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Questions tagged [tikz-pic]

{tikz-pic} is about questions concerning “pics” in a Ti*k*Z context. A “pic” is a “short picture” that can be inserted anywhere in TikZ picture where you could also insert a node.

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Path arrows in pic don't stop at node edge

This is an extension of the curved arrow path discussion from bending vs control points. It appears that using \path (c1) edge [bend left] (c2) terminates the arrow at the node center. Here's my MWE ...
JKomp's user avatar
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1 answer

Are there constraints on scaling tikz pics?

I'm creating yet another document icon. I'm doing it as a pic so I can use the pic scaling to create different size versions depending on the diagram I'm using them in. It appears that some items in ...
JKomp's user avatar
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How to draw random curves with parts dotted and some solid in 3D

I am having trouble making some parts of my curves with dotted (assumed to be behind the plane) and extended under the plane. Also, I need to have two other coppies of those curves. The part that i ...
Bahar Jafari Zadeh's user avatar
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how to draw a curve inside a cone

I want to draw a slight bended curve inside a cone like the following picture attached but my curve is outside this cone if i write "left bend" or "right bend". Is there some ...
Talha Ahmed's user avatar
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TikzPicture creating block diagram for anti-windup PI Controller

I am having some difficults on creating a block diagram for a PI Controller with anti windup. I would like it to be something like this, including the anti windup rectangle. Moreover, I was trying to ...
Gonça's user avatar
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3 answers

Create a command for plotting multiple plots with the same definitions

I was trying to create a command to generate a line chart with multiple plots. The command should accept two arguments: the title and a list of plots. Each plot in the list should contain three ...
André Dias's user avatar
4 votes
2 answers

How to do smooth merging of two points using tikzpicture

I'm drawing this figure using tikzpicture. My codes are as follows, \documentclass[a4paper,11pt]{article} \usepackage{tikz} \usetikzlibrary{calc} \begin{document} \begin{tikzpicture}[...
Entangled Quark's user avatar
3 votes
4 answers

Need help in tikzpicture

I'm trying to draw this plot , I've done the triangle, but I'm not able to draw the curves between $A_1$ to $A_2$, between $A_3$ to $B_3$ etc. \begin{tikzpicture} \path[draw, line width=1.5pt](...
Entangled Quark's user avatar
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Tikz figure arrowstyle for Schematic energy band representation of a semiconductor

I'm trying to replicate the arrow style from one TikZ figure in another. Specifically, I want to change the arrows in the first image to match those in the second image. \begin{figure}[H] \centering \...
Yosef Hamdellah's user avatar
2 votes
1 answer

how can draw conical helix with latex tikz picture?

I am not much better at mathematics equations, but I need to draw some graphs in latex. I tried this one but it's not look exactly the same as shown in the image. Please I will be very grateful if ...
Samia Rani's user avatar
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Need help with tikzpicture: how to generate a drawing form a list of characters?

I have this code that creates a tikzpicture with an example schedule as a gantchart for 3 workers. But I want to be able to set the sequence of f,s,n shifts individually, so that e.g. worker 1 [f,f,f,...
marvelfab12's user avatar
1 vote
1 answer

Adding Inner Separators to a Tikzpicture with Tikzpagenodes

Consider the code: \documentclass[12pt]{book} \usepackage[hmargin=0in,vmargin=0in,right=0in,paperwidth=4.00in,paperheight=2.15in]{geometry} \usepackage{pgfornament, tikzpagenodes} \usetikzlibrary{...
DDS's user avatar
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how to draw line curves?

I am trying to draw curves in the coordinate system but not sure how to do. I am using draw[in=,out=] but that does not give me the curve I want. Please see curves in my attached figure \begin{...
Talha Ahmed's user avatar
2 votes
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Depending on cell content, draw a TikZ \pic in a PgfplotsTable environment

I would like to draw a TikZ \pic within a 'PgfplotsTable' cell ("Icon") depending on the cell content of another cell ("Component"). To make it easy, the content of the "...
Pascal's user avatar
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2 answers

Check if \tikZ \pic is defined or not

I have to draw \tikZ \pic's based on .csv input data which I don't have under my full control. So at compile time, I want to check, if a \tikZ \pic is defined or not. In case it is not defined, a ...
Pascal's user avatar
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How to Reproduce a Specific Economic Equilibrium Diagram with TikZ

I'm trying to reproduce a figure from a textbook that depicts international trade equilibria with sanctions using TikZ in LaTeX. Despite my efforts, the resulting figure from my code doesn't closely ...
Yusef Hamdellah's user avatar
2 votes
2 answers

Designing a curved grating, i.e. a specific dashed arc?

I am trying to recreate this diagramm on tikz: Until now I have managed this: with this code: \begin{figure} \centering \begin{tikzpicture} % Define the radius \def\R{2} ...
Matis's user avatar
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6 votes
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Naming tikz pics doesn't work on v.3.1.10

In previous versions of tikz the solution of naming pics using a local bounding box used to work. However, in the version 3.1.10, the previous code produces the error: ! Package pgf Error: No shape ...
adn's user avatar
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tikzpicture - How to overlay a matrix of images with text

I want to create an A4 template with 2 columns and 5 rows for name tags, each measuring 105 x 55 mm, with a background image of the same size (105 x 55 mm). I encounter two major issues: I am unable ...
ZoKaP's user avatar
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Positioning Multiple Fading Titles with Tikzpagenodes

The following code is adapted from the answer posted by hpekristiansen in Giving a Title a Gilded Effect: \documentclass[12pt]{book} %\usepackage[hmargin=0.7in, vmargin=0.75in]{geometry} \usepackage[...
DDS's user avatar
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How to wrap tex around a shape? [duplicate]

I am making this document and want to wrap around this text to the circular arc, but I don't know how to do this. \documentclass{article} \usepackage{parskip} \usepackage{amssymb} \usepackage{...
Rafae Farrukh's user avatar
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Filling a page with colour [closed]

I'm trying to fill part of one page of my project with some colour. My code is the following: \documentclass{article} \usepackage{tikz-cd} \usepackage{xcolor} \usepackage{tikz} \begin{document} \...
Guillermo García Sáez's user avatar
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Placing Shadowed Titles within a Tikzpicture

I am trying to adapt the excellent answer of Sandy G found in Arching a Shadowed Title to a slightly different problem. Consider the code: \documentclass{book} \usepackage[sfdefault]{cabin} \...
DDS's user avatar
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Making a Tikz Node/Pic have variable height with SVG border

I am making a character sheet for DnD, and want to have a bit more flair than just a rectangle box. I have SVGs of all the containers I want to use to box out the different sections. For the things ...
Brandon Myers's user avatar
4 votes
1 answer

How do I draw 90 degree angle arrows and background

I am trying to recreate this graph How do I draw axis-aligned arrows and how can I draw a background? \documentclass[9pt, landscape, twocolumn]{extarticle} \usepackage[T1]{fontenc} \usepackage{...
juan19.99's user avatar
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Parallel Lines arrow indicators not following line direction?

I'm trying to draw a parallelogram in tikz and show that it is made up of two sets of parallel lines. Here is a section of part of my code: \begin{tikzpicture} \coordinate (A) at (0,0); ...
Duncan Chrystal's user avatar
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Tikz: Grouped Plot with Secondary y-axis

I have been working quite some time on a grouped error bar plot, but I've hit a wall: one of the variables (Variable 2) comes from a logistic regression, so its value/coefficient isn't directly ...
John's user avatar
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Adding angles to triangle and labelling them inside?

I'm trying to draw an equilateral triangle in tikz and want to include the angles inside and label them within the angle showing they are 60 degrees each but am now sure how to do this... here is my ...
Duncan Chrystal's user avatar
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Box around nodes to account for the label of each nodes tikzpicture

The problem I am drawing boxes outside of labelled nodes and the boxes does not account for the labels above the inner nodes. Here is the MWE of my document: \documentclass[10pt]{article} \ExpandArgs{...
pindakazen's user avatar
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Adding stacked bracket annotation above nodes in tikzpicture

I want to add stacked bracket annotation above nodes of tikzpicture. The following is my tex document: \documentclass[10pt]{article} \ExpandArgs{c}\newcommand{new@fontshape}{anything} \usepackage[...
pindakazen's user avatar
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Putting labels below each bar in TikzPicture

I'm trying to create a graph like this: But I can only get it to look like this using legend text, but I want to put the text directly below the bar graphs (like 0ms, 50ms, 150ms) My code: \...
Erik's user avatar
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Issue with scaling every pic (angles tikzlibrary)

Hi everyone I need to scale a tikzpicture so I did it by \begin{tikzpicture}[scale=<factor>] but pics don't get scaled accordingly (It is reported in the TikzManual section 18.2 The Pic syntax). ...
Antonio's user avatar
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Where is the origin of coordinates in tikz

I am trying to create an equilateral triangle on my paper using LaTeX, but I do not understand how tikz (or tikzpicture) choose where is the origin (0,0) of its coordinates. After writing a text, I ...
Grieljis's user avatar
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3 answers

Node in unwanted position using tikzpicture

I am trying to adjust the position of a node in a tikz figure but for some reason the dot that I create doesn't show in the appropriate coordinate (0,8/3) that is imposed. @codeR suggested me to put ...
Waxler's user avatar
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How to set this tikzpicture on the right and texts on left of it using below mentioned preamble

\documentclass[11pt]{book} \usepackage[paperheight=9.5in,paperwidth=7.5in, top=1in, bottom=0.8in]{geometry} \setlength{\columnseprule}{0.4pt} \usepackage{amssymb,amsfonts} \usepackage{mathrsfs} \...
Noor Aslam's user avatar
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Plotting a log graph with pgfplots

I've just found that we can draw plots from existing data directly with pgfplots : which is amazing. By curioisty, I tried to plot a series of data in a log scale and I keep having an error that I don'...
Waxler's user avatar
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TikZ and Tabular - Connect Cells with Lines

I would like to connect the cells with the same color using diagonal lines. How can I do that with TikZ? I have tried using overlay and remember picture, but it somehow shifts the entire table. \begin{...
Hrvoje Krizic's user avatar
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Change \includegraphics to a TikZ \pic in \pgfplotstabletypeset

I would like to change the content of my pgf table column "Image" from using an included graphic to a predefined TikZ \pic based on the information in column "Type". The \pic ...
Pascal's user avatar
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Generate TikZ \pics dynamically

I want to generate TikZ \pics dynamically. All information I need to setup the pic (name, x-coord, y-coord) are given in a tabular. Is there a way to inject these information to the TikZ environment ...
Pascal's user avatar
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How to print a \pic in TiKz aligned to one of its border?

The following MWE shows how to draw a background image with scaling and adding a predefined "PowerSupply" pic to it. This works great but the problem is, that the position where I want to ...
Pascal's user avatar
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4 votes
2 answers

wheelchart and danish letter æ ø å

Why can't I get the danish letter æ, ø, å ind the names in my wheelchart I want to write Mængder but it will not work for me. \documentclass[dvipsnames]{standalone} \usepackage[latin1]{inputenc} ...
Jakob Christian Kruse's user avatar
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Name \pic object using loop variable

What is the good way to name \pic object when \foreach variable is used? I use the variable in \foreach as part of the node name. If I do not using local bounding box, then there is no shape name ...
CNDominic's user avatar
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Cross-Referencing Label Affects Vertical Spacing

Consider the code with \label{L} (immediately above the second tikzpicture) commented out: \documentclass[12pt]{book} \usepackage[paperwidth=5.5in,paperheight=8.25in]{geometry} \textwidth=4in \...
DDS's user avatar
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Extracting an Interior Portion from a Tikz ClipPicture

Consider the MWE: \documentclass{article} \usepackage{tikz} \usepackage{graphicx} % % COMPILED WITH PDFLATEX \newif\ifdeveloppath \tikzset{/tikz/develop clipping path/.is if=...
DDS's user avatar
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Split a Tikzpicture Across Two Pages

Often enough, I run into the problem of a tikzpicture being too large to fit on the page where I would like it to be. Consider the MWE (compiled with pdfLatex): \documentclass[a5paper,12pt,openany]{...
DDS's user avatar
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How to Neutralize TikZpicture Codings without Deleting Them?

I have a document which contains over one hundred tikzpictures similar to the ones seen below. I would like to (easily, if possible) produce two different documents from that set of code---(1) as it ...
DDS's user avatar
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How to draw the shape shown in the below image using tikz?

\documentclass[12pt]{article} \usepackage{graphics} \usepackage[dvipsnames, xllsnames, svgnames, table]{xcolor} \usepackage{tikz} \usepackage{tikzpagenodes} \usetikzlibrary{arrows, shapes, ...
Vishakha's user avatar
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How to draw the depicted contour in tikz? [closed]

How may I draw the following image as a tikzpicture?
Robin's user avatar
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7 votes
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How to Sharpen a PDF Drawing

The following Wikipedia image is in the public domain: Using \includegraphics, I incorporated the image into some LaTeX code, edited out the border, and saved the remaining portion as a PDF. Now, ...
DDS's user avatar
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Problem with tikzpicture and matrix for Flowchart

I have a problem with my generated Flowchart using \matrix and tikzpicture. I want to create a chart like the one which i drew in the attached image. So i was using as a base the Flowchart in: https:/...
philbill's user avatar

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