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How to trigger KDE trash cleanup?

I have enabled auto-delete files older than 30 days in Dolphin trash settings. See However, the check seems never to happen. 1+ year old files ...
color2v's user avatar
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How to restore the last trashed file using a non-interactive command?

Say I just moved a file to trash from a file manager or using a command-line implementation such as kioclient move my_file trash:/. Can I restore it with a single, non-interactive command? trash-cli ...
Nahoj's user avatar
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du report wrong usage and root folder is so big

In Debian the /root/ directory is so big but du show nothing inside it. root account is just a supervisor/administrator/superuser user, there is no folder for this account in home directory. This ...
Denis da Mata's user avatar
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could not delete file in trash

I have a file named "1" maybe it was created by using the wrong command when using redirect. Such as: commond 2>&1 1>/dev/null When I try to empty the trash, the file named "...
black gary's user avatar
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Linux Trash implementation: Correct place for a Trash Log?

I am working on a Trash implementation and would like to store a log for every deletion. I have reviewed the Freedesktop Trash Specification but couldn't find any information about where to store a ...
127 001's user avatar
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Mutt: ask before deleting messages from Trash

I have defined in Mutt two "trash" macros -- one for the Trash folder (just mark as deleted and sync) and one for the remaining folders (save into Trash and sync): folder-hook . 'macro index ...
nvx's user avatar
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MacOS standard Apple email client, incoming mail arrives in trash folder. How to stop this?

Apologies if this is the wrong place to ask. (Can you suggest a better one?) I'm setting up a brand new Macbook Air (Oct 2022) for an older neighbor. The ISP is The email protocol is standard ...
Peter vdL's user avatar
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How lookup deletion date of files in Trash from command line

I want to restore I file I deleted accidentally. I cannot go to the trash/wastebasket folder and simply restore the file, because I've no idea what the file was. I deleted it by accidentally pressing ...
markling's user avatar
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4 votes
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File deletion bypasses trash bin on Btrfs subvolumes

Nautilus trash do not move file to trash bin on btrfs file system instead it deletes them permanently. Thunar seems to do the same thing, and it seems related to lower level library implementation of ...
Émilien's user avatar
6 votes
1 answer

How does the trash directory work?

So, I am busy writing myself a program to move and restore items from my trash (recycle bin), currently I can move it to the trash, but if I try to restore it from the trash using a file manager, it ...
Netsu's user avatar
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I Can Only Delete Files Permanently, and Cannot Send to Them to Trash in Secondary Drives

When I am in another drive, I only have the option to delete files permanently, and cannot send files to trash. If I log in as a root user, however, I am able to send files to trash. The drive has a ....
Kalcifer's user avatar
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5 votes
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Is ~/.local/share/Trash/files used by GNOME only for deleted files and not by rm command?

I am using RHEL8, and I see the directory - ~/.local/share/Trash/files And there were so many files in it. Looking at the name and files present there it gave me an intuition that it is similar to ...
Darshan L's user avatar
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Why are file managers not using top-dir trash dirs?

I'm making a FUSE filesystem with fusepy and I want to give a special meaning to deletion. I'd like to intercept moves to trash too. For this I would like file managers to use the trash dirs at the ...
Nahoj's user avatar
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Trash can never shows as empty

On Linux Mint Cinnamon 19.1, the desktop has a trash can icon. It always shows the icon that indicates there is something in it. There isn't. I have tried to empty the trash from the desktop, I have ...
Scott M's user avatar
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trash:/// in Linux Mint does not correspond with ~/.local/share/Trash/files/

When I use Bleachbit to empty the system trash, it removes all the files from ~/.local/share/Trash/files/ alright, but when I click on the trash icon on the desktop in Linux Mint (with path trash:/// ...
Thomas's user avatar
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3 answers

How to restore file from root Trash

I am with Linux Mint, I delete a file with caja, it is the file manager for Mate Desktop. Because caja is open as root, now the file which I delete is on the root Trash... I try as David Yockey to ...
dsaj34v's user avatar
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Trash emptied but memory not cleared

I'm sure this question has been asked elsewhere, but try as I may I can't find the answer. I had some particularly large files that I wanted to delete, so I dragged them to the trash and emptied the ...
Dimitri Coukos's user avatar
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Set specific umask for .Trash-* folder

We are working on CentOS and our data servers are running FreeNAS. We have a few shared projects automounted in /shared_projects folder. Each times a user delete a file in those shared projects, it ...
Kevin Lemaire's user avatar
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If I save file to my hdd (not ssd), move 2 trash, then cut /paste from trash to usb, will this hold up to forensic analysis designed to recover files?

If I save a file (.odt,.txt, jpeg, etc) to my hdd (not ssd), move to trash, then cut /paste the files in the trash to a usb, would this hold up to the best forensic equipment trying to recover the ...
topencrypt's user avatar
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Using trash program with sshfs possible?

When using trash of the package trash-cli in a mounted sshfs it does not put it to trash but gives me trash: cannot trash regular file 'ex.e495213.1'. Is there a way to use a trash program in a ...
tbrodbeck's user avatar
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cannot find Trash folder! Ubuntu 18.04

I am running a preinstalled version of ubuntu 18.04 but cannot find Trash folder. The typical places don't have the folder. ~/.local/share/Trash <-- does not exist /root/..../Trash <-- does ...
sam's user avatar
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How to enable Trash on NTFS

In Ubuntu 18.10 I can't use the trash on my NTFS partition. When deleting a file Nautilus prompts to permanently remove it. In Solus trash works on this partition. Any ideas how to enable trash or ...
jl005's user avatar
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Is it possible to intercept calls to unlink and redirect files to /trash?

I would like to know if there is a way to create a trash by intercepting calls to unlink. Theoretically files would be timestamped and deleted after set time period.
Stuperfied's user avatar
5 votes
2 answers

How can I manage a trash created under `/`?

Last time I trashed a file $ pwd /tmp/test $ trash mfile trash: cannot trash regular file `mfile' $ sudo trash mfile $ and the file went into $ sudo ls /.Trash/0/files -la total 12 drwx------ 2 ...
Tim's user avatar
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Missing Trash mechanism in Xfce after manual RHEL installation

Installation by steps: RHEL minimal (prompt only & internet connection) X Window system epel-release Xfce (+some plugins) After all I can't find Trash folder. I guess I forgot to install ...
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How to get the trash and x-gvfs-show partitions on Thunar via AwesomeVM?

TL;DR: custom partitions and trash is not showing on Thunar via AwesomeVM. XFCE: Awesome: My fstab is: # /etc/fstab: static file system information. # # Use 'blkid' to print the universally unique ...
Manoel Vilela's user avatar
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pcmanfm doesn't send files to trash on external drive

I have a HDD which I mount on /mnt/sda1 at startup (in /etc/fstab) Whenever I want to send a file to the trash in pcmanfm, I get the following message : Some files cannot be moved to trash can ...
mhham's user avatar
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10 votes
3 answers

How to disable creation of .Trash-1000 folder?

I have a 32 GB USB flash drive. When deleting files from the drive where the drive is plugged into a Ubuntu 16 laptop, it creates a folder called '.Trash-1000' This .Trash-1000 folder contains two ...
William Ross's user avatar
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2 answers

How can I enable Trash feature in a NTFS partition with permissions?

I'm currently trying to able the Trash feature in a NTFS partition mounted automatically on boot. To do that I'm using the permissions option in my fstab: UUID=1CACB8ABACB88136 /media/FILES ntfs ...
MaikoID's user avatar
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Nautilus shows files in Trash, can't be located on cli

When browsing to trash:/// in Nautilus, I see a long list of files and directories that I recognize and remember placing in the trash. However, attempting to delete them from Nautilus either results ...
LanceLafontaine's user avatar
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How to obtain a trash can icon on the dektop (Xfce)

On the desktop in Xfce 4.10, the trash can icon seems to be replaced by a pdf icon. How can I replace it by a trash can icon?
Karlo's user avatar
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What methods for overwrite protection and accidental removing are there?

Apart of unix perms are there other protection for don't remove or overwrite files? By example: Restringing dirs than rm can delete. Overwrite protection when I made cat >file instead of cat >>file ...
Wallebot's user avatar
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where does Linux store the information the trash can uses?

I've found many post on how to get a trash can on the system. What I am looking for is the, "how does Linux know where to put that trash back to"? where is the file that holds this information on ...
uxserx-bw's user avatar
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How to empty trash on boot partition

I had deleted some old kernels a while back to make space on my boot partition (using elementary os), but now I realize they went into the trash-0/files folder on the boot, I tried opening sudo ...
Mankind1023's user avatar
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According to what does GNOME purge the trash "30 days later"?

In GNOME 3.18 Settings > Privacy > Purge Trash & Temporary Files, one can configure the desktop environment to automatically empty Trash "after 30 days". The description here isn't very clear. Is ...
busukxuan's user avatar
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Unable to delete a file whatever I do

So here is my problem I have a pretty strange file that I can't get out of my computer. I tried pretty much everything. First I used software like CleanMyMac, TrashIt, CCleaner etc... None of them ...
Baldráni's user avatar
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Why do I have 4 Sets of Icons

Since a picture speaks 1,000 words: Why is this happening in KDE 4.14.3. The Gentoo Stable package of kde-base/kde-meta I've emptied my user's Trash Can, but how can I determine why I have 4 Sets ...
eyoung100's user avatar
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Debian: Move the trash folder for all users to another volume

I need to have all deleted files for all users go into a folder on another drive. Is this possible? If so, what are the commands to permanently move the trash folder(s)? The operating system is ...
Adrian Leishman's user avatar
6 votes
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Where is the trash can for root partition?

I use trash-put to trash files from command line. Recently, I had aliased my rm command to trash-put so that I don't accidentally delete something important. However, what happened now was that I ...
shivams's user avatar
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No delete or move to trash in context menu in some directories (gnome)

On archlinux with gnome 3.16.1, in some directories, for example /srv/http/website/public/img/ I don't have options to delete a file , or move to trash, in the rightclick context menu . I have to use ...
haheute's user avatar
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Restore Trash Script not working

I made a script to send a file to a trash folder... echo "Are you sure you want to move this file to the Recycle Bin?" "(Yes/No)" read ans case "$ans" in Yes) echo "$(readlink -f "$1")" >> "$...
Craig's user avatar
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mint 13 xfce: cannot find or make trash bin

I have a problem with removing files from some partitions. I get an error: cannot find or make trash bin. I have searched google for this and found a site suggesting the partitions are mounted ...
DutchArjo's user avatar
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Applying limits to the Trash on Debian Wheezy

I'm using Debian Wheezy, with Gnome 3 and Nautilus and I was wondering if there was any way to limit the Trash to a certain total size or at least file age. I'm in need of this as I usually handle ...
Mosty Mostacho's user avatar
12 votes
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Unable to delete files to trash in a bind-mounted filesystem

I'm trying to set up shared home directory for two Linux installations and thus I'm using bind-mounts. My user is named dbz and his home directory is /home/dbz. I also have shared directory /home/...
dbzix's user avatar
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7 votes
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Why I cannot move to trash from /var/tmp?

I just found out on Fedora 20, that neither with Thunar nor Nautilus (I'm using Xfce4 here), I can't move file from /var/tmp to Trash. More precisely, in Nautilus the menu option is not available, ...
Alois Mahdal's user avatar
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11 votes
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How can I have a Trash/Recycle Bin for my Samba shares?

I have a couple of Samba shares on my NAS running Debian Squeeze which I access through Windows 7. Deleting any of the files from Windows will completely delete the files from the NAS server. Is ...
rfgamaral's user avatar
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KDE-dolphin trashcan on second HDD

From KDE I use only dolphin. I've pulled out second hdd for a couple of days (also changed fstab). Now I put it back and dolphin won't "see" /hdd2/.Trash-1000/ and if I delete file /hdd2/file1 it ...
user2777737's user avatar
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/dev/null-like automatic trash directory for file moves?

I can (redirect) textual output to /dev/null in order to get rid of it. This is quite handy because this way I can easily enable/disable it in my bash code. Now I have a script that processes files, ...
moooeeeep's user avatar
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Deleted files from home, deleted them from .local/share/Trash/files, System doesn't report back free space

I am running Crunchbang, a Debian variant with OpenBox WM. I have deleted a large number of files via browsing in thunar file manager and pressing del key. They disappear from view. I then go to ~/....
citronic's user avatar
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Can't remove same folder name twice

I have a folder called - bin , then I remove it by rm bin , re-create it and when I want to remove it again by rm bin the shell promts - /bin/mv: cannot move `bin/' to `/u/y2010/zarnihu/../...
URL87's user avatar
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