Conference Presentations by Yudi Permana
Jurnal Arsitektur Zonasi, 2019
Abstract: Fire hazards as one of the disasters that often occur in densely populated areas. The B... more Abstract: Fire hazards as one of the disasters that often occur in densely populated areas. The Balubur Tamansari region is one of the villages in the city of Bandung, which is an area that has high buildings, populations, and activities so that if there is a fire there will be casualties and material losses. The purpose of this study was to identify fire vulnerabilities in the area of Balubur Tamansari, Bandung. The research method uses a spatial approach and disaster risk analysis, while to identify areas of fire vulnerability using descriptive analysis. Spatial parameters consist of population density, building quality, building density, and road network density. Disaster risk by considering parameters of hazard, vulnerability, and capacity. The results of the study showed that the Balubur Tamansari Kota area was included in a high disaster risk against the vulnerability of fire hazards.
Keywords: fire, danger, vulnerability, capacity.
Abstrak: Bahaya kebakaran sebagai salah satu bencana yang sering terjadi di daerah padat penduduk. Wilayah Balubur Tamansari adalah salah satu desa di kota Bandung, yang merupakan daerah yang memiliki bangunan, populasi, dan aktivitas yang tinggi sehingga jika terjadi kebakaran akan ada korban dan kerugian material. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengidentifikasi kerentanan kebakaran di daerah Balubur Tamansari Kota Bandung. Metode penelitian menggunakan pendekatan spasial dan analisis risiko bencana, sedangkan untuk mengidentifikasi area kerentanan kebakaran menggunakan analisis deskriptif. Parameter keruangan terdiri dari kepadatan penduduk, kualitas bangunan, kepadatan bangunan, dan kepadatan jaringan jalan. Risiko bencana dengan mempertimbangkan parameter bahaya, kerentanan, dan kapasitas. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa wilayah Balubur Tamansari Kota termasuk dalam risiko bencana tinggi terhadap kerentanan bencana kebakaran.
Kata Kunci: kebakaran, bahaya, kerentana, kapasitas.
The house is one of the primary needs of man, so planning the construction of houses should be ca... more The house is one of the primary needs of man, so planning the construction of houses should be careful and consider many things. Some of them, namely the potential physical and socio-cultural potential. Physical potential is considered to be the building materials, the local climate and geological conditions. Mean while, social and cultural potential consists of local architecture and way of life. Related to the issue of global warming that occurred in modern times, the climate becomes a major consideration that needs to be resolved. Energy waste is also caused by the design of the buildings are not well integrated and not even one responsive to aspects of functionality, wet tropical climate of Indonesia. This is compounded designers are more concerned with aesthetic aspects (the prevailing trend). Issues green concept and the efficiency of energy consumption through the program Net-Zero Energy Buildings (NZE-Bs) of the housing sector as respon to tackle global heating-an already familiar in Indonesia, although its application can not be found significantly. Green concept by houses an developers often only as a mere trick and not realized and grown the responsibility of residents.
Jurnal Arsitektur Zonasi, 2019
This research is motivated by the importance of knowing the vulnerability of a disaster in school... more This research is motivated by the importance of knowing the vulnerability of a disaster in school buildings. Geological, topographic, environmental, and building planning factors affect the vulnerability of disasters. Adjustment of the direction of development and strengthening in school buildings is the government's efforts in protecting the education sector. This is stated in a disaster-safe school program in which there are 3 (three) pillars, one of which is a school facility. This school facility becomes an important factor because it accommodates the other pillars. This study aims to identify the vulnerability level of a disaster at Public Vocational High School in Bandung. The diversity and complexity of Vocational High School environment conditions can be an example by other school levels. This research type is descriptive qualitative, with subject of research is 16 Public Vocational High School in Bandung City. The results of research shows that the highest disaster vulnerability to Public Vocational High School in Bandung is a fire disaster, followed by successive earthquake, flood, tornado, and landslide.
Burangrang Urban Village is one of the densely populated residential areas in the center of Bandu... more Burangrang Urban Village is one of the densely populated residential areas in the center of Bandung. The density of settlements in the center of the city must be supported by the availability of social facilities to develop the social, economic, and cultural quality of the population. Nevertheless, the residential area still lacks an integrated social facility to accommodate the social activities of the community for the entire settlement. Social facilities have an important role to play in increasing the social values of the population by providing space for interaction. Such social facilities should be located in easily accessible areas to accommodate social interaction for all dispersed community settlements. This paper aims to determine the potential placement of social facilities to strengthen social interaction in the neighborhood of the burangrang urban village. The method used is qualitative method with explorative approach through space syntax analysis, to see the connectivity, integration and level of potential destinations of space that can be achieved by the settlement in the area. The data were taken by non-participant observation and secondary data related to the road network and its achievement from settlement in the area.
The city of Bandung has always been a tourist attraction with various activities every year. Band... more The city of Bandung has always been a tourist attraction with various activities every year. Bandung population growth rate in the last 5 years reached 0.89% per year and in the expansion area reached 6.79% per year. With an area of only about 17,000 ha, Bandung is now inhabited by ± 2.481.901 inhabitants. The rate of population growth above the average growth rate of the population of West Java province. No wonder the average population density is 145 people / ha. Though ideally the population density of Bandung is 50-60 people / Ha. There are 657 districts and 57,687 homes that experience environmental degradation and 67 areas identified as urban slums. The implication of the high urbanization of Bandung City in Metropolitan scale to the scale of the region emerged the problem of integration of settlements with surrounding functions. The problem of settlement of Bandung City also includes segmentation of residential objects such as Low Income Community (MBR), non MBR, immigrants, local residents, students and workers of various Sectors. Thus the problems of the settlement of Bandung City include low level of fulfillment of adequate housing needs, limited access of Low Income Community to housing resources, unfinished system of financing and housing market, decreasing the quality of housing and settlement environment and not yet integrated development of area Housing and settlements with the construction of housing and settlement infrastructure, facilities and utilities. This research method to find out how far the level of slum settlement contained in Cihampelas Bandung Settlement and recommendations that can be done for the improvement of the settlement of the kampong.
Kawasan Cigondewah pada awalnya merupakan kawasan agraris, dan kawasan ini mengalami perkembangan... more Kawasan Cigondewah pada awalnya merupakan kawasan agraris, dan kawasan ini mengalami perkembangan kearah sentra perdagangan kain dan industri tekstil sejak tahun 1960-1976 yang ditandai oleh usaha karung goni oleh masyarakat setempat. Kegiatan ekonomi berbasis home industri ini memberikan kontribusi pendapatan bagi khususnya penduduk setempat, karena tenaga kerja berasal dari sekitar kelurahan Cigondewah sendiri. Mulanya usaha karung goni ini dibeli dari pabrik gula yang kemudian dipasarkan hingga Kawarang dan Banten. Pada tahun 1976 mengalami kejenuhan, yang kemudian masyarakat setempat beralih dari usaha karung goni ke imbah industri (karung plastik dan kain bekas). Pada awal 1997 kawasan cigondewah mampu berperan sebagai sentra perdagangan kain. Sentra ini melayani pembeli-pembeli yang berasal dari Bandung dan sekitasrnya. Bahan baku dari tekstil berasal dari pabrik yang ada di wilayah tersebut, namun sebagian lagi berasal dari Jakarta melalui pelabuhan Tanjung Priok. Kawasan ini dalam RTRW Kota Bandung adalah kawasan industri berwawasan lingkungan. Perkembangan kawasan ini memberikan potensi yang luas terutama dalam pengembangannya sebagai sebuah kawasan yang memiliki produk unggulan/spesialisasi dalam cakupan rencana pengembangan pariwisata Kota Bandung. Penelitian ini merupakan studi penelitian deskriptif dengan menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif, di mana melalui pendekatan ini bertujuan untuk memberikan gambaran mengenai fakta dan fenomena yang terjadi dilapangan. Berdasarkan hasil analisis penelitian ditemukan potensi dan karakteristik kawasan yang mendukung dalam pengembangan Kawasan Cigondewah sebagai Kawasan Wisata Tesktil di Kota Bandung. Terkait dengan prasarana dan sarana lingkungan ditemukan permasalahan, antara lain: ketersediaan sarana parkir dan jalur pedestrian yang kurang memadai, kondisi kawasan yang belum tertata secara maksimal.
Pertumbuhan penduduk perkotaan di negara berkembang mengalami peningkatan yang sangat pesat. Geja... more Pertumbuhan penduduk perkotaan di negara berkembang mengalami peningkatan yang sangat pesat. Gejala ini sebagai dampak dari arus pertukaran dan kondisi saling mempengaruhi diberbagai dimensi, baik pada aspek ekonomi, sosial, politik, budaya, dan teknologi. Perkembangan ini mengakibatkan pertumbuhan dan perkembangan penduduk di kota-kota besar meningkat pesat, di manadi dunia ketiga rata-rata pertumbuhan penduduk perkotaan mencapai 32% dalam 30 tahun terakhir, ini sama dengan dua kali lipat dari angka semula yang hanya 16%.Pertumbuhan ini didukung oleh adanya peningkatan eksplorasi alam, pesatnya migrasi dan perubahan-perubahan pada masyarakat perdesaan.
Architecture is a cultural phenomenon and an institution where values are included. Its form and ... more Architecture is a cultural phenomenon and an institution where values are included. Its form and organization are influenced by the culture in which it belongs. Therefore, architecture is not just a physical form that has a function, but it has a meaning. Architecture is a form of culture, a built environment. Architecture is a result of human culture that has a physical form, the values, and patterns of behaviour. Eco-architecture has grown and it has its own vocabulary and expression. However, architecture does not consider this paradigm just as the style and trend of eco-architecture and ignores the ecological aspects. The Rehabilitation of Pacing Village in the Central Java after the earthquake is a project which attempted to implement the concept of "eco-architecture". This concept expresses the image of the local architecture (local genius). Approaching the problem of design through the concept of ecology, aims to manage soil, water, and the air for the sustainable ecosystems. This project tried to use natural resources efficiently, but it didn't renew the alternative energy, such as solar, wind, water, and bio-energy. Researcher tried to use renewable natural resources within the concept of a closed cycle, recycling -i. e. energy saving by reuse the resources-, adapt to the environment, climate, social culture, and economics. Harmony with the natural behaviour can be achieved by the concept of contextual design. Design is a way to implement the concept and the construction is the process to adjust potential resources, including topography, vegetation, and other natural conditions. Abstrak: Arsitektur adalah fenomena budaya, yang di dalamnya terjalin nilai-nilai. Bentuk dan susunannya dipengaruhi oleh budaya setempat. Oleh karena itu, makna arsitektur lebih dari sekedar bentuk fisik atau kegunaan saja. Arsitektur merupakan hasil kebudayaan manusia sebagai suatu bentuk fisik, nilai abstrak dan perilaku manusia itu sendiri. "Eco-architecture" telah tumbuh sebagai kosa kata dan ekspresi. Namun, arsitektur tidak hanya melihat "ecoarchitecture sebagai sebuah paradigma gaya dan "trend" serta mengabaikan pemikiran aspek ekologis. Proyek "Rehabilitasi Desa Pacing Jawa Tengah Pasca Gempa" menggunakan pendekatan "eco-architecture". Konsep ini dapat mengangkat citra arsitektur lokal (genius loci). Pendekatan desain arsitektur melalui konsep ekologi bertujuan untuk mengelola tanah, air, dan udara demi keberlanjutan ekosistem. Efisiensi penggunaan sumberdaya alam dilakukan tanpa memperbaharui energi alternatif , seperti energi surya, angin, air, dan bioenergi. Peneliti menggunakan sumber daya alam yang dapat diperbaharui melalui konsep satu siklus tertutup, daur ulang -yaitu menyelamatkan energi dengan mengambil dari alam dan menggunakan kembali-, adaptasi terhadap lingkungan, iklim, kultur sosial, dan ekonomi. Keseimbangan dengan perilaku alami dapat dicapai dengan kontekstualitas. Desain adalah cara menerapka konsep dan konstruksi dalah proses dalam menyesuaikan arsitektur dengan potensi lokal, termasuk topografi, vegetasi, dan kondisi alami lain.
The phenomena of transformation in a built environment in both urban and rural scales is a dynami... more The phenomena of transformation in a built environment in both urban and rural scales is a dynamic process that changes occur naturally. Transformation can be seen from the physical, territorial, and cultural aspects, where all three have a very close relationship that affects each other. The territorial aspect of the transformation process is discussed in this paper. The order of Residential Territory in a settlement is very dependent on the activity of its inhabitants. The occupants of the house here become an agent that can control the space. Space control is a decision for anyone who can enter or exit space in a territory and decisions that can change or shift the function of existing space into other functions. Occupancy transformation occurs gradually when an interest and needs must be met. Household business activities / Home Base Enterprises (HBEs) that rely on households to be one cause of the transformation process of occupancy. The need for economic improvement and sustainability encourages people to engage in HBEs activities that mostly use residential space for business activities. Occupancy at the settlement in Kampung Mahmud is a case study in this paper, most of which is used for the activities of small furniture and small shop (HBEs). This paper aims to examine and observe the territorial structure in the process of residential transformation in the activities of Home Base Enterprises (HBEs), which in the transformation process causes changes in space usage and territorial shifts for residential functions with business functions. + (satu spasi ,10 pt) Abstrak: Fenomena transformasi pada suatu lingkungan binaan baik dalam skala perkotaan maupun pedesaan merupakan suatu proses dinamis yang perubahannya terjadi secara alami. Transformasi dapat dilihat dari aspek fisik, teritorial, dan budaya, dimana ketiganya memiliki hubungan yang sangat erat yang mempengaruhi satu sama lain. Aspek territorial dalam proses transformasi menjadi bahasan dalam tulisan ini. Tatanan Teritori hunian pada suatu permukiman sangat bergantung pada aktivitas penghuninya. Penghuni rumah disini menjadi suatu agen yang dapat mengontrol ruangnya. Kontrol ruang berupa keputusan bagi siapa saja yang dapat masuk atau keluar ruang dalam suatu teritori dan keputusan yang dapat merubah atau menggeser fungsi ruang yang ada menjadi fungsi lainnya. Transformasi hunian terjadi secara berangsur-angsur ketika suatu kepentingan dan kebutuhan harus dipenuhi. Kegiatan usaha rumah tangga / Home Base Enterprises (HBEs) yang bertumpu pada rumah tangga menjadi salah satu penyebab dari adanya proses transformasi hunian. Kebutuhan akan peningkatan dan keberlanjutan ekonomi mendorong masyarakat untuk melakukan kegiatan HBEs yang sebagian besar menggunakan ruang tempat tinggal untuk kegiatan usaha. Hunian pada permukiman di Kampung Mahmud menjadi studi kasus dalam tulisan ini, yang sebagian besar huniannya digunakan untuk kegiatan usaha pengrajin mebel dan warung kecil (HBEs). Tulisan ini bertujuan untuk mengkaji dan mengamati struktur teritori dalam proses transformasi hunian pada kegiatan Home Base Enterprises (HBEs), dimana dalam proses transformasinya menyebabkan perubahan penggunaan ruang dan pergeseran wilayah teritori untuk fungsi rumah tinggal dengan fungsi kegiatan usaha. + (satu spasi, 10 pt) Kata kunci: Teritori, penggunaan ruang, transformasi, hunian HBEs, Kampung Mahmud.
Secara umum pendidikan di Indonesia diarahkan untuk menanggulangi dampak krisis multidimensi yang... more Secara umum pendidikan di Indonesia diarahkan untuk menanggulangi dampak krisis multidimensi yang berkelanjutan. Sedangkan secara mikro, tantangan yang dihadapi dunia pendidikan di Indonesia, antara lain : meningkatkan daya saing bangsa, menciptakan suatu organisasi pendidikan yang sehat, dan pencapaian baku mutu pendidikan, baik di tingkat nasional maupun internasional.
Gempa bumi yang mengguncang di Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta (DIY) pada Sabtu 27 Mei 2006 pagi sekit... more Gempa bumi yang mengguncang di Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta (DIY) pada Sabtu 27 Mei 2006 pagi sekitar pukul 05.54 WIB yang mengakibatkan sejumlah korban jiwa sangat mungkin disebabkan oleh aktivitas patahan/sesar aktif di daerah bagian selatan Yogyakarta berarah barat daya-timur laut.. Gempa terjadi di pagi hari tepatnya pada waktu 5:53:58 WIB. Pusat gempa terletak pada koordinat 7,962° LS dan 110,458° BT, kurang lebih 20 km sebelah tenggara Jogjakarta atau 455 km sebelah tenggara Jakarta dengan kedalaman cukup dangkal yaitu 10 kilometer. Gempa yang terjadi berkekuatan 6.3 Mw. Kekuatan gempa bumi yang tergolong cukup kuat ini, kemudian terjadinya di daratan (inland) mengakibatkan timbulnya kerusakan gedung, bangunan dan infrastruktur lainnya yang cukup parah di daerah Jogjakarta, Bantul, dan sekitarnya, serta cukup banyak menelan korban jiwa. Menurut hasil catatan survey, lebih dari 6000 orang meninggal dunia, dan sekitar 50.000 ribu orang mengalami cedera. Sementara itu 86.000 rumah hancur dan kurang lebih sebanyak 283.000 rumah mengalami kerusakan dengan masing-masing tingkat kerusakan berat, sedang, dan ringan. Kerusakan bangunan paling parah terdapat disekitar Bantul, Imogiri, Piyungan, dan Klaten. Kejadian gempa ini tergolong bencana nasional, dan memberikan rentetan catatan kelam bencana di negeri Indonesia, setelah sebelumnya terjadi bencana gempa bumi dan tsunami di bumi Nangro Aceh Darussalam, Nias, dan tempat-tempat lainnya. Cukup banyaknya korban jiwa dan kehilangan materi menimbulkan simpati dari dunia Internasional. Salah satu negara yang memberikan bantuan kemanusiaan yaitu Jepang. Bantuan dari negara matahari terbit ini yaitu bantuan berupa pembangunan desa atau dusun yang hampir seluruh aspek kehidupannya hancur setelah terjadi gempa. Proses pelaksanaan bantuan ini tidak langsung dilakukan oleh negara Jepang tetapi dengan cara melakukan pelelangan. Banyak instansi yang mengikuti proses pelelangan ini dengan menawarkan proposal yang berisi konsepkonsep mengenai proses pelaksanaan pembangunan. Jepang memilih daerah Klaten tepatnya Desa Pacing, Kecamatan Wedi,
Paradoks dalam ruang publik masyarakat kota dewasa ini (urban kontemporer) sebagai suatu situasi ... more Paradoks dalam ruang publik masyarakat kota dewasa ini (urban kontemporer) sebagai suatu situasi umum yang dirasakan oleh hampir seluruh bagian dunia, berdampak sangat signifikan terhadap kehidupan masyarakat perkotaan. Kondisi saling mempengaruhi telah memasuki era lintas ruang dan waktu telah membuat kota-kota seperti melting-pot. Hal ini mengakibatkan benturan budaya sudah tidak bisa terelakan lagi yang semakin kompleks. Fenomena pemanfaatan ruang pada kawasan padat pendudukan lebih pada makna ganda, dalam arti ruang tidak hanya berfungsi sebagai fungsi utama (makna denotatif) tetapi juga mempunyai fungsi lain (makna konotatif). Gejala ini merupakan gejala ruang ketiga (thirdspace), sebagai salah satu kengaka lain dalam memahami gejala spasialitas (pemanfaatan ruang). Gagasan ruang ini merupakan kategori ruang lain, yang memungkinkan untuk diinterpretasikan tanpa batas, di mana ruang bergerak diantara realandimagined yang dibentuk oleh kekuatan-kekuatan yang ada di masyarakat. Ruang yang dimaksud dalam tulisan ini adalah ruang yang dialami dalam kehidupan sehari-hari masyarakat kampung kota/kawasan kumuh di Kota Bandung dan hadir dalam bentuk yang beragam. Ruang ini mengakui adanya keberagaman persoalan nyata (real) tanpa menganggap yang satu lebih penting dari yang lain, atau yang satu lebih tinggi atau lebih rendah dibandingkan dengan lainnya. Kata Kunci: gang/jalan, ruang terbuka publik, sungai, aktivitas, thirdspace. Koresponden: +6281320292573; [email protected]
Pemanfaatan lahan privat berkaitan dengan nilai Koefisien Dasar Bangunan(KDB) dan Koefisian Dasar... more Pemanfaatan lahan privat berkaitan dengan nilai Koefisien Dasar Bangunan(KDB) dan Koefisian Dasar Hijau (KDH). Pada permukiman berkepadatan tinggi yang memiliki kerawanan banjir dan rob, pemanfaatan lahan kepemilikan privat berupa ruang terbangun dan ruang terbukanya, memiliki keterkaitan yang sangat kuat dengan karakteristik masyarakatnya. Karakteristik masyarakat berpengaruh pada cara memperlakukan bangunan dan lahan kepemilikannya masing-masing. Respon masyarakat di Kelurahan Kuningan Kecamatan Semarang Utara terhadap kerawanan banjir dan rob ternyata menghasilkan peningkatan ruang terbangun (horisontal dan vertikal) yang pada akhirnya akan meningkatkan pula angka kepadatan bangunan. Ketentuan nilai KDB dan KDH yang berasal dari Pemerintah Kota Semarang tidak dapat dipatuhi oleh masyarakat karena tidak sesuai dengan kondisi riil alamiah setempat. Masyarakat mencari solusi jangka pendek atas permasalahan kerawanan banjir dan rob dengan meningkatkan ruang terbangun. Di sisi lain, meningkatnya kepadatan bangunan akan menimbulkan permasalahan yang bila terakumulasi dalam jangka panjang akan dapat mengancam keberlanjutan fisik, sosial, ekonomi dan lingkungan dari wilayah ini sendiri. Kata kunci: pemanfaatan lahan privat, ruang terbangun, ruang terbuka, permukiman padat, kerawanan banjir dan rob Koresponden: +628122803417; [email protected] I. PENDAHULUAN Secara topografis, Kota Semarang memiliki karakteristik sebagai wilayah dataran rendah dekat dengan pantai, wilayah dataran rendah perkotaan dan wilayah perbukitan. Kondisi topografis ini menyebabkan terjadinya kerawanan bencana perkotaan bagi Kota Semarang. Namun kerawanan yang intensitas kejadiannya tinggi dan jangka waktu terjadinya cukup lama adalah kerawanan banjir dan rob, yang terjadi di wilayah Kecamatan Semarang Utara. Kerawanan banjir dan rob ini membawa dampak yang sangat besar yaitu rendahnya kualitas hidup dan kualitas lingkungan masyarakat yang bertempat tinggal di wilayah permukiman dengan kerawanan tersebut. Dari seluruh wilayah Kecamatan Semarang Utara, wilayah dengan kepadatan rumah / bangunan tertinggi adalah di Kelurahan Kuningan. Jumlah bangunan rumah tinggal sebanyak 2.978 rumah terdiri dari 2.478 rumah permanen dan 500 rumah semi permanen. Dengan luas wilayah hanya 46,47 Hektar dan jumlah penduduk 13.307 jiwa (sumber: Kecamatan Semarang Utara Dalam Angka 2011), kepadatan penduduk Kelurahan Kuningan juga paling tinggi di seluruh Kecamatan Semarang Utara, yaitu 286 jiwa/hektar. Dengan demikian, kepadatan brutto bangunan rumah tinggal adalah 64 rumah/hektar dan rata-rata dalam 1 rumah dihuni oleh 4 jiwa. Dengan kepadatan penduduk dan kepadatan tertinggi di wilayah Kecamatan Utara, ternyata Kelurahan Kuningan juga merupakan wilayah dengan tingkat kejadian banjir dan rob yang tertinggi. Kejadian rob terjadi hampir sepanjang tahun dan diperparah dengan kejadian banjir bila musim penghujan. Berdasarkan dugaan dan pendapat di masyarakat, kejadian banjir dan rob ini diantaranya diakibatkan oleh penurunan muka tanah dibarengi dengan kenaikan permukaan air laut, tidak
Since the construction of the access highway Cipularang connecting the capital city Jakarta and B... more Since the construction of the access highway Cipularang connecting the capital city Jakarta and Bandung affecting in many aspect rapidly. But at the same time, Bandung is not prepared both planning and control tools to support the city activities. Consequently Bandung city have decreased quality of physical, environmental or social. These problems appear to reduction of green open land, reduced soil bearing capacity with the change of green land converted to land up.
The construction of Cipularang toll access that connects Bandung to the capital city Jakarta has ... more The construction of Cipularang toll access that connects Bandung to the capital city Jakarta has influenced the city"s changes in various aspects. Bandung is expected to become a tourist destination, but it is not provided with planning and control tools to anticipate the development of the area that can accommodate many activities and users. As a result, the city of Bandung is undergoing decreases in its physical, environmental and social quality. Problems of physical deterioration can be clearly seen with the declining green open areas that serve as a support to the green environment, the decrease in the supporting capacity of the lands along with the changes of the green land into building areas.Cikapundung as a major river passing through the city of Bandung is another area inundated with a variety of problems. Piles of garbage, liquid and solid waste, sedimentation and erosion have reduced the optimal function of Cikapundung as a big river should. One area that is located in the watershed area of Cikapundung is KawasanPelesiran. The region is situated at the back of the trading center Cihampelas that is located between Cihampelas street and Tamansari Street, which has gradually changed from the city"s green area into a densely populated residential area; even the riparianthat serve as the green area have become highly congested slums. Its strategic location and lack of planning and control tools to anticipate the development of the region has caused this region to experience decreases in physical, environmental and social qualities. Problems on garbage, flood and surface water pollution, especially on the river Cikapundung caused by solid and liquid waste from households, have caused environmental endangerment that includes the life of aquatic flora and fauna and the declining health of the population. In addition, the inhabitants have the habit of disposing their garbage into the river, causing a clogged drain, bad odor, and even floods in the rainy season. The existence of Cikapundung River that runs across the area should have become good potentials for the environment but, instead, has become the problem that has given Tamansari-Cihampelas an impression as a slum.
Transformation is a total transfer process from a particular shape into a new figure which can be... more Transformation is a total transfer process from a particular shape into a new figure which can be interpreted as the final stage of a changing process. Transformation, as a gradually progressive process, utilizes space and time factors becoming the aspect that greatly influences the change until reaching the ultimate stage. The changes are completed by responding to the influence of external and internal elements which will lead to a change from an early familiar form. The purpose of this research is to build theory based on phenomenon which occurs in the field as a result of space transformation process in Bandung so that it can be seen the setting adjustment of either physical or non-physical in the area becoming the city identity. The research method is qualitative research method with descriptive survey method approach. The focus of research is aimed at discrete phenomena in the field as an effort to disclose the background essence of the resulted theory formation. The study does not use a theoretical framework, yet there is a consistency in observing a discrete phenomenon of the grand tour results. The phenomenon is raised through the snowball sampling process. The process of collecting data, analyzing, and building theories is conducted jointly and iteratively within one research time range. The study results in the formation of space knowledge based on knitting and the value system of the users' activities and the space settings. All users' behaviors in using space are related to social, cultural, economic and creative activities in utilizing the existing space conditions. The results of this study provide an enrichment of architectural theory, planning theory and urban design theory having already existed.
Cigondewah is one of the priority areas of textile industry development in Bandung and a center o... more Cigondewah is one of the priority areas of textile industry development in Bandung and a center of fabric shopping tourism area for local and national tourists. The majority of people inhabiting Cigondewah are traders and entrepreneurs who are mostly residents or those living surrounding the area who become the main economic actors in Cigondewah. The growing and developing trading activities can affect buildings along the right and left corridors at Cigondewah Street. The existence of the textile industry area results in its own impact and phenomenon on the change of built environment function on Cigondewah Street that can improve the society's economy. Cigondewah is declared as one of the creative economy areas in Bandung. It is closely related to the built environment which provides an area for fabric shopping tourism in Bandung. This research described the existing phenomena in the area by examining the shape, activities, characteristics, changes, relationships, similarities and differences of phenomena of the built environmental along Cigondewah Street. Image and identity of Cigondewah as a fabric shopping tourism have a special meaning for the community of Bandung and surrounding areas as an alternative to fabric shopping tourism. The location of Cigondewah that is located around the fabric industry center in Bandung and Cimahi areas makes Cigondewah very close to the textile industry. This research intends to acknowledge activities done in the residential area, existing image and identity of the study area, built environment changes, and its layout.
IOP Conference series: Earth and Environmental Science, 2018
The development of urban area is a changing process of a situational urban area into a new situat... more The development of urban area is a changing process of a situational urban area into a new situational urban area in different periods of time. Those situational changes also happen in Gegerkalong Girang area, Bandung City. At the beginning of its development, this area was well known as the educational center which supported educational activities based on the activity of the oldest university and settlement in north Bandung. However, since Pesantren Daarut Tauhid (DT) was built and developed in 1990, this area became phenomenal. The presence of Pesantren DT has changed the physical formation of the environment around the area, which was essentially a place for thousands of IKIP Bandung college students to reside since the 1950s. This research also concerns on how the concepts, behaviors, and values of the area color the morphological architecture in location.
The conclusion is that the approach of economic development and welfare for the people which was initiated by Aa Gym as the founder of Pesantren DT give a significant change to the area. This change can be seen from the functions and facades of the building. The functions and the facades of the buildings which originally had residential functions turned into commercial functions. Thus, it affects the shapes of architecture and the environment. There are dualistic functions of the region, namely (1) educational area, and religious area; (2) college students’ lodges and students’ dormitories. These two functions complement each other and strengthen in increasing economic activities. activities of pesantren, trade, and education.
Architecture is a cultural phenomenon and an institution where values are included. Its form and ... more Architecture is a cultural phenomenon and an institution where values are included. Its form and organization are influenced by the culture in which it belongs. Therefore, architecture is not just a physical form that has a function, but it has a meaning. Architecture is a form of culture, a built environment. Architecture is a result of human culture that has a physical form, the values, and patterns of behaviour. Eco-architecture has grown and it has its own vocabulary and expression. However, architecture does not consider this paradigm just as the style and trend of eco-architecture and ignores the ecological aspects. The Rehabilitation of Pacing Village in the Central Java after the earthquake is a project which attempted to implement the concept of " eco-architecture ". This concept expresses the image of the local architecture (local genius). Approaching the problem of design through the concept of ecology, aims to manage soil, water, and the air for the sustainable ecosystems. This project tried to use natural resources efficiently, but it didn't renew the alternative energy, such as solar, wind, water, and bio-energy. Researcher tried to use renewable natural resources within the concept of a closed cycle, recycling –i. e. energy saving by reuse the resources-, adapt to the environment, climate, social culture, and economics. Harmony with the natural behaviour can be achieved by the concept of contextual design. Design is a way to implement the concept and the construction is the process to adjust potential resources, including topography, vegetation, and other natural conditions. Abstrak: Arsitektur adalah fenomena budaya, yang di dalamnya terjalin nilai-nilai. Bentuk dan susunannya dipengaruhi oleh budaya setempat. Oleh karena itu, makna arsitektur lebih dari sekedar bentuk fisik atau kegunaan saja. Arsitektur merupakan hasil kebudayaan manusia sebagai suatu bentuk fisik, nilai abstrak dan perilaku manusia itu sendiri. " Eco-architecture " telah tumbuh sebagai kosa kata dan ekspresi. Namun, arsitektur tidak hanya melihat " eco-architecture sebagai sebuah paradigma gaya dan " trend " serta mengabaikan pemikiran aspek ekologis. Proyek " Rehabilitasi Desa Pacing Jawa Tengah Pasca Gempa " menggunakan pendekatan " eco-architecture ". Konsep ini dapat mengangkat citra arsitektur lokal (genius loci). Pendekatan desain arsitektur melalui konsep ekologi bertujuan untuk mengelola tanah, air, dan udara demi keberlanjutan ekosistem. Efisiensi penggunaan sumberdaya alam dilakukan tanpa memperbaharui energi alternatif , seperti energi surya, angin, air, dan bio-energi. Peneliti menggunakan sumber daya alam yang dapat diperbaharui melalui konsep satu siklus tertutup, daur ulang-yaitu menyelamatkan energi dengan mengambil dari alam dan menggunakan kembali-, adaptasi terhadap lingkungan, iklim, kultur sosial, dan ekonomi. Keseimbangan dengan perilaku alami dapat dicapai dengan kontekstualitas. Desain adalah cara menerapka konsep dan konstruksi dalah proses dalam menyesuaikan arsitektur dengan potensi lokal, termasuk topografi, vegetasi, dan kondisi alami lain.
Transformation is a total transfer process from a particular shape into a new figure which can be... more Transformation is a total transfer process from a particular shape into a new figure which can be interpreted as the final stage of a changing process. Transformation, as a gradually progressive process, utilizes space and time factors becoming the aspect that greatly influences the change until reaching the ultimate stage. The changes are completed by responding to the influence of external and internal elements which will lead to a change from an early familiar form. The purpose of this research is to build theory based on phenomenon which occurs in the field as a result of space transformation process in Bandung so that it can be seen the setting adjustment of either physical or non-physical in the area becoming the city identity. The research method is qualitative research method with descriptive survey method approach. The focus of research is aimed at discrete phenomena in the field as an effort to disclose the background essence of the resulted theory formation. The study does not use a theoretical framework, yet there is a consistency in observing a discrete phenomenon of the grand tour results. The phenomenon is raised through the snowball sampling process. The process of collecting data, analyzing, and building theories is conducted jointly and iteratively within one research time range. The study results in the formation of space knowledge based on knitting and the value system of the users' activities and the space settings. All users' behaviors in using space are related to social, cultural, economic and creative activities in utilizing the existing space conditions. The results of this study provide an enrichment of architectural theory, planning theory and urban design theory having already existed.
Conference Presentations by Yudi Permana
Keywords: fire, danger, vulnerability, capacity.
Abstrak: Bahaya kebakaran sebagai salah satu bencana yang sering terjadi di daerah padat penduduk. Wilayah Balubur Tamansari adalah salah satu desa di kota Bandung, yang merupakan daerah yang memiliki bangunan, populasi, dan aktivitas yang tinggi sehingga jika terjadi kebakaran akan ada korban dan kerugian material. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengidentifikasi kerentanan kebakaran di daerah Balubur Tamansari Kota Bandung. Metode penelitian menggunakan pendekatan spasial dan analisis risiko bencana, sedangkan untuk mengidentifikasi area kerentanan kebakaran menggunakan analisis deskriptif. Parameter keruangan terdiri dari kepadatan penduduk, kualitas bangunan, kepadatan bangunan, dan kepadatan jaringan jalan. Risiko bencana dengan mempertimbangkan parameter bahaya, kerentanan, dan kapasitas. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa wilayah Balubur Tamansari Kota termasuk dalam risiko bencana tinggi terhadap kerentanan bencana kebakaran.
Kata Kunci: kebakaran, bahaya, kerentana, kapasitas.
The conclusion is that the approach of economic development and welfare for the people which was initiated by Aa Gym as the founder of Pesantren DT give a significant change to the area. This change can be seen from the functions and facades of the building. The functions and the facades of the buildings which originally had residential functions turned into commercial functions. Thus, it affects the shapes of architecture and the environment. There are dualistic functions of the region, namely (1) educational area, and religious area; (2) college students’ lodges and students’ dormitories. These two functions complement each other and strengthen in increasing economic activities. activities of pesantren, trade, and education.
Keywords: fire, danger, vulnerability, capacity.
Abstrak: Bahaya kebakaran sebagai salah satu bencana yang sering terjadi di daerah padat penduduk. Wilayah Balubur Tamansari adalah salah satu desa di kota Bandung, yang merupakan daerah yang memiliki bangunan, populasi, dan aktivitas yang tinggi sehingga jika terjadi kebakaran akan ada korban dan kerugian material. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengidentifikasi kerentanan kebakaran di daerah Balubur Tamansari Kota Bandung. Metode penelitian menggunakan pendekatan spasial dan analisis risiko bencana, sedangkan untuk mengidentifikasi area kerentanan kebakaran menggunakan analisis deskriptif. Parameter keruangan terdiri dari kepadatan penduduk, kualitas bangunan, kepadatan bangunan, dan kepadatan jaringan jalan. Risiko bencana dengan mempertimbangkan parameter bahaya, kerentanan, dan kapasitas. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa wilayah Balubur Tamansari Kota termasuk dalam risiko bencana tinggi terhadap kerentanan bencana kebakaran.
Kata Kunci: kebakaran, bahaya, kerentana, kapasitas.
The conclusion is that the approach of economic development and welfare for the people which was initiated by Aa Gym as the founder of Pesantren DT give a significant change to the area. This change can be seen from the functions and facades of the building. The functions and the facades of the buildings which originally had residential functions turned into commercial functions. Thus, it affects the shapes of architecture and the environment. There are dualistic functions of the region, namely (1) educational area, and religious area; (2) college students’ lodges and students’ dormitories. These two functions complement each other and strengthen in increasing economic activities. activities of pesantren, trade, and education.