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Theological essays in honor of Boston College professor Frederick Lawrence, by his former doctoral students. Forthcoming soon from Marquette University Press.
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      Systematic TheologyHans-Georg GadamerEric VoegelinLeo Strauss
Der Hauptteil des Buches zeichnet in einem chronologischen Close-Reading die Entwicklung des Derridaschen Werkes und die Bedeutung seiner zentralen Termini – différance, Spur, Schrift – nach. Zugleich wird dabei die performative Struktur... more
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      TheologySystematic TheologyPoststructuralismGrammatology
Modern philosophical spectators have often found fault with the ways in which miracles were received by the pre-modern peoples of Europe and the Mediterranean. Historians such as Gibbon and philosophers as various as Hume and Lessing... more
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      Legitimacy and AuthorityModernityDavid HumeGotthold Ephraim Lessing
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      PhenomenologyMartin HeideggerHistory of theologyFoundational Theology
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      EcclesiologyMarriageTheologiansTheological Methodology