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The challenge of fundamental ecclesiology for the present-day is to move on from the words, expressed during the Second Vatican Council concerning the self‑presentation of the Church, towards the structural transformation of Christian... more
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      EcclesiologySecond Vatican Council
In his apostolic exhortation Evangelii gaudium published in 2013, Pope Francis encourages all Christian communities toward missionary transformation. The transformation should lead to a genuine awareness and restoration of the missionary... more
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      Theology of Revelation and CredebilityGospel communication, culture, intercultural church plantingMission of the ChurchEvangelii Gaudium
The book Church as a Community of Practice seeks to present a contribution to a contemporary ecclesiological research that will not be profiled as an abstract theologia aeterna, but will enter into a dialogue with the historicity of... more
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      Christian IdentityRoman Catholic EcclesiologyEtienne Wenger
Il volume accoglie la sfida posta al Cristianesimo dal nostro tempo, quella del “cambiamento d’epoca”, che ci spinge a lavorare su un’adeguata forma ecclesiae. Viene dimostrato quanto pregnante sia, per uno sviluppo delle dinamiche intra-... more
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      Applied TransdisciplinarityChristian IdentityRoman Catholic Ecclesiology
„The House of God“, the Church (comp. 1 Tm 3,15), is a building shaped as an continual work in progress if we affirm the statement according to which Ecclesia semper reformanda. A new blow of thought about the Church, rooted in the event... more
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      Catholic Church and ModernityJohann Baptist MetzChristian Identity
The goal of this article is to contribute to current theological reflections on the category in which the Second Vatican Council describes the historical development of the Church: the Living Tradition. In dialogue with the social... more
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      Learning CommunitiesLouis-Marie ChauvetSacramentality
In this article I discuss the contribution to Christian thought by one of the most original Catholic theologians of the second half of the 20th century, the late Johann Baptist Metz (died 2019). I am seeking to highlight four main axes... more
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      Political TheologyJohann Baptist MetzChristian IdentityChristian hope
There was a significant move in the philosophy of science over the 20th century. Whereas its beginning is shaped by positivism and by a reductionist approach in science, we face-as consequence of new facts and methods-a completely new... more
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      Horizontal AccountabilityAntireductionism
The challenge of fundamental ecclesiology for the present-day is to move on from the words, expressed during the Second Vatican Council concerning the self presentation of the Church, towards the structural transformation of Christian... more
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      Social ComplexityCommunity of PracticeMission of the people of GodRoman Catholic Ecclesiology
This paper focuses on a new method of fundamental ecclesiology. A call for a renewed method in this field has found its roots not only in the event of the Second Vatican Council but also in the ecumenical movement, in the historical... more
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    • Ecclesiology, ecumenism, history of the Second Vatican Council.
This article aims to deepen the interdisciplinary reflection on both the act of faith and the Christian identity. The starting point is the contribution of the Italian theologian Pierangelo Sequeri (b. 1944), who theologically analyzes... more
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      Cognitive NeuroscienceEmbodied and Enactive CognitionFoundational Theology
In this article, I discuss new horizons opened in front of theological work by pope Francis`s Apostolic constitution Veritatis Gaudium. I, therefore, sketch a brief history of theological education in the last 2 centuries dealing with its... more
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      Theological EducationChristian TheologyChristian Identity
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      Second Vatican CouncilEcclesiology, ecumenism, history of the Second Vatican Council.Roman Catholic EcclesiologyPope John XXIII (Angelo Roncalli)
The article takes its starting point in the appeal quoted in the Apostolic exhortation Evangelii Gaudium where is claimed that God`s “grace supposes culture” (EG 115). Therefore, the article examines two epistemological tools that might... more
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      Cultural StudiesOrganizational CultureMichel de CerteauChristianity and Culture
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      EcclesiologySecond Vatican Councilcollegiality in the Church
This article addresses one specific aspect of the synodal vision of the Church which is currently discussed in the Catholic Church. This aspect consists of the vision of a Church that is still a Church learning who to be and how to be.... more
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      Divine RevelationRoman Catholic EcclesiologyLocal ChurchSensus Fidelium
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      Faith and ReasonFundamental theology
Jak číst zprávu o stavu života církve? Co dělat pro to, aby církev byla opět pohostinným příbytkem? Cesty k tomu naznačuje dokument, se kterým budou začátkem února v Praze pracovat delegáti evropského kontinentálního synodálního setkání.
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    • Roman Catholic Synod on Synodality
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      Catholic TheologySecond Vatican CouncilMethod in Theology
The chapter deals with the Magisterium of the Catholic Church from the perspective of post-2nd Vatican council fundamental theology.
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      Catholic TheologySecond Vatican CouncilFundamental theologyMagisterium of the Catholic Church