材料A: | |
白油 | 130克 |
糖粉 | 70克 |
盐 | 1/4茶匙 |
材料B: | |
粟米粉 | 80克 |
面粉 | 120克 |
材料C: | |
杏仁片 | 60克 |
用具: | |
圆饼模 | 1个 |
做法: |
1。材料(A)放入搅拌器搅打至幼滑,加入(B) 和(C)拌匀成团。 |
2。将(1)放在一张塑胶袋擀成一公分厚,以粘少许面粉的圆饼模切出,排在铺了蛋糕纸的烘盘。 |
3。将(2)放入预热烘炉,以160℃烘20分钟或熟,取出待凉收好。 |
材料A: | |
白油 | 130克 |
糖粉 | 70克 |
盐 | 1/4茶匙 |
材料B: | |
粟米粉 | 80克 |
面粉 | 120克 |
材料C: | |
杏仁片 | 60克 |
用具: | |
圆饼模 | 1个 |
做法: |
1。材料(A)放入搅拌器搅打至幼滑,加入(B) 和(C)拌匀成团。 |
2。将(1)放在一张塑胶袋擀成一公分厚,以粘少许面粉的圆饼模切出,排在铺了蛋糕纸的烘盘。 |
3。将(2)放入预热烘炉,以160℃烘20分钟或熟,取出待凉收好。 |
材料A: | |
100g 黄糖 | 100g brown sugar |
50g 蜜糖 | 50g honey |
250g 龙珠果,去皮,打烂 | 250g dragon fruit,peeled and blended into puree |
1/2粒 柠檬,榨汁 | 1/2 lemon,squeezed out juice |
材料B: | |
250g 植物性鲜奶油 | 250g non dairy whipping cream |
做法/Method: |
1。将材料A放入窝里,以小火搅煮至滚,离火待冷。 |
Put ingredients A into a saucepan,stir and bring to boil at low heat until slightly thick.Remove from heat and leave to cool. |
2。将植物性鲜奶油打发,加入龙珠果混合料搅匀。 |
Whisk non dairy whipping cream until stiff.Add in dragon fruit mixture and stir well. |
3。倒入容器里,放入冰格冷藏隔夜即可。 |
Pour ice cream mixture into container and freeze overnight or until firm. |
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材料A: | |
165g 菠羅蜜肉 | 165g Jackfruit |
120g 淡奶 | 120g evaporated milk |
材料B: | |
50g 幼糖 | 50g caster sugar |
100g 甜炼奶 | 100g condensed milk |
200g 奶精 | 200g coffeemate powder |
280g 淡奶 | 280g evaporated milk |
材料C: | |
少许切粒菠羅蜜肉 | some jackfruit cubes |
做法/Method: |
1。将材料A放入搅拌器里打烂,加入材料B搅匀。 |
Put A into a food processor and blend well.Add in B and mix well. |
2。将混合料倒入容器里,放入冰箱冷藏隔夜。 |
Pour the mixture into a container and freeze overnight. |
3。取出,放入搅拌机里打至松发,拌入菠羅蜜粒,倒入容器,再放入冰箱冷藏隔夜或至硬便可。 |
Remove and beat until fluffy.Stir in C and freeze until firm. |
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材料 A: | Ingredients A: |
1/2小匙 盐 | 1/2tsp salt |
80g 幼糖 | 80g caster sugar |
1/2小匙 云尼拉香精 | 1/2tsp vanilla essence |
4粒蛋黄 | 4 egg yolks |
30g 鲜奶 | 30g fresh milk |
45g 粟米油 | 45g corn oil |
材料 B:(筛过) | Ingredients B:(Sifted) |
100g 面粉 | 100g plain flour |
1/2小匙 发粉 | 1/2tsp Baking soda |
1/2 小匙 苏打粉 | 1/2tsp Baking powder |
材料 C:(拌匀) | Ingredients C: (mixed) |
30g 可可粉 | 30g cocoa powder |
70g 温水 | 70g warm water |
材料 D: | Ingredients D: |
4粒 蛋白 | 4 egg whites |
100g 幼糖,拌入1/8小匙塔塔粉 | 100g caster sugar,mixed with 1/8tsp cream of tartar |
做法/Method: |
1.将材料A[除了粟米油] 放入搅拌碗中搅拌均匀,加入粟米油均匀。 |
Put in ingredients A (expect corn oil) in a mixing bowl and stir well.Add in corn oil and mix well. |
2.加入B和C搅拌均匀。 |
Add in B and C and stir well. |
3.将D料以高速拌打至硬挻,分两三份拌入面糊中。 |
Whisk D at high speed until stiff.Mix into batter in 2-3 batches. |
4.将混合料倒入10寸雪芳蛋糕模中。 |
Pour the mixture into a 10"chiffon tin. |
5.送入已预热烤箱,用175℃烘40分钟或至熟,取出,倒扣在铁架上待冷,脱模切块享用。 |
Bake in a preheated oven at 175℃ for 40 minutes or until cooked.Remove and invert the cake on wire rack to cool.Cut into pieces and serve. |
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材料: | |
罗汉果 | 2粒 |
冬瓜 | 1粒(小粒) |
龙眼干 | 适量 |
红枣 | 适量 |
冰糖 | 适量 |
水 | 2000ml |
材料A: | |
50g龙眼干,切小粒 | 50g dried longan,diced |
25g 杞子 | 25g qi zi |
100g 滚水 | 100g hot water |
6粒蛋黄 | 6 egg yolks |
30g 糖 | 30g sugar |
80g 粟米油 | 80g corn oil |
材料B: | |
6 粒蛋白 | 6 egg white |
70g 幼糖 | 70g caster sugar |
材料C: | |
100g 低筋面粉,过筛 | 100g low protein flour,shifted |
★30g 糙米粉 | ★30g brown rice |
5g 发粉 | 5g baking powder |
50g 廊酒/糯米酒 | 50g DOM wine/glutinous rice wine |
1.龙眼和杞子加入滚水泡软。 Soak dried longan and qi zi in hot water until soft. |
2.蛋黄加入糖打发,加入龙眼、杞子、粟米油和水拌匀。 Whisk egg yolks and sugar until fluffy.Add in longan ,qi zi,water,corn oil and mix well. |
3.用另外一个干净的搅拌盆放入蛋白和糖打发。 In another mixing bowl,whisk egg white and caster sugar until soft peak formed. |
4.打发的蛋黄、蛋白和粉类交叉式的拌匀,最后加入廊酒拌匀。 Mix (2),(3)mixture and ingredients C by using skipping method.Lastly add in DOM wine and mix well. |
5.将面糊倒入24cm的戚风模里,以175℃烤40-45分钟至熟。 Pour batter into a 24cm chiffon cake mould .Bake in a preheated oven at 175℃for about 40-45minutes or until cooked. |
6.取出,倒扣放置至冷却才取出蛋糕。 Remove from oven,invert and leave to cool completely before removing cake form cake tin. |
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