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Questions tagged [proftpd]

ProFTPD: Apache-like FTP server for Unix systems

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Unable to access proftpd server via sftp: port 22

I'm trying to replace a proftp server because the old one was encrypted during installation and the passkey is lost. Old server works fine on ftp:21 and sftp:22/322 old server is on ubuntu 16.04.7 lts ...
user16605410's user avatar
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How to Install and Enable XCRC on an Open-Source FTP Server in Debian 11?

I'm currently working on Debian 11 and exploring options to enable and use the XCRC command for CRC32 checksums on an FTP server. Unfortunately, the instructions I've found for ProFTPD appear to be ...
Juergen Schulze's user avatar
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Proftpd does not initialize on startup

I'm new here, and I'm also a new linux user, I'm using debian 12. I have the proftpd service configured and meeting my needs, but when I reboot the operating system, the service does not start ...
Icaro Nadson's user avatar
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Proftp Virtual Hosts Settings

i'm trying to set up proftpd with virtual server settings, but there are always problems during connection. I have two domains which are pointing to the same External IP Address: ftp.domain.tld -> ...
sangul's user avatar
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proFTPD not working due to socket bind error

I am trying to set up an FTP server on one of my devices that runs DietPi and I selected proFTPD as a server. I have installed the software and followed some set-up information I found here. But then ...
ex1led's user avatar
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how to exit in bash script from ProFTPD via netcat after some copy operations

I am connecting to a proftpd server via netcat nc 21 Then I am doing some copy operations like "The mod_copy module implements SITE CPFR and SITE CPTO commands" After "...
florian.isopp's user avatar
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Pass traffic from one network interface to another

I have a project where I have 4x RPiZ plugged into a single RPi4. The RPiZs appear as Ethernet over USB devices as network interfaces ethpi1, ethpi2, ethpi3, and ethpi4 with IP addresses, 10....
Rusty's user avatar
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Weird ProFTPd and mod_sql string escaping

I am using/trying to use ProFTPd with users in SQL and using stock sql configuration. I currently have a problem with weird string escaping, but ONLY for INSERT into the "tally" table, not ...
Schubi Duah's user avatar
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sftp failed to connect when FIPS is enabled

Proftpd(1.3.5e and OS is CentOS 7) is configured to use sftp. When the FIPS is disabled sftp connects but when FIPS is enabled sftp is failed to connect to host. it throws the below error: Already ...
Vishwas's user avatar
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File permissions while sending the file from one Linux host to another host

One of the source servers is sending the files to destination servers using lftp. The umask setting in the destination host is 007(in proftpd.conf file), so the files landing in the destination ...
A.K's user avatar
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Linux - Jail users into their directories

I want to jail users to their directory in /home I tried to use vsftpd with settings: local_enable=YES chroot_local_user=YES But it doesnt work properly. Users still have access to directories ...
wmdark's user avatar
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ssh & ftp time out. Activation of org.freedesktop.systemd1 timed out

I have a relatively old debian server running Jessie 8.11 uname -a Linux debian 3.16.0-6-amd64 #1 SMP Debian 3.16.57-2 (2018-07-14) x86_64 GNU/Linux Recently after restarting my machine I cannot ...
albertma789's user avatar
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winSCP cannot access proFTPd via FTP or SFTP

I want to setup SFTP on my debian server to upload some files via winSCP. I had FTP working already but I find it hard to get SFTP working. I have followed this guide: Setup SFTP in ProFTPd (eccept ...
B. Preiss's user avatar
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Unable to install proftp or pureftp on centos 6 (typical instructions don't work)

I am having difficulty installing proftp or pureftp on centos 6. I have followed the typical instructions (alternatively) which go like this # Add EPL repository rpm -iUvh http://dl.fedoraproject....
Olumide's user avatar
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Run a script (server side) when FTP user logs off

I'd like to run a shell script on an FTP server when an FTP user logs off. Imagine: Ftpuser logs in, uploads a file to an inbound-only directory and logs off. Ftp Server detects logoff then runs ...
GrepZen's user avatar
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How to hide "Up to higher level directory" header in ProFTPD?

I have Debian 9 with configured ProFTPD server version 1.3.5 with anonymous access. When I am logging to my ftp server from another PC I see "Up to higher level directory" header. Is there any ways ...
Alex's user avatar
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Access denied to ProFTPd on LAN interface

I am having this super weird access denied issue on my home FTP server. The symptom is I can only access it through the wireless interface. When disabling the Wifi, and use ethernet, I got access ...
Ji Fang's user avatar
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Proftpd: total disable user login

A simple question,with this configuration I allow anon ftp users. ServerName "ProFTPD Default Installation" ServerType standalone DefaultServer on Port 2121 ...
elbarna's user avatar
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Debian 9 ProFTPD iptables configuration

I am trying to configure iptables for ProFTPD on Debian 9. Access will be from within a LAN. There is no NAT involved.Based on what i have read so far, this doesn't warrant Passive FTP? The only ...
Ian Thomas's user avatar
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ProFTPd serving FTP and sFTP using the same MySQL DB for users

I have 2 FTP servers running both mainly using sFTP on port 2222 AND FTP on port 21. On top of the ProFTPd system I have a proftpd_admin tool running: proftpd-admin link1 That uses a MySQL backend ...
SHLelieveld's user avatar
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proftpd kills session with 421 timeout error message

Problem Connections on a Proftpd 1.3.6 (updated from 1.3.1 with same issue) are killed while transferring data with message: 421 No transfer timeout (3600 seconds): closing control connection The ...
SaschaM78's user avatar
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While stop working active mode FTP after change server port

I'm using proftpd on my server (ubuntu 16.04 x86_64). Default proftpd use standart 21 port. I can connect from my home notebook to ftp with active mode without problem. Now I stop proftpd, change ...
Yura Shinkarev's user avatar
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How process (user1) can write log to directory (root)

I'm using proftpd on my server (ubuntu 16.04 x86_64). I see that proftpd run under proftpd user: $ ps aux | grep [p]roftpd proftpd 26334 0.0 0.1 112656 716 ? Ss 04:39 0:00 proftpd: (...
Yura Shinkarev's user avatar
5 votes
3 answers

Limit FTP connections by area

Is there any (simple) way to deny FTP connections based on the general physical location? I plan to use FTP as a simple cloud storage for me and my friends. I use an odroid c2 (similar to raspberry pi ...
Muffin's user avatar
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Keep ProFTPD user in his home Folder

I'm have setup a ProFTPd user on my Debian based Nas system for Backups with his default folder. Now I want to ensure that this user only have access to his to his folder. I have read something about ...
fteinz's user avatar
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How to find proftpd compile options Ubuntu 14.04

I need to upgrade proftpd that is running on my Ubuntu 14.04 server. Since I want to keep all configfiles as they are I thought the best option would be to compile a newer version 1.3.5b and just copy ...
Durinango's user avatar
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Proftpd Problem user account

I have problems with one proftpd server. I use two authentication methods, anonymous and user authentication at the same time. I modified the proftpd.conf to authenticate against the /etc/proftpd/...
brito9112's user avatar
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FTP (21) Not Listening - GCP/Debian 8/ProFTPD

I just started learning Linux about a few months ago so apologize if I am missing something easy. I have a Debian 8 server on Google Cloud Platform that I have setup it up to run a Wordpress multisite ...
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DefaultRoot in proftpd.conf does not work properly

I have configuration of proftpd like this: DefaultRoot ~ User I try to jail User to home directory but this does not work so i try this: DefaultRoot /home/userfolder ftp-proftpd This should jail ...
dorinand's user avatar
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ProFTPD won't start or restart [closed]

I have so far: installed ProFTPD, turned ipv6 off in the conf, changed server name from Debian to jon-virtual-machine, and jailed users to their home folder. But it says I can't determine IP address ...
user1871's user avatar
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Using proftpd, how do implement directories to show up in home folder?

So the thing is I have setup a home directory on proftpd using GADMIN-proftpd frontend. I tried doing system links onto the setup directory however they aren't recognized as shortcuts on my android ...
user189320's user avatar
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Why do I get different results during ftp communication when using ls filename and ls./filename

I am connecting to a proftd server as client and try to list files. I use ls command with two different parameters: ls filename ftp> ls test.txt 229 Entering Extended Passive Mode (|||41257|) ...
guestor's user avatar
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Proftpd doesn't answer to "PASV" command

I've been trying to configure my FTPS server which is behind NAT. so I've opened ports 20, 21 as well as 2120-2180 in my NAT (TCP+UDP) and configured proftpd to use this ports for passive ...
Magix's user avatar
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Debian, ftp user with access to /var/www

I want to have ftp user who have only access to /var/www and work on all of files, but the problems arise when I give permission to /var/www, exactly chown. I try with chgrp but then I cannot edit ...
michał matysek's user avatar
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SELinux, ProFTPd and the silent log

I need a FTP server on my machine, a Fedora 23. I want a simple setup, and I decided for ProFTPd and authentication with mod_auth_unix.c (this is just about my machine). I installed ProFTPd and ...
Dacav's user avatar
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Proftpd classes don't work

If setup my proftpd server and all is working fine on 'full' speed. but I want to limit a certain IP range to a speed limit. So I've added the following lines to the proftpd.conf file: <Class ...
SHLelieveld's user avatar
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File permissions to access/create/delete folders for multiple users

I'm stuck on setting up FTP read/write file permissions (running FreeNAS). The read/write permissions for each user can follow the current format: Users can read from all folders they have access to ...
JackTheKnife's user avatar
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Proftpd Anonymous login?

I'm trying to set my virtual host on anonymous login but it doesn't work as everytime I log in, it keeps asking me for username and password, please check the screen shot below : Any idea what might ...
Samirtow's user avatar
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Multiple sites with Proftpd Vhosts on the same port 21?

I would like to create 2 ftp sites using Proftpd virtual hosts on the same port 21 : : Anonymous access : with users and passwords access Can somebody please tell ...
Samirtow's user avatar
52 votes
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dbus: [system] Failed to activate service 'org.freedesktop.login1': timed out

I keep getting the following error messages in the syslog of one of my servers: # tail /var/log/syslog Oct 29 13:48:40 myserver dbus[19617]: [system] Failed to activate service 'org.freedesktop....
lathspell's user avatar
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How to make modprobe nf_conntrack_ftp persist a reboot on CentOS 7 and firewalld?

I'm stumped. I've seen the related questions about editing /etc/sysconfig/iptables-config, but I'm running CentOS 7 (and webmin/virtualmin), which uses firewalld instead of iptables. How do I get ...
Rocky's user avatar
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Unable to start proftpd server debian 8

I'm trying to configure an FTP server on debian 8. I'm using the basic conf file of proftpd, found here Now when I try to start the server I get this error: [....] Starting proftpd (via systemctl): ...
HaTiMuX's user avatar
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How to meter FTP upload progress in telnet

I'm working on a script using telnet to connect to an ftp server and dropping a big file on it. Because of the environment of the project, I need to use ftp and cannot rely on other techniques like ...
Vincent Duprez's user avatar
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proftpd conf on debian

Iam new to linux / debian Im trying to configure an ftp server in debian using proftpd. I installed the package A user is created when it is installed I put a password to this user and it is working ...
Mohamad Naddaf's user avatar
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error: getrlimit(RLIMIT_CORE): Operation not permitted. Proftpd on Embbeded Linux enviorment

I've been trying to use proftpd on Arm7 Embedded linux. After starting the execution, it delivers this message: error: getrlimit(RLIMIT_CORE): Operation not permitted The Proftpf version is 1.3.4b. ...
DBeltran's user avatar
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uploaded file via filezilla to proftp server(on ubuntu 14.04 lts) but reported 550 error

uploaded file via filezilla to proftp server(on ubuntu 14.04 lts) but reported 550 error 550 download.html: Permission denied Error: Critical file transfer error I try to set the directory to chmod ...
arachide's user avatar
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How to change the ftp server port in ProFTPD

I want to change my ProFTPD server port from 21 to 1945. But I didn't find any port mention in the proftpd.conf file. When I add port 21 in the conf file and restart the ftp server it shows the ...
user3676417's user avatar
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How to set special folder permission on proFTPD?

On one of my servers, I have ProFTPD installed in Debian 7. I need special permission only for 2 specific folders. These are: append - user must be able to append data to an existing file rename - ...
x86fantini's user avatar
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proftpd via mysql & web management of FTP users

I have installed prftpd and proftpd-mysql rpm on a linux machine. Intention is to have usermanagement of ftpusers via web. So I have installed proftpadmin from Here Now when I am adding the below ...
Ashish's user avatar
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Is it possible to add granular permissions on a folder without installing acl?

I have a folder public_html with several subfolders on Ubuntu 12.04 server. Is it possible to add different permissions on individual subfolders for two new individual users without changing the ...
codecowboy's user avatar
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