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30 votes

How do I see the XML of my DOCX document?

Working on macOS, and don't want to install any software to see the XML from your .docx documents? Just open up the terminal and: cd path/to/your/file.docx unzip file.docx -d file-content As ...
Clorichel's user avatar
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26 votes

How to format/indent single-line XML files in Notepad++ x64?

Download the latest 64-bit x64 (stable) release of Notepad++ here: (version 7.4.2 at the time of writing) and start the usual install. Download the latest 64-...
maxxyme's user avatar
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17 votes

How do I send a digest auth request using curl?

You don't have to specify all those values anywhere. The only thing you do have to is username/password pair. CURL takes care of computing the client response for you. This is exactly what "...
mina nageh's user avatar
9 votes

How can I highlight XML on the command line?

I use bat: xmllint --format - | bat -pP -p removes all decoration (line numbers, etc.), -P disables the pager. Update: use -pp with newer versions of bat. bat:
sebnukem's user avatar
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8 votes

How can I diff two XML files?

If you wish to also ignore the order of child elements, I wrote a simple python tool for this called xmldiffs: Compare two XML files, ignoring element and attribute order. Usage: xmldiffs [OPTION] ...
joh's user avatar
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6 votes

How to add RSS feed from to Thunderbird

The URL you link to ( is RSS (well, it is Atom, which is nicer and Feed Readers cope just as well with). That is why you see XML source code when ...
Quentin's user avatar
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5 votes

How to add User Defined Language XML File to Notepad++

In the main menu click Language/User Defined Language/Define your language... the window that you have a screenshot of on the right side will appear. Then click the Import... button near the top and ...
MasterHD's user avatar
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5 votes

XML Tools for Notepad++: libXML and/or libXSLT missing

I had an issue with XML Tools failing to install via the Plugins Admin even when reinstalling the latest version of NPP (currently 7.7.1). It turned out that a corporate firewall was blocking the ...
Ory Zaidenvorm's user avatar
5 votes

XML query by the xmlstarlet

The apparently obvious solution won't work, because there is no reference to the xmlns namespaces you're using. (Well, technically it will work but it'll not find anything. This used to bite me too.) ...
Chris Davies's user avatar
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4 votes

how to use xmllint in order to get value from xml

With your testfile: <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?> <!-- Component configuration file --> <Component> <Name>install_env</Name> <HelpString>...
Kevin Lemaire's user avatar
4 votes

How to delete a folded XML node (and all child nodes) in NotePad++

Short story: Click into the folded line Alt+Pos1 or aka Alt+Home Shift+End Shift+right Del or Backspace or in other words (for mouse users): select the full folded line from start to end. add one ...'s user avatar
  • 2,095
4 votes

How do I filter an XML file to find all of one type of tag with any invalid values?

It's better to use a XML parser, but, if you want to use Notepad++, this does the job: Ctrl+F Find what: <tag[^>]*>(?:(?!Correct|</tag>).)*</tag> CHECK Match case CHECK Wrap ...
Toto's user avatar
  • 19k
4 votes

Why is `grep "^ *[^<]" <somefile.xml` giving unexpected results

This pattern is tricking you: grep "^ *[^<]" <somefile.xml The regex pattern means: ^ * "There may be one or more leading spaces, but a space is not required." [^<] &...
dodrg's user avatar
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3 votes

Opening (parts of a) XML file in Windows command-line

Assuming you wish to parse the actual XML inside a SOAP-envelope/package, you may do that by using PowerShell - if you instead wish to parse the actual SOAP-data you will need to consume it via a ...
claudiusraphael's user avatar
3 votes

XML Tools Plugin for Notepad++ 7.4

First. You must have correct plugins. To Notepad++ 64-bit you must download XML Tools for 64-bit. Simple. Second. The main folder for plugins in Windows 10 64-bit is in "C:\Users{win_user}\AppData\...
Daniel Piastowski's user avatar
3 votes

How to format/indent single-line XML files in Notepad++ x64?

I had the same issue with Notepad++ v 7.6 - could not install XML Tools. Updated the N++ to v 7.6.3 and after that XML Tools could be found in Plugin Manager's collection. Now everything works all ...
Dmitrii Kurilov's user avatar
3 votes

Failed to load a remote .xml file from a variable

Note that your $test variable contains the content of the xml file, not its path. Anyway, to show it keeping the spaces intact, quote the variable: echo "$test". To run a program getting the input ...
Antonio Ospite's user avatar
3 votes

XML Tools for Notepad++: libXML and/or libXSLT missing

Try with new default plugin manager I still had the OLD plugin manager inside NPPx86. A while back there was a bit of drama in the NPP project and the old plugin manager got kicked out of NPP in ...
StackzOfZtuff's user avatar
3 votes

Notepad++ and XML - Replace and capitalize the first letter of all words in a tag element

Ctrl+H Find what: (?:<name>|\G)\K\b(\w)(\w+\s*) Replace with: \u$1$2 check Match case check Wrap around check Regular expression Replace all Explanation: (?:<name>|\G) # non capture ...
Toto's user avatar
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3 votes

XML Schema Explorer is not working

This was a bug that has been fixed as per: Just update your Visual Studio 2019 to the latest ...
Johan Foley's user avatar
3 votes

Native XML Viewers in Firefox and Chrome unable to parse XML + XHTML

Web browsers try to render anything, you throw at them, as HTML. Only, if they know for sure, that there is no HTML, they will render either as plain-text or XML, latter one in a treeview (as in your ...
amix's user avatar
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3 votes

How do I force Firefox to download an .xml file instead of opening it?

Open about:preferences -> Applications. On Extensible Markup Language (xml) action, select "Save File". It's supposed to work "as is". If it's not the case, you installation may ...
Jorge Guimaraes's user avatar
3 votes

Import XML or JSON data into Excel using URL from a cell

You can edit your queries in Power Query. Here is a sample code to use content from named range ("apiURL") as api URL: let apiAddress = Excel.CurrentWorkbook(){[Name="apiURL"]}[...
Máté Juhász's user avatar
3 votes

Conditional statement to skip data query

Your question isn't 100% clear at the moment, but assuming that a successful API call returns 12 rows in a table, and that if SecondSize is not greater than 0, you want to return a 12-row table that ...
FlexYourData's user avatar
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3 votes

How do I change this Word-compatible .xml file to open in Word by default?

This is a Word document that was saved using "save as..." with the file type "Word XML document" If you do this with a random document, you will see the same preamble/header, ...
Yorik's user avatar
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2 votes

How do I see the XML of my DOCX document?

Just learned today that you can get at the raw XML from foo.docx from the cygwin ( linux-like ) commandline unzip -q -c 'foo.docx' word/document.xml
David Dyck's user avatar
2 votes

Making InDesign recognise image paths to network drives when importing XML

I was having the same problem & tried various approaches to no avail. What eventually did work for me was manually linking my document to the requested images on the server using a shortened ...
Ziglen's user avatar
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2 votes

How to get the XPath of an element from Firefox inspector?

I know this question is old, but this feature now exists in the Developer tools of Firefox Quantum. After inspecting, you can right-click the tag and Copy->XPath:
NH.'s user avatar
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2 votes

XML Tools Plugin for Notepad++ 7.4

Did you follow the installation instructions in 'install.txt'? Important is you also copy external dll's: copy new external dll either into npp main folder (same folder than "notepad++.exe") ...
FrankyHollywood's user avatar
2 votes

XML Tools Plugin for Notepad++ 7.4

I got the version of the XML tools to work with Notepad++ version 7.4.1 on Windows 10 64-bit by doing the following. Make sure you have the 64-bit version of the tools. (My first mistake) ...
C. Michael Warden's user avatar

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