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L'objectif de cette étude est de comparer diverses procédures d'allocation des marchés publics quant à leurs performances en termes de pression concurrentielle et de risque de favoritisme. Nous trouvons que les procédures avec sélection... more
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France, en grande partie du fait de leur utilisation spectaculaire en Grande-Bretagne lors de l'attribution des licences de téléphonie mobile de troisième génération (licences UMTS). Les critiques de ce type de procédure, tout d'abord... more
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Works in the public domain may be used, and in particular reproduced, freely. This freedom of exploitation can result from the absence of protection of the object in question by the various intellectual property rights (in the presence in... more
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    •   4  
      Intellectual PropertyCommonsReproductionPublic Domain
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    •   12  
      Legal TheoryArgumentationRhetorical CriticismLegal argumentation
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    •   6  
      Class ActionsConsumer LawAzione CollettivaProcédure Civile
SOMMARIO: 1. L'abbondanza; 2. Personalità e proprietà; 3. Attività sportiva e proprietà; 4. L'immagine dello sportivo: principio; 5. Esempi; 6. Specificità; 7. Sfruttamento contrattuale; 8. Parentesi fiscale; 9. Immagine collettiva; 10.... more
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    •   3  
      Sports LawDiritto Dello SportDroit Du Sport
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    •   6  
      Legal TheoryLegal interpretationArgumentation Theory and Critical ThinkingArgumentação Jurídica
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    •   7  
      Legal TheoryImre LakatosArgumentation TheoryDialogic Pedagogy
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    •   7  
      Legal HistoryLegal TheoryComparative Legal HistorySavigny
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    •   9  
      Legal EducationLegal HistoryPrivate lawEnseignement superieur
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    •   6  
      Legal HistoryLegal TheoryEpistemology of the Social SciencesEnseignement superieur
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    •   6  
      Legal EducationLegal HistoryComparative Private LawEnseignement superieur
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    •   5  
      Legal TheoryEpistemology of the Social SciencesLegal DiscourseThéorie du droit
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    •   5  
      Contract LawLegal TheoryFrench LawDIRITTO PRIVATO COMPARATO
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    •   6  
      Legal TheorySegurança JurídicaRevirement, Précédent, Sécurité JuridiqueCertezza giuridica
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    •   5  
      Contract LawLegal HistoryLegal TheoryNegozio Giuridico
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    •   7  
      Comparative LawContract LawLegal HistoryJohn R. Searle
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    •   5  
      Property LawLegal HistoryDiritto CivileDroit Civil
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    •   3  
      European LawSports LawLegal Theory
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    •   5  
      Contract LawLaw of ObligationsPrescriptionPrescrizione e decadenza