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How to programmatically query the Freedesktop application database?

I know about xdg-mime which can query the mapping from MIME filetype to associated desktop application. But this can return mappings to non-existent applications, e.g. $ xdg-mime default non-...
Adam Spiers's user avatar
14 votes
3 answers

Drag-and-drop without the drag

I sometimes need to drag-and-drop files onto an application. (Example — but my question here is not installing Chrome userscripts.) One solution is to use Dragbox, which opens a window from which I ...
Gilles 'SO- stop being evil''s user avatar
2 votes
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.desktop file. Correct exec path

I use Fedora. There are a number of programmes packaged in a security spin. Included desktop files work but open the programmes with root priviliges. How can I edit the desktop file shown here to ...
Jack's user avatar
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5 votes
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How can I get information about my virtual desktops via the command line?

I'm curious how I can get information such as the dimensions of my desktop, which desktop is currently active, and what labels (if any) are set for my desktop enviornment (DE).
slm's user avatar
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