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-3 votes
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For 'a%' why is one of the results that could be returned 'z6ra'?

For 'a%' why is one of the results that could be returned 'z6ra'?
Neutron's user avatar
0 votes
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Load files in sequential order

I need to load multiple files in my shell script with the same filename but appended in the front of each file name is YYMMDDPERSONNEL Examples: 231102PERSONNEL and 230103PERSONNEL There are many ...
teejay's user avatar
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-1 votes
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Why no one thought of the concept of joins before the 70s? [closed]

So, let me see if I have my history right: In 1976, the first system sold as an RDBMS was Multics Relational Data Store. I don't know if it had JOIN, but let's assume it did. The UNIX command join ...
Sebastian Carlos's user avatar
0 votes
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Unix : How to convert HTML output from Shell script

How to display the sql query output to HTML table format output. am having shell script code to display output as html table format. and input is taken form sql query but am not getting the proper ...
Arthi's user avatar
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Sqlite table creation

Is it possible to create tables based on a columns data? I currently have a table named Exchange which contains numerous columns ID:NAME:PRICE 1:Stick:12 2:Stone:20 3:Water:1 4:Water:1 But I want to ...
sql's user avatar
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2 answers

How to write a shell script to run a sql query and send the query results in table format in email?

I need to run a SQL query using SHELL script in PUTTY and send the results in email body in table format with headers along with a message line on top. I have written this so far but I am not able to ...
UserGoogle's user avatar
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Cannot install Microsoft SQL Server to Ubuntu AWS /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ version 'GLIBC_2.30' not found

I am trying to install SQL server onto a Ubuntu machine on AWS and it has been nothing but trouble. I get stuck on the last step, configuring the server after selecting edition and setting an ...
Aguso1133's user avatar
0 votes
0 answers

filewatcher script in ksh script

I wanted to edit a already created filewatcher script with the given logic the source file path is stage path (stage/filewatcherwrap.ksh) there are 4 files in the below given format in stage path ...
Jayashree's user avatar
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1 answer

why when I execute a select it works and when I execute an update the script blocks?

when I try to execute a query of type update the script hangs and the sql console stays still. This command executes all queries in the script: res=$(mysql --defaults-file=conf_file --skip-column-...
JJWRX's user avatar
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2 answers

Slackware and postgres

I want to install postgres and psql via a Slackbuild and I did so. After installing it I tried running the command as suggested in the readme of the Slackbuild but I get an error upon running it as ...
naarter's user avatar
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-1 votes
2 answers

Running SQL databases offline

I'm running a Debian 10 based distro. As an experiment, I downloaded one of these Wikipedia-like sites which gives you a download size of several gigabytes. I was hoping to run it offline. I don't ...
1toneboy's user avatar
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2 votes
2 answers

How to store query multiple result in shell script variable(Array)?

I'm trying to do a query and store every row result in an array element in ksh (maybe bash). I do: result=($($PATH_UTI/querysh " set heading off set feedback off SELECT columnA,columnb FROM user....
defekas17's user avatar
1 vote
3 answers

Regular expression - SQL manipulation

[pol@fedora data]$ lsb_release -a LSB Version: :core-4.1-amd64:core-4.1-noarch Distributor ID: Fedora Description: Fedora release 34 (Thirty Four) Release: 34 Codename: ThirtyFour I'm ...
Vérace's user avatar
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1 vote
1 answer

whole data isn't showing on POST sql injection

sqlmap -u "" --data="name=name&password=pass" -D get_method -T user --dump Output : [11:27:40] [INFO] the back-end DBMS is ...
user avatar
0 votes
1 answer

not getting whole data by sqlmap

$ sqlmap -u -D get_method -T user --dump But, my data CSV also completely same as terminal picture name,serial,password,timestamp asdf,1,asdf,2021-03-...
user avatar
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1 answer

using of sqlmap by different ip addresses

sqlmap -u --dbs I know that if we sent any request to any server that server takes ip address of user(mine). So, while I am running the above source ...
user avatar
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making sqlcmd self-contained so it would be possible to run without installation, for CentOs

I am trying to make a bash script to connect to remote SQL server with sqlcmd in the devp machine, as I have admin privileges, runs smoothly but I NEED (and capitals because it is imperative) to build ...
CarlsWhishde's user avatar
0 votes
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Pass Linux variable in Oracle script

How to pass Linux variable in Oracle code? I need to pass it in below format and it should not ask for "enter a value for 1:" Please advise. mount='/u08/dbname/' sqlplus -s "/ as sysdba&...
Divya's user avatar
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2 votes
2 answers

Split long SQL expression at delimiter

Context I'm trying to import a dump that have some long lines (8k+ character) with SQL*Plus, so I face the error SP2-0027: Input is too long (> 2499 characters). This is a hard-coded limit and ...
homer's user avatar
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Weird ProFTPd and mod_sql string escaping

I am using/trying to use ProFTPd with users in SQL and using stock sql configuration. I currently have a problem with weird string escaping, but ONLY for INSERT into the "tally" table, not ...
Schubi Duah's user avatar
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SQL Server Connection Failed with Linux Mint + SQL Server 2008 R2 using any client

I am trying to connect to my SQL Server 2008 R2 with SP4 database, however, I got this error and I have tried some solutions that I found here, but none works for me. PS. I do not know exactly how to ...
José Luiz's user avatar
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How to create an unprivileged sql database

I need to learn what sql is. But am too scared of creating a database as root. This is my current "progress": $pacman -Syu mariadb # succeeds $mysql_install_db --basedir=~/.sql/install --...
Vorac's user avatar
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1 answer

How to run multiple line sql from text file

a file.txt have a multipe sql update. update table1 set meta_url = replace(meta_url,'test1.jpg','test1.gif'); update table1 set meta_url = replace(meta_url,'test2.jpg','test2.gif'); update table1 set ...
amine's user avatar
  • 23
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1 answer

How to fetch Data of Previous date in shell script?

Kindly refer the script below. #!/usr/bin/bash #scirpt to connect with db master_db_user='' master_db_passwd='' master_db_port='3306' master_db_host='' master_db_name='uppcldashboard' Now=$(date +"...
user avatar
0 votes
1 answer

Dynamic date in sql query shell script

Okay kindly refer the below code then I'll put my question. #!/usr/bin/bash #scirpt to connect with db master_db_user='root' master_db_passwd='123' master_db_port='3306' master_db_host='localhost' ...
user avatar
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1 answer

how to get dynamic variable in a query of a shell script [duplicate]

The last piece of my script is only pending. kindly refer to the code below. master_db_user='root' master_db_passwd='123' master_db_port='3306' master_db_host='localhost' master_db_name='...
user avatar
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How do I write SQL to fetch strings that begin with % in Oracle?

Could someone please assist on how to fetch the data in SQL for all the strings starting with %%string? I tried below to escape %% but it didn't work SELECT * FROM Tablename WHERE host LIKE ‘[%][%]%’...
Ram's user avatar
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Convert 2 HTML file which is output from SQL query into 1 main HTML output file in shell script

In shell script, I used 2 different SQL query & output of these 2 files in HTML format like (eg- ab.html, cd.html). Before DML operation 1 SQL query will run then after DML operation another query ...
user8487380's user avatar
1 vote
1 answer

Convert 2 HTML file output from SQL query into 1 main HTML output file in shell script

In shell script, I used 2 different SQL query & output of these 2 files in HTML format like (eg- ab.html, cd.html). Shell script as -> #/bin/ksh ab=$(SQLPLUS -s <username>/<password>@...
Shahin P's user avatar
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1 vote
1 answer

Failed to find package in third party repository

I'm new to debian & linux, and I want to know how to download packages from third party repositories. Specifically, I want to download a Microsoft SQL driver into a docker container (guide). ...
J.Vo's user avatar
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1 answer

How to get result of SQL query in shell script with same format that when we run on Oracle SQL developer/Toad/PLSQL developer

In shell script I am using SQL query. #/bin/ksh var=$(sqlplus -s <user>/<password>@DB <<EOF set heading on set trimspool off set linesize 200 set feedback ...
user8487380's user avatar
0 votes
2 answers

sqlplus doesn't work in Crontab

/oracle/GR1/121/bin/sqlplus / as sysdba <<EOF >> $LOGFILE whenever sqlerror exit sql.sqlcode; set echo on; set serveroutput on; STARTUP; EXIT EOF Already tried it with the path, but it ...
plattio's user avatar
  • 71
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4 answers

Shell script to append single quotes and commas

I have a file named input.txt: $cat input.txt This is sample Input file To execute sql statement I need output like below assigned to a variable: X=('This is sample', 'Input file', 'To execute sql ...
Jman91's user avatar
  • 45
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0 answers

Extract and combine values from an SQL dump

I have several large SQL dumps with very long lines, including one containing a version & subversion of the database in a long INSERT statement, formatted like this: INSERT INTO `table` VALUES (.....
Marcin's user avatar
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1 answer

string substituton for match pattern

I have an SQL file of 170GB. I am trying to restore it on AWS RDS but i am not able because of keyring encryption is enabled on the file. I can't edit it using vi because it's causing my session ...
rahuls36's user avatar
0 votes
2 answers

Sybase query: save output to a file

I´ve created the following script: #!/bin/bash isql -U databasename_dba -P password -b <<EOF! select quantity, date from name_table where numer_id="1234" go quit EOF! ...
Lorenzo Castagno's user avatar
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To print log file with out put of cron job scheduled for a sql block - with Date and time (all the executions of cron)

I have a shell script which executes a pl/sql block, I'm printing output to output file but it's not keeping old information and not displaying time and date when the script was executed. My script ...
james k's user avatar
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How to extract Oracle DML (insert,update) queries from a dump file?

Example: $cat data.txt SCN THREAD OPERATION ID OBJECT ID OBJECT NAME REPLICATE OPERATION SQL ------------- ------- ------...
Raj s's user avatar
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Manjaro MySQL - mariadb.service fails to start

When trying to start MariaDB with systemctl status mariadb, I get: ● mariadb.service - MariaDB 10.3.15 database server Loaded: loaded (/usr/lib/systemd/system/mariadb.service; enabled; vendor ...
Dr-Bracket's user avatar
2 votes
3 answers

Prevent Script from Inserting Space in File Name

I have an Oracle database table that is storing the full path and name of a file in a table column. In a SQL client I can run: select file_name from table where request_id=12345 and I will get this ...
Jay Tracewell's user avatar
1 vote
3 answers

Search for a dynamic pattern in a file in a file and replace it with variables

I have written the below commands that will generate three different shuffled vales A=`echo 'abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz' | sed 's/./&\n/g' | shuf | tr -d "\n"` B=`echo '...
sabarish jackson's user avatar
0 votes
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Postfix: Whitelist all entries in address book

my postfix currently rejects emails that are potentially SPAM. Howver, some of my contacts have servers that are not correctly configured and I want to avoid rejecting their email. ...
alexander's user avatar
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Forgot sql password for a certain user (debian)

I have two sql users on my sql server: root and bob. I know the root password, but I forgot bob's password. How can I view/reset bob's password?
Matt X's user avatar
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-2 votes
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Adding headers to a CSV

I have an SQL command which fetches you an output like 70 138 200 This is stored in a csv and I have added headers to it but appears like A,B,C 70 138 200 I wanted it to look like A 70 B 138 C ...
Vijay's user avatar
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PhpMyadmin times out with small SQL file

I am trying to upload bump to phpmyadmin, which has has only 2MB but it has 12 thousand lines. I always get this error: Service Unavailable The server is temporarily unable to service your request ...
Delirium's user avatar
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Make JSON from SQL query output

I have this database query: select hostname,size from tableinfo The output is like this: hostname size ------------------------- ----------- host1 28 ...
BlackCrystal's user avatar
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4 answers

SQL operation on csv file using bash or shell

This is my input file 0164318,001449,001452,001922 0164318,001456,001457,001922 0842179,002115,002118,001485 0846354,001512,001513,001590 0841422,001221,001224,001860 0841422,001227,...
Aditya's user avatar
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17 votes
2 answers

How does this shebang that starts with a double hyphen (--) work?

I have found the following kind of shebang in the RosettaCode page: --() { :; }; exec db2 -txf "$0" It works for Db2, and a similar thing for Postgres. However, I do not understand the whole line. ...
AngocA's user avatar
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How to compile a ".pc" file on Debian 9?

I need to compile a Pro*C - .pc file on Ubuntu. So far what I have realised is that I need a Pro*C compiler to translate the Pro*C - .pc file into pure / standard C code.  But I need to have Oracle ...
Tyrion's user avatar
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1 answer

Use sed to prefix and suffix multiple strings per line

I have a .sql file with some 15,000,000 INSERT commands on each line, which look something like this: INSERT INTO tableName (col1,col2,col3,col4,col5,col6,col7,col8) VALUES ('Jan 7 2018 12:33PM', 'R'...
tutigan's user avatar