Mission of the Church
Recent papers in Mission of the Church
SUMMARY This study traces some lines of theological-biblical and pastoral reflection on the ecclesial «ministry» of the Christian family, founded on the sacrament of the marriage. A Christian family becomes a «domestic Church» to the... more
Field Hospital: The Church’s Engagement with a Wounded World. William T.
Cavanaugh. Grand Rapids: Eerdmans, 2016. ISBN: 9780802872975. Pp. viii
+ 268. $24.00 (USD).
Cavanaugh. Grand Rapids: Eerdmans, 2016. ISBN: 9780802872975. Pp. viii
+ 268. $24.00 (USD).
Inculturation and Indigenization in today's Church mission from Youth Perspective
In his apostolic exhortation Evangelii gaudium published in 2013, Pope Francis encourages all Christian communities toward missionary transformation. The transformation should lead to a genuine awareness and restoration of the missionary... more
The COVID-19 pandemic has caused major changes in all areas of life, including the life of the church. It has caused the church to live in a new normal, challenging the church's ability and perspective on how to carry out its mission.... more
Social engagement and especially solidarity are not a byproduct or a secondary aspect of the Christian identity. On the contrary, they are a way of life which manifests in the history the expectation of the Kingdom. Praxis rooted in love... more
Discrimination is one of the most challenging issues that we are faced with in the world today. It impairs human dignity and dehumanizes individuals and particular group of people, violating the order of God’s creation. It has and... more
The famous theologian Karl Barth once said, "We should carry the bible in one hand and the newspaper in the other hand". This will help us, on the one hand, to understand what challenges our community is going through, and, on the other,... more
Автор аналізує документ «Природа і місія Церкви» Комісії «Віра і церковний устрій» Всесвітньої Ради Церков. Він це робить через призму еклезіологічної думки Андрея (Шептицького), Йосифа (Сліпого), Мирослава Івана (Любачівського). Також... more