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Vertical and horizontal alignement in minipage environment

How would it be possible to have the same space between the figure and both margins of the page in this example : Also, I would like to adjust the bottom side of the left figure with the axis x of ...
Waxler's user avatar
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Put a figure next to a table

I'm trying to decently put a figure right next to a table. I tried all the approaches suggested here and here. None of them worked. The closest was the first one, but I get an error Package floatrow ...
mEm's user avatar
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How to prevent minipage from going to the next page?

I would like to place a figure in the space at the bottom of the page. The figure is as large as the space. But when I try to place the figure there, the figure goes to the next page. The figure is ...
Htmm's user avatar
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Wrapping pictures around captions

Is it possible to obtain something like where the boxes are subfigures? Ideally, the size of the figure on the bottom-right corner would fit to the length of the caption, but I would be happy by ...
sam wolfe's user avatar
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