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Pass Linux variable in Oracle script

How to pass Linux variable in Oracle code? I need to pass it in below format and it should not ask for "enter a value for 1:" Please advise. mount='/u08/dbname/' sqlplus -s "/ as sysdba&...
Divya's user avatar
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How do I write SQL to fetch strings that begin with % in Oracle?

Could someone please assist on how to fetch the data in SQL for all the strings starting with %%string? I tried below to escape %% but it didn't work SELECT * FROM Tablename WHERE host LIKE ‘[%][%]%’...
Ram's user avatar
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Convert 2 HTML file output from SQL query into 1 main HTML output file in shell script

In shell script, I used 2 different SQL query & output of these 2 files in HTML format like (eg- ab.html, cd.html). Shell script as -> #/bin/ksh ab=$(SQLPLUS -s <username>/<password>@...
Shahin P's user avatar
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How to get result of SQL query in shell script with same format that when we run on Oracle SQL developer/Toad/PLSQL developer

In shell script I am using SQL query. #/bin/ksh var=$(sqlplus -s <user>/<password>@DB <<EOF set heading on set trimspool off set linesize 200 set feedback ...
user8487380's user avatar
2 votes
3 answers

Prevent Script from Inserting Space in File Name

I have an Oracle database table that is storing the full path and name of a file in a table column. In a SQL client I can run: select file_name from table where request_id=12345 and I will get this ...
Jay Tracewell's user avatar
-2 votes
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Delete remotely oracle schema using shell script [closed]

I have a remote instance like database-ora12 with existing user tester / password and SID=orac How I can delete remotely database or schema from this system for this user using shell script without ...
Hemant's user avatar
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-1 votes
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Pick Values From A Oracle Select Query

I have executed the below command (Part of a 2 step procedure required for password reset when we face the error ORA-28007). SQL> select USER#,NAME,PASSWORD FROM user$ where name='TESTUSER'; ...
Abstract Circle's user avatar
4 votes
2 answers

Insert to Oracle table in a loop

Requirement: In one server in a directory multiple files are present. I need to read the file names and populate into a Oracle table. I have written the script like this, but its not working: #!/bin/...
jagan's user avatar
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