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20 votes

Notepad++ find and replace string

Ctrl+H Find what: add name="(.+?)" password="\K Replace with: $1 TICK Wrap around Search Mode Regular expression Replace all Explanation: add name=" # literally (.+?) ...
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2 votes

Is it possible to remove the line number column/black bar?

In Settings -> Preferences... -> Margins/Border/Edge you have to disable all off: line number display bookmark display fold margin by setting style to None
Destroy666's user avatar
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Extract number between XML tags and adding some numbers as single text line

Ctrl+H Find what: <audGrainData>\s+<startSample>(.+?)</startSample>\s+<pitch>(.+?)</pitch>\s+</audGrainData>\s* Replace with: $1 $2 10000 10200\n you can use \r\n ...
Toto's user avatar
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Adding leading zeros and reduce decimal place in Notepad++

This is using Notepad++'s Macro recording function. It reads the multiple key sequences you want to repeat. Instructions: Start at beginning of a line (press home key) Tool bar -> select "...
leafdude's user avatar

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