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Questions tagged [freedesktop]

FreeDesktop is an informal standards body mostly (but not entirely) focused on graphical technologies of UNIX operating systems. The FreeDesktop website hosts both specifications and software.

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Broadcasting a message to users in desktop environments

I'm currently writing a small systemd service that may need to shutdown the computer. I'd like to broadcast a message to all users, e.g. This computer is going to shutdown at XXX, don't forget save ...
Yoric's user avatar
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Set a specific file manager for org.freedesktop.FileManager1.ShowItems

The following command opens a file manager to show the directory. dbus-send --session --dest=org.freedesktop.FileManager1 --print-reply \ --type=method_call /org/freedesktop/FileManager1 \ org....
Damn Vegetables's user avatar
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How to use pass-secret-service as a keyring provider without breaking gpg?

Recently, I’ve tried to install nheko, a Matrix client, but I failed using it because it complains it cannot store password and other secrets because there are no providers for org.freedesktop.secrets ...
jthulhu's user avatar
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Nautilus: End program after closing window

When I run nautilus from terminal it is still running after closing window. I only get this message after start: ** Message: 00:10:10.307: Connecting to org.freedesktop.Tracker3.Miner.Files How can I ...
Jan Černý's user avatar
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Flatpak install freezes when downloading resource. Can I find source URL to download file manually from browser?

I am trying to update the Gnome Web (org.gnome.Epiphany) flatpak, on Ubuntu 22.04.4 LTS (on WSL2). One specific resource, "org.freedesktop.Platform.openh264" always freezes when downloading. ...
ETL's user avatar
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1 answer

Is it Possible to Read stdout and stderr of Apps Launched From the Desktop?

Suppose I launch Firefox from my apps. Is the stdout and stderr redirected to a specific file or is it redirected to /dev/null? If it is indeed redirected to a specific file, I'd also like to know how ...
Elijah's user avatar
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~/.local/share/ is not in $XDG_DATA_DIRS, however .desktop files under the applications folder is shown in GNOME launcher

I'm using GNOME under Arch Linux. According to freedesktop Menu Specification, .desktop files are under $XDG_DATA_DIRS/applications/. But when I was cleaning desktop entries today, I noticed that ...
FishBone000's user avatar
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Connecting to Wifi: org.freedesktop.resolve1: Permission denied

I have this problem when I try to connect to the wifi. If I run resolvectl I get the following error: resolvectl Failed to get global data: Failed to execute program org.freedesktop.resolve1: ...
ArtEze's user avatar
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1 answer

Arch linux; org.freedesktop.DBus.Error.InvalidArgs: No such interface “org.freedesktop.portal.FileChooser”

I use sway on arch linux and a lot of apps log this error message: org.freedesktop.DBus.Error.InvalidArgs: No such interface “org.freedesktop.portal.FileChooser” How can I resolve this issue ? Thank ...
Jan Černý's user avatar
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How to create custom Freedesktop menu categories?

I can't seem to create "Security" as a custom top-level Freedesktop category. (I have Sparky Linux with Openbox.) I did research and everyone agrees you can do it in three easy steps: ...
wigwami's user avatar
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11 votes
2 answers

Store Firefox Primary Password in Secret Service

Is it possible to store the Firefox Primary Password (formerly known as the Master password) using the freedesktop secret service dbus API, in order to bypass the password prompt when Firefox starts ...
sedrubal's user avatar
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Linux Trash implementation: Correct place for a Trash Log?

I am working on a Trash implementation and would like to store a log for every deletion. I have reviewed the Freedesktop Trash Specification but couldn't find any information about where to store a ...
127 001's user avatar
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How should I handle two seemingly conflicting XDG Desktop Entry requirements?

According to my understanding of the File Naming section in the XDG Desktop Entry Specification, I should name my .desktop file following reverse-DNS notation: The name of the desktop entry should ...
Tenders McChiken's user avatar
3 votes
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How can I find the value of $XDG_CONFIG_HOME, $XDG_CONFIG_HOME, $XDG_STATE_HOME, etc in a Bash script?

This seems like a simple question that every application developer would have, but I can't find the answer. Per the latest XDG Basedir Spec, there are many directories that should be defined in ...
Dr-Bracket's user avatar
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custom environment variable for freedesktop application

Do Freedesktop-conforming desktop environments (e.g. KDE, GNOME, and GNOME 2 derivatives) support a method for running all instances of some particular application, whether invoked as a default ...
brainchild's user avatar
2 votes
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Custom mime type for directories

Is it possible to make a custom mime type for directories (inode/directory)? Just like what MacOS does with *.app folders (app bundle) which make it possible to open them in another program.
Bytez's user avatar
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The unknown service dbus-:[email protected]

What is the weird service? From the logs it looks like it's a slice created by D-Bus at startup. The January release of Fedora 35
Jelly Terra's user avatar
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free desktop dbus error while installing any package using pip

Whenever I try to install any package using pip, I get this error message at the beginning of the shell output. ERROR: Introspect error on :1.803:/modules/kwalletd5: dbus.exceptions.DBusException: ...
belmont's user avatar
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How can I use a prefix in the <glob> element of a mime info file?

I have a bunch of files in the form of xyz-timestamp.log, which I want to associate with a different application, than normal log files. I read up on mime types and found out, that I can add a mime-...
Minix's user avatar
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overriding a single field in a desktop-entry

I'm setting up a Debian system, with LXDE as the Desktop Environment (really, I'm just remastering a Raspberry Pi OS image). I have an application that ships with a .desktop file. Cool! Unfortunately ...
umläute's user avatar
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Reason for text/plain pattern "*,v" in shared-mime-info?

The media type database shared-mime-info has a filename pattern *,v associated with MIME type text/plain, and I can't figure out why - if only because ,v and *,v are basically useless ...
Tim Pederick's user avatar
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Is /org/freedesktop/DBus accessible from a web browser?

We have some homebrewn applications running in top of a Xubuntu 18.04 OS, communicating with each other using D-Bus. The UI part is run in a web browser and web socket is being used for the ...
Aritz's user avatar
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.desktop launcher providing arguments results in "No such file or directory"

[Desktop Entry] Version=1.0 Type=Application Name=launcher Comment= Exec=sh -c "echo hi" Terminal=true StartupNotify=false results in Failed to launch child: sh -c 'echo hi' With error: No ...
Nicolas Martel's user avatar
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How do I keep stdin open when launching an executable via a Desktop Entry File (i.e. .desktop)?

I have a desktop application that relies on stdin. If I run it in the terminal, it runs great and quits when stdin closes (CTRL+D). I also have a systemd activation socket set up which can launch ...
Stewart's user avatar
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Make Firefox open app without first prompting to choose from window with one choice

No posted answer in StackExchange worked: they are years-old and pertain to very old versions of Firefox. EDIT: At first I posted about opening files from the downloads list. I later discovered I get ...
nmgeek's user avatar
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Fixing the "DBUS-call failed" error when opening files with xdg-open

When I call xdg-open pic.png I get this message. ** (ristretto:7580): WARNING **: 13:44:21.730: DBUS-call failed:GDBus.Error:org.freedesktop.DBus.Error.ServiceUnknown: The name org.freedesktop....
Jan Černý's user avatar
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Ubuntu Notification Failed to execute program org.freedesktop.Notifications: No such file or directory (23)

i was working on a python script that displays notification, here's the library I'm using from gi.repository import Notify Notify....
Kryptic Coconut's user avatar
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Run sudo Exec in .desktop via pkexec: Qt Error

I have a configuration in virtualbox that requires me to run the application with sudo privileges. I have been editing the .desktop file to run with sudo (note a simply changing the Exec variable to ...
Sterling Butters's user avatar
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Is it possible to require both glob and magic specified in mimetype definition?

Given the following freedesktop shared-mime-info file: <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <mime-info xmlns="
user418703's user avatar
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Is it possible to use unicode character within glob pattern in mime definition file?

I'm issuing the command xdg-mime install nv-custom.xml - using this file: <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <mime-info xmlns="
user418703's user avatar
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How to run a "Desktop Entry" from another "Desktop Entry"?

Is somehow possible to run a "Desktop Entry" from another "Desktop Entry"? Searching inside the freedesktop Desktop Entry Specification the answer seems "No". What I want to do is to create a single ...
nulll's user avatar
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Opening a URL with xdg-open using Mozilla Remote Protocol

Older versions of Netscape and Mozilla (for X11) supported the so-called remote protocol: it was possible to open a URL or start composing an e-mail whenever a Netscape/Mozilla window (not necessarily ...
Bass's user avatar
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Freedesktop dbus error

In .xsession-errors file I noticed strange message: dbus-update-activation-environment: setting LC_IDENTIFICATION=uk_UA.UTF-8 dbus-update-activation-environment: setting LC_TIME=en_US.UTF-8 dbus-...
Bord81's user avatar
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2 answers

Why is the icon I've placed into /usr/share/icons not displaying in the MATE Applications menu?

I have a .desktop file in /usr/share/applications with the entry: [Desktop Entry] Icon=my-app ... I have placed my-app.png into /usr/share/icons/hicolor/32x32/apps. The icon displays just fine for ...
Zhro's user avatar
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How to get rid of nag screen "Authentication is required to set one's own greeter properties"?

After a recent update on my Linux system I get a dialogue window every few (5?) minutes with the same message: Authentication is required to set one's own greeter properties. It has a password ...
Ned64's user avatar
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How to list system tray icons and their processes?

I am writting a BASH script to monitor a program's status. That program is close source and I have no control over it. It can create an icon in system tray. What I need is knowing if currently there ...
Bob Johnson's user avatar
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Forwarding tcp to d-bus via socat failed

I'm trying to build a tcp proxy to my local session dbus daemon. I did socat TCP-LISTEN:55556,reuseaddr,fork,range= ABSTRACT-CONNECT:/run/user/1000/bus However, DBUS_SESSION_BUS_ADDRESS=...
Amos's user avatar
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Move from single configuration files to .d directories in Linux

Note: I am not asking specifically about rc as in The rc0.d,rc1.d,... directories in /etc Many guides on the internet and this website remember the days when Linux distributions by default used files ...
cat's user avatar
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How to identify the notification daemon?

I want to see which notification daemon is running. This is because I want to replace it, since it does not properly confirm the notification from blueman-applet. I mention that I am running the i3 ...
danuker's user avatar
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6 votes
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What does %k mean in Exec=?

Exec=sh -c "some command' %k No info in man sh and man exec on %k. What does %k mean here?
showkey's user avatar
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10 votes
5 answers

Why do freedesktop .desktop files not allow relative paths?

The .desktop files have become the de-facto standard to easily access applications on Linux desktops, with executables not being easily startable from the GUI otherwise and many launchers not using ...
Christian's user avatar
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.desktop files in non standard directories

I'm providing some applications to the users of my system through the use of an environment modules manager (i.e. Lmod). So I have a bunch of self-compiled applications out of the standard tree: for ...
rdbisme's user avatar
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Find out the owner of a DBus service name

I can't find a way to find what program implements the org.freedesktop.Notifications service. Is it possible to ask DBus to tell me what program provides it? The reason for asking this question is ...
Mael's user avatar
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Purpose of the autostart-scripts directory

A user can place .desktop files in his ~/.config/autostart/ directory to run a script on login (session start) in Gnome, or indeed any Freedesktop-compliant environment. But, on my openSUSE Leap 42.2 ...
palswim's user avatar
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Desktop icon without image in Gnome (Debian Jessie)

Following the lessons learned here, I tried to add an icon to SoulSeek, the file sharing network. The problem is, different from RStudio which has a png file in one of its directories, SoulSeek runs ...
Rodrigo's user avatar
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freedesktop menus and redundancy of entries

i wanted to create my own menu in xfce, with only the items i needed. i succeeded with the following code: <Menu> <!--find *.desktop files--> <DefaultAppDirs /> <...
user208114's user avatar
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GUI file managers infinitely loading folders never showing content [desktop: KDE5 - tested file managers: Dolphin, Thunar, Nautilus]

GUI file managers do not show any folder content anymore. Running KDE5 [plasma-desktop-5.7.5-1.fc23.x86_64] on Fedora 23 [4.7.4-100.fc23.x86_64] GUI file managers suddenly stopped to show contents of ...
THX's user avatar
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emacs slow to start read/poll/writev /org/freedesktop /org/gnome

On a Linux CentOS system where I am a non-root user, every time I start emacs-24.5 it takes about 30 seconds to show up: strace -tt -o emacs.strace ~/local/bin/emacs-24.5 There are some read/pool/...
719016's user avatar
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How to programmatically query the Freedesktop application database?

I know about xdg-mime which can query the mapping from MIME filetype to associated desktop application. But this can return mappings to non-existent applications, e.g. $ xdg-mime default non-...
Adam Spiers's user avatar
2 votes
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Where mimeopen saves default app config?

I associated pdf with Okular using mimeopen. Then I became curious where it had saved the configuration. My first guess was: $HOME/.config/mimeapps.list but it didn't contain the right entry. So I ...
atevm's user avatar
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