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Make GNOME recognize WM_NAME and WM_ICON_NAME

I'm launching with, and it creates two windows: one for the launcher itself, and one for the game. Both windows are missing an icon and show "steam_proton" ...
Dmitry Pavlushin's user avatar
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VPN status icons in network-manager-applet missing

In the nm-applet tray menu missing icons which show status of VPN: is it connected or not. I'm pretty sure when I was using some awesomeWM theme they were there. Tray icon can be changed through GTK ...
Daniel Weissmall's user avatar
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Arch Linux: Mixed themed settings: Trying to set Code-OSS Desktop Application's icon from its property window

First here's my current setup: I have Arch Linux installed through VirtualBox on Windows 10 Pro. I'm using VirtualBox because I am only limited to WSL1 since my CPU does not have Hyper-V SLAT ...
Francis Cugler's user avatar
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Not all XCF files are getting thumbnails

I've done some searching, but not many people seem to have this exact problem. So am I doing something wrong? The problem is: XCF files that were written by GIMP with the "Save this XCF file with ...
Mr Lister's user avatar
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Name of the arrow icons that tell you there is a subdirectory in a menu?

I don't know how exactly to describe it verbally, but I just mean the white triangular arrows in this example image: In an icon theme that I'm trying to use they either don't exist or are the exact ...
cereallain's user avatar
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Open app in Terminal. How can I pin its icon to the doc?

I just installed Parsehub on a System 76 Lemur Pro running Pop!_OS 22.04. Question applies to other apps though When I run Parsehub via the command line, the app's icon appears on the dock. How can I ...
runny-tightwad's user avatar
1 vote
2 answers

Run .desktop file with its own icon in Icons Task Manager KDE Plasma Wayland

I have the following configuration: Debian Trixie; Wayland; KDE 5.107.0 / Plasma 5.27.10 I have two .desktop files to launch two instances of brave browser with two different profiles and two ...
enzo.ionico's user avatar
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I'm attempting to install Catalina-Os-icons to my home folder in .icons folder, but it doesn't show up in Themes

I'm running the latest version of Linux Mint Cinnamon. I've installed the WhiteSur theme, and created the plank dock, but I can't get the Home folder to recognize my icon set when I placed it inside ...
Mark Jobe's user avatar
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Picking icon in font for polybar

I always am in trouble with picking icons in my fonts to build my polybar. I tried with some gnome tools like gnome-characters or gnome-font-viewer but I can't figure out how to display icons (instead ...
Max's user avatar
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lxappearance not working on Raspberry Pi OS Bookworm 12

So I recently installed the new Raspberry Pi OS, Bookworm 12 (the title says it all) and I want it to look nice, so I decided to install papirus. I installed the apt repository and the papirus-folders ...
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Show icon when USB Keyboard present (KDE System Tray) [closed]

My setup has 2 computers, and I use a hardware USB switch to constantly switch (plug in) the keyboard between 1st and 2nd computer. Often I start typing and realize the switch was set to the wrong ...
Nick Bailuc's user avatar
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Custom icons for folders inside drives, should be supported on both Windows and Linux?

I know how to change the icon of a file/folder on Linux (using Dolphin in my case). I know also how to change the icon of a file/folder on Windows 11, both directly in the parameters and using a ...
Ul Tome's user avatar
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Size of icons in desktop environment

I'd like to replace the icons for some of the applications on GNOME desktop. I looked into the default Adwaita icon directory and noticed that it has directories for icons of different sizes (e.g., ...
Yiyang Yan's user avatar
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Desktop icons on Kali are small

I am using Linux 6.0.0-kali3-amd64 on Oracle VirtualBox. But, to me the icons on the Desktop appear to be way too small. Same goes for the icons on the top ribbon. I looked up the internet but most ...
Aditya Khare's user avatar
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How do you maintain/configure fonts or icons properly in Linux?

What I've understood with fonts and icons is that when the fonts are installed, and when the fonts used are explicitly specified by the application, the fonts will be correct. However, with most of ...
zettomon's user avatar
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How can find the folder which contains the icon in the desktop?

There is an icon in my Desktop: I want to find the icon file. ls Desktop | rg wps wps-office-prometheus.desktop List the contents in wps-office-prometheus.desktop: cat Desktop/wps-office-prometheus....
newview's user avatar
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3 answers

How to find the icon file linked to an executable?

I am building a window manager and I need to locate the icons related to a running executable for the taskbar. I found the Icon Specifications and was able to locate all the icons in /usr/share/icons/...
Eshy's user avatar
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How can I get my SVG icon to automatically change its colour depending on the background colour?

I am trying to add some icons into ~/.local/share/icons/ so that I can use them with notify-send. I can do that just fine, but the icon colour is not adapting to the background, unlike the Adwaita ...
Silejonu's user avatar
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Where I can get a new set of pictures to customize a little bit my "own" xubuntu distro?

I'm just trying to graphically customize my "own" linux distro based on xubuntu,but focused on the virtualization. My idea is to configure it with all the files stored on the right places to ...
Marietto's user avatar
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Arch: Candy Icons not working properly-

I'm new to Arch btw. I'm using it on a VirtualBox with XFCE as a Desktop Environment. So, recently installed candy icons but not get them to work properly.In my user directory, only the icon for ...
AuSynx's user avatar
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How do I get cinnamon to display an icon for an executable?

I'm running an executable, /usr/local/bin/myapp, which is an X application. Unfortunately, on Cinnamon's taskbar, I don't get an icon for it - just a blank space. How can I make cinnamon (v5.2.7) ...
einpoklum's user avatar
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Linux Debian 11 cinnamon - how to launch a new window on the panel on the right side of the icon instead of in the place of the icon?

I use Linux Debian 11 with cinnamon desktop and I have some icons on the left side of the panel and when I click on one of them I would like that icon to stay fixed to its place and the new window to ...
piotrp's user avatar
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tree command with icons

We all love the tree command, but it would be amazing to have the icons next to the files, as both the file browser of VSC or Color Ls have. Does anyone know any way to implement it?
Salomanuel's user avatar
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How to Extract Icons from Executable File in Linux

I'm not talking about a Windows EXE. I mean an actual Linux executable file. At first, I've been wondering whether Linux executables even have embedded icons, and it seems as though they do, because ...
GPWR's user avatar
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How does an app get or find toolbar icons?

On Manjaro Linux, I installed the Okular PDF viewer. On its toolbars are various icons (e.g. the "hand" icon used for scrolling with the mouse). My questions are: Are these icons part of ...
locx's user avatar
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Failing to associate an icon to a custom MIME type

I'm failing to add a custom icon to a custom MIME type file. I don't know what I'm doing wrong, I've followed several tutorials in here and on other websites. First I created a xml file called org.xml ...
Nicryc's user avatar
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Is it possible to change icons of gnome applications?

I know this may be completely irrelevant to the functionality of the operating system, but I just finished installing debian 11 and I noticed that gnome applications use the slightly outdated icons, ...
php_nub_qq's user avatar
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Linux Mate: keepassxc icon is stretched disproportionally. How to fix?

I am running a Linux Mint with Mate window manager on board. For some reason, some of the icons in the tray are resized to fit the panel height, others are not. Weird thing is happening to the ...
in-u's user avatar
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Can I have custom folder icons for some specific (document) folders?

I am using Linux Mint, with Cinnamon Desktop Environment. I come from MacOS, and in that system I am used to set custom icons for some of the sub-folders in my documents folder. Is it possible to do ...
Fabio's user avatar
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Environment variable to override GTK icon theme

There is an environment variable available for overwriting current system GTK theme, GTK_THEME. Is there anything available for icon theme as well as for overwriting current icon theme?
NothingSpecial's user avatar
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how to install themes/icons themes with lxappearance

In lxappearance there is a git "+ install" button but it only accepts .tar.gz files. When downloading a theme/icon theme, the file is a .tar.xz, and when I try to turn the .tar.xz into a ....
nobody48sheldor's user avatar
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How do I change the icon on an app installed as a "flatpak"?

On my new Meerkat, running Pop 21.04 (based on Ubuntu), I have Thunderbird installed as a flatpak. And I would like to change the application icon (along with a number of other application icons) to a ...
hbquikcomjamesl's user avatar
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How to temporarily hide an icon on XFce4's panel?

I have an icon on the panel that I'd like to hide, but only temporarily, i.e. my mail check icon. There are times I'd like to hide it, so I can focus on work, ignoring E-mails until later. Removing ...
Village's user avatar
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Debian Buster LXQt cannot place icons to desktop edge

can anyone help me with this please? I cannot seem to place icons on the desktop to the edge of the screen. There is a gap on the left and a much larger gap to the right where I cannot place icons ...
tuxbud's user avatar
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Can't reorder the menu in Gnome

I tried gsettings reset app-picker-layout and rebooting to see if that helped, but it didn't. I can't reorder the items (e.g. drag and drop) in neither favourites or the menu itself. I ...
telometto's user avatar
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not finding icons in dolphin in pop os 20.04

I have installed dolphin of KDE in pop os. But I found that folder icons and back forward icons were not showing in that file manager. Looking for the solution, I found that installing qt5ct and then ...
belmont's user avatar
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how to remove penguins eggs icon from ufficio zero ufficiozero tropea

so i recently installed ufficio zero tropea and this weird penguins eggs icon keeps popping up every time i login or reboot. Does anyone know how to keep it deleted so it doesn't show up any more?
justanboy's user avatar
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In Fedora 33, (Gnome 3) Desktop Folders dont appear

I usually use Ubuntu LTS but thought I'd give Fedora 33 (Gnome 3) a try. Works well except when I save, move or copy folders to my desktop, they dont appear there (but show up in a file list of the ...
Mimenta's user avatar
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Can it be assigned a different icon to each of the Whisker-menu "Search Actions"?

Whisker Menu launcher has a great feature called "Search Actions" that can show and run any command as if it were a launcher (without the need to create such a launcher). Any file or folder ...
cipricus's user avatar
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Bigger icons when cycling windows in Xfce

Disabling previews under "Compositor" in Window Manager Tweaks shows icons while cycling windows. But these are smaller than the previews. I would like to have them larger. Something like ...
cipricus's user avatar
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How can I change an icon in my system tray?

Most of my icons in my system tray are white, but one is coloured. I would like to change the coloured one to be just white, like the others. The icon in question belongs to Flameshot, and they said ...
Magmatic's user avatar
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How do I update the panel launcher icon?

I have a .desktop file in a launcher on the panel. I want to be able to update the icon used for it from a script. I run Zorin OS 15.3 education lite (sorry about the Zorin specific terms) My panel ...
Rowan Ackerman's user avatar
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Taskbar icon for SearchMonkey is invisible!

(Note: I've looked at Can I change the image of the icons on my taskbar?, but either I'm too dumb to understand the answers there, or they doesn't address my problem anyway.) I just installed ...
FumbleFingers's user avatar
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Finding/replacing NetworkManager applet icons (In Cinnamon DE)?

tl;dr - How do I determine which icons the NetworkManager applet uses so I can replace them with custom ones? Summary I have the NetworkManager applet in my main panel/taskbar/systray area (was there ...
zpangwin's user avatar
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How do Chrome app icons work?

This is fairly trivial question, but I’m curious about how this works. I just wanted to change an icon used by a Chromium App created from a web address. The .desktop file refers to an icon with a ...
Moilleadóir's user avatar
3 votes
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List / folder of all GTK icons and their names

I am working on a GUI. I use the gi module in Python. I want to add some icons to my GUI but I couldn't find a list of all icons with their corresponding names. Where can I find such a list? Is there ...
SaKu's user avatar
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How can I change the Notepadqq toolbar icons?

I am pretty content with my Linux Mint (19.3) setup with the Cinnamon DE. Since Linux Mint is based on Ubuntu, I'm pretty confident that any solution you come up with, will work on Linux Mint as well. ...
Ome Cor's user avatar
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Kali linux 2020.2 have white screen and icons not showing after update

I updated my virtual machine from kali 2020.1 to kali 2020.2 using apt-get upgrade command in the terminal and it completed successfully. Suddenly I got power-cut and I am also not saved the ...
Xivks's user avatar
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How to add icon to a custom grub boots script?

I downloaded primeos and copied system.sfs, ramdisk.img kernel, install.img, initrd.img from the ISO to ~/primeos and created an empty directory called ~/primeos/data. To boot, I created a custom menu ...
Yozachar's user avatar
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How to define the running task icon?

I'm running Gnome 3.36.1 under Ubuntu 20.04. In the Gnome desktop file I have defined an icon 'myIcon' and this appears in the menu and on the extension "TaskBar 2020" favorites list. However when ...
ottotts's user avatar
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