I.C. Prolog II: a Multi-threaded Prolog System

1994, Implementations of Logic Programming Systems

This paper introduces IC-Prolog II { a new implementation of Prolog that is particularly suited to distributed applications. Unlike o t h e r w ork on distributed logic programming, we do not aim to improve t h e r a w performance of a logic program nor do we require multi-processor machines or specialised hardware. Instead, our aim is to widen the applicability of logic programming to encompass new classes of practical applications which require the coordination of concurrently executing programs on separate workstations to communicate over the network. IC-Prolog II features multiple threads, a Parlog subsystem and high-level communication primitives. Multiple threads enables the concurrent execution of independent goals. The Parlog subsystem allows local ne-grained parallelism to be speci ed. In IC-Prolog II, Prolog can call Parlog and vice-versa. The combination of the two logic languages o ers greater expressive p o wer than simply the sum of the two since di erent components of the same application may use either Parlog or Prolog or both. The high-level communication primitives provide the means for independent IC-Prolog II processes on di erent m a c hines on a network to communciate. The result is a language well-suited for writing network-friendly applications.

I.C. Prolog II: a Multi-threaded Prolog System Damian Chu Department of Computing Imperial College of Science, Technology and Medicine 180 Queen's Gate, London SW7 2BZ United Kingdom email: [email protected] Abstract. This paper introduces IC-Prolog II { a new implementation of Prolog that is particularly suited to distributed applications. Unlike other work on distributed logic programming, we do not aim to improve the raw performance of a logic program nor do we require multi-processor machines or specialised hardware. Instead, our aim is to widen the applicability of logic programming to encompass new classes of practical applications which require the co-ordination of concurrently executing programs on separate workstations to communicate over the network. IC-Prolog II features multiple threads, a Parlog sub-system and high-level communication primitives. Multiple threads enables the concurrent execution of independent goals. The Parlog sub-system allows local ne-grained parallelism to be speci ed. In IC-Prolog II, Prolog can call Parlog and vice-versa. The combination of the two logic languages o ers greater expressive power than simply the sum of the two since di erent components of the same application may use either Parlog or Prolog or both. The high-level communication primitives provide the means for independent IC-Prolog II processes on di erent machines on a network to communciate. The result is a language well-suited for writing network-friendly applications. Keywords: Multiple Threads, Distributed Applications, Concurrency 1 Introduction In recent years, interest in distributed computing has risen very rapidly. We are realising that centralised monolithic systems are costly, inecient and inexible. Large mainframe computers are now being replaced by networks of workstations. This trend is responsible for the emerging importance of distributed applications, where programs executing on separate machines need to communicate over the network. Moreover, when previously standalone applications are enhanced with the ability of network communication, they can cooperate to solve problems that each would nd unsolvable on its own. This is the rationale behind the expanding eld of Intelligent Cooperative Information Systems. Logic programming has been used successfully in many knowledge-based applications. However, very little work has been done to address the issues in implementing distributed applications of the type discussed above. Researchers in logic programming systems have generally concentrated their eorts on trying to exploit the inherent parallelism within a single logic program e.g., Andorra 10], Aurora 15], MUSE 1]. These systems generally require dedicated hardware or multi-processor machines with either shared or distributed memory.Although they can oer signicant performance gains, they were not designed with distributed applications in mind, which generally involve the concurrent execution of two or more programs, usually on dierent machines. IC-Prolog II (ICP for short) 9] is a new implementation of Prolog developed at Imperial College which attempts to address this need. It contains features such as a multi-threading capability, a Parlog sub-system, high level communication primitives and an object-oriented extension.1 These features open up new application areas to logic programming such as distributed knowledge-based systems, cooperating expert systems and multi-agent systems. 1 The object-oriented extension is not discussed in this paper. 2 IC-Prolog II IC-Prolog II will be one of the results of the IMAGINE project. The IMAGINE project is concerned with building Multi-Agent Systems, in which a collection of semi-autonomous problem-solving agents coordinate and cooperate to either solve joint problems or achieve their own goals. The agents typically reside on separate computers connected by a network. ICP was developed for prototyping Multi-Agent Systems using logic programming. From the initial project specication, it was clear that support for concurrency and communication was important. `Concurrency' is the ability to handle multiple problems simultaneously. As a simple example, it is undesirable for a complex query to monopolise a database server while there may be simple queries waiting to be processed. A single thread of control is insucient and we therefore needed parallelism. Both ne-grain and coarse-grain parallelism are supported in ICP through having a Parlog sub-system and implementing multiple Prolog threads. `Communication' refers to the ability to send and receive messages between threads and across the network, exchanging data with other agents. We have a simple scheme called pipes for communication between local threads. Since TCP/IP is the most widely used communication protocol, we implemented a Prolog interface to the TCP/IP protocol suite. This enabled communication across a network and even interfacing with existing software possibly written in other languages, but it was not still powerful enough to support the kind of agent communication we needed which includes features like multi-casting and access control. We therefore added a more sophisticated communication model called mailboxes which could provide these additional functionalities. This paper describes the main features of ICP. In Section 3, we introduce the notion of multiple threads and sketch how they are implemented in ICP. We show how they can communicate and give a simple example of the benets they can bring to server-based applications. Section 4 provides an overview of the Parlog sub-system in ICP that allows us to express the highly-parallel components of an application. Section 5 takes a more detailed look at the communication facilities oered by ICP since these are at the heart of a distributed application. In Section 6, we give a full example of a distributed application showing how we might program a simple airline reservations system using ICP. We point out related work in Section 7 and nally give our conclusions in Section 8. 3 Multiple Threads Traditional Prolog systems have only one thread of control and concurrent execution is therefore not possible. A number of Prolog systems such as Prolog II 8], NU-Prolog 22] and SICStus Prolog 3] get around the single thread restriction by implementing some form of co-routining whereby calls can be delayed until specied arguments are instantiated. However, this data-driven approach is not appropriate for the cases where no variables are shared between the co-routines. This is a common case in client-server applications where client transactions to be executed on the server are totally independent of each other. A more general solution is to allow multiple threads. Each thread is a distinct WAM-like 23] Prolog engine. Having multiple threads allows independent programs to run concurrently in pseudoparallel. Pseudo-parallel execution was a feature of both the original IC-PROLOG in 1979 7] and Epilog 19]. We dier from both those systems since our threads do not share the same data area. We considered using Unix process forking to implement multiple threads, however this would have been very expensive in terms of performance. In our implementation, all the threads execute within a single Unix process so we needed to do our own scheduling. Each thread contains its own stack area, its own set of WAM registers and some housekeeping information. The structure of a thread is shown in Figure 1. The two link pointers are used to chain all the threads together in a double link list. The status ag indicates whether the thread is currently runnable and the two channels record where the current input and output of the thread is. The stack area includes space for the usual WAM stacks i.e., the heap, the evaluation stack and the trail. The code space however is shared by all the threads. forward link backward link -  -  WAM registers status input channel output channel stack area Fig. 1. Structure of a Thread In ICP, we implemented primitives to fork a new thread, to suspend a thread and to resume a suspended thread. At any time, only one thread is running. A thread may suspend by explicitly calling the suspend primitive or more usually, because of the non-availability of input data/messages. When the current thread suspends, the next runnable thread in the chain is resumed and becomes the current thread. To prevent a single thread from monopolising the resources, a time-slice mechanism was implemented. When a time slice occurs (currently every tenth of a second), the current thread remains in the runnable state but temporarily stops executing to allow other runnable threads to execute. Since each thread has it own stack areas, this implies that the variables of a thread are private. Unication within a thread cannot bind variables in other threads. Communication between threads is achieved through explicit message passing only. The primitives which read messages will suspend if no data is available, thus allowing the data-driven style of co-routining to be programmed. In ICP, the primitive to create new threads is fork/1, the single argument being the goal to be executed in the new thread. Operationally, the fork/1 primitive always succeeds immediately regardless of the success or failure of the forked goal. From the point of view of the current thread, fork/1 behaves as if it is the goal true. The query | ?- fork(producer), fork(consumer). creates two new threads which run concurrently. The system will automatically time-share between the two threads. This behaviour is very dierent from normal Prolog evaluation which does not start the second goal until the rst has succeeded. 3.1 Inter-Thread Communication In our example, the producer must communicate what it produces to the consumer. Communication between threads is via asynchronous message passing, though there are many forms that this can take. For local threads created within the same Unix process, the most direct way is to use pipes.2 A pipe is a uni-directional communication channel and is implemented using a memory buer. It has two ends called ports. One end is the output port and the other is the input port. Data written to the output port can be read from the input port. Since ports are accessible by all threads, if we can arrange for the producer to write to the output port, and the consumer to read from the input port, then inter-thread communication is achieved. 2 These are not the same as Unix pipes. A pipe is created using the pipe/2 primitive. This returns in its two arguments the identiers for the output port and the input port. So we could run our example as | ?- pipe(Out,In), fork(producer(Out)), fork(consumer(In)). % create a pipe % producer writes to output port % consumer reads from input port The producer program would use the write pipe/2 primitive to send data to the consumer, which would read it using the read pipe/2 primitive.3 These message passing primitives are nonbacktrackable which implies a commit-on-write semantics. Variables may be sent in messages, but they act only as placeholders since the receiver of the message will create a variable in its own data area. The corresponding variables in the sending and receiving threads are in no way linked, i.e., there is no distributed unication. 3.2 Writing Server Programs A server program is usually a tail-recursive loop which services one client request per iteration. A typical iterative server could be written in ICP as follows : server(In) :read_pipe(In, Req), service(Req), server(In). % % % % parameter specifies where to read from read next request service the request recurse In an iterative server, the requests are serviced sequentially. This can create bottlenecks as some requests may take a long time to service. A concurrent server avoids this problem by allowing the requests to be serviced concurrently. This style of server could not be programmed in traditional Prolog systems since it requires multiple threads. In ICP, we can code it like this : server(In) :read_pipe(In, Req), fork(service(Req)), server(In). % % % % parameter specifies where to read from read next request create a new thread to service the request recurse During each iteration of the loop, the server reads one request and forks a program to service that request. Since the server does not need to wait for the forked program to complete, it can go on to read the next request. If there are no more requests, the server suspends until data is available. 4 Parlog Multiple threads allows a limited form of parallelism. The parallelism is coarse-grained and message passing is explicit. For highly parallel applications, the overhead of creating a large number of shortlived threads is signicant. Parlog is a much more suitable language for describing ne-grained parallelism. Parlog14] belongs to the family of Committed Choice Non-Deterministic logic languages. Parlog allows two forms of parallelism { stream AND-parallelism and committed OR-parallelism. Stream AND-parallelism is the concurrent evaluation of goals which share variables, with the value being implicitly communicated incrementally between the goals. Goals which do not share variables are trivially subsumed by stream AND-parallelism. Committed OR-parallelism is the concurrent search for candidate clauses to match a goal. When a match is found, the clause commits and the other choices are discarded. An important dierence between Parlog and Prolog in that because of the restriction of Committed Choice, Parlog programs do not backtrack. Prolog and Parlog are complementary languages. Parlog's ne grain parallelism appeals to highly parallel applications which cannot be coded in standard Prolog, or could not be implemented 3 Messages can also be read using the look pipe/2 primitive which does not remove the message from the communication channel. eciently using the much coarser ICP threads. On the other hand, Prolog's backtracking search capabilities to nd all solutions cannot be emulated by a Parlog program. To make the best use of both languages, Parlog is included in ICP as a separate thread. Communication between Parlog and Prolog is done in the same way as other inter-thread communications i.e., via message passing. Prolog can call Parlog by using the parlog/1 primitive. This passes a message to the Parlog thread to execute a goal. If solutions are required by Prolog, they can be explicitly communicated back using the pipe mechanism discussed previously. Similarly, Parlog can call Prolog using the prolog/1 primitive. There are variations of this primitive to get single solution or get all solutions from Prolog and to control whether they should be generated eagerly or lazily. ICP provides a very loose coupling between Prolog and Parlog. We have not attempted to combine them into a single language. In fact, the Parlog sub-system in ICP is implemented by making minor changes to the original standalone Parallel Parlog system 11] to convert it into a thread. Within ICP, we are thus able to make use of Parlog's Don't Care Non-Determinism and Prolog's Don't Know Non-Determinism within the same application. There have been other proposals for combining these two types of non-determinisms. Clark and Gregory's scheme 6] oers a very powerful hybrid language but requires substantial changes to the unication algorithm, thus severely aecting performance. Naish's PNU-Prolog 17] is essentially a preprocessor for NUProlog. It uses coroutines and therefore cannot express applications which require true time-sharing between goals. 5 Communication Primitives For distributed applications, communication facilities are very important. Threads can communicate using pipes if they are running in the same ICP process. However, communication between ICP processes (possibly on dierent machines) or between ICP and other processes must be done in a dierent way. The most widely-used protocol on computer networks is the TCP/IP protocol suite. By dening an interface from ICP to the TCP/IP system calls, we can use ICP primitives to communicate across the world-wide network. 5.1 TCP/IP Primitives Communication protocols can be divided into connectionless and connection-oriented protocols. In connectionless protocols, each message is sent individually and therefore must include the destination address. There is also no guarantee that a sequence of messages sent to the same address will arrive in the order in which they were sent. In connection-oriented protocols, a link must rst be established between the two parties. Thereafter, no destination address need be specied in any message since it is implicit in the link. Furthermore, messages sent from one party to the other is guaranteed to be received in the same order that they were sent. TCP/IP provides both connectionless and connection-oriented protocols. Both styles of protocol may be used in ICP, though connection-oriented protocol is preferred since it is order preserving and is more reliable. Connectionless protocol is used when interfacing to existing software which use this protocol or when writing applications which require multiplexing. Below we will give a avour of how TCP/IP primitives are used in ICP. There are many ner details to network communication and users of ICP should consult the manual 9] along with books on network programming 21]. Connectionless Communication First we will consider connectionless communication since it is simpler. A network address consists of two parts - a machine number and a port number. The channel of communication is called a socket which is analogous to a stream identier for le I/O. For two programs to communicate, we rst create a socket and assign a port number to it. We do this using the following primitive tcp_connectionless(+Port, -Socket) We use the prex notation `+' to denote an input argument and `-' to denote an output argument. A machine number was not needed because it defaults to the machine on which we are running. The other program running on a dierent machine executes the same primitive. When both sides have created a socket, we can send messages using tcp_sendto(+Socket, +Message, +Port, +Machine) specifying the message to be sent and the destination network address. To receive messages, we use the primitive tcp_recvfrom(+Socket, -Message, -Port, -Machine) This will return the message and the sender's network address. The primitive will suspend until a message arrives.4 Finally, we close the socket using tcp_close(+Socket) Figure 2 shows the primitive calls used in a typical connectionless communication.5 There are many options which can be set such as specifying a timeout value for a primitive so that it fails after a specied time instead of being suspended forever. However, the basic primitives described above are sucient to program simple communications. Server Client tcp connectionless(P1,S1) tcp connectionless(P2,S2) tcp recvfrom(S1,Msg,P2,M2) ? tcp sendto(S2,Msg,P1,M1) ? blocks until data received from client ?    data(request)         9 process request ? tcp sendto(S1,Reply,P2,M2) ? X X data(reply) X tcp close(S1) tcp recvfrom(S2,Reply,P1,M1) ? X ? X Xz tcp close(S2) ? Fig. 2. TCP/IP Primitive Calls in Connectionless Communication Connection-Oriented Communication TCP is based on the client-server model of communication. In this model a server program is started rst which after initialising, waits for clients to connect to it. When a client program contacts the server to establish a link, it wakes up to allow communication to take place. When the session is over, the server goes back to waiting for the next client. To code this in ICP, the server program creates a socket and waits for connections using tcp accept/2 as follow : tcp_server(+Port, -Socket), tcp_accept(+Socket, -NewSocket) 4 We can optionally specify a timeout value after which the suspended primitive fails if no message is received within that time. 5 adapted from a gure in 21] The call to tcp accept/2 will suspend until a connection request from a client is received whereupon a new socket will be created specically for that connection. On the client side, we create a socket and initiate a connection at the same time using tcp_client(+Port, +Machine, -Socket) specifying the address of the server program to connect to. This primitive suspends until the connection is accepted. Once the connection is set up, messages can be sent using tcp_send(+Socket, +Message) Note that the server needs to use the NewSocket number returned by tcp accept/2 instead of the original socket which is used exclusively for new connection requests. To receive messages, we use tcp_recv(+Socket, -Message) and at the end we use tcp close/1 as before. Again, there are many more options and variations to the basic primitives available. Those described above are the most important ones. Figure 3 shows the primitive calls used in a typical connection communication.6 Server Client tcp server(P1,S0) tcp accept(S0,S1) ? blocks until connection received from client connection establishment ?  - tcp client(P1,M1,S2) tcp send(S2,Msg) ?    data(request)  tcp recv(S1,Msg)  ?  9 process request ? tcp send(S1,Reply) ? X X X data(reply) X tcp close(S1) ? tcp recv(S2,Reply) ? X X Xz tcp close(S2) ? Fig. 3. TCP/IP Primitive Calls in Connection Communication With multiple threads in ICP, it is possible to fork a thread to handle each connection and thus be free to accept new connections concurrently. Here is the concurrent server example again, this time using TCP instead of pipes. concurrent_server(Port) :tcp_server(Port, Socket), multi_serve(Socket). multi_serve(Socket) :tcp_accept(Socket, New), fork(service(New)), multi_serve(Socket). 6 adapted from a gure in 21] % where to listen for connections % got a new connection % create new thread to service it % look for more connections Communication with Foreign Processes The TCP/IP protocol is widely used by many applications written in other programming languages such as C. By having the ICP interface to TCP/IP, it is possible to write Prolog code which communicate directly with these external programs/packages. For example, we have written a simple ICP program which sends email by interfacing with the standard Unix mail daemon. 5.2 Mailbox Primitives In TCP, every communication channel set up between a server and a client is a separate network connection. The system overheads of creating sockets and setting up connections over the network become signicant if the conversations are short and there are many such conversations. For example, if a thread on one machine is interacting with ten threads on another machine, there will be ten network connections between the two machines. Furthermore, TCP primitives are resticted to one-to-one communication. An alternative communication model is the mailbox model proposed by V. Benjumea. In the mailbox model, the instrument of communication is a mailbox. A mailbox is simply a repository for messages. Mailboxes may be created freely by any thread since they are very cheap to implement. There is only one network connection between each pair of machines regardless of the number of mailboxes created. Messages can be sent to and removed from a mailbox. Instead of having to create two sockets to communicate, we now need to create only one mailbox. For two threads to communicate, all they need is to share the mailbox identier. The sender places a message in the mailbox, and the receiver removes it. A mailbox can store multiple messages. Messages are kept in arrival order so that it naturally simulates connection-oriented communication. In ICP, a mailbox is created using mbx_create(-Id) This returns an identier naming the newly created mailbox. Mailbox identiers are globally unique in the network, so the exact same identier may be used by any thread from any machine. To send and receive messages to/from mailboxes, we use mbx_send(+Id, +Message) mbx_recv(+Id, -Message) A name may be associated with a mailbox identier using mbx_bind(+Id, +Name) This registers the name with an external name-server program so that other threads or ICP processes may obtain the identier by querying the name-server using the primitive mbx_getid(+Name, -Id) A link may be established between two mailboxes. When a message is sent to the rst mailbox in a link, the message is automatically forwarded to the second mailbox. Note that the link is uni-directional only { messages sent directly to the second mailbox will not by forwarded to the rst. The second mailbox remains an ordinary mailbox while the rst becomes a linked mailbox. Linked mailboxes do not store any messages. Mailboxes are linked together by specifying the two mailbox identiers in the primitive : mbx_link(+From, +To) A mailbox may be linked to multiple mailboxes simultaneously. In this case, messages sent to the linked mailbox will cause a copy of the message to be forwarded to each and every link. This is how we can congure one-to-many communication. Note that there is a distinction between the case where multiple receivers each receive copies of all messages (i.e., multi-casting), and the case where one and only one of the multiple receivers receive each message. In the former case, we can use linked mailboxes but in the latter case, one mailbox is sucient. Many-to-one communication can also be congured by linking multiple mailboxes to the same mailbox. Indeed, any arbitrary communication topology may be built up using links. Finally, to destroy a mailbox, we use the primitive mbx_close(+Id) There are many other advanced features of mailboxes such as permission control, timeouts, polling and non-destructive reads which are described in the ICP manual 9]. 6 An Airline Reservations Example To illustrate use of the language, we will develop a small airline reservations system as an example. This will make use of multiple threads, TCP/IP communication, mailboxes and Prolog's dynamic database. To simplify the example, we will not concern ourselves with dates and times of ights, or the dierent types of fares. We will assume that ight information is stored as dynamic clauses using the relation db seats/2. For example, db_seats(ia101,23). represents the fact that there are 23 seats remaining on Imperial Airlines ight number ia101. The airline reservations system must be able to service multiple sessions concurrently since travel agents all over the world may be trying to book ights at the same time. To manage these concurrent connections, we need a session manager program. The session manager program creates a socket on a publicised port number7, and waits for connections to that port from travel agents. It forks a new thread to handle each session. This is coded as in Figure 4. For the purposes of this example, we will assume that the Imperial Airlines reservations system uses port number 6789 and runs on a computer with Internet address session_manager :tcp_server(6789, Socket), session_manager(Socket). session_manager(S) :tcp_accept(S, NewS), fork(session(NewS)), session_manager(S). % publicised port number % got a new connection % fork new thread to handle it % listen for more ... Fig. 4. Session Manager Program During each session, requests may be made to nd out availability information or try to reserve a number of seats. The system will reply with the number of available seats in the case of a query, or the result ok or failed in the case of a reservation. To avoid the lost update problem, a ight number must be locked before a reservation can be made, and unlocked after updating the number of remaining seats. If the ight number is already locked, availability queries can still be answered but reservations will be suspended until the ight number is unlocked. This is expressed in Figure 5. Locking and unlocking ight numbers is done by sending messages to a lock manager program. We could have used pipes, TCP/IP or mailboxes to communicate with the lock manager. We have chosen to use mailboxes on this occasion since this is the most ecient method for creating shortlived communication channels. To lock a ight number, a new mailbox is created for the reply from the lock manager. The identier of this new mailbox is sent to the lock manager along with the ight number to be locked. Unlocking is much simpler since it does not require a reply. In both cases, we need to rst obtain the mailbox identier of the lock manager. The code for these two operations is shown in Figure 6. The lock manager maintains a list of ight numbers which are locked i.e., currently being updated. The list consists of entries of the form 7 analogous to the globally known telephone number for an airline's reservations system session(Id) :tcp_recv(Id, Request), service(Request, Id). % argument is socket no. % received a new request service(quit, Id) :- !, % terminate session tcp_close(Id). service(info(Flight), Id) :- !, % availability query ( db_seats(Flight, Num) -> tcp_send(Id, Num) % reply with no. of seats  tcp_send(Id, error('no such flight')) ), session(Id). % the next clause is for making reservations service(reserve(Flight, SeatsReqd), Id) :- !, lock_flight(Flight), % this may suspend reserve(Flight, SeatsReqd, Reply), unlock_flight(Flight), tcp_send(Id, Reply), % send back result of reservation session(Id). service(Other, Id) :% errors tcp_send(Id, error('invalid request')), session(Id). reserve(Flight, SeatsReqd, ok) :db_seats(Flight, Num), SeatsLeft is Num - SeatsReqd, SeatsLeft >= 0, !, asserta(db_seats(Flight, SeatsLeft)), retract(db_seats(Flight, Num)). reserve(Flight, SeatsReqd, failed). Fig. 5. Fig. 6. % enough seats ? % update database % delete old info Handling Flight Requests lock_flight(Flight) :mbx_create(ReplyBox), mbx_getid(lock_manager, Mbx), mbx_send(Mbx, lock(Flight, ReplyBox)), mbx_recv(ReplyBox, yes), mbx_close(ReplyBox). unlock_flight(Flight) :mbx_getid(lock_manager, Mbx), mbx_send(Mbx, unlock(Flight)). % valid flight ? % % % % new mailbox for reply where to send to send lock message wait for permission to proceed % where to send to % send unlock message Access Control Operations locked(FlightNum, WaitingList) where WaitingList is a queue of mailbox identiers to notify when the current lock is removed. To guarantee the consistency of the database, it is crucial that the lock manager performs its operations sequentially rather than concurrently. The code is shown in Figure 7. To start the reservations system, we start the session manager and lock manager in two separate threads like this : | ?- fork(lock_manager), fork(session_manager). lock_manager :mbx_create(Mbx), mbx_bind(Mbx, lock_manager), manage_locks(Mbx, ]). % create mailbox for access requests % make mailbox identifier public % initialise with no locks manage_locks(Mbx, Locks) :mbx_recv(Mbx, Request), lock_action(Request, Mbx, Locks). % received new request % process the request /* If flight number is already locked, add this request to the queue of waiting threads */ lock_action(lock(Flight, ReplyBox), Mbx, Locks) :member(locked(Flight,Waiting), Locks), !, % already locked delete(locked(Flight,Waiting), Locks, Residue), append(Waiting, ReplyBox], NewWaiting), manage_locks(Mbx, locked(Flight,NewWaiting) | Residue] ). /* If flight number is not locked, notify requesting thread to proceed and add new entry to list of locks, initialising the queue of waiting threads to be empty. */ lock_action(lock(Flight, ReplyBox), Mbx, Locks) :mbx_send(ReplyBox, yes), manage_locks(Mbx, locked(Flight,]) | Locks] ). /* When unlocking, if there are other threads waiting for this flight number, notify the first in queue to proceed. If no thread is waiting, remove the entry from list of locks. */ lock_action(unlock(Flight), Mbx, Locks) :delete(locked(Flight,Waiting), Locks, Residue), ( Waiting = First|Rest] -> mbx_send(First, yes), manage_locks(Mbx, locked(Flight,Rest) | Residue] )  manage_locks(Mbx, Residue) ). Fig. 7. Lock Manager Program This completes the description of the server code being run on the airline's computer. A simple client interface program that could be run on any travel agent's computer worldwide8 is shown in Figure 8. The travel agent or indeed any computer user connects to the Imperial Airlines reservations system by calling the goal imperial airlines. He then interacts with the system, sending requests and getting replies until he decides to quit. This example has shown that it is possible to write network-ready applications involving concurrency and synchronisation using the ICP system. 5] shows ICP being used to specify another example of a multi-agent system involving cooperative problem-solving. 7 Related Work ICP belongs to the class of Process Oriented Prologs. The processes or threads are explicitly 8 as long as it is connected to the Internet imperial_airlines :/* Connect to Imperial Airlines reservations system */ /* The address is public knowledge, so it is hardwired */ tcp_client(6789,'',Socket), session(Socket). session(Socket) :write('request : '), flush, read(Req), tcp_send(Socket, Req), ( Req == quit -> tcp_close(Socket)  tcp_recv(Socket, Reply), write(Reply), nl, session(Socket) ). Fig. 8. % % % % display prompt read request send request finished ? % wait for reply % display reply % recurse Simple Airline Reservation Client Program forked sequential Prolog programs. The processes run concurrently and communicate using explicit asynchronous message passing. Delta Prolog 18] is the oldest of the Process Oriented Prologs. It denes constructs for split goals, event goals and choice goals, which roughly correspond to ICP's forking of threads, interthread communication and Parlog's OR-parallel search respectively. There are notable dierences however. In split goals and event goals, two-way unication and distributed backtracking are implicit and fundamental. In contrast, ICP has uni-directional message passing only and no distributed backtracking. This is less powerful but much simpler to implement. We believe that two-way unication and distributed backtracking may be simulated explicitly using message passing in ICP on the occasions when it is needed. Delta Prolog's choice goals can be viewed as a form of committedchoice non-determinism restricted to having event goals only in the guard. The Parlog thread in ICP is more general and does not suer from this restriction. CS-Prolog 13] has the same expressive power as Delta Prolog but makes a distinction between backtrackable and non-backtrackable primitives for creating new processes and receiving messages. The authors recommend the use of the non-backtrackable versions of the primitives for practical applications since, in common with Delta Prolog, there is a heavy performance penalty for using distributed backtracking. The facilities provided in ICP correspond only to the non-backtrackable primitives. The system most closely related to ICP is PMS-Prolog 24]. Although Delta Prolog and CSProlog allows concurrent processes, the scheduling is data-driven { there is no time sharing. PMSProlog has a scheduler which pre-empts processes after a xed number of Prolog calls whereas ICP uses xed time-slices. Both systems do not allow backtracking on communication and therefore rely on coarse-grain Prolog processes to provide messages with high information content. PMS-Prolog enforces this style by adding a module construct to Prolog which allows coarse-grain processes to be declared. In ICP, we can use the object-oriented extensions 16] to give a similar structuring facility though it is not obligatory to use it. ICP has better support for highly parallel programs than the above three systems simply because it has a built-in Parlog thread. The combination of Parlog and Prolog oers greater expressibility compared to the rather limited form of don't-care non-determinism supported by other Prolog systems. Also, whereas the other systems are aimed at executing programs on multi-processor machines, ICP oers network communication facilities to enable programs to communicate over the network. There are other systems such as Shared Prolog 2], Multi-Prolog 12] and Linda Prolog which allow communication between Prolog programs. These all use a blackboard communication model. We believe that blackboard systems are inherently restricted as a medium for inter-process com- munication because the blackboard itself becomes a bottleneck in the system. 8 Conclusions ICP does not aim to give a performance improvement over normal sequential Prolog systems, as the large body of work in parallelising Prolog aims to do. Rather, we aim to expand the expressive power of Prolog to encompass distributed applications. ICP has a comprehensive set of communication primitives but this is of no great signicance on its own. Many Prolog systems have interfaces or can easily construct interfaces to TCP/IP to allow network communication. For example, both Quintus Prolog 20] and SICStus Prolog 4] include a TCP/IP interface with their distribution. However, since neither of these systems oer multiple threads, network programming is in our opinion rather dicult. The application needs to be turned `upside-down' into a single threaded event-driven loop or rely on interrupt handling. This is analogous to the process of converting a teletype-based application to use a graphical user interface. It requires a totally dierent programming style. Even then, they are unable to truly time-share between two concurrent goals which we contend is a prerequisite of network-friendly applications. In contrast, the same programs written in ICP retains the style of a sequential Prolog application and therfore we maintain, is more natural to write. ICP is suitable for programming applications such as cooperating expert systems where each expert system resides on a dierent machine connected through a local area network. This opens up the more general application area of Multi-Agent Systems and Distributed Articial Intelligence, where distributed logic programming has much to oer. A compiled version of the ICP system for Sun Sparc machines is available by anonymous ftp from (Internet: in the directory /computing/programming/languages/prolog/icprolog Acknowledgements The author wishes to thank Frank McCabe and Keith Clark for many valuable comments and discussions. This work was supported by the European Commission under the ESPRIT program project IMAGINE (project number 5362). References 1] K. A. M. Ali and R. Karlsson. The Muse Or-Parallel Prolog Model and its Performance. In S. Debray and M. Hermenegildo, editors, Proceedings of the North American Conference on Logic Programming, pages 747{768, Austin, 1990. MIT Press. 2] A. Brogi and P. Ciancarini. The Concurrent Language Shared Prolog. ACM Transactions on Programming Languages and Systems, 13(1):99{123, January 1991. 3] M. Carlsson. 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