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Questions tagged [password-store]

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why won't pass allow entries to be added or edited?

I have been using pass (cli pw manager) for a couple of years now, and I just started using yubikeys. I have (2) YKs which I configured as duplicates of each other, transferring the same gpg subkeys (...
naphelge's user avatar
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Secret Service outside X?

I am trying to use the Secret Service (not NSA/CIA, but the Linux one, through secret-tool command) outside of X. I managed to use it with kwalletd and with keepassxc. But kwalletd needs KDE and hence ...
Luis A. Florit's user avatar
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Decrypting multiple files quicker with gpg

The pass program is a command line utility to store passwords plus free form extra data in small files encrypted with gpg. It provides a grep sub-command in particular to find passwords by the extra ...
Harald's user avatar
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keepassxc on more devices

I have a keepassxc database with passwords on my laptop with Lubuntu. I have a backup on flash drive via rsync. I'd like to use the same database on my Android phone and Windows machine at work as ...
xralf's user avatar
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How to use pass-secret-service as a keyring provider without breaking gpg?

Recently, I’ve tried to install nheko, a Matrix client, but I failed using it because it complains it cannot store password and other secrets because there are no providers for org.freedesktop.secrets ...
jthulhu's user avatar
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how do I access Pass files when logged into my user's shell from another user's session?

I just migrated from keepassxc to the linux pass password utility. But I often find myself su'ing to my user's account from another user's session, and when I try to run any pass commands on entries ...
naphelge's user avatar
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encrypting a remote VPS, and letting it boot without entering a password

I Have rented a VPS and I want to encrypt it's data, at least on the /home directory, because I don't want the owners of the VPS to have a look at the content of my data. But the server already has ...
Abd Alhaleem Bakkor's user avatar
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Install pass-import in Fedora

I've installed pass-import via pip. pip install pass-import Defaulting to user installation because normal site-packages is not writeable Requirement already satisfied: pass-import in ./.local/lib/...
hhlp's user avatar
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Pass Password-Manager for Aerc eMail-client

I use Aerc eMail-client on Archlinux. I have an gmail-account, which I was setting up like this: So I integrated the special password-App. How can I ...
Denis's user avatar
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password to linux changed after deleting/manipulation with ssh

Unfortunatelly I made mistake somewhere but can't get where. I had issues with ssh and github, tried different things and they didn't work. Later I decided .. i think.. moved file i balieve it was ...
Maks Chornyi's user avatar
2 votes
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Using 'pass' passwordmanager within fstab

I have a NAS I want to mount on access. I can do this by adding // /mountpoint smb3 x-systemd.automount,credentials=home/user/.smbcredentials 0 0 to my fstab. I also want to ...
grbll's user avatar
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11 votes
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Store Firefox Primary Password in Secret Service

Is it possible to store the Firefox Primary Password (formerly known as the Master password) using the freedesktop secret service dbus API, in order to bypass the password prompt when Firefox starts ...
sedrubal's user avatar
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Accidentally deleted ~/.gnupg directory, Now couldn't get passwords with pass. Is it recoverable?

As title said, I accidentally deleted ~/.gnupg directory. $ pass odysee gpg: decryption failed: No secret key I just want to access my password stored with pass. Is it recoverable from this state?, ...
Garid Z.'s user avatar
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Protect and backup a file with passwords

Let's say that you have ~/passwords.txt file where you store all your passwords. How to Best secure the file, so that only you can read/write this file with some "master password"? Securely ...
xralf's user avatar
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How to specify AES-256 algorithm when creating GPG key?

Pardon me if this is not possible. My goal is to utilise pass. From the conducted research, it appears that the pass command utility will require a GPG key before you can store your sensitive data. ...
Jay's user avatar
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How do I access my passwords from `pass` from another computer without transferring private GPG keys?

I recently learned about pass git integration, which allows to sync my passwords with a remote git repo. Which I instantly didn't hesitate to configure. So then I decided to clone this repo on another ...
WhiteBlackGoose's user avatar
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PASS Password store: Environment variable has no effect on password store location

I have been using pass for some time to store passwords, but now I want to move my password store from the default location. According to the man page, it is enough to set PASSWORD_STORE_DIR variable ...
Alexander's user avatar
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pass stopped searching linked directories

I use pass (standard unix password manager) and it stopped searching linked directories, eg: > pass find test Search Terms: test ├── mine -> /mnt/params/.password-store/mine [recursive, not ...
Kossak's user avatar
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Remembering gpg pass-phrase for certain processes

I use GNU's password store (pass) to save all my passwords including my email passwords. I have a passphrase set on my GPG keys which is then remembered by gpg-agent for an hour. I also have a cron ...
Tohiko's user avatar
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Autocompletion not working for pass password manager in zsh in linux

I already used pass program for password managing on MacOS with zsh (where the autocompletion worked flawlessly out of the box) and now trying to move on linux on a raspberry pi 4b 4GB, installed zsh ...
ecjb's user avatar
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unix pass - passing passphrase with the usage of PASSWORD_STORE_GPG_OPTS

Here's info on the pass: My key point is, that I would like to pass the passphrase key at the command line. However, the topic and solutions related to this question that ...
PastorPL's user avatar
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Pass (password manager) taking a long time to request master password

I have two arch linux machines: desktop & laptop; Both have pass as the password manager, with the same gpg key, versions, passwords; but when asking for password on the laptop popup that asks for ...
Grail Finder's user avatar
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`gpg: error retrieving "email" via WKD: No data` when trying credential storage for DockerHub login

I want to use the pass credential store for DockerHub login. Therefore, following mainly this link I installed pass (apt install pass) I installed docker-credential-pass, but following the ...
iago's user avatar
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How to change the keyphrase in the pass program without reinitializing a pass store from scratch

I'm using the pass application which I find really handy. I want to change the keyphrase (mother password). I had a look at the man page there but i'm not sure what to do. Do I have to use the init ...
ecjb's user avatar
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unix pass > press ENTER yields `^M` when typing

Whilst trying to learn pass password manager I noticed that I cannot press Enter key. This also happens when I try to use muttwizard for configuring mutt/neomutt, eg. during password I cannot press ...
molleweide's user avatar
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Re-ask master password in pass each time

I just started using pass of by Jason A. Donenfeld as a password manager. I entered a password (e.g. email/[email protected]). To retrieve it I type pass email/[email protected] I'm being asked ...
ecjb's user avatar
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dialog for pass (unix password manager) disappeared

I recently migrated from Arch to Artix Linux and the GUI dialog for pass disappeared. I need to get it back. In Arch, passmenu launches a GUI dialog to insert the password for the gpg keys, but in ...
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gpg does not prompt for password - dwm

I setup gpg with pass on a new computer and pass does not prompt me for the password of my gpg key, meaning I can't access my encrypted passwords on that computer. What can I do? when I run pass ...
weisbrja's user avatar
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I have pass installed and so does my wife. Is there a convenient and secure way to share passwords with each other?

Both my wife and I use linux on different computers and have gnu pass installed. I want to share a few of my passwords with her. Is there a secure way to do this?
Brian Fitzpatrick's user avatar
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How to connect Thunderbird to a strong password manager?

The password manager integrated within the Mozilla Thunderbird e-mail program is apparently a little outdated, using 70s crypto (3DES) for storing passwords with a master password, even though there ...
Ned64's user avatar
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How can I test in bash if the cursor is currently in a text field? (like a text-box in firefox or similar)

I'm writing a script for retrieving passwords from pass. I want it be as efficient to use as possible. I've seen passmenu and want something almost the same. I want to select a password from dmenu, ...
Hugo Heagren's user avatar
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Generating password inside a directory with "pass" fails with "No public key"

It fails when I try to generate/insert a password inside a given directory, 'private' in this example: $ pass generate private/test : skipped: No public key gpg: [stdin]: encryption failed: No public ...
Tsogo Dash's user avatar
11 votes
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How to setup Firefox and KeePassXC in a flatpak and get the KeePassXC-Browser add-on to work?

If KeePassXC is sandboxed in a Flatpak, browsers can only access it, if they are not sandboxed, i.e. installed as an deb/rpm package or similar on the host. Sandboxing both the browser, i.e. Firefox, ...
rugk's user avatar
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gpg-agent on start up without open session

Environment Ubuntu Server 18.04 gpg2 v2.2.4 pass v1.7.1 Question Is there a way to start gpg-agent --supervised on startup ? When I try to start gpg-agent --supervised, I get : gpg-agent (GnuPG) ...
Florent L.'s user avatar
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Generating more secure password with random-generated salt periodically?

Is there way to make passwords even more secure for ie.using schecluded Bash Script to change randomly-generated salt for the users' passwords for ie. two times per month without regular and ordinary ...
Jere_Sumell's user avatar
11 votes
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'pass': Easiest way to synchronize the password-store between multiple machines

I moved to the pass password manager and I'm trying to integrate it as well as possible into my workflow. However, I'm not familiar with deeper synchronization/version-control concepts (git, password ...
alex's user avatar
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passwordstore: move entry

I'm using the passwordstore to manage my passwords. I've set it up with git. Now I have the use case that I want to rename an entry from 'ABC' to 'abc'. I tried doing it with pass git mv ABC.gpg abc....
user avatar
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Should I upload my gpt encrypted passwords to github?

I am currently using Pass as my password manager and I want to use it on my phone too. So I download Android Password Storage on my phone because it was listed as an android app for Pass at home page ...
mantaray's user avatar
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Synchronise passwords across devices with pass

I am looking for a simple, open-source password manager for linux with a CLI. It has to have a way of retrieving a password via the command line, so I can use it in several scripts (that sync my email ...
Ruben's user avatar
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How to sync gopass password store to an android device?

I have setup gopass to be my password manager on my arch linux desktop. I would like to sync the password store to my Android mobile device. Is the only way to create a remote git repo on GitLab/...
Inxsible's user avatar
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How to use bash process substitution for a sftp private key file?

With my team, we need to share a few private keys and we store them in a pass repository. So instead of extracting the key and storing it in cleartext on the filesystem, I am looking for a way to ...
Philippe's user avatar
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DPAPI / MacOS-style Keyring for Linux or BSD?

Windows and Mac both have a handy way to secure data using the users' login credentials. The Data Protection API on Windows uses a symmetric key which is never stored in plain-text, and is encrypted ...
CBHacking's user avatar
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How can I find what password store Chromium's password manager is using?

Arch's docs on Chromium Browser say that for the purposes of storing passwords it uses either gnome, uses Gnome Keyring kwallet5, uses KDE Wallet basic, saves the passwords and the cookies' ...
Evan Carroll's user avatar
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LUKS header modified? [closed]

When a LUKS password is sent to the LUKS header for decryption, can it be stolen by a hacker who modified the LUKS header? Suppose my boot partition is healthy.
user314299's user avatar
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How to get the user password from linux shadow file?

Is there any command or option to read user hashed password from /etc/shadow file?
Stack EG's user avatar
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How to enable expiry date for passwords in pass?

I am using the linux password manager called "pass". Is there a way to set an expiry date on the stored passwords? I couldn't find any info on google or pass' man page. Do I have to resort to using ...
Torsten's user avatar
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Better password management?

I use KeePass to manage most of my passwords, but I'm currently still storing passwords in cleartext in a few places that I'm not totally comfortable with: + smtp credentials in .muttrc + imap ...
Amanda's user avatar
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Is it possible to store the password requested by webdav in .davfs2/secrets already encrypted?

davfs2 allows to store user's passwords on $.davfs2/secrets in plain text in order to then allow the user to mount the webdav without prompting for password. Is it possible to store the password pre-...
Antonello's user avatar
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Yubikey file encryption without using OpenPGP?

Is there a way to encrypt single files with a Yubikey that doesn't use OpenPGP? I use my Yubikey for ssh logins and encrypting individual files (password stores.) The Yubikey is operating in CCID ...
batty_assembly's user avatar
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How to use password from keyring in a script

I am sending mails with gmail authentication swaks -tls -t --body -s -tls -a LOGIN \ -au -ap <PASSWORD> I don't want to have to enter my password ...
user123456's user avatar
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