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Rocky 9 split screen settings

Rocky 9 has this nice feature that allows windows to snap into split screen layouts, although by default it's dividing the screen into 3 parts. Also the borders are a bit thick. Is there a setting ...
ytrox's user avatar
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Archiving stdout to multiple tapes

I have large files which are generated on the fly to stdout, one every 24hours. I would like to archive these files progressively on tapes, ideally in a single archive which potentially spans multiple ...
lorenzo's user avatar
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Slow down a `split`

I have a really large archive consisting of really small files, concatenated into a single text file, with a "" dilimiter. For smaller archives, I would split the archive using "" ...
Alex's user avatar
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3 answers

Read file till special char, copy that section into another file, and continue till eof

I am trying to read a file in Linux and as soon as a "&" character is encountered, I am writing the output to another file, sending that file to another folder and then continuing to ...
python6's user avatar
2 votes
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Is it safe to slicing byte directly to split a big file?

In my case, the big file is tar.gz, I have myBigFile.tar.gz with size 52GB, I splitted it with chunk size 2GB therefore I have 27 parts file. Here is the code I program from scratch: from time import ...
Muhammad Ikhwan Perwira's user avatar
10 votes
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What is the state of the art of splitting a binary file by size?

Some background you can happily skip Twenty years ago or so, when navigating the web costed a lot, when I was a Windows-only user, and when CDs/DVDs were a large storage means, and when sharing video ...
Enlico's user avatar
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Merge the split file vs Original compressed file

On Ubuntu 22.04, I found these 2 methods will get different sha256 of archive_tgz tar czf /a/archive_tgz . tar czf /dev/stdout . | split -d -b 200M - /a/archive. && cat /a/archive.* > /a/...
Azreal's user avatar
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What is the max size limit for using split and cat combination?

I have backed up a file in zip format on Ubuntu whose size is 6.5GB. Trying to transfer it to a USB stick so needed to split since I got error “file size too large” while copying. (Ideally I want my ...
Gautam's user avatar
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3 answers

Split large file in realtime whilst it is still being written to

I've got a program that will be generating 4 large binary files (400GB+ each) that I need to upload to AWS S3 as quickly as possible. I'd like to begin uploading before the files are completely ...
Alistair Swanson's user avatar
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2 answers

Does splitting a file in more files necessarily mean that some/all of the overall content will not be where it was?

I guess that given a file of a certain size, not all of its bytes will be contiguous on disk (or will they? Just for existence of the phrase "defragmenting a disk" I assume they will not). ...
Enlico's user avatar
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Linux - split a big file into small files according to specific character and how many it repeats

msening's user avatar
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"gzip: stdin: unexpected end of file" after using tar with split

I have a folder of roughly 600MB of images in a folder output_test. I then create 100MB chunks of tar.gz files using the following command: tar -czf - output_test/ | split --bytes=100MB -d -a 3 - ...
Martin Müller's user avatar
1 vote
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Divide a fasta file with scaffolds into same lenght files respecting the scaffold ID and the sequence

I am currently working with a large fasta file (3.7GB) that has scaffolds in it. Each scaffold has a unique identifier that starts with > on the first line and on the consecutive line it has the ...
Nadia Tamayo's user avatar
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How do I prepend variable to open file stream when using split to create csv's?

I have a bash file that takes a large csv and splits the csv into smaller csv's based on this blog It works well as it is fast never ...
vfrank66's user avatar
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How to store multiple files in an array

I am using the split command in cshell to split a file into smaller files. Since the split command names the output files xaa,xab,xac.... i have to rename them. I want to store the split commands ...
coolguy123's user avatar
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How to use Clamscan to scan for files larger than 4GB

I need to scan files larger than 4GB, I tried the following solutions: 1- I tried to edit the clamd.conf and set the MaxScanSize 100000M MaxFileSize 100000M (Just any arbitrary size that's larger than ...
guest456782's user avatar
9 votes
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Split two concatenated files

I have Afile made by the equivalent of cat a.gif b.7z > Afile. How may I split Afile into the original a.gif and b.7z files?
user536180's user avatar
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rename the filename

The following files exist in the current directory GCF_000901975.1_ViralProj181986_genomic.fna.gz GCF_001885505.1_ViralProj344311_genomic.fna.gz GCF_000901995.1_ViralProj181990_genomic.fna.gz ...
loki's user avatar
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Split serial port into two virtual ports

This question is related to this post here: Cloning/Splitting a serial port (COM) port in Ubuntu I followed the steps to make the virtual ports but the problem is that I need full-duplex ...
Jason O's user avatar
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FOLD not working on very long lines

I have a fold command as below to split a file with very long line into multiple lines. It works if the file is small. But if the length of the file is too long, it stops adding new line character ...
Ram's user avatar
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How to archive and compress large dataset into parts efficiently?

Currently using following model, but one needs double the amount of disk space to restore compressed archive given one has to pipe all parts to tar before one can delete them. $ COPYFILE_DISABLE=true ...
sunknudsen's user avatar
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How can I split a string containing a Bash command without expanding parameters?

I have a single string that contains a shell command line. I need to remove a specific argument from this string (if present), and print the result, while keeping it a valid shell command. How can I ...
Konrad Rudolph's user avatar
16 votes
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Splitting a small file into 512 byte segments changes it, but splitting it in 1k segments doesn't

So I'm trying to split a 64MB file FileCarve.001 into 512 byte segments (each block is 512 bytes long). I need to make sure the file has the same data when split into smaller files, so I cat all the ...
FlashDaggerX's user avatar
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How to forward output of split to sftp?

I have a server that is running out of disk space. I want to move some TB sized directories into a long term archive. This is a tape robot with preferred file size of 16GB. Therefore I want to split ...
AlexK's user avatar
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Split ultrawide monitor in 3 virtuals screens

For my work, I try to split my new ultrawide monitor in 3 virtual screens on Ubuntu (I don't want to use tile tools as gTile). My first test using "xrandr" was OK when I selected "xorg&...
Philippe's user avatar
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How to split, add text for each split and gzip file

I want to take a huge file data.txt and: Split it by 256m Add the first 3 lines of data.txt to each split file gzip it data.txt looks like: aaa bbb ccc <data> <data> <data> ... <...
Nir's user avatar
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I don't really understand expansion and quoting on the shell (zsh/bash)

I've read up on a few answers here in reference to quoting variables on the shell. Basically, here's what I'm running: for f in "$(tmsu files)"; do echo "${f}"; done this has the ...
Harv's user avatar
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Split a file into multiple files, using the first X positions of a line, using sed or awk

I have a large text file, containing up to 2300 sections. Each section begins, one line before, "PAGE 1" The page number is at very end of the line, Example: T5271-AX1 TITLE ...
C0ppert0p's user avatar
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Is it with GNU parallel possible to split on character count, but provide full lines only?

I would like to split an input file on character count (ASCII is fine), combined with new lines as well. That is, every group of 10000 character should be seen as one record to be piped into the child ...
Frazier Thien's user avatar
-1 votes
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I want to replace a specific word in a text file and save the results in multiple text files using perl or ubuntu command?

I have a file results.txt that contains the following: the word: word1 is a not detected And I have a txt file contain the list of words as following: word1 word2 word3 ... And I want to generate ...
Houssam Dev's user avatar
2 votes
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Automating the splitting of a large mp3 file with FFmpeg into multiple files in different time points provided in a text file

I have a large mp3 file; I want to split it into 480 mp3 files in different time points. I want to know if there is an easy way to do it other than splitting it one by one. Can I provide the different ...
YucefBerus's user avatar
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Use output of cat with split command and specified output directory

I'm trying to split a long csv into files of 500 lines each. I want the output files in a specific directory, and I want to leave off the first line of the csv. I can use split and leave off the ...
Amadou Kone's user avatar
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Using split() with awk

I am trying to use split() with awk. I am splitting the contents of $7 with split() into an array, but not sure how to print the contents starting from reverse order. The field $7 is of variable ...
Jason Aruni's user avatar
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Less, but only last element of every line?

So, I want to monitor live logs as they come with less +F, but the logs have a LOT of noise before the actual message - fortunately the line is segmented by | character, with the timestamp being ...
Maciej's user avatar
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Save current vim session state and restore it later (e.g. buffers, splits etc.)

As an old VIM user, attracted to it in the first place especially because of its straightforward regex substitutions that allow to work really fast, I'm not really expecting VIM to have such a feature....
tomoyo255's user avatar
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4 answers

streaming split/merge command?

Does a streaming version of split exist somewhere in Linux? I'm trying to back up a large amount of data via SSH, but SSH's single threaded encryption is limiting the transfer. This machine doesn't ...
JanKanis's user avatar
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how to get split commands output to file

I want to print output of below command to file, can you help me I tried 2>&1 even 2>> also dd if=/dev/random bs=1 count=1000 status=progress |split -b 10 -a 10 I have other dd command ...
Samurai's user avatar
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How to create folders based on part of a filename and also extract & rename specific columns using awk

the following code extracts data from csv files contained in a folder, creates new folders (based on filename and date), creates and stores multiple csv files in the said folders. more info on this is ...
dante_t's user avatar
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How to split CSV file and create multiple CSV files based on a column

I have a csv file with the format: Input.csv: TIMESTAMP,Data1,Data2,Data3,Data4 "2021-01-03 00:00:00",80953,3.243183,2.943338,358.0123 "2021-01-03 00:01:00",80954,2.173187,1.990327,...
dante_t's user avatar
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I have a `raspivid` stream, which I'm piping to `ffmpeg`, now i'd like to also stream a raw version of it to a socket?

I have a process outputing an MJPEG video stream, which I pipe into ffmpeg to reduce framerate and then to a socket. raspivid -t 999999 -cd MJPEG -w 1920 -h 1080 -o - | ffmpeg -i - -f mjpeg -r 2 - | ...
Ivan Koshelev's user avatar
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Can GNU tar run a filter before adding a file to an archive?

I am trying to archive a directory containing many subdirectories and files, most of which are JPEG files. I would like to run each file through JPEG XL before adding to the tar archive, to reduce ...
jl6's user avatar
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Bash Split Output Groups to Columns

I have similar output like below goes so long. I want to create columns with this output but with like groups/blocks. And process output after a pipe. id: c2b751c227111edfgdghfhfg19079a466e1916f6df4 ...
Yanik's user avatar
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Split large file into chunks and delete original?

I'm having trouble with a large text file (30GB) I would like to create smaller files from it (5GB lets say) But sadly I don't have no more storage (only ~10G is available). This line: split -b 5g &...
Andras Karpati's user avatar
3 votes
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How to create split tar archive in multiple stages to save space?

I have a very large folder that I am trying to create a tar archive of. The issue is I don't have enough extra free space to store the entire archive so I want to create say 100-200GB chunks of the ...
Josh Harrison's user avatar
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Split command to chunk a large CSV - with new line character

I'm splitting a large CSV file with small chunks using the split command. Each file should contain 1000 rows only. The command I used is, cat large.csv | split -a3 -l1000 --filter='gzip > $FILE.gz'...
TheDataGuy's user avatar
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Split file from a streaming output with custom name and gzip

I have a script with a while loop that will print a text. I want to save it into files with custom name. Script: #!/bin/bash while true do echo "Press [CTRL+C] to stop.." done I can run ...
TheDataGuy's user avatar
4 votes
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Split large files into a number of files in unix

i have a file that contains several lines(9074 line), i want to split the file into 10 files contain the same number of lines except the last file that contain the remainder number of lines split -l `...
user441167's user avatar
-1 votes
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linux + how to split ISO file to separate pieces [duplicate]

we are using the following ISO file for rhel upgrade 4.2G RHEL-7.6.iso since we have problem to copy this ISO file between WIN to Linux machine and that because sometime network problem cause ISO ...
yael's user avatar
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Split long SQL expression at delimiter

Context I'm trying to import a dump that have some long lines (8k+ character) with SQL*Plus, so I face the error SP2-0027: Input is too long (> 2499 characters). This is a hard-coded limit and ...
homer's user avatar
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How to split single rows of a CSV file into multiple depending on delimiter in 2nd column

My base.csv file has several entries a sample of which is below. NAME,IP_ADDRESS,PRI_IP,APP_CODE,APP_NAME,OWNER test2,,,545,myapp1,owner1 mytest,,,545,...
Ashar's user avatar
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