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2 answers

Load files in sequential order

I need to load multiple files in my shell script with the same filename but appended in the front of each file name is YYMMDDPERSONNEL Examples: 231102PERSONNEL and 230103PERSONNEL There are many ...
teejay's user avatar
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Why no one thought of the concept of joins before the 70s? [closed]

So, let me see if I have my history right: In 1976, the first system sold as an RDBMS was Multics Relational Data Store. I don't know if it had JOIN, but let's assume it did. The UNIX command join ...
Sebastian Carlos's user avatar
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2 answers

How to write a shell script to run a sql query and send the query results in table format in email?

I need to run a SQL query using SHELL script in PUTTY and send the results in email body in table format with headers along with a message line on top. I have written this so far but I am not able to ...
UserGoogle's user avatar
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filewatcher script in ksh script

I wanted to edit a already created filewatcher script with the given logic the source file path is stage path (stage/filewatcherwrap.ksh) there are 4 files in the below given format in stage path ...
Jayashree's user avatar
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3 answers

Regular expression - SQL manipulation

[pol@fedora data]$ lsb_release -a LSB Version: :core-4.1-amd64:core-4.1-noarch Distributor ID: Fedora Description: Fedora release 34 (Thirty Four) Release: 34 Codename: ThirtyFour I'm ...
Vérace's user avatar
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making sqlcmd self-contained so it would be possible to run without installation, for CentOs

I am trying to make a bash script to connect to remote SQL server with sqlcmd in the devp machine, as I have admin privileges, runs smoothly but I NEED (and capitals because it is imperative) to build ...
CarlsWhishde's user avatar
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Pass Linux variable in Oracle script

How to pass Linux variable in Oracle code? I need to pass it in below format and it should not ask for "enter a value for 1:" Please advise. mount='/u08/dbname/' sqlplus -s "/ as sysdba&...
Divya's user avatar
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1 answer

SQL Server Connection Failed with Linux Mint + SQL Server 2008 R2 using any client

I am trying to connect to my SQL Server 2008 R2 with SP4 database, however, I got this error and I have tried some solutions that I found here, but none works for me. PS. I do not know exactly how to ...
José Luiz's user avatar
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1 answer

How to fetch Data of Previous date in shell script?

Kindly refer the script below. #!/usr/bin/bash #scirpt to connect with db master_db_user='' master_db_passwd='' master_db_port='3306' master_db_host='' master_db_name='uppcldashboard' Now=$(date +"...
user avatar
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2 answers

sqlplus doesn't work in Crontab

/oracle/GR1/121/bin/sqlplus / as sysdba <<EOF >> $LOGFILE whenever sqlerror exit sql.sqlcode; set echo on; set serveroutput on; STARTUP; EXIT EOF Already tried it with the path, but it ...
plattio's user avatar
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1 answer

To print log file with out put of cron job scheduled for a sql block - with Date and time (all the executions of cron)

I have a shell script which executes a pl/sql block, I'm printing output to output file but it's not keeping old information and not displaying time and date when the script was executed. My script ...
james k's user avatar
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How to extract Oracle DML (insert,update) queries from a dump file?

Example: $cat data.txt SCN THREAD OPERATION ID OBJECT ID OBJECT NAME REPLICATE OPERATION SQL ------------- ------- ------...
Raj s's user avatar
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1 answer

REGEX search & replace with sed or other command

I have a big SQL file with content like [code language="bash"] git checkout master git pull origin master ... [/code] Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elitUt enim ad minim [code]...
MagePsycho's user avatar
1 vote
2 answers

Finding and extracting immediate characters

I have a file with some SQLs and I want to find out the fields that have cast by using shell scripting. For example, I have a file abc.txt with the below sql SELECT field1,field2,field3,field4,cast(...
Balaji's user avatar
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1 answer

Running a Python that calls a SQL in BASH W10

Trying to run this Python file python 12345 which looks like #!/usr/bin/env python import subprocess import sys, getopt # add if -b or -e then look for username/email like etc... # ...
jhallvid's user avatar
3 votes
0 answers

How to Install and run python and database over busybox

I purchased a a WiFi server terminal which runs Busybox and only comes with a http web implementation which pops up once you connect to the WiFi. I'd like to support for SQL (or some variation) and ...
Xiao Lee's user avatar
-1 votes
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Pick Values From A Oracle Select Query

I have executed the below command (Part of a 2 step procedure required for password reset when we face the error ORA-28007). SQL> select USER#,NAME,PASSWORD FROM user$ where name='TESTUSER'; ...
Abstract Circle's user avatar
8 votes
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KrbException: Fail to create credential. (63) - No service creds

I am working on setting up Tomcat 8.0.35 on Ubuntu 16.04 with Oracle Java 1.8.0_91-b14 (not openjdk) to use Kerberos authentication when authenticating to our Microsoft SQL database. The issue I am ...
TimBourne's user avatar
2 votes
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Cannot run test program while cross compiling - cross compiling Firebird

I've tried to compile firebird server for arm linux, with cross-compiler (it's choosen - it's working properly). When using: ./ --host=arm-linux-gnu I get this error: checking for ...
Sławomir Kozok's user avatar
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FreeTDS missing encryption support to connect to MS SQL

I'm running a Gentoo Linux and I'm trying to connect to MS SQL via pyodbc using freetds. I enabled the debug log in freetds. Now when I try to connect I'm seeing this: 18:13:00.841828 13523 (net.c:...
replay's user avatar
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Awk one-liner to print column of SQL table?

Suppose I have table like: This is first line name minimum maximum config_value ----------------------------------- ----------- ----------- ------------ some ...
snoop's user avatar
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