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40 votes

Is there a way to render LaTEX/MathJax for Slack Chatting client (web or app)?

I made a small script that installs MathJax in Slack's desktop client (basically the same solution as goatandsheep's, but with some Electron hacking). No server needed, supports both inline and ...
Fredrik Savje's user avatar
29 votes

How do I install the Notepad++ Hex-Editor plugin?

Update: A lot of down votes for my answer and up votes for comment that HEX-Editor is no longer available. This is not the case, you are probably using 64-bit x64 Notepad++, install 32-bit x86 and ...
Ogglas's user avatar
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26 votes

How to format/indent single-line XML files in Notepad++ x64?

Download the latest 64-bit x64 (stable) release of Notepad++ here: (version 7.4.2 at the time of writing) and start the usual install. Download the latest 64-...
maxxyme's user avatar
  • 551
17 votes

How do I install the Notepad++ Hex-Editor plugin?

The Hex-Editor recommended here only works for the 32-bit version of Notepad++. Please see Ian's answer or another answer for a solution which works with a 64-bit version. I personally use HxD ...
Josiah Yoder's user avatar
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13 votes

How do I install the Notepad++ Hex-Editor plugin?

Notepad++ does not have integrated plugin management in the GUI. Notes: The Plugin Manager was removed from Notepad++ 7.5 because of sponsored advertising (see the second screenshot in the answer), ...
DavidPostill's user avatar
  • 160k
11 votes

Where do I put plugins for Gimp 2.8 on Windows?

open Gimp "Edit" > "Preferences" > (on left pane; at bottom) "Folders" > "Plug-Ins" (on right pane you should see the directory) (mine is: ..\App\gimp\lib\gimp\2.0\plug-ins) I have two directories:...
Ahmet's user avatar
  • 411
11 votes

How can I install Notepad++ plugins without administrator permissions?

I would suggest downloading and using the "portable" version of Notepad++. If you go to the download page for the version you want ( for the current ...
techturtle's user avatar
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10 votes

How do I install the Notepad++ Hex-Editor plugin?

As of 2019, the original HexEditor plugin for Notepad++ has been abandoned for a decade. The source and 32-bit binary of version 0.9.5 is available on SourceForge, but this isn't helpful for users of ...
Ian Kemp's user avatar
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9 votes

Installing vagrant plugin on the corporate network

The Ruby file hackery in the comments/answers is definitely not recommended as it negates the benefits of having SSL protecting your connections. The "right" way (aka IT won't hunt you down way) is ...
dragon788's user avatar
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7 votes

Is there a way to make Notepad++ auto-complete words on {TAB} instead of {ENTER}?

Version 8.2.1 allows choosing any combination of tab and enter:
Stelios Adamantidis's user avatar
7 votes

How do I install the Notepad++ Hex-Editor plugin?

If the solutions above do not work, try the following: Get the correct DLL from this folder (you're probably on 64bit Windows if you aren't sure) Open the ...
Martin Evans's user avatar
6 votes

"Go To File" Feature/Plugin for Notepad++

I found "Navigate To" plugin from plugin manager and it's working perfect for this need. Hope this helps to someone.
Vishal Zanzrukia's user avatar
6 votes

Mendeley 1.19.3 plug-in does not work after Microsoft Word 16.21 update

I found that the second solution here has worked for me on macos Mojave. Ignore the initial error message and click on the References tab. This should bring up a second error message about Visual ...
ovid's user avatar
  • 96
5 votes

Notepad++ Installation Error: Installation of plugin failed

Control panel -> Internet options -> Advanced Scroll down to Security. Make sure TLS 1.0, TLS 1.1, and TLS 1.2 are all checked. Good luck!
Sam's user avatar
  • 51
5 votes

Stop PDFs from displaying inside Google Chrome

Another option is that Chrome, instead of downloading PDF's, launches them in the system defined PDF Reader. The way to stop it is in the Content Settings in Chrome's Settings:
Royi's user avatar
  • 601
5 votes

Notepad++ Plugin-manager fails update

Try running Notepad++ as administrator before attempting the update. I remember this being an issue in some earlier verions, too.
farosch's user avatar
  • 401
5 votes

XML Tools for Notepad++: libXML and/or libXSLT missing

I had an issue with XML Tools failing to install via the Plugins Admin even when reinstalling the latest version of NPP (currently 7.7.1). It turned out that a corporate firewall was blocking the ...
Ory Zaidenvorm's user avatar
4 votes

IntelliJ IDE: How to add one or more margins

Well what do you know! The latest release of PyCharm (2017.3) has this feature, just when I decided to look for it. Quoting Rustam Vishnyakov from the link Florian posted: You can set it up at ...
BlackShift's user avatar
4 votes

Installing Gimp plugin in ubuntu(xenial)

To install many Gimp plugins in Ubuntu, just install the gimp-plugin-registry package from the repositories (this done using: sudo apt install gimp-plugin-registry) (and yes, it contains the wavelet ...
xenoid's user avatar
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4 votes

Notepad++ most efective log filtering method (filter out searches)

Have a look at using the Bookmark line option on the Mark tab of the find dialog. Then, use Search > Bookmark > Copy Bookmarked Lines. Then in a new tab, paste in the copied bookmarked lines. ...
spikey_richie's user avatar
3 votes

Firefox : override website's JavaScript to a local machine JavaScript

Yes, tested with Firefox 115. Open the debugger, select the file you'd like to override, right click and select "Add script override". Select a destination for the file, and click save. You ...
flaviut's user avatar
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3 votes

How to disable spell checking in Atom?

I tried to open a very large non-English file, and the spell checker caused Atom to completely freeze. Worse, even after I kill Atom and try to relaunch it, it tries to open the same file immediately. ...
xji's user avatar
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3 votes

Notepad++ keyboard shortcut assignment always not working

Update to latest Notepad++ (v. 7.5.1 as of 2017-08-29). Its improved Shortcut Mapper now indicates key assignment conflicts and this way it helps prevent problems with keyboard shortcuts like the ones ...
miroxlav's user avatar
  • 13.9k
3 votes

XML Tools Plugin for Notepad++ 7.4

First. You must have correct plugins. To Notepad++ 64-bit you must download XML Tools for 64-bit. Simple. Second. The main folder for plugins in Windows 10 64-bit is in "C:\Users{win_user}\AppData\...
Daniel Piastowski's user avatar
3 votes

How to format/indent single-line XML files in Notepad++ x64?

I had the same issue with Notepad++ v 7.6 - could not install XML Tools. Updated the N++ to v 7.6.3 and after that XML Tools could be found in Plugin Manager's collection. Now everything works all ...
Dmitrii Kurilov's user avatar
3 votes

How can I install Notepad++ plugins without administrator permissions?

You can make Notepad++ load plugins from %APPDATA% by creating an empty file named allowAppDataPlugins.xml where Notepad++ is installed. From Notepad++: Install Plugins without administrator ...
Troyan's user avatar
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3 votes

How do I install the Notepad++ Hex-Editor plugin?

Extract dll file from zip after downloading from Have Notepad++ open, Click settings->Import->Import Plugin(s)... Select the dll file needs to be import ...
Tony's user avatar
  • 31
3 votes

XML Tools for Notepad++: libXML and/or libXSLT missing

Try with new default plugin manager I still had the OLD plugin manager inside NPPx86. A while back there was a bit of drama in the NPP project and the old plugin manager got kicked out of NPP in ...
StackzOfZtuff's user avatar

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