Showing posts with label canvas. Show all posts
Showing posts with label canvas. Show all posts

October Quote Canvas

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October is probably my favorite month of the year. It happens to be my birthday month but that isn't the only reason I love it. First of all, I love the fall. It is my favorite season. I love the cooler weather, the changing colors of the leaves, and I love the fact that it is the beginning of the holiday season. I love the excitement of Halloween, followed by Thanksgiving and Christmas. Plus it is crochet season, time to make warm, cozy hats and scarves for everyone.

Make Today Amazing Watercolor Canvas

-Giveaway sponsored by Cricut. This post may contain affiliate links.-

This week I am joining several other bloggers to share projects we have made with Cricut Iron On projects. Cricut is also sponsoring a giveaway for a Cricut EasyPress, an EasyPress mat, and some Iron On so be sure to scroll down to the bottom of this post to find out how to enter.

Follow Your Dreams Reverse Canvas

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Every month I usually participate in a craft challenge with a group of creative blogger friends. Every month we have a different theme based on a material. Some months it is really easy to think of a project using the assigned material and some months are hard. This month was one of the hard ones. I think it ended up being hard for everyone and that combined with the craziness of the end of the school year led to cancelling the challenge this month. I had already made my project and as hard as it was to decide what to do I was actually pretty happy with how it turned out. Especially since it meant trying something new, something that I had been wanting to try for a while but hadn't gotten around to.

Be-YOU-tiful Hot Mess Canvas

This month I was challenged to make something using paint. I have been seeing hot mess canvases recently in a lot of facebook craft groups that I am in and I decided to give it a try. If you are not familiar with the hot mess canvas technique let me tell you what it is. In elementary school did you ever make an art project where you would color all over a paper with different colors of crayons and then cover that with black crayon or paint. Then when you scratched the top layer of black off the rainbow of colors would show through. This is kind of a grown up version of that.