by studio instructors or by the students themselves
is interpreted and contextualized in connection with their
individual projects, to appropriately achieve the learning
objectives of the course, which are:
Create designs that innovate meanings and
Challenge product design convention and speculate
future human-product interactions.
Develop a practice-orientated research methodology
for product innovation.
Develop the ability to design, plan and craft accurate
and appropriately refined prototypes.
Become accomplished at using prototyping methods
as a central research device.
Manage a complex self-initiated design project
responsibly and professionally.
Use design to engage a wide audience into the
cultural dialogue.
Prepare excellent communication and presentation of
process and designs for all deliverables.
A developed aptitude for prototyping of three-dimensional
physical models - from rough mock- ups through to more
advanced iterations with a level of functionality - has long
been a feature of the UTS Product Design Degree as it
aligns with the strategic goals of the Faculty, most notably
'technology-led thinking with an emphasis on prototyping'
and 'practice-oriented learning' (Lie and Walden, 2015).
The course further supports prototyping as a function of
Constructive Design Research, in a product design
context, by referring to prototyping as a central tool of
design research and a core means of building connections
between fields of knowledge (Stappers, 2007) and as
having the potential to test (even embody) theory as
'physical hypotheses' (Overbeeke et al. 2006). A recent
paper by Matthews and Wensveen (2015) also serves to
Applicants with a weighted average mark between
70-72.4% can lodge an application and may be
offered a place at the Course Directors discretion
define the role of prototyping in design research and
referring to the descriptions they provide, the Honours
Degree most predominately uses prototyping as means to
generate research archetypes that are physical
embodiments of research concept, understanding or
design research space, for expository analysis. However,
as can be seen in the case study included in this paper, the
prototyping can additionally function (within the same
project) as a vehicle of enquiry, where the research
contribution is tied to the process of crafting the artifacts,
for case analysis (Matthews and Wensveen, 2015). The
integration of design and experimental research, to
translate academic thoughts into experimental action (in a
product design context), is made clearer through the
adoption of a Constructive Design Research methodology,
supported by literature that defines the role of prototyping
in design research.
Academic Design as Project: A Case Study
The project described here is a capstone project developed
in the IPD Honours Degree. The project produced a family
of products and many more prototypes that we do not have
the space to cover here, so the focus will be on the 'Beanz'
Tray product. The project begins with a motivation to
explore product-consumer attachment by investigating
ways to elevate the meaning of products to people and the
communities they live in. Broadly, it is a response to the
unsustainable growth of consumerism, but soon focuses on
the cultural connections with which we identify through
materials, fabrication methods, forms and experiences
expressed in certain products. The project is framed
around research that suggests that if we design products
that are more culturally relevant, they will be more highly
valued, kept and maintained; rather than disposed of the
moment their utility is superseded. Extending upon
research by Schifferstein and Zwartkruis-Pelgrim (2008)
the broad, initial hypothesis for the project is that there is
a process for appropriating Australian material histories
and by doing so, new meanings can be formed that forge a
strong and culturally binding consumer-product
The first stage of prototyping is exemplified by the
examples shown in Figure 2. Two timber trays for holding
small items such as a wallet and keys, were made in
exactly the same size, with the same form. One made from
a piece of old, weathered timber and the other from a new
piece of European beech. The design using recycled timber
was machined so that the top edge was left unfinished,
exposing the 'silvered' and splintered weathering of the
material. Working with recycled timber means accepting
that the material may behave in unpredictable ways and
reveal imperfections underneath the surface. User testing
suggests that those who preferred the recycled timber
version were drawn to the product because it shows
evidence of a history of past-use in the material, and an
appreciation of the fact that each version of the product
would be slightly different because control over the
behavior of the material during processing is impossible.
and/or after successfully passing an interview
where they must present a folio of work.
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5-8 Dec. 2018, Swinburne University of Technology, Hawthorn, Victoria, Australia.
p. 109
products and different materials, producing a series of
Part way through the project, the use of leather was
decided upon for its ability to be moulded over surfaces,
adopting their form and texture (Figure 3). The use of
leather in this context is identified as a more appropriate
way to invite users to transition from 'consumer' to
'prosumer' based on research by Toffler (1981) where he
describes the prosumer as an individual who is both the
producer and consumer of the product. Toffler's concept of
the prosumer is built upon by Mugge, Schoormans &
Schifferstein (2009b) in terms of the way product
personalisation can stimulate emotional bonding with
products as the product becomes an expression of the
owner's identity.
Figure 2: Storage Tray in recycled timber / European
The above images are of two storage trays with exactly the
same utility. The one on the left is made from a piece of
recycled timber with the silvered and splintered surface
exposed at the top. The one on the right from a new piece
of European beech, finished in a modern way with smooth
edges and surfaces.
This introduced the concept of 'rarity' and identified the
need to strengthen the sense of embodied memory in the
product realisation. The next series of prototypes would
explore if an emotional bond might be formed by not only
using recycled material but appropriating old items for
contemporary use. A new tray was designed using an old
timber weatherboard, sourced from an old demolished
house previously owned by a member of the designer's
family. The 'weatherboard tray' was designed so that
particular surfaces were left unfinished to reveal the
material history. User testing with this design led to the
exploration of strengthening the emotional bond between
consumer and product by permitting the user to provide the
source material. Building upon the previous research and
extending upon it with inspiration from Mugge,
Schoormans & Schifferstein (2009a), the hypothesis
evolved to become, that there is a co-design process for
renewing personal product histories and by doing so, new
meanings can be formed that forge a strong and culturally
binding consumer-product attachment. The designer
conducted many experiments using different historical
Figure 3: 'Beanz' Tray
The enamel baking tray pictured above was used as the
basis to explore the introduction of personal items in the
design process. Modifying historical products by
machining them was substituted for molding leather over
the tray as a means to explore ways of giving the product
renewed meaning.
The use of leather does not damage the original item but
enables personalisation. Additionally, though other
materials were tested, such as felt, the leather moulding,
facilitates the accumulation of memories through the wear
accumulated through recurring interactions (Mugge,
Schoormans & Schifferstein, 2005). Through a series of
prototypes, user testing and the development of various
tools and techniques; not only with this 'tray' series but
with other designs, the hypothesis further evolved that
there is a co-design process for renewing personal product
Proceedings of the 10th Biennial International Design and Technology Teacher’s Association Research Conference (DATTArc):
5-8 Dec. 2018, Swinburne University of Technology, Hawthorn, Victoria, Australia.
p. 110
histories through non-destructive replication of features to
create new products with enriched meanings that forge a
strong and culturally binding consumer-product
The next series of explorations, based on this evolved
hypothesis leads to the development of solution concepts
that are made up of two (primary) parts: the original
(historical) item and new component made of a material
that is moulded over the original product (Figure 4).
Figure 4: 'Beanz' Tray with Leather Lid
Comparative Hypothetical Scenario
Experimentation through prototyping, of the evolved
hypothesis leads to the above solution concept that uses the
existing beans tray product but augments it with a leather
moulded lid accessory. The leather moulding is essentially
a 'tracing' of the original product.
The moulding is then trimmed and finished to augment the
original product and renew the product both aesthetically
and functionally. At this point in the project, the process
becomes central to the nature of the innovation. The
moulding method acts as a metaphor for tracing history
and through design, selectively determining what area of
the original product to mould over (trace), is based on
ensuring the moulding can be combined with the original
product to augment and renew its meaning.
A final and important stage of this project is experimenting
with the innovation value of the process, so that it can be
replicated across many historical items that carry cultural
and personal significance.
A series of prototypes were produced that examined a
further evolution of the hypothesis: Tracing History is a
co-design, co-production process for renewing personal
product histories, through non-destructive replication of
features, to create new products and product assemblies
with enriched meanings that forge a strong and culturally
binding consumer-product attachment. This further
evolution of the hypothesis recognizes the innovation of
the process beyond the augmented product, and its
potential value more broadly, to inform the design of new
products that reference the old.
Figure 5: New Tray with Leather Lid made from
'Beanz' Tray tool.
The 'timber loop' used to brace the original enamel tray is
further machined and finely finished in American Walnut
to act as a base in a new version of the design. The tool
becomes the product ending the cycle for this series.
The value of the process as a form of 'Tracing History' is
given such reverence over the potentiality of the business
case, that repeatability is abandoned, in the last ultimate
step, by transforming the tooling itself to craft the final
version of the product (Figure 5) - a production cycle of
two iterations. The first, an assembly that brings together
an old, valued item with a contemporary part generated by
moulding over (tracing) the original artefact. The second,
a completely new product that makes the tooling from the
first iteration a base component in a new assembly that
uses a second and final version of the moulding. A process
that challenges the relationship between design and
production. And designs responsibility to culture and
Proceedings of the 10th Biennial International Design and Technology Teacher’s Association Research Conference (DATTArc):
5-8 Dec. 2018, Swinburne University of Technology, Hawthorn, Victoria, Australia.
p. 111
A Step Closer to Defining Academic Design?
The case study reported on in this paper may represent a
form of Academic Design. Koskinen and Dorst (2015),
identify four key features of Academic Design that can be
found in certain knowledge intensive design projects, that
do not seem to be precisely, either practice-oriented design
research or industry practice – but some strange new
species of design. These features of Academic Design are
evident in the case study, though it’s important to describe
the presence of these features in connection with design
research that explicate certain forms of practice, in order
to use the case study as a step closer toward defining
Academic Design.
The first feature of Academic Design is that it is situated
between the field of design practice and the academic
discussion with the dual purpose of framing real-world
problems and translating academic thoughts into
experimental action. New possible futures, innovations
and new knowledge are generated through ‘models’ that
are formulated through design abduction – a form of
problem reasoning unique to design, where the outcome
can only initially be described in terms of a type of value
and the, so called, 'what' and 'how' must be determined
concurrently by framing ‘patterns of relationships’
between the components of the ‘problem’ in order to form
a desired outcome (Dorst, 2013). Design Abduction may
be a way of making sense of how motivations can be
converted into hypotheses in the pursuit of knowledge
directives, exposited through experiments or actions that
take the form of prototypes in product design practice.
The case study project is a self-initiated design project
where the integrity of the design intervention must be
determined and rationalised by the designer. There is no
‘client’ or ‘brief’ provided at the start. The project begins
with a motivation to address the unsustainable increase of
consumerism by investigating ways for product designers
to improve product-consumer attachment, thereby
encouraging people to keep and care for their products
rather than dispose of them thoughtlessly or prematurely.
This intention broadly represents the nature of the ‘value’
in design abduction. Underlying this motivation is another
motivation by the designer to work in a particular way,
with particular materials and processes, based on their
practical skills and experience.
A study of self-initiated design projects (Walden, 2015)
identified that aspired ways of working, or aspired
practices are necessary forenabling the designer to begin
experimenting with ideas.3 The experimental process (the
second part of the motivation) provides the means of
beginning to address the ‘what’ and ‘how’ parts of the
design abduction ‘equation’. Though there is concern that
the forms of ‘aspired’ practice may not be best aligned
with the ‘value’ being pursued, in this case project, the
designer draws upon certain design research to form this
alignment. Research by Schifferstein and Zwartkruis-
We acknowledge that Academic Design must certainly
also manage the practical elements of time and resource
constraints, though we cannot delve into how these
Pelgrim (2008) on the attachment of gifts that ‘reflect the
receivers personal identity’; Mugge, Schoormans &
Schifferstein (2007) on the value of the ‘patina of materials
aging gracefully’ (additionally supported by Mugge et al.
2005, 2009a & 2009b research on product attachment);
and Jung, Bardzell, Blevis, Pierce & Stolterman (2011) on
the value of the ‘aficionado-appeal’ evident in products
finely crafted in a means familiar to people; integrate to
provide a credible reason for exploring the opening
hypothesis with hand-crafted timber homewares.
It also sets the project in motion as a form of Constructive
Design Research that adopts a (stable) prototyping
methodology, close enough to industry practices that
enables the prototyping to represent a form of research
contribution tied to the processing of artifacts (Matthews
and Wensveen, 2015), and by extension, a ‘foot’ in the
real-world. Therefore, in the critical early stages of the
project, there is the construction of a methodology,
formulated into a ‘model’ of practice through design
abduction that enables the dual pursuit of knowledge
directives and real-world innovation of process and
products. The nature of this methodology is clearly a form
of Constructive Design Research that uses prototyping of
product iterations (and challenges production conventions)
as a central research device.
Further, as a proposed way of operationalizing
Constructive Design Research, Bang, Krogh, Ludvigsen
and Markussen, (2012) refer to the importance of
motivations in forming hypotheses, to set research
questions (knowledge directives) and evaluating those
directives against knowledge in the evolution of
hypothesis, through experimentation (or in our case
product prototypes). They identify that motivational
contexts come in many forms and (in Constructive Design
Research) are more likely to be ‘operationalised’ through
a practice-based approached rather than through a
theoretical position. One of the motivational contexts they
identify in their paper (2012) is an ethical approach
combined with a practice based and artistically inclined
approach, which closely resembles our case project.
Research on the role of hypothesis-making and
motivational contexts by Bang, Krogh, Ludvigsen and
Markussen (2012) supports the nature of design abduction
and the dual-outcome ‘model’ evident in our case study
and therefore enables the case study to provide the
definition of one form of Academic Design modeled as
Constructive Design Research. The second feature is that
Academic Design is a 'construction' born from the need to
improve rigor in design research. Evidence of this feature
in the case study is provided by the learning objectives of
the Honours Degree, notably, the objective to use design
to engage a wide audience into the cultural dialogue. The
requirements for meeting this objective, as explained to the
students, was to produce through written dissertation and
prototypes, forms of communication that invited new
perspectives and discourse from academia, industry and
the general public.
constraints factor into these projects, within the scope of
this paper. We consider this to be a worthwhile topic for
future research.
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5-8 Dec. 2018, Swinburne University of Technology, Hawthorn, Victoria, Australia.
p. 112
To be accountable to this wide audience, research methods
need to be not only rigorous, but modeled to accommodate
multiple outcomes, including knowledge outcomes. The
third feature is that Academic Design is neither 'pure
research' or 'applied research', but a response to the
complex, farther reaching challenges faced by design
professions, in more sophisticated ways than conventional
practice can allow. The case study project does attempt to
address an important issue facing society – consumerism
and ecological sustainability – both from an economical
and cultural perspective. And it attempts this by combining
research methods in the way’s Academic Design would
require. However, here we potentially find conflict in the
features of Academic Design, for if the Academic Design
practitioner needs to have one foot in the real-world so that
implementable innovations can be produced, does the
extent of the ‘reach’ Academic Design hopes to achieve,
become compromised if part of the ‘real-world’ problem
is how the production and design of products must change
for a heathier society. Based on the case we present in this
paper, locating Academic Design close to the heart of
product design and production processes may only achieve
a ‘step in the right direction’ but perhaps not far reaching
The fourth feature of Academic Design is that it can move
in and out of academia. During the project conducted
above, the student employed industry relevant fabrication
methods to craft the prototypes (many more than can be
shown here) of the project. An innovative process for
connecting design intent and production methods have
been devised through the project that certainly has
industrial application at the same or larger scale.
Additionally, the designer has now graduated and found
permanent employment as a designer for a leading
furniture manufacturing company, on the back of his
project. And finally, this project along with twenty others
exhibited at the end-of-year graduate exhibition led to the
Integrated Product Design Program to be selected for the
International Nachtmann NextGen Project. A design
initiative that brings university-based design teams and
industry together to develop new practices and products.
Academic Design as represented in this case study, does
have important application and value to the concerns of
industry practice and is a demonstration of the ways the
project can move between academia and practice. Based
on the arguments presented in this section, we propose that
the case study does serve to define a form Academic
Design in a Product Design and Design Education
Academic Design in a Product Design and Design
Education Context.
The case study can be proposed as a form of Academic
Design because it demonstrates the primary features of
Academic Design as proposed by Koskinen and Dorst
(2015). The project (1) uses Design Abduction as its
foundation to model a process to develop both knowledge
outcomes and implementable innovation that addresses
real-world issues. (2) It combines practical and theoretical
knowledge in a functional response to improving rigor in
design research. (3) It produces a 'model' (a framework) of
value to industry practice - in terms of providing ways to
radically innovate – that integrates ‘pure research’ and
‘applied research’ in a new form of hybrid design practice.
And (4) it leads to the production of new knowledge that
complies with the basic requirements for knowledge
generation, stated by Manzini (2009) - knowledge that is
explicit, discussable, transferrable and accumulate-able –
in connection to the product and process innovation
insights that have short-to-medium term application. A
result of the project moving between two worlds –
academia and industry.
The case study presented here may be considered to be
rather benign in terms of product complexity. Though the
product is a relatively simple construction the
development of a form of design process - the model that
combines and situates academic discussion and practice –
is both sophisticated and the primary outcome. In other
UTS Product Design Honours projects, there are some
indications that where the research enquiry is centered on
the development of an academic design model, that a type
of self-regulating stabilisation of variables typically leads
to aesthetically refined yet technically simple products. At
least in our educational context.
In response to the questions about the future of Academic
Design, put forward by Koskinen and Dorst (2015), we can
only suggest partial answers for two of the four. We
consider that based on the successful conduct of the case
study presented in this paper, that Academic Design,
should continue to evolve from within University-based
design programs, though greater attention needs to be
given to the practical constraints of time and resources, in
relation to the disciplinarity of the Academic Design focus,
and the requirement to ensure accountability to industry
and professions. And in response to whether specific
‘kinds’ of academic design should arise or if it should be
dynamically adaptable, we consider that to be highly
dependent on how the resource constraints and related
industry scope being addressed, is managed.
Conclusion and Further Research
We propose that the case study project presented in this
paper represents a form of Academic Design.
Identification of compatible features of the case study
project and other independently conducted research on the
nature Constructive Design Research (Koskinen et al.
experimentation in self-initiated Constructive Design
Research (Bang, Krogh, Ludvigsen and Markussen, 2012)
and the role of prototypes and prototyping in design
research (Matthews and Wensveen, 2015), we further hope
to provide, through the case study, grounds for defining
Though further research is required in this area, it may be
that there are specific types of Academic Design because
the contexts (as it was in the case study presented here)
may be very restricted – not by design – but due to
conditions and circumstances beyond the designers
control. The significance of this study is that it identifies a
bridge between Academic Design and Constructive
Design Research that begins to define a possible mode of
Academic Design practice. The research presented here
may therefore open a potential gateway for defining
Academic Design - this strange new species – more
Proceedings of the 10th Biennial International Design and Technology Teacher’s Association Research Conference (DATTArc):
5-8 Dec. 2018, Swinburne University of Technology, Hawthorn, Victoria, Australia.
p. 113
Bang, A. L., Krogh, P., Ludvigsen, M., & Markussen, T.
(2012). The role of hypothesis in constructive design
research. Paper presented at the Proceedings of The
Art of Research Conference IV.
Darke, J. (1979). The primary generator and the design
process. Design Studies, 1(1), 36-44.
Dorst, K., (2013) Academic Design. Published inaugural
lecture at the TU Eindhoven, TU Eindhoven, The
Frayling, C. (1993). Research in Art and Design. Royal
College of Art Research Papers 1(1):1-5.
Jung, H., Bardzell, S., Blevis, E., Pierce, J., &
Stolterman, E. (2011). How deep is your love: Deep
narratives of ensoulment and heirloom status.
International Journal of Design, 5(1).
Koskinen, I., Zimmerman, J., Binder, T., Redström, J., &
Wensveen , S. (2011). Design Research through
Practice – From the Lab, Field, and Showroom.
Morgan Kaufmann.
Stappers, P. J. (2007). Doing design as a part of doing
research. In Michel, R. (Ed.), Design Research Now:
Essays and Selected Projects (pp. 81-91). Basel,
Toffler, A. (1981). The rise of the prosumer. In The Third
Wave. Bantam Books.
Walden, R.J. & Kokotovich, V. (2012). Supporting
Student Learning in Relation to Entrepreneurial
Innovation in Self-initiated Industrial Design Major
Projects. In: Proceedings of 7th Biennial International
Conference on Technology Education Research,
Griffith Institute for Educational Research, Australia.
Walden, R.J. (2015). Self-initiated design projects:
Avenues for implementation and practice. Master’s
Thesis. University of Technology Sydney, Australia.
Wensveen, S., & Matthews, B. (2015). Prototypes and
prototyping in design research. In The Routledge
Companion to Design Research (pp.262-276). New
York, NY. Routledge.
Koskinen, I. K. & Dorst, K. (2015). Academic design. In:
Proceedings of the 20th International Conference on
Engineering Design (ICED15), Vol. 11: Human
Behaviour Design, Design Education, Milan, Italy,
27-30 July 2015.
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product design program: An approach for
contemporary design practice, Website proceedings
of TENZ 2015 (Technology Education New
Zealand), TENZ 2015 (Technology Education New
Zealand), Hamilton, New Zealand.
Manzini, E. (2009). Viewpoint: New design knowledge.
Design Studies, Vol. 30(1), 4-10.
Mugge, R., Schifferstein, H., & Schoormans, J. (2007).
Product attachment and satisfaction: the effects of
pleasure and memories. E-European Advances in
Consumer Research Volume 8.
Mugge, R., Schifferstein, H. N., & Schoormans, J. P.
(2005). A longitudinal study of product attachment
and its determinants. E-European Advances in
Consumer Research Volume 7.
Mugge, R., Schoormans, J. P., & Schifferstein, H. N.
(2009a). Incorporating consumers in the design of
their own products. The dimensions of product
personalisation. CoDesign, 5(2), 79-97.
Mugge, R., Schoormans, J. P., & Schifferstein, H. N.
(2009b). Emotional bonding with personalised
products. Journal of Engineering Design, 20(5), 467476.
Overbeeke, K., Wensveen, S., & Hummels, C. (2006).
Design research: Generating knowledge through
doing. Paper presented at the Proceedings of the 3rd
Symposium of Design Research: Drawing New
Schifferstein, H. N., & Zwartkruis-Pelgrim, E. P. (2008).
Consumer-product attachment: Measurement and
design implications. International Journal of Design,
Proceedings of the 10th Biennial International Design and Technology Teacher’s Association Research Conference (DATTArc):
5-8 Dec. 2018, Swinburne University of Technology, Hawthorn, Victoria, Australia.
p. 114
Identifying and defining the activities that are maker education: An international view
David Ellis
Southern Cross University, School of Education
The article reveals that the activities of maker education are not new, but merely an enthusiastic push that has been encouraged
by the access and availability of new technologies. Identified activities and terms used to define ‘maker education’ were also
represented within more established and nuanced labels of education such as technology education, Design and Technology
Education and STEM education to name a few. These connections have established that there is a distinction to be drawn
between maker education and other maker movement labels such as ‘tinkering’, and ‘hacking’ in that maker education is ‘inschool’ and considered to be formally embedded into the school curriculum, as opposite to an out-of-school hobby (Hsu,
Baldwin, & Ching, 2017).
In developing an understanding of ‘maker education’, rather than the ‘maker movement’, maker education activities involved
an ecological interaction between students and teachers and relevant stakeholders. The benefits of this interaction have been
described to contribute to an overall transformative process. The result is not just the realisation of the ‘made’ artefact, where
what has been transformed from the “mind’s eye” (McLaren, Stables, & Bain, 2006) becomes a tangible object, but the
transformation of the learner.
It is not just the development of ‘relevant’ skills and knowledge viewed from a traditional technical knowledge, vocational foci
that are acquired during the making process, but a more holistic transformation.
Design; Make ; STEM, STEAM, Technology Education
Extended Abstract
Late 2015 and 2016, by invitation of the Chinese Academy
of Engineering and the Creative Education Branch of the
China Education Equipment Industry Association,
identified technology, Design, STEM and STEAM
personnel from around the globe were invited to
participate in a gathering, resulting in the formation of the
World Maker Education Alliance (WMEA). The
composition of the Alliance not only included a diverse
international and cultural representation, but included the
equally diverse roles of participants working in areas such
as higher education, both non-government and
government organisations, and technology suppliers.
Due to the diversity of roles, perspectives and activities
that these participants undertake in their daily duties, the
purpose of this study was to determine the common
elements that define maker education through a greater
understanding of the academic pluralism that exists in this
educational space, and its relationship with other related
areas of education. Using a constructivist approach where
"reality is socially constructed" (Mertens, 2005, p.12), a
survey distributed to the members of the World Maker
Education Alliance was analysed to determine what maker
education is, and what maker education looks like from
those people who identify as having a relationship with
maker education. Open-ended questions from the survey
participants were analysed using a summative content
analysis. The data was initially coded using an online
word cloud tool, then for reliability the data underwent
secondary codification, where the responses were
manually coded and categorised for interpretation.
An online Qualtrics survey used three question to capture
the responses from a sample population of seven (n=7)
from a target population of 41 members from the World
Maker Education Alliance (WMEA). The responses from
these three questions were analysed to generate an
understanding of what maker education is from the
perspective of international people who identify as
educators, or contribute to ‘maker education’. To
contextualise and support this understanding, knowledge
generated from the survey was also compared with, and
supported by published peer review articles on maker
education, and education activities that involve hands-on
engagement with technologies to assist in formulating a
definition. The results of the analysis of the data from the
three questions in combination with the literature by
Martin (2015), and (van Dooren, Boshiuzen, van
Merrienboer, Asselbergs, & van Dorst, 2014) indicated
that maker education activities involved practical or tactile
engagement with materials and resonating with
‘constructionism’ and experiential learning theories
(Papert & Harel, 1991; Potter, 2013; Kolb, 1984).
The sample population identified maker education as an
opportunity where activities encourage students to
undertake tactile engagement with technology through a
process that facilities a transformation in the learner as
they realise tangible artefacts. This interpretation not only
aligns with the literature, but also reveals the ‘pluralism’
of maker education in a broader sense as it is aligned with
the established, formal, and nuanced labels that relate to
‘maker education’ such as technology education, STEM,
STEAM and design and technology education that have,
and continue to exist within school curricula.
The article reveals that the activities of maker education
are not new, but merely an enthusiastic push that has been
encouraged by the access and availability of new
technologies. Identified activities and terms used to define
‘maker education’ were also represented within more
Proceedings of the 10th Biennial International Design and Technology Teacher’s Association Research Conference (DATTArc):
5-8 Dec. 2018, Swinburne University of Technology, Hawthorn, Victoria, Australia.
p. 115
established and nuanced labels of education such as
technology education, Design and Technology Education
and STEM education to name a few. These connections
have established that there is a distinction to be drawn
between maker education and other maker movement
labels such as ‘tinkering’, and ‘hacking’ in that maker
education is ‘in-school’ and considered to be formally
embedded into the school curriculum, as opposite to an
out-of-school hobby (Hsu, Baldwin, & Ching, 2017).
As educationalists seek to investigate or tout the benefits
of maker education, what appears to be a positive driving
force is a realisation, from a pedagogical perspective, of
the benefits to the learner taking on the responsibility of a
“producer rather than a consumer” (AbD, 2015, p. 1) of
education. ‘Excitement’ surrounding the access and
application of digital manufacturing technologies, from
disciplines outside of technology education have
facilitated a realisation that ‘making’ should be revisited.
The decommissioning of shop spaces in some schools may
have been premature, as the shift from the workshop to the
computer lab is shifting back, being repurposed for makercentred activities (AbD, 2015; Dougherty, 2013).
In developing an understanding of ‘maker education’,
rather than the ‘maker movement’, maker education
activities involved an ecological interaction between
students and teachers and relevant stakeholders. The
benefits of this interaction have been described to
contribute to an overall transformative process. The result
is not just the realisation of the ‘made’ artefact, where what
has been transformed from the “mind’s eye” (McLaren,
Stables, & Bain, 2006) becomes a tangible object, but the
transformation of the learner.
It is not just the development of ‘relevant’ skills and
knowledge viewed from a traditional technical knowledge,
vocational foci that are acquired during the making
process, but a more holistic transformation. According the
recognised theorists, opportunities that facilitate
‘experiential’ (Kolb, 1984), or ‘active’ learning
(Vygotsky, 1979) empower the individual throughout a
journey of engagement as they construct knowledge
(Piaget, 1973; Dewey, 1998) in a process that results in the
development of an artefact. Positive attributes such as
creativity, a sense of connectedness with the community,
and a confidence to experiment and fail are developed as
students engage with technology and materials in a sociocultural context, exposing themselves to cultural values,
and engaging with community needs (Compton, 2009;
Odlin & Fleming, 2014).
AbD. (2015). Maker-Centred Learning and the
development of self: Preliminary findings of the
Agency by Design project. Project Zero, Harvard
Graduate School of Education. Retrieved from
Boom, B. S. (1956). Taxonomy of educational objectives:
The classification of educational goals. New York:
Longmans, Green.
Compton, V. (2009). Yep-We can do that: Technological
response to the curriculum 'needs' arising ... Design
and Technology Education: An International Journal,
14, 21-36.
De Vries, M. (2012). Philosophy of technology. In P. J.
Williams (Ed.), Technology Education for Teachers
(pp. 15-34). Rotterdam: Sense.
Dewey, J. (1998). The essential Dewey. Bloomington:
Indiana University Press.
Dougherty, D. (2013). The maker mindset. In M. Honey,
& D. E. Kanter (Eds.), Design, make, play: Growing
the next generation of STEM innovators (pp. 7-11).
New York: Routledge.
Fleer, M. (2000). Working Technologically:
Investigations into how young children design and
make during technology education. International
journal of Technology and Design Education, 10, 4359.
Gibson, M. (2018). International Journal of Technology
and Design Education. doi:
Hardy, A. (2015). What's D&T for? Gathering and
Comparing the Values of Design and Technology
Academics and Trainee Teachers. Design and
Technology Education: An International Journal,
20(2), 10-21.
Hsu, Y. C., Baldwin, S., & Ching, Y. H. (2017). Learning
through Making and Maker Education. TechTrends,
61, 589-594.
Kolb, D. A. (1984). Experiential learning: Experience as
the Source of learning and development. New Jersey:
Kronberger, N., & Wagner, W. (2007). Keywords in
Context: Statistical Analysis of Text Features. In M.
W. Bauer, & G. Gaskell (Eds.), Qualitative
Researching with text, image and sound (6 ed., p.
303). London: SAGE.
Lille, & Romero, M. (2017). Creativity Assessment in the
context of maker-based projects. Design and
Technology Education: An International Journal,
Martin, L. (2015). The promise of the maker movement
for education. Journal of Pre-College Engineering
Education Research, 5(1), 30-39.
Martin, M. (2013). Five Eras of Making and Designing.
PATT27 Technology Education for the Future: A
Play on Sustainability, (pp. 318-324). Christchurch.
Marx, K. (1959). Economic and philosophic manuscripts
of 1844 [Translated]. Moscow: Foreign Languages
Publishing House.
McLaren, S. V., Stables, K., & Bain, J. (2006). Creativity
and Progression in Transition through assessment for
learning in Design and Technology CAPITTAL-DTa report to funders for the Determination to Succeed
Division of Scottish Executive. Glasgow.
McNaught, C., & Lam, P. (2010). Using Wordle as a
Supplementary Research Tool. The Qualitative
Proceedings of the 10th Biennial International Design and Technology Teacher’s Association Research Conference (DATTArc):
5-8 Dec. 2018, Swinburne University of Technology, Hawthorn, Victoria, Australia.
p. 116
Report, 15(3), 630-643. Retrieved from
with hard materials. International Journal of
Technology and Design Education, 23, 69-85.
Odlin, S., & Fleming, J. S. (2014). Using Automata to
Teach Science Concepts in Technology Education.
The International Journal of Science in Society, 5,
Stemler, S. (2001). n overview of content analysis.
Practical Assessment, Research, and Evaluation,
7(17). Retrieved from
Papert, S., & Harel, I. (1991). Situating Constrcutionism.
In Constructionism (pp. 1-13).
Piaget, J. (1973). To Understand is to Invent: The Future
of Education. New York: Grossman.
van Dooren, E., Boshiuzen, E., van Merrienboer, J.,
Asselbergs, T., & van Dorst, M. (2014). Making
explicit in design education: generic elements in the
design process. International journal of Technology
and Design Education, 24, 53-71.
Potter, P. (2013). Technologists talk: making the links
between design, problem-solving and experiences
Vygotsky, L. (1979). The genesis of higher mental
functions. Cambridge: Harvard University Press.
Proceedings of the 10th Biennial International Design and Technology Teacher’s Association Research Conference (DATTArc):
5-8 Dec. 2018, Swinburne University of Technology, Hawthorn, Victoria, Australia.
p. 117
Critical Questions, Creative Solutions: How can Initial Teacher Education programs
better prepare graduates to understand and teach STEM?
Denise MacGregor, Bruce White, Debra Panizzon, Derek Rogers
University of South Australia
Nationally, the importance of STEM education remains under the spotlight, with reports highlighting the increasing demand
for STEM graduates and improved teaching in the areas of Science and Mathematics (Marginson, Tytler, Freeman, & Roberts,
2013). The Australian Industry Group (AI Group), Australia’s peak industry body, has repeatedly called for improved schoolIndustry links across primary and secondary schools to lift student participation in STEM-related subjects (Australian Industry
Group, 2017). In particular, the AI Group indicated that these school-Industry links require the engagement of secondary
teachers for success. However, they concluded that while teachers were keen to engage with industry and that industry
welcomed such connections, most teachers were unfamiliar with how to engage with industry and had no training in developing
these connections. This was reinforced further in a 2018 report from the Department of Education and Training (DET, 2018),
which examined Industry and school links making a series of recommendations about optimising industry-school partnerships.
This report highlighted the need for industry to be involved in supporting teachers of STEM-related subjects, stating that:
Industry can provide a means for teachers and students to understand the latest developments in STEM careers and experience
the kinds of problems professionals are working on. This enables students and teachers to link real world practice to lesson
content. (DET, 2018, p. 58)
Within this same report, Australia’s Chief Scientist requested industry to connect with Universities to support STEM teacher
professional learning.
They (Industry) can work with intermediaries such as universities and TAFEs to supply contemporary content or technology
that can be incorporated into teacher professional learning (DET, 2018, p. 6)
These reports identify the need for schools and industry to connect, with teacher professional learning being considered pivotal
for success. This paper proposes that a key time for this to begin is during Initial Teacher Education (ITE) programs. This
presentation explores the way in which one ITE program at a South Australian university supported Preservice Teachers (PSTs)
to experience industry as a conduit to building industry links.
STEM industry partnerships Initial Teacher Education
Background context
Teaching for Tomorrow (TfT) – Applying authentic
contexts in STEM Teacher education project, was a project
that gave final year Science, Design and Technology and
Mathematics PSTs an industry experience. Findings from
the research on this collaborative project, which was
conducted over three years, are discussed using the
following three questions as foci:
How can ITE programs prepare graduates to teach
STEM with an informed and authentic understanding
of STEM?
How can graduates adopt a transdisciplinary
approach to planning and teaching in STEM?
How can ITE programs support graduates to be
confident in establishing school/ industry
partnerships (and why should they?)
Throughout 2017 and 2018, a case study approach was
adopted to collect qualitative data from 104 final year
PSTs from the subject disciplines of Design and
Technologies (N= 64) and/or Science or Mathematics (N=
40) and the 20 companies that participated in the industry
experiences. The companies involved represented the
areas of defence, food production, advanced
manufacturing, textile production and the fashion industry.
Data were collected from PSTs through pre and post
surveys related to their understanding of STEM. In 2017,
PSTs were also emailed six open-ended questions related
to the industry experience after its completion. In 2018, an
online survey was utilised to collect responses related to
the industry experience. Units of work that were created
by the PSTs as part of the project were examined for links
to the industry experience and STEM connections by the
research team (including two of the academics teaching in
the course in which the project was undertaken).
All industry partners were interviewed post the industry
experience and the academic staff involved in the project
were also interviewed. Data were de-identified to ensure
that there was no connection with the data collection and
the coursework. The data were analysed by looking for key
themes related to the research questions. The findings
presented in this presentation also draw on an independent
assessment of the project undertaken in 2017.
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5-8 Dec. 2018, Swinburne University of Technology, Hawthorn, Victoria, Australia.
p. 118
Findings and Discussion
Critical Question 1: How can ITE programs prepare
graduates to teach STEM with an informed and authentic
understanding of STEM?
Creative Solution: Providing scaffolded opportunities for
PST to engage in an industry experience while working in
cross discipline teams.
Initially, when asked about STEM, the PSTs indicated that
it was an acronym and could identify the sub-disciplines
and explained and made the connection to future careers
and jobs. Only a few mentioned the interdisciplinary
nature of STEM within the context of industry. Post their
industry experience PSTs demonstrated a much greater
awareness of the links between the disciplines of STEM
and could provide specific instances of the examples of
STEM observed in their experience
Dr Derek Rogers, from Saab Australia, one of the industry
partners involved in the project, recounts the following
insight from one of the PSTs who taught the STEM unit
she had developed in her final placement:
The pre-service teacher in question highlighted that within
her class, a number of the students expressed no interest
in STEM, yet the activity developed under the program,
construction of a simple drone boat and its use to rescue
some plastic ducks (through the use of magnets), not only
excited them enough to participate, but they realised they
needed simple algebra to solve the problem and proceeded
to teach this to themselves. Not only was this a successful
outcome for the students but had a large impact on the
confidence of the pre-service teacher to teach STEM.
Critical question 2: How can graduates adopt a cross
disciplinary approach to planning and teaching in STEM?
Creative solution 1: Introduce the concept of adopting a
cross disciplinary approach to planning and teaching
through the TfT project.
When asked about what they had learned from their
involvement in the industry experience, the key themes
articulated by the PSTs were increased knowledge and
skills (STEM careers, discipline and pedagogical
knowledge), greater understanding of how the disciplines
connect with industry, and how to make real life
connections. The quote below was typical of the type of
responses received from the PSTs
I gained knowledge about the industry, how it operates,
how industry partnerships can assist with teaching stem
and the career pathways that are available in the industry.
A STEM unit around robotics and their use of circuit
boards has been developed to coincide with the industry
placement, which can be used in a classroom and adapted
for differing year levels. I am now more aware about how
to integrate different subjects into a unit and the
importance of design and technology aspect of STEM
Creative solution 2: Embedding cross discipline
collaborations for lecturers teaching in ITE programs and
Providing an opportunity for PST to observe lecturers from
STEM discipline’s teaching and researching together
provides a model for the implementation of STEM
pedagogies in the classroom. Lecturers involved in the
project have also reported a deeper understanding of
curriculum connections.
Critical question 3: How can ITE programs support
graduates to be confident in establishing school/ industry
partnerships (and why should they?)
Creative solution: Providing a supported and structured
process for initial industry engagement partnerships in the
courses involved with the TfT project
When surveyed about the impact of the project on planning
and teaching throughout their final school placement PSTs
responses were varied. The majority of PSTs commenced
their placement keen to establish industry links or to teach
in collaborative ways but set curriculum and projects often
prevented full adoption of this approach. However, a
number a PSTs were able to introduce content from
aspects of the project, for instance one PST stated, I was
able to introduce a STEM unit of work that had an
electronics connection based on the content of the unit
which we had produced for the project.
The ability to support graduates to be confident in
establishing links is best summarised by industry partner
BAE SYSTEMS who stated, Time will tell if aiding
students in STEM subjects will be a success but given the
results of the PST group we worked with, we are highly
confident that this will have a positive outcome.
Findings from this three -year study suggest that
engagement in the Teaching for Tomorrow project has
enabled PSTs to develop an authentic understanding of the
integrated nature of STEM from an industry and
educational perspective, they were also able to develop an
understanding of the knowledge and skills required to
work in STEM-related fields. The increased confidence of
PSTs when connecting to each of the curricula was a
critical component as STEM does not have its own
curriculum but is embedded throughout as shown in the
ACARA (2016) focus for STEM. The PSTs increased
ability to articulate what they mean by STEM teaching and
learning was something not described explicitly in
previous studies but was an important outcome for this
The Teaching for Tomorrow project provides a framework
for authentic university, industry and school collaborations
that facilitate the growth of PST knowledge and ability to
creativity, confidently and authentically teach STEM. The
research will continue and will investigate the longer-term
impact of the project on industry partnership and the
teaching of STEM in secondary and middle school
ACARA (2016). ACARA STEM Connections Project
Report, Retrieved from
Australian Industry Group (2017). Strengthening schoolindustry STEM skills partnerships, Retrieved from
Proceedings of the 10th Biennial International Design and Technology Teacher’s Association Research Conference (DATTArc):
5-8 Dec. 2018, Swinburne University of Technology, Hawthorn, Victoria, Australia.
p. 119
Department of Education and Training (DET) (2018).
Optimising STEM industry-school partnerships:
Inspiring Australia’s next generation – Issues paper,
Retrieved from
Marginson, S., Tytler, R., Freeman, B. & Roberts, K.
(2013). STEM: Country comparisons: International
comparisons of science, technology, engineering and
mathematics (STEM) education. Final report.
Melbourne, Victoria: Australian Council of Learned
Proceedings of the 10th Biennial International Design and Technology Teacher’s Association Research Conference (DATTArc):
5-8 Dec. 2018, Swinburne University of Technology, Hawthorn, Victoria, Australia.
p. 120
Lesson Development with the ‘Dyson Engineering Box’ as a Global Teaching Material in
Japanese Technology Education
Norihiro Mukaida and Chikahiko Yata
Hiroshima University, Japan
The James Dyson Foundation (JDF) is dedicated to encouraging young people pursuing technology and engineering education.
One of the activity of the JDF supports technology education. One of the ways in which the JDF supports technology education
is through the lending of the “Dyson Engineering Box (DEB). DEB is a reverse engineering kit that familiarizes students with
the design process of the Dyson vacuum cleaner model by disassembling the model. In the United Kingdom and Japan,
technology education lessons using DEB as a teaching material have been conducted. The teachers who intend to borrow the
DEB receive documents and data for explaining from the JDF for making a lesson plan. This study purposed to develop and
propose technology education lessons using DEB in the Japanese context. We conducted planning and practice of lessons using
DEB, results and discussion are based on learning evaluation. From an international perspective, we consider the common
teaching materials of the Dyson Engineering Box used in other countries, such as the United Kingdom.
Team1: Technology Education Lesson; Team 2: Common Teaching Materials; Team 3: Disassembling Model.
The James Dyson Foundation (JDF) was founded in the
( Since then, the JDF
has supported students and young engineers who are
learning and studying. Educational support includes
lending teaching materials, conducting workshops,
holding international conventions, and donating to
( This effort is
spreading in the European Union (EU), the United States
of America (USA), and Australia.
Activity began in Japan in 2006. Since then, the JDF has
held lectures and workshops for university students, and it
offers workshops and teaching materials to secondary
educators ( One of the teaching
materials is the ‘Dyson Engineering Box’ (DEB), which is
lent out mainly in the UK, USA, and Japan.
In this study, we aimed to develop and propose lesson
plans for Japanese technology education using the
‘cyclone vacuum cleaner model’ as a teaching material
included in the DEB. We also considered the possibility
that this model could be a teaching material for technology
education globally.
Teaching material: The Dyson Engineering Box
Dyson Engineering Box (DEB)
The DEB is a leased teaching material. Students
disassemble a Dyson machine and learn how the machine
works. The DEB can be leased for free based on a
schoolteacher’s application.
Students can understand the technology used in products
by using the VCM (
Teachers can borrow materials from the Dyson Foundation
for three to four weeks.
Examples of technology classes using the VCM
The Teacher’s Pack attached to the VCM explains how to
use the technology in class. The JDF has issued separate
Teacher’s Packs in three countries: the UK, USA, and
Japan. We considered the purpose and intention for using
the VCM at the junior high school stage in each country.
A comparison of Teacher’s Packs is presented in Table 1.
How to use the VCM
Learning objectives
Lesson plans
Evaluation criteria
Sample worksheet
Table 1: Comparison of Teacher’s Packs by country
It is necessary to provide lesson plans and learning
objectives for Japanese teachers, as well as for those in the
UK and USA. In addition, it is important to establish
evaluation criteria to assess student learning and teaching
tools; for example, worksheets would serve this purpose.
Develop and propose lessons plans
About the Dyson vacuum cleaner model
Framework of lesson plans
The Dyson vacuum cleaner model (VCM) is useful as a
teaching material for disassembling and reassembling a
product. The shape and size are the same as those of the
actual product, but electrical wiring has been removed in
consideration of safety.
The VCM relates to the content unit for Japanese
technology education ‘technology of energy conversion’.
In consideration of the Japanese Courses of
Study(Japanese Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports,
Science and Technology 2017), we refer to the UK and
Proceedings of the 10th Biennial International Design and Technology Teacher’s Association Research Conference (DATTArc):
5-8 Dec. 2018, Swinburne University of Technology, Hawthorn, Victoria, Australia.
p. 121
USA lesson plans and examine their frameworks of
‘Starter’, ‘Main’ and ‘Wrap-up’.
Lesson plan for disassembling a cyclone vacuum
Lesson plan for disassembling a cyclone vacuum cleaner
is shown in Table 2.
Objective: Think about the engineering idea behind the
design of the vacuum cleaner through the disassembly of
Starter 1. Understand the
10 min. idea behind and
the technology of
a cyclone vacuum
Main1 2. Think about the
15 min. air flowing into
cleaner and the
flow of dust
sucked into it,
the cyclone parts
of the cleaner
the body parts of
Main 2 3. Consider the
10 min. specifications of
the product from
the disassembled
・Think of the
・Describe the
vacuum cleaner.
students to notice
problems of paper
investigate how
collect invisible
consider the flow
of air inside the
body parts.
confirm the flow
of air from the
・Ask the some
students to think
about the product
・Clean with a
P Use worksheet
・Pay attention to
air flow and dust
P Use worksheet
・Consider how
invisible dust is
P Use worksheet
Wrap- 4. Consider the
idea behind a
15 min. cyclone vacuum
specifications of
vacuum cleaner.
students to use the
・Confirm that
being developed
based on aspects
appearance, cost,
according to the
description on the
lesson objective
can be achieved.
P Use worksheet
Table 2: Lesson Plan for disassembling a cyclone
vacuum cleaner
Class worksheets
Worksheets 1, 2, 3, and 4 follow the processes presented
in the lessons.
In worksheet 1, students describe the problem of a paper
pack vacuum cleaner, such as the decrease in suction force
and the need to replace the paper pack. The teacher advises
students that Dyson’s vacuum cleaner is designed with
cyclone technology to solve these problems.
Regarding worksheet 2, the teacher instructs students to
consider the flow of air through the vacuum cleaner’s
disassembly and observe the movement of dust. Teachers
direct students to notice how dust accumulates in the upper
parts and under the cyclone parts.
Regarding worksheet 3, the teacher instructs students to
think about the specifications of the products from parts
that they have disassembled (See Table 5).
Concerning worksheet 4, the teacher instructs students to
contemplate the ideas behind the product design from
various viewpoints through the disassembly learning
activity. The description here becomes a learning
Results of learning evaluation
・Pay attention to
the function of
behind each part.
P Use worksheet
The evaluation standards based on the criteria are shown
in Table 4. Overall, 38 students (63%) evaluated criterion
A; 14 students (24%) evaluated criterion B; and 8 students
(13%) evaluated criterion C.
Criterion /
Notice that products are being
developed from various viewpoints to
solve problems found in daily life and
To consider that the product is designed
based on the viewpoints of society, the
environment, and the economy, along
with concrete usage purpose and design
To think that the product is designed
based on the viewpoints of society, the
environment, and the economy, etc.
Can’t think evaluated criterion B
Table 4: Evaluation criteria and standards
Proceedings of the 10th Biennial International Design and Technology Teacher’s Association Research Conference (DATTArc):
5-8 Dec. 2018, Swinburne University of Technology, Hawthorn, Victoria, Australia.
p. 122
In this study, we proposed a technology education class
using the cyclone vacuum cleaner included in the DEB
provided by the JDF. We compared contents of the
Teacher’s Packs provided in the UK, USA, and Japan;
additionally, we considered the learning framework in the
context of Japanese technology education. Based on the
learning framework, we prepared lesson plans,
worksheets, and evaluation criteria. From the result of
learning evaluation, it is necessary to modify and improve
the lessons and worksheets to ensure an awareness of
product design through product disassembly.
This work was supported by JSPS KAKENHI Grant
Numbers JP 15H02917, JP 17H00820.
The James Dyson Foundation Japan (Web Site),
60401_jdfestablish.aspx (in Japanese)
The James Dyson Foundation, Engineering Box Teachers
Pack (Web Site)
0New.pdf (in UK)
ering-box-teachers-pack/ (in USA)
The James Dyson Foundation (2018) Dyson Engineering
Box Teacher’s Guide, (in Japanese)
The Japanese Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports,
Science and Technology (2017) The Course of Study
for Lower Secondary School, government of Japan.
The James Dyson Foundation, Our Work in UK (Web
Proceedings of the 10th Biennial International Design and Technology Teacher’s Association Research Conference (DATTArc):
5-8 Dec. 2018, Swinburne University of Technology, Hawthorn, Victoria, Australia.
p. 123
Progressing the professional identity of pre service Technology Education students.
Deborah Trevallion
The University of Newcastle, NSW, Australia
If a preservice technology teacher to teach technology education using a holistic approach, then the advancement of their
professional identity as a technology teacher will be reliant upon the grasping of essential technology education concepts. This
is a part of a larger study, which examines the transition of a pre service Technology Education teacher during their pre service
program. It records their journey from their initial identity as a trade worker; tracing their identity, knowledge, skill, values and
attitudes development during their first encounter in a school as a pre-service secondary Technology teacher. This study
demonstrates how the developing professional teacher identity is impacted within the Technology Foundation Course and
identifies the factors causing the greatest change. The focal lens is on the coursework and the authentic activity, including the
Technology Day which leads to a solid understanding of Technology Education. It uses personal folio’s, online reflective
journaling and interviews as a way to trace the professional identity change and the results are presented using the Logic
Framework Model. This paper discusses significant changes in the students’ professional identity and this has significant
implication for the training of secondary teachers.
Authentic Learning; Reflective journaling; Concept mapping; Logic Framework Model; Professional identity; Technology
Teachers; Technology Education
This study examines the professional identity transition of
preservice Technology Education (TE) students during a
TE foundation course. The TE foundation course is
mandatory for all preservice TE students in their first
semester at university. The preservice TE students’
identities were analysed before, throughout, and at the
completion of the TE foundation course. Through the
professional identity transition, this case study sought to
identify the factors that influence professional identity
transition. The Logic Framework Model mapped these
findings and provided an overview of the change. This
paper revisits the aim of the study and the research
questions. It draws conclusions from the findings related
to the research questions in the study, outlines
recommendations for future research and practice,
describes the limitations of the study, and draws
This study investigates the evolution of preservice TE
students’ professional identity during a single-semester TE
course. This evolution represents the ongoing adaptions
within their professional identity from that of a technical
worker to a preservice TE student intending to become a
TE teacher.
Research Questions
The research questions explored in this study were:
1. What were the preservice Technology Education
commencement of the TE Foundation course?
2. How does the preservice Technology Education
students’ professional identity change during the
semester-long TE Foundation course?
3. What are the preservice Technology Education
students’ professional identities at the conclusion of
the course?
4. Which aspects of the Technology Education
Foundation course impacted on the professional
identity of preservice Technology Education
Central to this study and these questions are the changes
that occur in a preservice TE teacher’s professional
identity. These are limited to an understanding of the
nature of technology, content and pedagogy. It is often
argued that the most important goal of teacher education is
to ensure that preservice students acquire and develop their
own professional identity (Schulman, 2016) and the
conclusions will suggest how this professional identity
may be shaped.
The case study used qualitative research to explore
changing behaviours, perspectives, feelings and
experiences of preservice TE students, in order to identify
the factors that have affected their professional identity.
This qualitative case study method facilitated exploration
of the phenomenon using a variety of data sources. This
exploration of the changing professional identity used a
variety of lenses allowing for understanding of multiple
facets of the phenomenon. The research techniques and
tools included concept mapping, reflective journaling,
observing and interviewing, within the wider qualitative
framework of a case study.
Research Design
This research design used a multiple case study approach.
Case study research assumes that examining the context
and other complex conditions related to a case are integral
to understanding a case (Yin, & Davis, 2007). The relevant
case study data comes from multiple sources of evidence
including entry folios, concept maps, reflective journals
and semi-structured interviews that are used to triangulate
results. The data analysis techniques included
demographic and interpretive analysis, relational scoring,
Proceedings of the 10th Biennial International Design and Technology Teacher’s Association Research Conference (DATTArc):
5-8 Dec. 2018, Swinburne University of Technology, Hawthorn, Victoria, Australia.
p. 124
time series analysis and evaluation using the Logic
Framework Model. The Logic Framework Model
provided a technique for scrutinizing and undertaking an
evaluation of the change in a cause and effect process
where the participant’s identity was analysed.
The data collected provided extensive evidence to respond
to the research questions. The link between the research
questions, the data sources and the data analysis are in
Table 1. below. This table lists five data analysis strategies
– pattern matching, interpretive analysis, relational
scoring, and time series analysis, beside links to the data
sources associated with each strategy and the use of the
Logic Framework Model.
Research questions Data Source
RQ1. Initial
*Student entry
*Initial concept map
RQ4. Factors
*Online journaling
affecting the
*Exit concept
RQ2. Changes in the *Online reflective
RQ3. Final
*Online journaling
Type of Analysis
* Demographic data
*Pattern matching
*Interpretive analysis
* Relational scoring
*Pattern matching
*Time series analysis
*Interpretive analysis
*Relational scoring
*Pattern matching
*Time series analysis
*Interpretive analysis
*Interpretive analysis
* Pattern matching
* Time series analysis
*Interpretive analysis
*Interpretive analysis
Cross comparison
Logic Framework Model
Characteristics of initial professional identity.
A list of the activities and resources that influenced the
changing professional identity.
The reactions, assertions and initial changes after the
interventions and the interactions.
The professional identity changes at the conclusion of the
TE Foundation course
Table 1: Linking Data to Analysis to the Logic
Framework Model
Figure 3: The Logic Framework Model
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5-8 Dec. 2018, Swinburne University of Technology, Hawthorn, Victoria, Australia.
p. 125
Table 2: Linking Data to Analysis to the Logic
Framework Model
Attributes: The attributes
refer to the characteristics
of the initial professional
identity belonging to the
participant informed by
research question one.
Changes: The changes
occur because of the
interventions. They are
characterised by changes
in identity, beliefs,
attitudes, thinking and
behaviours informed by
research question two.
Intervention: The
intervention is the set of
activities that the
participant experiences
that cause a change in
their identity informed
by research question
Outcomes: The ultimate
outcomes are the longterm changes that occur
after the changes from
the intervention informed
by research question
make things. They determined that they would build, in
their secondary students, the necessary manufacturing
skills needed to prepare them for a future apprenticeship
as a tradesman. They each intended to teach these skills
using a traditional master and apprentice approach to
teaching and learning.
Upon entering the preservice TE undergraduate program,
the participants were confronted by concepts, ideas and
techniques that challenged their understandings and
existing professional identity as it related to TE.
The findings from Research Question Two - How does the
preservice Technology Education students’ professional
identity change during the semester-long TE Foundation
course - show that the participant’s professional identity
changed during the semester-long TE Foundation course.
The participants began the foundation course believing
they would teach the manufacturing of products to their
secondary students using traditional TE teaching
When the TE curriculum introduced them to design
thinking and problem based learning in week 2, the
students made a small, negligible, move toward
contemporary design thinking. This initial move was
attributed to the respect and rapport between themselves
and their tutor as opposed to taking on new ideas.
The findings from Research Question One - What were the
preservice Technology Education students’ professional
identities at the commencement of the TE Foundation
course? - demonstrates the attributes or characteristics that
each of the preservice TE students expressed when they
entered the TE program.
As the students understanding of the coursework
increased, in week 4 they experienced school visits where
they observed both the traditional and contemporary
approach to teaching TE, they also used the design process
in a special school to solve a problem.
These attributes determined the preservice TE student’s
initial professional identity. The eight participants each
had industrial work histories where they each had
responsibilities relating to the use of high quality skills
when making quality products. Whilst each participant
came from a different industry and used different
materials, their main role involved the manufacturing of
products. The preservice TE students took pride in the
quality of their workmanship and enjoyed mastering the
skills and techniques required in their profession.
Each of the participants has previously been given the
responsibility for training apprentices in their field who
would emulate them, using the tools, skills and techniques
that they taught them. They each enjoyed teaching
apprentices and thought that teaching children in schools
would be a similar experience. The participants expected
that they would be teaching children to make quality
products at school. They anticipated that they would be
able to use their experiences from industry to share the
passion that they had from making things out of specific
materials. The preservice TE students common values,
stemming from their backgrounds, life experience and
work history are bound in the joy and satisfactions
experienced when making a high quality product that will
be used and valued by a client.
The research axiology showed that the individuals’ values,
built up during their life histories played a major role in
who they were and what they thought about TE. It showed
that each of the participants started with an understanding
that TE would involve them teaching children how to
In week 6, the students reflected upon what they learned
and what they experienced in their community of practice
their values were challenged and their thinking moved
along the continuum. In week six, the students planned
their own lessons for The Technology Day. This involved
making choices about which approaches to use in their first
teaching experience. At this point, the students planned
lessons that predominantly used the design process.
In week 10 the students taught their lessons to students on
The Technology Day, this authentic experience resulted in
them moving further along the continuum and then in
week 12 after appropriate reflection on the semester’s
work and The Technology Day, it was seen through the
journaling that students were focussed on using design
thinking in their approach to TE. The preservice TE
student’s professional identity had changed. It had evolved
to include changes in beliefs and values. No longer did
they focus on teaching solely manufacturing, and the
participants used and promoted design thinking and
innovation in their classrooms. In addition to this, these
changes were documented in the Logic Model Framework.
The findings from Research Question Three - What are the
preservice Technology Education students’ professional
identities at the conclusion of the course? - show the
outcomes of the course. They show that, at the conclusion
of the course, changes were observed in the participant’s
professional identity and in their teaching practice. These
are the outcomes which were observed in the lessons they
taught and the pedagogy chosen on The Technology Day
and in the skills, knowledge and attitudes discussed when
Proceedings of the 10th Biennial International Design and Technology Teacher’s Association Research Conference (DATTArc):
5-8 Dec. 2018, Swinburne University of Technology, Hawthorn, Victoria, Australia.
p. 126
reflecting in their learning journals. The preservice TE
students, at the end of the TE foundation course,
demonstrated the attributes or characteristics that each of
the preservice TE students expressed when they exited the
TE Foundation course.
These attributes determined their altered professional
identity. They each completed the same coursework and
had the similar experiences in authentic communities of
practice. Whilst sharing these experiences, each of the
participants showed slightly different outcomes. That is,
they each agreed that they would use a problem solving,
project-based learning approach when teaching TE and
their aim was to teach their students to think and enable
them to solve a range of problems that they would
encounter throughout their lives, but they each understood
this in a slightly different way.
The preservice TE students retained some of their initial
values, including the desire to take pride in the quality of
their workmanship and the mastering of the skills and
techniques required in their profession but merged these
with desire to implement project-based learning. They
anticipated that they would still be able to use their
experiences from industry to share their passion.
Research Question Four asks - Which aspects of the TE
Foundation course influenced the professional identity of
preservice Technology Education students? These aspects
are the interventions that impacted on the participants and
effected changes in outcomes related to their professional
identity and their teaching practices. The interventions that
affected the preservice TE student’s professional identity
included the ITE program, including the respect and
rapport built between the students and the tutor who were
a guided to become a cohesive group. The use of a range
of activities and experiences that used authentic activities
in a community of practice and the implementation of
reflective practice throughout the semester were
interventions that contributed to the participants changing
When implementing changes in preservice education,
these factors need to be included in a foundation course to
assist the student to adopt the change. An additional study
will determine which factors must be repeated or built
upon, later in their education program, in order to support
the students enough for them to make the change a
permanent part of their teaching agenda.
The analysis of these research questions allowed a Logic
Framework Model to be synthesised that demonstrates
how the professional identity of a preservice TE student
evolves as they progress thought a TE Foundation course
in their first semester at university. The research questions
provided the data for each step in the Logic Framework
Model that moved from the participants initial attributes to
identifying the intervention that caused changes in their
professional identity. The outcomes are evident and
reflected in their evolved professional identity and their
adapted teaching practices.
Summary of Findings
This study is based on the understanding that identity is
dynamic and static, it is continually being changed and
reformed based on experience in their lives and
interactions with those around them (Gee, 2001; Leserth,
2013). Identity development is not fixed or linear; it is in a
constant state of flux (Britzman, 2003; Bullough, 2005;
Flores, & Day, 2006). The more recent understanding of
identity is described in terms of a sense of self where
identity is relational and is concerned with the sense of
similarity and difference between ourselves and others
sharing similar goals, aspirations and work opportunities
(Beltman, et al., 2015; Gee, 2014; Hosier, 2015).
This study has found that developing a unified sense of
identity with other preservice TE students provided the
study participants with a sense of cohesive professional
identity (Hooley, 2007) as they traversed a foundational
TE course.
A cohesive cohort identity occurs with the detection of
similarities associated with the preservice TE students’ life
histories, both in family and industry practices that they
bring to their educational context. The cohesive identity
grows with shared understandings of the subject content
knowledge, including the technical knowledge, skills,
beliefs and common contemporary approach to teaching
TE learned within the TE Foundation course. The
detection and acceptance of similarities, further result in
the acceptance and validation of their professional identity.
As their individual professional identities were renegotiated, their cohesive university cohort, as Gee (2014)
endorses, became an important factor in legitimising their
professional identity. The participant’s journal reflections
recorded this ongoing re-shaping of each students’
professional identity; the changes were gradual but
constant as layers of interventions impacted on them. The
re-shaping and ongoing modifications of their professional
identity throughout the coursework supports the work and
findings of numerous researchers who explain that a
professional identity is not possessed, but is shaped and reshaped as one progresses through life (Britzman, 2003;
Bullough, 2005; Gee, 2008; Flores, & Day, 2006; Flum, &
Kaplan, 2012; Hosier, 2015; Leserth, 2013).
In this study, the participants were career changers who
had significant life histories that were closely linked to
work and industry experiences, which combined to play a
significant role in building professional identity.
Richardson and Watt (2006) explain that these life
histories, or the stories that people live by (Clandinin,
2008), would have had an impact on the preservice TE
students’ preconceived initial professional identity. In this
study, the initial professional identity attributes displayed
by each participant showed confidence and pride in the
skills that they developed in their industry work
experiences that they would bring to share with their
school students once they began teaching.
This professional confidence is based on the participant’s
certainty that their knowledge and skills, learned in the
workplace, will be transferrable to their new teaching role
(Wenger, 1998). The interconnection between identity,
experience and authentic activity in communities of
practice is an important one. Identity is formed through a
lived experience of participation within a community
through engagement with community members (Wenger,
1998). In this study, authentic activities and experiences
were included in the TE Foundation course for all
preservice TE students. These authentic experiences
Proceedings of the 10th Biennial International Design and Technology Teacher’s Association Research Conference (DATTArc):
5-8 Dec. 2018, Swinburne University of Technology, Hawthorn, Victoria, Australia.
p. 127
resulted in preservice TE students aligning themselves
with the perspectives held by the school community
members, promoting a reshaping of their professional
The study utilised six qualitative case studies to investigate
how preservice TE students’ professional identity evolved
and changed throughout the first semester TE Foundation
course. Using the Logic Framework Model, this study has
identified the influences that have affected the preservice
TE student’s professional identity during this period and,
in doing this, has recognised the influences that support or
inhibit these identity modifications. These influences
caused changes in their values and beliefs about teaching
TE, changes in their understandings and pedagogy relating
to design thinking, the design process, innovation and
creativity. There are changes in skills, knowledge and
attitudes that are demonstrated in critical thinking,
problem solving and project based learning. In a shared
cohort identity where peers are respected friends whose
beliefs are assimilated within the group, changes also
occurred. These changes will result in adapted teaching
practices, where design thinking and a contemporary
approach to TE is the focus, and an evolving professional
identity that has taken on board the contemporary
approach to TE.
AITSL have implemented a mandatory set of Australian
Professional Standards for Graduate Teachers. The
graduates’ standards are focused on professional
engagement, practice and knowledge. In order to gain
employment as a TE teacher, graduates must achieve these
standards and, as such, this means they must teach the TE
curriculum using design thinking. If preservice TE
graduates fail to progress their professional identity, they
are unlikely to achieve the graduate standards and may not
be employable. Consequently, higher education
institutions involved in preparing TE teachers must deliver
initial TE programmes that promote change in the
preservice TE students’ professional identity.
they enter schools. In addition, the results indicate that
professional identity change occurred, but it would be
beneficial to replicate the study with preservice TE
students entering the ITE programme straight from school.
This would ensure that the interventions can be applied to
school leavers and mature aged preservice TE students
who must re-shape their identity due to major curriculum
This study was carried out at a rural university in Australia
with a particular cohort of preservice TE students.
Education curriculums in all subject areas are constantly
changing, so this study could be replicated in other courses
and at other universities in order to promote professional
identity change in order to meet AITSL’s graduate
standards. The question as to whether this approach to
changing professional identity can be used outside the
education sphere and in industry in professional
development courses must be considered. The study could
be adapted, with the principles of valuing life histories and
the implementation of a unified identity cohort, authentic
activity, mentoring and critical thinking using problem
solving, experiential learning and reflection being
Additional research could follow up on the preservice TE
students after completing the TE Foundation course to
ascertain whether they retain the changes to their
professional identity throughout university and once they
commence teaching, or whether they revert to their
traditional professional identity. Research investigating
how to support preservice TE students’ retention of this
holistic approach to TE needs to be planned and
implemented to ensure success in ensuring the teaching of
TE using a holistic approach. In addition, the findings of
this research using the Logic Framework Model may have
many applications in other areas of educational research
and provide a clear model of change for use across
different disciplines.
Limitations of the Study
The findings from this study suggest that a number of
factors previously discussed frames the formation of an
identity. Their professional identity is re-formed by the
interconnection and the layering of life-influencing
factors, such as life histories, university study, activities
and interactions within the cohort, working together within
communities of practice and school contexts. Developing
preservice TE students’ professional identity is a complex,
challenging, relational and multifaceted process. Each of
the study’s participants successfully combined the
influences from their past, their present TE foundation
coursework, the initial TE programme and authentic
activities within school contexts to develop a powerful
social psychology to inform their evolving professional
Recommendations for Future Research and
This study has reported findings and made conclusions
based on the results of a case study of six participants in a
single semester TE course. A longitudinal study would be
useful to assess whether these changes in professional
identity are maintained throughout students’ four years at
university. It would be also interesting to see how the
professional identity is impacted by teaching practice once
As with all studies, there are limitations, however, within
this study, the perceived limitations have been minimized.
The issue of generalisation is a frequent criticism of case
study research, however, this research did not intend to
make statistical generalisations, instead its goal was to
expand and generalise theories using analytic
generalisations. Thus, while the findings emerge from
cases with different backgrounds, there are broader
understandings to be gleaned from the study. The focus
was to achieve transferability of the results and establish
A potential limitation of the research design is that
participant responses may be influenced by how they
perceive they should respond. This is referred to as the
Hawthorne Effect, a process whereby human research
subjects change their behaviour simply because they are
being studied (Shuttleworth, 2009). In this study, the
researcher reduced this by implementing a variety of
techniques including Socratic thinking, professional
debate, discourse and dialogue both in the classroom and
online, in student comments on each other’s blogs before
documenting their own reflections in their journals. This
discourse allows participants to align their thinking with
one or more of a range of views provided in the course.
Proceedings of the 10th Biennial International Design and Technology Teacher’s Association Research Conference (DATTArc):
5-8 Dec. 2018, Swinburne University of Technology, Hawthorn, Victoria, Australia.
p. 128
Whilst these limitations have been identified, they have
not threatened the contribution of the study as they have
been minimised to ensure the findings from the study are
valid and reliable.
This study examined the professional identity transition of
preservice TE teachers during a TE Foundation course in
their first semester at university, and sought to identify
factors that influenced their professional identity
transition. A consideration of the Logic Framework Model
demonstrates that preservice TE students enter the initial
TE programme with pre-determined ideas and attributes
demonstrating their future identity as a TE teacher. The
attributes shown in the initial identities were affected by
interventions. These included aspects of the initial TE
programme, including the TE Foundation course that
provides intellectual, academic and social activities and
experiences. These interventions resulted in changes in
thinking, understandings and teaching that demonstrated
an evolved professional identity embracing a
contemporary approach to TE.
The demonstrated professional identity change moved
from one that focused on a traditional, didactic, masterand-apprentice approach to a contemporary professional
identity that focuses on a holistic approach to TE. This
contemporary identity aligns with the approach promoted
in The Australian Curriculum: The Technologies, which
utilises a holistic approach incorporating design thinking
(ACARA, 2015).
In the world where change is the constant, TE curriculum
reform is the norm. Many TE teachers continue to resist
these changes, resulting in a fragmented schema of TE
(Williams, 2012) whereby preservice TE students and new
graduates find it difficult to clearly define what TE entails,
to locate their situational professional identity (Hamilton,
& Pinnegar, 2015) and to implement the expected
curriculum changes (O’Connor, & Scanlon, 2005) and
graduate standards that AITSL (2010) have produced. To
prevent this from occurring, preservice TE teachers need
to embrace change and reconcile internal conflicts in order
to evolve their professional identity. The findings from this
study provide a pathway for tertiary technology educators
to begin this important process.
In conclusion, this study showed that the pathway that
preservice TE students follow when facing change that
confronts existing values and beliefs. The ontology and
support of initial values and beliefs are essential. Those
who are facing conflicting values and ideals and
undergoing identity challenges because of an altered TE
curriculum may resist using the ideas promoted in the new
curriculum. To help promote professional identity change,
the strategies that support the evolving professional
identity include valuing the TE student’s life history,
building a rapport between students and tutors and
between students that contributes to a unified identity
theory. In the coursework, the preservice TE students need
to experience mentoring, authentic activities in a
community of practice. These strategies need to be
presented to the students, as an option and they must be
provided with opportunities to reflect and evaluate their
use without being told what to think. They each must
reflect upon and evaluate their learning as they
contemplate their changing professional identity.
At the beginning of a foundation course, taking the time to
get to know and understand each of the students is essential
to their success. To find out about their background, life
experiences and their existing values, the tutor must
understand where the students are coming from by
listening closely to their personal contributions. The tutor
must respond by providing positive reinforcement and an
explanation of how the TE preservice life history can be
used to contribute to learning in the classroom. A rapport
must exist between the students within the class and
between the tutor and the students in order to build an
environment that is conducive to a social constructivism
situation. Students who share common characteristics,
beliefs and values are encouraged to work together and
share their existing and evolving values. When working
together using cooperative and collaborative learning the
preservice TE students will work together to help build a
unified group identity where students respect each other
and share developing opinions as they evolve throughout
the semester.
In the planned coursework, mentoring is used to evolve
professional identity. The respect built with the tutor and
between students allows ideas and challenges to be shared,
considered and discussed as their professional identity
evolves. When planning the coursework, in order to evolve
the professional identity authentic activity needs to be
included because authentic activity allows the students to
relate learning to the classrooms in which they will be
working. Authentic activity within these programs needs
to be taught within a community of practice. This allows
the preservice TE students to observe evaluate new
concepts, comparing them with traditional approaches that
are used. This challenges their thinking as they link the
outcomes of the observed activities to their thinking.
If identities are to evolve, the students need to use the
concepts in a classroom without fear of retribution and
with no marks being allocated. The preservice TE students
must be encouraged to risk using new processes and trial
them before evaluating their teaching practices. To
consider possible identity changes and changes in teaching
activity it, all preservice TE students must reflect upon
their authentic learning activities in their community of
practice. These reflections when shared with their
respected mentors and group members evaluate and
synthesise change to their professional identity.
In conclusion, when designing a foundation course that is
aimed at introducing a new concept or evolving the
preservice teacher identity it is essential to include: a
sharing and valuing of their current values and
understandings, the building of a professional rapport
between students and tutor and students, observations and
reflections on traditional and contemporary approaches
used in communities of practices, the provision of
authentic learning opportunities where students have the
opportunity to experiment and trial new concepts with
change paradigm being implemented before evaluating the
success of the lesson.
Proceedings of the 10th Biennial International Design and Technology Teacher’s Association Research Conference (DATTArc):
5-8 Dec. 2018, Swinburne University of Technology, Hawthorn, Victoria, Australia.
p. 129
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5-8 Dec. 2018, Swinburne University of Technology, Hawthorn, Victoria, Australia.
p. 130
From the Living World to Digital Technologies: Programming food and fibre learning
experiences for children and young people
Angela Turner and Leanne Cameron
Southern Cross University
The backdrop to this paper is based on the new Australian Curriculum on Technologies that contains two subject contexts:
Design and Technologies (Design Thinking) and Digital Technologies (Computational and Systems Thinking). While the basis
for the Australian Curriculum was to create uniformity across states and territories, there is autonomy for States and Territories
to continue to offer existing syllabi. For example, the NSW Technologies Mandatory Years 7-8 curriculum content and the
NSW K-6 Science & Technology Syllabus have been redesigned to align with the new Australian Curriculum. A key theme
includes ‘paddock to plate’ learning contexts.
Initially, this article reports on the implementation of an interdisciplinary teaching program, written in collaboration between
SCU researchers and primary school teachers in rural New South Wales, Australia. The research responded to an expressed
school aspiration to foster a greater understanding of food sustainability in a cross-cultural setting as being integral aspects of
a holistic learning program.
We also explore the transfer of ideas from this project to the Digital Technologies learning domain and how it might translate
into the Secondary context. Our collective analysis elicits an examination of assumptions about pedagogy and our collaboration
explores the broader meaning and potential for garden-based programming in creating digital solutions. This is important
because there are very little resources on food and fibre available in this subject area. The STEM in the Garden project provides
unique insight and potential for offering empowerment for students to develop as enterprising, ethically and ecologically driven
Curriculum; Food and Fibre; Digital Technologies
The relationship between food sustainability and the health
of the populace has been identified as a national priority,
and reflected in the new Australian Curriculum. The
Technologies key learning area — Design and
Technologies (Design Thinking) and Digital Technologies
(Computational and Systems Thinking) promotes food
sustainability and digital systems as learning foundations
(Australian Curriculum Assessment and Reporting
Authority, [ACARA], 2015). The expectation to design
programs that support these subjects has resulted in
teachers requesting professional learning, particularly on
new digital technologies. Professional learning is a new
teaching accreditation requirement for all Australian
teachers at all career levels.
We explore the idea of building on recent interdisciplinary
research undertaken with primary schools in rural New
South Wales, Australia. “STEM in the Garden” responded
to an expressed school aspiration to foster greater
understanding on food sustainability through authentic
cross-cultural food learning experiences using non-native,
and foods native to Australia (Bush Tucker). A Year 5/6
STEM educational program was developed with teachers.
Students learnt to identify, compare and predict plantgrowing conditions across three different geographies
through Science (Fair Test), Technology (digital
microscopes and robotics), Engineering (DNA extraction)
and Mathematics (collecting, displaying and analysing
data). The project benefited teachers as a platform for
professional learning according to the Australian Institute
for Teaching and School Leadership (AITSL) Australian
Professional Standards for Teachers.
Our collective analysis elicits an examination of
assumptions about pedagogy and our collaboration
explores the potential for garden-based programming on
creating digital solutions in secondary schooling. This is
important because there is insufficient food based teaching
programs that support the new F-10 Australian Curriculum
— Technologies, specifically for the Digital Technologies
The proposed project aims to enrich teaching and learning
practice through engagement on sustainable food
production domains incorporating digital solutions. This
is reflected in the new NSW syllabus Objectives on
developing student knowledge and understanding of:
how traditional, contemporary and advancing
technologies are used when designing
sustainable products and solutions;
how data is used in the development and
automation of digital solutions;
the role of people and technologies in
developing innovative solutions for preferred
futures (New South Wales Education Standards
Authority, 2017 p 13).
Proceedings of the 10th Biennial International Design and Technology Teacher’s Association Research Conference (DATTArc):
5-8 Dec. 2018, Swinburne University of Technology, Hawthorn, Victoria, Australia.
p. 131
Digital Technologies are currently reshaping our
workforce, moving from traditional to more enterprising
work approaches that disrupt physical boundaries. These
advances signify benefits for Australian society as an
enabler for more effective and efficient collaborations with
other countries (Committee for the Economic
Development of Australia, 2015).
through appropriate tool applications — this is known as
being ‘technate’ 4(Seemann, 2009; Turner, 2013).
Technologies are heavily influenced by Purpose and
Context parameters. Framing complex interdependencies
can be identified through human agency, tools and
material/ecology bridging elements.
Relevant literature
Preferred futures
Creating preferred futures underpins the Technologies
curriculum. Based on Richard Slaughter’s work on
Foresight Studies, social construction, politics and
economic driver relationships as change agents over time,
are key to project a rationale for sustainable futures. Backcasting “what has gone before” is necessary in order to
design a preferred future that is sustainable (Slaughter,
1999, pp. 151). This is not to be confused with predicting
the future but rather imagining the future, the types of
technology future society will need, social changes the
new technology may cause and the possible nature of that
future technology.
Technologies are heavily influenced by Purpose and
interdependencies can be identified through human
agency, tools and material/ecology bridging elements. The
methodology allocates two settings of engagement for
Food sustainability
Sustainable food production systems are crucial to the
wellbeing of Australian communities in terms of
employment, and lifestyle diversity. Yet the food industry
operates in challenging and erratic weather conditions that
affect the security of nutrient rich soil (Qureshi, Hanjra, &
Ward, 2013). Students in tomorrow’s world must possess
the ability to make informed decisions on a range of food
and water security issues. Therefore “education in local
food production is an important priority at all ages and
stages of education” (New South Wales Government,
2014, p.18) to attract ‘next generation’ farmers who will
have the capacity for making sustainable long-term
decisions concerning food supply.
Why Digital Technologies are important
Fostering sustained knowledge of Digital Technologies
empowers students to shape change by influencing how
contemporary and emerging information systems and
practices are applied to meet current and future needs. A
deep knowledge and understanding of digital based
information systems enables students to be creative and
discerning decision-makers when they select and use
systems to manage information and data to conceptualise
preferred futures. The Digital Technologies context
provides students with practical opportunities to apply
design thinking as innovative developers of digital
solutions (ACARA, 2015a).
Clarifying sustainable food futures
Informed, capable citizens in the 21st century will need to
be literate and numerate, and increasingly digitally and
technologically literate. Design innovation theories bridge
this gap for teachers in fostering new frames of ‘thinking
and doing’ (inside and outside their own domain) and
supports critical engagement with the environment
The embedding of food sustainability perspectives in
curriculum delivery through the employment of
computational and systems thinking;
The development of an effective Digital
Technologies teaching program targeting Stage 4
students to enhance student learning on complex food
sustainability challenges.
Naturalistic Inquiry is proposed for the research (Lincoln
& Guber (1985). A Purposive approach will be used as the
sampling method as this supports empirical data tied to a
specific setting rather than representative or random
sampling methods. Teachers and students will be invited
to participate.
Enhanced capacity of students to backcast and
foresight preferred futures on sustainable food
production scenarios;
Increased competencies and dispositions such as
thinking, communicating, personal futures, social
responsibility and world futures;
Increased student awareness on agriculture and
sustainable food production through the employment
of digital technologies.
Significance of research
Literature on digital technologies commonly emphasises
computer science, information systems, software
engineering and project management as intellectual
underpinnings, yet a common frame to untangle these
technological complexities is under-developed. Applying
a common frame through bridging elements provides the
teacher with a method to organise and classify complexity
— critical for authentic project planning efficiencies and
The ability for an individual to think and work creatively and
displays competencies in technological problem solving,
experimentation and communication.
Proceedings of the 10th Biennial International Design and Technology Teacher’s Association Research Conference (DATTArc):
5-8 Dec. 2018, Swinburne University of Technology, Hawthorn, Victoria, Australia.
p. 132
The research supports the work of schools and develops
partnerships between the school and higher education
sectors. It appreciates inquiry into what works well, so
schools can learn from successful experiences. The
proposed research will benefit education professionals by
enhancing the quality and rigor of knowledge and practice
on food and the digital technologies learning space.
Design Management Symposium: Design-Driven
Business Innovation, Shenzhen, China, pp. 323-330.
Committee for the Economic Development of Australia
(CEDA). (2015). Australia’s Future Workforce?
Retrieved from
Lincoln, Y., & Guba, E. (1985). Naturalistic Inquiry.
Newbury Park, CA: Sage Publications.
STEM in the Garden funded through a Rural and Remote
Education Network grant $19,000.00
New South Wales Government. (2014). Agriculture
industry action plan: Taskforce recommendations to
government. Retrieved from
New South Wales Education Standards Authority
(NESA). (2017). Technology Mandatory: Years 7 &
8 Syllabus. Retrieved from
Australian Curriculum, Assessment and Reporting
Authority (ACARA). (2015). Australian Curriculum:
Technologies. Retrieved from
Qureshi, M., E., Hanjra, M. A, & Ward, J. (2013). Impact
of water scarcity in Australia on global food security
in an era of climate change. Food Policy, 38, 136145.
Australian Curriculum, Assessment and Reporting
Authority (ACARA). (2015a). Design and
Technologies: Sequence of content F-10 strand:
Knowledge and understanding. Retrieved from
Seemann, K. (2009). Technacy Education: Understanding
Cross-cultural Technological Practice. In J. Fien, R.
Maclean & M. G. Park. (Eds.), Work, Learning and
Sustainable Development Opportunities and
Challenges (pp. 117-131). Bonn: UNESCOUNEVOC Springer.
Australian Institute for Teaching and School Leadership
(2012). Australian Professional Standards for
Teachers. Retrieved from
Slaughter, R. (1999). Futures for the third millennium:
Enabling the forward view. Australia: Prospect Media
Pty Ltd.
Ballantyne-Brodie, E., Wrigley, C., Ramsey, R., &
Meroni, A. (2013). Design LED innovation to
rejuvenate local food systems and healthy
communities: An emerging research agenda. Paper
presented at the 2013 IEEE Tsinghua International
Turner, A. (2013). A critical examination of food
technology, innovation and teacher education: A
Technacy Genre Theory perspective. (Doctor of
Philosophy PhD), Southern Cross University, Coffs
Proceedings of the 10th Biennial International Design and Technology Teacher’s Association Research Conference (DATTArc):
5-8 Dec. 2018, Swinburne University of Technology, Hawthorn, Victoria, Australia.
p. 133
Creativity in Design and Technologies education: preservice teachers’ perspectives
Belinda von Mengersen
Australian Catholic is
Of the many skills Design and Technologies teachers are required to awaken and develop in students, the capacity to simply
think is perhaps the most fundamental. And for independent, resilient thinking, creativity is just as important as critique. Yet
creative thinking in the design process is rarely explicitly taught (Harris, 2016, p. 3), either to students or the teachers who
instruct them. Unless students can think flexibly and practise the capacity to innovate and broaden their perspectives, they will
be unable to adequately ‘imagine and design in response to “preferred futures”’ (ACARA). And the literature of both the
Australian Curriculum, Assessment and Reporting Authority (ACARA) and the International Baccalaureate (IB) – plus, more
broadly, the society in which students will live and work – require them to do so. It is therefore imperative that we move beyond
the assumption that creative thinking is innate. Creativity theory (Harris, 2016; Runco, 2007, 2014) suggests that creative
thinking can be explicitly communicated, fostered and practised. However, this imperative suggests that familiar dichotomies
must be dismantled, including what Martin and Owen-Jackson describe as an ongoing discipline debate: ‘Is design and
technology about making or knowing?’ (2013). This debate purports that in Design and Technologies (D&T), propositional
knowledge may be prioritised over procedural knowledge (theoretical and conceptual design knowledge vs practical making
skills and tacit knowledge) or vice versa. However, Martin and Owen-Jackson conclude that not only are these types of
knowledge inseparable, they actually inform one another (2013, p. 71). The debate is echoed in the notion of critical and
creative thinking styles as mutually exclusive, and also the ‘art (right-brain thinking) or science (left-brain thinking)’ polarity
(D. A. Edwards, 2008). But instead of becoming mired in such semantic inquiry, our aim must be practical: to cultivate the
capacity for ingenuity and imagination in D&T teachers. This project examines creative thinking tools and strategies, their use
and value, and where in design processes they are being employed. Initial findings indicate that creative thinking skills cannot
be assumed and that tools themselves often need to be redesigned, at least subtly, for the most effective use in D&T education.
Creativity, creative-thinking, design-thinking, critique, critical-thinking
What do you mean by design development?
To those with a Design and Visual Arts education
background, awareness of creativity and the thinking and
making practices which sustain it is innate. From this
perspective, the dearth of creative confidence in Design
and Technologies students – and the surprisingly common
query, ‘What do you mean by design development?’ – are
astonishing. But further reflection confirms that regardless
of the domain, creative fluency must not be assumed, but
instead actively cultivated, evolving gradually through
design and visual arts pedagogical practices: open-ended
design briefs, dialogic studio-based teaching, selfreflection, creative writing, playful experimentation and
critique. Rather than by instinct, creativity unfolds through
opportunities and nurture: chances to ‘practice creative
thinking, support for creative behaviour, and modelling
and valuation of creative thinking and creative behaviour’
(Runco, 2014, p. 204). Design and visual arts programs
foster creative confidence through open-ended dialogic
and experimental, experiential, cyclic constructivist
pedagogy: ‘signature pedagogies’ which enable creativity,
balancing dialogue, action, critique and reflection (Sims &
Shreeve, 2012). As D&T educators, we cannot assume our
students have this creative self-awareness. Instead, we
must consciously adapt our pedagogical approaches to
enhance creativity. Many D&T students also lack selfefficacy in creativity and design, and this constrains them
enormously. They commonly present one final design only
or, if urged, three versions of one design with
inconsequential differences. This lack of creativity
compromises the entire design process: often, students
doggedly force their original design to work, even with
less-than-optimum materials and techniques. Instead of
investigating multiple solutions through trials, tests and
documentation, backfilling what they feel the assessor
expects to see (Runco, 2014, p. 184). Furthermore,
genuinely creative students feel their creativity is
unrewarded by normative design and technologies
assessment structures. Even worse, they explain, their
creative potential is constrained by the process. It has been
suggested that the reverse-engineering of documentation
and the resulting ‘sanitised’ version is the consequence of
an assessment structure which prefaces the design
‘process’ instead of ‘processes’, plural. By contrast,
creativity practices in design and visual arts are
deliberately fostered through experimental studio work,
illustrating the vital relationship between thinking and
doing. It is this praxis – sympathy between evaluating and
crafting – which is urgently needed in D&T education.
Pedagogical approaches enhanced with creativity theory
and practice would support both teachers and students as
they explore this new approach.
Design futures require creative and critical
speculative thinking
This paper proposes an alternative pedagogical approach
to creativity early in design processes, aiming to restore
independent thinking through imagination. Assessment
models must now focus on the overarching graduate
attribute of ‘futures thinking’ and speculative design
thinking – the capacity to be creative and adapt to a future
world which we can only imagine. In D&T education, this
Proceedings of the 10th Biennial International Design and Technology Teacher’s Association Research Conference (DATTArc):
5-8 Dec. 2018, Swinburne University of Technology, Hawthorn, Victoria, Australia.
p. 134
means developing the capacity to imagine design futures
(Fry, 2009) which focus on ‘creating things that matter’
(D. Edwards, 2018) through meaningful (Verganti, 2016)
‘value-driven’ design (Verganti, 2009). Creativity is
profoundly reliant upon imaginative capacity, and enables
speculative thinking: it involves the boundary-pushing,
rule-breaking and materials-testing that real innovation
depends on. Speculative thinking is empowering, and
rewards creative risk. To this end, the research project
below asks students to design their own creativity tools.
The purpose is making the tools more specific and
subjective, underpinned by the principle that creativity and
design are not objective practices and that students’
attitudes towards creativity matter (Runco, 2014, pp. 185186).
Combining Critical and Creative thinking
Why is creative thinking imperative to Design and
Technologies curricula? Almost without exception, the
literature focuses on critical thinking. Yet these two should
be inseparable: the dual arms of De Bono’s theory of
lateral thinking (1977), they, in combination, underpin
methodologies of both creative and critical pedagogies.
Further, creative and critical thinking skills are placed
together under general capabilities in both the Australian
Curriculum for Design and Technologies (ACARA), and
the International Baccalaureate (IB) which asserts that
D&T students must develop ‘strategies for creative and
critical thinking’. IB literature also spells out that ‘creative
tension between theory and practice is what characterizes
design technology within the DP sciences’ (IB). As well as
enabling innovation, creative thinking is crucial for Design
and Technologies: we explicitly require students to think
beyond their present lived experience, imagining and
designing in response to ‘preferred futures’ (ACARA).
And yet recent publications and professional development
offerings focus on computational and systems thinking,
when we should be recasting creativity and analysis as
collaborative interlocutors.
Design and Technologies’ focus on developing critical
thinking tools may issue from the need to ensure criticality
in the discipline. Whilst this is being robustly debated and
thoughtfully integrated (Williams & Stables, 2017),
creativity’s capacity to inform design and partner with
critique has been profoundly underestimated. And while
initial findings suggest that it does require attention and
practice, many creativity theories mirror a design process
methodology. Thus, once the integration process begins,
similarities become more apparent, and students are able
to more clearly articulate their own meta-analysis. To
support this, we must reconsider the use and application of
creativity strategies, asking which are used, how they are
used, and at which stages in design processes. Doing so
will illuminate the relationship between creative and
critical thinking, enabling tools to be adapted and newly
developed for the most effective use in D&T education.
Redesigning creativity: Developing a personal
To research students’ aptitude for creative practices, a
mixed year three/four cohort of pre-service education
students was given an assessment based on identifying,
researching, interpreting, critiquing and redesigning a set
of four creativity tools. When the task was introduced, they
were puzzled by the term ‘creativity’ and, even after clear
definition of its educational context, appeared ill-equipped
for the necessary conceptual thinking. Students were only
broadly familiar with mind-mapping and brainstorming,
tools which creativity researchers suggest often inhibit
divergent thinking in educational contexts (Runco, 2014,
p. 189). The majority of students struggled to think beyond
brainstorming tools until other models were introduction
and the assessment was scaffolded by Bloom’s Taxonomy.
Bloom’s Taxonomy did, however, enable them to gain
traction with the task. A project of this kind of actionresearch (Klein, 2012; McAteer, 2013) aims to observe
students’ attitudes towards creativity tools in D&T
education, and document, analyse and reflect upon their
responses, perspectives, specific creativity tool examples,
and outcomes (or redesigned versions). The research goal
was to enable students to develop and test a set of personal
(Runco, 2014, p. 172) creativity tools to facilitate the
(plural) ‘processes of designing’ (Stables, 2015, p. 24)
rather than a restricted or formulaic design process.
Established creativity models can be problematic, because
they embody someone else’s intuitive or organic creative
process. Being highly subjective, a particular tool may
work brilliantly for its creator yet still require modification
or reinterpretation by the next user.
Research questions underpinning the task:
How can creativity and imaginative thinking be
further enabled in Design and Technologies?
What if Design and Technologies students designed
their own creativity tools?
Would tool design enhance metacognitive (Runco,
2014, p. 200) awareness of creativity?
Could the subjective curation involved in the
understanding of creativity tools?
Can creativity be cultivated through the experimental
use of design and visual arts ‘signature pedagogies’
in Design and Technologies education?
To develop creativity skills and awareness, avoiding
formulaic creativity models and design processes by
asking students to design/redesign their own; and to
develop a conceptual design project that acts as a creativity
Design brief given to students:
Develop a personal creative thinking tool kit with four
creative thinking tools; then evaluate, test and redesign
these tools using Bloom’s Taxonomy.
Initial findings:
Initial findings were disconcerting because they simply
illuminated the magnitude of the problem in this cohort.
With limited understanding of creativity and ability to
apply creativity tools, most students were unable to extend
design thinking and enhance creative design development.
Students failed to show increased inclination for
application of creativity methods or improved
understanding of the value of creative design development
practices in design. Of 100 students, only 6 developed an
Proceedings of the 10th Biennial International Design and Technology Teacher’s Association Research Conference (DATTArc):
5-8 Dec. 2018, Swinburne University of Technology, Hawthorn, Victoria, Australia.
p. 135
authentically ‘redesigned’ set of personal creativity tools.
The remaining 94 either (a) simply regurgitated or
described existing tools and/or (b) demonstrated a
simplistic application of the pre-existing tool. These
figures highlight a typically constrained approach to
creativity and emphasise the urgency of change. It is
important to note these 6 students were higher achievers in
the group academically and that they were already
considered more genuinely creative in their approach to
design thinking than their peers. This outcome suggests
that a creativity intervention at this stage of the degree with
senior students was, unfortunately, largely unsuccessful.
One might conclude that this intervention was either too
little too late or that students either ‘get it’ or don’t.
Moving forward, the research only serves to emphasise the
urgent need for creativity pedagogies, ideally throughout
the course of study, via a holistic program approach in
D&T which nurtures and models creative practices.
Where to from here?
Creativity, in Design and Technologies education, is
mostly an assumed skill. For example, though students are
often instructed to design three alternatives to a given
problem, creativity tools are not explicitly taught, nor
approaches modelled. Students are familiar with various
hackneyed creativity tools, and assume they know how to
use them: but these imprecise and generalised practices
almost always fail to inspire cognitive challenge or risktaking. By contrast, creativity thrives in environments
which foster students to think beyond their known
experience, transcending clichés and one-dimensional
adaptations. ‘What is required in education today are
learning systems that are responsive to constant flux,’
Seely Brown writes. Further, he argues, such systems
should ‘embrace a theory of learning to become’ (Seely
Brown, 2010). These findings indicate the urgent need for
a new category or type of knowledge in Design and
Technologies education that moves well beyond a
dichotomy of making or knowing; instead including
conceptual, procedural, professional (ALTC) and
speculative knowledge. This speculative aspect of design
knowledge would embrace design ‘futuring’ (Fry, 2009)
through creativity, imagination and socio-critical design
thinking. Creativity and its innovative solutions are not the
work of narrow, design- or assessment outcome-driven
thinking. Rather, Design and Technologies students must
take experimental risks, and confidently follow their own
pathways, enabling disruptive, meaningful, value-driven,
and future-focused design thinking. And it is the capacity
to understand and develop their own creative processes
which will make this possible.
ACARA. Australian Curriculum: Critical and Creative
ALTC. Graduate Skills: learning and teaching graduate
skills. Retrieved from
Edwards, D. (2018). Creating Things That Matter: The
Art and Science of Innovations That Last: Henry Holt
and Company.
Fry, T. (2009). Design futuring : sustainability, ethics,
and new practice (English edition.. ed.). Oxford and
New York: Berg.
Harris, A. (2016). Creativity and Education: London :
Palgrave Macmillan UK : Imprint: Palgrave
IB, I. B. Design Technology. Retrieved from
Klein, S. R. (2012). Action Research Methods Plain and
Simple (1st ed.. ed.): New York : Palgrave Macmillan
US : Imprint: Palgrave Macmillan.
Martin, M., & Owen-Jackson, G. (2013). Is design and
technology about making or knowing? In G. OwenJackson (Ed.), Debates in Design and Technology
Education (pp. 64-73). London and New York:
Routledge: Taylor & Francis Group.
McAteer, M. (2013). Action Research in Education. In.
Retrieved from doi:10.4135/9781473913967
Runco, M. A. (2007). Creativity theories and themes :
research, development, and practice. Amsterdam
Boston: Elsevier Academic Press.
Runco, M. A. (2014). Creativity : theories and themes :
research, development, and practice (2nd ed.. ed.):
London, England : Academic Press.
Seely Brown, J. (2010). Forward: Education in the
Creative Economy. In M. A. Peters & D. Araya
(Eds.), Education in the Creative Economy. New
York: Peter Lang Publishing.
Sims, E., & Shreeve, A. (2012). Signature Pedagogies in
Art and Design. In N. L. Chick, A. Haynie, & R. A.
R. Gurung (Eds.), Exploring More Signature
Pedagogies: Approaches to Teaching Disciplinary
Habits of Mind (pp. 55-67). Sterling, Virginia: Stylus
Stables, K. (2015). Environment: Contributions of Design
and Education to the Sustainment of Planet Earth. In
K. Stables & S. Keirl (Eds.), Environment, Ethics and
Cultures: Design and Technology Educations'
Contribution to Sustainable Global Futures (Vol. 13,
pp. 15-32). Rotterdam/Boston/Taipei: Sense
Verganti, R. (2009). Design-driven innovation : changing
the rules of competition by radically innovating what
things mean. Boston, Mass.: Boston, Mass. : Harvard
Business Press.
Verganti, R. (2016). Overcrowded : designing
meaningful products in a world awash with ideas:
Cambridge, MA : The MIT Press.
Williams, P. J., & Stables, K. (Eds.). (2017). Critique in
design and technology education: Springer.
Edwards, D. A. (2008). Artscience: Creativity in the PostGoogle Generation: Harvard University Press.
Proceedings of the 10th Biennial International Design and Technology Teacher’s Association Research Conference (DATTArc):
5-8 Dec. 2018, Swinburne University of Technology, Hawthorn, Victoria, Australia.
p. 136
General Presentations
This section of the proceedings lists in alphabetical order all keynote presentations, posters, and other general
presentations that were accompanied by a title and where provided a short abstract. These presentations were not
subjected to double-blind peer review but were peer-selected and copyedited. Such presentations held topical and
participatory value for delegates.
Proceedings of the 10th Biennial International Design and Technology Teacher’s Association Research Conference (DATTArc):
5-8 Dec. 2018, Swinburne University of Technology, Hawthorn, Victoria, Australia.
p. 137
Designing Change - A Streamed Video Presentation
Leyla Acaroglu
Sustainability provocateur and cultural protagonist Dr Leyla Acaroglu challenges people to think differently about how the
world works. As an award-winning designer, UNEP Champion of the Earth, sociologist, and entrepreneur, she developed the
Disruptive Design Method and designs cerebrally activating experiences, gamified toolkits, and unique educational experiences
that help people make the status quo obsolete.
Keynote Address (pre-recorded)
Design and Technology Education for, through, about and against design – valuing 4-D
Steve Keirl
Goldsmiths, University of London
This paper offers an investigation of the ways in which design education, through Design and Technology (D&T), can be rich,
holistic and empowering for all students, teachers and society alike. The paper will first set out an educational context for D&T
that is assumed to be democracy-serving, environmentally defensible and of value to all. It will then open up the ways that
design can be ‘educationally engaged’, that is, at once helping students to learn and teachers to teach by applying four different
understandings of design curriculum and pedagogy - for, through, about and against design. (This invites speculation on a 4-D
approach where the ‘D’ stands open to interpretation). Since design itself is never ‘right’, totally satisfactory, or uncontested
so, it is argued, must be any related design pedagogy or curriculum. Thus (after Ihde) design can be conceived in ‘multistable’
ways that engage all four understandings to the benefit of a common good.
Invited Speaker. Designated Provocateur. Holistic design and technology education; curriculum and pedagogy; ethics;
common good
Learning Strategies to Support Design for Emerging Manufacturing Methods
Stefan Lie
University of Technology, Sydney
This paper describes a design project implemented in tertiary design education to aid students in developing strategies to design
products to be produced with emerging manufacturing methods. Prior to the emergence of advanced manufacturing
technologies, such as 3D printing, the rate at which mainstream manufacturing methods changed was gradual. This in turn gave
the teaching of manufacturing methods to product design students a clear and constant direction. However, 3D printing
technologies are developing and maturing faster than mainstream manufacturing can keep pace with, which means that teaching
students strategies to design for them need to be more future focused. A design project titled ‘Design Augmentation’ was
developed and implemented with 2nd year students studying Integrated Product Design at the University of Technology Sydney.
The project required students to select an existing product or part thereof and augment it with 3D printing as the manufacturing
method in mind. The results demonstrate, that the project helped them to understand and articulate the fundamentally different
design methods required between a traditional manufacturing method and 3D printing. The significance of the project is that it
proposes important learning strategies for future designers to be better equipped to adapt to the rapidly changing manufacturing
Product Design for Additive Manufacturing; Tertiary Design Education; Future focused manufacturing
Proceedings of the 10th Biennial International Design and Technology Teacher’s Association Research Conference (DATTArc):
5-8 Dec. 2018, Swinburne University of Technology, Hawthorn, Victoria, Australia.
p. 138
Always Was, Always Will Be – Aboriginal Knowledge and STEM
Maddison Miller
Heritage Victoria
Maddison Miller is a Darug Womanand Archaeologist living in Melbourne. Maddi is the co-chair of the Indigenous Advisory
Group to the Clean Air and Urban Landscape Hub of the National Environmental Science Program. Maddi works at Heritage
Victoria and has been responsible for projects such as the Thomas Mill community excavation.
She is a member of Indigenous Architecture and Design Victoria, advocating for Indigenous place making in the built
environment. Maddi tells us “Australia is an incredibly diverse continent and this notion of it being one country is relatively
new... From Broome to Melbourne there are very different ecologies and experiences, but one thing every mob shares is a deep
understanding of the environment and how to exploit that environment to sustain community and culture... I look at what our
ancestors and old people were doing and realise they were scientists, architects, engineer-sand mathematicians.
These are things we’ve always been doing and should continue to have a voice in. I think it’s really important to listen to
Aboriginal voices and recognise the way they would use the landscape, use space and their ways of life because it’s really
applicable to today.”
Keynote Address
Practice and Evaluation of STEM Education through Elementary School Programming
Ayaka Murakami1, Toshikazu Yamamoto2, Takenori Motomura3, Jun Moriyama4, Masakatsu Kuroda5
Azuma Elementary School, Gunma, Japan
Saitama University, Faculty of Education, Saitama, Japan
Nippon Institute of Technology, Saitama, Japan
National Hyogo University of Teacher Education, Japan
Ph.D program Student, National Hyogo University of Teacher Education
Learning about Computer Programming is adopted in the new national curriculum of elementary schools in Japan as part of the
movement of the STEM education. However, the National Curriculum indicates programming as a learning activity in
Mathematics, Science, and Integrated Studies. There is no subject related to technology and engineering in the elementary
school curriculum yet. Therefore, the purpose of this research is to conduct a lesson in mathematics which aims to connect
mathematics and engineering through programming as a learning activity.
A lesson on “addition, subtraction” in arithmetic was conducted for the second year elementary school students. rogramming
was conducted using 3*4 cell worksheets with arranged numbers and programmed by adding and subtracting according to the
teaching material from starting point to the end. As a result of this learning activity, through programming, students understood
that technology is connected to mathematics. The prior and after investigations showed that students had shown active
participation and interest in programming. An evaluation by observers of the lessons was also conducted. The research showed
that the students acquire basics of programming comparatively in a short time and the students enthusiastically deal with it
when guided for multiple solutions.
From the above results, it was identified that this learning activity is appropriate for promoting understanding of programming
to lower grades students in elementary schools, and the effect as STEM education was evaluated.
Programming, Arithmetic, Elementary School
Proceedings of the 10th Biennial International Design and Technology Teacher’s Association Research Conference (DATTArc):
5-8 Dec. 2018, Swinburne University of Technology, Hawthorn, Victoria, Australia.
p. 139
The Future of Design and Technology Education
Peter Murphy
President, Design and Technology Teachers Association of Australia
Peter Murphy is President of DATTA Australia, a member of the DATTA Victoria committee and STEM Leading Teacher at
Northcote High School in Melbourne. He is a member of the Victorian Tech Schools Advisory Panel, and has published teacher
support materials.
Peter trained as an industrial designer in his home city of Glasgow, then relocated to Melbourne in 2009, where he studied
Secondary Teacher Education. Throughout his career, Peter has been a passionate advocate for the Design & Technologies
learning area, and has developed a number of initiatives designed to engage with students, colleagues, school leaders, tertiary
education, government and the wider community – all with the aim of shouting loud about the progressive, challenging and
relevant nature of our curriculum.
In 2011, Peter created So You Think You Can Design as an extra-curricular competition for VCE students at Simonds Catholic
College. This has continued to grow, first as a Victorian challenge, and in 2017, as an Australia-wide event. His other initiative,
Design & Technologies Week has also expanded from a Northcote High School project to become a National initiative.
Keynote Address
A Fact-finding Survey on Student's Information Morals and Security at the Time of
Graduation from Junior High School
Ryoichi Oguma1, Toshikazu Yamamoto2
Doctoral Course,The United Graduate School of Education, Tokyo Gakugei University
Saitama University, Faculty of Education, Saitama, Japan
Software that prevents normal use of computers and carries out illegal actions causing harm spreads at a pace of about 3 million
programs per month, and the threat related to information security is becoming more and more serious. In addition, the number
of victimized children caused by incidents on the Internet has been increasing every year.
In response to such social phenomena, in the curriculum which will be newly implemented starting from 2020 an emphasis has
been placed on the contents of learning about information morals and security in junior high school classes related to
technology/home economics (technical field) as well as to computer science.
According to previous research, studies on teaching methods regarding information morals and security and beginning of school
year surveys have been sufficiently conducted. However, it was found that no surveys have been conducted when all studies at
junior high schools are completed.
Therefore, in this research, we have conducted a fact-finding survey of the scale of 1,000 students at the time of their graduation
from junior high school with an aim of understanding the current situation and problems of teaching about information morals
and security at the stage of completion of compulsory education.
As a result of the fact-finding survey, it became clear that there is a lack of knowledge on the means of insuring information
Information Morals; Information Security; Junior high school students.
Proceedings of the 10th Biennial International Design and Technology Teacher’s Association Research Conference (DATTArc):
5-8 Dec. 2018, Swinburne University of Technology, Hawthorn, Victoria, Australia.
p. 140
Applied Design Led Innovation: Why D&T is the only subject that can deliver
Kurt Seemann
Swinburne University of Technology, Melbourne Australia.
This keynote will position the unique and essential educational contribution that only Design and Technology can provide. The
world we make defines us: so we better make good decisions! Increasingly, applied design led innovation capability is a sought
after new generation skill-set combining creativity and technical knowledge required for both industry and community life.
From emergent play to sophisticated pioneering capabilities, this keynote examines:
What must be the reformed vision for design and technology education that assures its future as a necessary and
highly invested field of learning?
How can design and technology assert itself as the lead provider of applied design led innovation capability? A
capability that uniquely develops the integrated mind and fosters innovation attributes that last a pupil’s lifetime.
Keynote Address. Developing innovation capabilities, technacy education.
Barriers to commercialization on Botswana's Design and Technology output
Polokwane Sekonopo
University of Botswana
Industrialization has been identified as a prerequisite for modern development and in a bid to industrialize the Botswana
government found it fit to introduce Design and Technology subject as a precursor to industrialization. Its introduction at middle
and high school levels was intended to produce learners who will be able to power the local economy by creating employment
or being absorbed by local SMEs. However, little to no success has been registered in the national economy, and without any
drastic implementation measures, no positive outputs will be registered. Prior local Design and Technology programme
modifications also did not achieve intended objectives. Whilst a lot of expenditure is spent on the programme as compared to
other school subjects, there is a risk that the lack of returns on investments might make the government to discontinue the
programme. This paper seeks to identify some product (artefacts) outputs from the University of Botswana’s industrial design
programme (which trains Design and Technology teachers) and dissect them to identify the missing link to their
commercialization. The missing link, which the government can address to get returns from its investment. The paper is based
on a qualitative approach with a conveniently selected sample to enable ease of accessibility to the works.
Commercialization; artefact; design; technology; manufacturing
Proceedings of the 10th Biennial International Design and Technology Teacher’s Association Research Conference (DATTArc):
5-8 Dec. 2018, Swinburne University of Technology, Hawthorn, Victoria, Australia.
p. 141
A change in Course
Larry Spry
Design and Technology Teacher’s Association of South Australia
The intent of the presentation is to analyse the implementation of a different mode of delivery in regards to teaching and learning
a Course in Design and Technologies at a Tertiary level. Faced with a change in the structure and content for the Masters of
Education [MMET] courses for 2018 as a team we designed and created a new 7-week intensive teaching and learning program
for MMET students in D&T. The course centred on the application and implementation of “flipped classroom approach ”The
flipped classroom is a reversal of traditional teaching where students gain first exposure to new material outside of class, usually
via reading or lecture type videos, and then tutorial time we assimilate that knowledge through strategies such as problemsolving, discussion, debates and 'hands on' practical activities. In this mode of operation students have the opportunity to put
the theory from the information videos/readings into practice in the tutorials and the focus on the 4S Conceptual Framework
for classroom (Background basics - Williams, David (Williams, David, 2013) management that centres on 4 intersecting &
dynamic domains that are considered support effective management of the learning environment ,so as to provide support for
teaching D&T in the primary classroom. The presentation explores the program structure and content, reviews MMET student
engagement in the course content and highlights student outcomes for discussion and review.
Design and Technologies, teaching and learning, Tertiary education
Connecting with Regional members
Larry Spry
Design and Technology Teacher’s Association of South Australia
This presentation reviews a PD process implemented in 2018 that focussed on supporting involvement of our isolated regional
members in curriculum development in Design and Technologies, establishing effective networks between regional and city
educational sites & to support innovative and current practice in the teaching and learning of D&T in the secondary setting.
The "West Coast and Northern Areas D&T Hub Group" have been meeting on an annual basis for decades now. Each year a
school hosts visitors in the regional area to come a share ideas, link with colleagues and connect with DATTA SA
representatives and make connections as a network of schools and communities.
DATTA SA has always been a part of the 3-day event with Executive members attending, presenting updates of curriculum
development, workshop and updating pedagogy practices especially around WPS aspects. Through the support of the grant of
$4000 from Educators SA to enable the planning, hosting and release of teachers for the event 30 teachers attended the 3-day
event. This was a great opportunity to connect with Executive members, share ideas in relation to curriculum, programs and
approaches to teaching, support programs such as F1 in schools and submarine program , focus on sTEm and flipped classroom
approach to teaching & learning.
This presentation reviews a successful planning process and highlights the key components in relation to networking and
reviews the significant role Associations play in promoting learning areas
DATTA, Associations, networking, Design and Technologies, learning, networking
Proceedings of the 10th Biennial International Design and Technology Teacher’s Association Research Conference (DATTArc):
5-8 Dec. 2018, Swinburne University of Technology, Hawthorn, Victoria, Australia.
p. 142
Problem-based learning in Design and Technology
Brad Walmsley
Queensland Curriculum and Assessment Authority
This paper provides a synopsis of the conceptual framework that lead to the development of the problem-based learning
pedagogical framework and problem-solving processes to be implemented in Queensland general Technologies subjects
including, Aerospace Systems, Design, Digital Solutions, Engineering and Food and Nutrition. Problem-based learning is
described as an active, constructivist process that incorporates the use of open-ended or ill-structured problems as a stimulus
for student learning (Hung, 2006; Savery & Duffy, 2001). Ill-structured problems are defined as being complex, having no one
correct solution or solution path, and requiring students to comprehend and apply a breadth and depth of knowledge and
cognitive skills during problem-solving (Hung, Jonassen & Lui, 2008; Savery, 2006).
The Australian curriculum recognises seven general capabilities that underpin the successful participation of young people in
21st century living and working environments. It is argued, that these capabilities are evidenced and developed by the
knowledge, skills, behaviours and dispositions that students use as they interact with complex and changing circumstances
(acara, 2018). Problem-based learning places students in problematic real-world situations where they utilise critical and
creative thinking skills, behaviours and dispositions such as reason, logic, resourcefulness, collaboration, adaptability,
resilience, flexibility, imagination, innovation, reflecting, evaluating and communicating in order to develop solutions that
acknowledge considerations of personal, social, ethical, environmental and sustainability impacts.
Walmsley (2009) provides support for the conceptual basis for the development of the Queensland Technologies pedagogical
framework and for the inherent complexity of the teacher-student interactions that maintain a balance between teacher support
and student problem-solving.
Problem-based learning; problem-solving; higher-order thinking; teaching strategies
Proceedings of the 10th Biennial International Design and Technology Teacher’s Association Research Conference (DATTArc):
5-8 Dec. 2018, Swinburne University of Technology, Hawthorn, Victoria, Australia.
p. 143
Preparing the next generation of technology and design teachers
Lincoln Gill
Charles Sturt University, Australia.
Charles Sturt University’s (CSU’s) Bachelor of Education (Technology and Applied Studies) prepares students for a career as
a secondary school technology teacher. There is significant demand for teachers qualified in technology and applied studies.
Delivered online and at CSU’s Wagga Wagga campus, this four-year degree offers flexibility and access to a career as a
technology and applied studies teacher.
Charles Sturt University’s (CSU’s) Bachelor of Education (Secondary) – Industry Entry prepares industry experts seeking to
share their knowledge with the next generation for a career as a teacher. Building on the knowledge and skills they have acquired
in a relevant industry or profession, they learn how to translate this area of expertise into the context of secondary teaching.
Offered online, this course provides both flexibility and access for those from an industry background looking to venture into
teacher education. This course can also be studied on campus.
Course Link:
Technology education; teacher preparation; Charles Sturt University
Proceedings of the 10th Biennial International Design and Technology Teacher’s Association Research Conference (DATTArc):
5-8 Dec. 2018, Swinburne University of Technology, Hawthorn, Victoria, Australia.
p. 144