Theology of Revelation and Credebility
Recent papers in Theology of Revelation and Credebility
ACTS Academy paper (2007)
a) Problemeröffnung: "Eine Offenbarung, die wahrhaftig wäre…" Holbachs Einheit von Religions-und Offenbarungskritik Beginnen wir diese Vorlesung, deren Gegenstand so oft und vielfach diskutiert wurde, nicht mit einer längeren, mehr oder... more
The twentieth century has seen a dramatic shift even within Catholic theology when it comes to how the Church understands divine revelation and her own historical reception of it. The Second Vatican Council was a pivotal point in which... more
In neoorthodox theology, the Bible becomes revelation when the reader encounters Christ through its text. Scripture, though a genuine witness to the incarnation and resurrection of Christ, is neither divinely inspired nor inerrant. By... more
In his apostolic exhortation Evangelii gaudium published in 2013, Pope Francis encourages all Christian communities toward missionary transformation. The transformation should lead to a genuine awareness and restoration of the missionary... more
La rivelazione come “autocomunicazione di Dio” in maniera definitiva in Gesù Cristo è la parola che identifica lo specifico della fede cristiana. Partendo dalla Scrittura, in cui Dio non dice che è ma manifesta chi è, il volume ripercorre... more
This study is devoted to the problem of the place and significance of the scientific quest and worldview, and to their articulation with metaphysics as they serve to bring the mind to the consideration of the problem and mystery of the... more
Michael Polanyi provides a viable rethinking of how science and theology share a common epistemology and sociology. He thus provides a working vision of how research and discovery enable the traditions of science and theology to rectify... more